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Durham Review (1897), 16 Jan 1908, p. 7

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tthor, Ain paman Imam lsm d .- - Itat: W than; arcely "etor - no» mun; " th. o in may ever " 8qr Which he I908 on 00. " A4 {aruhmnbd-gsmmnd tho hit of the tonal. grown loch lut- " than that of the male. Ne st-an-ity of fund in the “was! is rxplaincd by the run-nous uppe- titen of the passengers thong-Ives, who deemed to fear that the, wen- to be starved as a preliminary to being drowned. It I“ then loudness- nry to, gun! ml- steward uteri their mutton with food to T., "It" upon him, and no that the weaker on” got their dis". Tite ship'u officers were unwilling to talk freely at what had happened. further tbs! to any that the venue] qrtrr' u no time in Mrr,.nd than 2' ”my" bad nothilg to complain “We thought when We sailed that we would all we Chr‘utnma in America, but it it“ on Christmas Eve-we make a lot of that night in the old country- ttrat it mu the wontmnd even I,though I am a good sailor, and have been heron the ocean: twiee before, I thought We were lost. "'I he Milo" put on down below, where it was dark, and batched all the doors, so we wore more frightened than ever. mehnw we couldn't get our food very well tor a long 'iimé. and when they would come "I with the big wooden trays the people would fight tor Inn-ad and meat, though they thought they were going to be drowned. we" I mm“ tnys and 1 it: only laughed " them. “Bun we didn’t get better, and by- ambbye they wouldn’t let mt go on drek, only for . short “In. each day In» bitt mun made the ship lean uwuy our, and, oh, we were all so sick. Many of ttte ”any": new" - the ocean heiore, and they wen much hightenul, but t tried to tell them that it was noth- ing, but I was much frightened myself. The women by nbout on the floor of the nbip. and sometimes when the boat seein- ed to he going right over on. would servant", and then they would all start in and wreath until they ware tired and fell asleep. . "ere all nnxious to tell the“ “my to- .luy, but, all being Ruth-n or Hungar- inns, only “I In loam! who could weak I»; Buglinh.‘ Ludislnnn Suchenyi, a Hungarian pus-II, is on his way to America a “and that» He bu spent unmo- years in the i‘ennayn’auh coal mim. and wen-ks very lair English. any" Queen Moqett, Jan. Llul'lvcn the” day's quiet in port the terror of what they passed thruugh u still on may“: sttiPAt'rT of tbe Mount Royal. They Women Lay About on the Deck and Stunned Until They loll Asteep- Storm at Its Wont on Christian PASSINGIRS " TH! IOUNI' ROYAL IIARID STARVATION. l'mkr the PM Pr“mil then In tun, " to the N ing mu han hen tore tho KPH-lent monntntiol mu thretttratimr are}. t police was called It .urrouldni the Mr ing and In": clean strep“. Brrliti: Jag q-itrmeat: l... FOUGH'I‘ FOR Food" "-jiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiii, thw 'ou0ll_0afii'iiiiiiciii'i"Si1'i' buiiiiiiii BY PRUSSIAN womgmcmm , Thoma} sud id,.:" a Demonstration Before the Parliament Buildings. u nun-lulu! a“ - Berlin, n wen u 1 country a...“ k, mt. Thin homing ' """HM! Sakai-u “’00 Inch“ in m M the our-mg to later cloned a. . prom-n! elector-l system in , nn three clump of etre. the plenum time the labor- I been completely deprived lion in the Prussian Ptsrtin, 13,- I Hon-c of the I»... "" “In Bo lover I.“ "eeting. were writ In “" others "H. in favor of a... morning before the ". - m ex- '"mmed By " inter. d rnontly in the by . Liberal mrtretrer, and yon "ttall tor the baby this place and must; to the num- l in "W te. WWW. m. dr. od I Io-ewhnt ml . In” body of thr we». They wen no. wh a In“: mot her tk, one. . the Build- narrowing re sale, oo, and him out :Trouble of Hebrew, of the Richmond ( Street Synagogue, Toronto. l A Toronto despatch: The troubles of _the Richmond street Hebrew cohgrega- tion in their efforts to worship God and lump the peace were aired in the Crim- imsl spamming yesterday, when Asher Goldman 1nd Harry mom“, two members of the Christopher Street sr uguguc, were charged with robbirg the sacred ark in he Richmond Street. Sy- muo and stealiag I IIon scroll than!