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Durham Review (1897), 27 Feb 1908, p. 1

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n 190 gum iruhhhhuhhAuWhhluhlhWihhhhMhhhle ti"il'mrirririmerirg" magammsg 'ji' LATEST NEWS OF 8 NEW SPRING THINGS VOL. THE REVIEW DURHAM. ONT 7m3mm¢wxEmsmmcmmaxgmwx The Review a Weekly (Robe with “hunted n inc tec- tion to lat Jun. mo. I,','. the ox- tnordinuy price 013111). ”In“. of new: pot bar. ttahtq I. on And merino" we “do to Into the cummi- llil'y offer of New Suits in the leading shades for Sprinz--thoroughly well tailored. handsome in appearance and built to retain their appearance. Prices from $10 to $I6-oo. NEW SUITS FOR Y0tiP3'--New Spring Styles, well tail- ored trom the moat fashionable cloths. They have the wear-resisting qualities too, $7.50, $9.00, $10.00. THE STORE IS READY FOR YOU, " you want to be ready for the warm sunshiny days you should get your new Spring Suit or dress NOW while the dteeamaken are not into the Spring rush. NEW SATIN CLOTH, lov ely lustrous fiiush on soft fine goodts,--an exception. ally nice cloth at 6oc a yd, NEW CHIFFON BROAD- 1 NEW MUSLiNS,--its early, CLOTH, salt clear finish, _ but they are being picked m the correct weight, ' up already. New flowered black, navy, brown, 31,35 mttslinsr-dainty patterns, . ”you! i some have satin stripe or NEW ‘VENETIAN LADIES : chec k-toc to 35C yd. LOTH. fine even finish, i n on of the we" fashion. ; NEW SPOT SwSIt'INa' able goods-tsew shades of , 1-3;“ or sum spas on 'wry, brown, green, red 1 lg tanddark trout."?,--: & black, 75c per y-rd. l :3), :iylftslh‘ Special at NEW TAPE STRIPE KHA. , p , . RANTA--fashiou's latest, ' NEW COTTON DELAINES colors Show up clear and i Light and dark grounds, rich - red, navy, pearl, [ with spots and small pat- grey, brown, black 60c yd. _ terns. Soft goods 15c yd, NEW SATIN CLOTH, low NEW CHAMBRAYS AND ely lustrous fiiush on soft, CHECK GiNGHAM3, all fine goods.-an exception- ' the good colors at "Y C ally nice cloth at 6oc a yd. 1 per yard. . New Spring Dress Goods NEW CHIFFON BROAD" CLOTH, soft clear finish, in the correct weight, black, navy, brown, $.25 Patterns and Collars this season are very neat and when yon see these you will say they are thoroughly good taste The leading colors are blues. grays. lawns. greens, and these colors or black and white ground. Stores all over the country s :e these shirts at $1.50, we sell them $r.oo. NEW CLOTHING FOP. MEN AND BOYS James Ireland L00 NEW SHIRTS FOR MEN. , NO. 9 Grand Risquerade -iriririv-ii at the siiiiing Rink, Tuesday, 3rd m El Mam. til,tgitt)t.. This week, great Comet. Bale. 75c values for 49c. 50c and Me values for 39enrtd all high class silk halise and silk uilclu-d corsets, regular 81.5010 $2.50 per pr. On node for per pr $1.00. Muckler’a Monster Sale. AT THE RtNK---" yea " she said to her escort as they glided around, “I do so love skating. When we we sailing around this w-iy. our souls seem to be ftoatirut towards heaven, and "--at this point both of her soles troated away towards heaven, while the reel of her smote the ice with a mighty smite. LETTER Box AT BTa'rroN.--Mr H. H, Miller, M. P., has been notified by the Deputy Posturtster General that his request for a. letter In): at, the G. T. R. smut-n has been acceded to and that it will be erected at once. This is good so tar as It goes, but there IS urgent need for one at the northern and southern extremities of the town and we hope these will come before long. PATRIOTIC AD0rurtm.--'rhttrtrday ey- ening last. the postponed school con- cent was held in the Town Hall, but. there being no instrument. Mr Ed- wards could not sing, hence the audi. eme were disappointed as to the con-i cert part. However Rev Mr Spence with his views, filled up the evening very prolitststy and entertainingly. it was truly patriotic, all parts of the British Empire were passed in review, with portraits of the Royalties With eminent men and leaders of thought. Mr Spence is a good speaker. his pic- tures good and he made them very in- teresting. The collection amounted to $21.60 but after expenses were tel-l ken otr,something less than $2.00 re.) unlined for the school. J l STILL UNtgEtrLED.