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Durham Review (1897), 13 Feb 1908, p. 1

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ve at t)8 C? r3 ti Ladies' Coats- Only 4 Left" All New lil; Suits for Men, Youths and Boys 1tl _.__ It Men's and Boys' Overcoats (,5,aiisiaexxxsesiaiiii- 1llXlMnglgllglXlglgllgllyillgl.8l MOO'W””W .9 VOL. Ttttt REVIEW DURHAM. ONT Rtgyggygi=gtygty,"agymMttggitgggigggyglgglNr The eeuon of new-m bu- ttaltts is on end one. more we In able to mete the canoni- any odfer of The Review & Weekly Globe with mounted m {no see- “on to lat Jan. I”, For the ox. Minty price of no». I mtig Ladiu' Tweed Cotu,--price was $to, reduced to. . . ' . .7.50 a only Ladies' Black Kerseyf1oth coats, were 13 so for. . . . .10.00 Men's Cardigan Jackets at Men's warm, lined Smocks There '3 nothing the matter with the goods, but. the new gt'2g Dreso Goods, Men's Clothing and other lines requiring a g of room are in the store and we must have space. Only 1 few left and we want to make quick elegance of them. They are mostly rtttu--Bottte throw-overa-itt sable, Isabelle tox, Ermine. White Thibet and other Pun. Any of them will be sold at a big reduction. , only Ladies' Black Aatrachan Jacket, reg. $37.50 for . .. .t80.00 1 only Ladies' Natural Muskrat Jacket, reg. 50.00 tor . ' ... 37.50 3 only Men's Fur Coats-stu-tia) savings. " Beeee-rmed TopShins at...... .... ...... .... .75c and t.00 Men's Tweed and grey and blue flannel shirts.... .... .. : .... 1.00 We make big promises about these shirts and the shire nuke good.- -H. B. K. brand. Furs Now for a Clean=uj in Winter Goods Announcement . . We will continue to make the well-known "Oxford" Creat? Separator, convinced that it he: no superior u it contains every desirable feature of other machines besides any others. l We we prepared to undertake repairs at once and are confident we can give you satislnction. Watch foe other announcements. in the undertaking. Bring practical men. having a knowledge of all the ,stehintrrc and knowing the needs of the lumen of On- t.anoy .we believe we can cater to the want. of the public lll n intelligent satisfactory way. aged Cream Separator Co. Sirrs Bros, Durham They are well-tailored of Black beaver cloth, dark tweed and trim. The lines are broken so that we can t quote prices here but that is the greater reason why we want to clear them out. The coats are first-class and great value. We have a lot of Winter Suits in heavy and medium weights that we want to clear out. We will give special price in- ducements on these for our new spring Clothing is in the store and needs the room. ,he undersigned having bought from the mignee the Cream Separator Works in Durham come be- fore the public asking their interest and suppott l.00 ,N0.7 .145, I soandr.7s ......... ......x.5o .. .....75c and 1.00 _iliitittit,t,c!iiis asf itil PotrrPooD.-Itus Pie Social an- nounced at Welhock for the 7th inst. has been postponed till Tuesday 18th inst. Pies and program better for the delay. All come. East Grey Co. Orange Lodge com" posed of 28 lodge. held its annual meeting in Dundalk lucTueeday and decided so bold their Julv Celebration in Dundalk. A Box Boeialander the auspices of Varney Lodge No 686, L. o, L. will be held In their lodge room on Tuesday evening, Pets. 18ah. Admission, 16e, ladies bringing boxes. free, Good program. Everybody welcome. Rev Mr Farquhauon. at present moderator of Mt Forest. congregation in their vacancy. wull preach there on Sunday nut. and dispense the neu- meat. His pulpit here will be supplied by Rey Mr Haddow, editor of the "Presbyterian. " ur. _ '. ' ' Cununs AT Art-c-Messrs. Calder. Juno. H. Hunter. J. P. and J. C. Tellord, left this, Wednuday In trttintt for Wingham to take part in a honspiel. SERIOUSLY ILu-We regret to hear that Mr, Doherty of the C. P. R. Staff is lying dangerously ill, as is Mr. Alex. McMillan. of tgetrtthtown, Glenelg. Quite a number in town have been temporarily laid " with onlds and other ailments. tr Dog. New Comte just opened out, Drab or white, suspend": attached worth Eli but, owing to the hard time etc selling at 60 on». C. L. Grant. FRED Kmart The Ladies' Aid of the Methodist Church held s very mecca-fa! Social " Mu. Shaw‘s Tuesday night over 88 being realized. DON'T Move Ir-A proposal has been made to move theGuelph Winter Fair to Toronto Junction. The reasons for this should certainly be very strong before h, is attempted. Guelph made the fair. it is central to the best, cattle feeding and breeding district in Canada and to move it now would risk its success and should not be coo. sidered. Don't move the fair. One large 12 x 14 photograph given free with one dozen of our best cabi- net. tor tb short time. RAISED THE 8ALARY.