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Durham Review (1897), 13 Feb 1908, p. 9

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H) 'NW-FEMALE "mm - our _ L! la; SALE ‘02 SA of SPANKING. IN P." to ltd It!“ “on. W a. Aer M. Madam. rob. Vt.-Kinit Carlo,, died' Murray 3 poor man. HU entire fortune (0mm. vine" wr rd of ins-unlit! polirirs held by the King _ m-ighlmrh of Portugal In seettr'ttien for advance» l self m made. After these repayments have been 'jeweiiers, made it in dad-red there will not re- W..ta Worth “than" Pram in now leaving Por. tml, but he do” not tak. this stop because he is trying to forstet Mu no“ and bulk-in. but I’m-mm- he desire, to amid the nun-inn for further political dist-Imion which would only inflame- the [random of the moplv." ht eonehtrdtort the spokesman for the ox-Pwmior said he thought it probable- that Henhor Franco "virtually would ml to Switmhnd. t Jr", "_..'" [Ill' I'llnl)" "rowel. The" Wu no Mule demon "rntinn. The Spania'h flovrrmnent "e ”32:1! a detective to swampany Fram" to the frontier. Svnhur Franco. when approached 101 an interview, explained that umlvr H" dream-tam. he preferred not to talk but. ntsthorUrd 1 member of his party tn rumor-n» with a representative of the Amid-ted Prev. and any for him that be nuffered no "mono for his conduct m a qtateunan. tht the ee"ttrary. he was Ctrml, Pon. rimied that the policy be Ind minim-d Was the when one puniMe. “Portugal mrq in I Mate of "iumoraNatton.'r an id the apokeumn for .abrithor Frauen. "and every ext-em of liberty. tab-day. while and teh; gull" P, "I the '"'rvottanes, -ired the ”din-mom While is not Known. ' ttstu train is duo 1 r.hsr. that the e Seahor Franco is tends placing his Franco 'u armmp and Nenator v...“ south the fr NIH Ind the 1 here In: emin-Dy at Uh have resolved aha” not lulu 'vNuorve, hem limp.) by on“ “It”, Pi W,...: - “use: has I "Pinio- h". in h letter gang". tg Premier Fania, I "My nrar pm tiele Mr, of the C. the mm mm " t will fix ttse "no“ list. An l A--:__ A [X'Plemier am!” " accompanied b.; ml Nuntor Novo, " il “In former Pr-g... 't Carlos Was 1 Poor Man Lisbon "press mum. Mt, of the I‘ll 'tttmt ttx the am as, I dun. .5. ‘M JGMANUEL WANTS NO MONEY NOT AUTHORIZED BY CORTEZ - - u... mum but. other; de. at the nominal dc-Ungtion of Franco is Germ-g, when he in- wing his mm in . university. L1 arrompunied by his wife, son ttor Sm“. " intimate friend. mun Premier Iliwlayed 'trettt [Ha at the rnitr-, ..._u .. by P'H’Hunent," In.“ 1...,” u tl, Fri). lo. -Erpre, lac-um ””3 for the tie hand. trembled held fell to the n" rmuirv " 'Nli"kly "ntrrrst I am. when approached to: ', “pm-m1 that "min;- the q he pnhnod not to talk, Pd 1 member of his party to a a "'prrsettttttive of the Tm, and my for him that no "mane for his eottdttet “-r-n , at the milroad a re, '"eompanietd tr; and entered by a “he" of his Vening " 8 V" w.) " liste mum an he "PP-tun] a“ to is Germ.” wi ' his 90tt in . scrim" attempt Wtt: D a. "public. ll now having Por It; not him this no; in: to forstet Mu not- beestmse he denim, tr ' Dough; Where tl Nome ‘19th to . N a‘ttw’lm --The My." l Muted l hes tslsso It by King 1 ll follow. trem the "er Hs completed. tf n duping c . . a". and "at nothing wu further iron, Me the pulls-at their him]: than a propagndn of (one. I tu. Inn", 1 Hr aid he in entail: the nonarcllinl I. royal tron-my 'er. in qutugal wu doomed ttf.tut of my rescuin- Ht would die out peacefully within I [ ha . en , few years. There would. however, be no I? ve beee “u” E violence. The day" of the barricade are "tone. forever, Mac-hath mid, and in this , Madrid Jae haunts up mightier than bullets. ', " in nnnuunrod to-day that Capt. PPR-Ker Fallen. Azevede ' outinlm has been appointed is " Who! i Civil Go ornur of Lisbon. This is the P f, eft . . . . . . , o'eh,ek an thr, fir-t time m e's,rhtevn yin"! that '.l mili. . _ _ tary ofiiver has hem named to fill the tieket, only to ' post. tey are bound for I It l ti PY', Paris, where , - Announced a an u non. trt " <i'd.