West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 13 Feb 1908, p. 6

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tt m s. mumm In. men! residence upward-‘1.“ om by him in the vi- cnuny of " ow. the "gunman u to mud “my be “I“ ”My upon the 2 1ttttetAttsqrtor when if the Inheri- Ir,rtru1 the We! mid“ upon . lumi- my Munch-d entered for. the requirement-- Ion-1m“ my be named M39131: panon mum with the father or Maple Leaf Xcut Saws 6Y Handsaws rmwumw ttt gallon the tlr/SY condition- nnder out o the 10110-- tt plan: I. At [an In months “deuce upon m etritiittrtoéthq Ind tn can you for three a ... FiiiiikaiiriiiFit"riirl" bi iiai% 1=tN,'t'f,"A8 who u the an. moi - any womumol I": who altitude-o Macedon mm mm or 0-. En m be and. per-on." u the load giily'i'i, tor up. Me: In 31:}: mam In mun. In " m ' waver. we on “I 'll'aWJI'f,', 'lltUTJJ, mother, Ion, mum, What or that of All naming home- co-mmaou 7.3.7 In an: to Sir Wat. B. 1reredittt, In. Chief Justice. moods Ball, Toronto: w. J. also. no. u Atadttga Av... " J. S. Bourbon. Saw-Tron” "ttttttat Sanitarium Assochtlon. 867 [In sum West. Toronto. Gulch. His hallway Bar! any has shown " intent and sympathy in the work " luskoka for needy eonsnnptins. by accepting tho position of Honorary Dissident of the National Sanitarium Association. An institution that has never refused a single‘ applicant admission, because of his or her inability to pay. Seventy-five patients can be cared for to-day. Accommodation could be provided for three handled if the required money were forthcoming. ' To make this possible, our appeal is for $50,000, to be used in extension. of buildings “maintenance of patients. tttttlt tl mm mm nymmmmmotm 1m ' In, mun ~m2299._-911A'm " 'M a htagly gift" said His Excellency in making acknw- ledrnent. " will [all the King." Addressing the large audience that attended these opening exercises, referring to this event, Earl Grey said.. the people of can“. to protect themselves agnlnet the can. of oonoumptlon?” On his way out to the King Edward Sanatorium,--so named p, by permission of His Majesty MPS King Edward VH-the Gov- . t ornor-General's car was stopped h, in its progress outside the Canada _ e - ' " Cycle & Motor Co. by a large fit,' , I ' a ,. I crowd of its employees. A I? T, l l ' IE r contribution of one hundred dol- ' My my E, a! 'itiBlllrlt GqMllat lars was handed the Governor- -- u v.7; = ficN - lltfagM= ._ ( General, a donation to the _ 'r9-ielp ' "a: 'rll.5iB' _ w Toronto Free Hospital for Con- - , "‘73H .49." --, ' sumptivcs. FREE' rf?irfGri'i', W.’ I” . - E,"d, HOIISTIAD REGULATIONS At the official opening of the King Edward Sanatorium for Consumptives, near Toronto, His Excellency delivered an address that must have an important bearing on the future of the sanatorium movement in Canada. We quote c- "Tho prooeodlnge thle afternoon commenced with a heautlful and reverent prayer from your old friend, Or. Potte. Ho - that tho llght of the Lord might ehlne upon no. That - lo abundantly anewored. Ho also prayed that the White Plague might be removed. Well, whether that - wlll ho anewored or not dopende upon younelvee.” “to It not a etandlng ehame and reproach to the govern- mente and Individuale that there In not more care taken by . S. HUNTER, ' O - o " "A Klngly Gift . EARL GREY'S APPEAL On behalf of Needy Consumptives Strong words of Canada's Governor-General Where will your money do more good? [very communlty and every lndlvldual I: Interested. " Ladies and gontlomon. when tho worklngmon of Canada on “In; an oxamplo of thlo oharaotor, I hopo you wlll not In olow to follow. and I trust that tho oxamplo of tho Canada Oyolo A Motor Co. may be followod. ao I am euro It wlll, In - factory and manufaoturln‘ Industry throughout the land.“ We carry these words to the people of Canada in our appeal to-day on behalf of the Muskoka Free Hospital for Consumptives ttiii? 