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Durham Review (1897), 16 Jan 1908, p. 8

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‘ 1" W. T. CLANCY. p, Day and Night Claus. and in placing all its gradual”. rim-h student is taught upturne- ly at bio own deck. Trial lesson. tre on. week hee. WWW/Iii: Telegraphy Leads in Book-keeping, Shorthand, Typewriting, Commercial Law, Com- mercial Correspondence, Plain Business Writing, Ornamental Writing, Business Collége v I . l,"dN2te'i,EE' “in.” per nnnum In mi way mice. You ' necome In good opt-rum In ' month. It t "oty m The rerun! Telegnpby School on": St. P.., Toronto. The' no"! Semi numb. Write for Mlcnlm. ll SHAW. Pres. T.rattqr-eo. ”- Three Pours” -Com, Ttemttal. 1tg"dtti'd l'yyewrma ' _ ”"ny kd than may?” mac-m: Promo yourself for Dunno“ In the mo [and ENTER NOW The olden um strongest bunineu school All (Minue- m of the M. madam receive expert Instruction And union. attention And no named to mug!" Wrtt. In. and"..- A. tva, .. M1663 Gia/ia' ol I. o-rerretrent1lxtyrtv,yti,ne MT. FOREST I. C. a. an... Vinita" welcome. BRITISH AMERICAN BUSINESS COLLEGE "enacted M. WATSON. Prineira Rubbers I... Yonu & new" Bu TORONTO of mi in: {1:33; wanton II In. am my IttpftpositNifi tter anytime I We still have a large stock of trim. I'--'--------, med Millincry to sell at special prices. 'h'lr1githgl' f Every hat is of good material, fresh and I and pononl new, nearly all trimmed the latter part I,htterd of the season. We have some special bargains in all black hats, some trimmed J, Principe with black plumes, ffowcrs and good black taffeta ribbon. Owing to our extensive trade we e-e'-e-'-e-er-e-e.-..er. keep a choice stock of Millinery all the It ll m. moulycar round and arc always prepared to comm." Bill- Butt you in good goods. Always a choice Ines: Consul lot of Veiling in stock. tn Canada. THE PE0PLE'S STORE ............ 0'“) ou 19rur..........C.." Oto 60 Hay.................17(Dt018m ytiter.....r...Ct 26to 25 'itttts.......,.r..V..". 26to 25 .rl?utoespertAic.'.'. 86to 86 Floorper cum...” 26030325 fytrneiuporAeC."Y. 300to825 Choprrcwt......... 160tot80 Live" 91rtfperewt... 56030560 Dressed Ini, per cm. 7 00to 7 25 liideaperiirC. .--- an. a Fallee-t..... Spring When... fFtc.......C. Cor, We minute younf men ot uululneu. Al {Ml tions, Write to any or Ol "Nth Grade” i Parisian Millinery Co . Miss Dick. RUBBERS ”queue "W men and won-n forllven rolulneu. Al I',','",',,',",",','.', are mu of pool- b, Wine to any or our caulolue. w. J. ELLIOTT. Much“. Yong: a Alexander an Durham Markets. TORONTO. ONT. Dunn“. Jam Mi, . o o , Winter Millincry fl '"ost4rmraoaaara.tsss-eatf' tmvmssmasem{ Maple Leaf in all departments Men's & 8033' uBBERS extensive trade we of Millincry all the always prepared to Is. Alwaysachoice toto 12to 13 92 to 8 96 92to 95 45to 45 5to 13 13 10 Rmrma.--on Tuesday. Uth um. South of Durham, " the residence of her non Thomas. Mn. Ellen Dillon Ru.- Iel. age-J 99 ya no. Managua. Mc kstmos.--At Port lithto Mr. and Mn ML and Mn. Mel intrly tor New Yuri moon mp. The “own was a lulu-I green hroadclulb l trimmed With mink tum, the gift, of the __...-.u|.ru m a mvum army of en and silver, wag a Kitt of cut glam e- fron, the at George’l church of which the, bride tstut ' In" Among the gins! cuualuteu m a hung.) and silver, Wu " uifl After the ceremony a reception an d an elaborate wedding luncheon mtttr glven In, "Elbann," the home ot the bride’s purenLa. About 75 guests at- tended. The. recepuon room mud din- tug room were ham pletuly hedecked With ferns and Cart “ions and Italian. Among the gins to the bride. which Quinn-um: asb. l . "ru'rratt--wAra Actt.-- At of the lnide’u huher, by Kendall. Miss Grave Wall: manhy to, Mr, Andrew on Wednésday, 15th Janna _ _ v u. Ills ll register Miss Frankie Sweet and Holy." rulu umuu "en lruiue." and wuren picture but“! Int-e and plumes Mud mu‘l'lrd a shown boquet ot white car Litmus. ‘l‘ne bridesmaid mu beauti- fully gowned m n handsome dress of pale blue tumoliue silk. mm picture nut. and carried a bequet of pink cur- uunoun. Uurmu th., “1“" - _. non, I son -uc unue Who was given away by her tether, was attended by her water, All” home, while the groom was sup- ported by Mr N, It, Wuuer ct l‘ormuu Junction. The bride wan mun-d m " tmuduome gown ot embroldeleu Bl us- who net lace rutre over chiffon Latte-a wk. with ."yyyuuyts. of dug-(mm Mun. Mid Inn-nu ..