- trnrk m. to the "I. "non Allrvmmd- " the rumma- hostile demon. ;ow-nmwnt "e. UMP-n)“ Franeo 'Pat Goes City Par, t 90 that' the' Died a Poor iid 't "a: of the t . good in. I the text of . l ”loud to I ntation. He by mural ride than ts tor his " to: her York, Feb. J0.-on indictments 'ttu, :vhnrging cottNrirtwy to defraud the that United States Government Ernest W. duet . iierbracht, chief sugar expert of the _ American Sugar Raining Company, and mm . awn-n other "minim“ of the Sugar Trust um! nrn- arrested JeluTday and taken be- "gml , fore Judge (Hatfield. in the Circuit mid , Court, brmiklyn. Herhracht and those 'and imlirlml uith him plvaded not guilty and 1.31.. \u-n- remaudml under bait lity, The indictment of Hrrbracht is one ot [pm _ the Mulls ot the investigation of the will February Grand Jury to learn who was _ reNroueilale for the manipulation of the hut prints on the Williamsburg pier of the N." American Sugar Refining Company, by m]; which, it is alleged, the Government has narl , been defrauded out of thousands oi dol- l'he ‘ hm in the last few you". ‘P the to rigidly "uioree " panam- of bake cirsn the mail. and Murray to Another Fake Circular Promoter Ar- rested Yesterday. 1'0 days ti the Post " uncut-d. Murray hm we with vi Sugar Trust Employees Charged Fund. . New York, fab. Jo.-on indic I Purim Feb. l0.-The Fraulein to-day de. elaren that immediately after the unsan- silmtionx of the King and the Crown Prince of Portugal on Saturday, Pre. mier Franco rushed to the Ministry and ment a cipher telegram to the Premier of Slain. Ho announced a revolution in Portugal an imminent and unavoidable, and mid it was bound to have a direct rem-tinn in Spain. He asked the Spanish Premier if he Would (-nnM'nt to intervene in Portugal in run:- tln- lives of the King and Queen Were threatened. On receipt of this mes- ulge Premier Maura immediately vom-) munimtml with King Alfonso and tum-1 tturned u “mini-t ttttwt for ti drive]: the] next morning. The next day there was] nun-h activity in the military centre-A of l Spain. , urmy hm hoe-n Handing the l'ru- l' with circulars particularly the hlmrhuml of \Vhithy. tlescrilsink him- In Murray J: l'o.. manufacturing llers, Mrttuven urn-t east. aiming worth of jewelry for 80-- GO units " in nnnmmcoJ to-day that Capt. Aaevede Huninho has been appointed Civil Go "nor of Lisbon. This is the first time in etelttevn yarn that a mili. tary oftieer has hoe-n named to fill the post. SCALES WERE TAMPERED WITH l main More than $30011) to be distributed to tube hair: of the king. Netthor Malinda. leader cf the Repub- Wan party, in an interview to-dny, de. niwl indimmntly that than: was any con- nection between his Party nad the u- nminntiom, whivh the party deeply re- gretted. Malinda explained that the re- publicam were on oppositional group. that their couns- had been perfietly le. gal. and that nothing was further from their minds than a prong-ud- of lam POST OFFICE BUSY. _ Murray ii the semml miin that Ittwector Henderson nmm- duff has caused to Uris-king Carlos {Japanése Steamer Seizgd by Custom: f Officers Near Yuan. _ l Hon}: Kong. Feb. I0.--4hinese Imperial customs officers this afternoon Mind I l Japanese steamer near Yucca, which was ”Inkling arms on Chinese territory. It is etlleged that the arts were intended for revolutionista under Dr. Sun Yet Sen. the leader of the "vohttiortttrr party in China. With A Toronto dehsateh.. Will J. Francis. who was arrested on a eharge of making fraudulent use of the mails, came up in tlse Police (but: yesterday morning, and (hi. Deni-ion remanded Aim for a awk. The detectives want to make fur- _llwr enquiries regarding the prisoner's methods of doing business, and the ad. wrtisenu-nts inserted by him in the evening papers. In the meantime the due. turs at the jail will examine Frauds to ascertain if he is quite me. Doctors Will Examine and Report on Toronto Fakiz’a Story. ] Grown Hue Fixed Up Regulations for I. Buyers. Wisuup1ur. l’I-h. lu.