--The question or Armory site is not yet fixed. An 1 option of part of the lt-Kecimiei .. Park " was obtained, $1400 oo, The council met Friday evening but we‘ understand nothing was done. The building we believe is to he 40le feet, with space enough behind to add) 50 feet more, d desired. Such a build- _ itw placed on the. present Market. ground. green lawn and cannons in front. flag staff. Ae would have a com- manding appearance. and the street leading past. would render available two building lots at the resr. so we are assured on good authority, which would sell for a sum that would help to meet the cost of a site for a new Town Hall. Everyway one looks at it the proposition is attractive. and we believe the town expects the council to "go forward " and secure our flrat government building. The first masquerade Curniul ot the season will be held under the 31rt Regimental vad nusplcei, next. Tues. day evening. March 3rd. Good prises will he given. FRED Rummy. FotmD.-Between Durham and Priceville. one gauntlet. Owner "my have same by onlling on JOHN CLARK. Implement Agent. Durham, and pny mg a quarter for this notice. Those who need fine table linen cnn get aroducuon of 26e per yd on It" tine bleached line. thi, week at. Mock- ler'a Monster sur, One large 12x14 photograph given tree with one dozen of our best calvi- neu tor a short. time. A. B, Jackson has I. number of homes and vacant lot. in Durham foreale. Don't miss the Masquerade Cumin] in the rink next 'h'aesday evening. The heat of the anon. Come and on the beautiful Inca nnd emhroiderles just in at Grant's. InmrSavings Department. Depositsof$t andumragd-ryeehi, on which the highest current rate of Interest is moved. -. Hoodlum making "he"" tnteestatdtkdhar6mes-r s.a-siD-tmentittcmtnees'ttatattat"r-", THE STANDARD BANK DURHAM BRANCH John lolly. ”ganja 'tttge-ttrt' m " gggtgttBttl+ at man. DURHAM, THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 27, 1908. OFCANADA Heuoffko " - - " $1.00 (inns AN ACCOUNT MWIHID "" 3 8e Print and 5c Cotton. Pins lc paper (Thread Se spool sud pile. of mill end. lnnd remnants at Mockler'l Monster 1 Sale. U. o. P. Bxtrqustre-The Can. Order of Foresters will hold their Annual banquet in their, hall. Unlder's Block, on Thursday evening, Mareh s5th, commencing at 7 p. m. Good program and refreshments. Admiseion to brethren 50e, which includes wife or lady friend. Luann! CoNcrrrt'r.-lrite third of the. series of Library concerts will he held in the Town Ball on Thursday evening, 27th inst. when A varied and mleresling program will he presented. The last was a meat success and the committee will allow of no going hack. Mark the date, ARE SPECTACLEB MEmCINE?--An interesting lawsuit is in progress at, Renfrew where "Doctor" Walter Har- vey in being arraigned by the detective ot the Medical Councnl for using the term " Ur." he being merely a dortor of optics. He had been using .. treat- mean " costing $30 to $40 and fraud it claimed. while the interesting query is raised " Are Spectacles Medicine ?" The Judge has leseryed his decision. ASK Fan PROVINCIAL BtmtuDY.- Representing the Owen Sound and Luce Shore Railway 0).. which mu, Incorporated to build a line from Owen Sound to Meuford, a distance of about 40 miles. a deputation consisting of Messrs Geo. M. Boyd and McLsehlan or Owen Bound, waited on Premier Whitney and asked that a subsidy of Wamile should be granted. The Dominion has nlrendv granted a rub. sidy of Wm" mile. The deputation painted out that existing lines be. tween the two points mentioned crou- ed the height of land through the cen. tre of the storm area. and invariably were blocked from time to time during the winur months. The proposed road Would. they said, not only take in shorter, but a. more sheltered route, ' by its construction the travelling ’ public would be greatly convenienced. L'ontMetstiott was promised. NEW Booze CoMmo.