West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 20 Feb 1908, p. 5

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rews .atimer SMS 1 hunt. is! In ed s Goods tlane ty Bargain ilcArthur's __“ Furs wk Runs Cold Gatrtet, If ni, Nah". Houubold. UARY 20, 1900 'enace RTHUR "olds " ER m Ilso cure mm ed colds quick.» ' you can tahe can]: l" “7.”. 1 Wind. Prints 955 in the tttmee ghtening in the me of the m. 'rotuse mi.- welldevelom as teq Wk at some e wuy. t and right know. ' us. Crumb r hear a evelopmeng cl " They are our cold will fore you 3.]. A use of “i. you free he. Laxa Cold Sym to-,. itatuf thmat we: of out oksette " are odic about e we give en's Rub. Plain and iganl. an Sweaters Ming, " ' " rice, '34 it? r,iaiiiiaiiRmatriftfffriiiiiiejiiiiij N " G. & J. McKechnie Combination Suits for Children............ _............. Ladies Vests at..................... 16, M, M and Ttbo Ladies‘ Flannellette Underalrirtr....76tt and 1.00 Winter Underwear Our Optician manna! M, loos Everything we advertise is guaranteed new stock, and bought in advance at old. prices. Men's Heavy Rubbers and a full line ofIOver- rubbers. 1:14:99: 7 Watery; lot, 311an --"'""'-aEaL= At this In». of the when sickness in no Frauen the quation ttd “ch 'T,,', Inppliel is surely interest.' In this chic of good. quality is par-mount. We have the quality. FOUNTAIN muons IMAGES MT Trttg mm has “80332!" COTTON ICE cm ' mum's CUPS noun] INVALID! CUSHION! (mum-n -----, Ladies', Childreu's and Men's felt and felt- lined Shoes. Bhtt?httttaststo Men’s unshrinkable underwear in every qual- ity and at any price. Also a full line of Ladies' and Childrets's Underwear. Quality guaranteed to suit the price. It will pay you to call and examine our goods before purchasing elsewhere -"'"""""meee--sr- DARLINGS, Prescription Druggists The right blend of the two makes the only tetfect flour for " bread and pastry. Bring your Minions to us. We are prescription specialist: and mute: you aboplute accuncy. DARL Nag The popular Cash Store.) Ontario fall wheat supplies What Manitoba spring wheat Inch; What Ontario fall wheat lacks. . a, J. McKechnie Manitoba spring wheat 'ttpplies 4 - - - 1':tiiGiisttt, Just try it and prove it. an..." IMAGES mums tT WA?“ BAGS ABSORBER! COTTON . INVALID'S CUPS momma " 00831038 WHICH. manna: on. All) mm -- , Chas. J. "Made in Caloric " J. Western 'lUI room .up "a. ""aauv-aT'-ue11teft, 1hihzestrt.t, DRUG STORE , will be here March 6 SPONGE -Attornee General Fay ls intro-l he Lt dncing some nnpottant lt!.rlSt.t.ley with: ‘thst will simplify legal proceedings C 39d . . l um by cutting otr the privnlege ot'npposlsI Best- iromoneeourt to another, exocpton Mendel gnu constitutional points. This is in. worl " important step for it is certain in- a“: justice ig often home with from dread Curried Man oodles legal bottle. t'trJ.rk','t Beat- by slang pane. Success to r;Foy Donn even it be is stealing oppoeitlon connect: clothes. the sum --.Good legislation is that proposed by the Minister ot Mince in the Local Home to give minernle and timber to the actual settler. It Was an " eurd arrangement. but yet we believe true, that settler: might burn pine In log heaps, but were not allowedto sell it; or in digging: weil, if he struck gold. not allowed to profit by it. Paul) it through. and in addition to the Minister, thunk C. N. Smith. the Utr. eral member for Algomn. who bu pushed vlgoronely along theselinea. J On another page it givesa brief sketch of our member trom which we select the last paragraph ; " Mr Miller is a man in the prime of lite and is counted one of the group ot younger men of his party who are to bear the burdens and win the honors of the nearfatare. He is a speaker lof more than usual ability, with elear cut ideas, a. good choice of language and the iurce ot personality that com- pels attention and carries conviction. As chairman ot the Banking and Commerce Committee tor the past two seasons. he has shown that he panacea“ in high degree the qualities that make a good presiding oftiear-. quickneee ot apprehension, firmness, tact and courtesy. " iiriiiherc.