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Durham Review (1897), 27 Feb 1908, p. 3

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)IE acme FROM DEAD. ur and r ty. W. the Publ dam-x Porno-3|“ we“ t -tb. moi own intl "roate. Mr Oliver his wanna to trifle. in my” ot l aid: "Like 'ael from " of linen tM ginning to “when of t his!” and by . “'er ducitstt belong tists' I “ally I The o “on pun 'd it. [he que such an hypolhmi. or negativinu it. in of identity. the Idem Sum.- control undoub is not the normal cu yon-on owning the b knows anything about " than. this qua $1 mmenml am. 1 it grow» its identit: jet-h shows luck of intel hut. u due to lack of I part of the with. Our " not something sihptirted.. ochnt‘ul. Ind what wide at memory can be brtte Qua-lion of trifluttr incid -_-- nonollnl reason bl 3e "t an: “may. mum-when), "to our India. can u tional cin-umslam London, Feb. 8.---tgrriotts mum-t- by Sir Oliver Lodge mun-and Impact- tt attention on: when he wanton: me tor mystic“. It wu thre- tor. with something like “mu-em rather than wept'wirm that th meeting of the Phys-in] Ito-arch Society to. day listened to the dutigteti.hed scien- tint practkuly um. that comm-ni- nt'mm we" waived [mouth dead during net-let and “tannin ttmtg re- ctum, conducted by cumin members of that moiety through npiritarstmtic' R.tg " of - pit-u! lite. Mm. "all tt 2'.'dlfa'T.' ”on. of out smut and acute“ 'ut"trtitprtorrt." Re- Jerring to what burned at the yum-w. Mr Oliver aid: "The mont important met of phenomena nre thome of automatic writing and talki , and what do we find? We Ctmi that a late Edmund Gurney. the late Richard Hodg- wn and the bite b'. W. H. Myth. witat others Iran known, are constantly pur- porting to communicate with in, with the e‘pl’wu purpose ot patiently prov- i 'r their identity, giving up en.» corre- épnxlvm'n' between ditterent medium». '0 "L0 find them answering nrecirtc question: in a manner clsavaett.ri-tie of their kmmn personalities and xiv ing evidenee of knowledge nppmpnalz- mediums or automating as Mr 19ltvee called them. Seven! automatin- were concerned in the teasta, the mmrt notable bring Mrs. Piper and Mrs Venn". tsir "liver 1ieocribed the Iona-r u one It” mm mm " LiTGii -'r Gi who had been undu strict superviikm and wmpewnt‘ WIN". tor the nations with via-f purp surviving intelligent of and investigators we mean: -ineed or the p0 part Tum Recently Conducted The“) Spir- ttualiatie Medina-att. Putin! Ile- neuch Smitty “than! the Work. in; evident! to them. IR OLIVER LODGE "Ratmcatar AFFIRIS SIN}! W121i. RECEIVED. x in places." he soviety intend: to publish a full mm of the tests to which Mr Oliver nod. It will be recalled that b'. th Meyer. was I brilliant littora- r and . leading member of the Bo. y. who died in 1901 shortly before public-hon of his greatest. work h with the survival of human oah'ty after bodily death. He ex- sed hin inactio- to try alter death "mi-I 01,1”. of earrtitttr his I knit-e0 Ipon lind- still in~ g t.:.c speech " " tt to hi. memory, mommy- Proof tt drpersd on the t obretioys 1'in too often rehtt Jump luck of 'y oossitrltr Illh. “'r"”"' and what evidence of persist- ' can be better thin the re. .i ttilling incidents whirl: for Dual reason happen to have mus-out impnuion?" 'r dammed at some length a tor attaching importance n this connection, and in the his concluding interment-I e eaten-tors boring I tun- ppo'ite end- amid the roar and other noises. we are be- hear now and again the =L, 44r- at our comrades iatorsutrth.retgTi hit-dou- Junie.- fire- min-h [be que ubtedly exists, ..nu n. eonseioutuetu' ot the body. Everyone wnn ot the matter in quite [nation of identity H . The controlling spir- ity mainly by repro- w writing (not: which my. not the autumn- nt of identity will us- be memory at trilles. all that communica- elite to trivial all» st intelligence. or. at wk of thought on the 1Jttr object u to get. milled. but some-thmg 4 our com I The boundary I future sl wen ri rig states 'Cl Paris. Feb. '3.