-.. .- - Tq AicKmNoti--ctAwrox A very pretty wedding took place m th, beol'ge'n mun-b, Lalubton. on L‘ueauuy last, at 2 p tn.. when the mat huge Watt uolemuized ot Mm. Maori Ulnyton. dauuhler ot Mr and Mr- W In Clayton. emu Mr. John A. McKhmou, teacher, and Well known m Durham and vmmly. The cum-ch was beauti- tully decomled mm (Int-151nm: green and hohv. and a "ttttorifice-sr unwriqu hell. The celenmhy was pen formed II) Rev. tr 111yeutay'ue, tormer rector at tit George’s. --- ......-. .1"! I the “in of the yroo ttt m ueorge'l church tho r a blade In“! been urgauim. ulna. McKinnon left Immed- " Yurk fur a short honey- The bride’s travelling a Inmrlly trulored wit ot Ih‘Inlh "...c ' ‘At Port Arthur '. and Mrs. J. w [ ceremony at reception an d re wedding luncheon weir 'is'lhana," the hume or ths. HARRIS!) DIED. Hymeneal. BORN. I fulher. by Rev. Mr Grace \Vullnce of Nor.. ', Andrew Marshall, r. 15th January. - _ -- .._ uull: VI wuh hat to match. I. and u an ohuiuk --rotonto World e titrnitie of the Winter sang "0 wide. which of cut “has 2 Ales aim. the home on Jan. I McKin. entering Tl'l an extensive' tour -'---_---- .t'"f"."lfuqutttt yhmughout an“. nod we unhuitn- Ontario an" "h maly advise sumac: wttorreinteeiG. httttttttl Meeting. putty, does I ed T the song- and notion of Auld " smug“; " (org Scam. ("yd who u not?) to on no The annual meeting of the Grey mud n” ttl la ml account, .ff,i,1 to hear the Gnvm Spence Bruce Mutual Fire Insurance Co wil Now, our miller, a?””"" --The Newr, “mum's. beheld in Milt , a u . ill 1sow muttls tut V ensign-y Co., mm. Oct. ai, 1Wh.L ' e" tt ' Hanover, on Ind a. R l lit f,,'tftil,'hg,i.t,t,r other [dented mu}. Bnturdny. the 25th day of Jncunry lune may...“ a 3 age _."g'dl'.'u on 1vedneyikii. loot, commencing It 1 c'eloet in an; clutch "lltt. it Nevis rg: er auspices of Ben afternoon. Duncan (human. Mute' we i'l't'dtl, 0m . “snug". ' Pu"! thai, mad tl . 'e-i" ... .. "wow "I lull]- sell of very versutile 'y'yuirrmenti, and a king among Scottish entertain. era. His introductory address out lining the history of the Scottish people, their mm and sufferings. their successful effort. to preserve their independence. and the develop. ment of their national mute and literature, was replete with a Wealth of word painting, as rare. as it is delightful to listen to. He also added materially to the interest in his song. I that were so wrll interpreted by Mia Strnchan and himself by commenting upon their origin and purpose. Hid dry and puwky humor In. moot infer. tions. and " anecdotes recounted in a. manner peculiar to himself, kept the the large audience In a mutant lute of merrimeut. The column, are entering Tl'l an extensive tour throughout Mum. end we unheaitn- innly advise ell thoeejrhogre inure-t. All '..- .L- -____, ___ - The law does not protect from the incompetent npuclnn, hat you cuu succesglully defend yourself by patron. izing those skilfnl in this profusion. Chas. J. “Intern. eyesight amt-“list of Toronto will be in Darling’s Drug Store on Thursday, Jan. 23rd. Do not fail to consult him. u . -Fv69' . Daily Henud.--Reterrine to the per- furmance of the great Scnltish coul- hinntion which sum-urn in th. Tam- Another of those Mtrncuye Library ’Unmeraa is to he given on Thuroduv evening of nut week, 23rd inst. Watch for programs. An excellent ."ntertminment, Illusion] and othel wise is Assured. Emu-9 low rum-s. ----_-.-. '. Their "ntettainments are not to be chased with 'thows,' but are of a high .....I '.