%i; iiii;ti'i1'i'ci"iii"s' Gul; admirably. " Parliament containing such names as tanner, R. L. Borden, Fielding. ‘Foster. Osler, Patterson and many more well-known In its summary of the first day's proceedings of the Insurance Bill before this big committee it says: " Notwithstanding the crowded con- dition of the committee room and the keen interest taken in every part ot the measure, exceedingly good order was maintained. For this credit is mainly. dtte.to 1httehairman, Mr H. Not once, but frequently we have seen the name of H. H. Miller, M. P., mentioned as amongst the available cabinet timber to be drawn upon for the reconstruction of the Ontario see- tionof theeebimst, when that takes place. In the important position of 'chairman of the Committee on limiting and Commerce to which ‘he was unanimously re-elected this year he has shown ability that marks him plainly as eligible for a cabinet position. In making this assertion we are not simply expressing our own opinion. The last issue of the well-known Insurance Journal qt ot. flce and Field. FF has a splendid half tone cut of our worthy member. who presides over a group ot 128 members, comprising the a lest in l TOPICS OF THE WEEK. At no period in the history of the paper has " standing. circulation and influence been more stable and healthy than at present and we hope that during the next 30 years it will still be found in the very front rank of Journals of its clan. We have still on our lists a number who have taken the REVIEW from the verv tirat mane. We are glad to ttave them. and hope to have them and the large number who have join, ed the family since fora long time yet. 1884, when his brother Mr B H Town- send took charge and continued in charge till 1891 when he sold outta Mr. C. MeArthur, who after 31 years in the editorial chair sold to the pres- ant management. July Ist, 189t. The REVIEW continued under Joe. ngnupd's_ quldance ttll October l On the 14th ofFebrnery. 1878, the ttmt numberol the vaxnw wee issued by Mr. Joe. Towneend, who came to Dal-bun from Dnndrlk. where he had been running e paper called the "Guide” tor one yeer. Mr Townsend in Mill elive and well " Btunrnenside, Ont., where the REVIEW finds him every week. l 30 YEARS AGO--A RETROSPECT THURSDAY, FEBRUARY ao-, (the Barnum item H. H. MILLER. , Carson-Wright-That tho following “we paid. being for work on Midge at 'Louetr's Hill under Mr Meade; In“: l Sinelair. 82.68 ; Rom Wright, $2.68-- i Carried. I Beat-c-Ott-That [no Councillor Mud- be paid u follow. for oven..- in. work on Louak's bridge two day! " 92.09:“.00 nod Soc for apiku undo-1‘ Best-ion-That Ecginur " Dowall In paid 817.36 for amoe- In connection with Collin-on mum and um sun. be erased to the pain m- wright-Bi-Th" BlootntUId Form be psid 02.65 for work and that»! and on Midst n Louck'a will”. ttottiiked by ox-oonnoillor Meada.--0irrud cur.ott--wruht--Tut the mount of tho Munielpnl World for Amumout Rolls and foam and “minnow. 815.57 be pitd.-Carrisd, Wridt--tssou--ah" W. J. Leror's mount 010.50. for wood for town hull bOPid.-eriy1i. __ _ _ C'Breou-Bertrt--'rUt the account of Claus Mosierdulv "rtitud bylocnl Bd. of lie-13b. 010.60, for “tending on S. Colqnetb‘a - whlia under quinin- tino be piui,.rAhirrioA. --- - - Wrigut--ctuaott--TUt this council are or the opinion that the time bu or- rwed when it it! necessary to but. non" measures to improve the condition " our Winter roads nnd think that tho bon. nsing of wire fence: would but sdnntn- goons in this respect. Ind further we would invite the public to be present u the next session a! this council on tho tirst Sunday in March out, Milan! 2 and 3 o'clock p m to give the matter , ccnudontion and full dis-ton,--; Carson-Best-Tut tho Auditor'a re. port u fiually passed by this council be adopted and 150 [:11an copiea be pro- cured -Carrimi. Communications " follows were pre- sented and read ; -Fred Deugle, re wed in con lo; W J Lever lccount for work n Town Hall J Municipal World, no" for nuseauemeu rolls and stetlonery ' County Treasurer, list of Inndl liable to be sold for taxes in 1908. The Audi- tor's Rnporu was also presented. The Municipal Councilof the Town- ship of Arbemosin met in the town hall, Fltsslsertou, on Sunday. the 8th day of February. 