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Durham Review (1897), 27 Feb 1908, p. 2

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I! "" VA is the Alvin. told :5: 'III" for him Sabina. J "The. beri tt MN" on the f the Jews ht“ tbe earnin- at I! h ". .mu un- man that it Wu "n: " for him to carry his bed math. Jeremiah had calm to heed to your-elves. and II Jen on the Sabbath by” (IO. E Jews Interpreted this as tort "Irving of ti. lightest weight "ninth loaning is made do: F 13. Lr. ‘dein “new... ttt.aiac . - ' .." , Inc-mug is made “our VI; I sew'mtt oi}; 3. ts.. “Trending wim'fm on .Wh I". Math. and bringing in _ --oh, yes. tit th ,___.‘-..... - ‘11.".pr mun --limlet. From verse " we may in for that his disease was the result of the sins of his youth. 6 knew-The word "knew" in the on; nnl indicates one of those in- tst. "mucous perceptions by which tha truth became known to Jesus word- in.,: as the tut ot the moment do maimed. Verse " shows that the whole lite of the antlem is meant to the eye of Jesus. us that of the Sammritnn woman was in chapter 4.--, Croeret. saith unto him-cps-mr," Chrrst waited until he was naked be. torn he relieved the "dialing. but in thi, and a few other can he heal. (til without being asked. n. read the man's past life and [mm condition! ot mind. and saw that he was in 0 st..- 'e to receive spiritual good fromi th. healing. wilt titoyr-Why does he mix a question to which the answer Wit my obvious? Probably in order l to muse the sick man out ot his 1 Ic-vlnruy and (lesimndency. It was , th _ first step townrd the mans' havin ' sli‘ili'it’llt faith: he must he inspircgi‘ ui'h 4omt' expectation of being cured. I'. _ Cum Bib. This in the Rams nun-Alt Mr. TI. Jews: the ml." .9!!!th old the man that n r him to “m Abbott. thirty I dtttatiott of the i either to show ho, lit-uh it was to eoMine to verse 6, cnuuwsion with l " An important mm 9) 5. an infirmity-r pliu rather a loss ot positive disease: prob 'll",'"- _djratsr, of on la can I ur. th "toxt. " Jo valn they mm by ”Wists In J. They would mun!" idea of tht.n, were imam 'hiukg Was “I th of th - an. ku-yeulu.- cam. Bib. Betitdr-Titri' name doe: not occur elsewhere. It means "house of mercy." The site is not identified wi'h rertainty. The traditional epot in near nestle Antonia. But De. Bob- lmmn thinks "the fountain of the Vimin." an intermittent spring in the mntheunt ot the city, near the Pool of Silmun. probably eovered nudes. eorrunade, or “rand-ha. open at one Hi I: to the air. but protected minst th, sun or min overhead. ln 3 hot eour.try like Palestine such buildings ttre very !leert'ttry.-ltyle. fl. Tttttnude-ttle nick congregated her" in neat numbers. waiting," etc. 4r)“. last part of verse 3 and ell ot;' who 4 are omitted from the Revised; Vw i m. This is wanting in so many, it! Hm original manuscripts that our. rr'umru think it in not properly in) m Itnxt. " John did not write the“: .r.....g, at tat Christ is who are in th.: oi/i the N use: 'ML-ORB. " m Jesus " the Pool " Betuai-Jis sl, g-r& . i r/,,',yi',p1'.yat,rys-r-t: The sick "l, a"; tier-(la (u. 1-4). t. alter the” t inn! (R V. r-The "things" about which John had written in chamer rt-tttel healing of the nobleman'n son. I, least~~Wl7n least was this? Ancient urn-on any the Pal-sown, but "cant imam think it must have been the [our of Purim. which was celebntod‘ on the Nth and t6th of 4er (March). I Edenheim ealh, ttus feast the "am 1 known but." and than 'l'%,1t that! " was either the tre TW,',',:, imr (August) or the out 0 ram-- "is Merrtemtsort 11.... =LCT_it us they must have men inserted IN}? tilazrut‘ii: orpyiatg as an explanation of V'lthat. it w" 5, They would therefore refleet tlytli.'i'l,1, "He cr; I!" idea of the pool " the “miss". livin- of hi: were inserted, which Dr. Whodon '/'ll' 'h In; was early in the t".,t.?e..sdh', gm: 'l','l 'o my. The omission of v. 4 in no, P 'h 'l no he? weakens the truths taught in this I C,",'dt1, Tint,':',', in, . . . n An important man healed (vs. si,us'er.nrririt that 5. an infirmitr--The original im itngrrtioutuy "but ..s".-. -- . " hung-'3? 13032;}; . T2“ """' 'I'" a: I. an; "ire see that there Ure divine ?trtlrort'ty a sheep-gate. 'Uo called becluee thee to break the Sn Iheep. for sacrifice were driven .ty.re trould not ttave an it into the eity." This met rtr.r ey,ed.not for In: near the temple. the Hebrew ' mittht 11Pre. u l '0 "r-Hebrew here' means Anmais. . what ttser with! make unguage spoken " the time, not at'ettsation. Jiow men; M Hebrew of the geriptuier.L. alt-ya woman out fo: Bib. Bethetuu--'ritri name does! whieh to find fault. -1 war elsewhere. It means "home Jesus had been in Jen Try.“ The Rite in not identified le I!!!" who was heat "erfninty. The traditionat Irpot him, and Jesus now h. ' rustle Antonia. But De. lob-11hr crowd. H. Noon I thinks "the fountain of the , found the man in the te r." an intermittent spring in the him, "Nin no more." T 'ttM of the city, near the Pool accidental meeting,. Jet! mm. probably covered "codes. on the "Ian. his work mien or verandahs. open at one 7 not yet finished, Hm! . ' thr, air but ..--.¢-»A~J - . _ woman was in chapter B..-- nith unto him-preps, ed until he was naked be. nved the saluting. but in few other cases he heap beirur asked. He read tho tttrt Wait for . kn the anon within him! " known to Jesus accord- tank of the moment do Verse " shows that the of the sullem is mount of Jesus. 19s that of the those th his MESS; d continued. '..ef bear no of ' (ltr, 21). and " forbidding “W In. 10- 'tPPosrd to the Scale. 