--The School Board " its regular meeting last week recognised PrineipalAtian's long and truthful service! by an increase of Inl- nry of8100.00, Almost a generation of Durham youth has grown up under " care and no more worthy mark for recognition could be had. We be. lieve when the results of his work are considered. there Will not he a single note of objection to the action cfthe Board. A. B, Juhon Inc a number of house. and yunnt lots in Durham for sale. PRESENTED m't"s'raNEs.--Ort Thurs. day afternoon last at. the curling rink here Mr J. C. Teltord was called upon to face: numherof bl. bxither knights at the broom and made the recupient of two line etanes " a mark of their appreciation, They were handsome “hire. ivory mounted, bright to look at, serviceable to use. Mr Calder made the pretsentatton and brief rd- dreeses besides his were giyen by Meson Ireland. John H. Hunter and Roht. Uoettrane, laudntory of Mr Tel- fordU public spirit and good fellow. ship. He replied appropriately thank- ing the donors for the appropriate present which he valued more than a house and lot. It ls not yet known whether Ir Telford con boret4ined here. Wnrzu- .General Servant. Apply Mrs. John Cameron, Upper Town. sad-Bart-tarts-ttetch-hte-ith-tttttea. 'IHESTANDARD BANK DURHAM BRANCH John may. Mum“- Imm am " “IRMOI All) mums. The Standard Bank pays lntoraat four times a year on all Savinga Bank deposits. DURHAM, THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 13, 1908, tf/lst iiSi w l _itil0ti IOTAIUOHID "" OF CANADA Fort BAtm,--Itrg acres, towaahip Eg- remOut. lot; 20, con 21, good level land in Rood shape, loud buildlum. twenty four acres good timber. 'tooo down. D. McKunum. Durham. If you would see goods being sold at a. fraction of their v due and stacks of mill ends of Linens. Prints, Dress Goods, Arrapperettes, etc, attend Mockler'x Monster Sula Busy people can save time by mak ing appointments at Jan. Gun'n Drug Store in consultation with Mina J. J Allan eyesight specialist who visits Durham on 18th February. When A newspaper refers to a bride m an accomplished young lady it should mean that she cm muh, iron, cook and mend. These are the accom- plishments that count moat in the life she In entering t than are the accum- plisbmentu that make happy home: l others are mere (ads, which may be added at discretion. You would burn than if you could get one really cheap. You can get one at cost a Mockler'l Monster Sale. Don't fail to attend the stupendous reduction sale where hunting unit. won At the Big Store. Mr. W. J. Ector bu purchased Mr. Thos. Livingston'. reoidencc and “in possession March Ist, The price We leam. was about new. Misc J, J. Allan, eyesight upecidlat and retracting opticiln. will be at the Hahn House, Thur-thy. Feb. 13. Hours 9 a. m, to 7 p. In. Testimonials furnished on applicatlon. TIES AND Poms Watmm..-Por C. P. R. purpose. For particulars lee Jtto. N. Munmcx. Durham Would Tou buy name 10 cu. tbsn. nelette tor 7 eta, 8 ct. pl int: for 5 eta. and factory cotton for 5 eta. That's the way than good: an Idling It MoeklerU Monster Sale. Every one is taamitatgar. the Mott. ster Bale now going on at Mockler’s " House of Quality. " Since the open. ing day a week's business has been crowded Into A single day. No won. der the goods can be sold cheap. The copious qualitv of the goods handled by this house makes the low prices at which they are sold all the more remarkable. Shareholders in the N. P. C. will be receiving their 5 per cent dividends this week. This is the third dividend paid by the company. and will bring smiles to the faces of the shareholders attending the-Annual Meeting on Wed- nesday of next week An informal meeting of shareholders is expected to be convened In the Rosein House on Tuesday evening. If you want a. fur or {In jacket come to us as we are going to all them. G. L. Grant. You need 5 unit of eiothes, save money by buying it " Moekier't, Mon- ster Sale. Aan RINK FOR DtmrgAag.