1908. The members were Bit present. except Mr. McKenzie, The minutes otlasst session were rend and oontinmsd. . Lenahan The most successful Ther- mometer yet invented is used in the 'Pandora' range. It legisters the exact heat of the oven and can be thoroughly relied on. The Thermometer Is fitted with triple, triangu- lar grates. sectional cast iron lin. ings composed of five heavy pieces ot cast iron, is a great heat produ- cer and consumes very little fuel. The Fire Box Is ventilated. large, fitted with thermometer, lined with sheet steel and is a uniform baker. TERMS STRICTLY CASH. Eggs taken same as Cash. The Oven Giving Away Hose We are agents for all the famous lines of goods, including the '%uushine" Furnace, the Range. etc., etc. Hardware & Furniture Artemesia Council With every cash purchase of a pair of Boots or Shoes at $roo or over, we will give you a pair of nice hare-Offer good until February 29th. Goods are not marked up for this occasion as we enter all our goods in stock marked in plain figures. Call and examine goods and prices. We'll not urge you to purchase what you don 't want. CUSTOM WORK AND REPAIRING as usual at The down town Shoe Store. s STRICTLY CASH. J S M II . taken same as Cash. . . C raith This Range has many ether important features and is well worthy of your inspection. Call and examine them for yourself. FURNACES, STOVES 6, RANGES I Would be t great bargain. So In the followmg properties " the prices uxed t I100 mom. Durham Road, Bannock. Good dwelling. frame bunk harm good soil. Convenient location, only 32-11). (ad;")',",",') tlieeteltr-rt1ne but barn-- _ food frame "elliott-other ttood mprovementu. only 8800tk 40 was and» had. Durham Road _ Bannock. 8151!} A map. 250 may on Congrats, 't,trd,r, In good cocoa. T on To quicf'buyer at ”an. “a l M um. _Bentini-owesee in west. price 327w. Buildln worth the 'stoner-trem for nanny. [on of other to formic. " ne, to his ML'lt of bus!- l“ M“ to. A Dollar for Ill NEW ©illlrllll8 muted n awn-Jed by engineer in 'ttti-U-sd. After two years in business in Durhum I thank heartily the man farmers Ind others who havetnvored me with their trade and have pleuure in unnouncing that I will in the future hue have pleasure in meeting in more commodlous Tuners. all my old friends and trust men)" new ones. Promptnees and tair deal. ing will continue to be my motto. Yours for business. The Pandora Range Mantra Blotre--utntttoet St. Bare " and Bell 'I old and This Range is certainly a leader in the line of Stoves and Ranges. Note some of its strong features ' Is stamped from one piece of sheet metal and given three heavy coats of the beat enamel. Finish. ed its pure white, and has a smooth hard surface, which is euily cleansed and perfectly free from taint-no other range is fitted with enameled reservoir. . B. McLellan. H. H. MILLER, The mower Convey-nu- Special construction of the Buea forces the heat around the oven twice and directly under ev- ery pot-hole-makes the ‘Pandora' Range a perfect baker and a per. fect cooker at the same time. CARD 0F THANKS nous lines of McClary’s Furnace, the "Pandoia" cIntosh. Fifty Cents ues ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO -V__~__..._.. ._-V.~-..._-.w.....m... M ARI k't4,1',1rr',l,s',e,rhh'sttl 'ltl,'ietf/i,'rr,'t,'e,taf, m "II I “I chum send a “In, {afoul tetnitttTBorTk-"TFoWtr, R,t.tr?feet " mythic to munch“ 'fjiiiitiirhieiii.5 Linda; locum PRtM'tl.Yitylrt"t'h" T We are hating an upholster- er the first week in every month. Anyone wishing old gods reno- vated to look good a new should ndvi tM-we will b pleased to 'l'Clt to it st once. t “to: Menu 'aut,' “canned Ir. We have a good supply of fresh Baking alwlys on bum]. Also It good amort- ment of Cnndien. Nuts And onus". BON BONE ALWAYS FRESH Hun full lune of Curtain Poles. Window Blades, Picture Emma Fumes to order of all kinds. KRESS, All our experience at your service. Call and see us. and mach more tell you of this week I, the tSing-to think of "in, _ We beg to announce to the people of Durham and vicin- ity that we have opened up in J. C. NICHOLS STORE A full line of Fashionable Furnishings for men and boys All the very latest in Colin-I and Yiet Gloves end Hon Hats. Caps. Shoes. door south New! New! New! Lot 27, 28, Con. l S. D, it. Glenda. 