39 Not " t " My com th man healed (vs, s. --The original im of wet than a ”burl; _It was a I the but awful“. ! that had told er). Then d2,','li, the 'utarttr. Show the uncertainty. "d ttttark the " tttste "t.v.y--rroin 'Who our“! the 21:” we see that there Ure divine " _ “no celled because thee to break "eritiee were driven f?" roald not the shy.” This trntel Tttr cared not pttrstfrtie W; It 'nit him to will Sab- week. Bu t' the iesiiit le- da "Remus. it. pears to h he wholly ttttat d. Satan. and no who know Id the glory of If yuan, y sewing circle _ - r-.."- on our Hindu 1 how we threw back our heads and so ed? And now do you tell us to wh the paints of Jesus. No, sir, we on “And sought to day him" (v. Adam Clarke says: "How implat nun-c their malice have been! The a of religious persecution he always I dance-mun. Every other diepoaition pears to have its moderator.' but thi wholly abandoned to the guidance Satan. and has for its yea: the I who know the truth a who live the glory of God." " son. I su Ancient but "can: ‘e keen the Vfi -.-‘.-u ‘V "" " tloes not tom'tbeir will, but in ok,, their consent to His will. “Jews findeth him in the temple" . It). This man mu found in the "pie praising God for his wonderful Iiwrurwo. To praise u the natural in. nct of a redeemed soul. A Hindu mis- mlry wan once remomtrating with a live Christian who was Aim-hm -4 nave bestowed upon him the boon of health. All physics] healing is a type of the spiritual. Sin and sickness are twin. born. Christ died to atone for both. He said to those suffering from sin, "Wilt than be made wholet" "I have no man when the water " Humbled to put me into the pool" iv. 7.) All earthly hope was gone. Only the divine Non of man could hsur, nu. nu- I [UNI l "Wilt thou be made whole?" (v. 6). i heft] Thi, question in put to a poor paraly- g the Win. uniting by the troubled waters atl Buy “In: pool of Bethesda. lt-Vas probably, for the time of the feast of Purim,' a feast ' and celebrated by works ot beneticenee and I firm 'o.-.'.-., .1"- 11,. . . - 7 t 3 Faith is the way of man's Ipprou-h ( to God: the link uniting the human and ‘the divine. Unbelie! shut man oat of Eden. Faith brings mm back to union with God. A sol-vent bank honors every draft presented for payment. God how on the faith of every man. “Acconh'ng to yum faith," is a true, unfailing ax- tom, - W“, ...~ , I tati."- Treneh. "He meant his statement " for a iuntititration of Jesus; they and h. it fur his perseeution." 16. Then the , Jew, nought to kill Jesus because he had , dono thmu- things on the Sabbath day. l 17. M. The discourse which follows (vs. I IT-zh is believed to have been delivered , 1retTre the Nttrthedrin. Luther culln this l"a ~u|nlim0 apology which makes the} [matter worse." Jenni refers to God as , his Father. and this .ngm the Jews still f l mun. g n, -se x..._vwnl.uul inm‘uiumly observes. he would not have your and told them that it was Jesus who had made him whole, but rather it was Jestrn who had hidden him curry hin bmi.", Trench. "He meant his statement for a iuntititration of Jesus; they used it fur his perseeution." 16. Then thei Jew, nought to kill Jesus because he had] dono thmu- things on on. e.u...x L» m“- ..- He was": mu winning a worse thing would an unm- "(mu him. "More sinning after this tai warning would deserve mentor ptmistt. gm ment two Heb. 6; 441); Ind after lo Au lung tt Ix use of sin. a repetition of 'tiii',.':',: aim m.uhl naturally produce greater.“ 1 N'ils than nny he had yet experienced. Inn " Ho... tl..', ch _ ,__ _..., ‘7. ‘un me man. his work with him w“ not yet finixhed. God nukes this - demand of every sinner. And yet there are thone who insint that it is impossible to live wit'mnt sin in this life; but if such ia the case then Jesus asked this man to do the impousihlv. Unless yy warm! " «inning n win-i... IL..-, A” .. PRA (TICAL APPLICATIONS, "ool a a chair.I "He that nude any my bed. laying um a In and In great min authority to tell why did our Lord any has bed on 1wa, .1 pun: luau. mu h. might have lost it. 2. Christ :hme Is an. that He was Lord of the Sabua we: Mull. 12. " 3. This VI! not century to the spirit of the luv. 4. It was consistent with the wisdom of this! to perform his minds-s an they might be seen and known by a multitude of people. The healed man carrying his bed on the Nubbath das. would nu“ -tr """V I " Who!" so many counted as a pro- if not an the Messiah himself, I _ have tseen with-fem to stop thel " of gainsayers. Had it been in a l spirit that he went, as Chrrsostom f ..n_l.- .,t_, 77' . V annuity to m why did uur L any has M mu " yum nu bed tr. might sham-d ls this Sabina we. I ' a FMS his i/ "3 ie."a'e J'man 1t'evl"dt'i',it,t bid bidding in quom man to n WW". I than any he had y After this the ma it was Jesus who . "He exam-tn], I lg, . we; asked him tr ' 'duttlon o {had told him to :3:h§s?'b:d'3; miaistmti Sabbath. "They ismori, the miracle At, " 0 attack the command. They ttak not dors m Co , ':.ur.eu thee, an] therefore must: the. Novoe divine authority?' but, 'Who told pm of at to break the Sabbath, and there. tings P. I mum not have it'."'-Ahun. Bib. to Judzcgal ran-d not for knowing Whit they the sume I. f'lulirf .as a work of mercv. hut. I Hrst - twe any known."'