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Durham Review (1897), 27 Feb 1908, p. 8

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',s)utt), It't He my also u consulted in the Commercial Hotel, HOLSTEIN, Wednesday, MARCH 4 Munslmv Home, FLEEBRTON, my, MARCH . As most headaches, as well " many obscure diseases, are due to eye afieetiona, it is imgortsnt that all spectacles and eye-glasses are seientiiiea1ly tted. of Toronto, will make his next J) . . 9 'krijisij:"t, w,rii!'i'i'iti,','lliir.'i1'1uiret f t fl ht ""'a--a-----a--aar------u-.is---aaca--s-a--a,-,; ----- LLaaLC.-..'LC'1____,_., e 60 Ive yeSIg ' xlnnnsix m f'mmlinn llMtulttRt HIGHEST PRICES PAID PURE WATER WHITE-é? . COAL OIL Thursday, March s, 33333;: DARLING’S DRUG STORE A quantity ot Men's Wool Underwear for Soc A few fall suits still to be cleared out. chl-__--", VJ av, “v". ve'."' auu a number of others too numerous to mention. A few fur coats, coon: cud gallaway. to besold cheap Six pair men's gauntlets worth 81.2 5 for 9oc One child's set of white furs, ruff and muff, worth " Jo, now $4.00. One ladiis’ graylthrqw, $5 so, new: $4.00, and a A number of furs still left to be sold cheap otrthahttoscopk Examinations THE PEOPLE'S ‘STo‘i'iE ROBERT BURNETT Headquarters for. Gents' Furnishings A large stock of fresh Gro- ceries lalways on hand. The REGENT Suits and Im- PERIAL Shoes have won ihe confidence of Ae public. CHAS. J. WESTERN Eyesight Specialist Hardware, Grain & Seed Merchant, Durham sstirfiiiiit . S. HUNTER For Sale by FOR GRAIN. visit to DURHAM on ‘___. m...“ ... "nun; "mum De Ten to the Commissioner ot Dominion has: n Ottawa of mutation ttt "NY 't8h new of m unmu'ot' the Minter N. B ?n'lli'glati' mimosa“ of thin " ma will not bu mm. _ cultivation of the midi}: 335?; iirru7G your l, t It the tube: or mother, if the father In damaged t'gn',,,,'i'g'd"g;, redde- upon I tannin vicinity ofthe lend entered tai the tequimnentlu to residence my be added by Inch puma reaming with the (ether or when a. It the nettler bu " permanent Mdenee agar: uranium! owned by him In the " c ltr out“ ornate-d. we requirements In to residence my be named byteddenoe upon the am lend. Ix months' notice In Irma; should be given " tha m.........-_-- _. -,, . . The manta-del- inquired to Venom the home-load eondmonl undo: one o the follow- itttt plan; t. At lean six month. residence upon and gym-um: ot the Mad in ouch you ftir am: Entry must be made persomliy " the Loan] Und ()an for the district in which the land is mute. Entry I? proxy any. however, be made on certain condxt on: by the tether. mother. son. daughter, brother or sister of In intending home: IM‘D' Any even numbered section of Dominion lands in Munitobo. sukncnewon, end Alberta, grunge and M, not reserved mny be home: ed by my penon who is the sole [mod of o (wily or my male over 18ym.of we ', to the atlent of one quarter lemon of 160 men more or cu. - i - -r-_._.v.- .v- %.9.%r." gun" (106' ed by her on my accunnt after the date of first appearance ot this notice. 26 Feb. 1908. Jas. FALKINGHAM. or provocation and I 'riji"rii2 iiriii" MEI y 'JN', reaponsible for debts contract- NOTICE is berebv given that my wife Elizabeth F'alkinkham, has let: my bed and board without just cause or provocation Hand} will not be in tmt tf (hrtt Nona-Wes! Mr and Mrs G. Ledimzhnm and daughter Eula. at Vancouver, B. th. who have been visiting relatives here, for the past two months, left for there home on Saturdav the 15th. It is four years since Mr and Mrs Ledingham had the pleasure of a good tsleigh-ride, but after the recent severe snow storm We had. they were quite antis- fied to return to their own moderate elimate.