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Durham Review (1897), 20 Feb 1908, p. 1

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I con- 11 and t the I ’i‘iiWVWWiWWWMWWWWWWQ iii,! James Ireland ii'! gmgmflflmxflflfitgfimfiflggmfl 5-5 ijiai0maisnsisaiiii fj"rf"""'"'_iii ; 3,: LATEST NEWS OF ily The " Kitin- i. no ab]. 'tnrr on: r be Re, wit “In “or", h traordi... r hii REVIEW DURHAM New Suits in the leading shades for sprt1t-.t.1yyouirh1.y well tailored, handsome in appearance and built to retain their appearance. Prices from $10 to sI6-oo. NEW SUITS FOR Yois'-xcw Spring Stvles. well tail- THE STORE IS READY FOR YOU Ttyon want get l rich - red, nzvy, pearl grey, brown, black 60c yd NEW SATIN CLOTH, lov ely lustrous fiinsh on soft fine gooda,--an exception, ally nice cloth at 6oc a yd. able goods~new shades of navy. brown. green, red & black, 75c per yard. NEW TAPE STRIPE KHA- RrNTA--taahioG latest, colon show up clear and "NEW CHIFFON BROAD-. CLOTH, soft clear finish, in the correct weight, blackmavy. brown, $1.25 per yard NEW VENETIAN LADIES CLOTH. tine even finish, we ot the moat lashion- able goods~new shades of H ""P"braCHd magazine no tiorrto In Jan. 19at. for the ex rhodium-y price of CHI). meme; lk weekly or The lea-on of new-papa tur. guim is on and One. more bet we able to make the mttmorxti.. nnry Oder of . New Spring Dress Goods Patterns and Collars this season are very neat and when you see these you will say they are thoroughly good taste The leading colors are blues, grays, lawns greens, and these colors or black and white ground. Stores all over the country use these shirts at $1.50, we sell them 31.00. - -__ee -V-.. - ..... ored trom the most fashionable ii'iiiiil 'rear-resisting qualities too, $7.50, " "nv CLOTHING FOR MEN AND BOYS t to be ready for the wa your new Spring Suit or dressmakm are not into NEW SHIRTS FOR MEN. L00 NEW SPRING THINGS for the warm sunshiny days you should , Bait or dress NOW while the not into the Spring rush. Ihpr Spring Styles, well tail- NEW COTTON DELAINES Light and dark grounds, with spots and small pat- terns. Soft goods 15c yd, NEW CHAMBRAYS AND CHECK ()INGHAMS. all the good colors at taJ4 c per yard. NEW SPOT MUSLINS, Large or small spots on light and dark grounds,- very stylish, Special at 20c per yd. NEW MUSLINS,-its early, but they are being picked up already. New flowered mtu1ins--dainty patterns. some have satin stripe or check-toc to 35c F, d, cfothsf They have the 50, $9.00, $10.00. iliititttrti, PArmorw C'oscr:rvr,--TO, ammo- the "ttertainment, pustpnned on ac- count of the storm, will be held in the Town Hell, to-night, Thursday. 20th inst. Rev Mr. J. Spence. lecturer. as- P. A. Webster. solmst, are the ner- I formers. The program will consist of _ Iuch srlectiona M " The 19erelopment , of the British Navy, " '. Crimean ', War, " .. Indian Mutiny. " " Corona-i tion of King Edward, can. in all. over; two hundred colored and hand painted _ views. An admission fee of 15 cm for i Adult! Ind 10 eta for children will he 1 charged. See urge porters and hand- biliI for particulars. I P-ii-tterr-ue-d-ttreid-ofthe-o-he-u-ttrat 'hi"siatd-iytti_ereeirlirrsiuttlekEihoorineinth-t-ttt--- 1pg'.'rdJt.ttltt'tettgrt lameofdenth.thanooq-yhm ”hm-Ba: lacuna. Wxixeotuubtfmhexpminkn 'tstereataddedtourtimesaruar 'tttA-Bt-ht-tmatt-tttCont-ttttet MGM HESMNDARD BANK Mr J. Caesar was unwell for several days hut week but recovered and was Around on Monday. Tuesday morn- ing he took a "timing spell while in the stable among his horses and being discovered unconscmm. but ynhurt. was removed to his house where he is receiving best attention and is recuv- ering. DURHAM BRANCH John Kelly, Munu‘or ' ”no. “no AV mutual-on um tantra.