h In.“ ' ' would I!) pr I!“ of WW Rial Spun. Ind Eats MOI ITS! “will AP It on ' t d with. and, my SPANKING. nu tqheqtal jourm QM h a baby The mitt - bum not.“ M £10.10“ you bra 1908 PM tuio Ma n bod IE Tit: cc Killed and Sixteen injured. _ Portland, Me., City Hall Burned Down. fvi.RfilRlliNtErtrijiiiii1iiiir" ZN BALTIMORE FIRE. Million loss-NO Per- sons Escape. I'm- Maze, which u the wont tut [no ttl run-ll in thin city due tho call-it, of MM. dart/ed on the third noor of the hmhling on the south.“ com! of Hot. lni...) and Santos: streets, mupkd hy :h- J. Regent" Som’ Co., plumbers' "uiilies other occupants ot the build. m: awn- tbe “ultimo!!! Beit l Brass Co. .nul the Wm. L. Bol1ingororth Co., the murhmisG. Upon the†three the heavi- H: I'wku will tall. The tire had app-u. an}; been burning some time below it u.“ diwovered. A strong northwest "ind and a vet low 2T,'.",tl'o",', made tiw work of (with. the re more than â€1"“lein diftitnttt. In incredibly short lum- after the blue broke out on the Ninth,» street side oi the Regular building, and without turning, . Ingl- wmnn of the north wall of the building te lt Wag this that scattered death nml Imuru-n zillion“ tho firemen who were "trl king close to the building. The ruin m lniclu also put out of commission an |'\""-~iun ladder truck upon which nonn- nl the men had been working. For a tim.. it waned that the lire would sweep dinunmilly through the block to Gay sun-7. and a number of people living on that tlwroughlare moved their olive“. l invigw in the wind. however, enabled the run-men to eonruw the damage, in "Armin" to that already mentioned, to the plants ot the E. B. Road & Sons Cm, printers and the Flynn * Ernrich Co.. nun-hinists, located in n live-storey build- ing nn Pier-top street, in the rear ol the Re-ter Milling. the Lonhnrdt Wagon "i""er '"""'"N" - -....l....m.. "'"".'" nun. .....‘ Co.. Santos. street. op in the bulld- time to p ing in which the fire 'l,'llri1'll,ll, the old adjourn“: City Halt building and the 210: school I am, building. 1 While responding to In alum . hose l, I" wagon and a tire, engine collided, 3nd tive of the men on the onglne were in- isatvation jnml, one " them seriously. I Lucky heâ€. " 70° hoopla In. .- ill 3m I'ux-lland. Me Jul. gr.--A fire which caused a properly cum-3e ot “Ammo early to-dn' destroyed the City Hall mud police gaming; and endangered the live. ot more than 700 J.'Td"'i Al. thnugh known as city in , the build- ing mu divided between city and eoq0t- ty “Him-s while the police building allel- tered this "et Judicial and muni- cipal courts In addition to tire police dépnrtnelt The fire I" "....._.._. 'iii fire no the wont in the stun .ietce the you continuation in Port land in will. when the city's busine- gnd residential sections were alums completely wiped out. Death was absent from the tire, z duh was 'absent from the fire, a fact mmidered very remarkable u then- muo more than No members of the Western Maine Knittttts of I’ythiae jubilee pthered in the auditorium of the city hell when the Home were du. wverat. all, I tew Erna. were hurt. Chief Enqroer Melvi Eldridge the only one In to be “than†injured was able to direct the fight against the tin-mu tbroughout being supported by two avian“. The finnm'iul loss u estimated at $1.- WUMW. but thin nun will not voter the ion of the papers and documents in the registry of deeds where everything wan destroyed. Other city dry-"merit: were swept slur of everything fly the “emu, with the exception of the city clerks and the city tmnurer's "Niece. The money and securities in the latter are believed to be intact. hue of the most nimble libraries in' the suite, the will“! luv collection. was completely deetroyed with an enti- mnted lone of .10.â€. The tim in arid to have been caused by crossed _ Chief [We Eldridge was injured by the MM If“; 31 l Siamese fact (me of the nun-t vnlttttble liltaricn m the State. tho mulled! law collection. In completely dutroyed with an enti. tnoted load of .10,W. The (in is " to lure been caused by crowed wires. . thief Eli-beer Eldridge Wu injured by the breakilw luv of I Siamese coupling ot but. JIU' hit him in the stomach. When the fumes eoatmunieat. od to the police building where the city jail is located. the prisoners were lib. erated. The building. which In a live storey brick structure, wu burned. The. city hall 'survived the great tire of 1866, “thou? it was badly damnged at that time. t was first opened in Ill-3!). The building bad a frontage of 130 feet and men 250 feet long. The mom"! destroyed in: insured A Won-non You; Inna] In Shoots Himasif. Montreal damn-h: A sensation was "and to-day when the news spread that Lieutenant H. Gordon Browne had ioimitted suicide. He was an officer in no View Ttities tad mum-m ne- w to me WM at. Browne, had been thtting and not“ with two Mada. Ho-puoed a can! "can: .134 me he. the my Th 1-m'vro. Jun. gT.'