--T It-day tvj"eted the trifinding' hf the luv 'uhy Mrs. McBride, n- l Mum! Gonna. the "l "' who sued how u qh. Bride. for an “bani: it ground of cruelty. (tion. 1lecreed by th, n I wmtirmed by tin "e: Mrs. McBride brow t, '; tion in Mtfht, and w '3 i judicial separation I t. who was a promim - l Irish Brigade of th For Thirtv-five Years Presbyterian Minister at Prescott. Pun-mu Joanna-h: Rev. Jain Stuart. D. D., for thirty-five years minister of the Preehyterian Church of Prescott. 'lied at his home today. He was a grad- Mate of the University of Toronto, and of Knox College, where he was for five "an a classmate and room-mate of Rev. Dr. Gilray, Toronto. He graduated in ltW2, and WM settled " once in Ptk. alum. (ML, and utter I few years It Prmeott. where he continued in the pos- torate until he died. He was n no of rare gifts of eharneter. Knox College conform] upon him the degree of D. D. in IgM. ti __"' ._.-..-. l Fireman Symonds' Suffering: in a Rail.. Irish Joan of Are Can't Get Rid of way Wreck. Major McBride. Montreal dcnpatch: A fatal collision Puri,, Fob. 3, --The Superior Court occurred on the Grand Trunk about two t day rciwtu-d the appeal from the I miles from St. Martine Junction about finding ot' tlu. lower court brought it! o’clock this morning. Two engines by Ilts. McBride, better known as (had been engaged in shunting work and Maud Home. the "Irish Joan of Are." iune crashed into the other. The fire. NN ho "mul her lunhand. Major Me. ', man of the foremost locomntive, H. B. "ride. for an alnolute divorce on the :Synionds. was so seriously injured that ground of "ruvlt.v. The legal sepnrn- f no hopes are entertained of saving his lion lli‘k'l't'l'vl [ry the lower court war i life. When he was taken to the. Gen. r' "fin-mud by the Superior Court. oral Hospital to-dny it was found that Mrs. “thrill" 1mmurht her first nc- he was seriously crushed across the ab- lion in Ifhm, and uni then granted a domen, one of his legs was fractured, indicial mepartttion from her huumnd, and both legs and feet was frozen. who mu a prominent member of the while his hands and face werescalded. hidi Brigade of the Boer Army dur- According to information received re. in! the South African War. This gaming the accident. he was expo-ted to tribunal refused to grant her an abso- the cold and escaping steam for nearly late divorce on account of her Irish nn- three hours before he was extricated timmlity. from the wreck. Symonds is twenty- Mrc. McBride contemlnd fo-day that three years old, residing on Walnut the superior Court should follow' the street, this city. Engli‘h practice. but the court held ----_----- that the marriage WM contracted in Ire. TO PRESERVE FALLS. 'mvl. when» divorce " Granted only by F virtue of an Act of P,rlii"/?,'.i'h,' and American Civic Federation Presents Peti- that. then-fare. it “"11 power an to . . "rrtttt Mrs. McBride more than a separt- ___ A - “”2 'TP"': - - Lord Peattchamp, replying in behalf n! the Government. complained of the exaggerate-l pessimi‘m of the l'nionist Pevrs and resented Lord LattsdowtwU comoatGon between Ireland and Mauv- dmiin. lie admitted that esutie-driving had increased during the past year, but said that this was" the sole sign of ugmrinn ornditions beeoming wane. The Government deplored the cattle raids hut he declared the country w'a.q no more lawh-n than during certain period: of l'remiv-r Balfour" tulroinUtration, and, fullnwing Herald Balfour's precedent when he was (‘hief Seeretnry tor Ireland from Iri'Arltroo. the Government had no intention of reviving the crimes- not an He pointed out that when the Right Hon. James Bryce vacated the Chief Neeretnryship Mr. Bryce reported that the condition of Ireland was reassuring, but shortly after Mr. BirrellU advent "attlemtiding was inaugurated. and it hml now "pread to ten counties. The Judges were paralyzed in the seetionq subject to coarcion by the Irish League and trial by jury was u (nice. out of “.337 primnvrs tried only eight being con- victvd. liven the Government's own Irish Attorney-General had declared that if the when! conditions continued nnorrh) would n-sult. Tim mama" of Londonderry com-lull. ml by changing the Government with rowurdivv. and with being trrrorized hv thr- Nationalists into permitting n "tate of things diagram-ml to any civilized (unwrnmont. Lord lieuuchump. replying in behalf of the Government. comnlninml of the THE BRITISH GOVERNMENT AC- CUSED or COWARDICE. lamina. Feb. 3.