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Durham Review (1897), 27 Feb 1908, p. 7

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DS Their That Tic Sr An Hiram; dewtrh: The wuwnir pinion" habit was the cause of n rather unplk'alelt incident in connection with the Visit of nearly GOO students of a] University to Ottawa yesterday, nests of Hon. L. P. Brodeur. When . ntudents were returning to Mont, I on the o. T. R. special about I, this morning the train was held at w antio- by n squad of an". police “on, who recovered Iron the colleg- a- Ind on": with than nearly soo ot a". VI" belonging to mu;; H'et m at.“ the nl In were ettter. w n I hum in the hotel. and. - thl {notion II. It an end, tho Pause Bonded the Train " Ottawa and Made the You: In Return the Property of the Rum]! Mouse-hte" dent of the Visit to Ottawa. LAFAL STUDENTS COMPELLED T0 DISGORGI THEIR SPOIL. than In an nnconicious condition she was curriwl into the house. Dr. J. W. Char ters, of 540 Walden venue, was called. The woman soon recovered conscious- In“. Her lrft um WIS htteturrd and thre" ribs were broken. Late last night Mrs F'ontrr W“ re- ported to be in . "riottn condition. but the physician stated that she had a fair " st r; thr "I. By Lou: Fall to Cement Wnlk in Buffalo. h~ traiser-Jones Printing Co. suffered in“ of MAM), and the id. tt. “willy _ 'rltiacr cc. 'ut,ottu. Im' tire in which the old deputy chief l, -e ttis lite started It 217 Canal street, din] before it had been subdued swept Hit; building trom hazelnut to root, epln'mi to two adjoining buildings, rout. ..I m.- tenants from aeveral aurrounding lunnmllt house, and threatened the l mun-ll ol the Most Precious Blood, in Hut r street. it was alter the llama in in! upper part of the building had he“ ltro'tgltt under control that Kruger z: or, his men to the basement. A great pil" of exeelaior in bales mu blazing unrmmly, and attempt: to reach it Willi ellr'. 'ns from the street had been tttV muctwtuul. After several tit't, to 'p't at the tire trom the outside - JIM'U'iI permission of Chief Croker to tax ' m. ....~-1 lhrnlluh the lummnt ol et.", and rut " hole through the wall to 2”, where the tire was burning. Croker eon. u-nml. and with a dozen inen behind him, rung" plunged into the cellar. The plum wan lined with smoke, end the dead y fumes ol illuminating pa, which flowed from broken or melted pipes, but the men pressed cautiously forward into 1 the darkness. Junt in the middle ot the i cellar Kruger stepped aura trap and plunged into six feet of water in the‘ sub-basement. Then began a desperate fight in the ywlillod cellar to “V? the chiel. He could do little to help himself, and when l Battalion Chief Galvin plunged into the I dark hole and rained the old Inn's head I illmvo the aurlaee he was “Manuela-u. l " required the eomblned efforts oil lwr'll) firemen. weakened as they mm- l by brmthing "rnoke and gain, to drawi Galvin. who ctill clung to hriigers‘ body, from the pit. I Th. property lush. M it result of the [ tir.. i- placed tit $50.”). l dist" In WOMAN SCALPED Fel Through a Trap Door OLD rgttatdrrr"" MEETS DEATH. uh ld. Foster was cleaning window;- on wand floor of her home. To reach nutsidc- of the glass she stood on top of the veranda. While trying Mb n window near the edge of the , la she lost In: balancc and fall I nce of twenty feet to the ground. lug on the cement walk. Her head '; the edge of the walk, which was I glightly from the lawn. She was Irtely sculped. SPOON HABIT. 4t years m" York's Deputy Chief mi. ft arm one I la home of km uww it would happen this way," ur of than“) men when the chef. was being carted I'll]. N have to many iires with him. He was s in the lead. He new: said, 'Boys, In that. place, or that iuee,' ' He , h-d us Munch. He IO“, ‘Buys, "w, and that'. itut what he and m. ', \nlen the led m into that baoe. torn it 'n amen waved Denn- the time 1 man ieli and Hwy was drawn “mum: a Score ot men had rUked N." lives in an trttort to avg that ir Nader. . \urk. Feb. 17.--Dermt, this! , Vs. Kruger, known for In” ' _. the Grand Old Man of the Fire I will." lost his life today "Ile I hi, men in a duper.“ light t Hunt's in Canal “not. While "d his way cautiously though I nun; with woke and we», Kru- munl turuugh a trap don: into I wmt‘nl tilled with water. He in Jun taken out, but in the low w. which wiped between the time l r was .27 years oid, and had been rcr oi the sieparum"" tor 1:6 years. ol year: ago hunger was acting the department tor a time while roker was temporarily under gus- TOTOVCWF b. IL -With her seurlp com. ( --.