--rir. mrty to-dly tawny toils of the when ot the ', parlment of this any, that Mug And <ixteen others more or It. at- injured, includin. Geo. Boston, ..f the fire department. who h in [ a. mmdition. Th, in I ha], lua- ~mlp and internal bimbo. IF bad no: LUut. PM Bar. William B. Pugh, n tmidettHfied turught to " Emit North. " LIEUT. BBOWM'S SUICXDI. financial damp in orfdmnted at MILLION noun nu. 4t t,0t ',0, n the state l Army It in Port- l, Novel Point chair in which he was sitting and walked Input-in. Nobody suspected that any- thing was wrong until a unified report was heard coming from the direetiois of the top storey. HU friends immediately made a au, for the stairway and up to Browne’s room. There they found Lieut. Browne lying on his fare, his arms otttistrrtehed, shot in the head, and the [evolve lying close to hits right land. He had evidently died lmtantly. Licnt. Browne had been m 300: health for some time. Tho New Labor lumen! Aheadâ€! Launch“ in Inland. London. Jan. 27.--There are ai a of dissatisfaction among the tug; unions at the declaration in favor of Socialism made by the Labor Con- cress yesterday, and a split in the Labor party on the question is pre- dicted. According to one report, a new movement has already been in- augurated to form a Labor party in.. dependent of Socialism. The leaders of the movement, it in said. confident- ly believe that a majority of the trades unionists will support it. They de.. clard that the vote of the congress wax a snap one, and that at least one great trades “tn, the Amalga- mate Society of ilway Servants. with a membership of 70,000, did not have an opportunity to instruct its delegates on the qgestion. Mr. Sandman, M.P., secretary of the Parliamentary Committee of the Trades Union Congress, said, in an interview. that the vote would not bind the trades unions. It was a mere expression of biased opinion. Secretnrv Annleton. of the General Federation of Trades Unions. spoke in a similar wnv. PROVINCIAL LAW ULTRA VIRES? An Ottaw- deipatch: A fine point in law was mused Ill Hull to-day in the eve against Revillon Bros†of Mont. real. charged with having 400 beaver skim illegally in thin possemsion. The can opened this morning be. fore Magistrate St, Julien. Mr. Bros- an. K. I'., at the opening of the (use. said the intention of the defence was to fight the prosecution "tt the ground that the Indium front whom the ikiru were bought had the right, use. amid the intention of Wu to tight the pmmuti ground that the Indium the "irrs were bought hm under an old treaty in minion. to kill and dispc‘r and that, therefore, the p\ the provincial law were ur Applied to Indians. "rr"'" ___ -ee"" _ The point was newgo the magis- trate and to others in Ne court. and In Mr. Bunny-nu said he had just ar- rived from New York. and had not had time to put hin cast- in proper shape, an adjournment mu granted until Feb. tith. "Nation Army of United Stated Denial Injunction. New York, Jan. 27.--The right of the Salvation Army of the tnitett States"! which Gen. Wm. Booth Is the head. to the exclusive use of that or any nimilur name, was denied to-day by .Iuatiw Nev-hunter in the Supreme Court. Justice Xew1mrger's decision Was on an application made by the Salvation Army of the United State» for an injunction to restrain the Amerienn Salvation Army. headed by James W. Dm'fin, from using that name. Counsel for the applicant. in arguing tur the injunction. declared that the application was made on the ground that the Dullin organization h.ul brought dineredit on the Salvation Arms' of the United State-t. Young Girl’s Head Drum Down tol Pulley. l A Gttvlph ulvsKatch: While working at ' one of the mac inc: in the earpet mills thim morning. Miss Beatrice Thompson, a girl of ill years of age. met with a infill accident. which might easily rl',",,' been attended by fatal results. t3he went around to the luck of the ma. chin. to adjust a part known as the collar-box. when her hair caught in Ill set screw on a revolving shalt. The girl's hair wound round the shaft. and in an instant hcr fave was against ll but moving pulley. One of the men working near heard her sol-ennui nnd had the machinery promptly stopped,! but not before an ugly out ind been l snutninod and the girl's ear split open. I The: live Vanished Off the Yucatan Com. New Torts. Jen. SL-A deapateh to The Tribune from Mexico City srarr.