--Heated chm cowarding in turning a blind eye cowarding in turning a blind eye to the "reign of terrorism” ie Ireland in order to keep the Antwan”... .n good temper and unsure a continuance of their sup- port in the Columbus were launched against the Government in the House oi Loni-l to-day. 'lhe Marquis oi Londulr deny, Who was Lord-Laenteuaut oi ire. lnnd front lusts-39, led the attack, and no infection: were his sentnnents that even Lord Langfurd, who has been a representative Peer of Ireland since Inn-l, broke his silence of twvaty-iour years and devoted his maiden speech to a recital of his personal experiences with cattle-driving outside his own gates. The Marquis of Londonderry declared that the present state of Ireland is Worse than in the dark days of the early eighties. when murder and outrage were rampant, and he attributed the con- ditions entirely to the cowardice oi the Government. The law-breakers, he lu- serted, had the audacity to demure that they had at their batch members of the tioverrmwnt, and it wn-i even reported that the constabulnry had been ordered not to come into actual contact with them. qum min. In... Vicious may on Girl's Life. anonto dawn-h: Nunanmn Milione. III“ John Williams, aged 22, M7 Bath, urut street, who made n attempt to kill Minnie Lupello with a razor a week 'tgo to-day, was arrested yesterday at. Wood- ttridge. Last Friday Mina LIpello was in the shop bending down to dip out some lard from a can when Milione came behind her with a razor. He bent over her head, according to an eye-witness, and gnhed upward; with the razor, Luring open her cheek from the ear to the jaw. Before he fled he struck the blade of the razor Ilommn the top of the girl's head, but only tnflieted a scalp wound. Marquis of Londonderry Declares State of Ireland in Worse Then in the Dark Days of the Early Eighties-- Government Decline: to Revive Crimes Act. Minnie Lapelh is a comely Canadian. born Italian girl of nineteen; livingwith her parents above their grocery store at “7 Bathunt street. For some time put Milione had persisted in pressing very unwelcome attentions on the girl, but I" he was boarding with her famtty she could not very well escape his per- secution. He bummer very jealous threatening both the girl and another male boarder, whose suit he believed Minnie looked on with more favor than his own. DEATH OF REV. DR. STUART CATTLE RAIDING. twain an in: Jta'zint. NO FREEDOM FOR MAUD Mod the appeal from the the lower court brought lollridv, better known as e. the "Irish Joan of Are." her lunlmntl. Major Me. mn absolute divorce on the eruelty. The legal separa- l by the lower court was by the Superior Court. qdroinUtration, and, Balfour's prt'eedent 'uwretary tor lrolaml Govertunvnt had nu Heated charges oi 'retary for "vertttttpnt the crimes I Tho oropertv wind here in "at worth y mnrn than R?ft 000.nnd includes a house I on St. Janus street. as well as a Jamm- ;.‘...- (nu-y 1mm“ More in the centre of i Hm vitv. whieh WM rotilotts with Jamm- l than :1an of all doaeriotiorm, and “mum Warn Von opened on Mondrav had not ' lvulnl-ufekv reeotvod word that the I that.“ "Trot police were twain on his American Civic Federation Patient: Peti- tion to Preddent. Wushingttm. Feb. 3.-A plan for the preservation of the scenic beauty of Niagara Falls by the creation of the nntiunnl or international reservation bordering Niagara, from the rapids to the end of the gorge below the falls, was presented to President Roosevelt to-day by the "ffieem of the American Civie Federation. t With the plan carried out the river would he lined on either side by a grow of trees. and all other power plants and factories moved to the background. The Man contemplates the rvnewal of the Burton not for tt period of ten years. This art limits the amount of elec- tricity which may be generated try a tlivnrnion of the waters of the river. V'Fhié presentation was made by J. Hnrnve McFarland. C. R. Woodruff and “LEADER 0IaufIiS0Mthllp RESIGNS (“m " tho won I‘vmuvml in work in Ylvviv-kn'ukv'd "ore boro {loam-“ma him FY,' a vin'm't Aonreht'at. and Ge of tho olv'or, HMO Hm Cmtr - nnme' for Hm mun roubVn. but " nvtrpmnly ,rtvtotte, to cot Lttrh&MUtv. who " he. WNW] to bare