-('lnrkP. It is ttlu to do good on the Sabbath day They asked him who the null had told him to mm M. 1...: le t'xpet'teu, pmlub'y:3;l of his heart, that tho I """-_ P‘Vyvuuu ,fi- Clte.r."'"5" Ianulks. i ot Euro . " Noon after this J,tmyl be appointed irupeeto T rs of man in the temple and said by' return for which the Porte no more." This was not an “an; to attend the m meeting; Joann had " cyclone“: gendanne "ffsmanda Irt. his Work with trim a...‘ - been in ./eruiauim%t" who was healed did not hum now had din-n..- heir will, but " His will. t in the ter "H found in for his wond mm, v. w. :Jumtrval. th. 17.~vl)espite the ier.. 'flow when”: [me Io,, or life at we Perrot, work is been! The spirit Ire',',",' on. today. at the other wder has always been i pilG, as if 'ething, by! happened?“ So . disposition ttp- I fy.',.]!,"' 11-":an of six men have been "or. but this is picked pp: The remains of the other e guidance of three Victims are still under I am]! Arjeets the men shed near the. works, and now and min 'l? who live to I? Iror3m.an 1itrls Ion-e shun: na... at the mingle-Ed . "nu-“~- VIII. lull which makes the! q refers to God as ngers the Jews still PPLICA'HONS. of man's Ipproach; ing the human and shut man out of m: baek to union " hunk honors every I ayment. God hom I l P mun. “Acconiing , I true, unfailing ax- i I t , whole?" (v. (i). (l To a nnnr run-uh. . (V. In. ) illplacahle many ard man _ tom the Ji/w, my are like “HR, for wuelhing with 4:91;. 13. But as; tbe snbmiiii -i nml it he had hm :runalem but little, 'alert did not khow had diupppared in that lite having hyr made {him own by a multitude d man carrying his day would eall at. ' and cause it to he FR of mercy, bit the pound of an - -e""9.A'q. "" Am npproach , Boylen and Hail, another reporter, unum and were directed to investigate complaints n out of i into the methods employed by Van Du. to union! a”! in his business. Hall went up to om every i the bureau on November 21 to ask for God burr I a position. He paid " and was sent to, According a firm on FeWngtun street for a tttd ailing ax- ' keeper’s job. and was told by the firm itbnt the position was filled some timei " (v. a). ( Irefore. 51) Hall returned and reported! r puralv- I the fact to Van Dim-n. A wvek inter] futon; it l Buyfon Went to the bureau and ttiS-ed', probably r for " bookkeeperu position. He paid 81 f , a feast ,' and was sent to the' Wellington street mm mm] i firm win-l- 'M ---_ . . ‘- to more a on» The n.ereplied, and 13; im. 'io do. He "To tori "ai,'. ed way”: for, t Lisl'mn. Feb. Vi.--- State has signed a de 'unueaty to military ; viets. It includes t, were deported for mu ago. The decree be; Manuel‘s words.. "I ban to initiate my reign by nesty, thus Using the ' unity given to the tim ntituliou." The I‘m-n- How King Manuel Will Reign. l Irvs, in Jersey (:in to-day, I ' final hearings upon the appli l the Canadian Improvement Co met "side the transfer of 50.000 the stuck of the Lake Supo‘riu ation, which it owns, (0 a n Philadelphia banks and trust a now holding the stock as will! loans. The primary object of the Ct in to retain for the Canadian nwnt (‘nmpuny the voting 1'ontr stock in the Lake Superior Cor, which was pledged with the Phil hunks upon the reorganization Lake Superior concern. the Canadian Improvement Co, Superior Co. AMNESTY always "ttson had only Mne " duty wstignting the complaints which into Ink newspaper omee ubm method., of the plaintiff, who [Is "the: thing columns. In nun-suiting the pl: 'ire Mum said that the orb-nu had only dam I vmtignting the oomplair into hi,,. "0“]me "m, pe . r"'"'"" nun collapse of the Muenzteg wt.ty If; programme and states that it was due , rail hum secret treaties already concluded com he! between Ir1st.ria-rryuirf, Germany] rutu ")1, and Turkey, by which Germany ob- l 31 1uiai, long sought concessions and i'."" stt. .‘ guarantees tor the Bagdsd Railway.’ Km: to! Austria gets the Novipaznr Railroad tali hei lin. and the exclusive right to build ( Ge ",1: railway in the WihtyeL of Uskup , MM: l an I Salom'ki. I cont; FM, Baron Von Biekersternrs announce» tore In . "mm! c....... AI -- - i4: his Christ unison PfEmployment Agent Fail: to Recover H Prom Toronto Paper. 1 [ Toronto despatch: An action to secure ; $5,000 damage;, from J. Runs Robertson, Ipropriotor of the Evening Telegram; i Mr. C. o. Knowles news editor, and Mr. l J. Chaneelior Boylvn, a. reporter ot the 1 paper. in the July Ari-vixen yesterday! l on: dinning-:1 by Mr. Justice Mubve on ithe com-luuion oi the plaintiit's Masai (TL. plaintiff is Mr. D. J. Van Dim-nu l who rum an employment agency at uu 1 Richmond street west, under the name of the New Method Employment Bur. eau. ile alleges that the defendants en. I _ tered into a conspiring to injure his business on November 21, mo I Buylen and Hall, another reporter, were directed to investigate complaints into the methods employed by Van Du. wn in his business. Hall went up to l the bureau on November 21 to ask for ( a position. He paid " and was sent to t a firm on Wellington street for a book. I keeper’s job. and Was told In- M... r.-.“ _ _ A- ..-..-\.u v; pulls ye f The Novoe Vremya into 'iaction on the part of G (mean that collapse of the i programme and states that 'io secret treaties already ”emu-n 1Pst.ria-rryuirf, Intyl Tglrkey, by which Gm ,__,.-... a alumni!» Tent, says the Novoe Vnmya, has been communicated to the Home Gov. ernment and is expected to be the starting point for a new grouping of the powers in the nearest east. _-."'