--TIre draft of Hm I "t as: prepared by the Grain Grower; Association. to meet their view, upon the requlrenwnh of the grain trade. him practically [mam-d tlie ('ummittee ai Ag- riculture. and will he rr'ported to the House without "Iteration. It is radical in its provisions, and is termed cottfie vatory by tbs Im-mlmrq of the exchange. hut Pretirier llul-lin has promised it his unqualified "upport and given asun- um-v that it will paw the Hrur,v with. out " smitemw being ttltetvd. The grain dealers are up in arms nn-r the sumnuum-nwut, and claim that only sliuor,t.r,tuiiaation of the grain trad-3 can i'tocult. ,w ._ - ...~.. tm “nun”, and Dr. Britton D. Evams, the allienist. visited Thaw “Hilly. Mr. Pmbudy said that Thaw dot-s nut want either his wife or mother to Mm him in the hospital, and that he has changed his vieus on (that point mincy rtutehirtrtlve hmpitnl. l, Mr. Pt-nln'nly paid no action would he :tnkvn to-tluv to whim“ Than-u .-..I...._.. Wianiyrsa, PM). lu.~¥l'h bill to amend the Grain I ter, if prepared by the 1 Attained of Position, Auk: Relative: to Keep Away. Fishkill. X.Y.. Feb. lit., Harry K. Thay has realm-sled that neither his wife nul- his lumbar visit him while he is in the Mlle- lJuspitul for the Insany ut Mattva. wan. ' A Toronto despatrlt: While S-yrar-ohl (hhitie “my was mom in the kin-um ol iher home at 7-3 'lh'rauley street at 3.30 o'clock yesterday afternoon aha I'm upon “1w stow, which was red-hut. 7 yhe was so 1veakened by tho “hock that. no anaeMhettie could he adminis- tvn-d, . Detective McKinney fuund the little girl in n frightful commit)“. McKin- my out the little oue's frock away and saturating some cotton in oil wrapped her in it. Mre was then removed to the Hick Children‘s Hospital in the police ambulance. Her clothing caught fire and sh" ruaed screaming from the mom. She was seen by a Murder in the house. her mother and father being almev.t. The man tore off his mat and wrapped it about the child. LANDING ARMS IN CHINA, Eight-Year-Old Katie Riley Falls on Red Hot Stove. A. Bum” Peabody, of "Owing to the fact that none of the uhjwtimm held against the monthly and m-ekly periodicals and newspapers exist in the daily pro“, the Canadian Post or tie" Department, “ith the consont of England, agreed to the amendment." THAW DOESN’T LIKE ASYLUM. Ottawa, Feb. l0.~The following was given out by the Post Office Department to-day.. "An unen‘dment has been made to the convention negotiated between (“anode and the United States, as re- gard. the postage on daily pen. Daily newupnpers now charged an cents a I pound will in future be one cent a pound. I Weekly newspapers and periodicals re. l mam the same, four cents a pound, un- I der the treaty negotiated in May last. , and which hon now been in existence for ; Mime months. lt has been found that ;all the objectionable class of matter, , which owing to the different classifica- l, tion of the two countries was being sent I into Canada from the United States, has I entirely diaappcared from the mails. It I has also been ascertained that this class l of matter is entirely confined to the so- called monthly or weekly periodicals. and newspapers, and that these objec-r tions do not exist, so far as the daily m-Wupuper is concerned. It has also been found, owing to the close connection necessarily existing along the borders of the two countries. and the remoteness of many of the people from the daily pres.- of either side. that considerable. objection existed to their having to wait for the daily press of their respective] countricw. when owing to the contiguity; of the citiei of either side they werel‘ able to obtain the daily papers of the ‘ other country early in the day. It was I also found that a great number of daily 1 papers were taken for the purpoézes of!