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Durham Review (1897), 23 Jan 1908, p. 6

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{it "q n... broken the Divine K it. Um A Tt works on long hits. but with wing hand: in this life we look wearing tapestry of His prorW the mulled side; in eternity we r the tapestry beautifully fhtiqh. out one thread of Hin monk” we; lH‘I'd not ask the angel: when Ila habitation. be; up Hm” thy spirit chum and fair And He shall dwell with thes ll ll " ll WI qu L ”A? iiiii"i'i4) God's Fromm. iLeoiore L. Cuyler, " .-.- Joac-emls: and. as of old, .nks with man upon. the promise as foretold, all the pun in but. Henry of a bank or the stung“ venunent. gives their value to a tho, issue. So it is the infin- Incy of the Diviue Ruler that I (End's promise to be 'exceed. nan has n which pett ing ‘rolnines x' and irozen cold» in w winter. How often I ply ot the maple-henn- t the mother who w her sick child: “Mill. God; He's tedious. but n't believe that there is the history " God's right prayer ofhred in that in for ever left un- Is said, God giveth you a what. note is on"? as the gentle dew 3 upon the {Iowan The Pure in Heart. h Chrint Ian's In antttt rt h th the voice mi, "Pam b tt pr: an b that ue'arly all of are condition]. God a right to prescribe he will bestow his Th" Y'lhlc inarL‘m th tl Cuyler, " D.) tl H chum and fair, with the. ---Atiee Carey Ice be In wifdly beat, are chill; no sweet, be sum" "tmule it LI a fric I With tt Him h ple Ir" ll t' ,, w... q.a... “no “glimmer: handed to the stoker the baton. with- out which no train was allowed to cross the bridge. It was 13 minutes past 7. on a Sunday evening. when the train moved on to the bridge. and e eimalman and a surfaceman watch.. ed it as it proceeded alone the rails to its doom. It was travelling at the rate of three miles an hour, the maxi. mum rate prescribed for all trains when crossimr this greet engineering ntructure. The men were able to trace it until it reached the central spun What actually happened then could never be discovered. But a the train was reaching the centre of the bridge " blast orwimiot inde- scribable viole and train nit!) ad N Lives Rocnllod. . The London Standard on December 28 the "yet/r-eighth anniversary of the terrible ding," mmnt. L-.-“ .. boat truslrto" or the all ttrt luck In cum builder and the mom In: than 8600.-N. Y Th" Accident That --"He M... - IP'" nut-www.1- motor. "Wouida' that be a new boat. sud wouldn't It attract attention at the .httw-- unclnlly wlth its price tag on It?" "How much would the a; In?" "I don't know exactly. I an not In the hon hit-In--- A- Ak~ _ . - _ "wall. a hull Jay , feet our aw. at good lines. substantially built, heavy enough to "and tt good deal ot banging. unworthy “with to so to tho Hook In my decent truth: with ten or tittmrn per-on- about! without wettln; than; 3 dry hon running head on. broadside to tho no. or drifting without porn; in boat 'hat will so eight mller on hour wlth a an helium» motor. ““'r.u|An' n.-. L- _ _ - - - - n7 -v- -.. I "When the next Inc“ In New York I hope to hibit that will not only man u I know, but I to own web I boat." "For nuance?" “Well. I hull gay 26 1 linen. "uttstantiaiif bull land I good dell at Inouzh to w, to the 1 weather with ten or tit zillion: woulnu them; "It in o plasma to no. but." tho mu ”It on. “non. motor. of Ital-ling quality, with no uulou out. and no 'mttetlutimerttE Some also. no powerful and costly. others ore for mailer can and are not costly. "What In inter-Mung show this would be It some of them, vagina could mo shown in hull: deMtpted tor uenworthlneu. carrying capacity and durahuttr--st, hulls It! you or I would like to use on the bays or along show. or on tho Sound or the rivers, and could be uncharod out or tied up " a f1otgt overnight without feeling uneasy been" they they we" not in [lu- cu"! “um" A _ . can t any that there h.’ 'wu the reply. "The number rt men who find pleasure' or oront in using motor but: in growing larger - your. I know a good many of them. but I don’t know one who would in" any use for any of thou boots on such wltor. my. on the lower Nt" “Portions they hoven't the moans?" "loot of them haven't the means-m the uooe of being nbie to afford the nmnny any! for want you get: others hav" tho moans. but they know some-111mg about booting FF "What do you think of tho show u: on- unol‘i" _ .. A lot of good motors. most at them bad. tr Chm?