West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 20 Feb 1908, p. 8

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nl 'tN As most leadtches,. as vyell " many obscure diseases, are due to eye affections, It as Important that all spectacles and eye-glasses are scientifically fitted. of Toronto, will make his He may also be consulted in the Commercial Hotel, HOLSTEIN, Wednesday, MARCH 4 Munshaw House, FLESHERTON, Friday, MARCH 0 Have tfitiiimaii? You Defective Eyesight? HIGH EST PRICES PAID PURE WATER- WHITE COAL OIL jwwmmmmmfilf A quantity of Men's Wool Underwear for 5oc A few fall suits still to be cleared out. A number of furs still left to be sold cheap. One child's net of white furs, ruff and muff, worth " 50, now $4.00. One ladies' gray throw, $5 so, now $4.00, and a number of others too numerous to mention. A few fur coats, coons and gallaway, to besold cheap Six pair men's gauntlets worth $1.2 5 for 9oc ' Thursday, March 5, gdgt'gt DARLING’S DRUG STORE THE pE0PLE'S STORE Headquarters for Gents' Furnishings s:";';.,,,'. Opthalmoscopic Examinations ROBERT BURNETT The REGENT Suits and Im- PERIAL Shoes have won flu, confidence of fhe public. A large stock of fresh Gro- ceries always on hand. Hardware, Grain & Seed Merchant, Durham CHAS. J. WESTERN Ci Eyesight Specialist siiisfiiik . S. HTI N TEE For Sale by FURS next visit to DURHAM on FOR ll RAIN. in? an? all: 2.: '.ai.1,i.i,'l.' kt v-wr.'-., if --- . .- .. m.“ -...., u U! u. .. . . . . . .a.w (World for 15 mos,) Other combinations made known on application. Combinations of three or more Papers l The " Hon. " Wm. Francis, who has ' in town on several occasions "rliciting advertising Mr howl cards Wu Arrested in Toronto mm charge if using the mails for fraudulent PUT" pun-G. For wim- time he has been ad. cruising in the pnpels for girl stenc- graphers and pianists, and complaints were made because he had no work to offer, simply wishing to make their acquaintance. On searching his rooms "veral hundred letters Wow-9 found, showmg the extensive correspondence he has been carrying on with young womonmll over Ontario. Later we learn he was honorably acquitted at Toronto Police Court. An investiga- tion into his sanity Was held, and he was found to be in his right mind.--Ex RAILWAYMEN AND THE SaLooN.-A ending United States railway has is- sued an order making total abstinence compulsory on Its employees both on and oft duty. In the light of such drastic measures across the. line the Canadian Senate's treatment. of Mr MeMullen's hill appears rather cava- lier. It merely increased the penalties against those who sold liquor to train.. men on duty. 5 Dom New Corests just opened out Drab or white, suspenders attached worth 625 but owiAg to the hard time are selling at 50 as. C. L. Grant. DIED. WtuouT.--At Flesherton. on the 14th and 15th Feb respectively. the twin babes of Mr and Mrs R. H. Weight, aged 6 mos. Burial took place on the 16th to the Flesherton eemetery. Barroettow-In Durham on Thursday 13:11 inst, to Mr and Mrs Herbert. Badgerow, a son. tiuigwELr.--In Bentinck, on 30th Jan. uary. 1908, to Mr and Mrs Thus. Shewell, a. mm. Mr. and Mia. D. McCallum, of Wheatland, Wromirw, are visiting their niece, Miss A. L. McKenzie and char relatives in this vicinitv. Mia Whitmore and invalid son Master Urban Went to Toronto on Monday. where the boy will spend some time at thp Hospital for ' Children for tt'eatment. All will hope for his restoration to health. Mr. Wm Blackatteuded the Annual Convention of the Ontario Retail Hiirlivnrv Association in Toronto hut week and Was present ntthegreut. Parquet given by Mr Howland to the gathering. We noticed hiq milling face in a photo reproduced in one of the McLean trade nmgnzinep. Review and Weakly Glohp. . .. .8125 Review and Faxmers’ Bun . .. . . .1.76 Raview and W. Mail & Empire..l.00 Review and Montreal W. Wit. ..1.00 Review and Faunilv Her. & St.r.l.75 Review and Daily Globe... . .. . ..4.40 Reviewed Peilr Rorld .. . . . . . 