-___.. - " Mrs. Lalimer in at present [musing a pew-rely bruunst, hand and arm occasioned by an accidental full. Mrs. Graham, an. We are glad to re. Mrs. John Clark and sister-in-law. Mrs. Ledinghnm. upon: Tuesday with Holstein friends. The C. O. U. Friend. were entertain- ed at the home of Mr. Calder. Tuesday evening, tor their annual meeting to elect ofBeers. The Sociely are out to do Wonderu in 1908. Mrs. Doberty and daughter. Alice, of Walk anon are " presentthegueuu of Mr. and Mrs. Latimer. Mrs. Geo, Maikle spent a week late- lv wilh friends near Mulnck. ,_ --- vuuK‘UllVEr World snyr: " Miss Gun. of Vancouver, ,is .~pendinglho holidays in Kamloupc. the gun of Miss Lauder. " Mrs. John When-n of Parts Sound ind Mrs. Thomas Whetrsn of Durham. \i-hed the ,luttel’u brother. Waldo Puymm over Buntiar--Mt Forest Rep. Mr. J. . Laminar. our grocer, spent the week. end In Wnlkerton and Gteenock visiting friends and parental there. run WM nfrttrttt atthe home oflm uncle. Mr W. U. Vollet. this week. Miss Mary Daniel left Monday morning for Humilton Where she in- tends to stay for 3 while. A recent issue of the Vmwmn-n- Gavin Spo-ncg'is a has; in him. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Everybody's: Going. THE DURHAM REVIEW 0.. ---- :l:'si1y,,yi,! sriitciiiiiatj:.ir:V, :Emezzfizifltrfm ~MA¥_, "T"""---""--------....-" Dough" Sutherland of Fort Wil, appears in the Town w Whelnn of Paner Sound minus Whelan of Durham, ,luttel’u brother. Waldo auspices of --Prencott the Vancouver The door collection amounted to over $14. which will probnbly defray expenses. Monday evening Mr. Russel deliv- ered a splendid lecture on lite and customs in India, proiuselv illustrat- ed with lime light views Many of these are of his own taking and re- veal the style of dress, worn by dif. ierent classes. the architecture of the mission and other buildings there, street scenes. and'tmrny grou show. ine the various conditions orlife in which the natives are situated. Mr. Russel proved himself thoroughly in l touch with all phases of the work and enlightened a largo Durham audi- ence. giving them a much cieurer 'eoneUikm ot the work of the Presby- terian mission and the life of the Hindoos. In closing he threw on the screen clerics ot fine vicwsillustra- tine that well known missionary hymn "From Greenland's icy moun- tains"and expressed the conviction that sooner or later in the future Indie would be won tor Christ. Mr. Russel has a. wide grasp oiliie in India and has great hopes ofthe possibilities that have so long been latent 1n the marvellous people at Hindustan. The meeting ot men like him is truly an inspiration to the home church. " success in cultivating peaches. The 1ii!ieaity in securing a crop was not in growing the tree but in getting it . t3bear, These who have watched V the peach will have noticed that first comes the blossoms then follows the l lent. Bat when the leaves are ever- green there is no collection of strength develop the fruit buds, and hence . there was no blossom. To remedv this he experimented by stripping off the leaves at the proper season. As a result there was sime show of blossom, bat nnsansl'actory owing to the laceration ot the buds through tearing sway the lresh leaves. I'o OVercums this he experimented by boring the main roots for several feet from the tree in October at the close of the rainy season. The hot sun then did what our frost does. The leaves withered and tell off and the as was withdrawn to the rcots. In a l',,') weeks out came a rich blossom l tollowed by fruit formation. The I trench was then filled With Water , on which the earth was replaced and t in due season to the wonder of man} . came s good crop of luscious peaches. n From an interview with Mr. Rus- sel we learned that part of the work of the mission is to teach the boys and girls how to make their labor at greater market value, To this end they are taught to build houses, gardens and many other things s, they advance getting a practical training in many lines of work till the completion of their tour year's course their worth measured by wages is increased from 10 to 50 cents fora day's work. The tension of a a1!Uaiotury's life may be Imagined when it is known that Mr. Russel superintends the shops, is architect for the houses built, as well as ardent and zealous missionary. PEACH