West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 23 Jan 1908, p. 1

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1908 Iys ho he o E It i1Clothing for Men and iii Only Two Men's ‘wmgmamswamxmmmamgg iii Ladies' Coats --. run-"lull DCOICII Concert; Spence, Strachan, gammWWmamsmg, iiiiiillltiiiil _ ’I'H - ' Say. men. there isn't room in thi was» I: In giving in Men 'tt and You an tell the values better, anywe and hear the prices. That mans Fur Coats I only Ladies' Coat, Natural Russian Rat I only " Black Atttraehan,-s, t only Isabella Fox Scarf, natural tails--, 11.h',it,t.vt, quite a number of Ruth. blac ' brown and also white Furs. We h ate all, but prices are pruned on on": mu I envy Ladies 3 only Ladies t only "aa. HXI. No. 4 _ 0 '""-e-e'-e-er-r-eseeeeyraes. e.'.?,'.',?.?'?- Scotch Concert Tweed Co as. us '. Emma interestaddedrottrtimesayUr thatrBartkthttaretentietComeaioet tvitttaltBmnthea. 7““: -e"" I - ---.v.-u lua- IV tuel , time for such notion. As no one tip-I . ', peered at that hour nor during the Jt'e"d?ivii2it,ug:d . day, it is presumed the Judge he. ad- equttl to the best oi : journed procedure, but it seems very Read what was said; i strange he did not so notify the about two months A I authorities here. ii,it,i,.ii,iiii,i,iii, entertainn mm, U. P. R.-ahe firat diMeuitieg , with Camp Amie. of snow blockades on the new line i Scotland. since in' were experienced last week and brim“ that of last "ill some days connection with the main I850 and 900 people W line east was eat off, one engine being l_Sf- George's Hall, on this side plying between the drifts i listen to it varied prog beyond Priceyille and Hanover. A luongs, and imurumen Inow plough aent'to the rescue was 3 trio of real Bcob derailed causing mme delay, but by have been in Uamul Tuesday the line was cleared right up and are touring East to the unfinished bridge at Hanover, "NV. The three ere where the eteel at present terminal". Edinburg. tenor 9010i Ourown station yard in bristling with Stracban. Gathiele bueineea. one gang laying the pipe to , Miss Enid Newcomt the lug tank under the front line. other Alt three are tirst.chu, construction gangs of dlgnes were various roles, and. here fora while and ou Friday a com- form a very strong puny of 18 telegraph men came and company. Miss me, nrclikely to be here for a week or two. 'cello solos gives a p: We had the plenum of meeting with is little short of mar" these intelligent young fellows in their ducee a wonderful to boarding core. which are models or numbers no given th convenience if not of the highelt com- Miss Stuchnn has a l tort, their dining car being attractive yet powerful voice. out and scrupulously clan. We hopeilonge aretsteature, wl these young men mil enjoy their term I has an excellent. tenor , porery stay here. Emmi... Jam...“ in... ttettyrtrtett-dtttr%thd-sbret'tttero6t1tetisetrtt-tat-tsttie. thmlhwyniuflchthmflfinginthcm.udhâ€"h nudism _._T Milton; hanofduth,thenouynnyhm ”hm-thou: tteemt. 'hiteetrmi"tetitrthertartieiam' THE'STANDARD BANK DURHAM BRANCH John 3011:. ”We: tma-mt. m " 'IEaMgutmnt my Mum TO a stroke of npoplexy. which he real Daily "ere-steer- tc the ceived several months Mo. Deceased ( formance of the ttrear Scottish had been a resident of that place for bination which "pen" in the , 23 years 3nd was highly respected. l Hall on 29 JMNIMY. under All-nit- s-L.-, "um. Boou ume. I SNOWED ytrmin.--ahibrinu of our I Remember the Public Librarv Con- , knights of the " treaom + the stone " cent in Town Hall, to-night- Shaketr[m"_It to Mt. Forest tt Friday for ’periln renderings by the Dramaticith'“r fi.rt'.t match ofth TetMron, The club, Musical contributions. Reeita. home tinks found the tee to better tions, he. All home talent andtbe advantage and in all It“! captured but. Same low prices. Come early, the lung end of the “0" Winning out I Concert at 8. by 15 points. t . . Mr. George J. Blythe, Editor and I " Their entertainment. urn not to be proprietor of the Chatan-tb News. is ( classed with 'shows,' but are of a. high dead in hilwrd year. death being due""d instructive order " -Prettott to . stroke of npoplexy, which he rel) Daily Herald.