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Durham Review (1897), 13 Feb 1908, p. 7

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IcQueen obscribers" nd Weekly an. l,'09, SI he". st Comfort W E A It 'lilB. 13, 1908 a piano Home ? CWel iéfifl rm: #1, gh, t!,,ll'l11l1_?riopLki"s" STORE Men's Underwear, 39c - . Cloiking, Boots ib Shoes Hosiery & Underwear Mil] Dry Goods Our Bmmense Stock must be Reduced by at' least TERMS: CASH OR PRODUCE Positively $5000.00 worth of iirst=class Stock put on Sale at less than present Wholesale Prices [LI,iji[gliijiiijifi) menu stand for three years except tttselt clung" or additions thereto. as may be made by the court of revision. “Warden Ball preseutnd his inaugural address, in which he tendered his uincvm thanks for being elected by acclnmnuon The warden was invite] to attend I nonlcrence under the auspice. of the Nuionnl Sanitarium Aranoeiation, to br. held at Toronto on Much 4th. end opened hy the thrrerttorthmertu, The council of Egremont forwarded a draft, of memorial to the Legislature againut the uneasmeur oi than lands it? winter, and recommending that the Municipal Act be changed As concern- mg the turtMmaor'it commencing their Walk on Feb. 15th; also that nae-s- Applitrtuioms, for appointment an audi- u-ra wens received from H. W. Jeukim and A. F. Armstrong. Owen Snund. Jan tl. Rowe. Markdsle. and Geo. Binnie Glonolg. Frucntmenc of Gr-ud Jury at Gener nl Suzie!” of the Peace: one neon: Inland: Ion of which {up thapprovuiw he undo for one grand jtfr/irililiiifii home of refuge each you. County Treasurer Pnrker’s_s:atemou of non residem laud fund. Letter from A, G. MncKny. comm solicitor. In reference to I disputed por. tion u the boundery line between Greg end Bruce. south at Hanover. When council "named on Wednesday mornitg, Dr, Lung w” the only abseu no. The cloth pretreated his budget 0' commnn ointionl, among which wen ube following ; A epoch] committee with Mr. F. W Harrison u claim”). was then ap pointed to 'trite the standing commit been for tho you. and council uljonrneu until Wednesday at 10 I. m. 89 member: of oonuoll answered to the roll all. After the preliminary buriuear no manned. Countv Clerk Ruther- ford from the chair. culled for nomine- tions for worden. when two unmet war. Proposed. Mr. R. J _ Bull. of Hononr. end Mr. Andrew Scbeuk. of Normnnby. Mr. Scheuk naked permission to with- dtnw Ind Mr. Bill. wu thereupon de. clared elected. and conducted to tho -huir by his ttominatom, Means Leg-u of Owen Bound and Wilson of Bentinek. a the warden elect briefly thunked tb: members of council for the honor can [erred upon him end intimated the there were a few matters to which h: would refer " next meeting. The min at" of list mooring of November senio- wero read and 'tOtt/tod. " Warden of whet he believed wufm Mr. Ball Elected warm. ttMt [I'M can", in the Proving. ot - ' 0mm both no to mone- and new», County CtNtmtiliiaton--WartUn'g tion. Since lest June when hie pre- Wat Inaugural Address. deeeesor hed referred to the equelnetlon l of county eeseesment. he had heard of The mentle of the werden hes fellen considerehle dimrtistaetaon touching the and on the shoulders of link}. Ball, oi