-' "MG“ nu hue put ilre of attilrinr ttmbatusadoritd sigm- turcs to a joint note with reference . to judicial reforms which have been j the subject of negotiations tor the pust twelve months Ambassador 1f,iiiitti'i Von Bieberstein made the , startling announcement that Germany Idechned to proceed further in com- Party wi‘h the powers in this matter ilttt,tead Germany proposed to aban- l don the joint note, agreeing with Tur- I in”): counter proposals, whereby lid/is, imtegd ot Eumneam. dim-'4' to .hurlitary%di It. included the n, .V.. '0.-aoe novoe Arrem.va publishes an article dealing with the breaking up of the concert of powers hitherto engaged in puss- ing the Porte'a consent to the intro. dumon of judical, financial and ed- mi ustrative reforms in Macedonia. At, a conference of the ambasaam 3:»an 1"e,PyttinirpiLtijis' week, says I l GERMANY BREAKS WITH TREK OK i TURKISH QUESTION. 750an , THE POWERS. [iii;) I(‘ll " owns, to n number' .er '..o..ric branch of the German-American in banks and trust companies) e,?,,',",.':; who 1eflyt.d.to the House "I: the strrek as t-ollalvral for qmmnttee on the Judiciary to-day that , Irinlt was not the only intemperance "ary olrject of the Comma"!!! Practical by the American people, and n for the Camulittn Improve-4 3:59-er to the '?lergymen and Womany mny the voting control of the] L"Jt1te,1gi'it,r,',e,r,yiciit fyttp,te.preseiti w Lake Fluperior Corporation, 'li Pr.? t man dey not Prohilrii. pledged with the Philadelphia! I ' R: eited a" fn illustration the House w the reorganization of the! ,'.',', 1ti.'.rfrntatiyes itself, where. hr, “3" Allies Herself With in: sitting in rk St. PI To NAVAL CONWCrs, LEGAL FIGHT. ACTION DISMISSED. A: _ V"'~'u "an" b'ua- ff -T"u"". Tunter, proposals, whereby f the Importance of the 1.ruteyd ot Europeans, should I at "nee evident to anyone omted inspectors of courts, in cdge of Persian politics. tor .whxrh Pt Porte would can. , {may obtained a ('oncenh A, an . _ -----, ' A - __ mutiny two begini with I have a great Hamburg, Feb, *9 decree Ins-nuuuuvple nus week, says Vromya, called for the put 5;ng teeletutt.1oriaifuirra gins with 'King ve a great wish , an act of mu- In0dera.ting fa. One by the con- eil is also dis. nupecwrs ot courts, in lab the Forte would con~ i the mandate for Eur- me fdtimrm, which ex. h of this year. ( Vremya interprets this r part ot Gennany tol lapse of the Muertzteg‘ l states that it was the ' Ths. muncil .of _ Italian Government Initiate Hi; granting naval con. sailors who ., and Lake 7-..“... "aural!" I “w uugonance of the above news is Europeans, should I at once tride.nt to anyone having knowl. nors of courts, in “he of l’gruun politics. Recently Ger. , Porte would con- "may obtained a concession through the mandate for Eur- .u.eeker, Herr Guttman, for the estab. 1imrm, which ex- [ailment on a. bank, and likewise, this year. ( through the ability of Herr stemrich, a? ya interprets this concussion for the TeltersuvtiirmanG'aii of Germany to I iinllruadx. As soon as the existing treaty I of the Muenztesrl With “mum manning”, .. - A Tmn, years I7.--The Novoe _ (t continued fair demnd from all New York. Felt. l7.~The Tribune has We quote: Eastern Canada No. received the following despatch from luau, 530; No. 3, 50c; No. 4, , WilketsUrre, I'ac--0ttdee Jesse s',ylfitet,e?; 47e, and Manitoba reje: successful burning of anthracite coal in to 491-2c per bushel, "otore. a grate, which took place just one hum A steadv yolume of trade is dred years ago, was celebrated here to. done in flour. Supplies are nu day under the auspices of the Wyoming and prices are firm. Choice Valley Historical and Geological Bo. wheat patents, 80.10; seconds, riety, and prominent citizens from all _winter wheat patents. $5.75; stun"; over the region were present to ply tri. lets. 85.50; do., in has, $2ar,. bute to Judge Fells as the man who 83.1% to 02.10. really started the great smhracite coal The locsl mlllfeed market is 71 trade. .' tive. The demsnd 1- -0--- m It contended that logical lecturers in every country was standing that they l the doctrines of the 1 Prof. Sch: 5 Munich. Feb. rr.- I ; replying in Parliament ‘suppnrt against the Prof. tiehnitzer, of th Munich, who was exeo few days ago by the article be wrote on " elieai on modernism, a dents were forbidden t4 tures, refused to intern ter. i ) .v.._. 5.4.11 ouen (ll Uskup , and sunny pursuing a am I course, which all at once ounce» tore the anguished eyes L, 'iii') Russian competitors in a , Gov. periority, owing to her ck m or.“ L ANTHRACrTE's ""ee _.., I-u unuuslrl of Representatives itself, in days gone by, repre been in the habit of gain; nut and ordering: "Tea l of the left eye." ,_.V.. w... .uuuulug uespa f Washington: Dyspeptics, mm ( rating minee pie and drinking I are responsible for as many n thou who drink to excess, am _ Theodore Sutro. President' of York branch of the German, Alliam-o, who declared to " MINCE PIE POUND GUILTY. Made Ruponsible for u Many In an Drink. New York, Fob. reeeivvd the folk . -e u-W-H'"! .. s f e. , was“ and unthon'zrd him to secure an I dt;; 32:3. . l option on a site and to summ- deslgns; Do., 1iiiiiii/v. for an "pt"tawstt to cost not more than _ Geese, dreamed. ll, $350M . (ri/dir.',,).' per Ib.. In her letter Miss Perkins says: 'TI Ducks dressed, lb. am a philanthropist, and I have a 'f,yiiiiiir'vi', per lh.. thousand dollars lying idle at my bank. ) Apply}. per bbl.. ers. I have I. number of friends who, Potatoes, per bag Would be glad to enlist in such a plan, t'ahbaue, per down and I think we can easily take care chum“; per bag.. a quarter million investment. I had'lleof hindquariers thought of New York as a location, but! E,'. iormptarters I am impressed with the faet that Boss-, Gi,' choice, can ton needs such a place, and I wish you! Do. medium, on would arrange the details " once." ' .. . ' , r.....