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Durham Review (1897), 20 Feb 1908, p. 6

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od 'Yr uuu mm.- mm umm- to sill unrestrain- z-d. 1.1: lord nan-r abandons Iiits ehil. then that way. no at.” close hr, m speak... He - with loving insistence I" h In What ie had been visit He Looked After " Itching, "pro kes wrong-duh God for ttri" life can be tttutis Mat until he! natural impulse is to tight seek sin, in rebellion against s' t'nll to turn tron sin. " Tt uni Yield to God h Um Hi mu rsaing it u hard School “In. JTHh'dty CALL IT GOD, th who art the visible. dwel rrf,,-ai),'ip/ 'ii"iipisi)i' 1 Take Time " mun on duty-- r starved for her brood riuking the hemlock. Ila on the Rood: 4.... who. Gait, “I 1 u higl whv ' Prayer ty art in ' mercy A! I a cremnt who... "mm is new aad “I, rt; high yearni 1;! and d'r'lll'l"e-- - mystic we“, . no foot in. trod--' m it Longing, , call it God. I Ti hard Psthtray Nod maceration. Tl Prayer ll duel , full if my asa' I Ri' iiiiiuji; " We have an ng comic-cc, , a misery, let :idonc- ttt Ftin it 1nd when th : mother an: If Diane to the man Jld like. God It! sky. at the (-0":be be sailing hitrb-- l and imvhnd King atoms], im. in: in light that " 'tlory. in Thr " mums nd. de: her d-death was in up the Father nail If d Jemod th Rey lie ll My to hbd U Mm:- "John," said a homely old paridh min- ister to his beadh, as he was being as. sisted into the gown by that ittdUpirnsa, ble functionary in the vestry one tiab. bath morning before entering the puL pit, " don't know how I'm to get through with the service thin morning. I have come away from the mango and forgot my snuff-box." "Guidsake, sir. that's a peety," said John. with a deep lympathy in his voice; "loch, bide n mute till I see gin I cunna get as nuckle’s pit ye owre till the afternoon,” and John disappeared, teturning . few dilutes with I curious compound in A race of brown per. which he atrial n hi head. A'd.T did you get tMrt" mid the minister. eyeing the paper ne- pieiou-,ly, yet "ttttring up . lug. pinch Three important motor t added dirigible and Mropl nx-nts to their works and puny ‘haa been floated sole oonstruetior. of machines f vel. Commvnting on this the that within five years it wi to plane protective net: Sgt: of Pub. The Parish Minister r _v...-. all.“ rvvn Ill 36' York the expenses mus-t soon be made to L'ome down to the receipts. A sign of the times was when the Marquis de Dion summoned n meeting of persons interested in the airship in. dustry with a view to founding an M- wciutiun to protect their interests. No In: than forty-five members attended the meeting, the necessity for which would only have aroused a smile n year ago. The Marquis de Dion hopes to avert for air travelling the troubles of automobilists in tho mun-Iv Ann- -1 ake, “He um: " In their great voicex which mum than enormous figures, where in unlit yit is no such thing. It is menu ly I vulgar commercial war which is bound to atop soon. since even in New York the expenses must soon be made F.. .mfw--, 177’ ' . _ wr _ -- .....v..a _.._, singers and Amerim is held guilty oi precipitating it through Messrs. Con. riml and linmnim»win. The competition turns men's voices into gold and into diamonds thaw of Women. Sin-mm, vir. tuusi and orchestra lenders have but one idea and an a nault they quit Eur. ope and hustle to America. Home must content herself presently to hear her great singers by gramophone. The Manager can they are fooling Utentrelvm, however, became they be. lieve that it is their great voices which name than women: figures. when-mu 7 New York's ope erosity threaten, musical gomip. to rest of Europe 1 There is impendin prove oi great trco.'ttaiicre m arriving at an invested town and would be of still greater