“ We have to acknowledge with thanks an invitation lo the annual gathering of the Grey County Old Boys in Toronto. Lnngnmy the, Cherish the memories of their muive county. We with them a very pleasant time. This week, great (‘nmet Sale. 75c values fur 49ct, 50c and 66L thles for 390 and all hmh class htlk lmliseamt silk Hitched camels. regular $1.50 in $2.50 per pr. On sale fot per l" $1.00. Mother's Monster Sula. Iter. Mr Farquharsrotps pulpit, was supplied on Sunday by u Rev. Mr Smith, who ume as Asuhstntule tur Rev. Mr. Haddow of the Pretsuytemuu. He preached lucid and vigux-nus Ber- mons and touched many hearts, l The C. P. R. are considering huild- inga line from Owen Sound through Shallow Lake to 'southtunpron, w-tn probably a branch to Wiarton. One large 12 x bt phouwaplt given tree with one dozen of our best cabi- nets tur a short. time, Dr Deacon. Strntfurd. will be at Dr Gun'l oftice on Monday next. 21 Few. was. for eonsttlttuion in eye, var, nuns. and throat diseases. 5 Those who need ilne table linen can get a reduction of 2a5e per yd on all tine bleached lines this week at Mock- Ier‘a Monster tittle, Rev Mr lcCamus. Methodutminie ter of Lintowel and Rey. Mr, Jamieson of town exchanged pulpit. last Sunday. I Wiartcat'. debt it $158,070. I Conn! and Dee the beautiful Meet: and i embroideries just in " Grant's. Wasren, .General Servant. Apply I Mrs. John Cameron, Upper Town. ' A. H, Jackson has 3 number of 1i-"ai-iiiir.9typtigte JOINT DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS neon has tb number of vacant lots in Durham FRED Hum-3'. DURHAM, THURSDAY; FEBRUARY 20, 1908 "w PlidM 3 3c Printnnd 5c Cottog' Pins le paper .. ' (Thread 3c spool and pike of mill ends OPICS land renumnts at Mottler’l Monster . I Hale, ' Hose this week at ”MID "" OF CANADA Many lines and "Jlly um. [my- APPRECIATED -p b the last meeting ot the Executive Board of Directors of 1 the Gray and Bruce Mutual Fire Insuu- anve Co.. the following resolution was moved by Mt‘Arch. McCuaig. seconded by Mr Robert Richardson and unani- l mously passed ' " that we place on rec- lord our high appreciation of the set-vi. 3cm of the President. Daniel McDougall -', for his valuable and nntiring services i for the advancement and heat interest i of this insurance company and his 'strair,htrorward mode of doing huvi. l mass and valuable knowledge of the ( 1 risks in general and the policy holders, 1 as well as his courteous manner " _ pl esident of this board of directors." fear that prohibition would lull the town has been proved to be groundless. The place has excellent hotel accom- mondation, but a new hostelry is to he erected at st cost of 81i50,000. This shows that hotel-keeping is a protit- able business without the revenue from the bar. con tin-n, it is important that all spec- tat lvs an 1 "ye glasses are "elentifieaur fitted. Consult, (than. J. Western. Eyesight b'pvciitlist in Darling‘s Drug Sun-v. Thursday. March gth. As "UNI headaches as well 913 ol.scurrediseasesavedue, to ere tiorrs it, is imnm-tnnt that nll EXTENDED TILL Fem Str-in order to allow an opportunity of “tending this salt to those who have been kept from town by bad roads. Plenty ofhar- gains, come with tho crowds to Mock- ler's Monster Sale. ago, will be found on our, inside pages this. week as well " the regular in- stalment. Tue. h"rortv.--The missing chapters of the story that but for railway de- lay should have appeared two weeks The Canadian Pacit4 and Grand Trunk Railways estimate that the New", stonns cost them one Inillnon dollars in loss of tratmt and cost of clearing the lines. 