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Durham Review (1897), 20 Feb 1908, p. 4

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iN Now is the time to get a. real live bargain in iii Fur Coat or a Coat for Spring and Fall. fimmmmxmmmmzmgg iii Taylor & 00., Dromore E x?**¢$$*$¢$$w%w$$ww$$$w$*§ It are: awe plume (f Ida Jditurity, JCar. Stass E; /t""i""i""i""'"'"t"'"t"t"trososstrsoieot We hare seven left and the smash tered price now reeds a follow: In Ladies' Fur Jackets We've only 3 Men's Fur Coats Sole Agents for Progress Brand Clothing S. F. MORLOCK To carry out is simply out of the question 3 Men's Wombat Coats. your choice for. .. Now in not time to order e In". Overcoat or any gar- ment you are In need of. We would like to measure you now for we are eonvlneod we can ml: you better th o tt y where else. Mr Glue in attending to the caning him., ecl! and u to the mill. we have: first class man to make the eon. Prim may dome We consider it a pleasure to show goods whether youibuy or not. Sateen & Moraine Underskirts, Ready-to-Wear Skirts. Vestings, Chambras, Muslims, Ginghams, Dress Duck Suitings, Shinings, Flannelleees, Laces, Embroideries, Whitewear, Press Goode, Silks, Waistings, We have just opened out a very' large stock of New Spring Goods, composed of the very newest waves and patterns in new New Goods for Spring Wear 'r ar-tam,, 2rermreer 5 Getter “5.3 ‘Z $20 to 40 '.' $20 El Mrs A. McClinton visited 'lil',',",,' and “Mr in Mt Forest from riday till Monday. Min-Shelton, from western Clnlda, in viaitinc her cousins, Mr and Mn A. MoCattts Mr Balm. Tr. 3., of Holuein. no tended a sick hone t1trtuig Mr Bob: Pug, on may and ttht it, laud right. I Mr Joe. McNiece is home from Winnipeg for a vacation. Min Home Lemon has half.” aim ill with quinzy for the put ecliptic at weeks. Tuesday the 10th Feb., fine and by the looks of the tirrmunent, we might haves thaw soon, but we are not Icing to make any predictions u it may turn to an old fashioned Proton thaw some any years ago, by having another storm again, but we are told that thaw is gone to the as- sylnm. so we are looking for a more welcomed one in his stead. Mrs Bum, ot Calgary, N. W. T. and little boy are visiting " the tormer’a lather. Mr John MoLiehlin, north line, for the last month, and intends to leave again " soon as possible. Dr Dixon faced the storm on Wed- nesday the 6th to Pomona, to attend 20 John MeViear, who, we are sorry to hear, is laid up with typhoid fever. Rev Mr Matheson Went to Swinton Park church the last two Sundavs. the most of the way on snow shoes. leaving his horse at Don. MeMillan's. He touted the rest of the way, taking for his path the nearest route possible tgeo flelo and over fences and ri ts. We welcome Mr Shirley McIntyre, of your town, as one ot our citizens. as he has opened oat a large hard. ware store in the shop owned by the late Arch. Butters. Our town was on the point of ex- periencing a famine of bread and flour, during the storm of last week. Erlrelief came and nobody imirered d y. Oar good Dr. has a large terriiory to attend to whether it be mild or stormy weather. h: We have passed one of the severesu. weeks ever experienced in this part ot the country. Wednesday the 5th wasa pealer, the east wind blew a terrifle gale and it would take more than an ordinary garment to keep one from freezing between the house and barn. The snow is plied up in places to an enormous height. In this town between MeArthiir's and Mrs Batters' there is snow enough to make good sleighing from here to ‘Bunessan. and if more were needed we could supply the rest of the road to Durham, from the contents of a ten-foot deep drift between our house and the public highwav. It would be a good time for pruners now, " they could prune the trees by stand- ing on the snow drifts, bar we hope they will be all away before May. Mrs Reily is keeping poorly from the etieete of a paralytic stroke she took some time ago. . --- ,._- -........ "a Dan, the otherlittle Dan, hence the prefix " Big Dan " followed to his grave. Mr McDonald was about 75 years old. Again the some evening there died with same disease, Arch. McLean. native of the Isle ot Tyree. Scotland, " the age of64 years. On account ot the severitv of the weather, the body had to be taken to the Presby- terian church, where it remained for five days and nights. The funer- al took place on Saturday the 81h inst. and he died on the lat. Mr Me Lean suffered much before death came to his relief. He wasalong resident ofthe soufh line Artemeaiti, coming there when a boy. At one. tune he was in fairly good circum stances, bat always made a livtngi Hiertmains were buried in McKin- non cometery, south line, Arteinesin where his f'athor and mother are in terred. Mr McDonsld wss constable for over three years. an office which be iilled to satisfaction. He was also the tirgt sawyer in Priceville saw mill, over any years ago. when run with the uprigt saw. There being two Dan Me holds in Priceville in olden times, the one was called ble, Inn .1... A“.-- n“- 7 h . - ILO. cemetery. Father Wuhan nu unable to attend the funeral obseqnica on account of bad roads from Mark- dale to Pomona. Ite on thegFeb. Ist, Donald Ma. Donald, (big P,"l one of the iirgt reeldenu of the v Inge. coming than over at? you! :30. In religion Mr McDonn d we: 3 good member of the Catholic church. Forithe last year he tstttfered sT,il,iitttf,igt',t, dreaded disease, cancel-4w ich ended " life " stated. On account of tho severity ot the weather, the funeral was de- layed till Tuesday the 4th inst, His gee were bngied in the Pomona Pledft his News in this vil. Vamey. Priceville Parisian Millinery Co. Owing to our extensive trade we keep a choice stock of Millinery all the year round and are always prepared to suit you in good goods. Always a choice lot of Veiling in stock. We still have a large stock of trim mmed illincry to sell at special prices. Every hat is of good material. fresh and new, nearly all trimmed the latter part of the season. We have some special bargain: in all black hats, some trimmed with black plumes, Bowen, and good black taffeta ribbon. ,1 Winter Millinery 'l Maltese Cross Brand Rubbers All sizes, for Men, Women, Children must sureiy appeal to you the minute you see it. Entricken Come and éelect a pafr"ttraGirTriit" your pocket as well as your feet. They are priced as low as the ordinary shoe THE EVER RIGHT SHOE In Footwear is easy to obtain if you buy the 'Ever Right' Shoe-not only beauty in appearance, but beauty in the matter of durability also. They're simply the perfection oIsltoetnakfne. Come and select a mi: that will fit Mr and Mrs Wm Isaac and baby, o. Sound, have been visiting their numerous relatives here. Chas. Reid intéuds to try the West nexuprinp. where so many of our brightest are going. Mr Jag. WIIIOD had a cult meet with n mishap the other day, becom- ing ruptured and needing the Bereie es of a veterinary. Miss Maggie Hamilton left this week to resume her studtes in N, B. Cellega, o. Sound. Since writing Int. we voice the sympathy of this communitv with Mr and Mrs Chas Watson and Wm Wat. son over the loss of their son and brother, Peter in Toronto, who died after: brief illneasfrom on attack ot pleurisy. followed by pneumonia. His widow and family are all in To. ronto. 1loNiaoilate, by reason of storms, have been badly blocked and trav- elling uncomfortable. 1MtqttMt-.qqqqaqgF:; Mr Richard Baxter is staying With with his brother Robert this winter and helping the neighbors generally. He ison the Icokont tor a tarm, han- ing done well in the West. THE DURHAM REVIEW Mrs Wm Tucker visited friends be. low Orangeville recently and went to Tomato for a tew dnys. Mr Wm Ramage made thejonrney antelwar J. A. Swanston’a on snow ancestor the purroeeof auditing the "eotttttaottlte ‘ownahip. the storm of last week preventing any other mode oflooomotion. While there he metwithtwo old North Egremont residents, Messrs John Philip and Robert Aitken, who have recently been honored with the eldersblp in Fairbairn church. We are pleased to learn that the Council of the Township so far ap- prcciates Mr D. McKelvey. " to IP- point him assemr for 1908. Annmber of our can: lain. tend thking in the bx: mhwgs. 