-. -....... off, three ribs broken and; "I frnetttred, Mrs. Emma Fog. i "i,',,')',?',",,'?] om, was picked up in front ( Uenry "n n 40 Humble ave'nue, yester. l Indy found I ' John Areet I...” l..-.._..... “MA-“ “-3 was made cleaning window” on this way," I the chef. '. " have I. He was A Toronto dwputvln "or. Despondent thinngh luck or Wotti, and grieving over the In“ of his aged mother, William Snlmun. a loan of titty years of age. ro- eently employed in the G. T. R. sheds as a freight handler. attempted to com- mit suicide at his boarding house, 192 Richmond street west, yesterday by cut- ting his throat with a razor. Fortunate- ly his landlady was attracted to his room by the noise of his movements, and It once called in P. C. Robson, who had him removed to St. Michael's Hos- run] in the police unbalance. Salmon 3 a widower) and has no children or relatives in the city. He has a number of relatives living in Montreal. He will recover. human-ling something io-utl’mwp. The deem l lived alone. her sole I pet cat. She had hr [home and a 1mm of bank. Mensa! sutt I and due. had not been 1The inquest Was adit 1 Jay. of din-rue. a board mu ri. ed to inverstigate tht, situ; The board has jam " unending: a preliminary .sto,000. whirl: is to provU "tinge. for wire numbing t yard proper from the nu the island, the purchase " and 600 garbage cans. tin wooden flooring with can cautions that will prove: from getting in the Na visiting ships. Tcrottto Matt Made Deliberate Attempt on His Life. Salli y an "rangeville despnteh opened thiq morning h Henry on the body of , Mrs, CUT HIS THROAT WITH RAZOR Ott January 27 Mr. Lowenstein had been expose-d to the sen-re cold all day and his lace was badly chapped. He pro- cured a healing lotion the [allowing day and anointed nu taee with it several! time-- during the night. About 3 o'elovk in the 'r,','d'?a desiring a drink, hey ntruck a mate to light the gas. Irv) stnntly his whole fave bunt into tlantos,, which mu communicated to his night! elothes Some ingredient in the lotion gun- off an inflammnhh- gm: He failed! ~drudily until his death this, morning. I The new man firm of Lawn-mu of veilinm. Cream Used For (lapped Face Direct Cam of Death. New York. b'eb. 17.-one of the strang- ext causes of death ever reported in this city developed tu-day in the case of Louis Lowenstein, a wealthy importer, who died at his home, 140 West lath street. New York, Fob. r rein-d the iollo, It I"! u when '. The ml is 'infested by r it is known that din-use. a board w l 0m New “$5.. in Rush for The ground noor mu well filled with diners when the children began to swarm against the doors. The three po- licemen stationed there could do noth- ing, and restore” had to be sent for Before they arrived a big plate glass window was smashed. and when the riot mu put down the children Were fed :u they had been promised. Lorber's sympathies were aroused whenl report: were made that many of thet east side children went unled to school, and on Monday he threw open the third and fourth floors of his reytattrant and Irrovided a aulntantiul lunch for Jew: uml Gentile child alike. Neveral ttttrt-, dud boys and girls were on hand on! Monday. I Nine" then the nun that free lunches unuld be obtained at Lorber's sprt-udl throughout the cunt aide, and when the! many sehoots were chm-d during the; noun rem-u 1,500 pupils want to the "2-. staurunt. I , "VG? NJ tonn- spoon». knives fork, loud “It and pepper lumen were rue-w- (ered in this way. Muny angry Protests _ were made, but Mon. Mr. Brodeur, who ’vu at the nation. spoke to the boys and the police, advising the former to re, 'tm'n any of the missing wilver they might have, and "minding the ottirer,. that the whole affair mu I college prank. and not an unusual one at that. v The President of the Laval Student? Association has promiwd on behalf of the organization to make good any has that the hotel will be put to by the desire of the student... to obtain mu‘ _ venirs of their ottawa trio. New York. Felt. 17.