'yalt t,Mi','tr,,t n; ",'a',tM'lrgl w . x.” _Wfifl%m Prtttt i'iilitiitS. m 3%; mg. itl'fa 'eWe carry a full line of the I: month-’ notice in writing would be given to the Commissioner of Dominion Inn I " “tune! intention to npply_io_r_ p.395 vacuum} Fiiiriiau fafiiE "Cart Oahu: MARIO .. Ftteriji5e7rrG=i'. ")tj, FOR CONSUMPTIV ’,/ -- 'w.w.'coi\'r. 1tgt',,'a',.tt unmet of the Interior :qngghoflud pagination of thin nd Hardware, Grain and Seed Merchant. l Messrs Donald McDonald ttttd Dan McLean vimed Chuley friends one day last week. Mr Martin Squire preached In the Methodist Church " Crawford last Sunday. _ Mrs John A. McDonald visited her sister Mrs Joe Griffin of Hanover for a tew days last week We no pleased toChear that In. Geo. Hendry is recovering from a severe attack of La Gripne. Owing to the roads being black sded there was no service here on Sunday. Mean Squire nod'lcCalhun had the “wing machinexfor n couple of days and hive their winter anpply of wood ready. Mr Wm Fulton is busy than days hauling out the timber for'hia barn. FPs Mulock Durham In: mrl.r.W,ul.E., REVIEW ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Notice is hereby givonzthutn divi dend at the rate of five per cent per annum upon the paid lg) “pita! trtoct of the National Portlnn Cement Com. patny Limited, ha been declared fun the year ending December 3m. 1907. and that same wiil be payable at th. Head Dulce of the Company on emu. after Monday. the tenth day of Fehm.‘ my. IRS. to all Shareholders on teeord; on “undue. V The Transfer books will be closed] f the 26th day of January to the iii)ii, of February, Itm, both days mun. By Order of the Board, B. M, MchLuue President and Imaging Dwector . IE 1llllil)llll, MM) GEM!!! 60M!!! lillllill Through the couileay of Mr. Dan Edge We learn thatlhe old negro came from Virginia along with a number oi other slaves who made a bolt for free- dom and pushed into thethen wilder- ness of Grey (In. Ill 1842, one year be. fore the Hunter's came, and two yours before the veteran Jar, Edge ot Edgr Hill. He always claimed be was“ when he escaped. that, his birth must have been in IM, making him 110 years old. linking three centuries. There passed away in \Villiamsford hut week n wall-known character in the person of " old man Clayhurn " as he has been known for neurly halt" century. Until a few years ago his home mm in Glenelg. in which he Was not only the oldest man but the oldest setller. but death has called forthe " old Darkey " at lastaud he rests now in the Rocky Saugven cemetery. H, I is reported on good aulhority to have been at least 110 yams old-a long long time to walk tho with. The claim of eldest man and eldest settler too. now rests with Mr Jun. Edge, Edge Hill, and we hope he may H" tain the lulles many yam-s yet. A letter of mndolence from the Chemical men of New York is also published, speaking of him in the warmest (cruise. and also one from W. F. Uowham, who speaks of his sterling qualities. pleasing manners and marked ability in hint profession. and deeply mourns his untimely death, The paper says t " His honesty. m- tegiity and strictattentton to business had won for him the corMidenee and good williof his employem. until he had attained an enviable position in his profession. His pleasant and cheerful wnya made him a. favorite among his unsocmtes. " STEPHEN LvDLow. A recent issue of the Patriot, Jack- son. Mithigao. contains warm enlogi- otlc references to this gentleman. who died last month at the age of 34 years. During his stay in town as chemist at the Cement works here, he made many friends who heard of his death with great regret. He has for 12 years been head Chemist at various Cement fut- tories and since leaving Durham in 1900 has been with the Empire Cement Go., ot Warners. N. York, and shortly before his death was promoted to the position of superintendent. l Regret was general last Monday