--The Fed- eral Meteorological Bureau has been advised that recent volcanic disturbances ort the tout a! Vac-ten hive clued three bhnde to die-weer. The" inland: were called Ob. im Notre, obupo Bur and Can Knew. They were at wander-hie nine And well known " navigators. There were lever-i 'tuano amps on two at them. Whether the “hangout-e “need to“ of life in not eut- ed. In pieces the Yum-tn Shore line he: New York. Jan. 27.--A despateh to Thelsocialist Plot Dim and Wu Tribune from Mexico City sars:-Tise Fed-i Instruct oral Meteorological Bureau has been advised Berlin. Jan. 27-5 Socialist ferment that recent voleanie disturbances ort the akin to that which is going on here, is on"! of Yucnmn have caused three islands {agitating other cities. A demonstra- to disappear. These islands were called 0b- tion at Brunswick late hat night led ispo Sour. Oblapo Bur and Caro Snow. l to a serious fight between the police They were ot eortaiderattle size and well i and a Socialist mob numbering nearly known to navigators. There were seyerll 2.000 persons. It WM stated that it V“ gum» cttatpt5 on two of them. Whether the binned to entrap the Duke of Meek. submerxeuce ran-ed loss of Me la not sut- renburg. the Regent. when he Wtti, ed. In places the Yucatan Shore line has leaving the court theatre, but he wt" brett comoletelr changed. The harbor at forewarned tutd left the building by a "on?" tttttt had Ita depth greatly de- private entrance at the end of the first. er-ed. . not. Sen midnight, realizing that it - had missed its prey, the mob “tacked FOG INSHROUDS EUROâ€. the police with stones, whereupon the latter charged with their "Fords. Scores It Cour: an Area of About 600,000 were wounded. It Coven a Area of About 6013.000 Square Mites. London. Jan. e7.--Europe is envel- oped in a dense fog. n prevails over the whole North Sea. the English channel, all of England, ens: of a line drawn hom Berwick to Wey- mouth, on the Continent from the south of Norway over Denmark, Hol- lnnd, Belgium, all of Germany and the eastern halt of France.. The tog in most instances is accom- panied with a thick hour host. It covers an area of about 600,000 square miles TO SPLIT " SOCIAUSM‘ HAIR CAUGHT IN MACHINE NAME NOT EXCLUSIVE. ISLANDS DISAPPEARED, _ ----- in One Against Fur lacuna. ' the provisions ot were ultra vires as 27.--The right of of (no tnitro Wm. Booth Is the n- usu- ot that or front the Do- cw of bearer, Mining Pumas of the Steam missing paswlzgers and crew of the stu....r Amstmdam were brought in here safely at noon to-day. 'ihe steamer Amsterdam belongs to the Great Eastern Railway Co. She sailed front Hurwich on January 21st, with I)“ paswengers on board, for Hot- terdam. That nine night the collided with the lhitish steamer Axminster near Xieuw Wtsterweg, and sustained serious dalmgei; Her crew and pin-en- gen left her in small boats, and I" _the boats excepting one were speedily pick- ed_yp. _ _ . . . . The pusnengers in the missing boat numbered 25, and the crew seven. They were picked up by the Norwegian steamer Song: one hour liter they left the Amsterdam in a smell boat. The Songs; mu bound from Harwich for Ryttterdam. The “Ivy-fog which has prevailed prevented the Songquom landing. and made Impossible an effec- tive .iunsreh for the missing people. They were on board the Sonya for two days and a half. When the fog partly clear- ed up this morning the lifeboat Ctutrm see. from Hook of Holland, found the Song". took the party on bond. and br.oidrht them herd St. Petersburg, Jan. 27.