assistance in leaving one and go- ing on a search for help. I was filled with emotion when a thought occurred to me what. a reception the Ville de Paris would naive on landini in such a town instead of peaceful Verdun, where as it was we were enthusiazstieaI. ly welcomed.” the dimctrstsion iv, business is busine jurtitimi in doing been said on the terarh, he is calm [landed such a co "0rttetrted by the dir.ero, who held Weroher as a man of honor could even be tempted to do such a thing. writer t)tereupon demanded that proposition be put forward in Gil making a bet that a majority of The writm% prop 1ntetrted by the di affair. It should be stand that the writer predicted that Wernlwr's House w him. self, aside from business exigencies, when he resolved to open the envelope Wu that he was an honest man and could trust hinge-If and that if there should be a valuable formula within the envelope he would neither diselo.,e it nor profit by it, not Jet proeeed against lamoine. v ' ‘l'“""B envelope and declare. "If you In thing serious within I will give ' 000 "mum." When a nmn Hul‘i su uage, any: the writer, he is sure It was suggt'llwd Lia: Wernher would behave it to be his duty as a busing:- man to open scent}; an: were» envel- ope. Finding that this envelope eontaim ed no formula of value, Weruher then, weanling to the hypotlwsis, would have felt juatii'ied in proceeding in law against. Lemoine and would be able to stand in court and challenge Lunoine to consent to n judicial opening of the cuvelope and declare. "If you ttnd any- thing serious within I will give you-“)0,- i . . _ - ,7 r." " "R," - The Gil Bin can . out a roieet "ou ' Four yt Pojiltfon? I was turated " a 'ltd1'J'll'Lor1 Put)?! iii" I pardoned, mum. . I.ou_unnllo Herald. furtlx tor public (inclusion today the ( .Progross stops tho instaht a man be. use of conscience of Julius Wernher. Jr"l? ttteel yholly'mlmsfied with himself. juc prujcut is LLe outgrowth of a prw l- Narnia Pre,! mon. _ when put forward by one of the, Mr. Niaggsmln have you Know. ma. "inserts, a noted writer, who made a phy- dem, yt, no woman ever .mtyie tk fy?.ol an; mum of we whim..- tstate oi J t'! ny". Mrs. 1inaggsv--0h, Indeed! Who mind of Walther «a the guardian ot did ft then? such enormous interests I» the diamond 'r-er-e-i-er-r-ee-er-i-Seri-ries- rmnpuny rupmunm, after Mammy chat tTir.ngritjPi5Fii9i Lemoiue had been in prison. . l. o ' Ir, _ er to the and: or even to definite idea g in "ttard to the probabilities of the I whole tin-action. Everybody com. l, ntenta on the power of mystery over hu- , man being.” which noun " gram “1 ever. Every one link. Lemoinea secret, paper with tho Dreyfus secret dossier,! [no Humbert secret ante and Bruce’s se- l um, oi the oottin. but nobody be: men- , tinned (Janie dudwick. F Paris-ie dlscusuon of the suit of Sir Junta Wombat again-t. N. Demoine in connection with we mgutufacture of artificial diamonds who columns ev- ery my in the Pub paper- Without ei- ther the write" or tendon getting neur- Should Sir Julius Wornhor Open Sul- od Paper of Lemo'trte.'-Nt'trht Flight of Airship. an Element in Future War-The New York Auc- tion for Voicu. PARIS DIVIDED ON A CURIOUS CASE OF OONOCIENCE. important motor firms have -.'