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Durham Review (1897), 13 Feb 1908, p. 10

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V " m. Our Stock in all these lines is exceedingly large. We in. vite you to inspect all Dept's. before you purchase elsewhere We gnu-um the sav- ings we advertise to be genuine. See the goods and you are convinced. S'ill'll?lliil)illrllll 1lilliilllll"flillil SALE 'Thesc are all” yds. long and choice patterns. displayed up "atm. 8 pr: it, yds. Nothingham Lace " in. wide reg. 02.00 for. 41.59 7 pr: uh tht Heavy pattern Mt in. widens. 92.75 for. .0135 6 pr: Nottingham Lace Lock Stitch binding-. .. . ... .. . . .. .... ..... .......... ........ ....rcg. price 83.00for..82.49 6 pro Nottingham Lace reg. price 53.75 for. 12.95 ' pr: Nottingham Lace " in. wide registered Hang easy. . . . ' ............ ...... .... .... top. 'wcre83.00noir82.4g 3 pm Fish Nett " in. wide were 4.50 now.... .... .... ....3.75 3 pr: 'tn comb net 54 in. wide were 3.90 now. . .. . . . . . .238 2prspiah A et " in. widewere 4.75 now...... ...... ......3.90 300 yds. Heavy Woven go.oyt design 260 you. Pattern on one ad; 150 yda. " on both sides All short Ends at Snapping Prices. 7 V 7, _ ve Japanese Mattings all yard wide. I yard wide Ingram Carpets worth 65c for l .. u u u Mc for I " u u to Mc for Pins.... ........lc paper tos yards Linen Thread... All the short ends in the store are a.ccurtuslated in one spot for you to look over and the pnce should appeal to you. We have such an abundance of these that it would not be goo-iblc to describe what we are doinf in this line ; sul. ce to a? We are selling many dress cngths worth 1.00 and t.M or.... ............ ...,........1.Ahir It"! Come and see what we are doing in this department. Any of these that sold regularly at IN: on sale now at. . . n2.he Same em yards Fancy y1rt.teyutsle '1dndeiiiiG, (Giirii: it; ".ru'cTi LE! yards check3ihirtimm. . . . . . . .. . . ' Ao sell at 71c per yard I70 Down ! Down ! Down ! lt? yards Cytonades apd Derry 00 yd. Wrapperettcs at. f? yards Fliate)lettes. " ), 'ir/i; Carpets and Mattings Delainettes and Ginghams Lace Curtains Dress Goods Small Wares DRY GOODS Remnants worth Mc for Hair Pins NOW, READER VANTAGE. Our Immense Stock mustundergo a Strenuous Reduction. We made good use of the stormy days and Sage lat, Dsparta‘nent s {borough overhauling. The result is amt {he most of our Goods are F,',,,',"; uie,'l,1,n,,e1f,'e ',,l,1.,a,t,,il,1is,r,,Sa,l,euslyye.ter/"') Inarvellous reduction in Ge size of {he Stock. reg. 30c for reg. 23c for reg. 20c for ........3yardsfor25c ...... ......Scperyard ...v......7lcperyard to clear at 1rlc ptranl '0“: " 12k " .154: per yard MNc per yard See them lc bunch . . " cent Cash or Produce taken for Goods while Sale lasts 47§c 37kc 27kc l5c tobesoidat.... ...... .. ...... c.... 1Goi'Gri'tel', Childten's Vests, winter weight, from . . .. '. . . . .15e to 22e LADIES BELTS, COLLARS, TIES, DOILIES AND Cushion Tops on display " enticing prices, Woollen Hose, worth 20 and Mc, now...,.. . . . ' .. ..12ke Worsted Hose, worth 35c, now...... ...... .... ......2lc $5 50c,now......................39c Ribbed Cashmere Hose, worth 500. new. . . . .. .. .. ,...89e LADIES' VESTS AND DRAWERS-a11 winter weights, ., c, --'" -L - _ 8 only closely pleated Panama Cloths in blue it is black and brown, worth 8.00 for.... ...... . 27 Misses' Skirts in all colors to clear at.... ... ... . . .. .... ... .... ....e, F..... '... .specially low prices 22 Ladies' Skirts of blue, black and mixed greys worth 5.00. 5.50 and575; any of them at this 'thi/GC/C.'.'.'.'.'..'."."..'."..".?".'.'.".'..".'.". 3.75 onl plain blueand re ,worth 2. for.... 9 'l.'.'-. 'f".';.".".'