1 Two rinks of Dar curlers left I'l‘uesdav morning tot conclusiomin [the tankurds held at Marr's this I Week. ," Dr Burt, eye and ed Surgeon. of 0 Sound. has returnednnd resumed practice utter walking the hospitals in New York for several “In. Don't fail to attend ti, Itupendous reduction sale where int-gains await vou At the Big Store, man y aftec. spew. This WedneIdLy morning, 19th Feb~ f s,,?,",','.",',,',',,,,,,, Geo 2:520“ wary. there Wswny, in his tBed , J P 1:91 for d R Lr, to year nthil home in Scotchtown. Glen 1 ii, (Bidder J . i'l,"jll", n tslit, the above reet. “d "We?" eJ. Urreltor0,sk 15 J. G. Murdock, " 11 ed member of the McMillan funnyI and a. life-time resident of Glenelg. ' DURHAM Wynn“). He hm been ailing most of the mute:- 'Uno H. Hunter John Orr from a liver complaint. and the hopes J. P. Telford B. Cochrane formed sometimes for tecoyery hove W. Colder l3, Kuechtet been duappointed. 1"" to “mm the J. c. W1ford, at w J. McDonald, " 9 loss of this sonic] and worthy citizen are his widow, who was a. Mitts Me. Dtntrrate Mr. FOREST Arthur and. A faintly of the tons and iJno B. Homer T. Dale four daughters. and they will have ,J. P.Telfnrd J. Galbraith _ the sympathy of I wide circle of those W. Calder W. Currie who knew the demoted. lu. C. hum-d. " " In. “MM” 4- " The remains arrived 1n Durham on Saturday. undluy a the home of his uon-in-law till Monday, when they were laid. beside. his wife. Ree Mr Furquharson conducted the service- md many neighbors and friends paid the last tribute. _ band: who tackled hush life and its hardshipv, and who we now rapidly passing away. To them were horn nine ehildren t Busan,MrteAratsrroms. Marion. Mrs Parker, Kirkwujl; Annie Mrs Montgomery, Sault Ste Marie and Christine. Mrs Thus. Livingstone, Durham. The sons are Thou" Toronto, Joseph and John. Squt Me Marie, James in California and William. Since selling his farm some years ago. he bu made his home with his daugh-1 ter. _...D ....,...u..muc I! culled a .. (Jun- ( I l" v lyelzasione. " but which will [wily by l, Ottitttary. in combination of the following : pro-l _ "-.- lgmm of music, speeches, &c ", a dance MR. JOSEPH ComMrrr ,iu which there will be plenty of Thursday of but week, this wen-I'“rounds"and .. "wares": a supper; known Bentinck pioneer died at [helserved from 10 p. m, till In. "I. ; Ill” home of his daughter Mrs Armstrong, (the remmiscences and opl'ot'tutritiesl tharenhurst, from the effects of srturi'for meeting old friends and making I “Ilene following a brief lines? [in i ntefwrgnfs teh,:',",:.:',':'":,": zillion]: l e am somewhat an en . t eltt 0 . . . ("sun 21"(3321: basing reached the begin Fic:' the Uhimumm out Mrest RIIHWPI' 3 Mr Corbett survived his wire about Pd. when tttf “I“ I"? rim": ttl: I 2; years. She was; Miss Brown, ol'lwmhmg .tqu m l " 'btsnlott: Mel Linden and over 50 yeurs ago yi'"'" Bluce luuuty. , came to Bentinck. put of the valiant I How the flro sun-ted isa mystery. There was no fire on Sunday and ne- ver any in that part of the building t one theory advanced is spontaneous combustion, it being almost incon- cezvable that deliberate incendiarlsm has taken place. Many would like to Bee a detective engaged. ---e.i---- The townU interest in the building is secured hr insurance. and though the proprietors have a. mull insurance an the stock, ii is u. knock-out. blow to them coming, unit does so soon alter taking hold ot the concern and taking hold in a wuy than promised to be of great value to the town. We have nut. heard Whether they have formed plans tor the future, bat the town sin. cerely sympathizes With them and hopes a way will ngnin be opened tor their enterprise. l The firemen with commendable speed, got the engine through the heavy streets, and thinking they could work from the river near by. drove past the last tank at Ivoire'., corner. and encountered some heavy drifts. It was soon found that. it would not be possible to work from the river, and before the tank could he utilized. the tire was past control. The brigades ladders Were used at the south end and