2.60 MCGIRH ---ht Durham, on Monduv. Feb. 17th, to Mr. and Mrs Thos. Mc- (hrr. Jr, a daughter. Kw. w. and Mrs. Farquharson were in Mt For-mt from Friday till Monday where he conducted Communion Services. Miss Edith Gsuut. teacher at Roth- sav. is house forum indefinite tlme, her place hung supplied by Miss Rosalie Bracket. Miss Hannah Lawrence. of Hutton Hill, has secured aschool in Manitoba and left for her duties but we ek, Miss Annie McMillan. Duluth, came how? but week for an extended visit to her home in Glenelg, . Dr. FotheHnghtuu, a specialist from Toronto. was in attendance on U. W. Doherty on Friday last. Mr Thos. Forbes. of Mt PoresI. spent last week end at the home of Mrs Thos. Brown, Mr Geo Harbottle, clerk ist St Mary’s station. spent Saturday and Sunday at the parental home. r Miss Mary Foreman, ot Hamilton. ia on an extended with to her mother and sister here. Ir. Wm. Caldwell attended the funeral of his htslf.hrothet in Orange. ville. Dr F. Grant attended the Dental Convention held in Toronto this week. Mr. John Murdock was in the city for a few dsys last week. Mr. Thea. Harris. Custom‘s OMeer, spent over the week end at his home here. Mrs Rev. Newton Is the guest of her son Keith in Toronto. cnn also be made at reduced-rites- Yearly Clubbing Offers. District Ne'ws. BORN THE DU a HAM REVIEW 15allWheat...........8 92to8 95 Spring Wheat.... ..... 92 to 95 oats.....,............ 47to 48 Peas....,............ 8 to a) Barley............... 60m 60 Hay..................1700t018(XJ Butter................ 25to 25 Eggs..............,.. 25to 25 Potatoes per bag...... 85 to 85 Flourper cwt........ 260to3 25 fAatmealpersaek..,.. 3 00103 25 pl1opperiswt......... 160tot80 LivisHotts per cm... 485tu500 Dressed Hogs per cm. 6 Mto 6 50 Wtdeaperi6.."... .... Sto 3 Sheepskins............ 45to 70 Wool ."............. 28to 25 Tallow............... 5to 5 Lard 12to 13 Turkeys............. 13 ltr We carry Furnishings especially selected for men who know. and care how they dress. They display that style and attractiveness that goes to make up "a dressy man " The min ute you see them, you know they tire what you wish. The price also will suit you when looking over our Gloves Collars, Ties, Socks, Cuffs, Shirts, &c Everything a man wears. Harry Burnett, of F'etrrmat'y, when the names in " rem-s must be cut off. Remit $1.50 In the envelope enclosed in the p nper. at once and there will he no break. We have called attention twice to the necessity of prompt renewals by our American Subscribers owing to theheavy postage entailed by the I ew law. We are loath to cut " any W ho may by inadvertanee have ovellonlmd the sulrteription, and make this hnal appeal, amending the time to the limb Have you a piano in your Home ? FURNISHINGS FOR MEN Durham Markets. To United States Subscribers, If not whynot one ofour Hell's ? We can give you the best instru- ment and makc you the best terms. Ono sold by us in town last week was tcstcd hy Prof. lKonold and pronounce.) excel- out. John McQueen BUREAU. FEB.19, 1908, ciiii'h""iiid ARCHIVES C. RAMAGEJ; SUN. Ihtbhsheas, West of Middaugh House Final Notice TORONTO 8 to w 60 to 60 17 00to18 00 25 to 25 25 to 25 85 to 85 2 60to 3 25 92 to 8 95 92 to 95 47 to 48 10m 5to 12to 13 The Men's Furnisher 13 13 It at the end of three decades it pl-eients a showing very creditable to the gen- tlemen who have "situaswd it and very gratifying to shareholders in general. t'he annual meeting was held in Mil- lei-R hall on the-25th olt.. at, which “I the oftirc.ets and directors stud at large number of the policy holders were present. A lively interest was "an fem-d