-gct, . V DIAMOND MAKING. nir travelling the "3116]; if >19. in the early days of thin stars. The \3-nluiwse only the arrival of the Ville de Paris ' hea.r.d her siren. Commandant vie and aeroplane depart it works, and a new com an floated solely for the of machines for mir on e Treratie rivalry and u, according to - m by that indispensa- the' Vestry one Sab. ure entering the pul- w how I'm to get service thin morning. from the mum and ox." "Guifsake, sir. Irf it will be m pmpmition was saintly and His Beadte prive Putin and tho their best 'u'ttgers. in crisis among the is held guilty of mgh Messrs. Con. n. The competition nto gold and into omen. Xingu-m, vir. ttbore the air tra. igaro says tttld not mg. The It the ii! “has cf tlu. H r m 400, h la tt,g Iris Eli” l timl reudy for shipment. I Home matches are shaved with the grain from sawed blocks, some are out (both ways by saws. In some factories l the blocks are boiled to make them cut masily. By some machines a boiled or j steamed log is revolved on its own axis l and a shaving-the thickness of a match f ---it, cut round Ind round. This shaving I is at the same time out into lengths and split into may sticks. There is hardly a limit to the varieties of methods em- ployed. Round matches are made by forcing them through dies. The "pan- ese make paper matches, which are wood after al1.--kansan City Star. Bhrbtto--wtto was it first discovered that two’s compuny, thrre's I. crowd! Slobu--r think it must hare been the first father of triplets. 1.41 ‘THE WORLD'S MATCHMAKING scription of an operation in one factory would not apply to another. Nearly rwry manufacturing company has mn- <-bivwry made specially for its use, and (-m‘t'rt'd by patents, and it also employs pnwmses discovered or devised by its mm chemists and mechanics. and kept soc-rot to prevent rivals from obtaining and profiting by them. A single machine has lwen known to turn out 177,926,400 mutt-hes in one day-boxed and labeled his Matvhe, are manufactured in many Ways and with numerous kinds of machines. and for that reason a de. As a matter of fact it would be itrr possible to carry on the match busi ness at all at present prices if the re. jevtml lumber were not worked into something also. The room where the matvhm are made is frequently the murmur tlt'part.mont of n matelr ine tory. The larger portions contain the suwmills. Matches are manufactured in Innnv It might be supposed that because lll‘r’ll'llt'i all? small the makers of them would utilize scraps and left overs. This is n fVcr" the case: matches are not by- prmlu. H. The match machine tlkes the finest timber and what it rejects goes to the lry-produet yard, and the by-product end ot' tho match business becomes the lnrvvst end, so far as bulk is concerned. Annng the by-prrsduets tamed out by the large Pavifie coast factory just men- tinnctl are 1,000 doors and 800 sash" daily. over a wide area in search of suitable timber to fetal into the mateh maehirum. Soldmn. is the little splinter tipped with ~ulphur or some other substance to lu- ignited by friction. given ever scant mention in the omniderution of the deplvtion of the worWs finest forests w r y out but t 1'Ptre Tlu. civilizml "Minna ot' the world strikt, SJMILIHM nultrluw "very minute ni' tlu. tuu'u1.v-i'our hours. Nearly one. hulr' of the-squire ignited in this country. Aluminum. ttstr up the mmrmoun total at Tnn.mm,tu)l>.mm " year and have a larger match hill than any other nation in-thu- worll. . Humlrwh of iuctorivg "vor the, mum. The Demand to be Supplied is Three Million Lucilcrs a Minute. r to the the .4 an "and you say you are looking for work?" asked the kind lady of Frazzled Frrv."'vr, "r".': r'i;ir',, Ttttm, but I can't find anything to do." "HIrw did you lone your last position?" tir was pardoned, mum."- Louinvillo Herald. I‘ ii “I. .3 _ t...» up!!!“ gambling in yourVState?" ! "The bookmakers got right to work I making beta on whether it would be en. 'forced or not."-- Washington Star. I Add a little to the little and there will be 1 great heap.-aiorinan. "What," queried the wry young man. "is the difference between white lies and black lies?" "White lies," answered the home grown philosopher, "are the kind we tell; him-k lies, am- the kind we hear." -oieago Arwv. . Ago glides steadily on and beguilos ttt as it tlies.