planned aovoml of the "‘Mt imnortant nn'Iiiinntinna of "went rmr-x William B. Howland n'vininn thn Hm noltrv ,r,xtottex to Stefan Ludokofsky Said to Have Planned Several of the Most important As- ttastftrtatiomt Which Have Tnken Place in Russia in Recent Years. hm" n. DANGEROUS ANARCHIST HAS FLED FROM WINNIPEG. Many of them, however. oteeeeded in rennhiny: the Status. and in New York Ludokotsky founded a commune farm. which was worked by those mutineors on shares. According to a man here, who mow from New York with him, Ludokohky organizvd " chapter of An, archy in New York city. and with mom. ltvr._ Manned several assassinations. but tho New York police nnti Rllsuian won‘t wrvim- "erertt.s got wind of the affair and he Ful to Juonn. sending his sup- mum] wife. Mario Homun. who incident. ollv is the wife of at high Russian ofii, uh]. to Winnirreg, wtuire lu, met her GM"? ,ix months "no aft” his trip to Japan. Winnipeg, Feb. 3.--Sittee the suit started last Saturday by the Czar of Russia against bit-fan Lutlokofsky, formerly 'In-usurvr of Turkestan, to re- mw-r 340.000 roubles which he embezzl- ml. one sensation has followed another, and now it transpires that Ludokofsky “as one of the most noted Anarchists of the present time. When 'he sh -ri‘f plac- ed attachment writs against Ludokof. sky's property on Monday it “as found that he and the bountiful woman with him had fled, and in conversation this "ftertrrrn one of the men who had been with him here saitl he had gone to Cali. their two Jays lrefore the writ was is. Mimi .He had fled from Turkestan in 1900. having become associated with the murderous mutinoers of the Potom. kin, who. after killing their oHieers,fled C'apeto'wn, Cape Colony, Feb. a--B,r. Leander Starr Jameson, Premier um! S'eeretary for Native Affairs of Capes Colony, has resigned. He assumed these offices in February, 1904. STEFAN SKIPPED. STEAMED AND FROZEN, DR. JAM. >N "There must be no prejudice against her becttttme she is a foreigner. The for- eigners from all over the world made this country. and ii it had not been for the good old Columbus the country nev- er would have been. discovered. Her miifmsilm was tannin-red with and she mu- made to any words, she never utter- ed. as her dialect was not understood by the interpreter at the police station. "Every dollar that has been put into this defence has come out of my pocket. I won't draw a cent from it. I heard about her conviction and was moved by a spirit of pity. . . "For an hour and tt half we have had a mixture of spaghetti and macaroni; now I'll give you twenty minutes of facts.” Both sides were satisfied with the eourt's charge to the jury. The tales. r.en got the case at 4.35 o’clock, after which Judge Winder ordered adjourn- 'nont until 6 o’clock. Eighteen minute. vitor leaving the court room the jury "gnified its readiness to report try rap ping on the jury room door. The verdict "as received as soon " Judge Windee was located. - _ . "This woman in the presence of her husband. threatened to kill this man." began Attorney Fleming. "She went out for that purpose and purchased it revolver. A week before she killed him she fired " shot at him, but missed him. Finally she saw him coming down the alley. slipped downstairs. and lay in wait for him and shot him ns he passed unaware. Many of these foreigners are " good behavior in their native land. but believe this is a free country. where they (-un do us they please." Defends Her "Right to Kill." "You have the right to kill any man or woman who comes into your family to break it up," said Attorney Barasa. "She was not a champagne imbiber, not " chorus girl, nobody's mistress. but a mother whose honor was at otake. This wrecker of homes, after poisoning the mind of her husband against her, belies. ed he had gotten her in his power and became so persistent in hi» advances that she was forced to kill him. "Pay no attention to the inscription on the headstone of Ferreo's grave, which reads 'Died in self-defence.' The inscription ought to be 'Killed by the hand of Almighty God for ruining other men's homes.' " The jurors were visibly affected when Bantu finished his address and there were no perceptible changes when', in opening his rebuttal, Attorney