West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 23 Jan 1908, p. 4

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G.,; ii Taylor & Co., Dromoreg i)isasnsiAgasmesisisasmiLsgxsmmmigl ,:.?i'r"""i"'x"='"=fiiemai=xxiai i'li Taylor & Co., Dromore 5% -sii'iirssirse'saeoaireaeosseirhsasirsoeaseauasaiysooaissiyeasereaaig ('ii.' rd awe pawn? t'ao'" W, 'ilrsebieebsbsbsieseeeebieseeeireei+ieag+ 'u,idrdy.3"it Now read this carefully and thoughtfully and convince yourself by having a look at these bargains Now is the time to get a real live bargain in Fur Coat or a Coat for Spring and Fall. We are clearing all odd lines of Men's and Boy's suits at very big reductions, in this lot are a number of Men's double breasted suits and Children's two piece suits that go at cost. The Balance of our stock of Stylish Winter Millenery including many fashionable trimmed shapes we are clearing at less than cost. Our stock of Ready-to-wear Clothing is very well as- sorted, including a very large range of Men's and Boys' Overcoats made from fine black and grey English Beaver and Milton Cloths. Fine imported Tweeds in a great vari- ety of paeerns. Grey frieze Ulsters and Reelers. Men's and Boys' Suits of Worsted and Tweeds. Sole Agents for Progress Brand Clothing We have seven left and the daugh- tered price now reads as follows I In Caperines, Stoles and Caps S. F. M0RL0CK In Ladies' Fur Jackets We've only 3 Men's Fur Coats The price has been made to correspond with $2 the coats and that means a Cap for. . . . . .. . . To carry over is simply out of the question 3 Men's Wombat Coats, your choice for. " Men's and Boys' CloSng Now is vour time to order a suit. Overcoat or any gar- ment you ere In need of. We would like to measure you now for we are convinced We can suit you better than any where else, Mr Glue is attending to the cutting him- self and as to the making we have: first class man to make the coat. Prices may down- Bargains in Millinery 17iapity, S.WStass g M Bargains in Suite War-clan! than Manager d d'.uy '7r . SKA $20 to 40 $20 El Road Diwsiom for mos : a Com. 4 to 12 inc. from Prom: to lolh sideline. not inc. A grant of M.oo was made to the Sick Children Bospitnl. Toronto. Com'r Lothian reported repairs to bridge Lot 12, Con. 14, by Chas. Me- Inn". coat 02.60 plymen! received. Roper: udopwd order gunned. Fergus "r-Hunter-That we pay Nor. mnnhy 98,13 to balance acc'tu for work on o. S. R.-Ittrrimt. The Clerk was instructed to notify Tp. Engineer to make a survey on 1hvce- IILn Con. 2g, which he was required tO do two year. Mo. Council met January 13tls. Members elected suburibeJ to the required Declaration: Ind took their scabs an follows: Walter Haws, Rum-e. Walla Ferguson. Dap. ReevehJuo. R Plulp, Greene batman and Duncan Hunter. Councillors. Miss Kerr is in attendance on her mother who is vary .1: 111 Mt Forest. We hope for her speedy recovery. Rev, Mr. Rusavl. Misslonury frcm Dbar. India, addressed a meeting in the Presbyterian church one eyening lust week. Colin McKinnon has bought J. W. Scott's grocery stock and is sellzng it in addition to ho flour and teed. Geo, Freeman was In Toronto last week purchasing goods preparatory to opening up his new more. What might have heenn serious fire occurred in Geo Freeman's store hurt week. Shortly trier Mr. Scott. who was occupying the store, had lighted the fire in the rear of the building, the what» interior was in fhunms. The prompt and energetic work of the bucket brigade which wee quickly organized. prevented the fire from assuming dangerous proportions and beyond some damage to the mil- hnery department and the smoking of the Inside of the more not much loss resulted. Miss Adeline Roberts has been vis- lung