-u-u|u ISL and teacher of Toronto, who has 5m I "turned from a trip Abroad, during ( which she studied "mee suicide" condi- tions in France. Miss Perkins was the only woman saloon passenger on the (fruit: which "shed the St. Cuthbert', new, and her letter authorizing the, building of the apartment was written: aboard the vessel. It wan written to levy" John H. Bartlett, of Brockton, 31mm, and authorized him to secure an option on a site and to BPeure defyrns:' for an apt"ttnent to cost not more than. $250M Margaret M. FiitiL", and teacher of Toronl "turned from a trip whit-h she undid "ma, In: But Families With Babies J moaned There. Boston, Mans. deg teh.. Boston have a "Stork" apartment for tl ..c '...,.ttt, ... _ ,7 Upaows iii .. . _ ”1 u. an clever policy. _ Every one tin-day, if in the least be. hind the scenes in Tehemn, knows that the Persian; terrible financial straits are overwhelming them, and they look to Germany to assist them with a loan which is intended to release them from the grip of the Imperial Bank, at British institution. This matter is receiving most serious vot1sideration in Wilhelni: Strains». That is why the late Ministerl to P0r»ia,. Heer Stemrich. occupies such a 1 high position in the Foreign Office. l prominent citizens from all Irion were plume to ply tri- “it? Fells In the man who ed the great anthracite coal with Russia, prohibiti milruads mm! 1910, count-ct Tehemn with maul. More recently still persuaded the Persia, - - - " I" Illlr wrote "on the Plope's l modernism, and whose P forbidden to attend " tsed to interfere in the I T5ril'rAWrty ARCHIVES TORONTO $102K Ara-biz“ HOUSE. V__.. -uv ULHIWI engages itself to find academic tenchers, who are to undertake the development of the Persian scholastic system. Thereby liermauy secure: an influence over Per. sian Youth. The sum dPtlil-nfm' o- IL, Berlin, Feb. 12.--A from Teheran to the nounceu um the Pet has finally been prev: tribute 50,000 marks IN toward the expense- u-hool in the Persian cl eI'Iguges itself to find an GERIANY GAINS INFLUEICE om PERSIAN NATIVE SCHOOLS. An Imperial Grant Ordered-tterm, Doe- tors in Control of 'rosNui-atamra, Caucasians Secured. that, the to inking. to auto Po. ‘viaion for' 1'l'trfJl',te1,etu' of Jl'Jt bread.wiuneA through the . explosion. Mr. J. P. Johnson, superintendent of the Standard Explmih-e (bnlpany, while we- ftfieauy stating that be was not speak- ing ot5iftallr. nevertheless assured the writer that the company would certain- ly make some provision for the bereav. ed families. PLAYING THE GAME-5' that the position of “My! 1iorttrety.--owsug to the continued a in the unirernities of I (lownymrd tendency of wheat values at was based on an under. ,Amencan and Qanudim centres, able they faithfullv observe adviees Were “gum weak nnd hm?" and f their faith. . [business in Munitnln s,.-'., -- . ‘ ...\ .unuul uowrnment to he direction of the imperial Hospi- to thn.hands of German doctors. "any In“ been quietly, svorotly allay pursuing a sensible, practical I, which all at onu- plnces her b?" h,, .n......: I, I _ _ "F. ...c ”cram nat following despatch Iron Dyspeptics, made so by pie and drinking ice water, In I-.. ANNIVERSARY. nu" not prohibit. I l-‘ollnwing an- the chasm illustration the House; ml Wirtuipiw grain future-w Is itself, where, he said. Wheat-f Felt, $1.05 ie. bi, r, representatives had:I IA bid. of going to the restaur. ', Oats --,58 l-2e hid. MIN fltl . "T'.... "AA! . . in. p.ro!oitiitir" {th mm] 1910, expires, nln....._ ,, ., . . wished eyes at her Anglo-l miter: in a position of su-I ng to her clever policy. l tin-day, if in the least behl 17 '21 with a big $5.1; VATICAN. t many murders as 'ersia n Government with ttie Many Murders 2.--A psecial despatch o the Tntretrlatt III- e Persian Government prevailed upon to con- rka yearly for M years mue- of the German :ian capitnl.»The tschool 1 - _..-.‘.., In ittfluenee over Per. sum dedicated to the the -niii according [all of the New! tut-American i the House! Herald_ has f lltsese Herr Stemrich ~,_V_ mucus mm. All i. a; f tiw and clearer by a." Teal a] encv- lime was?" opened, 1,910.2.” Nth 1 mm, pri-r, 1.318.836; name tint, ' lee. I u',0l4.orl. e buiiiiitiGr' es, this will] Bugdad rail. 4 I business in Marnitolm spring; Jill:? and dull, there being little or to damn? The 1901:] market remains Mead and . I fontnnued fair demand fro. nil {our Fr _ We quote: Eastern Canada No 2 Whig. Natalia? No. a, 50c; No. 4 'Gi..' ree Joe e ' To. an . . t ' _ it 491.9, nor 1U,fy1t1ereieita', " SE. I Dressed hogs are in Night quoted at 87.2i _ F heavv at 87. Accom Wheat, white, bush. . t I Do., red, bush.. .. , tN 0 Do., s ri , bush. . lt "',.',Y Ihr., 330:: bush.. . d't.'510nts, bush.. .. .. . of M!” Barley, hush. .. ". may“ Rye, bush.. .. .. .F.. " J!"t Peas, per bush.. .. .. dun-mg Hay, timothy. ton. . [ (In-uh. " In , Geese.' per lb. ... .r. Din: wicks, per lb. 'tr FP' by, Chickens. fancy, large 911; Chiekems, medium. . . . 'u, Fowl $am ... .. ... to] Npmlw. per dozen ... ( Sugar. steady: fnir "Wining. 3.170; It.',",?.,?.'."":',':!; oo test. 3.07m nudas.,e., Isugar, 2.92.0: refined, steady. , London.