--b'iiteen hundred thildrert hum the Ghetto schools had things. all. their own way this noon in an attempt to take advantage of the free lunch offer made by Adolf Lorher, who keeps a big restaurant iii-Grand street. Brushing aside the policemen stationed to maintain order, the ehil. dren swept up to the doorway when the order came to admit them, and before they were seated they smashed a plate glass window and valued a panic In the part of the dining rooms reserved for regular customers. i -""""r"c- “when H (Mfr. 1:23 and "It at . _ --_e . ma station and boarded the student- were informed of t the polici- whit and advise any silver they might have i session. A time oi consid fusion fcdloatd. but the bu in many cases. _ C r ' t . "mm ptt/dvi,taieiti, a very ttt hilt Aiver' led at bang-rt. They at once communi- rated with the police. who proereded to the station and boarded the can. The students, were informed of the obPet ot" tlw poliee vidt and advined to return luv nilvn- 0- -_- . T, . HUNGRY minim OLD LADY FROZEN. -- North, of Orangeville, Found Dead l rm‘_ne.f liar to much.“ cry LOTION IGNITES. FIGHTING THE RATS used suffered not been seen Wae, adjourne in H ser Hons: following denpate The Mare Islam d by tllmhsza I that they ur: " th" situation' death this morning. was a member of the in Brothers importers t cement. and pre" raven! the rodents . Navy Yard from Food. by Mr g to tence in th" northern part of r of tot rat-trap: the replacing of The Hera Id has ex; hn imam-st war) Coroner James l from asthma since Monday d until tiatur have in theilf pm eoitsidrrai,tt, can nth North. the old her home ml “no 1iinvovery trip, " :Hl rvcol uditure long nth " gave up pp from Cast int Ill if London. Feb. 17.---The Corporation of the City of London will confer the freedom of the city on Florence Night- ingale. the organizer of the nuts! in the Crimean War, and who has :5,"- wise made herself beloved by her chari- ties to soldiers. She is now in her 80th year. As it was a chunk of ice struck his hand and cut it so severely that Brown had so have medical attention. The we». too, was damaged. Wh was ed 1 all Big Icicle Almost Fell on Mr. Brown, of Toronw. T otonto despatch.. A huge icicle shaken from its holding on the roof of the Meth. mli~1 Hunt; Room on Temperance street 'ttshed through a thick plate glass sky- light and broke '.c".t a hundred erystuh on a press yvr't' which Geo. Brown had St. Petersburg, Feb. 17.--The Novoe 1Yemya's announcement of Germany's action at Constantinople as embodied in the declaration of the German Ambassa- dor, Baron Marwhaelt Von Bieberstein, that Germany intended to abandon the allies and proposed instead of adoption of the Sultan's eounter proposals, which are tantamount to no reform at all, Gs (-i't-utwl a sensation in diplomatic cir- cles, and resulted in in lively interchange of view,, and inquirien in order to sulr‘ stuntiute the extent of the truth of the) announcement. It is realized that thisi porn-lids the failure of all effort to alle-l viate Macedonia. 1 i But All is Quiet at Fairbanks, Mask! j ', 4Troops Present. 9 "V Kvvrything was quliet yesterday. Spo- cial depuths were organized into bands of ton-4 undur captains. Saloons are still closed, hut may be allowed to reopen to-day it good order eontinueix. Men ar- riving yesterday report no molesting on the trail. The Chamber of Commerce and tho Aretie Brotherhood have offi- cially “prowl-d approval of the Presi- drnt in ordering troops to Tanamn. Scuttlv. Wash., Feb. tr.--: special cable to the Post Intelligencer from Fairbanks. Alaska, says: Mal-Aha] Perry ymtcrday reevivcd the following from the Department of Justice: "Military foree ordered to Fairbanks. Meantime your duty is to protect law-abiding eiti. zcm without tenderness to law-breakers. The department expects you to use all ncccssary cm-rgy to preserve order, and urn-st the leaders in any attempt at in. timidation. Those molesting Rusuians mint be arrested, using such force as may Ire ncccssary to accomplish this pur- pose. (Signed) Bonaparte.” ( nt I Lisbon, Feb. 17.--it has been learn, fod that a bomb was found under the l landing stage where King Carlos landed gun the day of the assassination. It had l failed to explode because of a defect in l the fuse. f One of Carla's Mania: Defeated f Him In Shooting Match. A curious fact has come to light. Shortly before the crime. Buiea had vmnpctml with the King in at shooting mateh, homing his majesty by several points A number of persons have culled at the lute home of Buiea, one or the dead assays-sins. to give money to his tuother.in.law for the support of his u-hihlren. The proprietor of n depart- ment store has opened a subscription for them with $1.000, ttIso giving them free Use of their house. ' Huntington. W. Va.. Feb. 17.