“ I“ rendered pron-tinny un- Ionian-bl. by unnocouuy npplhncea." "What do you man?" "Well. the gunliue engine ics the sirnpis.t motor that can be undo “can: A "rr-r-, “The Dront - but I "Hove you noticed in: bowl?" In mun narrowed. “Yea? Well would know that if do In cl serous the Potato Patch " even all!“ all” an hour not! fell In wove thrown by I Coney Mood an we." would need to have 0 and - one would have to war! buckn." "Any boats here that Interest yo "Ya. nearly all of them lnterui "r mean any one that you won none- for your own use?” "t can't say that there ter.' 'wu "The number rt men who find pl profit In uslnx motor boats in now "But think what . pretty plctun she would mute coming up from the Hook tow-rd "on- In. with your Month on board, climax throuh tho little nu " eighteen or twenty mm: and hour ttnd---" "That wouldn‘t keep the boat from setting we: on her uadsrtrody. And luppou such t tun: In In old “Hm-d It. should arm at: the slip In the night Ind get up Mntttst 1.. "What do you think of hor?" ono ot thooo visitors in soled so ho wIs looking nt tho glistening body of I isunch of sons thirty toot ienn'th. "Mighty pretty," ho rspiiod. "Think at buying hot?" Ho couid hnvo drawn his chock for tho OM» and mars It which the boat was priced. "No." he said; "for ono thing I have no Disco to how hot.” ”Quart you got I prints from on tho boy." "On the boy!" ho oxcisimsd. "What to: such s host a that so to do with the boy? i admire boon slmost so much so I iovs the I an, and it my houso wss up among the onus of the rich and ind s nm, picture ssiiory in it I would buy that hunch Ind no it on s mshonny crsdio in tho middio ol the gallery Ind hits n msn or two to hoop tho wood and the metal work shining u the! shine now.” "But you inn I alip that I. print. ottttetir abound." TAY BRIDGE DISASTER But Ion. cine: aid then won low bout- oxhibited tint we" auiubio [or may put- pou other th-n exhibition on mm, in u hail. Ind protect“ by hnu railings or Iii!- on lines. " I“ intonlting to not tho mil. with which such unr- or motor boats ot the nine: displayed It this exhibition turned sway trum one exhibit after another and continued their tour of the bail. The boats “matted " I recent show In an. city won marvel. ot nun In (“atoning “a! wood: and null Into planing nun-pa. Thom-adv who no Interested In oeaft we- not!“ by “was!" new" loot“ u than with wand". A communal] In TiBttart, Iho no Judge: or “no albino; work (any week-d how lanes mu Ind bun mended _turnit" out than ttoat and creation; No Mud. Ho Thinks, of Paying ",0tht for I Marvel of the Maul and the Wood Worker’s Skill When You Gan Get a Boat With a Simple Engino for 3500. CHOW CRAFT CRITICISED BY A MAN WHO GOES TO SEA. PRETTY MOTOR. BOATS; BOT-. - "a »I|-vvlllll at. I . ' miles an hour, iiir, "£115. The Spiders Appetite. rreseribed for all trains l The spider has n tremendous was. In: this meat engineering which def'tee :11 human competition. A The men were able to I _cietttist who carefully noted I which I it re‘nched the yntrtttleryeuPrttion_of, food in 24 hours ron- next molar bandit-1w u hold . "--, A _ It I the auxin. bums-I; but I out!!! new. thing the boat- motor builder bl. price, for V. Y. Sun. " to see u least one ex- only interest Inch boning at will unto them vlnt truck both was} v"', M it was de- int interest you?" , them lntemt me." that you would like ttt t use?” be! bows?" tho boat- 'Yer? Well then you she In cupping up Cost Seventy u even seven or fell in with the Mind steamboat ttttre olbklnn on to work i balling eluded iturt if the spider were built pro- portionately to the human scales, he would out at daybreak n rhinoceros, by seven . lumb, by nine tt young enmeto. pard. by one a sheep. and would Rm up with I pie of two hundred birds. one of the most strongly insistelt upon truths in His ministry. And T why? Because covetousness is one of [ the most. prevalent vices and grows to I be one oi the most deadly sins. Cov- Jetousnesss takes away the affections ', of the heart from God, and robs divine things of nll their interests. Covet. ousness is idolatry. and worship ot. i wealth; it makes a god of money and [paw to it the devotion that is due to Jehovah. and offers to it the sac 'i, riiico of thought. time, labor and life, Hhut belong to God, and which he claims as his own: pours out the heart with all its affections to