in Riverview for a few days. Rev Mr. Smith of Guelph preached an able missionary sermon to a large congregation in the Methodist church here on Sunday last. Miss Mary anmith left recently for Qusen's University. Kingston. where she will continue her studies. Mrs Neil Clarke has been visiting at her father's in Minto for the past. two weeks and is now returning home to Dromore. We wonder bow many fences Dan had to take down on [us mp south las_t_Sul_)dpy. Mn Jotfn Garson. Jr. is under the weather wnb an attack of the grip. We hope soon to heer of her recovery. A number ofour young people were out to the "ht Home" in Prieeville, a week :ng Friday night and report hav- ing Ind a splendid time. Mrs Neil McLem. Gladstone, Man is visiting her grandmother, Mrs Geo Bruce. Miss Jean Baird, Markdnle. yisit- ed at Bunston'e last week. - Mrs. Wallace. Normanby, is a guest " the Manse this week. ly.. Mrs. John Benton was called ;way to l’nceville this week as her cousm, hire Reilly is seriously ill. Mr Andrew Hny tu1ffer0il from a. Mrere cold last week. We Are pleas. ed to see him able to be around again. Mr. McMillan. Priceville, visited his son Colin this week. Amos congregetioo held their tut- nnel meeting les't Frtdey night. _ Though the night wes stormy end the _ roeds were bed. e good representetion l of the congregetion wee present. The meeting we: opened by singing, prey- " end uripture reading, conducted by Ree Mr. Kendell. Mr. Kendell wee then appointed (their-men for the even- ing. Mr. Findlay not being Ole to be preeent. Mr. Welter Heetie acted es secretary. Mr. Renwiclr sue the Sande] School report showing no in. creeee In ettendence hom lest year. Mrs. W. Beetle geye the Ledies' F. M. Society report. The ladies' did e splendid work lest yeer, sending oyer $90 to Mieeiom. The Endeavor re- port wee given by Gordon Findley. Although Mr. Remege we: not pres- ent he sent a splendid choir report, which wee reed by Mr. John Adams. Mr. Geo. Lothien gave the Building Committee report. After the meet- ing e eociel tune wee spent over the tee served in the basement. Mr. Findlsy u improving, but slow Egremont Council. -----_.-----. Holstein. Dromore. Op. t8.. Com'r Pbilp, Proton town'ine " ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO THE DURHAM REVIEW Messrs Miller and gain] haver i number of men at work in the swamp getting out ties. Ellis White is helping Mr. Geordiel Nichol cut wood and incidentauyl learning to keep house. learning to he}; Bouts: Misses Gertie and Viola Backus of Poplar Hill spen'. Sunday with Miss Janet Kerr. Mrs Jus. Hanna spent part of last Week in Ayton, naming her father. Mr. and Mrs Abel leave the Post Oftiee this week on a visit to friends near Kincardine prior to returning to their home in Minnedou, Men. Mr. and Mrs. John Marshall of Blythe'a Corners, were guests of Mr. and Mrs Wm. Sharp on Sundav and attended the Anniversary services. Miss Jessie Davidson, of London. is visiting with relatives on the 17th, the Watt and Young funnies. Miss Lizzie Young, of Owen Sound, is M home again for a time. Mr. Stuart Watt, -', Dakota. is spending a short time with his par- ents here after an abSunce ofabont six years. Mr. W, H. Growther and children. returned to Welland on Wednesday after d few week's visit with Mr. T. Byers and tamily. Plu'lp--Loituea-'rut we Adjourn to meet on Feb. lo th to roosive the Auditors' Report, appoint Pub-mule". Pound Keepers. Fence woven and to receive application: tor Assessor. Collee- tom and tendon for cement for 1908, nod tenders for making culvert tiles lor "08.-Uarned. Resolved that the following Aeo'u be paid: Each Dep. Borg oiheer 88.50; Clerk distributing Ballom “.00: W. J. Sharp. "-0 of Hall, Nomination, 08.00 l 0. M brim. printing Finc'l Suleiman“. Biliotu. 