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Durham Review (1897), 13 Feb 1908, p. 4

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ti Taylor & Co., Dromoreg iliuaskgsnaaiisaxxaxaaarsamagii ii,?"""""'"""'""""'""?; 523 Taylor & 00., Dromore E w male m out. Prices away down. %> iid - 6 'c'si5ssFse4siyi'iqsqs:iisqsgssasoqsiygsiysoqsiys..aiysiysqstawriil (t,; $6 an 9mm "ree"-" if JU'. Earl?” f if Stass 1% 'Fit"i"eitiit66seeirteeFbsbsei+trsicosebitr Now read this carefully and thoughtfully and convince yourself by having a look at these bargains Now is the time to get a real live bargain in Fur Coat or a Coat for Spring and Fall. We have seven left and the slash tend price now reads as follows In Ladies' Fur Jackets In Caperines, Stoles and Caps We've only 3 Men's Fur Coats Sole Agents for Progress Brand Clothing S. F. MORLOCK The price has been made to correspond with $2 the coat: andthnt means a Cap tor. .... .... To carry over is simply out of the question 3 Men's Wombat Coats, your choice for. .. Now is vonr time to order a unit. Overcoat or any gar- ment you no in need of. We would like to measure you now for we are convinced we can unit you better than ony where else, Mr Glue is attending to the cutting him. self end no to the ranking we haven flmt class man to make timeout. Prices away down- We consider it a pleasure to show goods whether you buy or not. Dress Goods, Silks, Waistings, Vestings, Chambras, Muslims, Ginghams, Dress Duck Suitings, Skirtings, Flannelleees, Laces, Embroideries, Whitewear, Sateen E), Moraine Underskirts, Ready-to-Wear Skirts. We have just opened out a verr.1arge stock of New Spring Goods, _composed of the very newest weaves and patterns in new New Goods for Spring Wear Wendell! Uni/or Wanayor d Cutter ".. $20 to 40 , $20 These men are about fifty years be hind the limes. They have never heard about such " new tangled things"as blended tioars. They one " Western hard patent flour. " The tscientitie farmer knows all about Western tiour. He knows. to his sor- row, that. it was the coming of Mani- toba wheat that sent down the price of Ontario wheat. He knows. too. that it in because the average former uses Western wheat Boar that the price of Ontario when has been kept so low. This modern farmer grow- Ontario wheat for which he receive 3 fair price. With this money he have blended flour, which contains Ontario wneat. and 1 little Manitoba wheat to add urength. Thus he spends hi. mo- ney for the products of his own farm. j He mete. e profit on hie wheat, and keeps his money here " home. The farmer. who use! " Western patent ttour." is making rich the wheat grow- er! of “mulch. and Alberto. Ask our miners about the outlook for Ontmio wheat, and they say [but the future promlses a. steadily increas- Ing market and higher. Ask our farm.. ers. and some of them put on along face and say there it, no money in On. tario wheat. denetit by Blended Flour from Ont- ario Wheat. Farmers who have not made appli- tta.ion for help tor the coming season. are advised to Write for Applieaticn Forms and further particulars no Lieut..Colonet Howell, 20 Albert, SI. Toronto, Ont. The class of immi. grants supplied by The Army has given good satisfaction throughout the country. and the experience they have. tttcd in the past, years in thns direction, will evidently qualify them for selecting suitable farm help thm season. During the past four years The Sul- vnlion Army bus succeeded in bring- ing to Canada a good class of Faun. labourers and Domestic Servante. Notwithstanding the protest. made in some sections of the country, that there is a surplus of labour, the Army Wtieuls find there is still a meat, demand for agricultural labourers mm they have found it necessary to than. er severai Ocean Liners to