wealth, which ought to be given to God; rob: God of mu rightful due; and this i in the light ot God's goodness. merer) and grace, is a horribie sin. l l Wealth and riches are in many wa j ,the touchstone of man's nature, 'ttG.' ,ing what he is, telling it as by pub- f lie proclamation, for it cannot be :liidllcn. Who does not know of Car- ine-2w, or Rockefeller. or McCormick, , " Muedonald. As they are,- known to j tin- whole world, so others are known in their own little world. and that! by the particular Ittre they make otl l their riches. which represents to them (world power. and their means of in finance. This parable of the fool who laid up riches, tells what the man is who worships his wealth. He is a fool. He trusts in uncertain riches. which often deceive, and so we have this strong statement in Pro. vurlw 33.24: Labor not to be rich. cease from thine own wisdom. Wilt thou set thine eyes upon that which is not, for riches certainly make them. selves wings; they fly away as an eaelo towards heaven. "When a man makes up his mind to enjoy what he has accumulated. saying, 'ttout thou hast much goods laid up for many years, take thine ease. ent, drink and be merry," he forgets that God said unto him.' Thou fool. this night thy soul shall be re. quired of thee, then whose shall those things be which thou hast provided.' Bo is he that layeth up treasures for himself and is not rich towards God." Beware of thtvetousrtmss.. (By Rev. Dr. Dickson, Galt in Do. minion Presbyterian.) This teaching regarding coveteous~ ness is often on our Lord's lips. It is set forth in 'parable, in precept. as wel) ls in plain teaching. " it Minard’s Liniment Cures Diphtheria: I'Vl I Persistence of the Russian Police. l The persistence with which the Rus. f sian police follow up a revolutionist is ( illustrated in the case of Nicholas Tswhaikovsky. who, a short. time ago, um arrentsul at St. PMersburtr. Tnchai- hunk) "tls Ilw founder of the first re- vo':uutnr.veirclo in St. Poterslmrg, dur- in;r the reign of Emperor Alexander II. No iVitq urvstml in 187.1 and mm to have born "i'ttt to Kiln-rim but (-503le and “rut to England, where he had lived "ret' drive. aiding the patriots as well " he t'nlllil from such a (listant'P. Some nronths ago he vi,sitvd the United States in Hm inn-rest of the patriot movement in lilh‘lJ. After his roturn to Engl'and he became convinced" that it was hifr duty to return to Russia to work for the cause. He "ntervd the (‘zar’s dm. mians well disguised, as he supported} but it seems that he had been d'ogged'by government Wits all the way from Low ,,-_._.. --.-uuu~ “cute. , I Thus writes Jack London in the Wo. man's Home Companion of his vilit to l the Hawaiian leper colony of Molokai. "In Molokai the people are happy. I shall never forget the celebration of the Fourth of JulyI witnessed there. At six o’clock in the morning the 'horriblW were out, dressed fantastically, astride horse, mules and donkeys (their own property), and cutting capers all over the settlement, Two brass bands were out as well. Then there were the pa-u riders, thirty or forty of them, Hawai. lnu Women all, superb horsmromen, dressed gorgeously in the old, native rid. ing costume. and dashing about in twos and threes nnd your): In tho afternoon Mrs. London and I stood In the judges' stand and award the prizes for horse. manship and costume to the pa-u riders. All about were the hundreds' of lepers, with wreaths of flowers on heads and necks and shouldors. looking on and making merry. And always, over the brows of hills and across the grassy level stretches, appearing and disappearing, were the groups of men and women, gaily dressed, on galloping horses, horses and riders flower bedecked and flower garlanded. singing and laughing and rid.. ing likn the wind. And as I stood in the judges' stand and looked at all this, there ramp to my retolleetion the Ian! house of Havana, where I had once be. held some two hundred leeprs. prisoners _ inside four restricted walls until they died. No, there are a few thousand places I wot of in this world over which , I would select Molokai as a place of J permanent residence." l “ml pity for him among all Criendir 6! “Leprosy Not So Bad," Say: Jack London. "If it were given In. to choose be- tween being compelled to live in Molo- gu’ for the rest of my life, or in the East End of London, the East Side of New York, or the Stock