West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 13 Feb 1908, p. 5

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id Wei: ts rs e throat in the ' none. ratio: doped, tom-. throat ',. Me on o to 75e ated 8! r. 50 ea knitted neat of " cure Id will tt real- of this e from 1 Cold UR even. Mt that N DER- a a few Under- 1908 our take eke! F it. if! a?! M irtilWa.Mi"r no: Mm no: TOR tam mm: mm: cannon DARL NG'S ,",'rr'"'m"s-ccu.'iii, 1ttstystrsrsso,ii The right blend of the two makes the only terfeet flour for " bread and pastry. “an” IM‘ on. All) mm SPONGE Brhtg I“! Prescriptions to as. We a: pm Wilts tad guanine: you aboplute accuracy. A'M'Qoonol than" when nickna- in reg?” of sick tom supplies in late]; I chat f . . the Why. tt good. quality " paramount. Just try it and prove it. 4 - - - 8:tiiGi'isstt, mums can 1tit,t!Ltsyttttossss mum“. mania; aroma WAGES n - 030nm COTTON DRUG STORE “'1 ig Io prudent, is surely of interest. Prescription We hue momma swim-u Stitch". Additional attractiveneu is given to this renr'e convention became of the diatingniehed visitor who will he Present in the person of Ree Dr Pur- I ley A, Baker, General Superintendent [ of the Anti-Saloon [tonne of the.Unit~ ed Staten of America. Dr Baker in " the head and la leader of the mat temperance movement now sweeping aver the United States. and it haa neen under hie guidance and direction that this movement ha. had each In women: eweep and "cured Inch atattuituertt victories. especially In the l The Lqtis1atttre will be in Ionian. (ttttd to it is pouible it will be the but sea-ion before the genenl Provincial elections, great importance unsche- to the representation' that will be made toit And the Action token by it in "and to the tttree-tttttse require- ment on wall A. along other lmuin connection with tompeuuce work. _ I Especiul importance “(when to the ‘convention to be held in Toronto on February 25th and am: next. There will not only be the review of the put year's wont. which but: been exceed- ingly heavy, but particular interest centres upon the "suite of the voting upon Local Optnn hy-lun during the put. two you. under the new three. Mths requirement. The event. of the rear, in the tem. perance world, so far as the Provsue: of Ontario is concerned, is the Annum Convention ofthe Ontario Brunch ot the Dominion Alliance. This convert tion isthe rallying point for all our workers regardless of creed or parts and is looked forward to with interest, l not only by those who actively sym- pathize with and take part in it. but by the community at large. for its de. liverances are recognized as the con. uolideced expression of the great mass of temperance electors of this Ptov. lace. H. H. Miller is a broad minded Cnnadinn citizen, capable of rising above party matters of race and creed and cannot be ininred in South Gre) by the alleged "hard knocks” bt' such a well-known partisan " Mr. Birmingham. whose motives and objectl are quite transparent. i ed over the school clauses of the autonomy bills,. to which Mr. B. re- terred, but fuller information-ot which Mr. Miller was possessed at the time but ot which we Were ttot-- showed Government’s action in the matter wss correct and Reva no rights to Cstholics, denied to Protestants This wu proved by the manner the People of the west accepted the legis- ation, and they were the persons most elected. We were frequently told on direct enquiry that there wss no bitterness over it," Protestsut and Catholic being perfectly tsatisfied. Besides, Leader Borden of the Con- servotive party never once mentioned the school clauses " the msny meet.- ings held in the two provinces on his recent tour. In View Mail this why should Mr. Birmingham while ostensibly preach mg loyulty, endeavor to create a " tnrbence Ind reeling of ill-will between Catholics and Protestants in Ontario? Nothing could be more disloyal. There were Prone-tags" ii" Gi, out cache Orange orqeryvbp were alarm- ..._..