“ fyle on either side of the line. _ l POSTAGE dy DAILIES How an the rest to be paid-in ”mug" i.irrf?)hne_rsts of so cents. ' _ Objeqtionn to United States Publica- tion Does Not Apply to the Daily Pre-Co-tence of Semen Along the Boundary Considered. REDUCED non FOUR CENTS TO ONE CENT A POUND. FRANCIS REMANDED. money, retreived in answer tn advert mum. tyifererttewentiru, the hm inst ments of 50 0mm paid on the jewetty Murray " a nurrieJ mm with I" Milan-n. and was a printer in South . When ut premises a: found not n at a mtcre. I GRAIN MEN was». CHILD TERRIBLY BURNED. In 'kteetive Walllcé slraiehed the be. a: 129 Queen street east .hr 1 not n trare of jewelry or attempt "tcr", Inst there Wtt4 about $16 in y. retreivy0 in artorer to advertise. Hg alum-d. I are up in arms own and claim that only the grain trade can ".-The dradt of the lrain Ewlmngv ehar. “('ll Thu w Thu W's coun-‘vl eurlry ur attempt 'um Often was ahout $16 in , . . ,Wer to ust-rtiu- This Bribe '2 the hrvct inst tll. I w I: _ Jewels Found " Thebel May Decide the [ question. ( Londnn. Feb. l0._There is great in. [ tort-st here in the announcement eabled ‘p'mtorday of the finding of jewels of the wife of Seti If. Dr. Wallis Budge of the British Museum and other Egypt ologists in London have received new: confirming the report of the find. The discovery, aid an expert, is a further triumph for Theodore' M. Davin. who is backing the excavations in the \‘alley‘ of the Kings. . The importance of the find lies in the not that though them nanny of the Queen has not beenfound, the. to 'A Southern Tail-Twister in Court at i ("Mi tteat new,“ Flagel, Emery 1 Emerson, Man. 'Nmbllerc and Matthew Moran up tor . . "' . r Emcrson,Man., Feb. Io.- “(some Folk trial on "h"r.gy of manslaughter in l of tne t tttted Mam-5 secret 'serxtee, and connection with the death of August lucphow of Governor Folk, ot Missouri, Wank in the collision between a C. l "no m" utte,,ted here r':?,";'?.),?,,',,).',,", tl l P. It. freight train and an elwtrio ieltatT.re of kidnanin two Cattrt inns, . . o.. . "I : “in”: he accused Iult' juggling his: Dec. I'" . on Jan. 3rd, at the Jumtmn of -o-mlu-r, appeared in court to-day, and lszlgl'tun and lkoolnvpml avenue-s. . l with tt show of bravado and conu-mpt rhe 1l1f'1P"t.c".n'1fe.rtd thut. tv'nile it1rr Canadian offieials, declared i,ii,.ii,ii,tt,'.til was no eriminal Intuit on tlm , Ptusitleut Rimsewlt would fotve justice part of any of the three accuswl. on I for him. He refused to " bail, prefer- {the part of at least .uvo there Wei I rim: to not the martyr by lying in jail. ( negligence. In Moral” pr the- magis- , 'llu- case was remanded until Monday. trate Waig vtloubtryl. Owing however, l Full; has been on duty near the to the wording of the statute, he fol: (boundary for several years, and hug constrained to send Moran up for , made “Sum-If mm! unpopular by petty,trial. , yruseeut.ions fur infringement of the (‘lli- f ----_---- l , tomy hum. A number of _these charges ( wttrr " ERROR FOR DR. KAYE. (have implicated United States Iruqtom , _.__~ loffivinh. and often one bottle ."f wlris. , (new Convicted of Counterfeiting? 'kvy rrprrsertted the amount involved. Released on Bail It was Folk who caused the arrest ofi . hum Northern Pacific train offir'iuls furl Springfield. I.lh. Fob. 'oc-clade, Grum- . ismuggling a plug of T. & B. smoking imp of the United sum Circuit (‘nnn His prnlmswrs to-day declared that Knvnnngh in now as advanced as Par. m-ll. He will be elected unummed. n: Hm Stun Frill party has no hold on the country. Dublin, Feb. I0.