-..At a muting of the Public Library Board but In order for new lmoh was sent to tt Toronto firm and unnouncement will ha made at once of their arrival. Membership coats pnly 'l,00 for 12 months or tio cu. for6mos, Rev Mr Jamieson will exchange pul. pits on Sunday evening next with Rev H. 0. Rogers. of Valney. Mr Jamieson will take the Ebenezer meet- ing at 7 p. Ill" after which Sacrament of The Lord's Supper will be Adminis- tered. Mr Rogers taken the evening meeting here. ' Rona AND 63mm onlutc-Arettie McDonald. of Portland, Oregon, in re mining for [he Review, excuses him . self for being a little late, for " w have been to Alaska and just came home last. week. Portland is n. lovely place I one has to go away and come back again to appreciate it, roses in bud and grew! all green and the sun winning over all. " Hem, no use try- ing to sell him our old furnace l EXTENDED TILL Fm. ar-rn order to allow an opportunity of unending this sale to than who have been kept from town by bad roads. Plenty of har. gnins. come with tho. crowds to Mock- ler’s Monster Sale. As most headachn as well " tinny obscure diseases are due to eye "tree. tions, it in important that all spec. tncles and eye 'thurt- are trcitstttitietulr fitted. Consult, Chan. J. Western, Eyesight Specialist let Darling’l Drug Store. Thursday. Much 5th. This is the but week of February and we want you to attend the Btu. pondous Reduetion Bale. At The Big Store. The family of which Mr. Cameron was a member have bulked very large- ly In Durhemend neighborhood. Hie brother, Rev. Jae. Cameron. who min- iatered in the district from Rocky Sangeen to Chatewmth for many years. was an eminent divine Handing high in church cannula. He died many years ago from typhoid fever. Mr. Cameion's four sisters were Mrs. McLean, who, until recent years, spent. put of the year in Durham. but is now In Toronto. and in fair health. She is the mother of the well-known Meat-Gui. J. B. McLean. who with his brother Hugh have become famous as publishers of Trade Magazine-- Mrs. Rue. another sister. is also in Toronto. the others, deceased, were Mrs. (Reta) Chou. Cameron, and Min Margaret Cameron. The death of this wall-known citizen of Durham took place about tr a. m. on Monday morning last after an illnou extending over seven! month. It began with tactics. causing inmate pun. and Intel I stroke of partly-in weakened him eomtiderntslr. He mu. lied nomeumu but a second stroke on Snturdny lust rendered him uncon- scious and he mused away an above. Mr. Cameron and his brother-in-lsw Mr. Ross. were in business to-gsther in Durham in Ian. Mr. Cameron went to Priceville about 1867, Ind they the opened a business in Chesley for n time. After s few years in Pricevllle they got burned out and ultimately they contiaed the business to Durham Mr Cameron alone in churn. About 14 years ago he gave up the business. becoming a. traveller for the McLean Publishing Um, in which position he covered the most of Canada and made one notable trip to the West Indies. He delighted in this work and fretted during his illness at the delay it caused. Mr. Cameron was in his 78th rear and was is native of Inverness. Scot- land. He was a man of great intelli- gence and of unbendina integrity and deyoled in his adhesion to the Presby- terian church. For years before his travelling days be was Treasurer of Durham congregation in which he always took a livelv interest. His death will be deeply mourned by his sisters. nephews and other relatives. who looked up to himu counsellor and friend. T" During hit any in Pricevillc he In. married to his life partner who our- vivea him. She was a Miss Henry of South Egremout, a public spirited lady, a native ot England and firat met Mr. Cameron on shipboard. as their families voyaged to the New World. Their family consists of three sons. James and Wiiliatu in Toronto and Henry in Manitoba. two daughters Kate and Belle, the former in training for a nurse, and these Will long hold in loving memory one who won An ideal husband and father. Mas. JOHN PICKEN. This Indy. 5 member of the Fulton fumily of Normsnhy. passed away on Sunday last at the use of 49 you". For several - she has been in deli- cate health from is wasting disease, and now her companionship nnd ser- vice to husband and family " severed by death. To the husband and chit. dren so sorely bereaved great sym- pathy is expressed. The funenl. largely attended, took place on Tues- day to anlewood cemetery. Rev Mr Furquhmon conducting services at house and grave. Wu. SLATCHER. At the good old Mr ofiN, this gentle. mun paused away on Thundry lost ot the home of " oon-ln-low. Mr