85mm cleared, 7 acres hush. Well watered. Good Brick House. Frame. Bank Burn (45:11).) §mile from pro- posed station on new C. P. It. Line. Convenient toSchool and P. o, F ttr. ther pal ticulara Apply on the premises. Tome McAscrswrt, Prop. John We beg to unnounce that we will be open to buy any quantity of It)? of I." kinds including shingle and all: timber delivered to our yard, Prices will he quoted on applying It the Company somce. Tam 001:qu FURNITURE Co. The undenifned will sell or ex- change for at! e or sheep. one heavy mm. supposed to be in foal to a. good home; one road more supposed to be " foal, one roadster mare rising unee Team old. Both roadster-a are good quiet drivers. Arply at residenca. halt mile from G ”can P. 0. toWn line, Hollund And Glenelg. __ . H. STINSON Gents' Furnishings Nov. 5th I”. Farm tor Sale or to Let. McKinnon 100 acre farm at the Rocky. Immediate mnion ttieen. For turther partieuUm Apply to The undonignad otrim for “In the home and lot] north of the Central Hotel. Durham. Home in roomy comfortable and in convenient locuitv. you again!» :41de for two funi- For Sale or Exchange iday Baking 't thwart-her -. - -- - .v- wwu l " My tiriGTi mymeul to grit Farm tor bale. Logs Wanted. Model Bakery Home for Sale. '. P. Trrt.rdiui. Durham In. C. ELVIDGE. we can't (on HOLLY ose an: n ttAe. "--_"-__ -- """"ri" iiihiii'iiiiii,'t'tif.1,',iitil. thtti'.1t!!i!lift mt, will]; Shoe tor residence. . Ion "l8: " Per month In “m G. L. Grunt, MAL, ft. Inn-n. - i w.-.“ u-u‘GI-l“ luau! ',htt119Etiliii, l MM The-ch00”: than hlye at In!” mun. in chemo-l ism! 'ji.Sd'W'd'2ttg lulu... an. for full Junior Lenin. and lung. .uaiiii'GW. The following comm - m In chum u TIOC. ALLAN, In Cluo Gorilla-u. "truso.t Wtett GIBTIUDI: 8000:. B. L. In. cum ot Tun-no Uni a!“ lath. Cowman. and Mad lllss DONALDA ?.e.K.E?uucaren, ,'Ucpat: mfwuflmifim [5 my and iairia7. her SEE” - RESIDENCE -- p, [awn-neck Bl. Brow Room; Embnlmtnz a Specuny. Picture Framing. Shortest Notice launch; Student; Ihould can!“ a. lytetttttliartrGGi'ifi1' h... __M UNDERTAKER and Funeral Director Moan-ed Auruoneer for the Cat, Wh"',',' Intended to. In 'fdh be left At MI " mama. Mc. uuon‘l old “and. a one. Durham School JOHN CLARK Lwensed Auctioneer tor Go. Grey Term moderate. Arrangement; for "tttt an ton-(u, on. Inuit be made an the Review ot. tiue,Dui.hani. -' Cormwudunoe “a... there. or to Ceylon no” will be [mommy “and“ to, Term on Albnlimllnn n- Barrister. tiolieitor In Supreme Court Noun-y Public Commissioner. Money to Loan. omce_over (imdou'e Jewelry Store DURHAI. ONT. (Lower Town) or to _ - Ceylon ARTHUR H.:, JACKSON Auctioneers. [neat-Mice Agent. Money to Lotus Inner of Marriage Licenses. A gen- eral tituuueUt business: tun-noted Burma. Solicitor. Notary Public. Convey-moor to. Money u, Loan at, lowest run-n. Rice. Moll)! yre Block over the Stan O dud Bunk. Duv‘hnn. Uni-rig. 1Ntlee-Ahudet'. Block J. F. GRANT 0. 0.8-. L. B. B. HONOR GRADE“ E Toronw Culvert“) GM- um Royal Collqge Dental Surgeon Dentistry in All in bunches. HONOR GRADUATE of woman Univenit ' madman of Roan Coll... of Dental gunman. of Ontario. Room. Over J t J HUNTERS New awn W. C, PICKERING o. D s., L It S. Full line of Catholic und Mack And (up. for aged Glee. 13mm ’. McPHA IL mum-t to yorks.G.aLaraoa, In.) an to Knapp? (New York) Eye Hm. CHIC. notary Public. (Imumiuio CONVEYANCERJUc. .'"""rro"un,tiat,"- and I!“ . land “meat. tau-hu- nd 0.. H a. u [MM um. on Mqodte Cone. OHIO! MOD" F-tt n. In H p. I. Tuuhnommlu No. " J. G. HUTTON. M. D., on Eye. Eng, Nose an Throat 3“" 0“ tuba-out. D. IhsptiAiL, Ceylon P. O C. RAIAGE. Durham rumour: a sum. 7 no. one J. M. Moscow- “to B to no A... mrmta..f Sto ' mg 1 Ho nu. - - mutton given to m of Women um (thudnn. . ARTHUR GUN. M. to Ceylon "iGi.',eai7'Ti" 'l o, Term on uppllculon to MEDICAL DEIQ’ TAI- . BELL .Pirrt house loath Blacknmirh Shop. . P. TELFORD Licensed AucLioneer for the County of Grey. Next to Bun-Mow“: Bar. In: I wlephone m DR. BURT . P. DUNN 's------- ~~--â€" -%ri."B. MI [up], lent, “I.” 2. Commissioner. c. It ,,_,, w"... ....._ om thelxwl' While people. a ov, Rube- of Over. an. 2., rel-om at Post one. IV

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