-----. a, thm M. thmo.--Tt,e School Board last week installed a fin, gong in the school here and Principal and 'toff will from time to tune give the required prac- tice. Some preliminary trials have shown good tune. I Tnylor & Co., Dromore. ofter tar-f Hones: To Rtmr.--t joint In Fur cont... Men's or Ladies': ham, . 6 room, " “ml and other Fur 300m. See ad. on page! and troft anel'. Vt four. school and any place I A Junior hockey team crossed over _ Reyeew ofBee or tni to Hanover last Thursday to battle; with the puck-chaser: of that burg. rickets now on sale Hanover won and Durham l. (toe the "out ”mm" , I For cheap rubbers and ither lea-on- Tum AND POL” Waxrrtn.-aror th GC goods, see Levine'f fine stock. P. B. purpose. For particulars Icahn,“ ad on PM" 8. V Jxo. N. lunbocx. Durham I . JOINT DEPOSIT' ACCOUNTS i'kottrttttae fili.Gihk3s'k' "' an "" one Itl Ben Nevis Camp Annual Concert to I" nor during the be held on 29th January inst.. will he 1 the Irudmrht" ttd- equal to the best of its predecessors. but it "e" 'ery Read what was said at the performers it '0 notify the about, two months ugo: "The most ii,it,i,.'ii,i,iii,iii, entertainment in connection he iirat diftteuitierlwith Camp Amie. No. 26, Bom, of Ion the new 1ioelseotiand, since in’ its organization, nut week nnd for g was that of last night when between _ on with the main 1850 and 900 people were packed intol I. one engine being !_St. George’s Hall, Bank street, to DURHAM, 'mmifiii,' , ANUARY 23 Newcombe combination, ii Town -__ - ' Menu' or Ladfii,, f ham, a 6 room, " story hum . 8 ad. and soft, water. Very gonw . as on page 1 school and any place In him. "THIRD "" OF CANADA '.-" vwv‘ah . sun". ("MIX street. ttt i listen to as varied programme of Scotch i songs, and instrumental selections, by x a trio of real Scotch artists. They have been in Canada hut two weeks and are touring Eastern Ontario Just now. Tue three are: Gsyin Spence. Edinburg. tenor soloist; Miss Nannie Strachan. Galashiels, soprano and I Miss Enid Newcombe, 'cello soloist. All three are first-class artists in their _ various roles, and. combined. they form a very strong entertainment company. Miss .Newcombe in her 'cello solos gives a performance that is little short of marvellous. She pro- duces a wonderful tone and all her numbers ere given in finished style. ‘Miss Strschsn has a. very sweet and yet powerful voice. and her 'charseter’ songs ares feature, while Mr. Speme has sn excellent tenor ,oiee."--0ttawa Evening Journal. Nov. I, 1007. _ In IT GooD-neE.h-An incident of the Sovereign Bank failure that affect. the town outside of the financial situation is the probable loan to the community of the. popular Mr. J. C. Telford. During his year ands nall’e stay here he has "made good " in church and state so to speak. He isl valued as a member of the Presby- ltcriun choir and has been free with " musical talents at many functions. ye, Is too a keen sportsman and lover of manly spans and altogether his removal, should it take place, will be A serious loss to the town. Sum: us YOUR NttwA--There are a. number of villages and diatricte within a. radius of a few miles of Durham not i at present represented in the REVIEW’B {correspondence columns. We would 'like some friend' in lheee plat-es who could tina it convenient to send us the happenings of their locality. Write us or call and we will be pleased to furnish all information. We have” number ot very faithful and regular contributors who keep their localities well in the limelight. end these we thank heartily for their share in the anmw’s prestige. _ A bination which 7413;39an M Hall on 29 January. under Ben Nevin Camp. ,V..- -. .""_'8Wr. 'tor the great Scotch Concert on January. 'ulent of tho at. Br has the K Pnnedy style aid all wh member this great Scotti]: singer appreciate it. Remembr the I Wednesday. 