Yards of Chicago, I would select Molokai without debate." - - - -"_--_-_ --- ”mu-w lulu: of the bridge were destroyed. The report of the Board of Trade inquiry stated that the .bridge had been bad- ly designed. badly constructed and badly maintained, and that is down. tall wag due to inherent defects in the stmcture which must sooner or later have brought it down. L, we: never known whether the tram was blown off the rails, end " dragged the irders down or whether the centre of the bridge was blown away end the train plunged into the sepia: sham]. Four hundred yagds mibed " the timid fondling . con- tiguous roar of thunder. ABOUT "PERS, ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO put off an fare. Hint to Chinese Editors. In consequence of the severe- and pto- native oritieums which. have been BP- penring in the mauve page“ relative to the proposed foreign, loan for the Boo. ehow, Hungchcw and Ningpo Railway Ind the Thibemn negotiations, the Pekin Government has instructed tho Governor of Kiangsu and the Viceroy of the Lions- kinng to order the editors of those pa- pers to obey the Chime pm: Arm, oth- erwise the editors will' be nmated and punishud.ishunghai Mercury. Minard's Linixnent Cures Colds, eta I By (in: construction of new roads in _ various disutcts of the Dalmatian Iti. viera a magnificent stretch of country from Zara to the Montanegris frontier will be opened up for travel. Mmy roads already exist in places, but with gaps pi‘vvvnting' routinuous travel. It is intended now to bridge these pp: and make one great highway, linking to. gether the most picturesque spots dong this coast. The work which is bei done by the Government and the he": authorities together in oniy part of a general plan for developing the naturul resources of this part of. Austria. The country is remarkably beautihti, with many picturesque features, a. mild cli- mate and numerous firm bathing places. It is proposwd to build first class modern hotels and provide other attractions for tourists and atttomobilistsr, -Nil MALI Gazette. Pow, ll-He tooCa Guru" “Hunk. I.'9ucir-r didh't know he drunk. Ihttll--1 tliiitoi"t say he did; he L’ l Glad of it, I don't get my more . tr-tmt Iota of compliments. So out with there old 1i..." .wdu Tho Halon-1 D & Ml Co. of M. 'l'i'lrileTrp their - free mm " 'jrsvo.l.'H1ow. tiid Rowell diet Gentleemn,---I, have used MINARD'S LINIMENT from time to time for the past twenty yam-9.. It. was recommended to me by a. prominent physician of Mont. real, who called it the "great Nova Sco- tia Liniment." It doen the doctors' work; it is particularly good in cases of Rheumatism and Sprain. Yours truly, G/G. DL'NSTAN, Chartered Accountant. "Noun new for my hot Minard’l Linimont Co., Limited, Dey ain’t in a; hurry fer to Ro- Oh. dey ain't in a hurry fer to 'to-- De worl' is a. trial. An' 3. big 'self-denial, But day ahyt in a hurry for to no! -Athrnta Cortttt,'ution Den de any! r'mm- Ptttrt glory Ter take 'um ter de worl' dat's new, But do rich man say. But he reckon he will stay. [us Jawd henr'de rich man cryin An' He " him why and how, An' de rich man say: "Daru my fine to pay, An' whu is de rieh man now.' "Whar is de rich man now- Oh, whar is de rich man now? Kin I rise an’ shine Wid de Cover-mint fine? Oh, whar in de rieh man now?" Halifax, N. s., septdir,uiii, St. George’s Baking Powder “Wham in de po' man now-.. Whar is do po' man now? Too po' trr stay. Or ter move anyH Oh, what is de po' man now y' De Lawd henr'de rich mnn nrvin’ u: uwa hear de po' man cryin', An' he ax him why an' how, An' de po' man say: 'With, Hie rich man’s day, An' whar is de po' man now! The Rich and De lewd hear do Do- _‘--.. o* cure! bub 80113,. ringworm, cuts. ru buds, boils, eczema. pile do. Sold by all Drugultn (my rents a box or past-paid Buk Co.. Toronto, on receipt 0 bozo. for 31.5. An' de po' man 'teo, Tttttt -Buk without ea V. __ --__- ' “nu. “an, !" uurua. um I would not be Without it." Mr. Towers in only one of many thousunds who are glad they heard or lam-Bah. Thero ll no lklu din-u It will not relieve and cure. tun-Huh I. everywhere regnrded u Natal-9'. Grout “Pint-lid." No lru'oler should be without it for it in I splendid pre- vcnuuvo against Barber's Rush and other skin dint-ea they are so liable to contact. A um. Zam-Buk rubbed regullrly on the hand: And tttee before retiring each hint will he]: um um “a. --.. ., _ - ,,_ -- a..- -__- .- .- um"... While mvenn; on the t. c. R.. Mr. Har- " "W‘" tgutg.s.. P. “‘" cawd ' Plc' vu w. Town. raiding " No. I IR. Pull /ll'lltlu'itlc,'t ko oli"iutilc"ti-t'ct' “feet. Bt. John, N. B., and. u nimble du- I , mo an. u t'cru, gouty. k .ome one Had " I amt-.11 box of ' "“‘ .- 'r-. --.-- m-e .""" l“; . A cum-nu , ttte great skin healer. In the Ca; ‘..........:.. 'ITS'",,', '"'f " "I, tr 'af I: Mr. Toners sutfered with badly aim:- il'vi.1e'C,turgiet'i,'1tp 12;]; in" It hate-shin]: ""131"! "ii." 1° ..hls..i "dc,' 2...... wanna; mun of the man v.1 excellent Jlllu,'l" this. dl? Flaw JI, tug; “nun” In . um: or extreme 'nuWat $032391 Enngm- fore, or burn. Ind i 1"vv2,?.1..ct.etye, er " fhrue “u “e HUM. tf MI (tt lliTiillllllttliltt TAMMY. New Roads im 9mm. -__... - ICU “III. I: airship to; net. paying HP). EFL?” lace 1&6}? tho lkin sou " I - hetler IN" It cures ulcen. "storing cuts. bruised, chapped tuna. pllu, rheumum. Drugnltn Ind Mom st or post-paid trom the Zam- I on receipt ot prices. Three - a-Cr,"r."'."' .... V” In: “of " my tur-tste. m Hen...” u..- red wnh 'eiwclntp- were "you: " In" to their unm- cut 'CCC. To ttls .-u.rr-d' 4...»..- unuunu‘ In": of the ma when m ttq an: "Et h " "ltsettcm In a mu. at extreme mural GeprBw en 1 hare "01' “"4 my and: con-um. puny ume mu own pure- WPOI. or burns. and In one or ”on to the citizen kt Perugia. it." l The itt. ttt at. Bermsrauu, or 5mm: In a ot may thousund- {laminar to man people. pm tit. nun: he alum-Bah There ’ehu’t'med an c:::..lo.ul.1.:r,¥ pom-r u..- '_.. ‘,m not ara. and 'mxuua at mu m the huddle Age- " (In 'ywhero rotrartud n ‘meu camp): ot pure mun; um newly u: Md." No traveler chunaor, but perhnps his power lay 1 Hum It in . splendid My {more In preuculng und tn Mining men n " Rot and other action than that at the Baint ot Anni. when '0 littbur to contact. (iliiiiiinii in “bean-My pug-elm. mu a regularly on the _ whole we Wu a struggle tor ugh; in a very retiring “on night lee. use. He wan tun ot unaemuhncu and and tree from du. charity. and It ta said that he lurked the “In: Home dl Pleu or pawusbop, which pun um: at Forum. of akin dlleuea is [ The facade ot the armory In tho work of ' “can, miiiiiGl, Florentine "ulptor,.asauao Duct“. mm bruhm .5...“- .¢. --. '-a-, . too! the Poor, oryin', his The :battolr in hire air" m. m and: mat. The officers at the steamer Upon, which reached her berth at Long Wharf l yesterday afternoon. told a, star! af the [ opium of a mooning shark while the big fruitet was taking on a cargo " {Port Limon, Costa Rica. Um: of the _ negro fruit handlers was fishing our the side. He had thrown out a small hook baited with meat and almost immediac- ly it Wu snapped up by an exceedingly voracious man-eater. Every one on ship board an to no the fun. The negro played the dark un- til it Wu exhausted, 1nd then on. o! the crow went down tho 1% In“. 1nd dipped n noon ttnee in line. Th. monster In: hauled ta the deek, ht " for. it Wu killed it knocked one - don Two of the alien killed it with . heavy club. he shark manual " Mudwelghod “5'31?“th was the urgent 1tgrtS""") a Port Idanon.-Boatori Gk)“. is writhing» in agony, no try of pain lia, escape him. Those tround make a terri, ble noise with there song: during the ordeal. Only a small' portion an be dome " a time. When tie htftonmntion hes Iubil‘ded and the excoriation healed, the operation is considered complete. - The old chiefs tnttoo (hairline in the most gruesome manner because such or- nameettatiinr it deemed‘necemry to unn- hood. The litres are described? with chat- coal, the skin is then. punctured by a sharpinstrument of bone or St"! driven by a "mm-tmost. A [aim woman-d from a ungotable sulmarm- in Jumped into "E woynd. Although rife spbject We can respee. and admire them for their bravery Ind sterling virtues, W'e hue fought Against them and' “an I found them worthy foemen; the have fought with us and have proves, loyel’ comrades. Obstinate and ”If-willed, proud and superstitious, warlike. and poetical, at one time recklessly but". " another time helpless, in a panic of fear: royally liberal to-day. shamelessly mean to-morrow, they are with“ light- hearted, good natured and capital om- pany. They hive been likened to our 1 savnge forefathers, and in many respect: they lave similar characteristics, but where our nee was doggedly pamistent the Maori) erratic and uncertain; end whereas our nee pruved‘th'ei'r