--PviU. "And you say you are looking for work?" uskml tho kind ladv of Frn'rllm' l ucmecmul llama. Allow no ttt and you allustmssdaaiiiGiitua prices. Ath- :09 "What happened when Al, law against gambling in you Above 2.000 modern claim in every style of In! an--%k-w.lk to match In harmony with interior "her-das" to any odotadnne or t,rc1iteetertl petite. Allow no ttt tend van Aim 2.000 TtrPEDLAR People Olin". -mM..wT.9 but mule, lulrmly, "I m it aff the flair' o' the pulpit?" and ti marched into the church with the Bl. ble, thus cutting short any rebuke that might have been administorvd, and com. .rorstt.'..... AL, __., . . _ A - [PEDLAR t v -- "nu.-- unrulWilUll. "00, I just got it," aid John, ending the nation. "But who sue you itt When aid you get it, John!" “Wed, Mr," re- turned the boldle, Iturdily, “I Jist Y'tt it aff the flair' o' than nulnlt " ' - with . sigh of intense 1atufaetton. "t 1 an; ___ nu .. - - _ NH. --.......nu~.m, lulu com. pelling the minister to follow st hi. rock. as the custom In. PEDLAR People tie/l Montreal Ottawa Toronto London Winnlm Wise and Otherwise ART STEEL CEILINGS at because le. of them overs. This passed a g The Surprise Party. l A good amusement for a young folks' party is the "package game," says the Washington Star. After the children are I assemblt-d each one in given a large neatly _ wrapped package. Of course it is address- l, ed to him or her to whom it is handed. The receiver opens it eagerly, only t find that inside is another wrapping a _ dressed to another member of the party. i This causes much fun in the exchange. pings may be inside as the 1 to have, but in the last is appropriate to the real ree wrapper bears a new name. Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper, questions as to the character of an? peopln tho Salvation Army emigrated. lie (the Ctuutral, said that he could not guarantee that awry man they sent had never had a glass too much or had never told a fib or was born with a lik. ing for work. He added, "You would have to go to tho House of Lords for that ohms of men." (Laughter.) His lordship nearly jumped off bi,-, wait and said, “They are all atrclqum-ia thum" --the baking powder that makes the best Bread-the whitest Biscuits -the lightest Cake and Pastry-- you ever saw. " ' "Order a can NOW-so you win be “are to have. ST. GEORGES for your next baking. " Wriut-tee. 'ere-r - Chi-M Me8mar. D!!! E 'perky' Ctr. ot "-l'""tng at Blrminghum on the tith inst., in connection with the opening of " nuw Nulru’iiun Army Hume tor work- ing men, General Booth said a short time ago he had an interview with Lord itosebery, who waived him rather stiffly. He observed that a large num. ber of leading mon here in little stiff when he (the General) first entered their 'rooms-he supposed thi-y were afraid he was going to pray for them. (Laughter.) His lordship became ex- ceedingly friendly, and asked him many 1ufltiyy a‘s-to the character of the For several years it was the custom t, of Cornell Widow Boards to me! d downtown every Sunday morning and e breakfast together. The widow'a 1 breakfast table attained an enviable ' Position among college affairs. Grad- ]ually, however] the breakfasts became p dinners in all except name. The um- versity witnessed the strange sight r of a body of care-free students' "break.. 1 i,.'