-- The conflict between the Emperor and the Douma over the naval plan which entails an expenditure of "00,000,000 is steadily developing'in a direction unfavorable to the realization of the Emptror'n ambi. lions. Nuyfold lactate of Iiuion Work and Giving. , A Toronto despatch: The growth of A‘hristian missions was strikingly shown by Rev. Dr. A. B. Simpson, of New York, foundvr of the Christian and Missionary Allianee,at last night'." meeting of the Ali- linnu- convention in Zion Congregational Church. Less than 3375.000 WAS the whole income of all missionary societies in tho world a hundred years ago; to-dny their combiuvd ineome amounts to $304“),- PT. A hundred years ago there was 'eareely a convert; to-dny there are !l..'mu.l)lm eomtnunieants in the mission l chum-hm. and 5,000,000 nominally friends innd adherents of Christianity. Then I there were perhaps fifty translations of the Scriptures, and comparatively few “with! of out-h in circulation; tn-duy the Illible i1 eiroulated in more than five ‘hundred versions, and more than GOO.. 1 “00,000 copies have been seattvred among ‘tho minim“. A contury ago there was Just a handful of missionaries; to-day I [0.000 British. American and contiu lontal minionuries are at work, besides l 30,000 native workers, nearly 100,001) I workers in all. lA New York Institution Shattered by a 5 the It"ro.r Peet and 'n,""'u'N'1 ttnu , Bomb ieommercial Circles following upon the i N w y rk I" "i.',' l l d : somewhat easier financial conditioner At. 'ho 2.1L LLA." . uh' . _ . ' ’ ihunih twilight Iv.r.eeked the frnfitprlf in? l 'f))',."?,,":',','.:,?,'.' 1228x121? :,p'g,f/"l,r,1',' l ltzilmn bank building on Elizabeth street, , amittnt of railway construction and i c',',',?,']",:.,',',:)',',,'"',",,', fflf1lo In silver and l other work in progress. the vast exteht 1"11',,,',"ld'l" ,t,it/'i"nn'ttr,'utc1e,"i; :22: t of M9222 u,t,ei.e,,q'iichi,',', 1t,fa'lf'llt ' ' . . ." ' , ada, an t e prevailing opinion a e J/e.x,'1,,',i,at,ti.ir ability to pay WM" l money shortage would be overcome. . l . n . cia re- 1 The junior partner._ Salvatore Pati, 1 o?,h,i"1"e, 'tt'a/'tltlr;,U'lfrer'tlr in , who was.on guard inside. was badly tut C Canada during 1907. Altogether, 149 ill). the gum tlet crashed In upon him. trade disputes, affecting 34,694 work. ( but stuck by his charge, and soon had people and causing a loss of 613,986 the money stored away in the vaults. worklllg dass, occurred in 190?. com- If robbery was the object, it is believed pared with ias digpuus “fading 26,014 , the perpetrators were amateurs who lost l irorkpeople and musing ., loss of 489,775 1 courage at the critical moment when the working 3.3.5 in 1900, itomvting treasure was within arm's 2 . --------- l reach of the street. _ uughunnnn I. GALLERIA, TIre scheme, which hi. liokovmff, the Minister of Finance, privately declared spellml ruin to Russian finances, has met opposition in unexpected quartfrs; At :2. meeting held last week of the Council of Imperial Defence, under the presidency of Grand Duke Nicholas Nich- oluieviteh, representative? of the army, opened the regular campaign against the programme. The Grand Duke himself (IN-lured that in his opinion the navy was in an anarehieal state, and a hotbed of mutinies, unworthy to be entrusted with such enormous sums for new con. struetiun. A The 1'ahinot, which unanimously oppos. ml the naval programme, has privately paw-ll the hint among the Conservatives in tlie Douma, encouraging the fullest (liwunion against the programme in or- der to influvnee the Emperor. whose mind hitherto has appeared to be set on in fulfilment. Hook of Holland, Jun Chicago, Jan. 27.---An attempt of the Socialists to bring shout tt "march of the unemployed'; through the down- town streets today to the City Boll re sulted in two 3118}? fights yith the po- lico. in which the would-be marchers were routed after t number of men had been clubbed. Dr. Benjamin Rziumn. the originator of the pin to 'mrch through the streets. and two of his fol- lowers were arrested, RUSSIAN NAVY. Dow and High Officials. AU. ABOARD. iADMlTTED HE GROWTH OF A CENTURY. BANK FRONT WRECEED, T0 ENTRAP THE REGENT. rm: murmur) run. " i. [BELMSVILLE CANDY CASE " 27.--All the) mm) AT ST. cummns, by A St. Catharines, out...desoateht The one against Jam L. Jun, the Beam.- ville Loy charged 1iS,,ttypittty'ef i"- It... u... Ann-A James L. Kerr. the Default, me . T Simple Statement of How a. Doped the Sweet; . poison :1: George RMII,_ wgs opened beloré Police Mugistratg Itiggim yum- day aftetnoon. when evidence ieas given by Russell, .Dr. C. A. D. Fairfield, who sold the poison, and Albert Wright, 00]- in Wadehum, Lorne Konkle, June: Tuf- ford, Leonard Limner, Franklin Hith- man, all of whom swore they new Karr put a powdered substance into choco- lates, which he gave to Bunsen. The doc. tor's evidence was to the Wet that he sold a quantity of mnthuides to Karr, telling him it was poison. but he at- tended Run-ell, who was ill from the poisoning, but after treatment recov- iiid. Kart was sworn and said that on a reeent%tmda.v, when he was in Tuf- foni's livery stable, he heard some one mention mtinrides and decided to get some. According to his story, he and Tufford went to get the drug from Dr. Fairfield, Tufford remaining outside while the prisoner and three others bor. ed a hole in the chocoldte and put the poison in, one of the candies being; only "1ieg,"t given by Karr to Rm I. "he hearing of the (use I was ad jonrned till Thursday. ', While giving his 7 testimony (young Russell fainted and had to be carried to LABOR GAZETTE GIVES REVIEW~0F the open air, Outlook for 1908 Regarded u Favonble, in View of Railway Contraction, Ete.