“ 7 rr after several witnesses bad been bond .13“. Winchester, observing the nerd-cat the cue was ofeyiorting the jury, slid: "Gentlemen of the jury, J - This is the latest development in a {union fight, in which the police, brick- bats, lawyers. High Y,',','," injunctions, in“ tion meeting- ' In vol- ume of hated "maths have tl"dledet," tage of ttw 1leeimiott for <ixty days. The Foreign Trade Diverted to Britain and] "ro-ttion hail twenty 'lays m Ne, Pritieh Colonies. I to ask for a re-hearing. and the Apnel-l n . I late ('ourt ten days in which to consider ! Leyrdou.. Jan. Lr-ths Be.iyd of Trade the applieatiom 1Vhen this is done. the l yy "fwd tt report on hrmsh trade with prosecution will go thrmuzh the same pro. ' ..s,t'.y Zealaml. The report mV. the calure in the Supreme Court. which will fi,t.r'orem luyrst that the “foot of the take the num- length of time. Contre. t.rtt"p'ntie! "lTa.ytmty.'t has beer; to quemly. Schmitz and mm will mu he I '.liyvrt to tre United Kingdom and Brit. kept in the county jail for two months ' i,sh l""“’“'~""“"" R pyrti.on of Iht.trtu.ie at hunt. formerly held hy foreign countries, m l Both are now entitled to release on bail. There are. however. still a large number of indictments charging them with receiving bribes from corporations. and the bail, figured at $0,000 on each case: wnulil rengh an enormous sum. Schmitz and Kent" cannot take Mum tage ol the decision for "ixty days. Tb Drmnwution has twenty 'lays in whicl to ask for a rr-hearing, and the Anne! the jury ut G..30 o'clock last night, and. (,y),tg,'ic?teytctgiatryt,Ui'tt itmi tlwy “HM. P. "ttrl"'. they W5.” locked dozeri errors of law in the trial which up for the. night. All morning. they “‘th in his conviction and sentence (Ihr-ttled with the ease. but .without to death for the nlle ed murder of his iuvail, and ttt 2 o'eloek they eume into . th t Grace orq'Bill " Brown of i eourt " ml announced that they were un. I Ill"i't1 'il/ld,- Chemvngo (glinty " big I “b.13- to agree. . Moose Lake, in the Adirondacks, July 1, ! l'he Judge uent them hack to recon- 1006 was asked of the Court ofA nls udder. but they returned at 4.30 and ltli'n .afternoon ls S'enator A Milli)? of were discharged. It ii understood that. 1.;th Fills whoy C,' ia; . iiiiiii'd;i [the jury stood meyen to five for ae- l,'dlll',iei iriiii,l, his arrest . ' , 4 . I'"" ' I . l Gillette was found guilty on a charge. ‘of enticing Miss Brown to Big Moose ! 8038sz MAY GO nu, , Lake in the Adirondacks in July, 1906, I . W" - taking her out in a boat in a lonely part Judaic“ Allin-t San Francisco Ex- l of the lake, und as dusk was falling , Mayor Omaha. ;utriking her on the head and face with l, Nan Franeileo. Jun. lil.~The district (lt ttttnu racquet or nome.othtr 1"WP Court of Appeals handed down it decision I and throwing her.yrrotytriou, body ieto I to-duy setting unide the judgment in the l the water, where, it " claimed, 1ttwityr _ mine of former Mayor Eugene K. Sehmitz. I completed the work of murder: The de. eonvieted of extortion in the French fence has all along held that Mu. Brown 1 restaurant vane. Abe Reuf also benefits I jumped out of..t.he Po“ herself when out by the ruling of the upper court. for! on the lake with get "wording to its decision he leaded guilty to an aet that was no (tit,',',':,')) "PLODED DY'mu CAP. ( against the laws of the State. ' . -- According to the appellate judges, I Bridgetrttrg Bor Loet Part of Bis laid the eompelling of Freneh restaurants to', Elli. ( my "few" to Alre Rout was not a crime. i Bridgeburg, ou., despateh.Wred Jones, even though Rent divided the "fees” the twelve-yearold son of James Jones, with the Mayor. 'a. conductor em lo ed by the Grand After sli.setcyiysr the point. the court Trunk Railway khet with a nations , Wren-ed the judgment uguinxt Hehmitz mccident last night. While playing with! on the ground that no nets "onstituting other lath on the railway track hefound u crime had been proved agninst him. (ts dynamite cup such as are used hyi Ahe Reuf. who pleaded guilty to extort. the railway com anies u signals for I ine money from the French restaurants. 3 placing on the mi: to warn qPr.otyutitNr I is therefore equally guiltlesa. trains of danger. and taking it into the I The decision wipes out the French re- lhouse, he tried to explode it by setting I tnurnnt t"aq't<, and pending vharges m ( fire to it with a match. extortion against Nehmita and Reuf mint l He wan successful. The up exploded l he dinmismed. ‘u'ith urn-h inrm that on". “nu.-.