as it became known that death had call- _ " Mr Thou. Scarf. te.. utter an "in": ‘of a few weeks from wann- on the 1 heart. Be hat, had trouble of this 1 kind on tavern! oeeasiome, but medical l aid and his own vitality brought. him through without much trouble. Ibis time it was fatal and he had paved Away in " Nth yen. , 'Bin .wife died about tire years ago and there remains as chief mourners, his wall-known suns. William and Jhomve, and two daughters. Misses Marion and Ruby at home. The funeral on Wednesday to thur geen cemetery was largelv attended. Rev Mr Bice, Paatorot Trinity church. ofNiating at house and grave. MRS. Tuos. GRAY This well-known lady and pioneer died at her home at the Post Omer, Bunessan, last week, and watt buried in the It. U. Cemetery at. Orchardvrlle on Monday lust. Rev. Father Walters officiating. She and her husband one widely known and reeuecled. We have no futthcr particulars at this writing but to mention that one son. John, u home and a daughter. Mrs. L. McEwen, about a. mile to the cut. will with their father deeply mourn. She was in her 91trt year. Mr Scarf wu n. native of Yorkshire. England. was a farmer there, left in 1881mm came to Durham and shortly after moved to the farm on which he died. He was a splendid type of the yeomenry of England. was public spirited. and progressive in all his forming operations, a eurtsetarittie inherited by his sons. Hearty and genial in his manner, all who knew him learned to love him, and will gym ptsthimrwjrh the family in 'heir be- rent-menu. ,' ' .Mn’rnoo. 8cm. Dividend No. 3. HENRY CLAYBURN. Obituary ty." rltr..l....... iii?,ifi'.i.i1ii:irc.' _ _ ......- v IV W Barley............... 60to 60 .t,9r--..-.....,.t7ijiihat"i; Butter................ 25to ar Ettttts................/ 25to 25 Potatoeaperbag...... 85to 85 fflourpei cwt........ 260to325 9ymalperisaee..../ 300to325 'r',l',otatr,P,,ti,.-,,ci-. lwmlm Live" pet$pertmrt... 485m5m Dru-ed Hog: per cm. 6 35 on 6 JK); Ntlmperl6,."......./ 3m tt Spring Triidii outa.-..... .... Fall Wheat..... hits. "To a. Wee Bird Frying to Fly.' sud " Birdie'a Reply." which are both dediented to her Majesty." The leiter wu besutitied with the Quren'u pur- Lruit nod bears her autograph. The Mail & Empire of recent dour says I "Mrs. M, E. T. de Toutfv Lauder has received a letter from her Mnjk‘s'y Queen Martrherita of Italy, runw-yinu to her very enthusiastic than“ and high apprerintion of her two new song To the pupil passing highest at the ammunition " Form m, A m dal by Principal Allan. Before or at the Easter Holidays in la the intention to have imlnllvd n complete equipment fur (out. all enemiutry, modelled Ute: the mom ap. proved High Schm-lsiu the pruvmc . Nothing will he left audoue Lu ke. p Durham ticttool what it, Is now in u... trout rank of the Uomium: mu Submit-l of the Province. To the pupil standing highest in Form I, a 'thourtehip, i. e., free tui. tion during the followmg year. By the School Board. To the pupil standing highest in Form H, a scholarship. By the Board. The School Board offers a similar medal. to the Durham puptl standing highest at the Entrance. It a Durham pupil wins Dr Jamleson'u. then this medal goes to the nhrt highefl in Dur- hunL Dr Junieson, M. P. P,, has again promised to give a Silver medal to the tWith Grey pupil standing highest at the Entrance Examination in Durham. At the last meeting of the Durham School Board the question ot Medals and Scholarships to he otfered at the next summer examinations was dis. cussed. and the following is the result for 1008 I ‘ Sec). gave report of an Interview that Chalmun Grant and himself had had with Imp. Cowley, who had left instructzons torperuin equipment to be procured to put the school on . still higher plane. m Was gellghted with the progms being nude and compli- mented Board and "" on the High standing of the school at the summer examinations. The Board After hunting the report and in view of the long Lad faithful services of Principul Allan. decided unanimously to increase his salary try 8100. Besides the regular monthly check 5 to teachers and caretaker. the follow. Ing were issued t R. J. Ledinghum. wood.... ... $6 87 A. Notrle,retutting.... ......... 