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Durham Review (1897), 27 Feb 1908, p. 4

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" t I .\.' '0 the brad tbe J the n drin In!" tuttt th, " Tu- 'tli- Taylor & Co., Dromore Emmmmammamégg ii', Taylor & Co., Dromore if Y" man tho can. Prices away down. t a "'ehoairoa'uasaasoirsaissoairsooaissarooooooo; 7: fre, are PUBEIG "aCiCrT-Ni-" _,sC:' JV. Cditarity, Jr. 21 Stass kti""*'eeie6*o*oteir"eroosstrsosse Now read this carefully and thoughtfully and convince yourself by having a look at these bargains Now is the time to get a real live bargain in Fur Coat or a Coat for Spring and Fall. Sole Agents for Progress Brand Clothing We hare seven left and the staugh tered price now reads " follows In Caperines, Stoles and Caps In Ladies' Fur Jackets S. F. MORLOCK We've only 3 Men's Far Coats The price has been made to correspond with $2 the contaminant means a Cap tor. .... .... We consider it a pleasure to show goods whether you buy or not. Dress/Goods, Silks, Waistings, Vestings, Chambras, Muslims, Ginghams, Dress Duck Suitings, Skirtings, Flannelleees, Laces, Embroideries, Whitewear, Sateen 6' Moraine Underskirts, Ready-to-Wear Skirts. Now is not time to order a unit. Overcoat or any gar- ment yon‘,nre in need of. We would like to measure you now far we are convinced we can suit you utter th tony where else. Mr Glue is “tending to the cutting him, tell end on to the muting we have: iitqtt class man to make the coat. Prices may down. To any over is simply out of the question 3 Men's Wombat Coats, your choke for. .. We have just opened out a very large stock of New Spring Goods, composed of the very newest waves and patterns in new New Goods for Spring Wear 'ershant miter 'tmer, d Cutter , $20 to 40 , $20 A Durham man went home du,, evenings ago and casually remarked. as he hung up his hat and overcoat. " I see worn 4-, gold at actual value in Indianapolis-a wife was bought there recently for tive cents. " " Well I know u wanna about the time I mu marred, was sold for nothing. " re. plied his wife. He was quiet the in: of the evening. In reading the report of the Pres- byterian church in this place, we notice a slight mistake, where it reads that the secretary received iiitecn dollars. It should be treasur- er. We nuke this ccrrection for tear some might be thinking the manag- em were very extravagant in giving the secretary somuch for so little to do. The secretary doesn't get any- thing, but the treasurer doean't get halfenongh for his trouble and re- sponsibility. One evening lately a grand pre- sentation was made to Mr and Mrs "l‘hos. McDongall iormerly of the south line bat now at Durham. The presentation was made at Mr Me. DoNtall's old home, south line, Glen- elg, being at live o'clock. As cir- cumstances prevented nairom being there we are not in a position ot giv- ing the address, but as the com- poser is a man who takes great interest in being a leader generally in starting these presentations We are assured he will give a good account of the gathering which we under. stand wnsagood one. i We are pleased tosee Mr Samuel McDermld home again in his usual health, strength and activity alter a severe spell of trouble. Mr Robert Shortreed leaves this Monday morning to interview Mr Patrick Sullivan ot Erin tor the pur- pose of renting Mr Sullivan’s farm, South line Gleaelg. Councillor John A. McMillan, who is porter during session of Parliament held in Foronto " present, was home attending his brother Alexander's funeral on Friday last. Sacrament expected to be dis- pensed in the Pr'eabyterian church here on the 3rd Sabbath ot March. Died at lil Dryer Court Road. Toronto, on the 7th Feb 1908, Miss Flora McArthur at the age of about 60 years. She was acousin ochDon~ "lds, Durham Road, Glenelg and J. McDonald and Mrs Jno. McKinnon. South line Glenelg and was an aunt of Mr John Graham, Durham. Also on the 20th Feb. there died at his residence on the hh Con. of the Township ot Vaughan alter a linger- ing illness ,Mr Nicholas McArthur at the age of GI years. Mr. McArthur was another cousin of the McDonalds ol Glenelg near Priceville and Mr John Clam of Durham and Clarks of Bentinek and Mrs George Campbell of Mulock. The Rev. Mr;Matheson announced last Sunday that a collection will be made in the Sabbath School here for the purpose of aiding the hungry children of the city ot