-y,timi',', at eight o'elock of an even- f ing But the gentlemen of the uni. I versity have always looked with un- , censuring eyes upon the little vag- aries and peculiarities of the widow- ers. At the old breakfasts. after the, members of the Board had consumed\ large quantities oi meat, and had] iwallted everything down with many a flagon of the finest malincnsie.I they would set themselves to the pro- duction of a widow. l Light conversation upon the exist-' ling good or evil of the day would lbounce from bt to lip, and back to Ilip again. Am many a goodly jest would unthinkingly slip out during the course of the conversation. Th, light conversation and the goodly jest would be duly noted by the editor- in-chief, who would distribute them, then and there, to different members of the Board, with orders to turn in their write-up before the end of the breakfast. The. artists seldom wait- ed for subjects to ber, assigned to l them, but would illustrate jokes which had caught their fancy with n knife, fork, or pencil. upon the table cloth. (The, table cloth would he saved until the following day. when copies would be made of their sketches. In this wav many of the early issues of the paper were produced. As it grew, however, these methods sank into oblivion before the march of system. It is to be feared that our preserff, issues have lost much of the dash and brilliancy of the early issues. ow. ing to the fact. that the size of the paper has been more than doubled. while the size of the Board renmins thr, some: From “Humorous College Journalism" in The Bohemian for! February. . St. ileorge's. Baking Powder and; iJrniui,UGiit%ii." -- no Arthur, 0nt.. July N. 1907." Physicinc cunt wheu tlocttrts {hi-l. Many nre sorry they did nut try PV- chine first. Throat. lung and stomach trouble. yield to it: curative power. At :11 druggista. Mr. and $1.00. or Dr. T. A. S10cum, Limited, Toronto. Black W a t c h Chewing Tobacco The big black plug. “Pleue and me a. bottle of Psy- chine. I have | child tsfflieted with tubereuiosia, and have been advised to try your medicine by our hmily doctor. as he says he cannut do anything more for my child. "MRS. H. STEPHENS, ' -qr- m-s much fun In the exchange, the surprise. As many wrap- ... l... :_-u_ A, AV ' . Like to Try Psychine " THIS IS IT. Booth and Rosebery, How the Trick Was Turned. . __ J "“‘I' inside a_s the hostess cares "iDTttAtqio Aria" u . w TORONTO - . _ ,... the real recipient. Each 3 new name. been more than doubled. ize of the Board remains From "Humorous College ' in The Bohemian for ttll hrclmngvh there l little_gfrt 2269 "But, doetor," pretended the Irmtg woman, “cantor ott in web an oil-fash- ioned remMr." "hUdam," ropliod the doctor, Sratas are oldJuhioned things."--LomU. Opin- ion. Eva the winter girl etut't IO, d. doesn't care I wrap for odd watt". "As far as I have been able to learn nobody has been arrested at yet for talking about his neighbor. but it is said that already the denizens'of Merriam are cultivating a mnsormtigm in their speech hitherto urtkntnvn."-mutirrtore American. Just as Good as Ev», Too. An old physician waa noted for lib brusque munner and old-fuhioned met). ods. A lady called him in to treat her baby, who was slightly ailing. The doe. tor pro-crib“ unto: oil. “The City Council of Merriam has passed an ordinance making it a; mtable. offence for any person of adult years to retail gossip or tittle-tattle that eoqht be construed as reflecting injuriomly on any inhabitants of the village. "The little town of Merriam, in my State," said David C. Banks, of Topeka, “has entered on an experiment that stu- dents of sociology all over the land will do well to watch. Minard’s Liniment Cures Colds, etc, A fox was recently chased by the Beivotr bound: into Aslackby 'iQ.."",' and went to mund In the churchyar I Another sought return: on the hounetops in Hullulnmn village and was dislodged by means ot . ladder. while at!" “other Wu killed In the dining room of Gayhurst House. the rel feet of, W. wc..cei1le_torqyrrir M. P: for. North Buekaiivertiiiriitipiiire'td', It is not long Biuce the New Cut mu the scene ot an even more startllng lncldent, when a full grown fox suddenly Appeared (rotting nlonx the middle of the “met when marketing was at it. bualest. To a man every