-Htutdred and Forty-Nine Trade Disputes in 1907. Ottawa, Jan. 27.--This month's issue of the Labor Gazette contains an ex. tended review of the industrial and la- ber conditions throughout Canada dur. ing the calendar year 1907. The condi- lion of industry and of general employ- ment is described in the opening Para" graph of the article in part,'as follows: During the first nine months of um the general prosperity of trade and in. dustry and the very active conditions of employment that were more pronouneed in 1906 than in any previous year in the history of the Dominion were continued without abatement. Prices and wages, which went steadily upward in 1906, reached still higher levels in the spring and summer of 1907. With the close of the summer season, however the growing stringency in the money markets of the world begun to be felt in Canada in the way of check. ing the rapid increase in production and equipment, which had been uninterrupt- ed for some time before. The yield of wheat and grain in the Northwest Pro. vinees, and in Ontario also. showed a falling off no compared with 1006, and although the Atlantic. fisheries and coal 'nine" had an exceptionally busy year throughout, with labor in active de- mand. and though the volume of traffic and the earnings of the railway com. ponies were the largest ever recorded, the output of manufactured goods and of the various meal: was less in the closing months of the year than in the corresponding Season of 1900. The hun. lwring industry both in British Coltum bin and in Ontario and the enntern Pro- roinees was also quiet throughout the autumn, with preparations under way for n smaller cut than last year. - A Number of Severe Shocks Pelt in , Several Villages. I Reggio di Calabria, Jan. 27.--A I strong earthquake shook this province ito-day. _ The inhabitants, recalling l the devastation wrought by the earth- Auake of last October, were thrown ,into a condition of frenzied panic. ‘Up to the present time no report ot loss of life has been received. The l, shocks were particularly severe " the Ivilages of Bianca, Brancaleone, Brux. Bano and Ferruzzano. Screaming i?.nd terrified, the people rushed from Ity, houses to the open fields, or ,took refuge in the nearby subterran- l, can grottos. With the close of the season of out. door activity. more than the usual num- her of unemployed were reported in cer- tain of the larger centres. though the prolongation of mild weather in western Canada enabled an unusually large amount of land to be prepared for the season of 1908. During the closing weeks of the year there was a notice- ahle improvement in the general tone of the labor market and in industrial and commercial circles following upon the somewhat easier financial conditions LABOR IN CANADA. peot Unfortunate Yomut Englishman May Laue All Mia Limbs. Lloydminster, Sash, Jan. 27.-Percy Ingram was brought into the hospital yesterday with his hands and feet frog. en. From what on be learned he left a settler's house two miles out to come to town and got lost. Doctors any that the arms are frozen to the elbows and his feet to the knees. and that there is every probability that all will have to be taken oft. Mr. harm is an Eng- iliahmuu. and is said to be a nephew of the Bishop of London. EARTHQUAKE m CALABRIA, HANDS AND FEET FROZEN, iiit POISON IN. CLEVER ESCAPE OF MAN CHARGED WITH CONSPIRACY. Supposed to Rave Shipped During Confusion used by an Explosion. London. Jan. 27.