3 25 N. G. a J. McKecbnie. scanning 86 Durham Furniture Co., slabs. .. 4 00 J. A. Lennhan, repairs......... 165 C. Smith & Sons. pipes. work &e 8 as h. & Hunter, tools glass, &c. . .. 7 01 File Brigade. services account. July to Dee 07... N 78 Utu'etttkerforgtut........... .. 2600 Tenchernfor Jan............... 397 tio High Sch. 4th 3 2 pt2 l t't’l OnRoll as 4644504713418 Average 68 42 31 " 41 53-283 The Beer. was instructed to confer with the Principal as to securing the chemical and physical equipment re- quired to bring the Continuation School up to the minimum stands rd. Che Board of Works were instructed to procure some shelying and attend to some other matters st closet system .. Wm. Black, thermometers &e A, Russell. tsupplies...... .... Crawford & Towner. water The Principal handed in deposii re- eeipta for pupils' tees for January amounting to 355%. The Principal’s Report was read showing attendance as below: Min “Aggie MoKenzie's room taken the honors for the month, showing the best even-age for enrolment t ' n v. . . a "P'""'ry _ The regal“ monthly meeting was held on Thur-day evening but. Durham Markets. Medals and Scholarships. Dunn“. Durham School Board. FEB. 12, 1908. 45 to 92 to 8 95 92 to 95 " to " 10 m 5L0 " lite 29 .- s a. tto.U mallow!" 3' 'th-Ciara Wilson. Br 8 m‘McDonnld. Thou. Weir. Dan wi" 3mr-Lydia Ferguson. " '3 Mn. Jessie Clark. th. 2nd- 70 WiIliumn, Jennie Mano-hall. It 25 Carmel. Jr 2nd--Jumoa a“ 5 Parana-on. Mary Indian-mi J. ‘13 _l‘hr mum WWW. In.“ “h. h, .1. .. . 1750 "on. Jr. Pt 76 The late Thomas McLean: was a hard working man. when I young man he helped his oldest brother to clear up a harm on the 10th com. then he Ie tied on has 12 on the 8th can and It in the fhh comwheie be jiii'i/', a large clearing. now left to this sum end where the familv now resides. He laure- behind him " I wile who was: Mia Holman, ongre- lmont. and thirteen children. some of "Item married. We have had the wont snowstorm that we ever mind of huing. come at our roads still blocked up full. Teams are often stuck on the roads. As we write on Monday the 10th, In have not had any null tor about. week and We don't know when this will reach Durham [Tummy a. m.1 "t [gnu I, Mr “clams referred to this Inmilv very feelingh on Sundnv last " the Esplin church in his sermon. Death has taken another of the old pioneers awav in the person of Mr Thomas McLenrn, at the 8th com. " miles southuf here on Tueedey ugh: the. 4th. The funeral was on Pr ey the 7th to the Begin church. the Rev Mr Gibson, of opeville, ottieiatinq at the house and church. The funer- al was large, considering the state orthe roads. the Hopeville Cidemd having been broken, any one neer it could get out. The Rev Mr Mclnnes of Cedarville, was sent notice of the funeral, bat on account of bad roads. he did not get the notice until 12.30 the day of the funeral. To get there appeared the dittieulty, but Mr " limes. being full nt pluck and sinus ready to fill an appointment, deter. mined to go if possible. He got " close neighbor. Mr Thomas Rodgers to help and in 15 minutes thev ware out with horse and cutter for the] stnrt. Thu went. math through the ti, his and " thev 2mm Wm Giles. P"* their horse was tired out. Ther gut Mr. Grlttpieattd his two out with a double (mall) ord rimm- lim to Alex Gilvspiv'snli the 9th on ' here they had to tttttkt llnlhrr eh "ye, letting Mr Gilrspie'r, st-n with horse and cu. m that brought him tothe McLo-ern'e house but late " the funeral. I Mrs D. Alien is visiting her sister. Writ Dickson, at Gleneden, while her house is being repaired after