caster deserted his barrow and with cries ot "Tally-ho!" Joined the chase. Duh- itttt towtrds Blackfrlnra road the fox noon doubled, and darting under a truiterer'ts bar. row sought refuge In a wheelwrlght'l ytrd. where he was found tlrmlr wedged ln the spokes of I curtwheel and curled off itt triyayth by . second hand furniture dealer. During a recent run of the Essex and Suffolk toxhound: the good people of When- hoe had the novel experience or new; their town lauded by bounds and huntunen Ind ot looking on at the death of reyuard In one ot their streets. If rubbed betw't-vu the hands and inhaled frequently, it willl never fail to cure cold in the head in twentydour hours. It is also the Best for bruises. sprains, ete. Yours truly, Dartmouth. J. G. LESLIE. No Gossip in This Kansas Town. Sins: l have used your MINARIYN LINIMENT for the past 25 years and wlsiLt I have "eevsionally used other liniments I can safely say that I have never [lard any equal to yours. "That law. you honor," answered the foreman of the jury, "is so old that we derided not to consider it. It's obsolete." -Chieago Tribune. Minnrd's Liniment Co.. Limited "Gentlemen," said the judgo. " never head of such a verdivt. You utterly ignore the existence of the law of gravi- tation." surface of the ground had fallen on n man's shuuldcr and hmkon a bone, but the jury decided that the virtim had no cause of the 'uxilent the falling of the brick had no nor-(usury connection with the accident. The "viOnee had shown that the brick which a van-less Worlirnan haul dropped from a scaffolding twenty feet above the Odd Fox Hunting Experiences. "rhe were: of growing old grat'etuily" is evidently well kept, for few people mm to acquire it, though we all need it. _ How far this beauty business will lead I us there’s no divining. One woman at lent bu hen intent upon carrying it to the bitter end. Now this particular fair one in the wen-er ot a very becoming and costly "trouforma. tion." She was taken seriously ill. and im.ajrine/--erroneouuy an it turned out --that Mu, Wtts gull”! to die. Ming in bed. she eurneutly requested a feminine slmror of her st‘t'rt'l to promise that she womll Le buried with the glory of her Titian-red coiffure undisturbed, finding it ponible to face the prunpect of death with phisosophy, but not the prmpevt of ugliness. ls especially recommended for all kimk ofskin diseases, eczema, bad legs, piles, ulcers, boils, chapped hands, barhers' rash, FRE E festering sates, pois- - "__ oned wounds, cuts, Ann-piety): will bruises, burtts,sprairts at. TPd, Mal: etc. Of all dru ists . To c and stures, 505%” I','), 21;: 'i','",'.",-',],' or from the itanvBuk rc, stamp to tb, Co., Toronto, post- f: - Bub fly paid. 3 boxes Vas. or0uto. ". . - ZAM=BUK "g g‘IErntiun of RC?" T "NP, lam-Butt gave 19“ w"-,','- me relief hum 2.134" l? that lcmble li' " BML' itching, and a V .’ littlepersever a. '15,ri'cr' T ance with the , '. r 'e balm brought gh' L', ubcut a can» Pu' plete cure. I V " have not been [i,i7,,,,l > " troubled , u " again and it is i 'l TO now over six p, " months since - lam-But; was _ used. lfthis statement can he used for the benefit ofother sufferers from this trouble, you he " liberty to publish it." ""Plffflrtyt"ii'i' Mr. George Lee, 35 Steiner St., Toronto, an: .. For 8 you: I suffered torture from blind, hazing piles. During that time I believe almost everything in the line of uint. ments and salve: was used. but in vain. The very first A tt Years Torture Ended by lam-Buk Not Up to Date Chang to Her Hill lam-Buk 1lltii',"c, , a 5 , 'Bl iM " w, ail.