supply the need, The call for farm labourers comes from all parts of the Dominion and now that the Ontario Government has decided not to continue supplying l, fat in help, and as it, is likely that immigration to Canada will not rom- ‘ meme until late in April, the deumnd for settlers coming out under The Army auspices will he vet ygrent. The first chartered ship will be the " Ken. singfon. " sailing from Lives pool, Fell- rimry 20th, for British Columbia points, followed by the " Southwak. ', on March 5th, for Ontario points l the .. ionian " from Glasgow, and the " Kensingtcn. " from Liverpool, on March 26m. Ward Commissioners were appointed in {Olloww Ward 1 Wait. ward 2 Me. Millan. ward 8 Nichol, ward4Hunl. bridges, the Reeve. Next meeting February 16, lo a m. J, S. BLACK. Clerk. weir--Meuad-ahe Clerk was in “rooted to order7 copies of the Muni- cipal World for Council. MeMillau-Niehol paid Mo on salary. Farmers and Stockraisers urer was pnld 82 each for Dawning Eu, ancial Statement. Hot-tamor-That M each be Hunted to Sick Children's Hospital and National Sanitarium Associltiou. Car- tied. .lm.s.Mi1ur-Niehoi-Br.uwuso Br. pointingJ A McDonald as assessor " $70 Was passed. .tyir1t--weir---Bruw 488 Appointing R T Edwards and W J Ritchie as audit- on was read I third time and paused. . HytrrNiehor-Bruw 484, appoint- luR ll J Torry and Alanna" MeLacblin as members of Local Board of Health and Dr Hutton as M H 0 was posed. McMillan-Hunt-Tot electron ex- penses Mo " be paid. Carried, Haut-Nichol-Tho the Reeve and Wm Weir be a committee to enq in a.- to IMuiene, of the security swan by the Treasurer. Comemmteatiom, read no lollewe : from the Clerk's statement of votes given for eneb candidate end the attttottat for the election ; tron J no Kelly. “element of Municipel fund. in bank on Blot De- cember no 01950.05 ; from Dr Ego, Treasurer ot Markdnle school receipt for school money. By-sto 488, auditors, 484, Mulch Omens and 485 Alas-cor wuintrodueod and tend a first and oecund time. The newly elected Council for the Township of Glenda mes Jnnunry 18 " not statute. Members present. The. McFadden, Err, Reeve, E W Hum. Thou Nichol. J A McMillnn end Wm Weir, Councillors. Enoh member mede and eubecribod to the Statutory Dealer- aiion of 2ualithmtiott and M ttttim, and took their acute, the Reeve in the (shut. Mlnniee of lust meeting reed end eon- firmed Hnnt--Niepol-ahe Reeve and Trees. How to Secure Farm Help. ‘. Scheme of Immigration. Olenelg Council. no. r--Ttte Clerk was ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO on The oldest Ind strongest business: school. All halide: In of the but. amulet!“ receive expen instruction and when! attention Ind we uni-mod to positions Write toe “one of thin live upto-du. _ I: the 'tirst step e egrap y toward: positions [haying ttom Mooo to £150,000 per Innum in mi way service. You can become a good operator in 6 month: if you “at? In The Central Telegnphy School. a Germ " E. Toronto. The tttumt School a Consul. Write for particulars. Open zen _rtvyl-Enter any time w. R. SHAW. hen. ' EiLTiiiuroN, Pun THE DURHAM REVIEW Owing to our extensive trade we keep a choice stock of Millincry all the year round and are always prepared to suit you in good goods. Always achoicc lot of Veiling in stock. Day and N ight Clan“ Parisian Millinery Co. Miss Dick. Every hat is of good material, fresh and new, nearly all trimmed the latter part of the season. We have some special bargains in all black hats, some trimmed with black plumes, flowers and good black taffeta ribbon. - __ -. -.