Toronto as scores ofthem died this winter trom starvation. The funeral ot Mrs Cameron took place to the cemetery in this place on Tuesday last the 18th Feb. The funeral was largely attended as she was tone at the old reeldents of Gienelg. She lived over the allotted time being in her 85th year. The Rev. Mr Matheson preached the luneral sermon. As We expect Some other correspondent will be giving a more historical sketch of her life we will say no more at this time. The tine figure ot Chief Surveyor Doherty will be missed and to view him a couple of months ago one would be apt to express that he would be the last man coming to our town death would claim as his vlctim, but the grim messenger is no respeccer of persons. Mr Rowe, one of the surveyors of ofthe C. P. R. paid PrieevilWa visit for a tew days lately. The c. P. R. mum in this village is progressing well and soon will be closed in. Dr and Mrs Dixon Were away down the Country somewhere on a visit and will be returning this week. We are informed that Mr Broader of this Town received $3150 from the Railway Company " a. epmpensafion for injuries received In the late Cale- don wreck. Mr Alex Mair, Reeve of Artemaain, mended some meeting in Toronto one day last week. Mr Geo Binnie placed through here one evening lately on his way to Owen Sound to attend to his duties " one ot the County Auditors of the County of Grey. Mr Wm. Ramage and daughter of Thistle, Egremont, attended church here on Sunday evening last and gave us a briefcall on the way. Miss Kate McIntyre who spent sometime " home, south line, left for Toronto B week ago. Snow in abundence. Weather milder, roads 1 little better than they were. sick people compleining yet. Feed getting scarce in many instances. Mn McPhenon. who spent some time with friends on the south line lately, is " present with her brother. in-law and meter, Mr and Mn McCain- nel, ot Durham. Mrs Foy's sale on Thursdav of In: week went fairly well under the hammer of Auctioneer McPhail. Priceville "t"5"F2"rArtIo ARCHIVES TORONTO i' Parisian Millinery Co i Miss Dick. Owing to our extensive trade we keep a choice stock of Millinery all the year round and are always prepared to suit you in good goods. Always a choice lot of Veiling in stock. Every hat is of good material, fresh and new, nearly all trimmed the latter part of the season. We have some special bargains in all black hats, some trimmed with black plumes, flowers and good black taffeta ribbon. We still have a large stock of trim' mmed illinery to sell at special prices lei . . I r i -_ "H "h ii, Winter Millinery 3} The combination of foot comfort and style is the leading feature of the "Evcr Right Shoe." The new shu cs are ex- ceptional examples of clevcrslioe design- ing. Examine the 'crcr right' carefully and even if 'ou are not a shoe expert, theirfpoints o? goodness will be clearly mani est to even your untrained eyes. We do not believe that you will cure to look a?! further after you have seen the 'Ever ight.' For in addition to their stylish a pcarance, they are of undeni- able qualityand arc priced so moderately that you cannot do nearly as well in any other' shoe. Entri ck The Ever Right' Shoe Mrs Wm Ball‘s sale is billed " FridayJ‘ebruary 28. All stock and implements are to be sold as they are retiring from farm life. Returning from the Post Oltiee on Thursday evening Mr Cpoper's hul'su got lrightened " a load of logs and became unnmnagablo. It went right home but the shaking up and the excitement combined had a rather serious etreet on the old gentleman. Mr Percy Watt and Several young ladies had an upset and runaway too last week bat no one was hurt. Mr and Mr, A. McClinton and baby ot Varney. visited Mrs McClinton's sister, Miss M. Leeson, at Mr H, Fulton's last Thursday. Mrs Thos. Ball and three childycn haye marlitina. Mrs Ball heme sexegely ill. Schojl iris closed for several days lyr week on account of the illness ot Mus Leeson. Miss Clara Waltz. of Blyth's Corn. ers, in visitmg her sisters Mrs Miller and MrsVSeim " the mill. 