-Be- l of his interference with plans for the i marriage of his sister, Henry Bean, a l prouperuus young farmer living at Prich- I ard, was shot through the bend and in. l stantly killed yesterday by V. Hatten, , the young woman's fiancee. Batten l and Miss Daisy Bean were to have been I married yesterday. When Hatter, ac- l companied by a minister and party of I friends. arrived at the Ben home, he l was met by the girl's brother, Henry, I who forbade him the premises, end, as l alleged, subjected him to insults. The l men soon came. to blows. Pt2uti'f/i'l ', drew a revolver and shot and illed i Bean. The men are members of two ot; [ the oldest and most respected families , oi southern Wtlt Virginia. Batten surl i Lover Was GERMAN EMPEROR Florence Nightingale Honored. trmlered himself, YOUNG MAN r1AD.tmJ1tqrrD TO HIS MARRIAGE WITH ms SISTER. Mfo'rmyragt, ". o' _ OF ms HANGER HE HAD NARROW ESCAPE, l second boron “Come Over and Help G." SALOONS CLOSED BEAT THE KING. " Was Insulted and Driven Prom the House-They Come to Blow-Then the Girl's Brother Wu Shot and Killed by Her Fellow. '8 Brown ha g G. T. P. Will Strive to Reach Edmonton 3 During Summer. Winnipeg. Feb. 17.--Fred Davis. tin, smith. was arrested tonight on acharge of having assaulted a. girl of three years. The offence was alleged to have been committed in Clement's block. where the accused had rooms. This is the Be. cond offence of this nature in the city within two days, as a five-year-old girl was assaulted in a vacant house yelter‘ day. I Vancouver Would Rave Dileuued Japan- ', cu Question. ' 3 Toronto despateh: That the time will £01m“. when Vanadium will- freely give ’ their More towards the cost of protect. 1 ing the empire, not because of Britain', l need, but because the people will be ‘uihzuned to enjoy Itritish protection iwithunt paying their share of it, was 1 stated by Dr. it. G. Parkin, G. C. M. G.. Ialt a largely attended meeting of the ', Empire Clul, in the St. Charles yesterday afternoon. Winnipeg, Feb. 17.--It was announced to-day that the Grand Trunk Pacific line would almost certainly be complet. ed into Edmonton during themaming summer. The company is making every preparation to rush construction, and an effort will be made to aurPnss the world's record of railway-building estab- liwlyed by the company last wzson. “ trouble he was musing the hotel. i No motive for the deed is known ‘hew. Bosche had been at the hotel failwe Feb. ii. He is said to have been (a member of the firm of Bosche Bros.. l manuhteturing jewelers. of 918-920 Main !st|'eet. Buffalo, with a residence at Gl ! Kin-hell street, that city. A imam min rm-ontly given this coun- try by the riots in Vancouver. When British subjects ware the victims of riots in China the subject wns discuss- ml by the ('hinHe and British under the gun-s of a British warship. and if Can. lldil. was left to hen-serif the Vancouver riots would have how (“smut-d under the gum of a Japanese mun-of-wur. ! New York, X. Y., Feb. Ir.-- Lying Micro“ his bed in a position that show. lwi canchuiwly that the deed was rdom- with deliberation, J. w. Bosehe qn‘ Buffalo. committed suicide in the but” Home early to-dny by slashing IAL” .t,.,l:.| -A . _. . - _ itlu- radial artery of the left arm with a razor. In the room were found let- ;ters addressed to the manager of the hotel, the cnrnner, and.hls wife. In the former Boshee apologized for the _ trouble he was causing the hour Buffalo Mans 5 Ottawa. Felt. 17.--The Dominion on- crnvnent hug decided to grant 320 acres of hurl to Manitohnm and residents of Alberta and Saskatchewan who perved in South Africa in 1899-1902 inclusive. The rewlntion to he moved in the House provides that every smell grant shall be subject to the condition that the grantor shall select his land on or before Dee. 31, 1910. and perfect his entry Ivy settling upon the land six months afterwards. In lieu of the land the volunteer may receive scrip for $160. aeceptable in payment of Dominion landw. Grants of land or scrip are to be made by the Minister of the Interior upon warrant issued hy the Miuiuvr of Militia. En- tries and patents are to he him] free of homestead fees. Those Prom Prairie Provinces Entitled to 320 Acres. The evidence in the court showed that the man already had served terms in the penitentiary where he made the ne- quaintance of a notorious criminal, Am. nnd’us Hoppe, who assisted him in car- rying out his schemes. The latter was sentenced to six months imprisonment as an accomplice. Berlin, Feb. 17.