“ 'h' Q 1 I Ample " vii} be mailed you 1m if you cut out this (cupcn Ind send it with it. sump to ttrr, an . Bub 69.. my , sb., - And this was her sum-er: " knew how to forget disagreeable things. I tried to master, the art of mying plen- unt things. I did not expect too much of my friends. I kept my nerves well in hand. and did' not allow the. to bore other peoplh. I tried to, tt any Work that "ante to hand congenia ." Some one, once asked a woman how it was she kept her youth so w?murtully. Ber hair wat snowy white, she was 80 years old and her energy was Inning. but she never impressed ont will the, idea of age, for.her heart WI. still young i.rvstretlty and it/tradii, I“... Pmu'lo 8°11:qu And - ID- I mug-long mm on human or and. - In a) mum by Wolford'l Sunny ' It - Mb. Sold by ttrumrut.. ' "Oh, I'm playing." he replied; “I'll the stark, but they ain't quite rend! for the baby yet!”i\\'numn’s Homo can» patriots. “\Vhai V, inqui rod. you I" One or" my friends Inn a Mayhouse in her back yard, where all the childm- of the neitdurorhood'dehyrht to. gather. One day A": went out to see what . crowd of them were doing and (our they Wt'r.r pinyin: at "keeping house" very happily, with one emption, her own five-yenr-old son, who trout ,ittintt, afar off. rather lonesomely, holding I large rag dnll. 35¢ I Cake-at dauiiiLro', Price. The Cheniun‘ Co. of Hamilton. It lien!- as it cleans. A medicinal Ind toilet soap combined. Soothing and antiseptic. /,,'tr,yt,? perfumed. In. valuable for be ies, to keep the delicate akin clear and smooth. At tirms. for inmwnu a mill may lin", working suddenly and the miller be seen to some out and with the aid of a long pole with an iron hook at the end, like a gigantic bonthook, reach up ind drag down the dry-ending nail until the arms W10 a certain position. Every one know.; immwliatoly that some accident has happened to the wooden ”ninety of the mill. and that the sorvim-s of the local vnrpenter are required-From the Windsor Magazine. _ These codes have been handed down ‘from generation to generation and jeal- ously guarded from outsiders with all the intense conservatism for which the provincial Dutch are proverbial. Apart. however, from these sewn-l codes, under- stood only by the miller. and hell groups of mill owaeri, there exists a series of windmill signal: with which every one of the in“ ”hints of the coun- try district! h familiar. _ 14' I. --eupped uno-bud/it, JiiTi,'-u, -oealp irritation-W are cured by incredibly short time by {margin}; codes known only to the millers them. selves. Quite recently the Uulrll Government carried on a series of experiments in or- der to ascertain the value of windmill signalling for military purponeu, and were surprised to find that communica- tion vould readily be Pstablilhed with far distant centred mud that confidential messages could be sent on from one mill to another and so forwarded throughout the length and breadth of Holland in tut ’ If one watches the sails of the idle mill, closely it may perhaps be noticed 'that they move slightly from time to time and then remain for a while It I different Angle. If this is 50 the miller is in all probability engaged in holding a conversation with the proprietor of the other mill, which may be miles away, in fact, possibly barely visible on the hot- won. PARLOR MATCHES Vale-bl. for Military Pam tho Dutch Government Has Olmmod. To the casual observer viewing B Dutch landscape there is nothing to ur- rmet tlw attention in the fin-l that PT ~ilvly one or more out of a dozen Wind- mills in night are to all appearance- Um. ply standing idle, while the others eon- tinue their never ending task. ( ot surveys commend Shiioh's Cure ite, ak , St " of nick ate for the wont cotrgtt--qmich religef to the huviut cold-and SAFE to take. even for A child. That is Shiloh'l Cure. can. Sold under a guarantee an“. to cure colds and coughs a Cold. quic-ker than any other medicine-or your money back, "re" asr____, M. A SHILOH’S Reg Itching, Skin How She Kept You", "AB: PTArttt SKIN SOAP wmDMtursraiaLLTia, A Waiting Part the mauer, Sydney?” the Won't the others play with l‘l'GI-I “ICIEYERCD or sent on mi d of Cindi. Luigi. Silent as " I. of " Mn. Bil hed., not: and allow“ 3 In... “a blemish-,1 from bones, blood -in, curb. nplinu, ringbone. "'re"r, . “in... was... nor. “a "voila. chm, nr<eoughgom Sue $50 by Inc of an e" f bottle. Wanna! the mort wand-M I can.