-." yuan-Ill .uu UHJUI' Enints recently. Our eonlrere an e “spoke vigorously” and "incident- Illy gave some hard knocks to Mr. B. H. Miller." F The members of the Orange Society are. for the most part. good, loyal and well-meaning citizens, some of them our best friends. They are associated with good motives, and have " tar as we know, an excellent constitution. We believe that the average Orangeman of to<itty is a broader minded man than the Orangeman ot twenty or thirty years ago, and we do not think that Orangetnan ot any political party de- tire thahthe order should heBensled for any po tics arrows. loving this we thin: itpnn ortunate that Mr. Birtpimrhtuti-h bitter Conservative partizm and former Conservative organizer -should have been chmn " ottranizer tor the Orangemen. The Annual Convention Mr. Robert Birmingham. " former org-mar of tho Couiérvive party, " organizer tor the Loynl Orange Lodge tor Women: Ontario. Addressed meet. .ly,re " Varney, D_urhnm ttnd other; We have ealied attention twice to the neceeeity of prompt renown: by our American Suturing-e owing to the heavy pounce entailed by the new law. We are loath to cut canny who any by inadvertanee have prerlookod the 'ubseription, and mu this thml; upped. extending the time to the 29th ot February. when the names in ar. reeee muet he cut oit. Beam 81.50 In the envelope encloeed in the paper. at once. and there, will be no break. (llfie Durham Review Misplaced Partiunship. J. Runes & Son. iGiiaer,, especially In the i It. Forest and community mourn deeply the death of Rev Foch" O‘Con- nel. who hag M91132 "ma . unto! parish print in in Fore.» and wing change “goof two outlying .. mu tuners! last week tn s tel from all clone. of the community ul mm. worth. He "band ""l In! on Sunday 'ntthtine. followed. In advertising there an be no set rule-except Peniatency. with n. great bug P. Genet-d Advice and general plans are very nearly uncle-J. First. of all We moot realm that we in" to tUhottard tuhton . budneu battle tiekt, when the consumm- give 'Y manor. The idea. ubrond in for every- oody noun-u the quarters he an get, by hook or by crook. and some- times by crooked“... The line. on which the smile: adveetUer%m luc- ecu-fully thtttt the battle with more mundane riydo mm vary according to the tkid of eetntiiet and the. condi- tion. under which the at". is waged, but honesty and Mane: must. be ‘In a recent issue of one ofthe Mc- Lean Trude Journals, certainly the best of their kind, Mr W. L.Marrm Writes at length on the above topic , We take space for part of it t " The question before us is the pow-l " of the smell baldness with the small ad. What can adventiping do for the small man who has much bigger hous- as to compete with , Bow is he to ad- verme effectively in I smell we} , These ere questions not essytosns- WOT. tun in these dsys of almost uni- versal advertising it's up to every man to answer them in the best wny Pos- sible, and net. up to the snsWer. for advertise we must. , Dr Baker will address the Taesdar afternoon session of the Convention,! also a public ,maas meeting in the; Metropolitan church on Tuesday even.‘ inR.--Pioneer. i Lenahan Power of the Small " Ad." The down town Hello ! We make it a point to our, ing in stock. For upholate Direo, Sidebosrds. Parlor u I call. We can unnnlv unn- We hue I limited number of these whit gain, Call and see them for yourselves Hardware & Furniture They hove no equnl. It mll puy you to use Pratt's Tar Producer' for your Poultry It this time of the you. All kinds of this food kept in "tttlr-used tor Horus. Cows, Sheep. Pig. and Poultry. Try it and be convinced ofita merits. gain We are overstocked In these goods. sizes tt to 2, " at $1.25 to 1.50. For one week, Saturday, Feb. 8 to Saturday, Feb. I s, you can have your choice for Don't miss this opportunity of getting a pair of M boots at much less than regular prices. Our loss l Along with the above we Bundles, S" Weigea. lure -__ __. Vang, no. on”. our 13an DIAMOND" Bttrt-rtiilii' are fully gnannteed. 