--A bokus American, "Colonel" Schiemnngk, has been sentenc- ed by the criminal court to three years imprisonment, the 1055 of his civil rights for five years after his release, and to perpetual police supervision. as well as to pay a fine of 8300, Schic- mangk having been convicted‘ of whole, sale marriage swindles by means of ad- vertisements. whereby he succeeded in obtaining eortsiderable sums of money from women. RECORD RAILWAY BUILDING Convicted of Wholesale Marriage (8) "Disposition of certain pecuniary shims. urn Fall: (9) Exemption of Canadians coming temporarily to United Stings from pay- ment of head tax. (6) Reciprocal salvage and wrecking rights. (7) Use of logging booms in St. John River. (3) Application of alien labor hoes to citizens of the United States and of Canada. (4) Reciprocal mine owning rights. (5) Conveyance of American prisoners through Ctutrdian territory, and vice Venn. (I) Transmit free of duty of merchan- dise amass portions of American Ind o1adity tetritory. . - ,_ (2) Transit ofim'erchandise without payment of duty until arrivll " points Ill interior. The various questi6nu which are to be made the basis for this treaty may be summarized as follows: Washington. Feb. 17.--The British Ambauauor will start for Ottawa on Saturday to take up with the Canadian Adminiacrution the details of negotia- tions atteetittg Canada and the United states, which it is hoped to conclude and to embody in a truly. GOT THREE YEARS. LAND GRANTS T0 VETERANS. ue.) Pintributiun of power from King UNDER JAPANESE GUNS A DELIBERATE SUICIDE. Assaulting Young Girls, DIPLOMATIC Swindle: int (knnanr uflcturer Takes Life in New York Hotel. It; Tie Up. Secret Meeting of Council Held to Con-1 Fttttd Being Raiaed " Bis Native Place, aider Financial Arrangements. l Vauvert, France. Winnipeg. Man., Feb. l7.--A serretl, Vnuvert. Frame. Feb. IT: The citi meeting of the Council was held yer lens of this town have started re suh. terday for the purpose of discussing svription for the purpoae of 'tle at the civic finances. and hearing the Quebec a statue to General ontoalm. answers to the city's pro meal to the the French commander, who was mortar banRS, that the banks should collec- ly wounded at the battle of the Plains tively advance 82.NO,000 to pay off of Abraham in 1759. Montcalm was born the city's overdraft with the Canadian in Vauvert. Bank of Commerce, and allow sufifci- It has bee ndeeidesd'to have two sta- ent money for current expenditure toes of Montcalm made. One is to be for the Fear 1908, until such time kept in France and the other will pro. I", a; city's have; ftPtd; His bably be presented to Quebec. About 'or ip annou t t believed 8.000 trance: have alread “be ' the Bank of Commerce would'be nil. ed. y been rib T he Coroner'. jury, chosen to imptire into the accident and to place the w- spnosibitity. have held two sessions at Alvinuton, but have been unable to ar- rive at any decision. . Death of In. Parish, Who Watt Injured Near Glencoe. A Gletwoe despatch: Mrs. Solomon Parish, who, in company with her hus- band. was so seriously injured while crossing the Kittgseourt branch of the G. T. It., tt mile wet of here, died last night, having been con-min". for only n. short time sinve the accident. Her husband was killed at the tinw of the “evident. Unemployed Printer'n Attempt to Com- mit Suicide. New York, Feb. lT.~Jolm Grant, an unemployed printer. jumped from Brooklyn bridge today, and although he landed among floating ice cakes in the river 200 feet below, escaped with only a few minor hurts. He is now at a hospital under arrest on a marge of attempted suicide. Grant was pulled out of the water by the new of a tug boat. It is believed Grant was despomlc-nt he. cause of inability to get work. to Writs are also in-uwd ngiilnat the diree. tors for paying dividends out of capital. Aptlication has also been entered to ma ce the following contributions for un- paid stock: M. L. Leitch. London, 82.000: w. J. Mooney, 32.000: F. B. Deacon. $3,- 000; s. J. Cook, $1,000. It is also alleg- I'd the Merchants Bank has taken action to recover some 86,922. A Strutford den tell: Following the! Wats rushed up from the out. " winding-up f,ue'Qlfllf, of the Strntfordl The cushion of the cylinder flew out Fuel, lee, Cartage & Construction Com. of the mwond engine near Smith's Falls, puny, R. T. Harding, acting for John andrnnother engine was sent out, the llrown, liquidator, has issued writs] _traiireaehing Smith's Fall: about three against the Traders Bank to net oiiel hours late. When some dixtnuee up troin two mortgages and two transfers of boukl Smith’s Falls the third engine went debts; against W. J. Mooney. President t "leaky." and the assistance of a fourth of the late company, and F. B. 