'etetamrasmsa:rcsoaaa9r.ams.tr'. Mrs Seim is recovering slowly from her recent severe illness. Master Gordon Miller tell while " play one day his: week and fractured his arm. The youth and beauty ofthe neigh- borhood spent Tuesday evening of lust week at the Pfeifer place (Hopta) where a dance was given them by Mr and Mrs Pfeifer before leaving the 18th. Miss Maud Burris is also suffering from a severelv sprained ankle. Mrs. J. Derby spent the latter part of last week in attentitutee on her sister Mrs. J. Picken who isquite ill. hir Matthew Mearns has been laid up with a sprained ankle as the result or his horse getting down in the snow about two weeks ago. Mr Arthur McCrie left for Stratford haspital Thursday mornine to under- go an operation for appendicitis which his been' troubling him for considerable time. We hope he re- turns much benefited. Mr Carson tuufur, Scan-w, of Dur. bulll). spent Sunday " Mr In Cald- wo 's Mr and Mrs Jat, Burupont Monday with Mr A. McClinton. Miss Fenn Gatsby is engaged with 'l'JS'lLeuJl of town for the present. Mr Con. Kroner is recovering from s severe attack ofthe mumps. Rev Jameson prenehed and" morning from the text " men liveth not to himself " and dispensed the sacrament. - Mr nnd Mrs M. Stormy. of Duriun, visited the farmer’s sister, Mrs Wm. Caldwell. Sunday. Miss Cha man. of Mt Forest, is via- iting Mu, 'W, Sirrs. """i""i"1ram"ie1r:-astt,, Mia Nellie Wallace visited Mrs Blythe on Sunday. THE DURHAM REVIEW -----i.-------. Hampden Vamey. Weir-Hunt-Thu the funeral er. penses ol the late Henry Catyburu nmu-unling to 925 be p1itl.--Currlcd. Other accounts Were paid no fotlows .. Geo. MnttLeWs repair of road. Lot 61 cu, 3, k'. G. ll. tl 0 It. J.Toety balance due him on B. at H. Aeoount.... 50 Samuel Wtieht Services on B ) of H. Account............ 2 on J. J, Black services on B. ot H. Atasotutt........./..... 8 on than. Nichol halluce due him on B. of H, Account... 1 no C, W. Rutledge " for Court 1 of 1ysvisiou.......C.T..' l on Thou. Ltndel watches in BO 1 oo 1 A. S. Hunter 4 panes of Glam for Halt "-......... 1 oo Dominion Ex Co elmrvsi...... 50 By an No. 486 Ippomti T ' Moon was on mouon rem a 'lille/ti',?: uni posed and conned adjourned to April lltb at Io.. In. Weir--Nieuoi-Tut the Municipal World be paid 010.63 for assessment. Rolls. Volers' List paper um! tum. Labor Lists-asrriid.' Hunt-Weir-Tut T. B. mid $11.oo to: Culvert on l and A. “lot loc-Cano. um; may In: mud 91.00 eaeu.--Cvried. Wetr--Nietsor--That thin council com. plv with the requeul. of the Ontariu Municipal Animation to petition the Legislature " have Section 606 of the Municipal Act rtspealed,--Grried. Huut--Nielml--1tut the report of Cumnutum appointed to examine an to me Theasuvc." suresies be adopted and that they bu mud 01.00 eiusL.--Uarried. Huut--hieltol-mrat the Auditors re- port as |e~nudited by the council be Idupted. and that “My be pail 89 etch tor their Bervuaesc--Carried. jouinment Present: Thor. McFadden. E. W. Hunt, The» Nichol. and AU, Weir Minutes ot lust run-ting read Ind confirmed. Communications were as follows: From A. MacMurchy account tor special meeting iu 1907. From W. U. Nickel re Ontario Munczpai Associ- umou, From K. w McKay wuh petition from the Municipal World, uccoum. From I'. S. Sproule claim tor culvert, trum James Douglas claim for burial ol Hen-y Clo.) barn, trout C. W. Rutledur and A. S. Hunter accounts. Iron: Hugh Baker in Bell Tel. Co., from the Amino” their report. Mrs Neil McLean. Gladstone, visited friends in Dromure, or last week. Quite a number from here attended Femzrbnirn church lastSunday to hear the Rev. D. L. Campbell, our former pastor preach. Mr Peter Hay was under me, Weath- er for A few days last week, bat we are pleased to say he is better again. Mrs Robt Isa-c Gited her parents Mr. and We. Paton. Swinmn Park, over the end'ot last week. Mrs Dave Gilmcur. Hampden. visi- ted friends here the end of the week. We are pleased to see Mr Findlay, able to be in the store again. Mr and Mrs Will Isaac'fler: tor Mt. Forest last Saturday. Mr. Bell and Mr Aitkins. Shrigley. were down as Colin McMillan’s last week, getting some fine sets of barn- ess to take oat to some of the tarmera in the West. days. were out and a very interesting and helpful meeting was held. Owing to the stormy weather and bad roads the ladies did not hold a. meeting this year. The Farmer's Institute held their annual meeting here last Wednesday In Mrs Wilson 'g shop. Though .the day was swzzmy, qaite a number Mr and Mrs Dugald McCalinm. of Wheatlnnd. Wyoming. are visiting friends here at present. It is fifteen years since Mr McCallum was here and we are pleased to see him once more. The States evidently agrees with him. . A new sup ly of Souvenir Post Cards