--Bueh is the prospect, for. as a. result of the tenders asked for by the School Board the north part of the old school grounds. cut " by the C. P. R., has been sold to Mr Joseph Brown. We understand it is his purpose to make provision for the building of the rink immediately. WE WANT THESE CANNoNtr.--A reference to Town Uouucnl proceed- ings will show that we have the op- portunity of lecuring two cannons for our armory. Get them at once. we say. and have them mounted on the Jackson lot. north of Fire Hall. a site that will command Lower Town, convenient for use it Wt! break out between faction. of the council. be- tween Mayor and otBeuus or between Muor andlocal option. Peace must be kept if we make war to do it. tiibtgitt)t. Bat the railways mutt keep to the rails and the management certainly deserve credit for the vigor they die played m clearing their lines. The line. to Southenlplon and Wiarton were ttret opened. thoee to Durham end Kincardine come next. All dar tummy the snow-plough! were drir. en thmugh the drifts. end word came to town of Ilow prowleeding nanny to expect no null relief till loudly. However. ehout 10 o'clock p. m. it trot nailed almond they were " Burt'- cute and sure enough the welcome whistle wee noon head, proclelmlng triumph‘ on account of illegal voting. Mr, Calder thought Mr. Kingston should be retained as he had made n etndv at the case end as the town Solicitors had been engaged on the hotel keep: er's side. Besides Mr. Brown stated that the town Solicitor did not want todefend the one for local option. Mr McGowan, churman of the Board of Works. had tome men promptly put to work to cut through the worst drift: in town. Pnthmuten in the country organized bands of farmers u shovel- ling brigades', and by Saul-duty night most of the roads leading from town were passable. and this week are ttet- ting in good shape once more, end will continue so until thewing beginl. Then no doubt there Will be trouble for the road here and there lieu over drifts from four to eight feet deep. The Bridge and Does! Option By- lews received their third reading, were signed end seeled and are now the luv ot the town. The myor reed s letter from Mr Kingston de- tailing the steps he had taken tor the defence of the lotatl tt tion by-lewii necessary. Lawyer flll'l%f, having intimated to Mayor Calder that steps would be Pktr.t..t.o qttpalt the by-lew On motion of MeGotrtur-irharp the town Solicitor was instructed to proceed with the closing of the busi- ness of the old Durham Manufactu- ring Co. The mayor read a. letter from Mr. R. H.'Miller, M. P., eating that two cannon for the Armory could be pro. cured if Durham would pny freight and on motion of Kittneer--httsaoian the offer was accepted. A speck! nesting wu held on Tueadnv evening " which some im. portant Work was done. All Were present giving ell-nest consideration. Gs motion of Brxsmt-aoixskion, mayor was luthorized to employ Mr. Kingston. should it be necessary. Definite options had been obtained on Vollet property, $1320, and on " Kechnie'e prodperty (whole piece.) $4700. bat no efinite option from Mr Brat Edge and the council adjourned mak‘iing no decision until thisis se- cure . On such an important question on site fore Town Hall, we believe the citizens should be consulted. Per. sonally either ot the two central site: will suit us, though tor effect. oom- menctigg 311233;;an end genergl manning up rance, and general miubilisy. '?lh'lll'l'lst'lU stands easily tint. especiully as it carries with it the absolute deed to the pres- ent market site. which the town hun’t got no». Ot course if the Edge ea- tate will not he definite or it it isloo exacting. the council will turn else- where, and 3 great opportunity to the estate and to the town will be out. Along discussion took place over the question of new site for Town Hall and Weigh scales. There are three locations in View: let, The Vollet property north of Charter Smiths tonndry; Md, the MeKechnie property front of the Kelly residence; 3rd, the Edge and Irwin property east of Wm Caldwell’s residence. Since writing the foregoing we be- lieve a. satisfactory option has been secured