West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 23 Jan 1908, p. 5

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I the none secretion developed, ly?merst of They cure i, cold will you real- of this hee from .11. Cold re me. I quicker can take. trmpto- laled thmat In of our n the throat njug in the his: FEES: r Tbiulo. m l 'ar t? “we" all» in l' Put t bar- " " we if Ior of out Mr- Our- 23, 1908 mr’l W ou Cardi- Mend. in " ROD or with". bulk Tn.’ ey Fur duc- er Veblen 'ce UR P rice, R E .7- "r. w announce that we will l,e open to buy any quantity of log. or all kind. including nhlnule and lath umber delivered to our yard, Price. will he quoted on applying at tho t‘umpany sotBee. _ Tun Dunn“: hymn-"m- n- .. r “.qu “out". ll lleavy truck wugon. Wagon plo‘tP, PIN". Harm". Pqu mile and towers. Wire. Win Mover, Iron Pitt troughs. he. mid " once. A. " Jae, 3 pm Men's Oiltana left, sizes a. 9 2 pm Youth's .. tt 12, " Misses Cardigans at low " 50c pr l0 pr Mines dongola button boots, all sizes, reg. L40. going at 01.00 Trunks. Values, Telescopes. Club Bugs, &c, at reasonable prices. We hog a T. "P?" to ml 3i tth t W. n . " V y 't2v.lT."2t:,.Htt,1t, tolseleisru, Are yam med; Chamois vast. We lant- For F wnorbury's Tumo- Cod Igrar on Mutation. Darling's Syrup of the 'rrrorruoilitii. These in Mic. than and System builders in 31.00 bottles, --e"eeeeeesmxseee,-, -_. VI The old a e in attic time more 1 Hub] ent. Fat Lttpg take a little premium” I your system perhaps permanently. Syrup White Pine Compound low: mm The two beat cough prepentiou in the market "_---., hett to lanuncg that JANUARY as. 1903 Logs Wanted. Dwain: Faust-rum: Co . MclLRAITH DARLING’§ For Sale. u Grippe DARLINGS, "a"'-'-""-"'-"-"-'-".--.., "An Ounce of Prevention is worth " pound of Cure " F-e.-""""""'"""--- immune (H. "GGG."" I Arsitrnee. F . Darluto Lu Inppe " cent. I box, 1mm"! organs weak ? . We have them, N Your Druggists Thr. undersigned will sell or ex- ‘change for cattle or sheep. "no henVy mare, “apposed to he in I'm! tr, A good homo: one road mare supposed to be m foul. one to ldpu-r mare rising three yrnru old. Both madden we stood quiet drivers. Apply at renidencw. 'h..el! Imilu from (fluent; P. o. tow" line, Our aim is to have none of these goods in stock by the lat of March to the down town shoe More and get some of the bargains offered tn Nov. 6th mom Farm tor Sale or to Let. McKinuon 'oo are farm at the ROCKY. Immediate; possess-ion giver'. Fur further porticulnrn Apply to PRUG STORE are applicable than u the men- precaution now than to impair but ”his Cough Bun!» I the market. " eta. a bottle. Winter Goods ', Holland aludleg‘nz-l}: Custom Work and Re airing as usual 'iTsll's"lsl?f8'G'P. For Sale or Exclaim: COME tutti“ Quinine Tablets, M Then '. P. Ttrtmjiui. Durham you should we" a A'mm HOLLY Our Itockmon um! dairymeu will share in the good fortune too. thb our miller. having I stood run wan a”, then, will " " abundance ot bran Ind shorts. Irrtste.d of [nylon nbont twice as much In than bod unit are Worth. prion would came down to normal um! there worm be m may m dmnmg and‘ and" mum. As it i, the sum an Gil, miller: out Wont mun t. be orttitur " 1 an protit. for, of auntie. our dainmn tnd others min. lune quay-mica of bun nod shorts. hue to p" she {night on ugh Ital. fro "snitch: and Album. Pol-hips not Imam. but in the and. ought for bums 'ttKrug, unm- Would b; nu enormous incrnu-e In lhu mic ' f tho-e fioartr, Ind a corrospou.