somewhat. surpris- ing, the emptied frame extension was saved, Only the boiler, we hellevol will be worth anything no the mochin-l ery wing. l ,fi i The funeral will take p 'l Alarming " Any time is the 'ire1, m., Fiidny to tit John's l bell, but when it rings " " m. In ‘Neil is expected home, tr, Imidwinter " it did on Monday morn- llikdy the brotherl in Duluth ink Int. it is especially donning. for! .. -.. - will“ thoughts run to the ”swim“ A H Jackson is an Issue ntehome being destroyed with “wring-LI Licenses Durham Ont compenying human tottering and loss. I ' ' _. A heavy snow full '“ in program I The whole ottice stulfat the deadening the sound of the belt, yet; Wort“ ttre It? Toronto at the many citizens were soon on the streets 3 Meeting to-day. to learn that thednnger wan at the[ Chin J. Western, Eyesight Cream Separator Works, just lately i' int. will make his next visit to put into operation by the Sin-s Bros, pn 11ugtet,,r,t: 5th and Fire was tirat noticed by the a, T. It. Iconsulted in arhngu Drm engine caretaker about 2.30 a. m. He {Read his notice on page ti, blew his whistle vigorously and soon ; Would you buy some l0 ' help was on the 'rpot. Wind was in 'neiette tor 7 (tie. 8 cls pliuls _ the northwest tsnti “a the f.Ir.e etarted hind factory cotton for G els. in the east. wing in the packing room, ‘lthe way these goods nt'e " it was thought the frame extensnon to ( Mockler's Monster Sale. nd of the east mm; was . . t SMP., a szinsizgfhnn: some stuff of no great! Nm‘uuhg‘ PRMTIT” Jil,), value was thrown out and some valu- The Counei CY "ll t f. l" able snow shovel Work was done. Fic, "? T“°5d"l3v t te rtl.y,y.',a, Back worn-d the flee, however against} T" being to tre ect It',"? to; i the wind, and soon the cilia: endiing yuan As they had MW." long stretch of machinery in the north 'C','.',,":'::,:", (:,":,t.,er'.ryr.y I wing was 1; Mining furnace. der-lore tht Cream s Aux. McMILLAN Disastrous Firis tgit,":,).-:, Separator Works Destroyed, BffifAianO'WAvâ€"OEJIVES" ' TORONTO J. C. reltord. " 12 DURHAM Jno H. Hunter J. P. Telford w. Calder J. U. Telford.lk ll l, Almost won the Bonspiel. , Great Sale of 3 I , -- f , f Daritnm's single rink made a mush [creditable showing at the curlers' Iron. , "piel in Wingham last Thursday, ILL; ., 7 -- "_"--------. ‘moatlanding the coveted iitst pluce,|‘ --- - ' with " prize of a ser of 'yndymt) Nun In your clmtui to buy high-class chairs worth $60. Mt. Forestcapturvd I Silx'grw.” r m an at icductsons. Wc arc this, distinction in the f1nnls from our [minim ',T. sulr nur (111m 1trlls of extra rink by the closest possible llN’lRm- 'qhullty s.irtry.y.1rit/.uto1t, half what It . I worth. Thom goods .m- madr. lw However the second honors with . . 'P'endid "t of club battrs vttlued M sarl The Standard Silver Plate Co, Toronto is I Humble memento of the oCt'mMon, I The Toronto Silver Co., &ttd Followmg are the scores of the series I 3 an“--. _.,... .-_--.... " . --Ne V..-” 'rBP. II III lot lived in, the County of Bun-v More. said. together with those they have imarried with or who have ttoartied i with them, are by this token formally land informally invited to attend at ’lhe said affair, which for the sake of being fashionable is called a .. Con- yerzasione, "hut which wnll (wily be u combination of the following '. pro. gram of music, speeches. &c I a dance in which there will be plenty of " rounds " and '. squares " ; a supper served from 10 p. m. till in. m. : ali) anca OLD Boi-Mr, Jno. Ni, l: oi, herseit as Bruce .. Old Girl, " favor edun with clipping: from late Van "ot"erpttpettr, showing how enthu,r [antic-ally old Bruce residents " fore. gathered " on the 29th of January but. 