-, London cables are steady at I 101-2 to ”141- per "L, dressed weight: Irefrigotator beet u quoted " 91-2 to I 93-k- per Its Liverpool Apple 1mm. Messrs. Womb” & Co. cabled Eben James.. "4,1200 barrels sold. Market ac- tire and clearer by a." Total shipments since u-num "mum-I '“"““" the cu; I Turkeys I Turkeys“ " Sugar Market. [his St. Lawrence sugars are quoted as ful- I(-ulin Iowa: Granulated. $4.50 in barrels. and grain No. t golden. $4.10 in barrels. Theme (from prices are for delivery; cur lots a. less. be fe I rum uiuueed market The demand in strong. 'r'ttbbage, per dozen .. . Unions. per bag.. .... Beef, hindquarters.. .. Do.. forequarters.. .. Do., choice, carcnse.. Do., medium, can-ase- Mutton, per cwt. .. .. Veal. prime. per cwt.. Lamb, per ewt .... . .. l .. "--".'. nu... .. w W Do., clover, ton. ' ..' .. I) 00 Straw, per ton.. .. .. )5 00 Seeds. Alsike. No. I, but 8 50 Do., No. e.. .. .. ...-7N Do.. red clover .. . . .. 20 00 Dressed hogs.. .. .. .. 700 Eggs, new laid, datum. H0 M " moderate, with price unchanged. Wheat l l steady, Joo bushels of goose selling at _ tBr. Barley steady, with sales of 3ool _ bushels. at 700. Oats llmhauged, goo! bushels selling " 570. l Hay in limited supply, with prim-s l firmer; half a, dozen loads sold at $20 to (se a ton. Straw is nominal n! in. " ton The receipts of grairti,Tia.v moderate, with price llnolmnmul l You! Cathvsr-mie marl i Nikos was again strong; "ood quality. Prices: run; ( 87 Per cwt. Sheep and Ltmu---Trie [clump and lambs. especial ttul as strong. but prices wo;', for "mo lx-pt. Expo, tu 5" ymrliw: 9w“ and huh-Her 'u'rrhtsts. 91.73 to mum and culls. $3.50 to br-hs. $3.50 to $0.75 per Pl Hogs-Mr. Harris quob ohnnmul at $5.” for fuel wntr'red, and $4.00. Co.6. on points. Winning What Mum. Montreal Marketa. rime. per ewt.. ..9 oo Mar cwt .... p... 10 00 Live Poultry, Whale. new toui.G" '"T5 {I to W. use quantity of fat cattle In better; that is, therd were more good cattle of- fered during the last two day» than for many weeks, but that is not any“. "I! much. as the season of the you it - at land when there should be may good cattle and fewer of the Hut kind. Rxroetem--qs. prim quoted for a- port steers muted from $6 to 35.35 R? own; PM but-ls, 84 to $4.50. . Btrehirr--rria. picked iota of Intrdiu ets, 'e.tttt to 85.10: loads of good, $4.50‘ to $4.75.- medium. " to 't.40., common; in In on mum» - Lire Stock. The total receipts of live Cit" Market, since Tuesday by the railways, were 167 Ct pm-d of 2.830 cattle, 1,0'iy tlreep and bull». 99it out. young old . ton. Straw is new}; ii? 2e hid, May (ttl 1-20 York Sugar Market The ..._V um. 'o'oErrsetM--lTttrt week re. l of eattte were larger and prim Town to a lower basis. Mensa. ' bought 50 head this week at . ruining Tram M.gr, to $3.60 for 7-." AA a-n - q strong. but prices held fairly “h4- lx-nt. Export owes. " to mum": awn: and “withers for "mum-m. 91:3 to Ar, per otrt.: md culls. $3.50 to " per vtvt... 5.30 to $6.75 per ewt. Mr. Harris unod prieeq ttrt. nt 65.1.r, for selects. fed and and 34.90. Co.6. cars at country Farmed Mums. the rinsing quota t ions qe.'tlit.v of fat cattle - - .......u. .u. hunhi. mwciklly lambs. was "s-mie mnrket for veal againftrong; that is. for ""I"Amr; arm name tinte, [905-5. rude is being are 'utttieieui Choice ting aa-A. A. __ tun-w tiday a'. bid, May l "3:31.73, .257; extra, l is very .0. I. Stocks tn receipts of live stock at tl.: t, since Tuesday, as reported rays, were 167 eulouda, com- 830 outdo, 1,00 In“, 1053 lambs, 220 chive. and two X? in fair supply, with $7.25 to $7.50. and ,,,.V v. w - cullIllullI : cows. 82.50 to 34; can. to " to s o 12 o m o n . n u . " it9 . " on V Hing, 3.170; ‘milk 1 mums.” -of " (y. I new“ re steady at aia sed weight: 5milk l at 91-e 101mm: t I fitiettt. let. mama , The 1211:1199 1.". o 20 bid (It! ranged from $4 li, 550 800 625 0 4-0 I 00 0 " 0 l2 " l7 $98 $000 008 099 ,__......._.wu aulu naming most . less. It, fed the cows whith would affect the I taste or character of the milk. , Belling with employees nmuml "rhlen minus the report is npecihlly specific. Em. rploym must ttes clean in their habit: “.09 iand' hee, from cont-giant: discus-n. even ‘milken’ hand, must not Come in mn- F lam. with the milk, and' only one pail Iii; “lowed” each maker.” After each now :iiy milked the milk must be take-n in .liV; milk house and cooled to a ttmrperaturts Isms 'of " degrees within two, haunt. No pun lunatim or other subntanoo shall ho y at Gia' to the mint and no plrt of the, glut; ’milk shall be "Mini . The delivery of l 1 to (iiij.ii: of such a diameter Inuit her mf- rieient cause for its exchwinn from the] I municipality. market for i _ r" "nu. "mu oe ertettt 1 10 'ically dry, butter fat must be deems ooo below the standard required when in 125 tended for human conwmptiun. al' 1000 buildings for stubling cow; mun; lmve u GO good drainage and no building used for g GO dairy purpose. mm! be. within " buns 7 00 dred yards of any "mt-shy or stagnant 9 00 l water, ete. The mrroundinun of all 11 oo [buildings must be kept clean and even 12 00 the stable yard must be drained-, Smith-d for com munt be used for no otlter purpoaea. not even as "torap. places, t.... Each cow must be allowed cot (-nluir .... feet of air spam and cow. ttre m In: f '-x I --_ F "u... “magmas Gan ', tion of empty bottles livery of mm or milk o 32" Toronto, nm 0 34 The followmg 0 ll {helm made by I 0 " I Health to fix n " 13 {supply of the pr 0 20 ilme, than thine " no l solids of 3 3-4 I 1 lo ically dry, buth 0 GO below the stand I 25 tended for hmm 10 00 buildings for m u GO good drainage an 8 GO dairy hummus. F Denver, Feb. 17.