‘i-: u- crane in the demsuft fo Oman-in wheat. Our tumors valid m n . .am- ' m may lm-M‘Id ot 'tur. 1slrttt t m." ad will". out "a. With the tale oi these blendol Ban » eomsttutuurtly 1ntrrerwine, ir wnuld woo-m that. more was good "mum Inf om human in Omui-u when. “mu-yo It is the mommies! kiud ot Mllim-cs - for every farmer. stmkmnn um! dairy. mun In the nrounco to bu, Llmdod tlone. There are munch new of flour twang our agr cultural population tr keep the mill-1 bumr th. vnr round And tf the hPMI ofervrv hxnsahv m-nld lee um. only Man a. flonrs ww- _ ""'"'ii.NP_q nun-ca Poe, "big" loaf of bread of the Wes'em thours-and, n the Mme time, has mu dung“. thtvoe of out bert Ontario flour,. The only drawlmck to a mort sweep. ing victory is a lack of wheat. Blend- ed tioarts are principllly Ontario fall when with a mu. Manitoba wheat to Add the necelanry amount of gluten (or ntreuglll.) This eotnbimstioa makes the _‘lg_n I ,1 I . . _ There in every indication that the prim, lur Ontanio wheat. will Nudity advance. The 'ntroduetion ot blended t1ours has met with complete moons wherever Ontario blended t1onrs have been placed on 'osle--in Tomato for instance and mo in Nov: Sunnis. New Brunswnck. Cape Breton and Prime- rldmud i.sltttul--turw In" recaptured the [nukes from .. Western hard pnteut. itours " to a considerable extent and the good Works goes on. t Blended Hours and the Big Loaf --The Local Legislature is called tor business on 5 February next and the session is likely to be long. cont. bative and interesring. It is almost certain to be the last session ot this parliament, dissolution being expect- ed in June. Cue of the burning questions will be some burning talk on educational measures and on law reform. ,V.. - ... VVIII‘“ |lll'7 meaty woulu upelale lupun the almse Lum, to the advantage of the Ummuiun "porter, and he cotmdently predicted " cumulus touur Made in the. future With Frauen as a direct henetit accru- mg from ttte Meaty which he and his colleagues had recently negotiated. Mr. Fielding explained at great hung”: the various ways in which the meaty woulu upelale upon the almse Lum, to the advantage of the Ummuiun "porter, and he Commit-ally predicted " nun-ulna IA .__-_- _ _ . _ reasonably hope to GGG Iutme. tiixth--To set-k the favored nations tteatrnent in same things, winch, though we tuiwht um export than, " lunannuhln Ln» _ . Fourttt-'I'o grant to France by a reasonable extent of hwored nation treatment, the best treatment which is accorded toany foreign country. and to reserve to Canada the right tomake any tariff arrangement whneh We may are tit With Great Britain or with any British colony. Fitth--1n the trfnntitworat.y sped“ rules which ought, he Lhoughl desir- 'sble, we decided tocotih'ne them as fur .3 unable to French specialities whuh would not helikely to come Into com- pel-Mon tumuy large degree With our mommies or mth British Industries. and lo necul e favored nation ueuunent " far as possible in the chief articles of export which we might hope lo send abroad. There is Third-To keep, as tar as possible, for British trade the degree of prefer- ettee established by the tariff policy of in! session. tueond-do guard against the grant- ing of concesnions which Would injure nnv large Canadian interest. A very important matter lubmilted to the House last week by Hon. Mr. Feiid mg. Minister of Finance. was the recent treaty made with France. To use his own words. the object of the uniniueru wine to keep in View the fol. lowing purposes: 1hrst--To lemove the inrqualilies of the old in euty and make the conditions fairly reciprocal. The County Council of 1006 will be mode up " follows t Owen Bound,-t W. Honison. B. Lemon. Dr. c. M. Long. John Legato. 