'TI, hue ttleo many other lines which us worthy of notice. In HAND SAWS we Illa have I full line. including the Blah Damond which curries n gumntee with it, the "Baton", the “Sburley * Dietreeb" 3nd many other kinds. Us. I "Buck Diamond" and you will be perfectly “tidied. :f§LA_CK mAiitjiio fft 1Pttpfrtll line of SAWS ! SAWS ! SAWS ! rock. - For uphaiit'er-ea .6331: .20 Sidebosrds. Parlor tables, Bedroom We can supply your Isms. HORSE BLANKETS Shoe Sto TERMS STRICTLY CASH PRMT'S FOOD F URNITUPE Misses' Peb. Bals? To itiia%rrTGriiiii7i. 100 In“. "tttnta.-omse mourn. 61 -.a hook ha - ‘ good 'dent-if/gt-tru “Izod Improvements. only M. 40 m Garden Lind. Dorm load Bentinek, unno- A "up. 250 d','l2it on (In-{rm tel-er. To 2,"dPue.e'. now " . I A Dollar ii; "ti,t1sssy'r SAWS See our Would be. tTent tau-gun. Sam the following properties. " the . price- and: too um Datum load. unmask. Gooddwcllin . frame but ham. good soft. sounder“ location, onig m. all kinda of furniture and picture tram n-A I1-_J- . - . _ of these which we are editing It a bar- ". wnn..n‘-A- Do you want a bargain in IN lilly 1llljilllrflll8 After two you: in bunineee in Durham I thunk heartily the matte farmers nod other: who heveinvored me with their trade and have gleam-e in announcing that I w I In the future hove have pleasure in meeting in more oommodloue 1am". all my old friends and true: mnny new ones. Promptneee and fair deal. ing will continue to be my motto. Yonre tor bushels. bus the Crou Cut Ind Hund Bor Jo‘nten. Saw Sets. Saw View, etc. McIntyre Base-Lambton ik, Barclay and Bell 'l old and CARD 0F THANKS , couches. Juaiii/iiirii"i,': room Suites, etc. Give an a Mcllraith a pair of Misses sch-col Our [on will beyour ., McLellan. cInt osh. Fifty Cents , arftrtutT1s gold tl pr 'ARR5 juleTiii7ii"ii" TORONTO BON BONS ALWAYS FRESH All our experience at your service. Call and see us. We beg to announce to the people of Durham and vicin- ity that we have opened up in J. C. NICHOL's STORE A full line of Fashionable Furnishings for men and boys All the very latest in Callus and Ties Gloves and Bose Hats, Caps, Shoes. and much more We can't tell you of this week. We have I good supply of fresh Bnkmg Always on bond. Also 5 good unort- ment of Candies. Null and oranges. John New! New! New! We have Lot 27, 28, Goa. l S. D. tt. Clem-lg. 86am cleared, 7 more. bash. Welt watered. Good Brick House. Frame. Bank Barn (45:11).) imile from pro- posed nation on new U. P. It. Line. Convenient to School and P. o. Fur. ther particular. apply on the pr amines. Jon): McAu‘rnca. Prop. l We tne annnunc Ieopento In any qua all kinds i'l'Jfll,1, sh timber delivered tn our will he quoted on up Company a oMee. Tim Dunn“: Fr Gents' Furnishings “are. supposed to be in foal tr, a Rood hone: one loud mare supposed to hr In foul. one master mare rising three you. old. Both road-ten are good quiet drivers. Arply at residence. bl" mile from a M09". P. 0. town line, Holland and GI-nnla The undersigned will change for cattle or shoe: an". supposed‘to be in f ----- Farm tor Sale or to Let. McKinnon 100 acre farm at the Rocky. Immediate] possession given. For further mgiculun apply to J. P. TELNRD. Durham Nov. tith Mm. H. STINSON Tenders winced for building a brick nun-e It the Presbyterian Church. Damon. Pune and .peeitleatiotu, of the work an he seen at the resi- dence of the undersigned and tender. must. Win