on the Edge gmposition, and will be dealt with on riday night. Last Wednesday’s storm. wind from the eattt, seem- to have been I. record breaker, for the .. oldest inhabitant " can remember no such blow and no such drifts were ever seen on Durham streets. Country roads were complete- ly bloeked. stages and trams forced to lie up. and no mail reached town from Tuesday evening till 11 p. m. on Snub day. There was little or no grumbling, the country lecognized that. the ele- ments were mauer for the time being. " ttttr Ledy of the Snows” was In pos- session. and what was the use. Farm- ers and others within a radius of . few miles walked into town, the drifts being solid enough to .. carry. " indeed team. went over some of the masses through. our streets without breaking Town Council Tales of the Storm. ONTAth XECHIVEé . TORONTO had 1753de for the past few days. This wu better time than in 1904-05 when Durham was without muiltur I week and without a train service for Rdnyl. lover the snow-King. With commen- thble promptneu word w" wired but to Hal-min for the train With. null and some passengers to come on' the bulky mail bags were soon openea' pontmnter Smith very ki ndly begun the his task of distribution, and hun- dredl culled to learn how the world On the main lines there were similar trouble. but by Sum , everything was clear and macaw approach to the time tables bemg made. About 15 travellers were stalled in town. Dr Jumieaon. . P. P., was stuck in Palmerston. and got of? To- ronto-wurda on a relief train. : We no- tice by a dispatch that he lent himself to the useful service of making sand- wiches tor the shovellers. Over 500 vekrinnrv surgeons have oittned e paper condemning tight check reins. u painful to horses and produc- tive of disuse. causing distortion of the windpipe to such A degree um impede respiration. They mention padyuiu of the muscles of the face. trtettrirna, spoplexy, come and intum- mation ‘u tome of the results of in " Nutr snow to last us all summer. if we take care of It, " we heard one was roman k. There was a. grim humor in the situation hut week when the recount, called for Wednesday. had to he post- poned owing to the non-arrival of the counsel on opposing sides. J udge Button and lawyer McArdle, of Owen Bound, came here on Tuesday evening before the storm. but Wednesdav'a great blow effectually tied load and railway, detaining Mr. Kingston, coun- sel for Local Option, in Mt. Forest and Mr. Wright, counsel for the liquor men. in Palmerston. where he had arrived by train from Owen Sound _ but could get no farther. A man in a neighboring Township. who took a. city paper In preferenee3o a local paper because he got more pa. per for the money. was attracted by the advertisement of a the escape which would be forwarded on receipt of " He lent the cash and in a few days received a copy of the New Test- went. 100 min of the " Paris Lady " cor- sets, regular We and Tlie vnluec. the iateet futures, colon white and duh on we 40 on I pair. Adjourment was made till Thursday morning, but no relief. till Friday at 8 p. m., till Saturday at 9 a. m. but the storm and its effect. still prevent- ed trattle: counsel (ould not get in, Judge could not get oat, and so it te. attuned till 2 p. m. Saturday. when, though counsel was still absent. the recount was proceeded with. There was great public interact in the remit and the Hell would have been crowded, but that the J udge read the law in the matter showing thnt the recount, must be private. Mayor Calder and Mr. Jno Brown represen- ting the council and Mr. Allen as Secy. of the Local Option Committee, were the foreea for the by-law, while Solicitors Dunn and McArdle, and Mr, Murphy the appellant, were the forces tsgr.timrt. - 7 - The name day came news of the reversal of Judge Snider's decision in tu1ttieet case. He had disallowed the Ivy-law there because the deputys and poll clerks had voted and some other alleged irtettuuritt'es. The appeal to the High court in Toronto was aucchss- Ni, so the local option forces are slill on top. ' Judge Hinton t1rm1y declined to open the question of illngul voters, holding we presume that these should have been attended to at. the In“ Court of Revision. We do not know whether the liquor party here will proceed further