2urttatte-tuundem. ?..1euorxt---hiiireG.' Thornbury -8milh. Wnorer-uii. 1itttrtsworthCiir T. McCullough. ?Prtdt.tiec-9teateiio'"i.' 1Amdate--ainehG. .A,rttyetua-rAftitri,' McKenzie. lu.rt..tinec-KrriGit,' Dodsworlh. S',t1ilttrst.eoii9Gir'tu'irirt',' Gold-mitts. perli1-tgiArC. gupttuaia-uiJikine. J,rtht?ontrribTtiii,' Ferguson. 9lenehe-MeirLiie'm" yyrrrmiiut.vr-iaiia". Ifepper-imai, 9Prh'er--Noraa, Taylor. Woteir--coiiGL THURSDAY, JANUARY 23, I908. (late Barnum 'Uttitttt St. 1r1nynt-tAftircro_mtne, Eaton 1hsrawae.-W Ulellund. ',9trtn-tiiGaiir,' Hutton. t'rdenumrureiioUiiii', Day, Grow Ontario Wheat New Treaty with France, County Councillor ms. 7 ----i.i------. ----i.i-----. them "/ttsi, w in 'he mum and mum'- of Ania South (mud who u Lot " to on nu account fad to brat the Gown) Spence thttttpattr."--The Nun. Ala-tundrm. qientrarrr Co., Ont., Oct. 25. Ig07.-- Appruring mm other taieuted urn“,- en in Ibo Town Hull on Wednesday. a January. under B. ut 8. “when. ( I '. Mr. G..vin Sppnce is a host in him- wlf of verv ‘vrsntile tycquirementn, Mud a king among Beuttieh entertain- ‘z-rs. His introductory uddrms out :Iining the histmy of the Scottirh oeople, their in“: and stttferir-. m I "utwt.tMul 08er to pmww n . r Indv-pende-m-P. and the develop- "sent d Ihrir Imiuunal muse and "ternture, um replete With u Wealth "r word painting. as rare. as it in " lightful IO listen lo. lie "o udde _r, trviolly In the intPrv-ut in his snug. um. “um ystt n ll 'nwrnwwd by “use Straohnn and inn-we” by runmwntiu it upon Iheu- origin and pnrpow. Bur dry and puwky humor mu moat. infer. I tiuun. and his anecdote- recounued in a manner proulinr to himself, kept the 'he huge audit-me In I count -nl IMHO of matrix-sent. The mum-my Are awning upon an ”rum-ave tour Lhrunuhnut Canada and We unheuiml- nuly advise "it Lhonjbuurr mm. m- i', Bentinck Council held Its. tint annual n meeting {or the year 19.3 at Allan Pa k d on Munday, the 13th inst at 11 o'clock; f present Jar. B. Wilson. were, John F, . Dodeworth, deputy Reeve, Roht. Grier. tt aou, Alex Wilton, Geo Noble. councillors -ttiter taking the declaration of quali- fieation and oiBee they took their 're" at council board the reeve in the chair. I Minutes ol December lead and passed. I By-law No l for19u8. appointing the . lilowing offhsert, for the present year ', Watt duly passed. Thomae Clark and I J W Violins auditors of accounts. Hen , ry Metealte metal-er of Board of Health . for three years. R GrIen-on commission- er for road div " l, Geo. A, Noble tor No 2, Alex. Wilson for No. 8 and John F Doisworth for No 4. The new to have charge of bridges. D. Campbell wan appointed clerk and Wm Irvmo. trees- urer. The reeve and auditor Clark were appointed to examine into the tree-u nrcr'u suretien and report. The fallow- ine accounta were ordered to he tmid-- 34 each to the Deputy returning oiheer. " each to the poll clerks. " for each polling place and place of nomination. " to H Prue! for delivering ballot boxes, tlo.9o to the Munlcipal world for Iii) tion stationery. 