ROWING. When asked as to how far they had succeeded in cultivating our fruits he said he said he had so far done no- thing with arples but that he had bad gasses in en tinting peaches. The -ee_N._eV ”an... Au tut: mouern development ot the Hindoo lite. The political unrest of which we hear so much he regarded less as a more. Pelttqtaittht British rule than as an indication ot a new s irit that is 'awakening in India. Elven/where the dtstsitiaastion with either the political bonds or the social restric- tions ot caste is an indication that there is being born the consciousness of personality and the sense of in- dividuality. It is the maniieststion not merely of. new life, bat ot a new conception of the relation of things. I‘hns there is the craving for know. ledge. the ambition to acquire prac- tical skill in every day activity, the aspiration for powerand the reaching after a new religion and philosophie outlook. I On Sunday the pulpit of the Press. i byterian Church waa occupied morn- ', lug and 'rrottitttr [Kathe Rev. P. H. ) Rune]. of Dher ntral India. In l the morning be dealt with the work thatiaheing done in educating heal- ing end fratttrplizlrttt. He gave striking illustrations from experienc. amongr the Bindooa. of the liberaliz- ing emote of Education both within and without the circle ot mission work. The medical work he held we. not to be valued ea 3 mere agent _ of evangelizing or prmtlytizine, but as: direct exgreesion ot our Christi- anltK. At t e same time he told I tone ing tale of how the way was opened to the hearts of a whole village through 3 marvellous case ot' 1 poor tailoring boy being cured " their hospital. The agency on which he more than ell relied " the up-liit- ing of India however was the gospel message which needed to be imported through living exemplars rather than through any system of dogmatic teaching. MODERN ProuLEus. In the evening he dealt with some or the tunes arising in the modern Mission Life in India Imnnsmun Iare, each the boys their labor ot To this end build houses, lttdits. of the Pres. mpied morn. Rev. P. H. I Infill. In a ith the Work citing heal- He gave lexperienc. he litrerauiz. both within _ be The remedy lies with the lumen. Tiny should refuse to buy Vent-m iiotte at my mice. The blended Lrum, mill. ul right here in our own province. of Quintin when And I lithe “snitch: when. are botter--trotu for bread and 'y"trr-tGn my Wanna hard tent flour. By raising more wheat, nanny. in; blended tiouru made of thin can. when. our great famine populltiou would not only keep than mom us home but Illo keep our Boue mill. {any grinding when. With plonly of when to grind, than would be plenty of bun And short. for nle. And big qtutttite" uienn lmor prices. {Mouth __---.. -wucr mm. mud n tho urns m3. [ornwunow muhot for Onmio who“ ----- [and no rename who“ growing to n. In the old days. when 'Iliully nlL former'hvot Among otte ‘K'bnl‘n'd our rumors planted when. as iheirlvoel"ion.tuA mun lo 10900! in tho nn'ncipnl crop and our real milleru world wh, 'tery (9'00? " Ontario were grinding thin what itro good 011- should uot um Oasurio blooded ttour. “no flour, bran And shorts "ll tor ---_----. about half what tho-y do n m. hem . lead scum: were cheap been: so the mill. ,ll'Mey, f, Owen Sound. "u not bud plente or them to ma. Whoa . own, "ttottttt. HUI-vend- Muniwbn flour pu-hodiu my into on. "ttr “ fee "9h "am"! the New "no. our farmers uw only the "big York hospitals in connection With hi. Ion! of bread." They t'gec'gtti; IPOCIII work. Item Bone, Ito d railing w can“: ti,',"ll"l, the '2d'itl'l11'g.t111 rash. Noun. m,eiPte. lilo meme arm at tre ally our milieu: had mm. when to Fort“ tl,',',",',',:.!,):.?;, Mm“ ttiven. unml. Bran and A110"; bid to be u" “my???" Nrptrto brouttht from the Weiss. rio ht uh. . . sun-n. Durham more. And up. high. And 0:: Itoek- Nor. 6th 100T. mun and dairymon. 3nd lumen. too, are flying for this foils, .. ou newsman- As.. -h, . - ' "no. our lumen an only lbo "big loaf of bread." They houuht western puma: tlone, stopped ruining when...