cnpwcity for develoment and Idvancement in the , march oreivirsmtion the Maori his been i left behind 1nd in many thingy shows! that he belongs to a decadent race. Out J of the darkness they came, an unfwtu- I nate, fateful race driven by strange des. l tiny from their birthplace, dimmer! be, fore., time to, annihilation. asking not whence-they came or whither, they went, or, it asking, answered only by gloomy parable and _u_zptic sayi'nge. m MAORIS. If all the native new irr the world were paraded in any country it is the Maori that would win the malt f-ur for physique. tor ehtmurteri.tor, history. Minard'l Liniment Cures bitumwn " , presume,' maize?! lg GGG," Tair great deltherrttiori,' 'that the whistle wan for the next 1mm oithestrat3k.','" “You admit that the whistle blow? I slowly demanded of thewienmm. "Oh. yea, it blew." "'Now,' Iftdded, impressively 'if that whistle sounded in time to give Mom warning the fact would be iir favor " the company, wouldn't ity "'r suppose mr,' said the witness. “Very well. Now, for what euthly purpose would the engineer blow hid. whistle Uter the, gun had been ntruck?’ "I was counsel for a railway company in the West," says a prominent New York lawyer in Harper's, Weekly. "in whom employ n sovliun Mud had been killed by an oxprq-sa train. His widow, of course, sued for dxunagos. The princi- psl witness sunn- positively that the locomotive whistle had not sounded un. til after the entire lain littd passed over his dopm'n-d friend. to cure colds Gilt co trid uuu'us u N quicker than any other & Coids mydicioe--orrottr' money back. “years of success commend Shiloh's Cure. Mc, 50c., $1. " There la something tour-hing In the ano- cladom of the Oratory of st. Berttarttino, and the thought of max-rm. its beauty In any way aoema nczhing short or deatwation. But the with ot the present day is distinct- Ir material. A we“ paying hotel is consid- ered far better than the unobstructed view of a celebrated Meade. and the run ot preserving the aurroundmga ot work. ot an “em: gradually alumna“..- G, P.-t.. Quick ease for the worst coutrit--Nuick relief to the heaviest cold-and SAFE to take even for a child. Thet is Shiloh's Cure. Cures SlmLt5lrff'ii; .-.,. u. '"'""""r we reuon 1/311 In close proxlmny to no Convent of M. Franc]: of halo. when the “In: lived while at Per- u-la. _ "o"""""-""'" unto]. and in an Interesting work ot art. it is built of the pink colored marble or the country, do- cor-ted with tetra can: figures. which stand 'or Humility, Mercy, Purity, Religlun, I’l- "tters [mi holiness. Boner-Love" u‘ Italy be hurry to man mu u Beauty of Hugh'- Famous Out: to be Marred by a New Building Hooked . " Shark. What the Whistle Was For, WAY ar MODERN ITALY, 1n: the Jurroundlngs of wG.u gradually disappurln; In Italy, ---- In e-'c'v.sro.uuac'.vy power uv..' '_.. men In um Middle Ages " (In mph ot pure mun; um non-Any u: [ but perhlpl his power lay a Mule pretcuing end to aiirriag wen to a gyarantee ttt elaborately decorated 1nd ed a mulcrplece ot singular not clan why this partlculnr Damon finch to build the on- struggle tor All!“ in a very u tun ot uttmrltuttrtesa Ind I said (but be trtttrted the Hell or pawnshop, which In" to their mini cu: ___ _. A u... “no.1 nu cum 1itorr ll LII. work ot Acouino Bacon. and ot frt: It is built ot 'I an {shun-en ml: " Intended to cum mun pun...qu Coudhs & Colds u ”thorny a! 3m, um Oratory - v u _ --_- av!) In)" Pow- er enmity. The engine: are- directly connected to ehetrie generators. The other plant ha. two m generator: tad two .inrle-actittg gnu angina», and. of 90 horse Pow". Both plants; are said to be giving "thdactimi, the consump- tion of cinder. being reported from 1.3 to 2.4 point per hone punt-r. varying with the load. ministration. The Flint at idGiiiiu,Ti Ins three genera-um: and three dtmtgC uting gl- engines, ml) 180 hone Iow- Smokestack Cinders from are being used for Mlking places it. Germany hy the ministration. The plant " has the: rename.»- nml 4 - ,__-_. _;.IW UK Dewy: no mamr whether lawn or plum nothing would Brow. "but went-[Ion ChrgtR would thrlve luau-12ml, all am Most of these maven wom slowly but " haunting and possibly an "new! VIII! a man mperltmoln ”I my a "aope.r.