--A despatch [In been received here from Lisbon "ying that Dr. “manna Input, who moon†with the reéent conspiracy to aiow 1!, Premier Franco with I boAtr, made a daring escape to-dny from the San Julia priwn, a strong fortreu It the mouth at thruaagus River. homage of the high social positgon Mlle window to hit tell. With these la of Dr. Lopes permGurt “I aim a unlocked the door and joined his friend. . "P. . . . (iii is supposed to have gone away in party of " friend. to nut him In Pr" (the motor on ding-nines! with bony rim- son. This party went to this' fortress in ‘med motor ‘m od I big coal. T a motor at. A: the automobile dréwl dit "ttie" tstaff s, mhlorgr, in- np in front of the prison a terriiit ex- e .8 t "PP" er, . n "h plouion wu heard. The commander (itll/ttS',',,".,:',','?':':',',','. t,'rifl','v, bribe tbe prison, after 1 brief investigation. innd I reward has been offered for an: ordered that the party be detained and irglmt of Dr. Lopez. T0 ASSASSINATE PREIIER AND OVERTHROW T113033. A PORTUGUESE PLOT It Watt Nipped in the Bud-7hr†Ar- resu Were Made-Many Officer: in Lisbon Garrison Are Dilloyll. Lisbon, Jan. 23 (by courier to Bada. jos, Spain, Jan. 27.--An abortive at- tempt to overthrow the monarchy and proclaim Portugal a republic was nipped in the bud last night by the prompt action of the Government. The plot was organised by a small group of advanced Republicans. As near as can be ascertained. the plan was to assassinate Premier Franco, and then depend for success on street risings, supported by secret, Republi- can and Labor organizations,“armed with bombs and revolvers._' . _ ONTARIO ARCHIVES The conspirators intended to take advantage of various festivities to carry out the coup de'etat. The Royaf family were at Viin Viscose enter- taining the Duke of Abruzzi. Most of the army and navy officers who were in the city were attending a ed performance at the theatre. w ile many of the chief functionaries of State were present at a magnificent bait. " one ot, the Leggtions. . The police discovered what was in the wind early in the evening and surrounded and raided a house where ths ring-leaders in the plot were con- ferring. When they broke in the doors the lights were extinguished. and in the confusion that followed most of the conspirators managed to make their escape. Several of them, how- ever, were captured. including the leader, Joaa Chases, a Republican journalist, who wait; prominent in the Republican revolt of mm; France Bor. ger, editor of Omundo, and a me:- chant by the name oi Qtendella. A 'iiiiiroi" riiavGrund bombs were found in the cellar. A . By to-night about 40 conspirators! had been arrested. The police have: secured evidence of another revolt, planned to take place Jan. 27, the an 1 niversary of the Republican revolt at I Oerto, if let night’s. plans failed. The general political situation is marked by increasing activity on the part of the Republicans and the Mig. uelites. Senor Miguel has announced that his programme‘ includes the rec. (ignition of Ptyriitunent's right of as- semblage. abolition of the death Den- alt}. and all excesses of absolutism. Owing to the political situation the premium. oy gold is rising rapidly. r The Diario Popolar prints a sensa- tional article to the effect that many officers in the Lisbon garrison are under suspicion of being implicated in the conspiracy to overthrow the Government May Not Reduce the Price on April lst as Usual. New York. Jan. 27.--Anthrturite coal interests, according to the Times this morning, are considering the mainten- ance of anthracite coal at present prices intend of following the custom of recent years and reducing the rates by fifty cents " ton on April I. An official of years and reducing the rates by fifty cents " ton on April 1. An official of one of the anthracite cool roads " quot- ed as saying that while the plan of re. ducing the price of cool on April 1 and advancing it ten cents a ton per month fur five months following was intended to distribute the pyodnction and market- ing ifiGiiAG'ny as posxible over the entire year, it had not; had that effect. Children's Aid Societies . Have lone '! trolled the coast f,eflh'PVf,5 mm for Ado tion. ;made enquiries a a 0 an Avt e p I . lchored vessels. Nothing was Toronto, Aan. 27.:ThereA In f scar-10f the boat or its oceupaatr sails Mr. Kelso PRICE OF 'COAL CHILDREN ARE SCARCE, Jdren's 27.--hnthraeite eoal to takeithe.tronyyy An unite: vu returned ities to laying that Woodman In: unknown. 1e Randi?“ police investigated and Wood. . A...'