results of that eqnelintion. it ,rould Hanover. The 'yRt'ff,!!.if? " that next be tmfortumue if e feeling of iltuatis. ,yeer it me, come neck," fer " Owen “mun prove“! on " important . (W03- When 8otmd, where there "° W" petty tion of the ttttttttttet, ot the county be-l any of tl “rang tslit-ooh" it should tarry for e “a" beeed on an unfeir eaeeaemeut. eter’e hig moon. . The are: meeting oithe Jean tn suggested tlut am this eeeelon 'itil) with you, er, semen wee.held on.Tnesdey than plan of readjustment he a.“ either . noon " the ttottet htmse, when " a" on the linen lend down in the Aeeeeementi SI 89 membere of council answered to the Act of Ontario. which provides for the A roll eell. After the preliminary hneiuea» eppointment of veluetors. which was en was trenaected. Countv Clerk Rather expeueiye method turd pork»)! not an- ant lord from the chew. celled for nomme- tirely "titmustorr; or the more tsimple none for warden. when two nemee wen md lees “renal" plan ot the individnel . Our "I proposed. Mr. R. J, Bell. tr, Hanover. member! of council prepenng during line, will and Mr. Andrew Schenk. o.f hormanby. the interval between January end June once.. N in SelignkleeklgdI permission to wish- ecssions e stetement ot values of the carried at 'cttw en A r. en, wee thereupon P- . ' “ye munici niitiee. . :lered elected. end conducted to tho Egg; ti,SltlL,T'it', S,,',,,',":',',',',',":,') lotsa '"te.cit 'l-eir by his tsominatorr, Messrs Legett luseesore.clerks and treasurers. and to ou " " Owen Sound and Wilson of Bentinck. his at very alight cost could be added .0 The warden elect .lsryfiy thanked tin lew particulars from the Registry oihoes P G nembers of council for the honor can " actual “I” in difUrent sectione of . ' erred upon him Mid Wilma“? the their reepeotive localities. This would, The Jewel rlterre "l" B " matters to whittit h, no believed be much more "sidtustory would refer " next meeting. The min then the winner in which the equaliza- Oppo Itee of lest meeting of November senior tion was done m June 1907, when the "tre read and oonfirtned. question of the been of the amusement A special committee with Mr. F. W wee sprung upon the members ot council Gmion " Chin)“. was then up without wffitsieut time for adeqnete eon- PP-e-e-ee-ei-ie, Minted to strike the standing oommit snderntion. "A on“ w-..'-.. $10 Suits for 5.98 l H. MOGKLER, DURHAM r 5.98 Overcoats, 2.98 Pins, lc per paper Co: THE DURHAM REVIEW Mr. F. W, Harrison presented report, of the Specml Commune to ptrilte standing committees. which recommend- The Warden also referred to the im. portant question of good roads. recalling be visit of Road Inspector Campbell at the November seamen and suggested net the County Council should take ictn'e measures either on a scheme de. .iued by the Council or upon expert idvice. to carry oat some scheme of road improvement and share in the advant- igee which must accrue from Inch Work. u the terms by which the Government "we one-third of the coet. The con- iruction of it branch of the C. P. R. rem Prueville to Welkerton which was l during completion and would be a great I rettefit to the county wan referred to: sud the hope expressed that