520.60. Com't Ferguson. Cool 18 to 22 inc. Ind from low sidelire not inc. Ind Cons I, 2, 8. from Nniumth'l sideline, ttot inc, to Glenelg townline. Com't Hunter. from Come. 4 to " inc. from lo th sideline nu. sud Conn l, 2, 8, from Mt. For“: to'Nniqu'lh'I Iideliuo inclnuye. from Protoii%ir'niiiGo -iotii aiiii'l inolnnivo. No. Special in Men's Mitts (20er _Lotbinn. you. It), to " inc. BLENDED FLOURS are not only the best for all home baking-they are also the MOST ECONOMICAL. They yield MORE bread, cake and pastry to the pound than any other Try it, and you will use no other. oil-tan-ned leather on it. SALE 1 The famous Bread and Pastry making qualities of Ontario fall wheat-are combined with Manitoba spring wheat, which adds strength and nutriment. Special jute blanket. suitable for sta from heavy Dutch Kersey throughout; quality at anything near the same pri, W T" A Blended Flour (of Ontario and Manual). When!) Makes the WHITEST BREAD " " LIGHTEST BISCUITS " " TASTIEST PASTRY " " DAINTIEST CAKES BLENDED FLOURS are TWO flours in one ring in your Grain at unter's January “Stock-taking Sale 333 Special Jute Horse Blanket Still on. Hampden . HUNTER, - Durham SALE PRICE . J. D. ALLAN. Clerk, " Made in Ontario " Prices within the reach of everybody . Drivers' extra long heavy hr Drivers strap body bells ; Black, strap with twenty-four bells riveted 4 (I, le for stable or outside use, shaped 'oughout, has no equal in 99 same price. Sale price. ' C The Transfer books will he closed from the 26th day of January to the 8th day of February, 1908. both days Iur'lmive. . By Older of the Board, R. H, McWXLLMXB President and Managing Director. Notice is hereby given that» divi. dend at the rate of five per cent. per Annum upon the paid up mpital stack of the National Portland Uetuent Com- nany Limited. has been declared for the vent ending Decemhor Mst, 1907, and that same wiil be payable at the Head OtBee of the Company on and after Monday. the tenth day of Febru- Mv. 1908. to all Shareholder-s on record on mandate. 'nty-tour bells riveted 1 27 present advanced Prices. HIE NIIIONll Mllllll) CHIEF" (li)lll8lllt alll) q -. _ __-..._--....... er in this locality, the doctor hsving an enviable reputation u unnecess- ful praetittionei' and Miss Lamb, through her care of the sick, has made splace for herself in many hurts and homes, The Herald joins with a. host ot friends in wishing Dr. sud Mrs. Whitaett a long, Uppv and prosperous life. --Dtutfortit Herald, Ill. (Mrs. Whitsett was s daughter of the late George Lamb ot North Egremont, is a relative of the Me. chhme‘s here and a sister of Mr. David Lamb, Bentinck. She was a pupil of the writer in his teaching age tnd we extend congratulations. --tld.] W-rt-Lam, It would hardly be correct to say thatDanforth was surprised to hear ot the wedding of Dr. Whitsett and was Margaret Lamb which occurred at the Great Northern Hotel, Chic-4:0. Mend". as all appearances indicated that the em: was shout due. The wedding was a very quiet one, only a verv few ofthe nearest friends of the happy ire,', witnessing the eer- emony. The av. Suchling spoke the words that made two lives " one. Dr. and Mrs Whitsett returned to Danforth on the late train Monday night and are domiciled in the cosy flat they have been so industrionsiy tittine up tor the past two weeks. Neitherot: the newlv Weds is a strung- Dividend No. 3. liytmsneal. ---- PURE HONEY in 'tte tam. CO" and m a. Floor Onlclmh, I. mud 2 Tl‘rle oilclom. 4.5 in. wide Jc=TrT----.