-The recent selection: of MeMuraugh 1iamnagh as candidate for the I'arliamentary vacancy by the Natiotualist convention at Carlow i. im. portant and significant. Mr. Kavanagh was an extensive landowner in Lein., "ter, but has sold his estates. He is the sun and heir of Knmnagh of Boris. who during the Disraeli period was id'ilder of the Irile Unionist and Land. lord party. He himself was Unionist eundidnte for East Gnlwuy in 1886. but ioined the Dunraven movement. Becom- ing convinced that devolution would not "ork, he hos now declared for home rule. and signed the pledge of the Irish ll party. "t) Moll AND BUGGY: "tr McMunugh Kavanagh is Out for Rule. Youngjiargia wan phued in jail. He was raving like a maniac, and the offi- cers were compelled to drag him to is said. spoke to his son about drinking. and a quarrel resulted. Father and son stepped behind a counter in the atom. when the son, after only a few minutes’ 1xtnvereation, drew a revolver and fired five shots. Four took effect, Judge Har- giu falling dead. t James Hutu, A Prominent WRONG-BEADED OFFICIAL. FORMER KENTUCKY JUDGE SHOT IN HIS STORE. A posse, was immediately orgnnized and proceeded to Mr. Btrielrland'i home. The dogs failed to tnke tail away from the house. and suspicion fell on one of Mr. b'trieklttnd's sons, I lad of about " years. He was brought to town shout noon yesterday, and in a private exima- tion he stated that he had shot his father at the request of his mother, who promised him that if he would kill his father she would give him a mule and buggy from the father's barn. Strick. lund‘s wounds, although serious, are not fatal, WHO WAS PHARAOH? Mobile, Ala., Feb. 10.-)ews received! here frm Boniface, Fin., any: email! arable excitement prevailed in that town when the report that J. A. Itriekund,,l raiding three miles north of here, had L been shot in his room while sitting by; a window, by an unknown unilnnt. , The report reached town immediately I after the shooting by e eon of Mr. Strickland, who came post haste for the doctor and eheriff, the latter wiring to Dufimiu for blomlhounds, which arrivedl on the late train. AS RADICAL AS PARNELL. Breathitt County Fonds, tparrened With Hits Son Beach-Latter Mun dated the Old Man. KILLED BY SON. net Offers tbreardd tur; ThuBribetoKillhther. l nnlpking Figure in Quarrelled Home 1 London. Feb. 10. The Associated Puma is officially authorized to declare that there is absolutely no truth in the re- port that the British Squadron in the Pacific is to be materially increlml. No change. whammy; are being made or are eontemplitted in the China squadron. and the British Government has not the slightest intention of refining the old Pacific fleet, which former y had its hue at Eequinult, B. C., and which is not "presented by a oolitary aloop of w”. I Springfield. IO.. Felr. ").ccntdge Gross, Imp of the l‘nited sums Circuit Court (of Appoals granted a writ of unm- and fsuperrsedeus in the (use of the Rev. Dr. Kaye. of Oak Park, Ills., who mu con- xieted of counterfeiting and Kenn-med . to two years in the penitentiary and who has been in the jnil annex here pending the action of the higher mun; Dr. Kaye was this afternoon admitted to bail. He is a native of Camuia. having been born and reared in Wood- I stock, Ont. N0 CHANGE IN BRITISH FLEETS, mum Story Employees of Electric Railway to Face Trial for Manslaughter. mum's: dt-apnlvh: Magistrate Wlieete Mr Genille is ti was born In 1mm lungswy, near l the Lm'c-m'uwn mu'mu-u-y dates ”on: the lqu- ot _ mum-s 1., by whum n was vmncrrvd on the tummy In the year ttttt [or spatial nerncc rendered to Jury, gum-n of Nuts, " grandmother, warn unprnsuuvd. Mr my!” Lave-urn» 1m- Cave died at the age of M, and his Witt. ow, the mother ot Sir UHIHIP, uurun-u mm. [ Although heir to one of the oldest Baronetcies in the kingdom, Put' “hum puny uevetoped "unman- tetutettctes, and mm been raving about the worm [Holly much all his Me. He “em. to mom, sun-u m we "oer war, wus known on the t hum coast, crossed the t’aunc to Nun N'uucmco, and [many dnneu “no the mummy but, and " Is sand took up cmv-puncnulg tor a ttvetiliood. hem-uh), wnh me mm that he mu m tue Wen, .ur. James "ryce, the “mun Ammo“- our, asked the local authorities. to look New York,Feb. IO.