Fleming mid: Alexander Lomshiu, a special officer in the law department of the city at- torney's office. wns an important wit. ness for the defence. Loom-thin Wu: tt regular city patrolman when the crime was comitted last August, and testified he then wuss examined by the State’s at. torney. but was not walled as n witness because he could not give testimony favorable to the prosecution. MRS. ANGELINA ANSELONE Att. QUITTED IN SECOND TRIAL. Judge Windcs anticipated the Verdict, apparently, when, just before it wns an- nounced, he stated from the bunch that if there was any demonstration of up- provul or disapproval over the ptry's finding those responsible would be sub. jeet to punishment. Assistant District Attorney John T. Fleming, who prone- euted the case, was not sorry. either, because, when privately questioned up- on the probable ohanteter of the verdict, ho said it ought to be acquittal. Barns: Makes Fiery Address. The outcome of the case, it is said, mus due lulgcly to the address of At- torney Howard P, Barasa. He attacked the methods of the police and those of the State’s attorney, and laid great stress upon the fact that the defendant was a good woman and merely was pro" tccting her honor. Judge Winder men signed the Fiery Plea Sway: Jury-Defendant'. in the former trial u. jury deli'wrntcd all night and then convicted nu. mm mm “ills tsenteneed to '.wenty )cnl‘s in the Penitentiary. Only eighteen minutes Were required yesterday for the July to find her not guilty. Chicago. Feb. 3.--The "unwritten law" win "pm-1d in the second trial of Mrs. Angelina Anselone for the murder of Philip Ierreo, who, it is alleged, pur- sued her with his attentions after he ttad uucwoded in mining her Husband against bar. 7 Lawyer Wins Quick Verdict by Ap- peal to Statute Not in Books. LIBERATES HER. thanked the jury, and formal order releasing Minneapolis. Minn.. Feb. Ck-- incensed at what they term “In insult to motherhood," women in Minneapolis are banding together in an effort to compel the manager of a local theatre to desist from his announced plan of giving away chances on a six-weekz-old child to all Women who attend a matinee perform. ance at the Playhouse, and declare they will attempt to secure an injunction from the district court to prevent it. A - The theatre maintains it is a legiti- mate advertising scheme in which many women who wish in child will be more than willing to participate. The baby has been provided, and if nothing happen to prevent, the human lottery will con- tinue as outlined, the child going to the holder of the lucky number, but the in, dignant mothers any the 'Uanetity of the American home" is at stake and they think they can stop the lottery. Row C. N. R. Chief Clerk Was Suffouted at Battleford. - Mr. Long and several employees were upstairs in the station above the opvr- Ming room when the fire broke out be. low. They had lots of time to get out and all rm down the stairs, including Mr. Long. Half way down he turned and ran huk for smiling. Fire never touched the room in which he wu found and he was evidently overcome by smoke. Had he resumed oomiouneu he could have empod through a in; door in the roof. Advertising Dodge of Theatre Termed "An Insult to Motherhood by In- - dignant Women-Will Seek Injunc- tion. Owen Sound despatch: Particulars (Ian reached here to-day of the tragic deat of Harry Long, chief C. x. R. clerk at Battleford, Inst week. . Bv far the best speech of the Minis- term] side was made by John Burns, president of the Local Government Board, who, in defending the adminis- tration of the powers the Govern- ment poesesses under existing Acts. roundly condemned indiscriminate charity as advocated and adopted by some well-meaning persons. He in- cidentally referred. to the bill the Laborites proposed to introduce in reference to the unemployed, as pro- moting universal pauperism. temper- ed by the jail. He instanced the in- discriminate giving of relief in Lon- don. which, he said. was pauperizinz numbers of persons and enticing loaf. ers from the provinces. OPPOSED BY THE MOTHERS OF MINNEAPOLIS. Bishop" John M'. Walden, ot y.Vw York, secretary of the Board of Bishops ol the Methodist Church, 'le5 the principal speaker yesterday. That the condition of city life is better for tln. making of citizens than the conditims oi rnml life was the startling statement Inna-r by the eastern bishop. 