“ “I The Judge 'sent them back to remn- nidor. but they returned at 4.30 and were discharged. " " understood that the jury stood "Von to five for tte- qllitlul. than. rimmed with the murder of Alma. lom Fox last spring. were unable to agree, and were discharged by Chief Justice Air William Meredith, and the prisoner mu remanded. The court room mu crowded all day by spectators, who refuued to leave until the jury was du. charged at 4.30 p. m. The case went to the jury at 6..30 o'clock last night, and, an they tailed to agree. they were locked up for the night. All morning they wrestled with the ease. but .without avail. and at 2 o'clock they came into court and nnnounced that they were un- able to agree. London. Ont.. denputdl: Af twerrtrtwo hours. the jury of Tommy Noah, the young Jinn. charged with the min Ion: Fox hut unrinu. w".- Twenty-two Home Were the Jurymen Struggling With the Case, and ril- elly Chief Justice Meredith Dir charged Them. THOS. NOAH. YOUNG MUNCEY IN- DIAN, MAY BE TRIED AGAIN. The police, luring that the rising ex- citrment of the crowd would had to violent disturbances. cleared the ap- [mun-hon to the building. driving the Mom! into the sit)? Mreets. A! the peo- ple were bring hustled away they hissed ple were being hunk“ away ire.iGcrCe"d "ontimtnll.v. The manitmtantx remained in the vicinity of the building. The pofiee'were still tryhg to main- tain order when Prime Von Buelow drove up. "in prev-nu- was greeted with loud nml ironiml cheers. “compan- ied by murh booting Ind shouts of "We want manhood suffrage." ,, ,7"......,,, ‘mm. Prinee Von Buclow. the Imperial Chun- eellor. lu- mnde known his Intention of speakinx on thin subject. during the de. hate which in to follow the presentation of the interpellation. The crowd before the Parliament handing inert-need rapidly. and soon numbered many thnunandu. When the doors were opened thone nearent to them attempted to force their way into the building. but the policemen managed to keep the people back. EM,“ who pay the next third of the n amount of taxation chm An aglul number of final electors. while the third Ham of Totem. "ompmsed of the remain. der of the population, and invluding the Workman, whom. nnmlu-n reach to the million. no Illowrd to win-t I number o' final votrru oqunl to that chosen hy Pat-h of the other two clans-en. The total number of final electors selected by thin pram then proeeed to Nut the final vote, nt which the representatives of the two lint named elm “my: vote validly together, than shutting out any [unuihility of the election of a represen- tative of the workimr ulna..- FIGHT LIKE CHRISTIANS. m drapatt'h: After being out the: young Muneey In in the trial fChinese Moving Picture Show Re- ‘ suits in Terrible Fatality. I Vietoria. It. C.. Jan. 13.--Mait ad- Iricm received from South China tell _lof a terrible fire at Canton. where 300 'hvm were lost in the burning ai" a lrutuurnnt. A Chinese recently return. itd to Canton from Cnlifornia with a :cinematograph machine. and It I wed. ding feast at the Choi Chan manhunt. he gave an exhibition of moving ie tures. Several hundred Chinese Il','; crowded intc the place out of 'tttHosp') Paging .it tightly-M C ' The'tilm Gok" fire and there 'rag a panic, during which the building colic}.- .AJ ', l.un.lon. Jan. 13.-The Mara of Trade [ ha, ismuerl a report on hrltinh trade with f.\‘.»w Zealand. The report says the figzvrm durum: that the Mhet of the Irutvrvntial "rrangt'tttvnt has been to din-rt to the United Kingdom and Brit. ?iel. po,irr-iorts a portion of the trade formerly hvld hy foreign countries, in ‘mmmwliiim affected by the preference :in particular. Last year the United ékhlmlom and British mansions were imahlod to secure, on the whole, an in. .vrvam in the imports of those commodi- divs about equal to 22 per cent. of the 3 total import. into New Zulsnd. with such fore that two finger; ord the thumb of the left hand were blown "H and the young lad was out about the fave by the fragments of the metal an. ing whieh onelwod the cap. the twelvegearohi son of James Jones, a conductor _'t"r-'ez.es,,',i,tt'r the Grand Trunk Railway re, met with a serious accident last night. Wltile playing with other lab on the railway track he found a dynamite cap such as are used by the railway Tgre",', as signals for placing on the rai to warn approaching trains of danger, and taking it into the house, he tried to explode it by setting fire to it with a match. l It 'tn believed that the other dismem- (bered bodies are being scattered along (the bed of the river by the swift cur- n-nt. Tony hovori, who is in jail charg- Im with the murder of the Minichetto Ibrothern, in said by the police to have "i:,',')""::,','] to killing a man in Italy be. fore coming to America. In his house 1mm found a bundle of letters addressed Ito Tony Noroni, and thin is believed to :In- his real name. Bovori was engaged l in market gardening here in partnership with the Miniehvtto brothers, and is ac- irIm-d by the police of having murdered .tlu-m in order to obtain their money iimd other property. He had 3350 when Iarrtsted. Blifleti was an old man em- ', ployed in the garden. The police believe I Ire was killed because. of the other alleg. 