'Prominent among numerous names i, that of an old Durham boy. John ll. Killuer. who is Secretary of the As- sociation and whose mum- is plrcrd below n. unique proclamation from which we lake one paragraph : rt And this instrument duh decree that all men and all Women who were horn in or lived in, the County of Bruce afore- ; l NORMANBY PRACTISEH ECONOMY --- , The Council met In the Cierk's office here on Tuesday. the Princupat busin- I eu, being to select ottieers forum mm- iing year. As they had advertised for applications for. these. they had ten- dengnlnre for every position. FOL lewing out the rigid economy princi- ple with which they stat-tcd the year, they began with reducing than own allowances from $3.00 to $2.50 pm- day and mileage, In ttheated cunn- ‘petition M. B, Flynn was awarded the )treusurerahip at 86.) a. year', Andrew iFilsinger the "sse"or"ship at 870 liiiiii",'i'i Wallacc. Henry Ring?! and Fri,' Mat-s Were appointed collectors. fthe. tlrtrt two receiving $28 catch and i the latter 824. The saving on all thoue contract. totals oycl $80leas than that paid hut year. so that u" taxer are: high. next fall rutepuyern will nrt ire lble ton-ace the came to the Council --Adnnce. I 5 Four brothers will "ls, (John, the well-known Glene Inna. Neil at Bud Axe, ht .. 1 Norman and Dan in Duluth i, The funeral will take ' 9“: m., Flidny to tit John's ley, is expected home, ll I‘likclythe brother: in Dulutl im- tl'efe't:,t?, 5th and may he Consulted in urlmg'c Drug ts'tore Read his notice on page 8, Would you buy some 10 cu. ttsu. neletle tor 7 etc. 8 as prints for 5 cu. Ind factory cotton for c, cls. Than.- the way these goods are selling at Mockler‘u Monster Bale. Nouuannv PRACTISEH ECONOMY _-- The Council met In the Cierk's onion h“ --- ... l rinse Licenses. Du] The whole office Works are in Torc Meeting to-day. "Tar..."- uuul mu: ran nu, showing how cullnui , Bruce residents "fore, m 311929;!) orlssrtuarrtaat, Huang numerous [mums i, old Durham boy. John H. J is Secretary of the As. Re, In a healed com- Ptrnn was awatded the was staff“ the Cement Toronto at the Annual Mr. FOREST T. Dale J. Galbraith . W. Currie Dr. Bottom. 5k Ed. Ward J. Murphy Thou. Rona Dr. Stewart. ck 10 chn'ow , these. they had ten every position. Fol 'igid economy princi hey started the Tear known Glenelg council- l "ESLKY Eyesight, Special Axe, Mich. and uuluw. 1 Generally m cor, (Aka pure a 10 t mentaliw- of the John’s cemetery. , he loath to believe me, though nit to our municipal fume}: u Duluth. ed on Friday night Inst wil r - 7 (ee of sites for Armory, Inner of Msrl‘md lurket scales, n, Ont. i All the town knows alum I tth , my: how lhrough effort, :t n: tttty I Miller. M. P. n grunt hn,, l ttleo mourn Ink“! Durham te; . Now is your chu rd I Silvyware at great tP putting W, sale our T, I quality Silccrwurc a . I worth] These good 'trl The mam tlil I The abovc three f but the best quality 5 , what we are selling n ware Sale. Now as tl time to buy what you Taro Big Store And hundreds of other soup. iust iiiie these. See our window this walk. 20 only 17 only 23 only 7 only 6 only d the present n ,tl nine house. I n purchase of " four mmnlwrs e Messrs Killln' d Mud Sharp 1 r John Brown,, 25 doz gs dor. 20 doz 20 doz in good shape four news no For this Proposition, which implied an impossible "ity for the armory; which impliul the ltmslu the town of the present mnrH-t protttal, with en- gine house. mu. which implied the purchase of " new site for a tie hall, faut'uwtnlwrs " the turntwil voted. Means Kinm-e. Robertson. tinuttdetm sud Sharp The other three. In". John Brown, John McGowan. Edward i Kreus. “i'h the mayor voted against it, and them: being no majority noth- ing could I): done. The argument for the Edge plopoc- itinn. with its great accompanying advanuttes.eeemed to us ununswenble and the four who voted otherwice took mun them it great, responsibility. The Standard Silver Plate Co, Toronto The Toronto Silver Go., am Rogers' well-known Goods. mm. This would give mum tho foe market scales. and thusthe one deal would provide sites for the three In stitutlons. Nobody grumbled " the' price. 