---) Genille Cave- Brown-Cave, the Englishman for whom British hlwyeru have been searching for over " year, turned up this morning on board we “lute Mar line steamship “A”, milling mr ,,ouvlsasptou. Ai. umugu he wouul not mung: In: uncu- uwn, " .5 unmlmuuu tits: Hun-nu rt" turns to take up we esulu to wnu‘u me tell new When bus father, angMyne-A L.u'e-m'uwu-kuve, mud on annual; .5, mm. SIR GENILLE CAVE-BROWNE-CAVE BOUND FOR ENGLAND. Had Been Cow-Punching in Weltern state.--' Rover-known in Indie and on the China Coast-Served in the Boer War. SENT FOR TRIAL AT OTTAWA. Owing to the snow piled in front of! the building the firemen had great diffi- I unity in raising ladders to take down the tenants. Aa a result. many werel overcome by smoke and cold. and were) carried to the hotel across the street,r where they were attended by doctors. l The isiriidiitrdiriiiiiiiiiiirtTiri, ex tent of $25,000. on the icy grating and fell to the paw ment, She died a few moments later. brick apartment building at the north- West corner of Columbus avenue and 8eventieth street early to-day. The blaze is supposed to have started in the drying room of a laundry in the base- ment. and owing to lack of water pres- sure spread with such rapidity that the occupants had little opportunity to reach the street. Margaret Landon. 21 years old, fell from the fifth floor and was fatally injured. She had been stand- ing on the fire escape waiting for the ar- rival of the firemen, when she 'wlippvd .‘n au., t F-- ___=. . _ .. . _-_. "av-u d-WT' lllKHl. The Math states that on account of the gravity of the situation in Moroccn. which shows no signs of improvement, lordcrs have been issued for the umbili- "ation of an army corps and colonial Fiiiiii', gartiaonod in France. Foreign i Minister Pichon, however, announced at “he Cabinet meeting to-day that the !'Government had no intention of send- l ing an additional army corps to Mo. m New York. Pets. 10.--One woman is dead and seven! person: are in the hos. pital suffering from injuries u the result of a fire which destroyed the fiveustorey brick Fatal Elfin a New York Aw. neat Building. FELL TO HERDEATH. bracelet». the huge gold uni and I eight-“ply worked ring “tingle: he- l censor-is. will tell the story of her life. They may gisprove the claims that Ram. I eses II. was thel'hamott of the Exodus l and enthrone Seti H. and his Queen “1 the krulen with whom Moses talked. : T' - 1.44:, . . - Story Denied u Absolutely Without Foundation. LOST BARONET. Convicted of Counterfeiting Released on Bail. M. HI.. Felt. "h-r/udp, Urns» 1utited sum. Cireuit ('uur! unmtvd a. writ of H'rur and - - -'e_... .".V.lV62" .dv"6ro. Main ftf.tes.tltat, on account of the twelfth Baronet, and ll. 't he mmin mm! in m Warrington, mulcmmw. ONTARIO ARCHIVEé TORONTO nee i Albany. N. Y.. Feb. 10.--Thres, more hills aimed at gambling were introduced in the Assembly to-day. One would prohibit gunbling in curd gnmm in clubs, residences and hotels, and pro- hibit lotteries at kin given for chari- table, religious or other purposes. An. other defines Iotteer as any kind of a sum of chance. The third bill would repeal the " hulking emttmee. h the sale of stock. and bonds. Unsure: Introduced in the Assembly. --- “nun-nu, u: ‘0" 310mg?! N un- doubtedly "oryreeted uith the {inane-ill ombumument of the Hvrnum Empire and the difficulty in finding: a solution satisfactory to the various Slum; and political parties. The rain-me}; of Von Sump doubted'ly "oryreeted “ill: the [ [in Been Adopted by Chamber of Depu- I ties " Paris. Pariah-h. 10.-lhe bill approving the [convention between Pram!