in the discussions. Thenum her of policies ivsued during the past year was 748 Amount insured ther- under 8900,523, Total number of pol- icies now in force 25i3. Total amount ofinsnmnce now in force 82,780.P20. The balance on hand from last year wan 83002. Cash received during the year $5.104. Paid for losses $1535 Paid out for other expenses 81732. There is now a lr-ilanc‘a on tlw right i "ide of the ledger of $5199. Artery long discussion on the part of the dir- ectors and policy holders a resolution was passed that this company pay in tall for the losses on all ordinary con- tents deqtroyed by fire or lightning, Messrs James Hunter. W'alkerton; Rnht, Richardson. Bruit; Adam berg l miller, (lav-rick; Arch Md‘unig, Glen- l eltt and John Pickett of Bentinrk were elected directors for three years to MI vacancies. At the meeting of the directors held immediately after- wards, Mr Dan M:Doug.ull was re-elec- ted president. Mr. Ruin. Richardson lvice president and Mr Duncan Camp- hell. manager. The president. vice president and Messrs McCluug, 0an And Beegmiller'were elected an one“. Live committee tor the current yen, l -Pttst, Ax EXCELLENT SHOWING --A com puny that Hanover hug every reason to be proud of is the Grey and Bruce Mutual Fire Insurance CJo. For thirty years this company has been gradual- ly working its way forward, until now i TEMPERAM‘F. 1u:vortst.--Govcrnra. iiiiJ.' of North Dakota. is quoted as ‘atying: " We have had prohibition so long in this State that, m mun- countios there are no jails. Thom is not much criow in the State. 't Judge Pollock of the same Slate. angel-ts that after some years’ experience of State prohibition the people are still in fa. vor of prohibition in the proportion of three to one. You would huyn dress if you could get one really cheap. You can get one at cost a Mockler's Munster Sale. Tues AND POLES W.ccrmr-yot. C. P. R. purpose. For particulate we Jso, N. MURDOCK, Durham t fl..." ..- -"J \Ivuyl "use, ullu “lab I is the large number of plums and l cherry trees everywhere. that are T literally covered and destroyed with black knot. This disease comes un- _ der the ban ot the law and he who allows trees on his property to stand in this Condition is liable toapenalty. The council of a municipality may and under certain conditions have to appoint an inspector to enforce the law in this respect. In many muni- cipalities of the Province the act is being enforced by an inspector with the result that the disease is being stamped out, and the growing at plums and cherries is again becoming a possibility. It is right that it should be so. There are men in South Grey who are endeavoring to grow these fruits, bat find .t altogether imposv sible, because of the spores of this disease being carried by the wind from their msigbbor's orchards. That is not lair, it is not neighborly, no doubt many are allowing these con- ditions to exist thoughtlesslv. or per- taps in ignorance oithe injury they are doing to others. But the evil exists none the less and ought in all honesty to be re- moved. Wantoi time is no excuse. It would take no more than a few hours for any man to remove the evil from his premises. With very many of the trees there is no other ‘remedy than digging them out and burning them root and branch. It they are cut down and left lying on . Ae ground. they are as dangerous as ever, every root should be trtather- ed up and burned. It on its first all» pearance, the knot is cut .ut. cutting the. brancha few inches below, the tree may be saved, but if it becomes general over the tree the only rum- edy is total destruction. It is to be hoped that all who have trees in. tested with this disease will see that they have them removed as quicklt as possible They lire an injurious advertisement at the distric. a danger to