'l wculrtrust the interests of this muntry to. the people of the. cities sooner than to any other section of our country's Iropulation " he said. The bishop paid a hign tribute to the Roman Catholic Clturelt. -. rule hom any oiuuiderntions of the rehg nus value of the Roman Cnthoie Clutrch,' he said, “its priests are 't Inighlv po'iev power for the preservation of order a.md deny" among the alien population of San Francisco, Feb. 3.---More than 500 delegates and tinny more visitors nt. tended the first 'i','..',.'-'::)."'),',,'?)":',,'?);"!,,',, missionary conference eve" lteld on t is coast at the Calvary Presbytetuan WEI?" yet.erdry., . -_. . American cities." FIRST TEST or STRENGTH IN THE BRITISH COMMONS. London, Feb. 3.--The first vote taken at the new session of Parlia- ment gave the Government the com-' partively small majority of 49. It Bean’s interest in the avi, first wu aroused by Mrs. Frederick" W. Freer, wife of the Irtist, who had visited Mm. Amelone in her cell in the county jeil. Mrs. Anselone at that time had with her little Maria, her fourfyear-old daughter, who has been locked up with her since last summer. When the verdict we: announced Mrs. Freer was waiting in court with Mrs Era Clerk, of the Chica- go‘Minsioury Society; Miss Mary G. Hennessy, Niel Anne. E. Murphy, Mrs. Mary Niemeyer, matron of the jail, and u representative of the Italian Comm- ate. Mm. Anulone wept when the ver- dict was translated to her and kissed each of her friends. Plans.have been made to send her back to her home in High Tribute to Catholic Church hid by Protestant. Unionists Join Socialists-Motion of Cen- Iure " Unemployed t?ueation-John Bum Deprecates Indiscriminate Charity. we, on 5 Labor amendment to the,, address in reply to the King's speech, regretting that in view of the lack of employment in the country the Government had not recommended legislation on the subject. The Irish members, most of the Unionists, and a few Radicals joined the Socialists and Laborites, with the result that the amendment was defeated by a vote of 195 to 146. The Socialists uni Laboritea lustily cheered this en- couraging result of their first tussle. with the Government. 71n the desperate efforta to revue the mung mu: two firemen were injured. ttr6 prisoner. A peony of friends greeted he: at thy jail door. . _ Italy, PRIESTS AS POLICE. SMALL MAJORITY. BABY RAFFLE LOST HIS LIFE aw »-.r...m. l Toronto despatch: Grand Trunk Rail- way Brakeman F. Campbell, of York,had iboth feet from about 1 o'clock yester- day morning by the. exposure he. under- went in going back to flag trains end warn them of a collision which took place. An extra. freight, eastbound, on the main line, became stalled on the grade at Scarboro’ yards. It had a heavy engine behind as well as one in front, I and it is supposed steam from the former [hid the view of No. 00. a freight for I Lindsay, which was approaching at good "peed. The effect of the impact was [hardly noticeable on the train in front, which was protected by the large engine. Even the caboose escaped. Bat with the lam-0min]: train it was different. Engine No. 241, which was attached to it, In. icomplctely destroyed. It is a tight en- "ine. and simply went to pieces when y it struck the big one. The engineer and ‘firemen crawled out of the wreckage , through the window. Fireman J. Blair,' 1of Lindsay, was severely cut about the; (seem. W. Luck. also of Lindsay. re.) I eeived lesser injuries. A wheel on I wrecking train coming from Belleville broke and lengthened the delay in clear- I ing the tracks. The temperature at the {time of the wreck was fifteen .below 1 zero. I The uffidnvit by the plaintiff naming Irene Goodman sets forth that Mrs. GoHringer asked her husband many times to discharge the girl, but that he refused. On one ocasion she says the Iervant assumed a superior air and ‘Temnrked Diffiettttie. wm Follow Death of De. ager Empress. Berlin. Feb. 3.