3 ml murders. His name was added to the l liqt of mining but night. Mrs. Palmetto [was a young divorced woman, who dis- Chester Gillette, Convicted of Murder, Enters an Appeal. appeared two months ago. Sh(I had kept house for Bovori, hut repeatedly refused to ma rry him. All her clothes have been found in Bovori's cabin. _ A blood stained 'dSe mu also found there, and a Mexi. can woman has informed the police that nlte washed the blood-stained clothing for "ovori. Florence. Cola, Jan. 13.---Tut Erode Buffvti, Dominick Minichetto, Joseph .\linirlwtto and Mrs. Frank Palmetto, who mysteriously disappeared in this city. were murdered and their bodies then rhopped to pieces, is the opinion of the police, as human lungs, a thorax and a piece of tongue have been found in the Arkansas River. FOUR ITALIARS “RIDER!!! " FLORENCE,COL Pieces of Bodies Picked Up in Arhmn River-Partner of Two of the We.. tima StuPe0ted--Wtrod-atained Axe in His Cabin. CHOPPED TO PIECES. 3oo LIVES LOST AT FEAST, EFFECT OF PREFERENCE, WANTS A NEW TRIAL. Subséqueht to the 1itunaroneek cere- mony Mina Maloney accepted the atten- tion of Samuel Clarkaon, 5 young Eng- lishman, who had been a guest at the Maloney home. On October 1 last Clark. son and Miss Maloney simultaneously dropped out of sight, and were next heard from in London, where Miss Ma. (NOW MISS MALONE? WANTS CON.. ! TRACT PRONOUNCED VOID. i Philadelphia Millionaire Appeals to i Courts for Judgment Declaring That ' His Daughter Was Not Wedded to , Arthur Osborne. Fictitious names were given by the parties to the ceremme and the two never lived together. Mr. Maloney does not go into details in his announcement, but it is understood that the present court action is ham] u'pon the ‘11de- aim». of the young people that the idea of their union was conceived in a 'spirit of fun, and that the marriage was a mockery. New York.Jun. 1.3.-Martin 3'ialoney! of Philadelphia, made known, through a formal statement given to the Associat- ed Press to-night, that proceedings had been instituted to obtain a court judg- ment declaring that there was no mar. riap.e bewaen his daughter. Helen Eu. genie, and Arthur Herbert Dahomey the young New York broker, who, according to the county records, were technically united in matrimony at Manurroneck, December 28, mos. In 1908 {hey were native and 3,949 Elli the military forces, Italians. I The dominion of Italy in Africa ex- "ends over an area of about 90,000 ‘sqllure miles, with a coast line of 670 miles The population, which is nom- adie, is estimated at 450,000. The coun- try is largely in the hands of native chiefs and is undeveloped as yet. By various decrees between 1890 and 1901 the Italian possessions were constitut- ed as the colony of Erythrea. During the early part of this period Italy sue- cecded in annexing a very extensive ter. ritory, but in 1896 an Italian army met with a crushing defeat, and after the treaty of Addis Abeha. the whole of the country to the south of the Morel), the Bole-m and Muna Rivers, was re- stored to Abyssinian. By treaties in 1900 between Italy and Abyssinia, and in 1902 between Great Britain, Italy and Alr,vsninia, the frontiers of Erythren were considerably modified. I tl 'the ltulmn Government has ordered the squadron, now in the Red Sea, to proceed to the coast of Somalilnnd, in order to protect the towns along the must. as the entire territory is garrison- vd by not more than two thousand na- tives, under the command of Italian otti. cers. At the same time the Government has telegraphed to the Italian Legation at Addis Abeba, the capital of Abysainia, instructing the Italian Minister to pre- sent a protest to King Menelik against the viulation of the status quo. MARRIED toe FUN. Lugh - 'was garrisoned by only about 125 natives under the command of Cap- tain Bungiovunni, and the attacking party consisted of about two thuusund Abyssinian“, according to reports re- ceived here. It is believed here that the Italian Government is concealing a severe re- verse in order to prepare the public for grater news. The Importance of the sit- uation lies in the establishment of the fact as to whether or not the King of Abyssiniu ordered the attack upon the Italian possessions. Rome, Jan. 13.