.._ ' man's arrest followed. trttigru were Minna! the 'o""r. but no exphndion of the' explosion could be found. The vUitom were then allowed to depart in their motor car. It was ie‘ernel inter the: Dr. Lopez had t"'tt) during the /'1l1"l'1"ff fol- lowing explosion. bone 'one bad mead him key. through the sitting of the window to his eel . With these be unlocked the door end joiiwd his friend... He i supposed to hem gone away in. the motor on dilguieed with New rim- me_4motortriatdre1Pyig.eou. LORD DEVONSHIRE. Woodmn’s Jam For as. Detroit, Jan. gh-Geo. T. Woodman. alias Lord Devonshire, who on Tues- day evening last married a Miss Scott, of this city, and on Wednesday was arrested on suspicion. will be when back to Toronto to answer the charge of stealing two hundred dollars' worth of_j_ewelry. - --. . h A The arrest of Woodman resulted from a tip that Siegel. the Woodward avenue merchant, gave the police sev- eral days ago Woodman called at Singers store and purchased gowns valued at 3!!) to 3400 for his ride. to-be. but indeed of paying tor the CT' offered I cheque on a Toronto an]: book. W. Siegel kept the bank book and wired to Toronto to find out whether Woodman had funds in the Toronto bank before he delivered Doeompoud Rock round Full of Free Gold. New York, Jun. 2h---The Heuld has received the following deapatzyh from Tommi. Wash: Dawson despotches tell of three new gold strikes in the Upper Yukon. A new creek, known as the Buck Hills, a tributary of the Stuart Raver, but been staked for thirty-three ml es. It is aid that twenty cents to two dollars per pan is being taken from new- ly located claims on Little Blanche Creek, in the Klondike district. The Lit. tle Blanche Ind been overlooked for ten years, but will probably make sword large fortunes. A _ Three Peel River Indium have reached Dawson with ample: of decomposed rock full of free gold. They my the rock is plentiful where they got it, and a committee of quartz miners has tur- rmrtpanied them back to investigate. This year's clean-up, including summer work. is now enchanted ct can millions in gold. . Hook of Holland, Jan. 27. The small boat trom the steamer Am- sterdam, which “ms in collision yes- terday with the steamer Axminsler, which contained n number of per- sons who abandoned the vessel, is still missing. It contains 21 passeng- ers. the steward, three siewardessea. [a sailor and two firemen. The fog, ‘which ha been practically continu- om for tour dnys, is as thick as ever. The sea remains calm. Tues and life- boat: searched for the missing boat tor hours today, and policemen pa. ltrolled the coat looking father and iTdt enquiries about! of meld n- chored ,retrtrtr1ts. _Nothing was {earned Young Englioh [echo-i: Fond Dying in His Room. A Toronto despatch: The injuries, wif- inflicted. which led to Eugene Chandaa. a young English madame, being taken to St. Michael‘s Hospital yesterday, re. sulted in his death yesterday afternoon. He was (nun: lying mums his bed at Hughes' restaurant. 38 West Market street, at about 11.30 yesterday morn- ing, with a couple of bullets in the right side of his head. Chandos worked for the W. & J. G. Greey Company as I. mechnnie, but had been sick for two days and not at work. In his pocket was found a pawn ticket for his watch. He had only been "tat" ried six months. An inquest is not considered necessary. No Trice of the at Passengers Anagram. Gait Four-Year-Old Wu About to Hun- mer Stick on 8mm Galt. Jan. 27.--A four-rear-pid, mem- ber of the family of John McKenzie, would", trvseovered wtuit the youngster termed "I nice toy." It wu in the shape of I cylindrictl stick, mud op ex- amination was found to be dynamite. It is over a foot long, and the child wag about to hammer it on the kitchen stove, when the mother interposed, and prevented m explosion that would in“. wrecked the house Ind killed the I inmates. _ An expert, who disclosed the nature of the "tor," aid there Wu enough of the explosive to destroy I Mock. The child said he Wu given the phythtng by some boy- pusing the home. ENDS LIFE WITH REVOLVER. DYNAMITE AS CHILD'S TOY, NEW KLOIDIKE STRIKES BOAT Sim. MISSING, of the 213m: Thirty-two In build two hump: of modern typo to my new vale! contracted for by the Gar-u any but taken seriously in Berlin. The opinion pvt-nil- that . damper will be put on the project in the British l’ulhmt. The publication of the plum of Mad ha Md tho effect of guiding oppodtiol to the ttVF budget of Gamay, however. L cElitllaNsllihll?tmEIL an.-. v. ...._.._,, -_i"i"' Col. than“. naval expert of the Berliner Tegetatt, in of the opinion that all the what!