---BUhop 1leartintrtuut Apostolic Vicar of South Shantuug. is at present on a visit to Usrnimny for the first time in twentrtwo you". Re. guiding the political situation in the far east Bishop Henninghaun said that, although the situation was moderately quiet now, there was little promise of a tranquil future. The Emperor of China in childless. The Empress is between 73 and 74 years old No heir appnrcm to the throne has been yet selected, and with the death of the Empress the Manchu dynasty is likely to enter upon a difficult period. Kingston Convict. lay Appeal Against Sabbath Labor. Kingston dewateh: Dr. Bruce Smith. Principal Hutton and Dr. Ellis Attended Annual Banquet. New York, Feb. 3.-The University of Toronto Club ot New York held its sixth annual dinner this evening at the Hotel Lhnbnttnn, with President Robert Henderson in the chair. Kingston clenpntoh: Dr. Bruce Smith. Inspector of l'ruionn, has issued an order permitting prisoners in the loud jail to do snow shoveling on Sunday. Hereto- fore they could not be taken out on Sunday to do manual work, and the long walk through the Court Home ground» remained mahoveledJ Church pstpie complained, and the inspector has given permission to put prisoners to work on the Schlitz": should it be required. The prisoners may Ippenl to the Ioeal Lord's Day Allicnce spirit. My labor. Buffalo, Feb. 8.--An application to: counsel fees And temporary alimony was heard by Justice Brown yesterday in the suit for divorce against Samuel Gold- ringer by his wife, Anna. Gokiringer. Decision wu reserved. _.' . By the bill of complaint which Mrs. Goldringer nukes it appearllthat the domestic happiness of the pair w.- destroyed b the presence df a serum. girl in her home. Irene Goodlmw, the domestic, is named as the eo-respondent. In Irgui in behalf of his client’s action, Lawyer 'h'1l'l' asserted that she wu without mans of support and dependent on I daughter who is employed an I clerk. He said that the defendant was myth about $10,000. "It he likes me better than you, what are you going to do about it?" Mrs. G'oldringer further declares that she found her husband making love to the servant on numerous occasions when they did not suspect her presence. An affidavit from the daughter decons that she was aware of the fact that her parents often quarreled because of the presence of the domestic in the home, but that she never witnessed any n'lisdeeds. John W. Huhhell. attorney for the defendant, said that the alimony should not he allowed, because Mrs. Goidringer was the only witness,, and that her testimony was incompetent. Over fifty graduates of the tmiver. sity, and guests. let down to the dinner. at which Principal Hutton, of University College, 1nd Dr. W. B. Ellis; of the School of Predict] Science, were the guest- of honor. Principel Hutton replied to the ’out of the university, and Dr. Ellis to :he toast of the faculty, in speeches which were enthusiwrtie.llr received by the predates present. Says Hush-II "do have to Family More Woman Than lea tlhxr--- New York Statistics. Albany, N. Y.. Feb. 3.--ieordistg to the 19th annual report of the State l um- miuion on Lunacy, submitted to the Legislature to-day, there an- ....m- in- sane women in the State than men. The whole number of committed insane on Oct. 1, 1907, was 29,093; men i3,927; women 15,166. The number of inmates of the two criminal ~uylumo st Mutton- wnn and Dunncmom was 1,014, private lieensed institutions 1177. The rut n.- oreuse for the year in all institutions was 791. The total number of [nth-n15 received on original commitments wan 0,105. BAD BOTH FEET FROZEN. Bnkemn Campbell Waited to TROUBLE COMING IN THE EAST, VARSITY CLUB IN NEW YORK. A DIVORCE sun. SHOVEL SNOW ON SUNDAY. TORONTO THE INSANE. The mm} mm is tolse ferr ed " UM, Qua“. and. the Wew tern naive-Mn. TOW. (was in 190. will be to quuitomue4oper_ttt.ot the marks on sch pun-r. In the past to you the -iaatioas a: 1-3 per (ml. on and: - was mainly. The otmaut Went. buried Mr. Jas. Brohner. the regbtrar [onto University, is as follow: I. Thug-0W for I” will be 40 per cent. on out: paper. 