--News has been reeeie. ed here of a te':rihle battle in Italian hlomaliland, on the east coast of AC rican, between the Italian foreos there and the Abyssinians. It is learned on good authority that Lush, the further. most Italian statinn in the interior, was besieged by the Abyssimans and destroy- ed utter a desperate and unequul fight, and its defenders were killed. Entire Garrison Blain-A Desperate and Unequal Fight Before Lugh--Rot Known Yet Whether Emperor lone- lek Authorized Attack. ' TOWN CAPTURE!) BY ABYSSIRIANS AFTER BLOODY BATTLE. Among Toronto congregations, Jar- via Street Church has promised 315,000 tor minions this year, as stprimst 87.000 lust yen. Ossington Avenue Church, a, small congregation, are $300 int year, and will give 'l,000 t . . JtligtMe,if, $400 last year, will give $1,200 t hs year. Dovereouit Road Church will at least double their gift, and probably triple it, notwithstanding the fact that they have given liberally in the past. One of their number has promised to give dollar for dollar of the congregation. I A Toronto report: The. urmen'irGeet, rm] Committee of the Bnptiit Church met at Walmer Road Baptist Church ail day Thursday. Delegntes from Mont. real, Limlsay, Brnntford, Hamilton, Pet: erboro, Kenmore, Dundu, Berlin, Belle- ville, Woodstock, St. George and other points in the Province were present. The Toronto Baptist Churches have placed as a mmiiuum the gum of $50,000 for mission enterprises, while a committe of the meeting recom- mended that the convention of Ontario and Quebec should raise an I mniimum $200,100 for the nine object. Layne. Meet in Total. lid Ask For the Sm of W,ND. HEAVY FIGHTING. BAPTIST' moms. a Yer”, extensixre t er. Found Lying on Floor in Burning School an Italian army met " Montreal. tty, and after the Montreal, Jan. 13.-- Fire broke out helm. the whole of early may in the Ecole St. Vincent‘ ‘south yf the Mareb, de Paul, corner M. Denis and De llllllu Riven, was re- I.\Iontigny Streets, and caused much ex. it. By treaties in loitement among the 140 children who! I and Abyssinian, and [were gathered there, but fortururteiv I eat Britain, Italy and ,none of the little ones were injurecl. l Men of Erythren were Fireman Vina, of No. 11 station, how- led. l ever. was not so fortunate. for he mr- , 'e enumerated 275,000 {rowdy escaped being burned to death. llrnpenns, inclusive of He was caught in a dense cloud of, r, 2.333 of whom an. Inmoke and fire in the upper part oil {the institution, and when found, was‘ b-----.. lying prontrate 01;] the 1tg And the; Human were rapi y r iug nmund‘ ‘ FOR FUN ihim. He was taken togl’u‘s home, where i . it was ascertained that he had escapedl --- _ with slight burns. I ONTARIO ARCHIVES Pittourg, Jan. 13.-Fhcitement was errand in Allegheny yesterday by the announcement by Mayor Guthrie that one-third of the population of that part of the city h in constant danger of derth by the possible breaking of the old Allegheny reservoir. Experts find its condition is such that the walls an- liable to break " any moment, letting forth 7,000000 gallons of water. The reservoir is on a hill, and pne- tieally overlooks the spring Garden dis- trict, situated between two high hills. If the reservoir collapses 00,000 persons will have little chance to nape with their lives. Third of A11eghetry's Population May be Swept Away. Twenty other women who have been learning to drive, failed to satisfy the relic-c requirements for the granting of ieenses. The cab companies show no (“amnion to engage any more wom"tt. and the experiment can be comidurm! as having resulted in failure. Career of Berlin Auto-Cab Driven of Gentler Sex Cut Short. lk-rlin. Jan. r.t.