the con- struction ot the link between Owen iiuud and Meeford would soon he re cure-l. In reference to the construction d bridges, on which there had been heavy expenditure of Into, new bridges having been built at Heathcote. Price- ville and between Owen Sound tusd, Brooke, the Warden suggested that the? county treasurer be asked to furnish a hntutuial statement so that the Council‘ could ascertain just how it stood in this l line of expenditure and in his opinion it would be well to issue debentures from time to time covering a period of ten years. so that the cast at permanent bridges would fall partly on those who in the future had the btrttetit of them. In concluding he hoped to have the hearty oo-operation of all the members and that the business of the county would be transacted With iihilily end desputcli. EXTRAORDINARY Coates Thread, 3c spool Home of lutuge-Mststm, Stephenson, Enkine. tttti the Warden. [ Warden'a lhttntttittese-Megms, Hum son. Hum and Agnew. Committees for oomiuruioi, GA-aG. ml adjourned till Thursday forenoou.-- A detrrtisurr. Communications Ind Mammalian"- an). McKnight. Agnew. D. .H. Sincllir. Johnson. MeClel'nnd. McCullough. Lang. Futon. Aberorotnbu, McKenzie. On motion of Messrs. Legato and Le. mon tho Wax-don't address WI! "(erred to tut Finance my! 1%di md_Bridg¢= Edmmtiou--.M-. Hume. Agnew. McCullough. Suphonson, Bunion. Lung. Gnrvie. Elliott. Goldsmith, Muir, Tulor. J, Siueldr Ind Umbsch. Printuu--M-. Wilson, Solxonk. Der, Ellis, Eston. Weber, McFuddon. Hanan. Johnson. Lemon. Erskine, and Femnaon. County Proptrrtr-hummr. McDonald. Lemon, Smith, Sehenk. Hum. Me. Knight, Louie. Abercrombie. McClel- lnnd. Snunders. Hutton, Norm-n. Elli- nnd Dodororth, Roads Lad Brides-M-. Erskine, Latte. J. Sinclair. D, H. Simshtir, st. Eaton, Goldsmith, Taylor, Dodsororth, Umbaoh, McKenzie. Johnson. Fox-guano. Smith, Corbet Ind Humptron, Finance-Maura Agnew. Muir. Wil. son. McKnight. thrrvim antic, Erskine. McFadden. Humpton. Elliot, Schenk. Norman. Corbett, McClellaud, Aber- crumbio. D, H. Sinclair. McDonald. Harritstou, Saunders. J. frtnttlitr, Me. Cullough, Stephenson, Weber and Smith ed the various committees to b. as follows, first named, chairman .. Mill Ends ib Remnants $5000.00 in l Men’s Furnishings 0613570 jii'i"?ii'ii"i')"k"ls' TORONTO 4th--Mtsggie Hartford. Knte Mo. Uunig, Ads McLean. Br 3rd--ida tde. Cuaie, Joe Hooper, Charlie McKinnon. Jr Wd-Bernie Hartford, Roy Me. Dermid. Nellie Myers. 2ttd--IsGy McCuaig. Henry Tucker. Almur Hoop. er. Pt 2nd--aLutgie MctGchern, Min. nie McEnchern, Leonard Hartford. Igt-.61ward Hartford. Malcolm Mc- Kinnon. Charlie Tucker. Br 4th-Gertie Morton 91 percent. Jr tth-John Grtsby 89 per cent. Br 8rd-Mabet Veauie. Willie Edge 70 per cent, Willie Wells, Ella benzene, Herold Mekechnie Sr 2nd--Lewis Newell 93 per cent, Stewart McArthur 70 per cent. Mae McKechnie 77.per cent, Herbert Dun-moor. Jr Sad- Enrl Veuie, Tom Gushy. Sr Pt, 2nd Annie“: Sfati;"cTfirii7" 86 pm??? Jr Sabin Veuie. Mhose obtaining over 00 per cent on written examination: have the. per etrtt_phyred after their nmnes.___i‘.'_ " LATONA PUBLIC SCHOOL. Br, 4th.