the fire. sec." Eden .nd J. Pollock bun the o . . A few from here attended the m- utating gt Yeovil last Monday night. Mr Nelson bowling is spending a few weeks with Mr C. T. Leeoon. Mrs Wm vrun; Is laid up with La Grippe, the bsby also being quite iii. Mr H. W. Leeson returned to m Forest Monday after u week's visit with friends here. Miss Funny Grssby spent Sunday with Miss Winnie Lauder. Mrs Wm Btynns met With . Pit ful accident on Wednesday last. with an armtnl at wood. She fell on the ice breaking the small bone of her wrist and dislocation the other. Theattendanee, at school was very limited last week. nulv about halt a dozen sturdy tots braving the norms, Mr Wm Clark has moved into the house, lately purchued by " tether and remodelled. The farmers will soon have their statute labor done forthe year if the snow keeps filling in u it bu been doing at late. A week ego Friday. Well-0e Find- ley. Eve Benton end Emily Wilma. Durham. were home to spend gill Sundry end were storm saved till following Tuesday. MrsJ W, Blythe and Cecil Ire ill mm IA Grippa. More tho one mule was 'ertsrod by the storm Wonder' If Jsck got home from the psrty yet. The Wome " Foreign! Minion-r37 Society meets: the homeot Mrs, Lee. ter, Pharadsy nfternoon. We are pleased to see In. John (tgg able to be out again. "er be: 1 no: Our value was tuber quietlut week. owing to the ntormv wenber. no uni! for four dun. Thing' Are Betting lively again " road! me being opened and the weather in bright 13min Mina lay Taylor manned (In! Hamilton lat rock that two week! visit with friends. Sandy McWilliams is hid can“: week with an attack of brooch“. Mr. Findlav we are pleased to say is able to be up every day. Intuit E. u‘ml .ynm I'm-gluon. John Wil- . Clark. Br Iedrtmutur Jenme Manila". John Me. Jr 2nd-games, 1Lor, I." Mary ntOuum-l. Ir ". L‘ honor Rolls. Iiopeville Dromore. 0--.. Vamey. Wrtters. "rm-\- " Weir, ad," EDI hutrtei. Jr Pt M a . ".oi..t "tver, rd p, lav~\:...-.. _ m... m; illmn.._ "I" '""vo: u ‘m'llu . ', Tedd”... &d--Nen BEST OAK TANNED LEATHER which means that in addition to style and comfort you tret long wear out of the shoe; bought here You could " ford to pay a little more for sud: Ihoec, but we dont charge that little more. Our prices are " low " the lowest. Entricken is the part subject to You will fittd the so} sold here to be made t --... v. .vuuumoles are ignited. For to cents we will mail re- ceipt and full directions how to nuke the best chemical fire ex “uni-her on the muket, which when thrown on the fire genet- lteu (In which mother: the "mei. The weird cry which we all dread-how ere you prepared to meet it ? Every home should be equip. ped with a tire extinguisher, be- cnule water in not strong or ef- fective enough. coped-Hy when oil. or Combustible. are ignited. Por 'o.etrtn we will mail m- in such variety of size sud design that wean tit your form and suit your fancy " the same time. Honest ma- terial. and hit prices. Harry Burnett, T Who does not know the amount of annoyance I mug]: or poorly.' fitting suit of anderwenr can cause? And what a comfort it is to have a suit of - tmderxsiothhtg nestling closely around you. We have THE SOLE OF A SHOE "ro New Subscribers-= Review and] Weekly Globe to Jan. I, '09, tl The Greatest Comfort Have you a piano in your Home? Fire! Fire I It not whynot one ofour Bcll's y We can give you the best instru- ment and make you the best terms. One sold by us in town last week was tested by Prof. Konold and pronounced excel- lent. John McQueen UNDERWEAR pay a little more for sud: It we dont charge that little but prices are " low " the West of Middaugh House teem otfer is limited, it oft until itistoo prepare for u a“. writing to-day for It“. to the most wear. tales of all shoes le of the Sewell "_-rar-dh" W The Men's Furnisher i, 1908 E H 21 T FEB. 13, 19 If: 5m.

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