“ made the Manitoba “rum rash. Nutm- Ontario Blended Flour Better, _ H---” .13... wows. MOUCASJ We are sure maid fiill the bill " we" no. large supply of light-ad heavy mitts. glove; etc. It you are think. ing of a pair of Slippen tor vonnelf or any one else loo ours before making. final decision. In Hosiery we in" some lines that are selling that So wedudge nine- nre all right. See for your-elf. Trunks, Alina. Tampe- at right prices. Eggs Taken as Cash at ' The Down Town Shae Store J. s MCllrn" mm ttoar, which ie high ttt lo, in than Onulio blended at both 3 bread dour and I ', ad the hm oi “abund- One can have for buying unythil desirable, that n. can: in lemon tion would promote your comfort. OVERSHOES, Rubbers. Fell The Mdii we ti) io,' -e" Anything In.our cept Groceries. I f your purchase t xceed, to the proportionate l Jae. which to pile up the a noun! Every purchaser vill be u... ...:u I A r . Our store is filled with oeaeonable goods and you can buy them Just as cheap as at any other time. If you purchase $10.00 worth of qooaiduring the month, you can Jet other goods to the value of II .00 $6 1!H??wtt!t,youeeteooatovaiueot.... ..I.so " 40.00 worth, " ......2.oo " z5.oo worth, " ......2.so " 10.00 worth, " ......3.oo " 35.00 worth, " ... ...a.so " 50.00 worth, " . . . . . .5.” l f your purchase t xeecds the above amounts, you will receive loos“ to the proportionate l “lue. Remember you ha " I whole month In which to pile up the P. nount of your purchase. Every article which we intend to give away will be worth all we value it at All the conditions are simple. Keep your check which we give you every time you make a purchase during the mopth of January. " does not matter how . mail your purchue may be m I day ; It cqunte on the total at the en of the month. This is no bean contest or chance game. The winner does not trust to luck. Everyone who buys their goods " this store is a winner. Those who buy the most, n in the most. Goods , Given Away $200 Worth of THE BIG STORE I was to be given away will be open for inspection during the Ith. Bring in checks' at the most convenient timeto on dur. mth or the following month and receive what you viii be en. This is wort 1 your consideration. It means something for You deal with us and you can't help but win Cash t .4"?ch Ir stocia will an: tor buyinz mythic: no that the Article In " n. can: is lemnnble and tttat ita sequin!- )mote your conifers. We have lute 'tttttke of , Rubbers. Felt Goods. MOCCASINS wuuld fiill the but " well up. large supply any mitts. gloves, etc. It you are think. f Slippers tor vonmlf or my one else too kincn finnt rl-wus.. ., .. . :ill be squarely dealt with and what we at.ive.rtue ' Trade sales only are entitled to the Winnings. will apply on the total amount you purchase Ctr. x PURE Mntt3ry “FM!- Vin-lint- 'Mmmu" l “In-m4 tt?jJi.iiiii"ihtlsaittfg.tt ,wcm....f. ummanr-Mn...fi§‘afla an In” “an“ amuu. 1.5. I...“ 't--ccLLrd.?d',a,hfu, -H tuTGGllu't ttttti. ._..-,. _ Jaeue __.. .... 3mm" an: .... £4.75"- Gi “mum In a” Itt'itliiii'i'fi,t,f, t"biiiiiriiil Mash' HE SBLLs “gig: Block, Durham THE BIG 4 Potent Reasons Old newcmpon for ale " this fu- thee. Sie handle ti eta. Good (or lighting tum, puking or rapping. A. B. Jackoon In an lower of Mar rings [Jean-es. Durhun. Ont. -_- .w new: tum at tre Bockr. Immediate poo-onion given. For tarthee porticulm “My to J. P. T311030. Durham Nov. 6th 1007. Certitnlr, when c trbetter Boar. and "Mutant muk.‘ and no “my” wh. J. S. Mcllraith '. "m III-no DIMMJB“ 'i, ','/t't'gCtfj.iiiirhi'il clad Itlfd2'f ta'?..tt ,,__ w, d __ "an. Airtra'd'l'l Dunn Mind...” . _ BEAN - “I I...“ '--~--J“Ilpb our tumors ....Ne h ','f..t:.a'hy,t f may"; t Chas. J. was“:}. s'tihik'iiiiiiiiiiiid FlXy,'/ghTt'y,ty,D,'a', "d Alas-mm!»"a!!! 0arling's Drug eyes than} of I um 13‘ thes w t,?Mthtyepev: Have You Defe. EL orziif THE REVIEW Great Annu '""r otrer of '"' mu in...“ thon to last .. “was”, r. he r" WHO It ot m it,“ tc tterr otfer " THE tl W hearty te Ott tad om [Hike (I. l.25 mm li0 new " o an W

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