-The short career of the “omen nutu eab drivers in Berlin has already come to an end. Today, Frau Von Papp. the only woman who was licensed to drive an automobile, re- tired because she did not poeq'us suf- ficient endurance to withstand them-du- uus duties of the calling. deeply moved by the sight. They deelin. ed to give their names. The burial company, up to a late hour to-night. had received no word from the young man’s relatives in England. The funeral service will be conducted by Rev. Stephen Merritt. This afternoon two women, one about twenty-hm years old. and the other about twerttydive. called at the rooms of the company and requested to we the remains of the suicide. Both women. ac- cording to the undertaken. seemed to be Earl Grey Wires That Me Will Pay the Expenses. _ A New York despateh: Early to-niaht the Stephen Merritt" Burial Company re. ceived un mum-r to a telegram sent Earl Grey, Governortrenerat of Canada. this morning. in which they say he in- structed them to inter at their discre- tion the body of the suicide. H. Grey. Duberly, who killed himself " the Hermitage. and intimating that the Gow erttordhmeral would defray the PX- penses of the funeral. Upon receipt of the telegram the burial eompany de. cided to hold the funeral tomorrow. " l2.30 o'elook. at the chapel of the Ste- phen Merritt Company, Eighth avenue and Nineteenth street. The interment will be in Mount Kensico, N. Y., Ceme- terv. WOMEN CHAUFFEURS NO MORE, Justice Dowling announced this morn. ing that night sessions of court won-Id not be held after the jury is completed. . Miss Goodrich and her moat" receiv- ed him on the stage and the young wo. man willingly accepted the papers and pll‘omined to be on hand whenever denir- a . Rumor, of a mistake in identity when an attempt was made to serve Edna Goodrich, the actrm, wanted as a wit. no.“ for the defence in the trial of Harry K. Thaw. led to the serving of another subpoena upon the young woman at the theatre where she is playing last night. William Moore, a xpecial em. ployee in the case. from Attorney Pea. tof1"s office. served the subpoena. The prosecutions of the fifteenth per- omptory challenge was directed "ttinset Clayton Rolena, a elerk, who had quali- fied for “use. Wm. Burck, assistant secretary of the Bowery branch of the Y. M. C. A., was accepted as temporary juror No. II in the Thaw panel. pantry juror came in to-day, seclm-d'the romluign of their fines and were examined for Ber. vice. The last one of the four, William H. MeHugh, n clerk. qualified as a tem. New York, Jan. Ilk-The "in of mr. A Brottford, Ottt., Ml der-teh.. ry K. Thaw, for the killing of Stanford F1.r'lrrl'i't)'Cl "Pm “f” J"' gutted White opened this morning with one :by fire " 3.30 this Portingmnd BO ttnd. new" Juror u the net result of I day's ly damaged that n m." .protes' be work. Twice the jury box was filled [;,'tii',iiii':',i. Adjacent buildings nltso "If. yesterday and twice it was partially tered, though not to a serious extent. emptied "ein, end this morning the at- ,The cause In unknown. Conatabie Boy- torneyg faced the threat at court ses- P,"..'?'.. lanolin Inning from the that". sione on Saturday unleu they complete ‘31:? li‘mtyued on f,',,'?,,',':':.",,::),' m . . ' . en o the ousmeu oe , ween .the Jurg before. IO o'etoek to-night. It GU',"] and Queen streets. A genonl " not tttsttttl to hold tsodrt muonl on alarm was turned in, and both local de. Saturday, and the attorneys on both (r1)'r't';'c,','tl' Tg,',',".",',',; The theatre in sides had counted on uving time to. Gl thehsefon: il :19, over tttt house's _ e w o". In we: in amen. n 11.'Tl'1 to “I" ' Intl look f'" the (ll was only 'll,'Jl'el of the taper-to " eudenoe, " there nil he no tune after t forts of the “PM “a the thick the jury is completed. . fire proof wells that the mtetfiagratiott Four nbsontoos from yesterday’s panel (,tt: confined to the interior of the the... came in to-day, secured the remission of tre. The "age amidreuin. room wen their fines and were examined for Ber. _tatt_ttptltteis gutted, attd the roof A" Lie, lhe Inst one of the four. William Vstroyed. 3, WM round nap; in a hotel, and _ ' ho- 5. hot-byla- Wan-nu. Foth"ritaar the disappunm of the two "id while frantic efforts to Iona them were being made by the Money family, the situation was further com. plimtod by the published claim of os. borne that he was the husband of the missing a.nughtrr. IN DANGER OF DEATH, FIREHAN’S CLOSE CALL. THE THAW CASE. DUBERLY'S FUNERAL. wuufuynq {may in . hotel, ma [He Ae.ted in Colin-ion With Green: and ) Gaynor. The can grew out of the mnutruction of certain river and harbor improve. ments on the coast of Georgia. The Government prosecutors contended tut the “my omeem Ind the contractor. de. fnuded the Government in the sum of ”MM, and that one-third of this amount, or about $750,000, went to Cttp- tain Carter. . 