29th Janna-y. A. H, Jackson bu houses and vacant lol for gale. "PM"! in the Town --on ”Sin Br. Dur. Iorr house. Hard very convenient to Ttm. McAR'nKm', Edge Hill. , at MacFm-lane’s Mid the sane " a Friday for ”awn, The r tee to better $ites captured I. winning out auspices of art on 29th tt. Spence all who re' number of in Durham ONTARIO ARCHIV“ Ticketl at Maerhu1ane'ts. Placed a we tirta " 2 p. m. 18th Juan-y. All nous reserved and therefore comfort. No audience can he too eiGiiirii', the gifts represented ty these mists. W. Egan. B. Tour. 0. Banal. Scotland in song and story, an intel. lectual treat, humorous, 'sttradtive, educational. Will be presented so above by A BRILLIANT Tttto of accomplished artistes as follows l MISS NANNIE STRACHAN of Gnlsshiels. Scousnd. named "The Modern Jenny Lind," has A none of three octaves and I arm and modesty of person that “prance: her Audience. . MR. GAVIN SPENCE. Tenor and Entertainer, of Edin- burgh. Scotland, culled the " Prince of Entertainers " having nppesrod before 1 royalty in various countries. l Miss ENID NEWCOMBE I A. it. c. N. new» and Accommlot. I “One of the foremost lady ’oellists of ' the century.” Attrscdve personality. i per- com- Apply 1liilinittitt. t wil1 date. Town Hall. Durham, Wed, , .._-_. - --,,.... ed to Stinaon’s lunch rooms to partake of An oyster supper. Grey Lodge hu made rapid strides in membership the past few months. and in degree work. the visiting otBeia1 pronounced it Among the best in the district, Fol- lowing are the otBe.ers for the present year; The Oddfellowu of Grey Lodge, No. 'lap. held their Inna-l insullntion meeting last Monday evening. District Deputy Grand Master Harvey of At" wood being present to conduct the ceremonies. Follcwing the install:- tion. a number of the members deliv- ered short addresses. when all repair. _.. A, L... . . - Work will be begun without undue deny we have no doubt. We cou- gmtulatethe council on getting thi- under way so soon and we extend to the new proprietor. hearty good wishes for their success. I Monday night the Town Council and Meters John and Wesley Sim cumeto an agreement regarding the Idle Cream Sepnmtor Works, the ‘town accepting their offer of 8500 down and yearly payments of alike amount till 1914, when full payment of the town loan would be made. Settlement hats been made with Mr, A. H. Jackson. the mignee, and the hrttt payment of 3500 made to the town on Tuesday forenoon. when agreements were tatified. Bentinee--wm, Scarf. Thou. E ham. . Esrremont-w, W. Ramme, V Mountain. t2lenelg--D, Edge, Wm. Ritchie. Nortmsnbr-r. Gadd. R. Morice. Durham-Wm. Black. Atmrromr-c. manage. R. Burn Annual Scotch Concert. J. P. Gc-John Sir" N. th-al. H, Mocklet v. tL-Mes. Sir" Conductor-E. D. McCloc. tlin Beer-w. B. Hunter Tretu.-.A. H. Jackson R. S. N. tl.--Thos, Turker L. S. N. Ih-u. A. Lungford Warden-A. Thompson Inside tl,--?. Mathew!) Outside u,-D. Gibson CUplain-Dr. J, F. Gram. R. s. r5--Pmsyeciocei,in L S. B.-ueo. Sim-hil- The annual meeting Cof thie body we- held on Wedneaday ot lat week. There wan a good attendance and much healthy interest taken in the proceedings. The overshadowing topic of couree was the detteit owing to the unfavorable Weather condition of the ahow‘daya. and after dlecuuion the reaaonable conclusion was arrived " to pay all prim on a 50 per cent belie. borrowing some to do this, but facing the future with contidenee. This we think is the first time Durham Show even-needed to hold back prize money. so that there in no mound to grumble. The ottieers elected were as follows I Hon Pres-gas, Edge. Ptelident--oeo, Binnie. tiett--Tretss.--chris Firth. l let Vice President-Wm Calder. l 2nd " " ---Hutrh McDonald. I Ppdw night Hall, next Wednesday, 29 January South Grey Agricultural Society Success to Sirrs Bros Officers Installed DIRECTORS: In the detleit owing to {be e weather condition of the I, 3nd after discussion the A~¢¢-oo o 1908. ' Scarf. Thou. Brig. ' January 29 ', Haulage, Wm. ' R. Burnett. ' Punuc Ia---Ttu, Annual Meet. ing of the Public Library wee held on t Tueedey evening. The report "owr, I 109 members, which of course meme amilies,eonunbutitttt. Arrangement: were made forthe disposal ot the old mug-sine: end the uteloguing of new boon just received. The following are the ofBeem for 1908.. President, -gohn A Graham: lat V.“ Ptm,--N. W. Campbell; 2nd Vice Prem.-aho.. Allan: tHen-C 'u-r., Tr-..