8. No 13. """"---_---. North Egremont. was Catlin-vine Min}: Jtidiouru, is at present visiting her pincer Mrs. Thomas Shows”. Mr. John Pre's't mt]: " present drawing logs tothe mill here. We are sorry to say that Mr. John Corlett is seriously ill but hope to man hear ot his recovery. Mr. and Mm, Goorfe Montgomery Intend Inoving to Wa kerton. Mr. Walter Hot-burg intends mov- ing to Hunover when he has rented a farm. Walter will be much milled in the vicinity. We are pleased to use that Mrs. Tom Shave" is this to be wound ngnin after . long illness. The farmers hnveiboen kept bun breaking road: for the In: couple of weeks owing to the lovers norm. BEAUTY sg, I Hluv T r“ .-- -.. TORONTO Welbeck Sewel] . -- ._. "T.:."'"""""""'.") ' - Loutidy-Hunter-%G we fo'lovuug neeounle be paid : 0 M Seine, priutlog‘ 86.75; W B Sutton. express chat-gen 90c; clerk'e registration {we for 87 births, l9 marriegee end 27 deaths 922.60; J. ‘ Spicer work on weds will: teem 'lrot, ; Geo Eden do 08,00 ; Wm Momma; ll l Reeve telephoning Ilu; 1r"atstmer--tro,k “choose. eulionerv end poelege 03.67 -Caeriid Plthr-rLotinun-Tut we adjourn to l meet on Thundey 28th Hey. " e can“ t of Bevieion on the Amusement Roll and general Meineee. Carried. I L.o9tutttnitson-mtat tlo, Audu- iou' Report be adopted. and they b. pttid 910 ml: for their services, Ind '300 co. pies be puinigl for dit!tibntiou--kGria T,nthii.,- ..-.-- nu . A. -- - };uuul wwugxug ttt we 'tttttmins.- Carried. The Auditors pretenled their report which Wu carefully gone over by Reeve and Council. The tender of C. A. Drumm for fresh cement for tile making for 1908 It " per MI was accepted. The tenet of ot Geo Hnmllton for making tile was an 'sepusd-u" Mro large Elle“ of "In at. 26tt each and the smaller Size n Me ouch. Iiothiyt--irunter--ahat Com'o Philp call on Snmuel Robb and take an Inven- tory of all the tile on bud. including the amen. Ind re quest the mid Snmuel Robb to [and over to the albreuid George l Hamilton the tile. moulds and other gocdl belonging to the 2'trid'i';ldt"st1 Carried. By-lew No. 219 to uppoiut pathwa- teve end road com'rs. penned the usual tttttdi-mums will be published shout. Mny let. By-lnw No, 220 lo appoint en assessor was eleo pulsed. The maze of David McKelyey wee inserted in bv-lxw, celery "o; by-lmv No. 22tto uppoiut 'eolucron, was read and pt"aesti-ti"s name org C Adams wen appointed Col. leolor tor N, D,, celery 086 ; J W Cu“. toe S. D., ulnry 885 ; by-lew 222 to ep- pomt poundkeepere and fence newer: was p-d-tmin" wilt be published later. - U- __ "J “' Lozhisn -I'hilp-Ttmt um conned comply WIth shove request and said pe- tition be forwarded to Dr. Jamieson, M. P. P , our represent-Jive in the Home. and he be requested to present the pe- tition end aupport the Bill when it I omen up for eomrideratiou. Curl-ind Council met February lull). min, tea approved. Aelmowledisaseut of receipt of don-nun to Sick Children's Hospital. Toronto, also of balance due Tp. Nor. mluby for work on O. s. It. and a peti. tron from Outario Municipal Association 33 Thomas to repeal of section 606 Mau. icipal Act re non repuir of highways. Loxbisn --rhilp-rtmt tint councnl -.i. _..AI. A. - Our sick list is Alex. Pallister who is getting some better, and Mr. J. H. Boot postmaster, Lid up with rheum- ntism. It is said that last Saturday 's scorm blocked the railroad again. How. ever it was We got no mail. William McLean. a former resident ofthe 10th con. is around seeing his friends. He came here nome time ago to see his uncle, the late Thomas McLearn. An insurance man from Durham was seen going through our village last Sunday. Has he made much on thitArlp? __ - Misses A Rites. Teenie Mchchern and Cassie Allan have left for Toron- to where they will stay tor the winter. A nice jollv party was held at Mr. Geo Russell's one evening last week. quite a lot of our young people ot the village being guests. Mrs Derby of Hanover is visiting (crutch! Weeks with her daughter. " Jun Kerr. Mr. George tsharpie" quite tt ex perlence with a load of pigs last Week. After taking themto Neu- ltadt ho Round they could not be shipped and on his return had to leave them " Joe Ford's where they re. mained for three or (our days before the roads could beopened to get them home. Mr Alex Anderson Went to Walk. ertun Wednesday. Returring Fri- day he had tn leave, his horse at Al Inn Park and walk the rest of the "IV. Several sleighlonds from about. here attended the party given by Mrs Willis in honor of her brother, Mr. S. Watt: fortnight ago. Last week 'g storm: filled our con- cessions west ofthe church so fall of drifts that we had to take to the tiela tor tbs titat time in many years. We are pleased to see Snudv Me. Wu“ able to be out again alter his I new. The Ferment Institute held their meeting Wedneedny ot this week in Russell Hell. Mr Colin MeMiiian in busy henhng send for the completion of " new home. Mr Findiev is Mill Improving, The roads tmtttttt'tbeso very bad, as we noticed a. young men from Conn, was . visitor in our burgh-I Sunday. _ Tom Genoa “also hustling home and to finish up his new house next summer. Mr Colin lemma}. visited Price- ville friends last Band". His father ugmmnied him but. Well MrEdltor our-news is rather mm this week. . Mr and my Will In». Owen Sound. no visiting friend. in and ground Dromore. Mn John Roman retttrttetrfrttttt Prleeville last week. Egremont Council. Iiopeville I'ittrttpden Bromore. '0 cum :‘w. It BEAN -'----- PURE HONEY tn an Mm. M - " " -"_q. Haw nll-wool Blanket. 64:84 In... .u & (.76 Plunnyellette Blanks“. In” 11x4 htdtft , ""omtoiierviiiG.'"/r.Y..'.'.'N up” can Luuu' Mn. Mia block “can Under-mama“ Us a [utter winter [Jude-manna mm“ . .25pr Lndleu' whim wool Mada“. P.ti'e'i,ffiii"iii',. see oGruriiiriia' 'ieriiiiiiiii . . "ty.'.'.".". Me And no [251's CARDIGAN JacrrEtr..n-, tas, Lion-ed I "---------c=ie walucr Uh HE SELLS CHEAP. ”31min. THE BIG 4 JOHN CLARK The qunlnio- Farmer: Wuhan, Sowing Mmhinon. Just one Robe left " a uni-gain DEERIN G HARVESTERS only [Fur Coat Sleigh Bells London Axes X cut Saw The careful housekeeper is proud of her kitchen utensils. She knows that half the bother of cooking is saved where her pots, pens. etc, are of the right kind and quality. Part of our Store is devoted to just the kind of Hoyeiurttishitur goods that good housekeepers approve. They look nice when you buy them. They prove even nicer in actual use. Their long wearing qualities make them the cheapest you can buy. A fresh sup- ply bought last week has just arrived Kitchen Utensils and Farm Machinery, HARDWARE ! -1 - . III - atoek Who will be the lucky buyer ? prices. um All In! bush can afford to be :vithout one of our London Axes. You will find it a pleasure using it. cut saw when sG%iii guaranteed for " so. Reliable & Durable Gun’s Drug Store Chilblains Are you troubled with them ? We have a guar- anteed cure. Others have tried it and found the ben. efit. Why not you P Calder Block, Durham " A n . Black Made only at of every descrip. tion at reduced without a néw "ar" WAo would be ine, in the No mun work- I VII“. I. Chum, to get one left in v... “m I on an Shana Ra"'lt',2: In! 8 t, ttre m, '.eur'oramk Milver. tem A o ' My; t'S'.' Ram Household We - Lor, Am Try Matthews d Latimer For len Christmas m a. ”.2th h And MATH-laws a LATIMER See the wonderful value we give in Underwear, Lumbermau's Rub- ben. 80! And Leggings, Plain and Fancy Rubber; and Cardigans, all wool Blankets Ind Yarn, Sweaters &e. All-wool twilled Sheeting, 7: inches wide at ttoe per yard. nad more are now on the way. If you want the best and new goods and " right Itr1ees, oqme with the know- IIIK one. and buy from us. Every Day Bargain Day at Mchrthur's Nice Briss oliis' Jackets & Ruffs There', nothing spasmodic about our buliness. mmhnd. We sell Crum's --the best. We never hear a complaint about them. Our New Prints Bi, _. MCARTHUR We have opened SPASMS ! ”defer/an: d Co. will [Invent the development of theotherlymptnm- Thes cun- eo quickly that your cold will be [one almost before you real, in it. The prompt use of this molly will keep you free from cold- nll winter. Laxa Cold Tablets will also cure severe, fully developed colds quicker than anything you can take. We met this cure. Price For .61” Cold Garb/er: A little some" in the throat a lane of tightening in the mucou membrane of the nose, then a me of profuse aecreticn and we have the 'rttrdevelopeut, 1lte-threetmshttr cold. When the first symptoun‘ the sneeze or irritated thrcat 4pm.", a few doses of uur Druggim and Booksel‘ms In Flour FEBRUARY 20, 1908 Bargains in Furs Wremree ' afbi, Cola/.9 25 can]: Grant. ld of Bran, tad Wind- out some le L4 MI EN.,G. It.]' Ci t? il'ilill' NE“ PEER ICE CA POI; Rub The n onlv A DA R " " ll IS ()

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