'iiiiiiii/ locomotive was sought. late manager, to recover 830,000 alleged Near Leaside Junction the big l'ucifie to have been improperly apportioned. l locomotiye 1,102 went wrong. and a yard Writs are also innit-d against the diree-, engine was then brought into Jiaiia tors for paying dividends out of capital.{ to pull the train into Toronto. 1 TheYrim!e bu instructed the Mnitre Clemenceau, brother of the Premier, to begin suit to rmind the decree. Winding Up of the Stutford Fuel & lee . Company. 3 Paris, Feb. 17.---The Italian Prince de Forlmra, I. well known member of tbe Travellers' Club, has been expelled from France by a decree Aimed by Prayin- Clemenceau. the prince asserts that he is the victim of the intrigues of his per- sonal enemies. On the other hand the police Mate the decree of expulsion was isuued because their attention had been called to his mode of living, which was far_bey9nd hisrmeans. WINNIPEG’S BIG OVERDRAFT‘ Italian Prince Expelled From France or ted Christie is hitting back at the detee- tive by this charge of perjury. Hansen and Morten, two detectives, swore at the trial of Christie that on October Mlast they bought native wine from Christie and hid wife at their hotel about mid. day. Christie is calling witnesses to prove an alibi for him. He says he was in the village of Sunderlsmd, Ax miles away, when the sale is said to have tak- en plate. On this the charge of perjury against the detective is based. ‘Tho proseetttion has home fifteen or twenty witzmsses, and the defence eight ANOTHER CROSSING VICTIM. Tytlq deupatch: Christian Hansen, a detective for the License Department of the Ontario Government, is on trial here before Judge McCrimmon, charged with perjury, Hansen had Donald C'sris. tie, of the Grand Central Hotel, Sund- field, tried on December 0 of last year for selling wine without a license. Magir trates Hamilton and Crosby, who tried the case. found Christie guilty. but ow- ing to a flaw in the information were unable to register a conviction. Trial of Detective Christian Hanna at Whitby. Beside: large quantities of valuable machinery in the Courier building, the Tll'll'd', hats just finished the plates for a ' M,000 contract for circus posters, and there were in an annex, which was wrecked. The Eveniing" id/ia-isa, offered the Times the use of its presses and the Dnesr will be run off to-day from the News Just alter the fire was disgovered there won . series of explodom, lup- posed to have resulted from the tire communicating with certain explains used in the art department. The press department of the Buffalo Evening Times, adjoining, was hanged to the tytent of $30,000. Buffalo, Feb. 17.---Fire which out on the fourth floor otatit pl the Comic; Lithography”; Co., 197 street, and extending to 231 We ton street, early to-dny, eluted a I about $250,000. The phat is one lures: ofuits hind in the eoutltry . -.BUFFALO nie. LIVED T00 HIGH. J UMPED FROM BRIDGE. CHARGED WITH PERJURY. MANY WRITS ISSUED. by Clemenceau. “I! G. and Newspaper Prelim My, Trr-rue which broke V, Cluied I was of plant is one oi the of "k phat of Co., 197 Main 331 Washing. lens of this town have started tb Huh. scription for the pnrpooe of 'tet " Quebec a statue to Canon! ontmlm. the French commander, who was mortal- ly wounded at the battle of the Plain of Abraham in 1759. Montctlm was born in Vnuvert. It bu bee ndecidad‘to have two stnv me. of Montealm made. One is to be kept in France and the other will pro- bably be prgoenu-cl to Quebec. About I Over Half Country'u Revenue Expanded 1 in Armaments, :' Tokio. Feb. 17.