2. Tho 2t.1','t'gt'ig,ti" of the prin- d of mod to. WEI be no t,',1lt in lieu of found mania-than in Wish, grammar. uni "fanatic in Jutr, I”. Toronto, Feb. 3. ---A [yew unwind in! the junior autumn Won has been adopted by. thtpriv.tpi.ty oi "f.'i0ieurminine result. the ormfi “do! - of the principal- an hereafter to be eoniad-d. sufficiently to be emigned before the minute. Mm. Seen dmtaud a, in- tention of commuting suicide, end I“ that uh. had aimply taken an and». of the drug. She we. discharged for lack of evidence and left the court in company with her Inn-bull. on the My: of ate-put! - TurtqhtbeforeMya.B-ulee "mud to various mung-pet out. in this city inserting 1 Mia. " hr muringe on Samba t, with - B. Sun, of 289 Wert 122d an“. TI- ahe wen home nod took two can. " 1saadtutumnoduditnotb-tortH imriotsitr of various eity editor. who wanted to know why she VI. so hard: in manning her marriage, in would have died from the affect: of a. in... A. it via the reporter. trot than just in time and summed to ”In. which took her to the Roman“. liar tef,, wine inch than.“ and o. Thiu recruit was no better informed than his fellows. for he wavered thalid- Iy, "No, Your Majenty.” The Emperor then men! I number of officers of high rank into the line. “on: with the midi?" 3nd arlied on the re- cruiu to pick out and nurse etch corps, division and brigade commander pu- gent. This wu done without a link.- University Candidates Must "cur. Forty Per Gent. in 0.. Asiatic Dtffieuity in Tram“! "id to Have Boon Ml“. London. Feb. 3.-The Johnna-hum oorrenpotuiont ot the Standard says the difficuhy between the Government and the Asiatic: bu been deeinitely settled on the [min of the Government accepting signature. as the menu of re- wan-aim: W. of jag-thy” - New York, Feb. A---Mrs. Gum'- I D'Amron Sean, at IN Ihuat “it shut, In armigmd Hon W Barlow in the Wart Shh court - oftatetheeorqie hum. bonin- ing together, but Mr. Sam - my separation or my diffieultim with " wife at all. Four years HN In. Sean wu sepa- rated by a decree of divorce from her first hum Robert C. D'Amron; now in “do city, mm Ibo had and“ in 1897 It the age ot “unwell. He asked one nun if he knew the fable of the Sq-hildhorn monument: in the Grunewuld. The man said he had never heard of the monument, whereupon the Emperor remarked that it would be u good thing for him to read lion. An- other recruit had the “(out notions re- garding the Princess of Wooden. Tho Emperor then naked I Pomeranit"v if he knew how tho llohenwllonu had come to the throne. Another “indie on St. Catharina Merchants. Indy Notice of Pee, WW City um and - Lagtd- Bettie than in Ion-m A M. Catherine: despatch: Fit-k J. Carroll, 80 years of age. and generally well known. started out from home on Snturdny, nude several mull punch-us, paid for them with worthless ohoquel, received the cash difference and IMt tho city, nothing than having been no. or heard of him. E. W. Smith, that merchant, we: the titat victim. The Carroll ftunil.v deal ct timiUN, “A the young men wu well known to the Iner- ehnnt. He "tsrtrltrid n “.50 pair of chaos, tendered a cheque for “5.35, pur- porting to be drnwn by the Berlin Con- struction Company on the Imperial Bank, Port Colborne. gs print... All the India-1.?“ under the Registmton Act wil be u- leased, including their leader, Grand Hi, who, it h uodemtood, bu new“ the foregoing wlution on ' of NI country-nu. Berlin. Heb. 3.- -- Emperor William to-dny reviewed the First Regiment of the Gard: at Potsdam, nnd after the men land marched put His Majesty took the regiment in hund personally and dtf1ud it for on hour. At the conclusion of theme est-rein" Emperor Williun passed slang h front of etch company, picking out nnd questioning individual recruits on various subjects, but princi- patly concerning German history. _ Mr. Smith asked no question, bet handed over the ohm Ind 810.05 elm-gm Burleigh a Donnelly, shoe meeehanta, had . oimilor experience. the purchase. amounting to about $5. md the also.“ to "8.65. Captain William “My culled s cheque for tie, Ind Wilk- & Abba, dual-to, and P. Donnelly. boul- keeper, no also aid to have lost on" amounts upon similar cheques. The Kaiser Review“! Regiment of Guards It Potsdam. Camn'u'fnmily no honélt, Wk peoplemnd the merchant: could Mot be. lieve that he had done such I dud. ~ACLOSECAIL... CHANGE IN MATH ICU LATION FINGER PRINTS ABANDONED CASH ED BOGUS CH EQU EB. ROYAL om LL SERGEANT. I!!! DEATH “on”: out“

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