or not, A. H. Juklon in An Issuer of Mar ringe Licenses. Durham, Ont. "The result shoWad that the election otBeialg had done careful work as the recount tallied, the Judge allowing one rejected hullot to be counted 3- gainst Local Option, making the fig- ures an for and 18) against. Taking the pooling way of reckoning. the majority works out 10 and g-fifths, while before it was 11 and 245nm. but " local option votes could have, been spored and the by-law still carry. the true minority is 27. The Judge took the former way and declared the by-luw cu ried by 10. -----_----- The Recount. At H. H. Mocxum‘s. Mr. Wm, Smith. from the mart; in home on a. visit to his paella. Mr. and Mrs. Chute: Smith. Mrs Britton is at present action!!! mdisposed. "trering tram pleuricy but hope for her recovery soon. Mr Jon. Mchugull in in Own Round ptinting on the but“. [inpu- ing them for their annual spring open- inns. Min Jeanie Derby, ts'. Bonunck. left on Monday for Stanford to an I nursing course. Mr. W. J. Adams is Attending the Home Fair in Toronto this week and is the guest of his tOter there. worth sale pr. " doz Rogers Tea Spoons 4.00, doz. 2.50 " doz 's Dessert Nee, 5.50. 3.50 20 doz " Knives & orlm 8.00, 4.00 20 doz " celluloid handle I Be Knives. 2.50. h I.” 20only rrrtipoomr.....2.gb,eac I.” " on:y 'lfe'2rsi,',t',',',ty.::yif I.” Moetly rry Pe?orm.....Mo, We. 1 only Fruit' Dishes. . . . . .4.00, 2.6tt 0 only Cake Baskets. . .. .430, 2.40 And hundreds of other snaps just like these. See our window this week. Two Big Stores-min & Welland Mr. Harry Benton, who bu heal visiting his parents here. returned THE REVIEW, DURHAM. ONT. Mralt, J. Davis and four children are visiting relatives in Ottawa for & time. Rev. Mr Farquhnson was in Mount Forest Tuesday at the induction uh vice: of Rev Mr Currie to Bethe! and East Normanhy congregational. R. B. Keeler & Sons. Wednesday d, sdependeriee," kikiii, Mr Arcir,e Manud. of Beak., is at present. visiting his uncle. Ir Duncan McArthur, of Dornoch, And III!) Price- ville friends, returning lust of Much. Mr Wm. Black is at present in To roam, attending the Horu- Pair. Dr. A. W. Hunter returned loads] on his duties in Mantra! Hooplml. Miss Margaret accompanied him In far “Toronto. where she will npend a few days. Ilia Haul Caldwell u this week visiting Ormgewlle friends. Now is your chance to buy hig‘l‘II-clau Silverware at great reductions. e are putting on sale our entire stock of extra quality Silverware at about half what it worth. These goods are made hy The Standard Silver Plate Go. Toronto The Toronto Silver th., m Rogers' well-known Goods. The above three flrmn make nothing but the best quality goods and these are what we are selling In this W Silver. ware Sale. Now Mt the chanced I life. time to buy what you need in Silvetwue The Yellow Label Mr. Watter Jumieson. of the Burk of Toronto, Toronto. arrived in town the beginning of the week to would: couple weeks with " paraml " the Parsonage. Our mailing sheet this week in corrected unto-date. Bad amount many hundred renewals, addition. it is possible a. mistake may hive oc- curred. We Mk our reader: um- ual to point out an such it observed and it will be at once attended to. We upped to render: in uncut, of whom there are yet too may. to have their label put right " once Silverware Rev. Mr. Newton and Mr, (T. L. Grant were appointed deleglm from the South Grey 'remperattee Associa- tion to the Convention ct the Ontario Alliance which meets in Toronto, lat week of this month. Ir. W. D. Con- nor is an ulterunte. Fleece Lined I'nderwenr 39 cts each. Heavy Wool Hose 19 on; pr. Benn. lenl Cotton Hose il ch pr. The-e m the prices that prevail at Mockler'. Manner Sale. BORN. KEhLImrrln Durhnm. on may. February Ttts, to Mr. and I". CHE Keeler, I daughter. GaoNos.-In Durham an Friday, Feb- ruary 7th to Mr. and Mrs. P. Gag- non, a duughten. How Does Your Label Read ? Tell: the date to which roub- scri‘nion ha been [up Our and iuinIL In: thid mk cot- rected up to date. It your. in not correct, kindly notify us At once. We thank all who have renewed the past few week. but there Are yet nanny others we Will! to but from a once. C. BAMAGE & SON, Pun-us no Ply-Luau Great Sale of "-----iei------- ~¢os¢

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