their neighbors and a disgrace to their owners. Cat them down Why euinber they the ground ? Dear Sir: In travelling over the District of South Grey, there is much to be seen that would lease the eve of an agriculturalist. gums are be ing improved, are being better fenced, and are being cleared of weeds, tho there is yet much more to be done along this line; new farm buildings are being erected and old ones inr proved ". In this line South Grey will compare favorably with almost any district in the Province. Bat there is one thing that strikes the eye of the observer, more in Win- pr that} at any other time, and that il fa irrd ___. i3jlt'i,ilf'r1iiyg,tfii. Burn Your Black Knot. GEO. BINNIE 1tiitrt.ttiai'te,igi,i,,9f2WitS?, Bent me. mm 19mg for mu!" Manuela} wk Mann .r "PM" "'13 ESE iTF6 areal-4M [195m -. .., ”u... .ww to 8150.000 per Innnm In nlrwny nervlee. You can become B good operator " 6 months If you “as? In The Uentnl Teleg‘nphy School. 8 Germ St. E. Toronto. The uncut School n Canada. Write to: pnrticulus. common; Ono-0000000000006 w. H. squ, Preg. T.J.JOUNBTON. Pm Telegraphy Three Courses -Cottv much). Rhonhuld a 2hT,,'l.u't 3nd Pre- pantory or those whose early nitration ha been nexllH'lt'd. W”“”””“”W .. g great ,fReduetio, fJuriees t t in 923/ Soods d (hothing i 'it in: 0mm 1t','ggPtit'littl vacant“ ata1, WI] - nun t M will We. “than ohms. ta tl yr " $titiititit Hm m. otettttyryr8.tAetehtiy, 'relp. a.ysrert Ctr- ENTER NOW and Prepare yourself tor Business In the Old Big 4 Stand. men n waiter UVMZUUA'I‘S tor.... .... ...... .... .... .... 14.35 Black. blue and err k BEAVER CUJTH8, up to $2, tor 70e per yd BOYS' DRESS Ovi- (COATS, aims 27 to 33, .... ...... .sl.75 esch worth $400. lor.... .... .... .... ...... .. Men's RUBBERS worthWhsfor.. ..... .... ....' Men's black double. SWEATERS. worth $2.00 for Men's b'U11's.... ... .... .... ...,......ttt greath Men's Wuner OVERCOA'I‘S tor.... .... .... .. ... 22 lbs. Best Gr, nulated Sugar for. . . . . .. 4 lbs. Ralsms, clean stock for. . . . . . . . . . 4 lbs. Currant: clean stock for. . . . . . .. 3 cans-l pe'M, 1 corn, 1 tomMoes for. . bahnon, Empire brand, regular 180 for. . Salmon, Sunllox er brand, regular 13c for. 2 bottles lielialm Polish, 100 each for. . . (loansof Sardiv.esfor.................. 7 bars Crest Toilet Soup for. . . . . . .. . . . . Men's Black .WQ'Z'ESfi ODD PANTS, "Progress Brand" make, Is now in full swing and will con- tinue for {he balance of {his month. BARGAINS IN EVERY DEPT. Friday and Saturday Specials 'n Groceries THE Blltt STORE’S Stupendous Reduction Sale A0RTHEits, hril'GG"li% 30.3311. Term T,; I ”lame WM. thM by ALEX. RUSSELL s"v"t?,t:tll 12312“ In I tow It Is the most co ttplete Bug. 111288 College in Canada. A. first step rd: position! " f rom Moat service. You 6 months If We mention a few of them r. Jyeoine, The old“ ad Ilium halluci- when! All {mums rt'tgdlt he?“ amend me we - ct on non- “tendon Ind m -tated to an!!!“ Write for unique at an. tive lip-W o I. thm, y_e_rrouml-Enter any”. ------uucc--t"=uett Day -. '.""'5’ Ornamental Writing, and in placing all its graduates. Each student is taught lepll'ue- ly tsth'o own desk. Trial 1eenot" fce one week free. ' . Visitor: welcome. Open Sept. 2. Leads in Book-keeping, tihorthand, Typewriting, nugg- - __ . I ' - . -- ,.__°, Commercidl Law, Com- mercial Correspondence, Plain Business Writmg, n-_-_., . . .-- .. Business College T. M. WATSON BRITISH AMERICAN BUSINESS COLLEGE MT.. FOREST and Night Classes. " greatlv reduced pricgeg T. CLANCY, Principal Bldg,, Yong. d room an. mmnro Upper Town, Durham FEB. M, 1908 ....$1.00 ....IOc ....15c ....25c ....25c tyou' 'rincip. a pr 1.40 DC VOL. THE REVIEW ,ime""'" mam-<1 the Review & more. (“In in m Ive-No In The o nuke

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