'The'cuurt ruled that Carter Wm. not entitled to the “00.000 in unregistered railroad bonds and other ,weuritie,rtrat.. ed by the Government to wafety dwmn't vaults and banks in various parts or the country. Under the decision the Gov. ernment wid retain the seeuritiee, and the famous case, which resulted in the conviction of Cadptain Carter anal Green and Gaynor. an the imposing of peni- ten_tinry unto-ea, in brought to a "lose. Chicago. Jan. 13.--Judgp Kuhlmt in the United States Cireuit (“curt render. ed a decisidn this Ifternmnl in favor of the Government in the wit agaimd Capt. Oberlin M. Carter, former l'nited Staten army engineer, charged with haw ing defrauded the Federal Govvrntmutt to the extent of $7o0.o0o through mm- spiruy with Gaynorpnd Green. "I cannot be binned for receiving old acquaintances with whose "mount-s I am familiar. Neither can I be blamed if I refuse to open accounts with men whose manner may be.eharruirqr, whose blood may be very blue, hut whose abil- ity to meet their hotel obligations in not so good as I would wish. _”A few of there pvt-om; ivave PltM* me quite n few dollari. and I am deter. miuv:'. thvy rl all [Int out any turrt.e," “Home of these persons of title mean well enough," Mr. Berger will. "but their bank accuuntn do nut keop pave with their good intentions. In self-protec- tion I have made the rule n nun-ping one. so that no one will fuel that I gun discriminating against him. Carl Bérger, Innings-r of the mnhum issued an order to that effect ypntar- day. New York, Jan. Ilk-r-Atty person with a title ind without a commonly]? col- lection of baggage who in the future Wishes tuwommodatioru, at the Hotel Gotham will have to present at the desk tt letter of introduction proporly certified by the Embnmay or Legation of the foreign country where he.tuune. The Manager of the Hotel Gotham Be- coming Wary. “You'll! a foreiEner, given months in this eountry," laid his Honor, in yen- teneing a young Italian named Miriam-la Marina to three years in penitentiary, “and it is proved that without the slightest provoation you took out a from» and struck Antonio Tutti m the neck, causing him bodily harm. Forum» [ater you did not commit murder. Ital- ians in this country must understand that they have to Mop these practices --tUt they mth not curry knives or razors. This is a quiet country. yet in this city we hear every day of quarrels and mildew. Such quarrels and mur- den munt be put a "top to. Anyone who u found guilty of such offeuee In at present before this court will he must‘ severely punished. The highest lvmlty in the present imtanoe is three )‘curu in penitentiary. and I inflict three years.” HIGHEST PENALTY. Montreal, Jun. )3.-Judge Choquette placed himself on record in the Court of Special Session; tu-day us being de- termined to put a stop to the habit my common among Italian: in this city of eteyintr 1nd ysityr weapons. _ . Judge Choquet's Effort to Put Down the Carrying and Free me of Knivel try Italian: " Entree]. THREE YEARS m PENITENTIARY FOR ATTEKPTED STABBING. The ”porn House “In erected in tMt, and is ownod by the Stutford estate of thin city. The pllce may now be converted into business premises. as I. project is on foot to enact a new theatre on another site. The out" of the fire is a mystery. A moving picture show exhibited lust night, but all the appli- ances were removed. The electric wir» ing was pcrfcct. Mnnngcr Frank Johm Mon lost $400 worth of musical instrur mcnta and other elfects on which there was no insurance. Below the theatre Wooda' Wir, Jack Kelly’s cigar More Ind pool room, Harry Souel’n barber do were badly (hunt ml hy water. an! Grafton] clothing store was “lightly (hanged. The total loss will be in the neighborhood of fir teen thousand doors.. Crafta’s Store Slightly 0mm. _ " Build New Theatre. BRANTFORD OPERA HOUSE" CAPT. CARTER’S FRAUD. AFRAID or TITLES. If Fair and Other Business Places Bully Damaged. I Ute New York. Jan. 13. A Britain'nmuum-n _ imp can minions with the United sum. t're Pen" "ill summed by the treaty of Crhent. 