roaches this burg l at week and there Ire now a. nice selection to chose from. They may be bought. at our Post Ottlee. Cuuncll met. Feb. 15 Mr John McEachern. Jr, is very ill " pruent. but under the skiltul treatment of Dr McLanrin. we hope soon to hear of his speedy recovery. We regret to hear that Mr Ed. Bovce'a have scarlet fever again. It is almost two months since one of the boys took the fever. He had startedto school exam when another one of the children took it. Mrs J. Little, of Durham, spent a. few days last week with her sister, Mrs J. Smith. Mr W. Lnnney has rented Mr Joe. Stineon'e farm " Crawford. and if the roads are in good condition moves there next week. We are can? to lose Mr end Mn Lnnney from our midst " they have always been kind and obliging neighbors. Our mil men has failed to reach here as otten this winter " Int. We have had just two men: dnrlua the last two weeks. Mr and Miss Nixon. of Lucknow spent I div or so with their listen Mrs H. Brunt. while on their wny home from visiting friends in Thorn. Mr, r. ThosRenwick, fireman cn the l R. is visiting " home torn few Glenelg Council. J. S. Bucx, Ihr tare, ----- 0 ----- Dromore. This: T. S._Spruule be Mulock pursunut to ad. ToWuhne c, :one, Mam. ' one day JOHN CLARK . " nun-RI N Em - .i:7'G."6'iut, man Jek an. loom! TtMs6nlrf1rmot Grunt: Int-an 1111!:th main-mama; mm but“. nan-Lul- The quulnies Fnrmers wnm Washers, Sewing Machinea. Clmr Have you a piano in Your Home ? DEERIN G Conl-oil in abundance. Have you tried our Red Coal Oil. .saiii', One car of Coal distributed last week, and four more in ma mic. We can satisfy every pemn in Tin ware and Graniteware. especially in kitchen novelties. H ARVESTERS If not whynot one of our Bell's ? We can give you the beat instru- ment and make you the best terms. One sold by " in town last week Wat listed by Prof. lKonold and Pronounced excel. ent. No home is complete without one ot our Meat Choppers. Have van seen our assortment " Vices. Every workman And tnrmer should have one. Ranging in price trom 40e so 87. Who Would borrow a Back Saw when he can buy one so cheap Examine our stock. We will offer you this week a com- bined Thermometer nnd Bummeter Regular price $l.00. Now sellingat 50c. Single Thermometers 15e. Have you seen our display of Elee. trie Light Pictures. Shades " re- duced Prices. Do not forget that We are eel ing 16 power Lamps that give the same lighten a 32 power Lump Everything up-to-date " The HARDWARE STORE, HARDWARE ! Jotn McQueen Gun’s Drug Store and Farm Machinery. Chilblains West at uidd;u‘h House Are you troubled with them ? We have a guar- anteed cure. Others have tried it and found the ben. efit. Why not you ? Made only at . Black 1. Charm, he f Tei' Ior Edit: Onion] lot. on hand of Bran 8.102.: Peed Flour: and Wind It.- - . MATTHEWS & LATIM ER I We any Houo‘un‘n. liner- ton. Anon. Royul Household. Five Rona. CIT "In Flour & Latimer For Fn-sh Christmas fkrooeFiG7, Fruits and Oman. Try Matthews skc. All-wooltwilled Sheeting, " Inches wide at 8oe per yard. hers. Sox at] Leggings, Plain and Fancy Rubbers and Cardin”. all wool Blanket. Ind Yum, Sweaters See the wonderful value we give in Underwear, Lumbennln‘s Rub- Every Day Bargain Day at Mchrthur's There's nothing spasmodic about our business. and more are now on the way. If you want the best and newest goods and " right prices, come with the know- mg once And buy from us. Nice Oriss odii Jackets & Rafts are to hand. We sell l --the best. We never complaint about them Our New Prints All lines of Fancy Goods, Pa. tent Medicines. Soaps, Rubber Goods. Toilet Articles and Drug Sundries at the clown: prices. fPmnArrhrm, d Co. It contains just the nutrient and nerve tonic qualities you rc. quire to help you back to health again. Price, ‘00 Big Bargains in Furs SPASMS I If you mt to build up your health and strength nnd regain your old-time vigor and energy, try a bottle qt our Very few people have escaped Grime this winter. How weak, run down and unfit for work you feel, after an attack of thin all-pre. valent malady. (. McARTHUR Atur M,ae're we": in Me grasp ' of J'rare FEBRUARY 27, 1908 We have opened Druggisu and Booksel'm For Feed tlace, etixir " Grant. 'e sell Cmm's 2 qever hear a Git" ii/Ci: out Dome M/ (jive Ontario Fl. w I Wt Cry wt FEBRUA‘ FOUNTAIN ICE CAPS [In Rubb DAR BA M this {His n1

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