--chetue, Enterprise. I Miss Kate and Mr Jas. Cameron, of Toronto, camp home Snturday to Visit. their father in his final illness. Their hrolher Henry is expected to- night from Manitoba and Lt. Col. Me- Lean and Mr Ross, of Toronto, are ex- poctedfulao to attend their uncle‘s fun. eral. Mr Jas. Aitehoon, St Helene, has been spendmga few weeks wlth old neighbors near Aherdeen and with relatives near Dornoeb. We were pleasnd to have a call from him and hue I. crack shoot auld times. Mrs, Gardiner, of Toronto, attended the funeral of her father, Mr. Mal. colm McGillivray, which took place hom the home of his aon-in-lnw. Mr. Wm Fannie? where he was nursed during his illness. _ 'lollrEs'1'EAD REGULATIONS Cameron. Mrs. Cooper. Howrick. sister of Mrs. Bean of Durtmm, underwent a serious operation for appendicitis lately. but at last account. was recovering. Miss Dick, of Durham, has been Fits. iting her brother and sister. J. Dick and Mrs s. Tait. for the pale few "e"_hornbury Herald Reflector, Mrs. Parker. a daughter of the hue Rev. Jan. Cameron. arrived in Durham Tuesday from Toronto, to attend thej funeral of her uncle. the late Jno. , Mr John Dnnlmoor and sister. Mn i McKechnie attended the funeral of _ their brother in Hamilton last week. Mr C. L. Grant left Tuesday morn. ing for Toronto to attend the great Provincial Convention of the Ontario Alliance, Misc Robena. Fletcher returned to her mailman-y poeition in Toronto but week, After spending a month's hoii- I day. at her home. “r Wes. Lyons, of the Smith Har. ness Works. Visited hie home friends in Dundalk. over the week's end, re' turning '1uesdny evening. Mrs (Rev) Campbell returned from the General Hospital. Guelph, Int Friday. much improved in health.-. Mooretieid con. Spectator. Mr Wm. Inidlaw and daughter Jel- lie leftMonday morning to attend the Temperance Convention in Toronto. Mr Jack Stuart. attended the 'fun_ eral of the late 0. W. Doherty, in Mutual”: Saturdny. Mr And in Simon Young and Mrs Young Br, spent last Sunday at the former', uncle m Hanover. Misc Bradshaw returned to Toronto Hand-y. after viciting her enter. Mrs Dr Jamieson, for a time. Constable Carson vi.ited retativee in Mt Forest on Monday. Mn Wm. Black is visiting friends in Toronto and Barrio for a time. Mr Bury Burnett in the guest of his brother in 0mm. Mr J. P. Telford Wu In Cblugo last week on business. Notice to the Public. THE DURHAM REVIEW ONTARIO, ARCHIVES TORONTO "MK-DI... .... ........ Chiehattc...C.'C.' W... u “I W liarlev............l. 60to ii'lfl 2,7cs.--ci7iiiiiih8iit Butter................ 23to 25 Ijlems...............: 26to 25 ?.t.statoepert'sasr...C 86to 85 Flonrper tmt........ 260:0325 f.8ttnalvrsatstr..C. 330:0330 f,,tgai,htircc,i: lwmlw Live mpercwt... 485:0485 wr.?.rysetrWiepertswi. 635to650l, Wtdesperlti.."... .... 3m It Fall Wheat...... Spring Wheat.... Harry Burnett, We carry Furnishings especially selected for men who know, and care how they dress. They display that style and attractiveness that goes to make up "a dressy man." The min. ute you see them, you know they are what you wish. The price also will suit you when looking over our Gloves I Collars, Ties, Socks, Cuffs, Shirts, &ci‘ Everything a man wears. neview and Family Her. & t5tar.1.7S Review and Daily Glohe. . . . . . . ..4.40 Review and Daily World ... . . . . .2.60 (World for 15 mos.) Other combinntiona made known on application. ( Combinations of three or more wiper-1 can tuma. he made at reduced rates- FURNISHINGS FOR MEN Durham Markets. Young men-tsteady. trtrhr--Aetive and in demand, Whisker-tloin. down. Boots &i'dhoetr-Oointr up and down. Hats & Caps-Not co high except foolscap. which in stationery. Monet-tNose. but not ou, enough to get hold of. Adviee--Good, but no demand. We have called attention twice to the necessity of prompt renewals by nur American Subscribers owing to the heavy postage entailed by the new law. We are loath to cut otfanr who may by inndvertance have overlookr'd the subscription. and make this final appeal, extending the time to the 29th of February. when the names in " rears must be cut off. Renut $1.50 In l the envelope enclosed in the paper. at l once and there will be no break. Review and Weokir.Glohe.. . . .8L25 Review and Fat men' Ban . . . . . .l.75 Review and W. Mail & Empire..l.m Review and Montreal W. Wu. ..l.60 Review and Family Her. & t5tar.1.7S, Review and Daily Globe. . . . . . . ..4.40‘ Reviewed l_)_ai_ly world ... . . . . .2.60 Dvamm. FEB. 26, 1908, To United States Subscribers. Latest Markeulnotations. Yearly Clubbing Offers. Watches, Clocks and Jewellry C. Rasraoe & SON. Publishers ......... Final Notice. 45to l2to 10 10 to 8 to 5to The Men's Furnisher l3 12 10 925 90! 48l - 7 ._ - ”mun!" m MARI ON EXPERT; