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Durham Review (1897), 23 Jan 1908, p. 8

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cqt)-or?.Azrfsiffr1'. ,/ i iii/jj/IT/f-l-Ile/is-iii, _ Telegraphy Leads in FA-keeping, Shorthand, Typewriting, Commercial Law, Com- mercial Correspondence, Plain Business Writing, Ornamental Writing, Open year round-. Enter any time ENTER NOW and Prepare yourself for Business In the Business College and in placing all its graduatn. Each student is mugbt separate- ly at his own desk. Trial lessons tce one week tree. Video" welcome. Open 8m. 2. W. T. CLANCY. Principal, Day and Night Claus. I‘m: oldeqt 3nd strongest Dunne-o school. til facilities m ot the but. Student. 'I'I'\'IV(! expert Imuuvllon Ind when. nmmon and In minted to which. Misc toe analogue of this “we upwdn ands. Writ. l. SHAW, Pee ITO I'OUMI ah MT. FOREST BRITISH AMERICAN BUSINESS COLLEGE T. M. WATSON, P J. shorthand a min?~ and he- ry oe men only odumton in neglected. Rubbers ' If am... Yonu a chm Du. TORONTO I: the Brat step ly tovmrnh position' QIWi,",t',e 05000 in mi wny service. You ‘pernlor in a month: if mil Tglegnphy School, no. The“ mini School punk-Mm. T. J. JOHNSTON. Prin C. A. FLEMING Principal, Owen Sound, THE PEOPLE'S STORE It is the most complete Bug. lness College In Canada. nnclpa Write to F? A RUBBERS 'Fall Wheat. .. ESpring Wheat E0:ts...... ..., Noumea perhag..... EFlonrpcr cm....... ‘Oatmeslpersack.... "iteqgg,",,ti,:c,iir. Live ours per ewt.., l Dressed 11oge per cm Ciiiiraiieritr.C. ... Shae Hus j'I'gff .. .. l'I‘allow . . .. We educate "W men And worn-n lorllves of unlulness. Al graduate: Ire sun of posi- tions, Wme to any or our catalogue. “High 0rade" in all departments MD ELLIOTT a M w. J. ELMO Tr. Princiyol‘ Cor. Yongea Alexandet st. Owing to our extensive trade we keep a choice stock of Millinery all the year round and are always prepared to suit you in good goods. Always achoice lot of Yelling in stock. We still have a large stock of trim. med Millincry to sell at special prices. Every hat is of good material, fresh and new. nearly all trimmed the latter part of the season. We have some special bargains in all black hats, some trimmed with black plumes, f1owcrs and good black taffeta ribbon. Parisian Millinery Co. Miss Dick. Barley . .. Hay......... Butter....... 11.0.6... Chickens P"""""""""""" 35 Winter Millinery Turkeys Maple Leaf aosao:orsareraasvsasesr:oo.aars' Durham Markets. TORONTO. ONT. DURHAM. JAN. RUBBERS Men's -8r_._rh?_yf.l 9.] 3 92 to 8 95 . 92 to 95 , 47 to 47 47to 8-10 12to 13 10 to 25 i I'III|IIIII '""""tv 5 I The annual meeting of the Grey and 13 I Brute Mutual Fire Insurance Co. will 13 He held in Miller's Hall. Hanover, on 10 ISatm-dny. the 25th day of January, !1908 commencing at l c'clock in the 8 Gtternoon. DUNCAN Gunman. 7 I Manager. Mrs. Arch. McDougall and son Gor. don, are visiting at, Mr, and Mrs. C MeDougall's for a few weeks. Mr. Jae. Murdock, Owen Sound, Inspector of weights and measures. was in town last week m duty. Mr. Thos, Livingston has sold his residence in town and will shortly move to Winnipeg. where he has accepted an agency. _ Mr Geo. Meikle visited his niece Mrs Cox. of Palmerston, Mr. Cotr having been seriously minted in a wreck on a train on which he served as hmkemnan Mr J. MeCloeklin who has been ac- ting as ledger keeper in tha Standard Bank here for some tinw. left on Sul- nrday for his home in Durham, on sick leave, as he has not been well for sometime. His plumi here has been taken by Mr. W. G. Thurston of the Chatham branch.--Blenheim News Tribune. Mrs Ed. Hilderhrandt we are pleas- ed to report as better after some days of La Urippe. Mrs. Kaiser hat been visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. L. Elvidge and returned Wednesday to her home in St. Thomas. thyN.--In Durham. on Monday, 20t.h January. to Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Gun. n daughter. Mr. Geo. Gngnon left town last Week. for his home in Btratford. Mr Wesley Storey has gone to Strat- ford hospital to undergo another op. amnion. Mr and Mrs Thou. Lawrence, Cleve- land, Ohio, have come to town and taken up their abode on Elgin street. Another of than attractive Library Concerts is to he given on Thursdnv evening of this week. 23rd inst. Watch tot programs. An excellent entertainment, musical and otherwise is assured. Dame low ratel. Everybody's Going. Rubbers I, Annual Meeting. w-------)--.--- BORN, THE DURHAM REVIEW The coming of this annual gathering never foils to Home attention. ll append. to I class much more unmet:- oue than the Teachers' Institute. it genprnlly has two prominent outsiders to an up togics, it is generoully tli- vertieed. it so efficient otBeera, ittt low memberthip fee guarantees many advantages in literature, at; Shows. ac., and with all these Manta!” we sometimes wonder why the class tsp" pealed to does not demonstrate m; interest by an attendance at leaat three-fold greater than is usually seen However. than who do come form a saving remnant. they are the 38" of the earth. the leave!) thatwill swine!” leavers the whole lump There " pity for those who are shunt and hope that they will yet we the light. Mr. Fonter, on "The selection of Beed Ruin." put great “gets on the thorough cleaning b1 fanning will (A; Mtcure cleannesn an the plumpeeg o tha grain. Another way of seleulgg grain was to pick the growmg hgu a. takittg only the moat likely. Th.ere was just the two ways 1ti1cT..ef1y/,r, prpdtictiont0) Select big grams (2) Select big heads. A: to the changing of need he thought there was not enough ndvan~ .uge in It to compensate forthe danger of getting Impurities. If perfectly "uh, of puritv, change was good. He was a meat, admirer of Banner Outs, had sowed them 20 years con- tinuously with success and found them not given to smut. lt wasunt_ a hequ oat but had a thin hull. Dmcuasxon mowed that local farmers had been bothered with smut. He branched off on lo afple packmg making a forcible appea for heaps: methods in packingrand eo.operatron among farmers. ouched on PT" growing, a. crap he valued highly. Had used silos 12 years. still used them. His was trunn- but he ptreterred cetmmt, He advised not to cut too green, " slight frost would do less damage. Mr. Wm. Scarf had succeeded in keeping crows " by mixing need with con tar. Several had had difBealtietr. with the crows. and from other sour- ceo, and all were recommended to write to great authority on corn, who supplieq 'ted., he., his address 339ng of Simcoe followed with a potato topic, He first dealt with the heme- tits of spraying for blight, n. practice which was not common here, but which had been practised for 12 years in the Eastern States. and had lesult- ed in an increase from 60to200bushels per acre. With two diugrama he "howed specimens of his own glow" undet similar conditions except us to :pritying and_the tttylt was n_p_p1rent. The flrat speaker WM attain Mr. Foster who showed up well I" the agricultural advantages pooseued by young Canadians. He claimed they Were wide nuke too, for they had won eucceu at Chicago. where an Ontario team had ce-rled ode judging prize three times in mocession. A'so they were found in the heat positions in Colleges. ae., across the line. In politics and in everything eke they rise to the top. "hir. J. Anyai/, 'Ruthveu. P. or, Essex 00.. Ont. He then answered questions relating to scratches, ring bone. aide bone. ac., giving rpm» :99. where remedies were any good. The audience didn't all agree with him on some points. but we are sure admired his fine address. EVENING. The Town Hall was nearly filled in the evening. a goodly proportion he- Ing ladies. Pres. Morice was again in the chair and lilled it admirably. He deplored the indifhn ence of farmers on this subject, for on his home show grounds where the tox'iety had culli- vated experimental plots, little atten- lion was given them. Requests from the audience led Mr. Kydd to the Horse, and its importance in farm economies. A lucid speaker on all subjects he woke con emote on the Horse. He opened with 3 refer. ence to the tirurme of the Government Horse Commission in which it is asserted that law mares are annual- ly bred to unsound stallions in Ontario. He believed there was also unsound mares bred from, and he condemned the carelessneqs of the farmer who would carefully pick his seed rain yet give little thou ht to ill'5ellfJi' stock. He reminded the"! that Scottish ex- porters did not send their best, and the only good thing about. nmny stalliona were the words "imported" and " registered." It cost. no more to growgood horses. except the price of "tro" stallion but the selling price was away ahead. "Raise draft houses if you want to make money: they re- quire little education. is small lilemieh does not cut hie value as it doesu fancy horse." Breed Clyde to Clyde, Per. cheron to Percheron. ke., and nae " pure bred " to all registered classes. except running horses, which alone are .. tttorouehhreds." In selecting a. horse watch for a big heart girth. intelligent head, wide be- tween the eyes. and good feet. bt No feet. no horse." He gave an exceed- ingly intelligent exposmon of the hoof. using a chart. he liked a sloping putt-m as " saved pounding, more of the frog on the round the better, and Manned some 'dl'l'l'lll,'i't'l'i" for paling too much " the frog. He sprayed tirst in July, then two weeks later. and a third two weeks latur still, using Bordeaux mixture, 5 lbs hluestnne with 5 lbs unslncked lime, hut always be sure to have more time than bluestone. this was im. portant. Have the barrel three quar- lnrs full of water before mixing the ingredients. straining thelime through sacking and spraying with a whisk, Hilling mutant WM now obsolete. Level cullivatinn and cultivate as long as you don't injure the vines. He "dvoeated all planting over by 24th May and tu, earliest planting he never "prayed. Planting was generally done too late. The reason that Mmitime Province potatoes took our market was that there they slick to 2 or 3 kinds. while in Ontario for want, of co-opemti-‘n among farmers. over a dozen kind. ddferittg in color of skin and flesh and other qualities, are put on the mmket all mixed up. Farmers' Institute. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO MR. KYDD He dealt also with the home lifeof the young. pointing out how much the home intetcourtre of fathers, mothers. brothers and sisters fitted for the battle ot life. rather than the training of the street. . . Min figaN announced her sub ject “Cum th and the 1ntNenee of Women." She pictured the early dreary day. of pioneer life when men had the strenuoul fight with nature nod who in many cases would have been mined in the fight had it not been for the courageous woman by his tide. _ _ . . Women, she mid. wu- sympathetii- and kind but contradictory. whirh ornament caused a ripple of laughter. The most degraded recognize the virtue of women. Women had studied the system. harmony and color of the book of nature to enable her to dress neatly. they all liked fancy honnetu, and since nature made the materials why shouldn't they? Women can weep too, and some- times are made to for good muse. She might weep over an "evident, to a 810 bonnet, yet could stand ttt a. death- hot] scene and any "Thy Will he Done." . Women were not nun-h glvpn to think of voting. hut she: thought, if they had vote- the host looking mm. would an them. Wrtmen'se politic- should be in the home, it was tin unalllhiugs of lite that make charm-- Ker. Not the harm no; the fine hvltir. or flne aback but the boys and girl, were the best meals of the till tn. Al to gossip troubles we wpre no! rlaced here to see each otner's Gults: End meant us to help not, to hinder. She deplored the frills of the Society woman. the "butterfly livers," the afternoon and playing with blinds down, gambling fot time if not " money, the “not at home" fiction. tre., &c.. ind over against, this unhealthy state of affairs placed the advanlugw of the Women's Institute where all chases assemble. not merely rartriets' Wives. . The law does not protect from the incompetent optwian, but you can successlully defend yourself by patron- iziug those tskilful in this profusion. Chas. J. Western, eyesight specialist, of Toronto will be in Darling‘s Drug Store on Thursday, Jan. 28rd. Do not fail to consult him. The musical program fell entirely on Mr. Wm Rarnage and his able ur- cnmpmnst Miss Him Irwin. . His open- ing number was a pumimir selertttm dedicated to Sir Chas. Beresford .. Gm to Sen." and for encore he gav9 Lhu "Thistle, Shamrock and llose 't At Another interval. He Cave the “Chant National" the new national anthem, followed by the "Grave of Nn oleon." His last, number mu: " a'l'fl,',ff,"," Atkins." lo which he gave a spirited song as encorv. s' Heroes and Gentlemen." All warn received with great acceptance. and he bad many compliments. Little Miss Jean Motive. daughter of the President. gave a recitation that drew for her a. rousing encore "Give me aman with an aim." This little lady has been at it sine» she was. 4 years old, and in showing decided tuent. The lnutitute met-ling of 1908 must be reckoned a great success. Next day the otr1eia1. and the sums speakers went to Hnttover where similar work was carried on She touched on the advances in dairying methods in the interests of women held up for admiration the love of flowers, advocate-d giving the young men and women of the fnrm " chance at the exhibitions. the know- ine hy the hay of the points of a horse might save him from fakirn. There were improvements. in um- chinvry. hatter "heep, trettetr otile, better fruit and he startled the au- dwnce by Asking "young man. are ynu better than your fathets F" The only man who can Lkeap in the law is I“: who nludws. Never my "only a Gvmer." hut apply the ro-nmrk of the greater painter in answer to the new-y of how he mixed his paints. "I! mix my paint. with brains. Sir." We had much to learn hum Greg. ll in the manor of ttuit-Rr-owing: Ihry cultivate) low headed ttee and thal them convenient and .tarofitrutle, pack in boxes holding mw-lbird of vur barrels yet sell for $3,117 u. hox, all by eo-operation. Farmers lack m co-operation, are Jealous of one another and therefore the whole country suffers, including farmers of 80'.th Grey, Go-Oper- tion should bemml in sprnving, in selling. in choosing varieties of populo products, notably potatoes. Unnada‘l fine schnnls were passed in review. Above all. truthfulne-n should be ineulcated to overcome the lullnvv in the latter part of the btryudefinit ion. that $t A lie was an abomination llllll‘ the Lord but a very present help in time of trouble." Teach (hildron Bull respect. respect for parents and. re- member there WM no brighter tiower in the home than a modest gill or a manly boy. Better often that. n. boy should write after his name " indepen- dent farmer," then B. A., M. A., ur Q. Mr. Kydd followed "Dropped Slim-b- el" being his topic; hut had lo cunfuss that previous wankers had stolen Same cf.them. Agriculture had horn called the neweat of tho Arts and oldest of the Sciences." and he mu pleased to help in in: advancement. Entbulinsm WM nu-easnry f0: Ellen‘s-.- ful farming l Edison said luck u gel- ting up at 4 a. m. earning $2 and npendlng 81. Ch Always good to see a [my want things done "square" and In ttts complishing these ideals a great factor is the mother in a Christian home. Cheerfulneas. laughter and love should he brought into the home, also good books. Invite your young people’s companions to music and social features. Don't. have it, mid " Why! we never see each other ex- cept at funerals." Let both have plut. form practice an simple functions. "the 1tutterf1y of fashion In a hall room does little for society." The Institutes are schools, Widening in my sybjec.t. .q. . ._ Mil-s Cn’npbell is a clear and farcihlv weaker and her address was much enjoyed.__ _ _ _ _ - Shay. Binnie at this gtrure thanlwtl all for turning our, in inclement weath er. He spake at the lsenefitq of th, Institute, in literature. lectures, shows, &c.. and was uhle to announce n larger membership that day than ever before. ”00““.‘0nwm .... g great Citeduetat Pr/ees zh gr Sous d Ctothirt t I y Direetore--h, Muir, D. Harrow, H. Watson. M. L. McIncyrv. John Eek.. hart, Thus. Nichol, RU. Rumnze, D. L Sinclair. James Shmd, George luthian. Honorary Direetotg--Mrs. Dr. Dix. on; Mrs. Rev. Matheson Mrs. Rev. Berry, Mr. D 11eCurrmse'c, Mr. Ilobt. Oliver, Mr. Alex. S‘uan Following are the ttNt,erts elected lor Priceville Agrieulttrul Society. tor 1908 .' President-D McMillm. let Vice Pres-J. Niel ll. Sr. 2nd Vice Pres.-N1 J Heads. seev.-Treas.--N. Mc.-.innon. Auditmir--Dr. I. Dixcn, P. T. Mc- Arthur. Artemesia Ag. Sociciy Officers} pihesthf.,s'"y,. gamut? Joan: . -rdiiiii ir,. . , . all 'fl','ht',i"lf,s.r .909 “L " au. Bold " All!M Cowman: New!” «I F St. Wall-mu. THE iiiiFi" STORE I $200 Worth of Goods .3: Given Away This is no bean contest or chance game. The winner does not trust to luck. Everyone who buys their goods at this store is a winner. Those who buy the most, min the most. All the conditior " are simple. Keep your check which we give you every time you n ake 2 purchase during the month of January. " does not matter how :mall your purchase may be in a day ", it cquntI on the total at the cn:l of the month. Every artic e which we intend to give away will be worth all we value it at . Our store is filkU with seasonablc goods and you can buy them just as cheap as at any other time. The goods to be . ven away will be open for inspection during the whole month. Bring in checks' at the most convenient time to ou dur. ing the month or the 'allowing month and receive what you will be en. titled to. This is we: th your consideration. It means something for nothing. ALEX. RUSSELL If you purchasc ti0.00 worth of Goods-during the month, you can get other goods to the value of I! .00 g HIGHEST PRICES FOR TRADE 15.00 worth, 20.00 worth 25.00 worth 30.00 worth 35.00 worth 50.00 worth ll. Br, Heads. .innon. ' P. T. Mc- you get goqdl to value of (World th 15 won.) Other trotnbimstione made knoWn on npplicnrion. Combinations of three or more pipers Review and Weakly Globe. . . . .Cl.2.'- Review and Fumeu’ Bun . . . .. .1575 Review and W. Mail & Kmpire..1.70 Review and Montreal W. Wit. ..1.m Review and Family Her. & Btar.1.75 Review and Daily Globe ' . . . . . . ..4.40 Reviewed Pri" world ... . .. . .2,00 cnn also he made at. reduced uten- Yearly Clubbing Offers. JAN. M, 1908 2.00 3.50 , Wolf W ?e y innnuw yo'.' h' h',' h',' 'IP. VOL. mi mum lhe Revieu an! In- It ft ll

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