--er, Ornamental Writing, and in placing all its grndunm. Each student is taught separate- Iy athis own desk. Trial lesson- fee one week tree. Visitors welcome. Open Sept. 2. We still have a large stock of trim' mmed illincry to sell at special prices. Leads in Iy?olr-lreeping, lihorthand, Typewrftiti,' Commercial Law, Com- mercial Correspondence, Plain Business Writing, ii Winter Millinery Three Course: --com, men-M. Rhonhnnd & Typewrltluf. and Pre- paratory or those whose early education has been neglected. A meeting of the Beatinck Reform Alsoclntion will be held at Mulock School House on Saturday. 15 Feb- ruary. at 2 p. m. Business College It is e great pity that every farm-1- in our provnnce does not realise ti o importence of making these blend, 1 tioum a success. And every farm f csn help In this greet work simply I y buying blended flour, wheneyer tre " Boar barrel is empty. " The far I.- ers themselves will benetit, by gen: ‘2 mow money for their wheat. Stan . men and dairvmen will share in the Proms " paying less for bran mu shorts. As is well known, the reason these feedstutit, cost, so much now , because our best mills do not grind as much grain as they should, and conse- quently have not the bran, etc to sell, And ftnally, the whole province will benefit because higher wages for when. means more money for everybody. ENTER How and Prepare yourself for Business in the Alt this aside. however. there is a healthy demand for Ontario wheat. The, blended tloam ere meeting with the moat gutltying eucceu. The ales for each month, u reported by the lending mills, show I. big lncmee over the anecponding month of the previ- ous year. This increased demand for blended ttours meme en increased de- mand for Onterio wheat. Farmers who keep abreast of the time. know nho It these blended flours. are nuns them. and are planning Ontario wheat tor tl e advancing market. T. M. WATSON, Prinei, BRITISH AMERICAN BUSINESS COLLEGE rammwaaaaaaawa MT. FOREST 'ttMNith6aq0t:sgiar.tgiqt.giqt.; LA. Bid!" You. & [com 9.. 10mm '. T. CLANCY, Pri: 1703/7/59; Reform Meeting. Tuna. CLARK, Pres. c. A_. FLmum PririiGiT,' _ Owen Soum It Is the most complete Bur, mess College In Canada. 'rineipal, Write, to ___ _ V-.. .-.._ "w“; "VI-u -...o. ' "art, (World for " mos.) Other combinations made known on npplicnuon. Combinations of three or more papers an also he made at reduced tue tea. No matter what you want to buy Whether advertised or not you can an it cheap at Mockier's Mun-tex- tUte. Raview and ‘Venkly Globe.. .. .3L25 Review and Fumen' Sun . .. .. .1.76 Review ttttd w. Mail & Empire .l no Review and Montreal W. Wu... 1.00 Review and Family Ber. & 8tar.1.7S l Review and Daily Globe . . . . . . . ..4.40 I Reviewed pylr Rorld .. .... ' .2.00 Burn, micht hae nuckle tee repent Free " won: wild And strong But did he 35:111.; roul‘s consent Althuugh he did the wrong t We love him even wt' In sum, Nae matter whn may bun ', We love him tor he dld maintain The liberty of Man. And an the Ages I' In tied, And tune Uh.“ m to roll. an " Beau wan bus wt' Wallace bled, emu an the (menu'- soul. Han .' Minstrel o' the have end true, Tho Scouts u’lde thou m. In with thou belong“: to. The universal bun. " 7 __ -- e: um.“ chm mumphem Ten: Immune On his immoral Maggie I An' lo ! mouth the cloud o' nicht, Despite misfortunes degtrers, Sew mortal ever sic I Ilcht A! . the; Ft Jolly beggars, " E'en heppiueu that ehuns the greet Can nestle mung rugs. And even love In' joy cu: welt Amen; Mild manly bugs. E'en wisdom. mvely listens when Hie " Twas Dug: " tel: use“; liege: some Itch: on ways o' men. But even dug: we beat. Burn: wane perfec' he Idol, An' whe 5mm; us I' But he: some hole in his em coat. An' maybe some he we. let them at tent wh: think they mum God keep u: humble e‘l The pride o' never having (rel: luel's I dreedfu' It o never. never! (onward be The emu: we we blame, For under like temputlon ye Mlcht Just had dune the "me. emu aa, _,, -_- ”e... ., Auueu we [WI it Shan roll on