.".'.'.'".'.'.'.'?.',.".".'?.'.'. .7.s..".'.ry.y. 1.98 4 heavy dark grey worth 8.00 for.... .... .... .. ....5.75 4 light cravenettes, plain grey worth 7.50 for . . . . ' . . .575 2 Priestley 's Cravenettes. fawn, velvet collar $12 for 9.50 1 Covertcloth, worth 12.50for...... .... .... .....10.00 2 real Gallowaya, were $42.00 now ...... ...... ..nt.io I Siberian cali, was 35.00 now...... ....r. ...... ..26.50 1 Russian calf, was 34.00 uow.... .. .... ...... ..26.00 I Dyed Wombat, was 33.00 now...... .... .... ....S4.90 All our FUR CAPS AND _MrTTs . . . .at very small prices Ladies' & Misses' Jackets Sable Ruff, heavy, with heads and claws __ _ vv 1 worth$2ofor.......... 'r........... INi0 2 Sable Muffs, new shapes, worth 15.00 for.... . ....ll.90 1 " worth 18.00 for.... . ....13.50 2 American Sable Muffs, worth 10.00 for. . . . . . . . . . ..7.50 I Isabella fox ruff, very long. Worth 13.50 for.. . . . . .. 9.50 I American sable ruff, very long, worth 13.50 for. ...9.75 Many small Furs ..... ...... .... .... ......at low prices , Men s Fur Coats Ladies' Cravenettes for Spring Ladies' Ready=to=wear Skirts black and blue check, velvet trimmed, self l reinforced back, new 17.50 for. . . . . .. . . . . Mixed tweed, velvet collar, self strappings size 42, worth 10.50for....... ...... .. .... New mixed Tweeds, neat overbacks, velvet collars, sizes 34 and 36, worth 12.50 for. ... Mixed tweeds, stole collars, neatly trimmed were xo.5ofor ...... . ...... .... ...... .... Neatly made Misses Jackets of good quality worth 5.50 to 7.50 for...... .....,4.50 and - ..-.._ -_N.. ”an. uuuuuu ult'du a marvellous reaucnon m the size ot the Dtoek. , {H115 IS [YOUR‘CHA‘NCE TO INVEST YOUR MONEY TO GOOD AD- only Ladies' Astrachan Jackets, 30 in long 23 75 sizes 40 and 42, worth $35, now. . . . . .. . only Astrachan, wide Isabelle sable collar 26 in long, size 34, worth $45 for.:.. '.".' 8lun only Eur-lined, Alaska Sable collar, best 69 m muskrat lining to knee, reg. $85. now. . Sable Ruffs 6 and 8 real tails, worth tr.oo to r"2.G'rili'r.rr.".'r.",'."."..".".'.b."..".'.".'.'.". Tal Sable Ruff, long, with IO tails, worth 16.50 11 w tor.........",..-....".........."'.. . Hosiery and Gloves Read carefully the fencing His; ALEX. RUSSELL FURS ! THE BIO STORE . 1.'"l'.'."1f 12.50 " 9.75 7.75 5.75 ONTARIO AKbrnv a: TORONTO Space is not tmf1icieut to enumerate on all these lines but we are giving real bargains here. We're clearing Men's Gaiters. worth from 1.75 to 2 75 for. . . . . . 1.00 pair Ladies' end Misses Boots from.... ...... .50c to 1.19 pair Bee them. There 's " endless variety to choose from 21 Toilet Sets-ro pieces ; worth from 2.50 4 m to 6.00. present sale price ... .. . . 2.19 to q Most of these Toilet Sets are made from choice Fielding's clay and are the newest floral patterns and designs. All single pieces FANCY CHINAWARE at soc/o off reg. Hand Lamps, Goblets, Tea Service Sets--special low prices 1 only Dinner 1 only Dinne deep gilt e1 1 Dinner Bet- gilt emboss 21 Toilet Set to 6.oo, p (Up-stairs)--)- Sale at Sacrifice Prices Crockery and Glassware Over 6000 rolls of good Patterns to choose from and will give you " "o off regular price on . straight stocé and clearing lots at. lialf Price " Men's Suits, single-breasted Coats, regular 5 95 7.50 for......?................'...?.... . Men's Suits, double and single breasted 18 coat; reg. price 1400, now. .... . ...... 11lal Men 's black Overcoats, new, reg. price, 3. 17.00 for.. -... .... .... .... ...... ...... 12-” Men's black Beaver cloth Overcoats, new, ii regular price 15.00 form”... .... .... .. Mun , Youths' black Overcoats, Meltou‘s. new make 8 Tli rettu1arpricero.sofor... ...r............ q 32 Heavy Tweed Overcoats " prices that mean a sure sale 13 Cravcuette and Rubber coats at a stupendous reduction MENS ODD PANTS, lots of them from. . . . . . 