--o. F. My you: no then can.» ”on on n tum In Lean-ham": pun-I mdmulnt we: shunt out" feet tn dim. on winch um gnu, wood- nor 3mm blades or any can would grow. According to low in- an... I reputed witch Ind ttt bygone day- ben horned on this wot. not, DWI" but Immune. to tho but. coll-d upon that Ttmttrmrt to “we" that, an moi of but In. mom. nothing noon won]. - on the whee when aha suffered: that " would re- mu: 1 black Ind blunt lpot for qwer. Dunn and Inn the place bu roll-[nod itt, the lifetime of thr, olden! native. ot the ”Hun "A mat..- _L._.\_,n - jununry ' Bohemian "Pahaw. Jones. you shouldn't worry about. and] a little thinguus that." "What?" "r mean you shouldn't let such a little. (Rim: as your brain-that is. Mr. Jonuw. you shouldn't get so u- eitod mwr nothing-of ppur-tt, brooe (in): yMr. Jones!"‘~From the Mr. Bungle, to allay the ttmm of his friend and show the cutaway t'o.r.n,,rn.iserat'tort, said joyiauy: , "Bungte." said Jones, ramming his hat and wiping his brow, “Tin hot. footing it to a specialist; II believe my, brain is affected." "Hold on, 'tones," "Bid Bungle. grabbing his friend's arm, "why this rush?” mega!” perfumed - refm' - tm-sed for toilet and math. In Bungle always takes a deep and sympathetic interest in the welfare ot his fel'lbw-man. While out for a stroll one day, he met a Mind who segqledrin a great hurry. Min: Skin Soap is 1 delight 1. (my woman who when a aoft,tatttihtt akin. Mira Skin Soap takes "my n11 akin irritati---cures skin "oe1trles-turd keeps the skin clear a_ud .mootm Be-ovu all hard, loft and eallo-d lump. and blemishes from hem, blood spovin, curbs, splints, ringbonc, nweeney, “in”, Iprlim, sore and swollen throat, coughI, etc. Save $60 by use of on. bottle. Wnrnnted the melt wonderful Blemioh Cure ever known. Sold by drag. This precaution was taken, and when Washington was reached, out stepped Mr. Lincoln from the first coach. In I few minutes he was safe-in the White House-Philadelphia North american. Then, suspecting that possibly the engineer of the train which wu to an] the President might be in league with the assassins, Mr. Kenney called him into his office. lie told the engineer that the first mach contained a number oi important State papers; which were to be delievered intact " Washington, and ordered him to tsesthnt no one en- tered the ear. 1 Harry Fletcher Kimmy, former superb lintendcnt of the Philadelphia, Baltimore & Wuhington Railroad Company, who is icredited with having saved the life of President Lincoln when there wu A plan on foot to assassinate him in this city, in dying of pneumonia. The day after President Lincoln ruined the flag over the State Home he started on his journey back to Washington. Rumors of threats to kill Mr. Lincoln had been rife for seven! weeks previous, and extra precautions were taken to Pre- l vent any injury to him. When all was ready for the train bet-I'- ing Mr. Lincoln to start, Kenney ordered the telegraph wires between thin city and Washington cut so that no communi- cation could be had between the would-b. murderers. any"?! Mat-'5 of y'" or on hiiCjourney Luck Rumors of threats to had been rife for sever A Black and Blasted ENGLISH SPAVIN UNIMENT museum. mun ain't! dmggigls or "at on . d The chem“: Co. of t1'l'G'l=lhl', The PEDLAR People Put them on ,vwrsalf-qnnmou - .e.t.e a gallium and snip:f does it. I 2t P2ttt cy - in mo saimrt ig mung. wind. rain and gnaw. whey coal It“ but... they‘re made ham. and of better nun-rill. Write an and learn about ROOFLIG R IG H T. Adam- It! A Toilet Luxury to Luce one; no; in 'i,Itd',e.",t','at, "at... trood or 'H- All ”M M or I huudmd. Tilt} from d t y Gas From, and.“ SKIN SOAP " "OSHAWA" GALVANIZED STEEL SH INGLES Bunglo's Bad Break , PEDLAR People 1t'it :1 Noun-nu: mum: Toronto hunk-n Witwtpee Saved Lincoln's Lite mum at shun". "ne 'tatt " tm the _ryt'lwtvy ad my all ground! '0'"! but - ll reputed In 9" mar um 1090me med ' thtttirr. In: a! m I Monte Bulk). , The hour ot um an: on; tho um h dlhe ”um-young mono.“ Hm out! of mo Tomato public M Back at the old form homo tar the hou- ‘uyl. and. run no thrush: beyond the on- Jorment m I period at Nahum undulat- :Bure, Ibo wa- Iuddonly mun-om“ by a. 'mm of her (other rush“. (In tho hon, ‘Im hum. cruelly Dual-d h: a. km". ot o coma; box. Tho vuttttt at m (lo-h and lish"irttl; b"M', gr 2tt,Tut1ue",r, " gluon" or n: r or - born. “so" vu may: I M norm lot new hunk. In t moment no ttoqr of blood Ill munch“! by n (mat ot thou 1'l.lrll'el with the sun at unload hum, on "tmt 1 ttrm support at blaring “on to tho (show: ed an "no. Arrival unla- lbo Boot- ‘troo III not tho out.