--The News to-day lays: In return for the millions of dolhn paid in taxes by the West for river and harbor improvements in tho 1Perty States. the busineu men of foatr western States, will petition the mt iCo an to I p rim. 81,000,000 for I Egon m: 3pm miles long. to be built from “diorama National Park to the Quad Canon of the (blond. River in 'Arhom, can“... Utah, wr, owing and Aliza-n will be 'ttted to join hair in making a cunpalgn tot the WI oo I I The report (fails a are of “Mud-1 in 'lee carried from p (the drivers of “I; Jfrom contagion: a ,_ ......‘ "run-l ll house where tout-giants dinenw must be mm)» only after the hm been fumigatod. "tteh bottles s1 in the inspeeiion of dairies. The I ment of the score card system commended. $15 a were ' ,V_ “.muv nun coWm 4kept clean. The report duals 'I-xtenuively with tlie interior ments of stablm. ull' tending cleanliness. The cows from w is sold must not include any animals and apt-dilly "one sign. of tuberculosis or any trouble. The emulovmmf "r h ipnovmcm. noun or. ( . Imus snxnnn A GREAT WAGON ROAD, I oontiriue%ir'i; ‘i Iumilton.--tade here continues ta hold a good tone. Mdttuttetarer, am busy, and they report ther outlook for the coming moan at bright. Retail trnde in fairly brisk nettrrolltetiort- modmuly good.” Iamdmt.u'indt linetof tradh-nre mor. ing fairly well here. But tutduloeamout. I factories are busily can“: , ot_usra.---whoraii And: mail -l, List of the Recommendation; Irastt- Buildinp lust Be Clean and; Em.. ployeen Cleanly in mm aatiits.-, Tuborculoli: Dealt Witts-a1rttatrnent of mm. l u. Luoeroulo-is or any relative do. The employment of the tuber- , test is recommended; Fodder and and Totter must be especially tree contamination and nothing mt i the cows whith would affect the or character of the miik. ling with employees nmuml dam»: ' .mrucumrly benefited in this regard. 3 Vancouver and virtoritc--TG. past Imull: has seen further improvement" in Giii2d bulinm here. Colleetiomr are l l fairly good. Valli!" of country pmdune, i eta. genenlly hoWfirm. I (lttetx--'ruaGirirof the Int we]: somewhat hmpnd'the movement.- of I travellers. the latter being stalled: It many points, owing' to snow block-Idea, and u a result orderwhave fallen behind during the week. Vancouver and week has Been ft general business fairly ttood. nu. -"ie _.-....,. 1%rnrtipest.--on all showing the effort of untenable lint-ram l fairly good Inning forward. The dry in particularly benefited Ithere im mnoidenbie nution dw in the pacing of orders for spring M There hill been a better m M'- Iment in winter dry goods. h m spring [moan buyers seem to-be ltrstdhi. off in anticipation of deeliner. Th ml. ume of busi'neu in rtittyadrelothhnt continues very light. The hardnle M metal businmio still on the quiet OMB. but prices hold steady. Staple. line. of, 'teerie-movin. well. 1 tmMittr. Price. all round hol firm. Cott- nillen expect the comi' m wili' it I record breaker inzthe ttttAtt of Volume at bathe“. Therm nu nak- inw any chap in their qtttrtatioem the. d'ervnu' um. um tho buy on but orders Them in a quiet to” to the boot and may“. Towntow-Geml btmineeetiere i. fteir. tr ate-dy in tone. Whole-den mi there is, con-Menus mun... At-a-a P". Calves surd it $3.15 to“ m/i, .15- cording to size and condition, and nbout {200 were disposed of. I Bradstreet, Thad. Rab-r. Mitoal.--The general ton of trad. but continue- to show ism-t a. money bacon” mien. The viola-dc and. in showing that“? tour W ttfit." 2:35: Tea “We bee-.99“: 627 to a per ton, ttret up; mill- ed Mlle, m to $32r.n pure [mu mouille, 3:55 to 837 per ton. “all Lin Stock. Monte-l.---'- on hte But Ey.d Cattle Market were more plentiful this morning, as country roads are becoming passable again, and farmers can get their "oek to railway. About (no head of cattle were put up tor sale, Ind fnirly good price. were resumed, good stock bringing u high In 5 ble, medium from 41-4 to 48-k, Ind common cattle from 31-2 to 4e. Only Mt Mp and lambs were offered. They sold " 4 to g [-40, according to qunlity. There was I brisk market for hogs, deliveries totalled 744 yd the ruling price was 8625 per 10 f tttt at "_"-... 0! taxes by the rest for tr impmremts in tho a“. L.._:, V F, Unt. Felt. lr..--!-.,:.)-- rwmg TeN'ortuttendtttioriw, ham-- . by the Provinuinl' Bound: ml fix a "tarutard foe the-‘miik. the province, "Milk tl"tttttninsp thirteen per cent. of an.“ , 3-4 per PM”. mud be "hem. PURE MILK.. not "teittdi, any di-oe,t Willy none ohwfw: __..I, I [a exhamtiwh' with the in whim milk is kept I who. to plaee oven Imus must he free (Handel, The "ollee. Mes mod in the de. milk ticket from any aftor the ham" has: th bottles nterilized dairies. The employs nrd system is re. report an]; "omewhat tlie interior "runw- " nll' tending toward: 'OWty from which milk 501' ROAD. l Phiua+hi. It?“ A.?.." 10-day l emi Joh- Bar, 2'Ueittieet yt i "Mm"! wht -on all sides Ill-men is effect of cold weather. All La,, "MED LAST "A! TO " runs‘ am moving briskly Ind mutual). Inning orders are coming - -- q dry goods lmoim but 1‘. I.2-s a» . -. aleule'ih‘dl Mail tride- brink than. cam. tttttst be "hem. fat Inuit he deemed i requirvd when in- '?onsutrtptirw.. all ‘1' ,. F 1is r: Jttt', aswssm any mm" Pf} lor} "my in... he pail Ouch Httt' take-u to ge plum“, mo cubic I"? to be "omewhat Mid. 'shtblen gas; LOST 'niiiiiiEivss even con . plje km in. I. a" L haw ml for a. hum “(mum of all' v "'""'"'"'l In! week l In lent. of 1 Sir lift-d.“ " MOON“, thro, an behind lengt- Lord: inun to l of u ran an [look for Und Retail Hana If .. véulc;kwy with Aii to buy quot on not" and i. In &tfrar_iisL"i their liven. PM“. add the oeatditimt of the bodim “Ge-t- ;d that the men Ind boon dun“! he“. 