--After an excitin de- I bate, lasting six hours. which dew-fort] ' into a riot on the floor of the House of i Representatives, the financial budget was l paused by a majority of 102. Speakers I on both sides occupied a long time, and towards the last they howled at the i chair and charged favoritism, the Oppo- ! sition members demanding an apology: Belleville deapatoh: Mr. R. J. Graham, of Belleville, fruit. shipper, today pleaded guilty. through his counsel, before Mag. i-trnte Manon, to three charm-p of vio, lating the fruit marks not in nil-ling, of. fering, exposing or having in his poun- sion for sale fruit marked higher than its qunlity would warrant. He was fined 25 cents a barrel for all Huoll fruit. Three packers in Mr. Graham's employ ---'r. J. Thom "on, of Fipringlrrook; Jms. Murchen. of gated, and L. Emmerson, of Tweed-pleaded guilty, through their counsel, to puking the fraudulently marked fruit, and were fined " each FRUIT FRAUDULENTLY MARKED, Shippers and Pucker: Find " Belleville and Brizhton. The chair sunpvnded the uni-Lion for half an hour, and upon resuming the chair apologized handsomely to the 0p- position. Impressive speech-s were made during the debate, all making a point of the feature that more than one-half of the budget was expended in armaments. . l -'""'""'"'e" - the division between Montreal and b'mith's Falls the eeeentric of the first engine. which pulled out of Montreal on scheduled time, broke, and the train was stalled on the track until another engine was rushed up from the out. Chapter of Accident; Hatred Progreu of C. P. R. loaned Express. Toronto despntrh: Owing to A chapter of accidents, it required six engines to bring in train No. 5 over the C. P. R. from Montreal yesterday morning. In It is believed that others were killed and. their bodies moved by rel-lives, for during the com-no of the Afternoon and evening several similar clashes occurred. Eventually the troops were called out and Are camping to-night in the “new. The native quarter, however, is abnorm- ally quiet. 'a' u Police Fired on lob in a Riot " Bombay. Bombay, Feb. 17. -Nerious rioting oe- eurned here this evening during the course of the celebrations of the Mahar- ram, the first month of the. Mohmnie- dan year, arising from disputes between the Sunnites or orthodox section and the Shiahs, the second great division of Mo. hammedrtmr. The police arrested sev- eral Sunnites and the mob demanded their release, which demand was refused. The mob thereupon stoned the police, injuring two of them. The police oom- mnnder and other Btu-crew offieem' fir-" ed upon the rioters, kil ing at least five of them and injuring forty, twenty of whom were seriously wounded. FOR MONTCALI MONUMENT J. A. Mon-id, of Toronto, Canada, addressed the convention Inst night on "The Interimts, of the Nation in the Foreign Missions of the. Church." Mr. Macdoruld conveyed the thought that while we are building tariff walls and passing restrictive immigration laws it is our duty to teach the heathen in the bust something more than oomtnereinl. ism. trade and politics, if we dolnot wish the unenlightened to over run the world. The most important businesl of the convention was the adoption of 1. ye- nolution " the Harmon session if.- peuling to Presbyterian dutch. throughout the country to nine $2,000.- 000 for foreign missions next year. The amount in almost double that asked for lat your and the resolution was adopt. ed after esytt.ideralrle ptutelt. _ The resolution also Jaliii% the men to pray at noon each day for the eun- goljution of the world. Philadelphia despatch: The PreBbyter- inn men'a foreign m‘uiomry conven- tion concluded it. work here last night. The record. of the meetings show that 1,001 delegate. were in attendance. FOREIGN MISSIONS. hum dau. Ash For “no Council wu “vim. to waiting for the arrangements for the polling of stock to be completed before placing the9berttures on the market. It is not improbable that the com- mittce will communion“ with I down or so of the - brokers dealing in bonds, and my all debating. by pri- vate tender. sent, or, " but, until the city - me.u.otur tt'nateyraattrmaretita. ENGINES WENT TO THE BAD, ling weary-[ova the Att for the THE JAPANESE BUDGET. TORONTO TROUBLE m INDIA, A M. Catharines damp-tell: but an». n subbing “fray whit-h might have tw- suited seriously occurred. A yuan; lad Med Rome and a man named Carlton had spent the evening playing docile" in the Rand-l House “wry. whore (‘an- ton won five trum'. from the boy. who beam.- enrnged In his Iona. Who the play ceased and Carlton nun-d for home the boy followed him. and. over taking him in front of the Rum-ell Hun-w, stabbed him in the arm just below the elbow. Dr. Jory drmd the wound, which fortunately will nap prove wriouu. Grand Trunk to Spend Three limo-a in marina Town. Montreal, Feb. 17.