“ and for h Ile, budget of I908 will pun. The. tiirpropriatioe" cover the first to tho foul-ch instalments on the {allowing ships: Nine battleship. of which t3 LTALry for senile; tour unnamed cruisers, of which one has My been backed. - thertlyerI ye pygm- all! couple“; nix 'mll cruheu. twenty-four torpedo boats of the an. typo u the ttaT' gunner under. And on river gun _ .t. " or than t,aiiuahip'q sen-n will be of the Dreadnought type, and it is rumored that three will be even larger. The tom battle ship- buildig {or Germany have an average displacement of more than 18500 (on. and the armored _ era under construction disptttetttentts of from 5,000 to 10,000 (on. min. uqu up!" u: .v,wv w..- --. During the next three your; that buttlenhlp- and one nnnorvd Anise? will be built and: your. A; the bui in; of that ships will occupy but three you". two year. leu than the time mini“ in France to build such vessel. and 00anny In: “an the United sum and England take to mmplde Iimilnr ships, Gamay will It the and of Ill“ have slam-on hattkuhipn of the Drud- nought type and five armored cruisers of the Invincible type. Btsrther, the Berliner 'Narbutt's ox- pert nhowa that Germany in men will have a fleet of foet.voovett battleships, of which thirty-two will have man than "in†con- diaplaooml-nl. and twenty modern armored cruisers. Germany thus intends to mud second in rank to Eng- land an . naval power. Barcelona Citigens Richer by One limo. W, Jun. 't.--mte "rrordo" Hint. ttrl, in the (hi-stun: national lottery been Won by ticket No. 2.048. pur- oiuotl here. Berlin, .1... et.----"'. that to This chum the lucky holders to 81.070111». The third and nix“: prizes worth “55â€) lid "WN, respeedvely, alto cone to W. The ticket. were chiefly sold in tenth parts, In! this! again were dis ided and nub-divided, 00 tut new-ml [mm paddling in the great prize. One-tettth Wu bought I? n tailor mun-d Morrell, in the Plan del ' and be share. Slut. ooo with his wmkpeople. - 'An "mum in the establishment of Mean. ivaa I Gal-(sin, who bomht the whole of the ticket which secured tho third priae, had in unfortunate experi- ence. The vuhier some dny" nun asked hint for " the youth's 'sham, in tlae ticket, but the youth replied that he had only Applied for . ohillinx'u worth. H" consequently get» only tt quaru-r of why. he might have had. A when Ak' wine the “aunt. and customer- clubbed together to buy a dare also gets . tenth part, and A young man who wu married In the drawing took place nu not " he was leaving the altar with his bride on his arm uld told that he wu the owner of neverul thousand pounds. A drug store in the Cullr de la Di, putaeion give away fraction-l purl-t of I ticket. to ita customers u an in. ducement to pun-haw. and mIqu-ru of servants. mil 'rhopktwpers, pu- linemen and soldiers are to-day the rt of unrx ted sum. t'ttru't tlrlr,'l,l :50 to 3100 222... . Aitogethei, Bamlonn ii rieher In; "mm for the big windfilln in II: lottery. I. am to Butch Carrot From Stage He Crates a lone. Paris. Jun. 27.--An elephant continual the orrlnutrn " the 'rtieatre de Vario- tie at Bait-r» last night under exciting cirvtstttestauceh. The mmdut-wr held out I carrot to lulu just an he u'u making his bow from the guy. and in 'suqrping forward rather too III-Lily to get, it, the elephant brought down the front of the sum, and, accompanied by two all“ which were performing with trim, era-bed into the orchestra below. Two “and.“ were The animal, whose use in Tiny, was very much annoyed. He caught the con ductor mud the “it! with his trunk. and after “Vina him in the air for n moment or two, threw him out among the audience. There “a I My pain. but This black keeper pecan-d“! hin charm- to dumber up In Improvised M‘s-1y to the may gain, and got him tsack to his shed without further incidcnt. mu autumn m 1900. (he of the Eaisefs Office" Sent " Pot-dun, Jan, ST.-. The military court of honor ordered by Emperor Wi,. turn to try General Count Von Ho. hermu, formerly an Mints-t to the m- peror, not ee"eodtr..tf the guard corps. Ind Major Count Johannes L, ttat' campletod it. baring today. Count, Lyn-r "II lolud guilty of Ihualing hits authority on six equals. four of which REM to insult: " insttbordirmtew. and on five other 00..“ clinging mural up". And Wu sentenced to fifteen month In Sail. Count Von Rohemo wu acquitted. PM um M the uni- any. Hobonnu I short time ago Wu "Him-d to resign his position in the nrmy In- caule he was accused of being one of tho so.eatlrd “court cum-hills" exposed by “on Burden. editor of the Zukuft. The Ill-£6 of both General You Mo. hen“ and 'htior Lynn were banal“. My ill» the uni-lolly during the mat Mil-Von Howie W1. ELEPHANT IN ORCHESTRA. BIG PRIZE IN MY. ABUSED ms AUTHORITY. ‘..‘-I Hull-1y“ " “M "