by 15th Fell. The lowest ouny tender not necessarily accepted. Ron-r. RENWICK, Droumre, --- _..... - an: . "s. tAeid,,titg,"' Innate:f [regal i,"si'iit,'tt, I! e on or one an ay St Folk-any 1908. The lowest, or any ten. der not neceaurily mptnd. J. P. Truman. Tendon VIEW h Durham School Boa-d for new! lung belonging to the ttet.gt [#115qu we norph of the C.P.R. Tho undersigned offers for sale the home and lot. north of the Central Hotel. Out-hm. Home in many comfort-Me sad in con venient localitv. Qua q.tyitrhes “spud for two fauui has. Buy term of payment to quick Dumb-nav- ' driven. Arply 786' mica? mile from G ”can, P. o, town Holland and aienele, For Sale or E15562. beg to announce that we ' On g....- 7* Farm for Dale. Logs, Wanted. Dihiiio FURNITURE Co Tenders Wanted announcethnt we will , any quantity of logs of aging shinglg and hub Home for Sale. Tenders. to our yird, Hi}; on applying at u... will sell or Ptt. Iheep. pm heavy In. C. Evaaa. -___ v- on: v.1 .u. l hetent in to the Ab“: HOLLY ,,V_.‘{..1.‘. "leLL.‘ u.”A.. m ('lld m n Cn Van! .-IM. I in: Cogmdm,znd um. ‘ E NALDA KEIRACBEB. ILA. 0nd- “ no?“ "t,liibtl'i,tfi'i'.e'r.1fir', 1'lt Fine huh.- toryud 'aG"fa7,'f , ' ' 1mm. Bandeau would mat the”. 't1tt18,ttitiii0TrGGiiiit' lulu-l mugs: town 'iiii'ihditiyi'tltlt " . mum“. Cu" and "tet-et. . Thewhoolluh In tn ti'l)ii:1i','.iiiiiirif,ii i,'eitllS4h1titgtt. . or u undo. work. The tone-tn: mm: - we In churn l mos. ALLAN, utcuasartttuaee, may tOtttt GIBTRL‘DE 3000!. B. A., In. Graduate of mm tA",Ptitrl-'riirdr, kn. mm. and Um - V --... ~..uu|. w EWING" “5 her pimp. anionic: - Finn. hon-o south at Lawrence: Bin-Imam: Shop. ago“: Itooaur-tg, UNDERTAKER and Funeral Director Durham School mounted Aucnoneerlor the Co. aptly “and“ to. “I We. “it be left at " In mom, It: union‘s o a once. M Moan-u! JOHN CLA/ie, “:31!!!th {deemed A Tum may.” to ““95. Ac., mm “chum. " there. or to (Jay “and“ to, “a, Barrister. Solicitor in. Supreme Court Notary Public Commission". Money to loan. 011109, over Gordon's Jewelrv dim-- or to DURHAI, ONT, Auctioneers. ARTH UR insurance Age Issuer of Man-in eral timuuin Bummer. Solicitor. N: Conveyancer Ae. Lou) at. lowest rates. ()mce. git-{Intyrv Blockr 0tthoe--cuiders, " 7 McPHA n., " u. " a .. “My“ College Wm." n. a... a. Ceylon HONOR GRADUATE of University. gradual! of Royal of Dental thprtteone, of Onmriol Over J h .1 "rThrrrapG-d, Mr J. F. GRANT D Hotly..' 5534.“:an n W. C, PICKERING D. D s., L It S once. Ute, Hytstant mm] In In mag: KL: IN 1f,'4'llW2tptg for full Junior Lenin and lath- ‘. The {allowing coupons an. te I noun-y Public. Cmmuisait CONVEYANCER. ta --i.i--GA=e'_, on“ .'.' 4-w- "I. StoloAm. novu;{ ttto fr.trt tto “an. ' Mlcmm nu itiG'dlrrllhutw 1ilps, £93108; , riiL, -"-_' PE' ulUt‘KO dud iidiit,' Durban to 'tiriFpTisTll (A I '"iCd.","Til'l"'d " I y on . o. w o, "muou Inf-Ham ARTHUR can. u. Put-mun 4 Duo... MePtiAit., Ceylon P. 0 C. RAIAGE. Durham J. P. TELFORD mun uxmuUATE of Toronto retry, graduate of Ro ral College Ital thprtteoru, of Onmzio. Room! J a J HUNTERS New Boon . BELL PEN r433 “than, rm. targent, tor" must be en the an NT (Pawn-jaunt Next. to Mallow. lu- Auctioneer tor L Licensed Auctioneer foe the County of Grey. ““‘RMo-eolog Agent. I[long-y to Jstae, _ F. DUNN Feyw'a DR. BURT (Lower 1b") 51 Block. m: rm _ -- - - alien 'fe.'ee.eettt GM -- um“ h" Imple men: Wu! and. ecu the In“! -- "mu... ll Dining] um" 'l'iflidet . ""l ‘ te License. amines; tr ', IPmtuuarioner, Block over the Man turh Mtt, Onuri o. . Nd. Hui-M'- !!to I? A... . JACKSON u a.” 10.4.. All York flag.” Hungry.) tr. Noun-y Public. Ae. Money to Jewelry atom ‘--0v-aouu of Grey. an. 3.- MN- our Post one. mania-cud Ptt. A “ea. (run-wand or was " fev.itw ot. midi} to 10. Urey

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