810;; foot. Mr Irwin gave an option on his lot adjolning. And on. would think the deal would hnve (one through. However. half of the council had launcher propouition t an option Ind 1 been obtained on the Voliet property. _ north orChartevtimirh'e, foundry, mutt 18131). which. it was rinimed, would "mke an udmimde site for town hall and Weigh bt'ult's. This wu nearer the centre of the town, that Wu too near the rnilwny; this was almost level. that would he expensivetolevel. The" for the nrmory. which teamed an aftealhought. iuateud of being the main thing In view. lime “moonlit be obtained 'on the eotrln lot not)": of the Cement. works nun-mum Edge estate when it valued to be In“! an a. market. Here was a problem. but it. solution seemed easy when, it was found that an absolute deed could he obtained free for the market ground. by pur- chasing the Edge property. eat of the Caldwell residence, for long consider- ed by far the host site for I new Town _ Hall. This would give mum ulna foe [ market ticahas. and [Inn lhn nu- Anal HUI ‘of 82500 or 33(1):. of good D money fox the purpose of an in Durham. the. one lord 01 being that the town furnish proved trite on which to build II ing nruund nnd considering t market scales would mun hm moved owing to the new rnilm ina, it was nulural that, thoughts should fix on that fo and enquiry elicited the fact I present, market site reverted m SAL!» THE REVIEW, DURHAM. ONT, The Yellow Label Perry Spams Berry Spoons Berry Spoons Fruit Dishes. Cake Baskets worth sale pr. lagers Tea Spoons LN. dot. 2.80 " Dessert S I 5.50, 3.60 " Knives & god“ COO, a“ " ccllu1oid handle Knives. 2.50. " Berry Spoons. . . . 1.50. each I.“ Berry Spoons. . . . . L75. I.“ I.yerr.ifiis9oms. . . . . 1.00. In. ‘. Keeler & Sons. rtl ml t v» M. kiruily icits. I!“ at ottce, We thank alt who lure renewed the put few weeks but there are yet many others we wish to but from at once. Telu the datetowhich cub- acriftion Ins been 'lu?f"8lt. uni Inglint was this week DOI- r.1-tml up huh! ". " your. is mt‘ r .1. kmuL. mat fvuu at C. BAMAGE & SON Plural: up mm vLii,---'itrd acres. township E.- lm 20, um 21, good level land ham. 20nd building“. twenty t? good timber. Blundown. D. Mermm. Durham. z the Edge prom III residence, for our the host site f. This would give scales. and th provide sites for ms. Nobody an tion foot, Mr II on his lot adjoin Town Council ei-Dnrliarn & Well.“ pun Icuucuons. We are our entire stock of extra arc at about half what it goods arc made by own knows about the Arm. lhrouxh efforts of H. M. P. a grant has been made 821105 of good Domininn the purpose of an "More nlf of the council had mition.. an option Ind on the Voliet properly, tor Smith’s foundry, can it was rinimed, would made site for Lawn hall cos. This wu neutr the town, that V“ too u courted 'Ipal fathers In they labor- ? night lust with the quel- for Armory, Town Hall ' courted should' be rep- f the town. but we would move that axiom applied "vttlettt. but ita solution hen, it was found that red could he obtained urket ground. by pur- lge proper! y, east of the 'twe, for long con-Mer- ‘m-‘t site for a new Town ny; this was ulmmt Id be "xperttsiveto1evel, rmnry. which leaned firms make nothing goods and these are m this great Silver. the chance of a life. the one lncul condition town furnish an no- which to build It. boob l considering that the would soon have to h. o me new railwnyclon- natural that. armory d fix an that for . site. icited the fact that tho need in Silverware my ttot non Puma!" to tho

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