- and (MIME I w“ adopted in the Chamber of Donna“ {tom} by a very large majority. M. (bolas showed that (bumda by eonHud. ginz with France a mutventiun for ten your-t had followed a fur-sight“! policy lwhic'h would protect her industry] but l he considered that the French boot mull Lhm: indlutry. which was of great im- l! portnnce, would be u_u.favorably affect. I ed by the new convention. I l ht, Klotz, speaking for the Custom” iot"r:titsi1sn, said the mnwntiun safe. i guarded France’s absolute liberty in the gimme. The Chamber might ratify it 1 without fear. Berlin. Feb. If). -lt was announced today that Freiherr You Isa-nae]. wremry of the Imperial 'rretorurs.. has unsigned office. His successor has not. yet. been named. Secretary of German Treuury 1 -Pailed to Solve Problem M. Siegfried said the omn'mnk sufficiently advantageous to _ commerce and industry. (Chm-n.) In. w, Armstrong, 14min unto, John l Krempt, James Doll, John Ellis, Laney C Long, J. F. Johnson, Jiauriee Richmond. 1harles E. Wells, Thoma; Dawson and John Weidner, the latter of New York city. Richmond is said to he the head l of the policy game that is run in all 1 parts of the United States in (-mijurlo 1 tion with the lottery. Jameson in the printer who got out the tickets for the Fort Erie drawings. The tslips bearing the numbers of win. lneru are said to have been distributed in Cincinnati, St. Louis, PittUsurg and I New York. The Skt'ill of evidence pre sented was eompleted to the law: detail, it in mid, irefore it was sulmiitterl to the Grand Jury. The tieketq were trot-"d fl‘litll their mun-e to the holder. and th,, sales, stlots.ueu, il.l.l or, ". _ are lhilid to have been discovered and with» I logued, I . The game front one end to the other " laid to have been played by the de- iteetivee until they felt that they had a lone. This was prmen to-duy when the Jury reported. Has l, Cincinnati, Ohio, Feb. 10. EIew-n of ificials of . Fort Erie, Ont., lottery (known as the Canadian Art l'ninn were l indicted by a l'nitvd State. Grand Jury uni-day at Richmond, Ky., urn-r worm. tserviee men had been working on the (min.- for wed-s. Hi.- 1;: a: i.rlue.r,l an 't Eli. W. Armstrong, 14min Unto, John HARD TO PLEASE EVERYBODY THREE GAMBLING BILLS Had ELEVEN OFFICIALS INNCTED " RICHIOND, KY. FORT ERIE LOTTERY. termi, _~Subsequenfly the Blitutt Government took the negotiations upon its shoulders, finally sumeeding in bringing Rainuli to 1":in hue under an “con hum tne l bandit Raisuli, who has held him under l bondage for the past sen-n momma. l Ilse uptw-e of Knitlulan was carefully planned. [it “I Ii 0‘ to meet Raisuli nlone and agniqt the advice of hits companion. in ah to persuade the bandit chief in ”gnaw a peaceful mode of life and 61th- lawn of the country. Lam, isuli sent 1 mes-age to the Sultan - nouncin the 'de-th of the oommunllor of his ut. guard, and informing his MdjeUy that he would hold the Gen. oral a prisoner until terms that he sub. mitth.to the Sultan were gunned.‘ These tom ineltrded the payment. of I lug! indemnity and hid reappoint ment tn the Goytrnomht'p of Tangier and other high offices. mad. Inf [may Arrives at Tangier After a Bandage of Seven Months. Mac! FRANCO-cumin TREATY, t Been Working Under Name Canadian Art mtion-Evidettce Secret Service Men Said to Complete to Last Deni]. Tangier with“ n Imnmn Feb, and 'AI sht- mu taken to the institution I Tet':'" of , " Mrs. Kolgarr. shriek“! and moaned under l', :3: . the dam-ion that she I!!! being separ- gen "n'lL',1'l11'1ig,i2e and frum her tmrdnysuld baby in order no dumber of Dopuup. that inuginury ot"miem might kill it. , urge majority. M. Mrs. Koluurz'n affliction lays lum- a Lt (hands: " ham-Ind. poignant tmgedy, She in but tut-my a eenveutioit for tan I two yearn old and the hulry in her first 'd a fur-night“: policy born ehild. 'rhros ma-ntlu nun nor not her luau-try, but lmuhnnd lmet his jolt, and the mnuly f the French lpo'ot. and l suffered wt‘o-ru- trrivations The onlml Iidi mm of great im- of childbirth pun-ml too nun-ll for her. be llllflvorubly affect l wonkouml as Mte Wttts liy mm and nventinn. hunger. and Mr mind gun- way. In line for the Customs I her terror Jetet the infant Ire killed by the convention sue. others tall” mullo' "overttl nth-mph to ond llnmlute liberty in th-o l it,, life. the convention w Treuury Benign: lu, New York Raid French in bed. 10-day. The father and mother'hoi [um-nod 'tn'hhtr9etotheeiet overuse bed. [M the bum-I summon and the police who made " itrveatigution we. "ttstud it “a I one of double numb! and suicide. 