“ With Venice. A young lady who Ind returned from l a tour through Italy with her “that n- l marked that her father ind liked " the jEtaJi‘an cilia, but vspminlly did he like the Sphinx! g B'kmilh- Gun not known. 8014!ng “If: Maine-t Cum Diphtheria. "Ah, Vain, to be sure," aid th. friend to whom she wu relating tom. of the adventures of their trip. " ma readily understand that your father would pa!" Venice. with its gondolu and St. Mark's And Michael Angelo------" "eh no," aid the young lady; "it wasn’t that. But he could lit in tho hotel, you know, lad fish out of tho- window.” Venice l he directors of the London Hippo. V drome have offered £100 in any enter- ’ prising bride and bridegroom who will undergo the ordeal of being married un. ‘der water in the Hippodrome trend. New machinery hu been installed in the arena lake, which make. it pond“. for none to keep beneath the In.” for an" at s time, And much comment In. been caused in the present produc- tion by ttve young ladies who diUrrear beneath the water and "fail to come up again." In addition to the £100 Mter the directors and the prineipaU of the theatre will give wedding pronoun re- presenting . total value little short of £5000. Already telegram. of epplice- “on are pouring in from unions col- vies from an over the country. Hindi Liniment Cures Garret in Con. This is the dreadful microbe bug That doctors and nurses tear, Don't let him come near you or give you I hug, Don't let him tty in your out. He'll give you the ehiekeu-pox, men- lee or mumps. He can put you to bed in . day. There’- sickness 1nd trouble what.- ever he jumps. So don't try to catch him I my. ENGLISH SPAVIN MIMI-INT "373.13 T7itriiiaii, 'B'im' rverh 3pm After marriage, ony- Hoette' Opt. Her treated " wife n he would not have dared to that another woman. time. He married an ideal. and was polttudtotNditudnfuor.. m. never talked over MI lffairn with his wife. m Wt of " wife only an a dump ho-erik., H- strut dreamed an . wife de-rveNI who? new!» - [sum mom A man To be Married Under Water, And in This [mace It. In Wu to No. 16.5. The orimul'and (chitin: aunt-aural only by Solve your shaving probin- with RAZORLEGS SHAVING POW0tht-. an nil-emit: waving proparnlon. GUARANTEED ABBOLUrMLY RAM. tt I. If?!" to the In. in um hm. w with n trterse at otUod to“. me? card. or any similar ar- rich. mum in I mouth and calm“. _ the hard but“ "new“ -portocily. Rumbas Duv- ina Powder is a flash to“. I... the skin in I healthy condition. and do- not interim with the grown: of hair. It dom not irritate; heals pumpk- More (we: And Invo- Ita near both “an ad may, Bile consuming I ”Melon annuity for twelve slum can polio-id to any addreu on re- ceipt of twenty-five cents. Mention thin Moor when writing. AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE; m: for term; We (mum‘s um papr- ntion in REMOVE ANY BEARD. " used according to direction, Rum» Ion slaving Powder in GUARAN- Fiiihi UNDER THE U. tr. FOOD AND pRUGS ACT. June 80th, 19m. nodal He thought- bil wife had a very easy He laborm MGM. Oro. SEELIG th NEVER ISSUE NO. 6.1908. TH E M ICROBE BUG. did III the courting betore mar mum: A IAILURI. wr n barrel of be; Frtd (“Henna hmm" But I lhln't tan . 'Y Pny toooo but: a Yo, Ur and he can: Wits. Wat ltr Hi “k in §Th Scotti: checked h) Midi!" andHyp MMM' Sco Make om all ALL

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