4ose. which ended the war of 181:. Out-M'dillg ction to o decision handed down by the Hoard Ntee. of General Appraiser- here to-day. Yiev- The eral importer! of British whiskey. rm- that tented swim. the taritt of .235 1 cal- '5 de. Ion. when French liquor: were mhnitted m of for 01.75. The bond, Invent, held that this Brut Win was barred bv the truly Cnp- from "the most-fumed“ liu" and unstained the collector'- We. British Whiskey In! Pay lull United sum Tariff. Home. Jun. 13r~A damp-uh tveeived here to-day "om Fen-r1 .rtnototeed n terrible "uaMropue at (funuccio, on the Atantic. A house inhabited by two Emilia minim rn-ugx-ctively Gelii and Diamante. where a qunndty of oxplo- uives. used in fishing, w“ rum-d. mugm fire and wax blown up ' and ('nnnplwwh' “toyed. Ttu, bodies of ten member. of the families hue been Ukrtt from the ruins, two more I" dying and four an in a serious condition. Hamil (lg-watch: Cyrur, Finlay Alli-um. a traveller from London, w“ mum! dead at his room in the Hotel Veudotae at 10 o'rioek thin mutating. Deceased represented the Landon Printing & Limo, Company, and had been making an ruli- nm of the town. He Intent-d in good npirilu the evening before QM retired late. He did Lot rise in the morning. and at m the maids noticed Mu light dill burning. The door was broken open and an.“ wax found lying partly new» the d. ' Ten Persons Kill“ in Explode: " Comcdo, ttatr. C. 'inlay Alli-on. I London Traveller, (2011an There. 1than." Captain kin, Hinlelf It [um Univenity. Lowrance. Rum-lull. ".-trun Ang- ney, aged 22 yarn, captain of last year's football team of the Kansas University, committed suicide Item to. day by jumping from the dome of Fraser Hall, at the university grunnd". Angney left a note reading: "Dear Jaguar My life paused. My plum" in non», No pic-awn- for me. You can know the mutton. l was rolled for what I "WH. Good-trye. May you all live lmpm." . There 'sppettFto be no cause for tho m, and though noun-what melancholy"! times, she Impacted in good Ntiritn thin morning when talking to mighty-n. The decal-pd "as a native of Mum-healer. England. and about twenty-three years of lg». i'otartter 2 lawman ha, lmv- nuti fied. - m mun mfom in Mailman, mud baton the. Enter. (ital-b Wrymen’n Alum in (“km that “man's ”punt or do". was being dpatqrd minim-e qunn' who of no.“ and and. pmdueo being pinned on the -eitre. only two per rent. of all dun-- shipments rum- ined by him at Montreal were. he 'said. of first grade. The Pin-In of Inn-1mm.- vheow wan due to the gum! ttttttthor of umnll factorie-n, whieh. being in "lore "ompotition, "t't't' "male to pm} for M» “Do-rt cheesemukern. I c. G. Publow, ohief instructor and Hewitt“) impeller, Kingston in Wadi“ his annual 1113021. mmmdaj that spook! men be detailed by the (hm-m- ment to women!» "irymen found In he ndulterulin‘ milk. Kenton den . teh: A dinlmning mm- of Hippo-ed 'l'l'l)t'f occurred 10-day "out noon. Mrs. Mills. wife of section fore mul Milk. was found on the floor of her dining-room in a dying mm ditipn by her siuur. uxm returning from bud-cu tbout had-put It An ompty.boUle of catholic acid and I broken cup from which she ovidontly had drunk it. were found in the kit. ehett. In. Mills, of Xenon, Pound Dying by Set Sitter. Perished in Auburn, N. Y., Jun. l3. Alltert Mun! ton and his wife, both aged more than " you”, were burned to death in u five that destroyed their home in thin village to-dny. Mr. and Mm. Moulton and their 18-year-old grandson. Buy Moulton. lix- ed in n Inge farm house. The grandma discovered the fire and warned hi: grand- parents. who were in " upstair» mom. Young Moulton ran out of the house. upcoming that the aged vouplo \u-n- fol lowing him. They did not appear. how ever, Ind the young luau trim! to yo back to their aid, but ouoke uud Humm- bnrred the utmirwny. Neighbors nthn‘htod to Jooulv the couple. but both perished. " ' Daphne. F, was... up; not an. “new! ,IA-moine wu arraigned before I magi..- 'trate 10-day on the that of uwiudlmx §Juliuw “Muller, nt the he Beer, riuttuy t'ompany. 14-min» claimed La have dip. ‘mvened menus of [shrinking largu diur msmln. and oowed Wernher an elactvi,. l {mane ttt work, tru- M he prod-ml a lamp diamond. Wendi" Mum-ml 'Lemume Ltwmu {rum (“all”) for ex perineum purpoaeu, but he grew "tts picioul than Immoine refused to w- put If: prrfortntutee of manufacturing diamond. before un expert. The chm-gr ||gginst him followed. Pioton d-ut.. Geo. A. Beer, of the an“ of the Dominic? Aqrr (hunk-km LOW "tAIN' Cm. Ttttt Inch otrt is “I.” theme A. The " strate- appointed Prawn". Bord-I 'et “Mon to examine Le, moueu claim; Prof. Bard“ rem-ml} humus Wm! tw his tun-fun. nation of ooruldun hop pun-Sou. mum. JUIPED FROM COLLEGE DOME Ptxr_et-rtttmrtnatisterte NOT A PAVORED NATION FOUND DEAD AT SARNIA‘ cm N m DMOIDS. COUPLE BURIED TO DEATH DRAKE CARBOLIC ACID H0087 BLEW UP in Fire Which Destroyed Their Home " Auburn, K. Y. - was ulna-e quan- mde produce M. only two

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