- John Kelly. The executive con-lea of the-e end the following directs"; Wm Ser, Wm Young, W. P. Patterson, J P Telford. A. H. Jackson. Dr. Great, W. K. Reid. Wm. Irwin. Goo. Binnie and I” trtiagkt.e.. The funeral took place Int Friday to (i?its'iiii'i,'f, cemetery, that service in the R. Catholic church here. Ano. ther Bentinck Indy. mother of Mn. T. B. Hutton, Hutton Hall, men of! town, died " the In of 95. We have no particulars In this writing. l I NoNamtsAsuatm --Old Mm Ruuélll - who lived with her son Thou. to the south of the town died lest week " the Great Sale of ripe use of 92. She wee a native of ' Ireland, coming here with her huehund [53 yell-e sac. She In always I henl- Si I ve rwa re thy women end survived her husband forutreusre. Beeldes her two soon. -'---cr-=--a--, .7”, -- ---- A ----- - _- John and Thomas. she leaves u chief, N r . F . 'w. , wr. _ mourners. three daughters. Hm. Fin-lSilvchalrse)atluérgglnrt-fhfgtmgsfl«Aha-13:: nignn. Mrs. Wells sud Mrs. Murdock. putting on pnlc our cntire stock of extra The funeral took place lent Frldsy to quality' 'ci,ilferwarce,t about half what ll Orchudville cemetery. After service worth. These good?, arc made by In the R. Catholic church here. Ano- The sanctum Sliver Plate Co, Toronto ther Bentlnck Indy. mother of lire. The Toronto Silver th., *ttd r. M. Button, Button um. west of! Rogers' well-known Goods. mun, ' no on. "I-- -11: n. - . the Durham PreabtterUn choirheing especiully worthy of praise. M r. Dry-- dale sang some tsolos in tine (tattle, Mill M. Munro a beautiful Scotch song while Mr. w. annge gave some well 'sppreciatrd 5010.. Rev. M r, Cranium who had punched the Annivemry‘ service: the previous Sunday gave- good speech. Imaging 3nd witty. I . r Rudolph Konold, Suit Lake City. I WOULD Amman THE mmar,r.-1 More power to the elbow of H. H Miller. M. P,, who in the Senate de. bate at Ottawa token the strong ground of abolition by emux of time. We have referred to his scheme in the mr. I VIEW more than once and think nolh- , In; could he more just and remnnble l It In make no more appointments to I the Senate but let them continue thou duties unow. until death or reoignu- t tion reduce: them to 50. then let all t their function. cease, the lurvivore re- I calving I pennlon of W. Whet's e the matter with this plan? tl WAS A Mrcctttm.--Ttte Hnmpden 5 ‘Soiroe held last Monday night woe is very aucceuful “Your. over 870 being is realized, sanding room nt n premium, . and the but of order prevailed. Dr. h, Stoplei of Hanover was chairman end a. . splendid program was carried out.l - eotmtsrlivintt with bin Rudolph Konold. Salt . . - ,_,_ H n... wv val! p. m. and the usual social features at the close. At the evening preparatory eel-vice Rey W. ti, Junieson will Preach. A letter received last week from Mr Wm. Bone, Beardsley. Minn. speak:- of A very prosperous year there. They hld felt the money stringency. but not to the extent of the eut. Bunk- end mukete getting back to normal conditions. He closes " wishing . victory for locel option. Mr, Bone'e tether. well known to older Durban Ite- wu mtftt dive end well at In; nc._ l Sacrament. of the Lord's Supper will beobserved in the Presbyterian church ‘here on Sunday. 26th mic at 11 a. m. Prepauwrv Berviem, on Friday at 2.30 and T.30 p m. Tho annual business, meeting of tha congregation will be held the Munduy follnwmg M311) p. - -_J AL- ,7 . . - - _ In a letter recently from Mrs Guth- rie. N. Dakota, we ure sorry to learn ‘thntthey lost their limo baby girl over three months old on Christmas night, and also Mr. Guthrie's mater. (laugh) Mrs Wolfe of Regina, had died the next week. They hnvethe sympathy of old friends m Durham in their lose. "The t'pettee--tstraeun--Neweon, he Concert was the but of the ttet"ott, not only to thoee of Scottish decent, bat to people who cannot claim A drop of Scotch biood."-Rvetet Daily Her ald,--Uuder the auspices of Ben Nevis Lump, Durham on Wednesday, 291 January. 1908. Rev. J. Little of Holstein will preach " Dornoch 1nd Burnt church. Rocky Bunsen. on t5umur heart. Jun. 20. Cl with his daughter,' iii, rm, Big Shula-Duh“: & we“ an only 85651251. 17 only tg Spoons. ... ”only Berry Spoon...