Geo. Wright. Toronto, where he bad been since the beginning of winter. Hi. body was brought to Durham on Saturduy last. where it won met by friends and conveyed to Ita [out resting place. Mr Slnlcher. though born in Eng- land. was of Dutch deecent. and come to thin country an 5 young mm learn- mg the trade of miller. Forty or more years no he was chief man round " Kelly'l Mills, " being reckon- ed & good ”one dresser. Home you." spawn”: when marl-led he new up this basin”- snd took to trardettintt of which he mode e mean. Bl. wlfe died name year- Mo end the deceued we: cerefully ministered to try the only daughter who but you become In Geo. Wright. He won ill only about. two week. before his death. which re- amed from heart More. the machin- a: at iiU ithtntt not. The Grim Reaper Claims Many Victims J our: autumn. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Mr Doherty. C. P. R. Engineer. who come here only in the U. P. R. con ulructiun period and had come to he looked upon Almost as n citizen, died on Thuudny evening [not At his rooml in the Hahn home. w, had been ill for some time with intummatory rheamatiem, and the news that the strong robust. young nun of28 yea." was seriously ill and later that he wu dead, come a a. ohock to the communo ity. During hie stay here he made friends who will deeply mourn his premoture taking all. Dr McLeurin. of Cohen. on intlmete friend. III waiting him when the end came. BU eiater vu- ln nttendonce on him for some time before end other Meade " the tuner-Al were Meg. B. Gleason, Montreal; Mr Jockeon. Quebec; and Mr Gourlny. Toronto. Among the wreaths eent. won one from hie mother and liner. one from friends in town and one from the C. P. R omciol I. The remnlne were taken to his home at Menu" on Friday hot, MADCOLI Mchnuvnu'. The denlh of the above gentleman took piece on the tthh inet., at the home of his daughter, Mrs Wm. Pal. lniee. Centre Glenelg. He had been ill for “your e. yeor with ogengrenous trouble which carried him ottin his 84th year. Deceued Wu . pioneer in Proton, but. lived for many yearn in Central Glenda. where he earned the respect. and esteem of all tor his upright chur- ncter and fine Christiun demeanor. Since selling his farm some you. ago he lived with his dnughteru in Toronto, Mn R. Gurdlner and Mrs Irwin, or With hie daughter Mrs Fullnise. of Cent: e Glenelg. Two rinks of Durham curlers com- peted for the Western Tsnknrd Int week but were defeated by strong quartettes in St, Mury‘i and Buford). Chu J. Western, Eyesight Special- ist, will nuke his next visit to Durtun on Thursday, Much 6th and may be conuulted in Darlmg’n Drug Store Read hi. notice on page 8. Would you hay some 10 cu. fun. nelette tor 7 etc. 8 cl. min" for r, cm. and factory cotton for 5 on. That'l the way (hole goods are selling at Mockler'u Monster Bale. Quinn to train blockade, our regu- lar new. print supply is again deluyed And this week's inside news will not he up-to-dnto. This week'g instalment of story will appear next. week also FOR BALtt.-.Itrg acres. towmhip Eg. remout. lot ar, con 21, Rood level land in good lhnpe. good buildings. twenty four acre- stood timber. 81000 down. D. Mckrtmom Durham. Mr Wnrd. A furnace expert, It pres- ont installing nturnuce at the REVIEW omenaott ICliOlll cut on the knee from some projecting wire, requiring the doctor's attention and seven! Itilcbec. Mr lewig. of Hanover. ll completing the work. He was of the hardy highland stock that emigrated from Mull. tkoUand, About, the middle of last, century. and facing hardships and privatiom. car- Ved a home for Iheluoelvn from the forest. Donald. Neil and Jun. MeGilll- me, of Glenelg. are half brothers of deceased an! In Ju. Webber, uur- ham, in I slam. The girls have elre-dy formed their plat" for leap year. To the buhful lover they will any t ., Do you like home-made bread ?” " he says yea. then the reply will he I " Well. I can bake it. " Then if he doem't take the hint, they are to eeize both his hands, tullon their knees, 5nd put the ques- tion direct. A. H. Jackson is an humor of Mn!