forever ; m' him the birth forever sin: ; H ”is. gowns Del" deport ; e ea I supern- spr " Forever in hi: hurt ; The " mom-n Bower " he crushed to wt' r its auuwy blomms. By him runspl‘nwd oloouts ilencelu Forever' in our human ' Att'a' the ail-ennui nay PM to tlow; The sun inner many vary ; But down the use: he shell so Wt' his dear Highland Mary Anon the herd doth change Mr mood And in the mirthlu' vein, What {mun flit on mother-wit. Au' humour u' his sin , Until hi: mirth provoking strum, bet duudie we I tuttin' An pit Me tun in hiuuld veins He cunnu' tiyte for laughin' Despite the thunder‘n drendfu' noun, A' t_hrough the " see mint. Mung dell: tut' witches ttet set down In Allqreutfd kirk ; He head auld hick play up I spring Amng " mew uncanny ; Beel,n’ the deevils deuce nn' hing, An cross md clcek ur' Minnie. Hears Tummie, "his lenses swim. Roar '. Weel done (‘utty Bork. FF An' hem the hellish legion grim Ruth on him in the dark. An' lung new“ the on? o' time, a " Thu legion wein ln' scrum Tee nee men cle- or clen ', But did meinmin end not in vein The Rattles-hood o' Ken l mm; o' _Beeulir-tiLrid' fermeir he knit us tee ilklther . Then oor lens line (some on divine) 0' Kings e' put the‘ithes. en whet elthough he my be pair. Ott Richt he tekee his stead. An' been him wi' the vmir an fl,' t,'Pdng',T,', “we d: m sston w ' w oop An' hid it tee deport- Anew tee kindle love end hope in the diqnigtitti heert. Free whet plein common sense‘c'es richt Nee sophistry con win him Att' deurs tee sruk wi' e' his micht Site burn " thochte within him ; Bis sense 0' richt " sense o' wrong. Hie love o' humble worth. He poured ineu immortsl se.n¢. Thet'stinging mun the certh '. For intellectually sublime. This hnmb e peesent sew tut, Despite distinctions here in time " A men's e men ior e' thet. " And if there wee s men on eerth Whe hed his deteptation, "twee he who meesured men bl birth, Att' worshipped renk en stetion ; For eiter honours he wed meek. An'h'ed defend the wrong. An' he wed tremple on the week. An’ truckle tee the strong '. Stick l ibhohs in his button hole, An' census " his knee. An' his bit trifle o' e sowl Gen; perfectly B-glee. But still despite o' e' the wrong Then comes by humen uliudness. The spirit o' the peesent's sens I pity, love an' kindness '. He pities es en the werst o' folk, For even some o' them Wi' e' their tim" he fiu‘s their cause Tee pity then condemn. Att' for the cutout everfwhere, He had e hen the eel An' had some Wimp-thy to spore. Th ' Fells] for t e very veil. o n camp tt' verty wt' e' " wenispsn' fears, His hert o'erfiowy for lther'e woes Al 'twere e icon! o' teen. E'en when he sees e needless pen: Glen '0 the brute ereetiou. lie whe ittttiet'st meun hide the stem: O' his roused indignetion ; The thochtless youth cannot etc-spa Who wounds the harmless .. ture, " For mercy in the pen-hrs shepe Blends forth protesting there. His sense bee something in their soun‘ 'i'het fills the hen en' e'e ; " Ye benks en‘ hues o' bonnie Doon 't Are mexlc words tee me. o Doou lthou'et like nee ither streem, Love's seared Yd hes bound thee, For B' the glory o' e teem. The lie-sent threw sroond thee, Thou sped unknown. through eges long A little homeless river; Till pity poured love's teen in sens. An bellowed thee forever ; Lens es the humen hen remains A founto' hopes en' fears, This simple little strsin o' stains. Shell stir it into teers ', For by the Poet's mezic art, Tho' butts moorlend river, Through the new n flout o' the hurt. it shell roll on orever ; WP him ttttt bird! fans", nu... . Yearly Clubbing Offers. Al the annuul birthday of the [not poet of the heart Comes Around it fitrde will what» being pald in song and story to his worth And 1q'",'t From this "cum-on. new and o ' '9 select. we tailoring poem