98e to 2.79 BOYS' S.UIT.S AND t.l1TRfeoArs--r?ys't forget that 17 “$323 ri','; 14 SSE??? only Dinner Set--97 pieces, plain with deep gilt embossing, worth 15.00 for, . . . . Dinner Bet---" pieces, rich colorings and gilt embossed, worth 16.00 for ' . . . .. .. . . Dinner Sets--97 pieces, choice patterns and shapes, good colorings, heavy gilt embossed, worth 14.00 for..... .... .... ...... .... 11°59 only Dinner Set-p; pieces, worth 8.75 for T " Tea Sets 40 pieces, floral pattern, gilt embos. 1 98 sed;goodvaluefor3.5o, now........... . Dinner Sets, 97 pieces, latest shapes. deep 8 95 colors. gilt embossed, worth It.00, now... . . Aces wifh a Thundering Crash! For Men and Boys Men's Suits, dark grey, double breasted T so coat, regular 10.003uit for........ ...... . this price will suit tlie 56);; G; wars; tie-:att-IZE Boots and Shoes CLOTHING Wall Papers saving Prices and profit by Gem: 7 pieces, worth 8.75 for T 49 'f.'.' .a.'.".i 13.50 ‘.‘.".‘f‘.‘ 1229 Groceries, Fridays & Saturdays DURING FEBRUARY narncss Ull. regular asc can for Mc. we can for .r Handsleights, worth 35c. now 25c. Worth 70c. for .8 Worth OR. for .n a A lot of SKATES to be cleared at nearly half price. 1 " All Carpenter's Tools at convincingly low prices. Mt (I Stoves, Ranges and Heaters at prices to suit purchasers Harness Oil, regular 35c can for Handslcighs. worth Mc. now 21R Cori, -AGUiiiiiiiii Horse Blankets worth 2.oo now l.§9 Worth t.N. n Food Choppers were 1.75 ....r..... for. .... .. Combination Vice, F......... worth 4.00 .... Nailing Hammers....... ....worth Mc...... Riveting Machines...,..,. ....worth toc...... Spades and Shovels, long or short handles. . .. Scoop Shovels that were lar..... ..... ..... Manure Forks.........50c Curry Comh Silver Tea-poms worth I! for 85¢ a dozen Teaspoons worth 25c for 20e a dozen Silver Table Spoons worth Mc each now Mtcetttn each Silver Knives worth 3.50 a dozen. now only 2.98 Table Knives and Forks, one dozen each, 2.50 for I.“ Table Knives only were 1.25 a dozen for "c a dozen Cutlery and Silver-Plated Goods 2 Pie Plates for ...... 5c 1Pudding Dish for Se Milk Fails, lo quarts, for 15c . . . . " quarts for We Dish Pans. worth 25c for...... .... '....... .. ... Mme Universal Bread Mixer, was 02.75, now only. ..... ......2 00 " All the Aluminum ware in stock N It To be sold at slaughter prices. 'Ill. Large Tcakettlcs worth “.25 Preserving Kettles. worth 75c Galvanized Pails, worth soc .. worth 40c This Department has had a amorough shaking and prices were shaken to the bottom. 22lba Best Granulated Sugar .. .. .. 4 lbs Raisins, clean "ocltJ......... 4 lbs curmnts, clean stock. . .. . . .... 3 cans.l _ I corn. I tomatoes.. Salmon, Empire brand. regular lac .. SuMower brand. " He 2 Bottles Reliable Polish. We each. 6 Cans of Sardines ..... ...... ...., 7 BamCreat ToalctSoap..... '..'.., 19 Nickle Kettles to be mid for _caeh 0| 50 HARDWARE Miscellaneous Graniteware Tinware make here during" Iii-s}:- pendou Reduction Sale. Find out for your own satis- faction whu a suing you can for for for for Worth t.N. now Worth 2.75, now :82. Consult the prices con- tained in this bill and you can’t mist the appenl. ..fue ..for ...for ..for :..for :..for ..tor ..for ..for M00 each, 1.49 " I0 " for for for for for for for .15 .49 AS .IO .15 a " A); LMRWWAWWW.‘ siGllihil (in c I a I} Imme sell ch " we C We hav and whil Many More VOL. XXXI Extended it “IE Revue“ Mons The Origin H. H. Mi "My “EH " lhe Review All I" nhla “an all use Th OH Tilt l.00 BURMA tit _A_ to

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