1M fin-km"! had been out of work for more than two months. sud neighlmn in the trome, "id that he and his wife were diamond. They had not In": wen allure Sunday. They were found by the junilor of an adjoining flat home, Irtro decided to make .an invenligatioa W “It “In a. a. wile had been seen lines Sand-y. Hurry fScllooner Abandoned and Men Lost i Their Effects. , RESCUED CREW. of, of? The Ivrriblc- plight of the )avllng mother walla! attention to the unidi- Liomt tsrevaiiiurr, in the house in Sweet awn-av, Doctors yn-vsterday found neither food nor fuel nu the prumim-s. Arrange- mtwntu were made immediately for tho l tottttttitment of Mrs Knluurz to (In- State "capital. twhere "he will run-in- carp and treatment. During her slay at the lumpiul the baby will Ire "ttwd fur by Mm. Kolgan’u mother. Dr. Frontal: took Kuhn" to the allies of the Department of Publis, Works and he was there assigned to one of the extra gangs for show-Illa: mow. Buffalo. Feb. Mt. Her mind crazed It.x' starvation and "N. Mrs. John Kolgarr.. of 323 Sweet Avenue, was mnnmilted yon- tordlv to the Buffalo State Hospital by AuiItant Health ComtntUsimter Dr. Fran- viu E. Fronzmk and Dr. L Sdnrm-ler. You: Mother's and 0.5mm bs Want. A [trunnion]. "nt.. damn-h . Judge Hardy thin afternoon mm Aid. Junk-n Wright, representativ ward l in the t‘ity (‘oum-il, on ground tut hr. an a contra-tor. he] unwttlrd t'ontrm-t with the city fol new East Ward Fire Hall at the of his election. He claimed be re, from the firm before the election, the Judge hold that undrr the a. merit he in: liahle to the city until eorttraet “an mmplolml. At tin- the iniuuution was [rude uglinnt regularity of the vandidary of Wt Turnhull, who, as next highest t'ti date in Ward 1, would be eligible to t Wtight's mt. Judge Hardy decide inventigllv this. and those who cut "Minna will have to produce evid, The (unwrvatiws have urn-d pap” Aid. Rantell, Liberal, who. they chain ineligible because he has not gm property qualifications. This man- he heard Inter. ,_‘ .._...,\ "nu "ll". “mu-r llw “LINN" merit he wn liable to the city until the t'outraet “in mmplelml. At thc trial the iniuuulion Wu made coin-1 the regularity of the candidacy of Walter Tumbull, who, as next highest cnndi, date in ward I, would be eligible to Ink.- Wriglat's ml. Judge Hardy decided to invmcigntv this and thou- who can! 11-» "actions will have to produce evidvnvv. The Hrtttwervtttives have served papers on Ald. Rantell, Liberal, who. they claim, in Sequel to the "min; of Politics Up In Bil-(ford. _"-- - - _ _ I! on b rriiek around $he WES“??? ms hand. and. bet he “My from. m he “as to.“ that " time was cured almanac h " saying it was the huge“ ”whim“ he had ever span. His idea in Irwin“ tho 'wtttettcr mu to learn how the men ho ”mun-cal live. unsms HERMAN f, Ite qtrsMatl <w and " new. faring u urimm-r from "no tstation " the workhouse was gone through with 9nd shortly hefore noon Judge All-tin "'_.di'eaC n..-.-.--..--, [mud-1f. Guam Ate Damon 'roudo. Fab. “Ruth.” 'lovket a; tlt. who: Pour: morning Judy Jam Au! chatu Mince” with ([14 pleaded guilty and uh take unrkimw, whrn- hr served DRIVEN INSANE. n’ sent MADE JUDGE GUY ICE right, representative at (‘in Council, on the as a contractor. held an at with the city for the -.‘M.wulll Nu he; t'tatrt Mr min-r his Austin. Jun.. witlt duturlaaacr, J tes., taken to the he "tved 'hr mun b Ind impumul upon , In“ ii"d J.') be Ila-Ii an. he We.“ mud t' “than“... election, bud the time P retired and In by 0nd Ill yo '. MI ted " :18

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