825 to each of tax coilectora. Alfred Redford. Donald Smith and Wm. Martin at calories for collect- ing, $1o4 !o the treasurer " his aalarv for 1907. The clerk was ordered to get copies of the Municipal world [crime of cuuiicil; the sumpl 0800 Ind approv- rluterl to each ot the four road dmainna for the improvement of roads. The, clerk wee instructed to write to Dr. "tn. xeeou, M. I' P and the provincial secre- terv asking; them to use their best an- deavora to have an act paused empower- ing municipalities to hold their election- every 2 years and to make their enem- umite once in 8 years. Council all. I junrnedto meet at Lorne home. Elm. I wood on Saturday the 15w day of Feb- rnarx' next at 9 o'clock in the foreuoon o appoint aaneeeor. mubmtusters, pound low-per, frne" mowers, and operator for ne grader and In: general buniuea~. L Bentinck Council Lenahan til/ McIntosh Our stock is continually increasing so that we are now better than ever prepared to supply wants of our customers. You will find our stock of both Hardware and Furniture to be complete and up-to-date. For the right goods, the right assortment and the right prices, give us a trial. Whether you are a regular customer or not; we are always pleased to have you call. Remember the leading place for all kinds of Hardware and Furniture is in our new block, a few doors south of the Middaugh House. We have now entered upon a New Year and we trust it will be one of happiness and prosper- ity to one and all. We thank our many cus- tomers for their patronage in the past and trust our dealings have been such that their patron. age will be continued. Iardware & Furniture which is now on. We are going to clear out the old stock to make room for new importation, and tho prices will explain how we are going to do it. The undexsigned having bought out the Shoe business conducted by the late F. Peel have pleasure in inviting all old customers and many new ones to share in the profits of our Smut weduction Jar/e N ew Shoe Store fl) Days Clearing Sale IN NEW QUARTERS After two vears in business in Durham I thank heartily the manv farmers and others who havetavored me with their trade and have pleasure in announcing that I will in the future have ltavapleasttre in meeting in more eommodioug Tuners. all my old friends and trust many new ones. Promptneee end fair deal. ing will continue to be my motto. Your: for business, CALL AND BEF, US. McIntyre B,otsk--umbton St. Barclay and Bell's old stand Entricken & Sewell ONTARIO ARCHIVE? TORONTO CARD 0F THANKS . McLellan. BON BONE ALWAYS FRESH q We are having an uphold"- or the thntt, week in every month. Anyone wishing old gods reno- vated to look good " new should "tvie "w--.. will b planed to attend In it. at once. door mm h Post. Othee l Holiday Baking All our experience at your service. Call and see us. Hun full lute of Unruin Poles. Window Bhadee, Picture Fume. Fume: to order of all kinda. and much more l tell you of this week. tllllG J. C. NICHOL'S STORE A full line of Fashionable Furnishings for men and boys All the very latest in Collars and Ties Gloves and Rose Rats, Cups. Shoes. G. H. STINSON Is the thing to think We beg to announce to the people of Durham and vicin- ity that we have opened up in New! New! New! Lot: of other property for me. " ney to Lend All kinds of busi- ness attended to. . V ""'"""" VI", ml- 40 acres (Eu-den Land, Durban Bond Bentinck. “a” A wimp. 250 acres on (Juan-1x1 ttttad-tine buildings. good knees. good Boil, To quick buyer an 085“). 100 acres. 1retttitteit,-owner in we". price 82700. Buildin worth the motter--farm for 'ld'lt'L7. J ohn would ban great bargain. So no the following properties at the prices Inked t too acres Durham Road, Benunck. Good dtellirw. (more bank barn, good soil. Convenient location, only m. 200 acres. tllsnttrltt--tine bank barn--. good frame "ellitw-other good improvements. only $3000. A Dollar for Would be " the folio We have I good supply of fresh Baking shun on hand. Also a good unort- ment of Candies-, Nate and oranges. mun Stool Inch. Singer Sewing lawns. Walurton labia Works. The Bell Organ & Piano Co., Churn: and Waning Kahlua. duntford. Brockvme. any We. Gents' Furnishings We ere sole Agent: in Dar-hem tue the eh me well known I/yet-r, Binden. Iowan. mm [11mm Dine Cultivators. Manure S Idem Hey Rekee. Hey London. E; Ted- den. Haney-Berri: Cream &sp"mtors The Iftstrfltriit Co. McQueen & Morice N ht c."