“ but rather an In. 1mm- ot th. nu train. The” on no In)! "lepton with I surgeon In a. not: fared. Alum can“ In named only Mus-emu on tour and mm on.) ammo “an” on sac. bolu- the doc. tor "m.. I’m-1' on that w you, . young girl. with touch ct Venn! no". of'lmel. bell tho Momtr but“ to pin. 1:31 with - his. Joann” usd cal-n4 (tet,,i,si,ij In who“ on; the an“ on"? rut. nu was Amount by mm an an In to tbe “this. of the feet that I‘huanl "an in.“ for any you. was (on - no... In. the "1-1ch a the Inn:- bohl-hr - “I not brttte mm. m- me,- an" mu..." 2t, Ci I "aVt'l,tt an mum. Mmard's Linimeut Chan M h To In." it deal» new ran-mm. that - eottid, be any pmhctlon against cold, burno attubt many will re. member the experiment made itt M of taking 1 pieeevof r in both hands. holding it taut iil'?ieiii.'t,? (no! it. In "may induce. tho h.” not ".th enough to do It. as chow how closely knit - it. lb panick- are no Milled" that no nit - pun through, out thin in 1 mambo-phi- its me in and weather. . Pap-r u ' prom spin 0011 b not mu, new, trt it my bound to this generation. e troops of Gen. Washington in tthe-lurid-ry, War used paper to keep them run, by put- ting it in their do...“ use “In. oet- en and Incantation. autumn» when.» the Lac-I Mr. John D. Rocket“ has not 60 habicn turning paper “that in winter for ”Moan-gum odd. For many you- Mr. Rockefeller has bun wearing A paper waistcont under. lb outer “no” .buz only may. did his and. b000,“ Mun ot it. In. enterprising march.“ hard at " up, aodtharrmulti.tutthe-ti now nooded with neat mar w“ can; made of yellow than”. to " worn over the stomach and in 0“ weather. They are very MM" " fairs. but.” "S-f-tae ""“ Nr " . wan-“.01-wm-n‘o-d \\ :2 unnu- 'ohdhn In“. ". br- "a"lllrt. L'ft'NNtfd'. .IIM._,H . , ' 'r, H . Reunion" Waistcoat the Lad tc, 'tlr" r Mr. John D. Rockefeller ttao not the “I: u‘: t '1 The Induce was, “W you bu Hy wife?" The my. reply the world, hm ~\\'csuniuhr Guano. "Then," an the We, “watch tho vessel u it diuppeu‘l from M and 1 will. {luh you vine-cg? - the late Lon! Kdvin'a “and Irgte It was n th (hum-y Inland. that great scientist not bu We to In, all her appuent infant in ”lunatic a suits drow than quickly W. ocieutiat went to great length to I!“ I. new ayatdl of “pulling, and a I. 'ei.dyrood9etethr1aioittutteid- of his yacht on leaving he look-d It tree ad milingly said: "Do you think you understand the lysbelp new?" "Oh, res," replied his Indy tried, “I am sure I 'unde'estaad."" Lord‘Kdvih’u Rm There was an element of I”. in the late Lon! Kdu'n'o “and m thir of the marked Willi“- of the region in the hollow rumbling sound caused by artisans and bone- u they move over the rnndwuyn for miles around. 1- thee au enormous cavern just below the ttttrf-. and will it arr are in? in the anxious enquiry of ev- ery Vinita: alarmed at the dung! un- derground .ourtds.-Kan- atr Btu. These pota evidently have been hm- ed by the slow derodtion thromg* muntleeu centuries o the cilia. all and: which enter into the composition of the waters. They grow in height steadily with yum-n and pment a moot hum-ting. speetarle of nature’s strum amtive methodn. The Hot PM. an found in the midst of oultivstod fields and thriving (rt-chunk. notwithaundiug thipa'ujinf roek-like mil compo-'tion. (roars curiosity on the Plath: Near I Haber City. Utah. i or Mr lama. in; “TIE”: " natural :curinaity cooker: an the Hot Pota, about time talk-i from Heber City. Lulu. This region is I level pain. It,0sn the surfna of which arise in strange confusion III-hon ot Paula! shaped cu- term, the [I out of [hell bei till of 50 feet in 1:551, 100 feet in he“! at the lot twice that I the In“ and containing in their dark drrths im- mense volumes of water head to C high Mgr-tun in the turn“!- 0:? earth. watt-u oonuin the I chomiml properties of thermal am and are used for hung and drink“. craving rob-coo Rich and satisfying. The big black ples, Black ISSUE NO. 4. 1908. CINERN OF HOT WATER. Watch INCH if; H1 u,) iiiiiif""fi"ii": CHILDH< the P Mug? ed " tker. l Man. Mime I! tl ing 1 in; 1 of of m to 'l' but Kali than girl IIIXI Mr. rd h in hri-L ki M r _rippl ml. plll net with inter tiw " u he” WI it La Eve!" Thur un " Thu AI hit 'riesd of the a Wild .1 bit " M mow N Idud m pt H " Maud W Ilaw Called " " M Family Said I and Moody. Believed I1 " Affected It tk

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