--Horrison Smith. Maggie Iortley. Bea Simpson and Alex. Turnhull. eq., Addie Twamley. John Ledinghnm. Dan, Ray, Mannie Mott- ley. Jr 4th-aLysla McKnight. label ’Tulnbull, John Smith, Arthur Simp- "on, George Ledingbam. Ivy Dug-val. 8r 8rd--Lavirm Mottley. Kobe Smith. Jr 8rd--Htsrotd Ledlugbnm, Katie Steward, Carrie Monk-y, Cliffordl Mountain. Sr 2nd- Cecil Twamley. Stewart. MeGillivrny and Archie Turn-l bull, eq. Sr Pt 'ad-Nellie Smith,‘ Bobbie Morlley. Mary .Uottleld, Mary! IcCIement. Br Lst-John Locheed,i Willie Mountain, Martin Coffield, Jr 1st-Redtord Locheedf l :lezu: Brssmr, Teacher Average attendance. 15. s. s. so. IO, manna & EGREMONT. 2iiiC-Camie Grierson, Carlyle Mc- Dondd. Willie McDonald. Jr Pt 2nd -8terlimt Lunh, George Wilson. Av can nttendnmce 22. is. a. PO 10. BRNXua?K. Ola. i-Pearl Wilton. Tho: John. atom Ross McDonnld. Br 2rd--Robt. Pntherbough. Mabel Smith. May Grier-Ion, Marjorie Clank. Philip Me. Donald. JrSrd-Clara lioness. Gladys McDonuld. Edwin Lunacy. Br 2nd- Howud IcDougall. Roy Lamb. John Chi-k. John Smith. Donald McArthur. Jr2rtd-Jotus Grierson, Jessie cute. fiery Lunacy. Bertha Honeu. Br Ptl Linux B. WALKER, TG%Fr, s. s. NO 2, BEN. a 0mm. KATE MAcDosALn, Teacher. Fifteen Days Honor Rolls. M, Mamas. Teacher, Teas, l9c lb The 2nd wu‘blockaded lest week by Sundxy end Wodna'sdly's holo- oelum and no mails armed during the week owing to the severity ot.the storm. _ 5th ciaste--Nesuie Burns. 4th-WMe Walnut. Arthur.'tGdd, Kory Balms. Dinah Thumpoon. Bert Iorlce. Hilton IcNiece. Minnie keilar, Rob Webber. Lizzie Burns and James 'cllawe eq. an 8rd--Myttle Cudwell. Thou. Wal- luce. Jns Much-ll. Arthur Manor. Jr 3rd-Matry McAiiater. John Kerr and Grace Mountain eq., Walter ur- :Alllber. Elmer tree, Neal; Marshall. Henrietta. Kellnr. George Wehher. 8r 2ud--Lr.he Morice, Jeanie Motive. Melvllle Marlee. Hurry Cnldwrll " '2nd--MOel Wallace, Albert, Btertitt, Sunlev Mountain. tlt, Pt 23d-JUhll Birr. Arthur Mountain. Jr Pt 2ud-, Katie Keir, Mngvie Polly. Dawmon Marshall. J. Burns and Andrew Mar- shall rq.. Luella “in: Average nt- teudlnce Mr Time Mama. ot Cowen Bound, visited his tuber and other friends ground here. We are pleased to use Mr Rom Ecwr back unit: from Bstmshx Ind much improved in health. :3 Mr Wm Ritchie, Sr Visited Guelph friends last week. q Mill Lillie Ritchie left Int week for Toronto, where she will remain tor same time. Mr Dan Firth. who has been clErk: in: in McFurlnnd's more in Mandala is home at present. Mr and Mrs Thou Kimble visited friends in Paisley last week. l Mia: Annie Safes, from Mukdule. is visiting frien 6 around here and in Durham. --Catharine Hem“. 8r. "--Lrt. tie Britton. Jr. Iv-lr-e Twain- ur, AMI: new Oomph.“ CM. Arthur Loner. Br. IH-tGus Phil. llps. Irene Britton. Pearl Hopkins, Fred Torry. Jr IH--Huahie Hendry. Maggie Clerk. Willie Britton, Maggie Lunnev. Br II-christ/ttas Porter, " H-furry Cox. En Redford. Willie Hopkins. Nina Noble. Pt H ttr-gen. nie Britton, Neilie McDougnll. Sr I-- Etta Twnmlev. Gilbert Noble. J r. r-- Clnn Hendry, Johnny IcDougall. Dan Nuhn, George Smith. I A-ttob. hie Britton, John Joe Burns. Report of S. B. No. 6, Bonunuk T. s. s. so l, Nonxan. Edge Hill. A. Human Teacher M. M. ADAIR, Teacher

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