1y. t". -"RN. “my wen found dead in the collar of Brad)": Lump. Brady'. arms were mum around . 'huerterievth.uitL Hue. which had been vrendlo‘ has its Im- om'ngu. The pottee believe that the (I. men tried to our-ct “- _-n.. ' .‘Whib ROB-ff?“ Metal" ll mom! of Mr. Mel'heruon. I Know came orushihx from I luckily no one mm ittf-g, I Mr. McPhermm is a c, l mlrried. and betorr,e to Bl l was I fan-mun in the In and had beer, ite tome for weeks It the “any" "one. the spring vat to open i: He is not and to mm ili't,'e':'li',;,i' FIGHT Tm'lt.l..0itlls Rem! ' Home last Mon and rejected oy. cue Dm Wan. it he revived and mum JULNUgh the House of Common- I); my, I f-losure in three dare,. and will than :Long Expected Accident has I Ptreottiee. , Barrio damn-h: At last the l [won-d has happened, when a ‘Angui McPherson, was very I injured this nfwrnoon by, ite frtiti [the roof of the pout (DUMB. H picked up in an "m'ottnriim. CN 1 and hurried to the hospital. wher , effort in being tnade to treite hm I This building mu ended in " has ever aim“ hour -- elm-i nmmv of nah-(y to the Inn-l ' of v """'." III“ " T cum-en in her summit in the' e I her being menaeed by lily power. The life of the treaty is ten yw ! it will romnin in form- for a new [rude if it is not nunmed within i.rpars of its inauguration. The drtewal of one of the awn-wry doe,, not make it impo-uible for t on to renew the treaty. ‘ NORWAY‘S INTEGRITY. 1" Terms of the Treaty of Guru": Paris Feh. 17.--T'he (I (-ontly Iretween franee, Germany, Russia and km of which is to guanine m and territorinl integ my: made public to-day that Norway shall redo: t, pr! of her territory. um powers agree to reeogtti the integrity of Norway cum-er! in her nun-mu a _ ,7 ...‘ ...e'. unn- Ill unlul'} that a bill in. been i-nuhmitteJ w the Home of Lords within the life at a aingle Parliament. The Premier admitted that the grounds on which the peers rejected the bills last no» "uott, namely, that they may remind the. " hours from ‘proronntion. and therefore had no time to consider them ”tardy. had justification, but he said the present procedure had refereetee. also. to the resolution adopted by the Home of Commons In! year, restrict- ing the power of the Ho- of Lords to that or reject hills. And he insisted that within the limits of a ninxh- Pir- h'nment the final (led-dun of the Hun-9 of Cummnm must pron“. closure in three days nod will then be sent to the Lord: for their recon-id- oration. um wi1l be the first ' h. 1.3....“ CRUSHED BY FALLING ICE. Lords He announced in of Commons today tl,at u hum Bills panned by (h Won. Fro. ll" Sir Henry Ctutrpltel thrown down the leuge in the battle w Lords. H" llllInIIn Xhe lint Time is Miatorr-rta.er n.- fore Mas It Been Done in.LiU of Single Parliament-Premier wows 'ttotit-g, if. e, without going a: C,,':",',, M, and. Attorney: . W.. Doug In, E, C., {tuned in reply to Mr. W. N. Ferguson, K. c, who repmsatu-Lhe "la,., of permanent Ihmholdern, and. who tron, te%errth" the YolkJauu had not acted - in issuing the permanent ‘otodx, and than” the [midi-u were not 1m for unpaid palm '. of tlw More. Mr. Dough. up“ that the that, Inving been iuued and sampled In. good, and the holder. are liable for some WM unpaid on their stock. Plain. Feb. 17..-; Banal were ngp white tryiu m . g.. meter. l , tu eeihw Tine question of when the York Law Comp“ y has” iILqu-m. J2hetet,. of the Winding up out: or puviou to that line. um be taken up by counsel with the um few days, and the decision will ttttect quite . Mr " the .uamqum. T a. wm-ktu'een the York [All all the National Liftrievolvine a ta' m of money, are being nun-id. '_. by the liquidate: with: view to 'pale,mu~ea'uu- non ..\.lu J ' , d -dqragtt1mootr but Me u " .... to (in find“ in four .1 toe (J.l~~l: of -6deau. may, the Misc., ' elm, that. with Gnu-“Ilene: mmy... ' _. to any n (in: dnim on we um. ..‘, the company. museum who mm. 1..., rowed no. “economy on their plum. and than who but turned ovw up” and: for insurance polit'ivl, plum” ...,.. other If!“ The dad-ions in Hie-v u.“ es will probably be announced a. att early date. a'tl be the first time in [than bill has been roatluttitted to use of Lords within the life mac-n90, when a citizen. mm. was very union-LY erttoott by tYe t'mine from a post offiiw. Re w. an moon-rim: condition the hospital. where every madl- to Irvin him. main and Xuru'lyxh; to guyan the ind not nunitieli" within iruywumtion. The ' planned by the Lower mu tl menu: " we I" "voted in hemr l' m to the lonl wan awnitin M). 17.~l‘rime Mittister Cdtttpltelloottteonru, la. 'n the Irre.limimuy Gal. and Amway. the otrreet nurantoe the independ- int integrity of Norway. r to-day. It provides II redo to no power any Lory. and the lignntory rw-ogniu- Ind respect Norway and to am in :lpport in the' event of a. I... tt Canadian. m- I to Bmvertom m, the lumber any; n for I (w. " "nine. '.vytitteke open in tke m 6 "COW-r, aty of Guarantee “it Public. 1--Stttrtiet M "919‘th hem I tu ulna ter. 'hes “a. H" of Brndy’. $.17. “and Bid nd b“ iieceme The treaty tie4 .eted in tim. .n " . mun-Mm te Ioettt omritths, nmnitinq the. ro- m. ”other lot of mu the roof. M 3.1; we House of the "W ex Grirat "iiiiuTn. 3+3} [WON do The will yum but in the house two Scott“): ' power. tlie , "tit. Bhrrie, right re- 1“ 5mm You: Re ”nus sucu mm. m ll MESSAGES FROM I) mum 'lMugtrts--T and Society {In nd The ok

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