- Huge Licenses. Durham, Um... TRAINS AGAIN BLoctttrD,-ahtt even- ing train on Tuesday not. stalled be. tween Palmerston and In. Forest and u w: wriu. \Vedneodcy. p. In. it " yet unceruin if it will mm tonight. The blockade in the "cult ot a dtifttrttt new on Tuesday. February bu certainly been I Itrenuoul month, bo- lying the [Inc promise of I mild winter that Member and January gun. Farmer! who hove orchards should tramp down the snow around their young fruit trees. The field mice mun hue green food and an euily hon e we, through the loose snow to the tree. where it will feed on the bare. but with the mow peeked down the mice cennot get to the tree. Three or four winter. ago when we had the deep snow a. lot of young He Wu buried In Priceville cemetery. Ree, Mr. Newton being the oMttiatsttg mini-tn. - “Iv “Ur WV" - IV" VI VII". . tuc- wen ruined by Ila. ' P"' Big “III-Dunn & Walla-d C. W. Donn“. The Yellow Label i The above three ftrme make nothing I but the best qulnty goode and these In what we are selling In this great Silver- ware Sale. Now In the chewed I lilo itime to buy what you need m siiverwamt N. P. Cement ces. Annual Meeting Old mi'7"iiiu,tas. Wedneedny of hot week In. no to a!) shareholders at the EEC. 00. met in the Labor Temple In Toronto in Annual Meeting to dlecnu the Mo ness of the year. The Directors cone in for consider-Me criticis- tor " leaed delinquencies and en Attempt wee nude to brine out new men who would run the institution more econ- omicdly then hes been done. Though name good names were put up. the voting showed decisively in (eyes-of the present boned. e strong "neon for this being no doubt that the some men who had undertaken to exploit the new marl beds at Hanover ehould shoulder the responsibility of oneness or leilure in their operetion. Besidee s. few deys previously n G percent dividend bed been declered end this strengthened the management on it wee bound to do. even though it is certain a debt of suhstnntiel propor- tions exists. Howaver Hunger Me. Willinmi ensured the " Toronto Newsi that he wee perfectly .estietud with the condition of the co.. end none should know beth then he. As we pointed out some ween ego there ere healthy orders for the eenson of I” and with the u. P. K. handling the _ splendid new mart in the Henover de- _ posit. there should be n ptMtable eel- l son nheed. We hove lived long enough to know we can’t hare everything out way. Them, is enough About the punt to be proud of. Its output hu- invariably given uliufuliou ', thnt it has vitality in uhown by the ditBeuitim it bu our. mounted ', the prospect. for the com. lug your are bright and the Diroetom with the new honon upon them will feel u respomfttsilit, that will urge them to their best. Tuesday. 10 March-Tho. Gndd. Lot 14, con 2, Nomnnby. bu instrucmd the undersigned to sell by Public Auc- tion on above date. farm stock and ill- plemenu as be In: rented his (arm. Terms; 8 montU' credit on Approved joint holes; 6 per cent per “nun discount for cub. "ie " 1 o'clock. Now is your chance to buy ”cl-elm Silverware at great reductions. e In putting on sale our entire Itock of extra quality Silverware It about half what it worth. These goodsnre made by One pgper speaks of " I plum: (mm Durham " hem tt-tutud, of trrutubleta became they Hedi-appoint- ed ottlee cachet-u. of shay-holders who went to run the worn " if they were a corner grocery. of other: who think mammal-id dune. ahonld be requitod at 35 cu am hour, Ac. All such atate. menu would he better unuid: than cue grumble" for removed from Dur- hom. were are experienced men at booing.- who honenly think upon-cu should be and could be curt-130d with. out banking the calcium] of tho punt one iota, Ind (hue on omen who would rather wait to: dividend. thou endonget the plant by debt. Silverware d Rog T “saith dale pr. " oz an en Spoon. .00, 01.2.50 " dog " Deucrt tsteer, 5.60. I.” 20 dog " Knives & orb 6.00, 4.00 20 do: " celluloid handle -- . ._ " Knives. 1.50. A I." 20 only Berry Spoonsi.‘ 17 only gay Spoons. " on rry poem. 7 only Fruit' Dishes” 6 only Cake Baskets. And hundreds of other mp. just lib there. See our window this week. R. B. Keeler & Sons. The sand-.111 sum m Co. Mm The Toronto sum th., m C. BAIAOI a SON. Punt” up Paul-Ill! Great Sale of Sale Register. D. McPlun. Auctioneer 2.50. I." . .2ao,each I.” . . LN, "'

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