on worthy of being Emu-wed u the nppzeciutlon of on w o was no man poet for his crater brother. It Wu awarded I for year- ugu. first prize by the Burnu' Social, ot Toronto t m trike-hm , 'ttp did bghnl - .o Auxupn lichen“. hencelunh earth PURE noun! in we in. Call and m u. Floor Oileloth,i, 154nm! 2 yd. wide Table Uilclotu. " in: wide. . ' . . . . . .7 iseeotiiriiGiaiiiciiiii,aiiiiii MEN'S CARDIGAN JACKETS Ladies' black “teen l‘udenkinsSJ Iauiies' winter Cum-n n15 md In“ Ludlou' white wool bundmlde Fur MM Hen-y Bll.woo1 maneeiJila In Flannenette sunken. Inge 11x4 BedeomtortehiriGi.TC.TC.1G a JOHN CLARK HE SELLS cHiiStf." D" ,, Blanket- THE MI 4 DEERING We have this on the ail some- where near Durham. A Ct I ofCheIt- nut, a car at Farm-nee t"Heltink Stave, and a car of that “Good Cheer te lump cm! amiable for any kind of Stow. It sou req" re my ot this lump coal. plaeo you order as soun us possthle. us: we want togiw tho, nwdy an (pun-minim to keep warm. - HARVEST in the stable and when you leave him standing. This is ihe sensor: when homes. like, men, are liLl/e to take cnld. Oar line at Horse Blankets haw been carefully view d. It in. cludesthe roach tend trorxieeable for an ble use and the fanciea for use on the road A fresh assortment has just arrind md our prices are right The qualitim Farmer: ushers, Sewing Machines. Oree Cars of Coat. and Farm Machin Chilblains Gun’s Drug & tore flanker S'our for.” Reliable & Dun Ladies’ Clothi >Wtuw‘l‘ Are you troubled 'ith them? We have a; tar- anteed cute. Others ave tried it and found the ten- cflt, Why not you ? Oilcloth Made only at . Black Caller Block, Durham etc 643?: 1"ii, .04 tk',', pr ',tame x 5209.... . 1CT..'.11%"'t'rriia"tlg, plaeo yois order" In us we want togiw pun-rank) to keep tt, 1.25. we.” JAG-nail“. turn....?.'>cnp I" Mam”... tity wanna; ... 25c and we ole ant. burns. he ”25!: " 'tje I?” iRS ry. Ont-loud lot. on Lu/L. "run. 'dhti?uii “may. and Wind. we My ‘dio'm'n. Milver, m; Anon. Boyd Househoid. For Frush Christmas 1tr_tteeFtTG Fruits MIt Onto"- Try Matthews & Latimer Ian's Unshrinkublo S knit. 50c ea .. Zero wool flowed so to 'the " unlit-Ink ntl wool ribbed 81 " glam tueee und‘wnr. 50 ea . " nncy ttne all wool knitted underwev 81. PN", wool shirts and drawers oo Children's drawers and vests 254- nm upwards. Home made socks and mitt-n 8lie once. Boys home made mm at 25c tttttth, MATTHEWS t Lumen DOES NOT THIS . cphl Jinrp, "sr,)","'?,";,",)),)?. and more are now on the way. If you want the best and newest good: and at right prices, come with the know- Ing ones and buy from us. Our New Prints Nice Dress ood, Jackets & Ruifs are to hand. We tell Crum's --the best. We never hear a complaint about them. Heavy and plain rubbers at reduced prices to clear out remainder of stock, We have something special in all wool Blankets. ' RTH UR I. MCA Wacfan’ane d Co. Big Bar; will prevent the development of the other symptom" They curt no quickly that your cold wil: be gone almost before you real, ire it. The prompt use of this remedy will keep you free from cold: all winter. Laxa Cold Tablets will also cure severe, fully developed colds quicker than anything you can take We warrant this cure. Price £axa Cold gab/cl: A little lore-ea in the throat n sense of tightening in the mucous membrane of the nose. then n stage of profuse secretion and we have the well-developed, life-threatening cold. When the first .ytnptonts-- the - or irritated throat --tqtpe.N, a few doses of our WEAR is chit}? We huve n few min in every quality tef Under, wear tor men from 500 to $1.25 per pr. We have opened out some FEBRUARY 13, 1908 Draggisu nnd Booksellers aa, Menace Abi, For Feed In Flour ,. Grant. 25 cent: wins in Furs F ENE ICE F0 on]

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