--. Haws (:ABDIGAN ucxm..u L - -_v - Heavy Huron) slum. mu In 1l,t,ey.y1ii)iin"i"it"d, he 1le JOHN CLARK THE BIG 4 The qualities Farmer; Washers Sewing ”whines. Calder Block, Durham “3 SELLS CHEAP. Who will deny the virtues of In ternational Stock Food ? International Stock Food Co. Torotto Dear Sirs-Thi, is to certify that " Kelvin" winner of the King's Plate 1907, has been fed on International Stock Food twice a day for the last two years. (Signed) CHAS. PHAIR. Trainer HARVESTERS DEERING "Kelvin, tt who was purchased by Mr Ambrose Wood, of Toronto for $95 was fed twice a day for two years on International Stock Food. This was previous to winning his first "ce-- The King's Plate-on May 18. 1907. which amounted to $5000, then going to Montreal and beating all the crack. er jacks of America. " Dan Patch "sss5t, the world's greatest harness horse, is fed every day on International Stock Food. Food, in oraer to sell what stock food he has. Not satisfied with that; he has been wanting to bet with some of my customers that I did not cure And. Picket: s two horses when they were sick. I am not in the habit of betting but to satisfy him, if he, or any of his friends, will put $250.00 in either of the Editor's hands, I will put in the same amount; and prove that he bu been telling falsehoods ; the winning amount to be divided between the tive churches in Durham. It has been reported there is one opponent in business who is continu- all y fupning down International Stock Stock Food and Farm Machinery. Gun’s Drug Store Knocks Colds Quickly: 091g IP, will do it. They are) trpecitte for LAGRIPPE. COLDS. NW“ Reliable 8; Durable Free from all injurious drugs and made only at ToCnretmldannng International Gun’s Grip Capsules Bltnketl 011010 th A Challenge Jie1? rds m. . BEAN is impossible. . Black rothtrioi4Lt1t9..ty dangerous. PHAIR, Trainer in pauible. NSF-3'4? T'-----.- ' 15. no“ I VII“. V Chum. he May 20, 1907 fre 'f,'gt ' Try aatthed --m'"%.e. Boo. OII DI thoeid Peed Flour. ttor But. c." _t'tsoranv, .023me Rorat H o Miv'e Roeed & Latimer For Fm“. Christmas 71"eeeEra"GRkWLW'dl" h','.'tPttru, ttnad of Bran keyet.tflt? I1tt.tttem, len’s Over no... man _ 'iitaiG%iiriiki'iiG " lowest prion. Children's Cardi- ml It 31.5 per pair. Allwool blanket- nt Int year's price Also the moat package re... MATTHEWS a LATIMER ls Pad) ny.rthe Iggy o' the Thistle And A' itireVtiiUeviir.ie"..' , Bo if you want to Wet. vnur whistle You're safe wl’our thte hulk Tom, We have still some {lacuna left at bie " “Whiskey We have Four Ladies' Fur Coats left to be sold at bar, flit! prices. You can't " ded to miss this chance if you mt a coat. Do you Need a Fur Coat ? We are selling remuinder of our Marcia-lane d Co, will ptevent the development of theother symptoms They cure on quickly that your cold will be gone almost before you real in it. The prompt use of this remedy will keep you free from cold- nll winter. Lua Cold Tablet: will also cure severe, fully developed colds quicker then anything you can take. We mat this cure. Prim ',, MCARTHUR Fur Neckwear dean Cold Uaélols A little men in the throat . no: of tigtttmsitu in the mucou- amino: of the nose, that: a stage of profane secretion and we have the well-(level oped lite-th-ing cold. ' When the first oymptomsk the new or irritated throat apps“, a few doees of our at 0rant's Dragging and Book sellers, For Feed Cotds Menace I,ite We hare cpecinl value in BULK TEAS In Flour "MONO 23, 1908 25 cent: ill some Fur at big reduc. II. ttttir 25c I In popular blends in um wind M’s. Huh-n- Household if * r33: It I t mama: giqBragrialiiii he opent an kind. timhol d will he I UArmp.srt.x Light " KeG's tr III ptete. I'lu“ mills and l, Mover, ltuu qoid it one. n Mu l0r w Wint For Wutorbury Bar0nts $1 8mm The two! ent J ANU "tP' V Th 'ttr "

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