- toe mm pig-pay unwed to. The Hanover Conveyanc r , Undertaker We're also “can for .n. MILLER, Model Bakery Fifty Cents We can’t now tfltmt."t"tetor,Sr., c. Intending student. would com a the - an; of the term It pout». loud all In ob “may: Mahler-m. Durh- human: and .t.tmetitttowu,tnaeing In no» Wk oboe toe nudence 1808. ALLAN, In magnum. mum: [[88 1mm IcKENZIE WAN. B. A., Hum» Guam of Toronto te'rg-tr,-hemttt, We. Composition. And um. Ilsa DON‘ALDA 1fgle2fi,'% B. A., 6M- ute o Queen's v you Hus Profu- dousl Guam, ~Alcchu. AM. Mu. W and Goon-play. The school " thoroughly equl In and. mun. In chants] and 'et4'htthtl,tttih2t ”than. Ae., for lull Junior Lenin; and lame- ulndon work. The following competent In! ore Ill chute ' Mow Rooms ,,-- -w_-.' w 'Wm.'.."". a - her Shop. Bummer. - First boun- nouth of ann-nce'a Black-mm: Shop. Embalmlng‘ I 8mm”, 1'ictttreJuming, Shortest Notice UNDERTAKER and Funeral Director otha" [deemed Auctioneer tur the Go. Frortprly mended to. m We" my he left " hu 1. loom. “mnnon'l um um.“- - JOHN CLARK, Durham School Q. McPHA n. Licensed Auctioneer tor Uo, Term model-Me. fg2annt, tor mm,&c., mun hem on the lie “gunman. a." Correspondence! were, or to Ceylon P. 0.. will be 1 attended to. Tenn: an otrstiomrg.s.. -. Money to Lou]. Ot'". over Gotdon's Jewelry dunner. Soiiettor in Supreme Dunn Notary Public Ctttnttti"tiutirF, DURHAI. ONT. (Lower Town) ARTHUR B. JACKSON orto Bu'rmon. Solicitors. Convoymceu. Att. Money to Loam Ollice. McIntyre Block over the Bunk A. G. MIC“, K.e. w . Du.- lunumnce Agent. Money I Inner of Marriage Licenses. erul tituutcittl business tr Auctioneers. "tttee-thater',, Block, HONOR i'l,W"a1,5 Pgt'ra'hti,'gg,iy and W , an n Human Dead-w in All“: bunches. University. graduate of Boyd Colic” of Dental tinr mm; of Ontario. Room. Over J t J IEUNTER‘S New Store Ills: " per month In Mm. W. C, PICKERING o. D s, L D S. tiosoR GRADUATE of Toronto once. amount, - late uncut to teiiefiiar, 3:4... _ to Knupp'l (New York) ol,". Ham...“ Full line of Cnthulic Robes und Mack and whale Gaps for aged people. J. o. BUTTON. 11.9.. ty I! a""""""'"-,,',',',':- In lumen undo ”mammoew. “untu- ud (in Oh. u no: ot um. Old locate Caner. A onto: noun ,v... chlE my be left In nu maple Inca! Ware lmnnou'l old “and. tteat mltuli Egg ml, 131099 & Throat notary Public, Commissioner. CON VEYANCER. to. '--tta.. Hp... m Tongues. “and“. No. " Btatt and Equlpmont. "oteaar. - --__ IOUM:{ no can tto or... aWttetgni.tteettsoet manna-Ind 'i'r1'llfd"lllPM'gtt . F. GRANT D. ARTHUR GUN. M. D., human. A Bun-nu. Ho. our J.ftd._rh"ttor'. M MEDICAL MACKAY & DONE, A. BELL Celia! bu I telephone on“ men-Me. Arum amt-nu for uln- h to. must be 'lldlri u the Bevhv or an. at Correspondence "ttge-d to Ceylon P.o., will be plump“! o, Tenmsou Application to ', 'htPtrAIL, Ceylon P. o C. RAIAGI. Durham DEIN' TAIL. J. P. TELFORD --Neart to delow'a Bar. Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Grey. DR. BURT -. Jfoner to Luau , over Poet one. ot any. we P, WM: Ptle,art.te; In PO. A gen. [alluded W F Dunn I. Grey store L1

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