“ 7 only Fruit' Dishes. . ... Conly Cult: Baskets,... And hundreds of other I " doz " doz 20 doz 20 doz The above three firms make nothing but the best quahtv goods and these are what we If: Belling m this great Silver. ware Sale. Now II the chance of a life. time to buy what you need in Silvcrwarc worth sale pr. " do: Rm»- ru,. e-, * -- . Tenders wanted for building matgttty at, the Prvnhylariun I Dmmure. Plans and ttpecitiea the work cun be keen at t dance of the unduhigned and must ha in by Ilbth Fell. The or my tender not necesurily a Ross. RENWICK. D No excitement has taken place throughout the country. no run on the banks, which must strike Americans '04 something ww-deriul, tor undoubt- edly had this occurred in the Bates there would hue been a panic. and perhaps more than one bank he we gone down. Just how the weeknees came about in not yet clear. but it evidently be- an before the present omeisls at the head ottiee cemeinw power 6 months ego. Plan at MacFarlane's. . It in highly creditable to the few men on the Direetornto in Toronto who must have seen fur some time dxnicumeo mad. that, not one ol'thcm attempted to unload his stock. The which“ tuve I slight hope that al- umutely the shtrrebuldeni will get lat com. on the dollar, sud of course depositors And holders of Suvareign [not bill: no perlectl y ale. - - ,,_....... mun: u: mum rivalry should be able instantly to unite to stave otr disaster. is credi- table and comforting, end an honor moan-dz. But it carries with it the nape that there is I great preponder- ance at rectitude " the various head. qaurtere, for otherwise such an ug- gremttion might become an engine " irresistible evil. Mr. J. C. Teltord, the popular mun- ngerot the bunch here. we taken as much by Inrprite as the man an "rennet, Not tlu 10.15 s. tn. Satur- daxdt'd he have the faintest intiml- Ilon of the chance. Everything was going along in the usual way when the bolt tell. Who Were the magician: that made thin "preato change' '? No fewer than twelve ot the chartered banks oi the country. They had been in consul- tation with the head ottiems of the Sovereign all Fridav. but keptthem secret with great fidelity. The aim- ation demanded action and after mid- night Saturday morning the morning pepers Were intormed that the Sover- eign was "in liquidation," but that the 12 banks Were acting " guaran- tore, and no interrgptiunto busmesa need betearut. .hen in the morn- ing the wires were at work as above “but! and the change was complete. There in aomethinz im reseive in the euddennees of it all; RI", acum- bination of le banks. more or less in rivalry should be able instantly to unite to stave of disaster. is credi- It? and condoning, end an honor wuuu 531 Rogers Tea spoons 4.00, do, " Dessert head 5.50, " Knives & orks 6.00, " celluloid .handle n " knives. 2.50. ‘. Keeler & Sons ' And everybody wondered. What was wrong? Was it simply this brunch or was it all the 100 rtuttitiea- tions ofthe Sovereign throughout the country? It was soon discovered that the latter was the situation, and everywhere the same procedure hand been followed. not. closing indoors, which would have ceased n panic. but opening " another bunk without the [out interruption to business. Lut Sntnrdny torenoon. like a bolt from the blue, came I telegramw the Standard Bunk here. that the branch ot the Sovereign Bane acre. the street In phced under its charge In shun. order Mr Kelly bud a big placaru printed “Stand-rd Bank." and latched it to the window. and the strong name Sovereign In at In end an timuseial institution in this town. Sovereign Bank in Liquidation. THE REVIEW, DURHAM. ONT. The Yellow Label roman datetowhich our.ab. '1'ittt' bu been 'l'dt Our nmi as tist en.- thid week cor. rooted up to date. If yours in not core". kindly pulnfy u: at C.'8AHAGE t SON. Pun-In an PUILIIIIII once, We thank alt who',have reuewed the put few Weeks but there as ye! many others we With to but from st once. _'-'--... - I" Ill. 2t _iretmrlGsTa.ii"c1"rii'rti', .- ”r-.. v-l‘lllu' Inns and tipecitientiom, of n he seen M the resi- unkdorsianed and wadm . I .L n . -- Tenders. an iurt like rw tn fuck. .2.se, each iii, . VN, 1.“) The tdGU y accepted, V Dromore. , brick t.7s 3.50

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