-vrhe “and Trunk has decided to build new fireproof Iv- pair drop. at Bank Creek. Michigan. similar to the new shops at Stafford. and it has been reported that gunman more than ”poem will be agent. " in not intended that there Mp: will " vert to the Mates any of the work that u now being done in Canada. - m Judge’l reply did not show any qdrft of leniency. “You are a burglar. I no nothing in your conduct to mun- n Ionian with you. or in the oonduet of you: wife to make me lenient with her. You on g Wrong mun and " thief. You are n foreigner as well. We "Your husband any; that when he is angry he always counts ten before. he speaks.” said one woman. "Your answered the other; "and I wish he'd Mop it. Since he trot dyspepsia home seems nothing but a class in arith- metic." _ He Took Revenge for a letting It {on m going to give to my wife give t to Inc. My wife is innocent, your Honor. Whatever time you are going “the her give it to me; I will do it: Me it_to_ mg." - _ Water Sentenced to light Years in the l, Penitentiary. Montreal, Feb. I7. -rrttdtre Ihoqtrette to-dny sentenced J. Wagtier to eight year: in the pettttentittr.v and Rose Freeman to two yams, for burglar). .When Knead-d a.Wngner made a pie; tir hie wife. “Your “our. the only am"! at of Cl,', if you have come to n convicting anion, is the sentence He left the United sum in the sum- mer of 1905 and WM arrests-d in Englnnd but mouth. He Is mid to have live" in Baltimore, Chioigo, M. Louis and elsewhere. and to have married “mm-n wherever he went. - Hyne L a dentin. with ir, American diploma. Be in belie, ed by many P.'"" nono-to be Idenlit-al with George Witr.. hoff, or Albert Bessemer. or A. C. Wes- ton, who aeveral year» ago mttrried u number of women in America and then disappeared after having uncured var its sums of agony from them. NEW SHOPS AT BATTLE CREEK. Brute, Feb. 17.--Arthur Kyle. tie 'ert,ofmautyaii-ttotlts6eet'on trill hero charged with my and fraud in connection with mntritnoninl advertisement», was today unmanned to seven yenn' imprinonruent on the bigumy cunt and to five years for tmud, there uentences to run concurrently. Hyne phgded guilty to both charges. Arthur Kyle Senate“ to Seven Years in Print. The fight occurred Intst tuturday oven- ing, when 240 boys were at recreation in the play room of the big building. but it did not beeome known outside the institution until lifter O'Slmnnky‘. death. There were severnl officeu in the play room when the fight broke um. Only about twent.v'boys were actually enmd, but the others crowded around them' so cloudy, that the officers lull great dimeulty In ranching ttw rumba-L unis. O'Shnnsky and Mann were fight. lug against the others, using knives they had stolen in the "ehool room, and Fiona suthd bis friend by accident. tra", with having inflicted the wound wink eta-ed ()Nunsky'n death. All the bays involved in the trouble were inmates of the institution. New York, Feb. 1't.-4hte bov in dead from stab wounds and three odious unri- ously hurt u a result of II fight " the Home of Correction' on Randall's Gland In whirl: twenty buy. Iortiripated. The dead boy Wu Mayer 1r'rs'hattesky, fifteen years old. Raffello Stanza, the unu- uge, is under guard at the institution Detroit, Mich, Fob. 17.--Mis. Basie Rumble, who kid-plat her two chil- dreu and, aged t, and Winifrrd. aged 5, from the thildun’u Aid Society, in Cir-Minn, Ont, last Friday, and drove from 'atathon to Bobert's Landing. My twenty an...“ In open wagon with the unwound“ around the are mark, and then drove new“ the tit. Clair River on the ice to the Michigan side, wwa arrested but night and look- ed up It the (kntrul Mation by two 'tnimigrtrtioet inspectors. With Mm. Rum- ble were [mind her husband Albert, who arrived in Detroit Int night, and Min Lizzie Biddle, Aged 21, who landed in Detroit about three months Ago. The inspectors say all will be deported. Fltll Fight in Home of Correction " unaw- hind. WILL BE DEPORTED. Atuask, N. Y., Feb. ".-AttomerGem . erat Juknon {rill nuke npplicntion in New York, probably todas, for the Ip- pointment of l. receiver for the Hutu! We Life Insurance Co., of New York, on tin ground that the 1'll','ltt'T ll hopelessly insolvent. The comps Cy was investigated recently by examiners ‘of the sate Insurance Department. The artiott of the Attome.tAu-t is based on the report of these examiners. may? yu_-w I. PLEADING FOR HIS WIFE LONG TERI POR BIGAKIST. BOY USES ms KNIFE BOY STABBED TO DEATH.

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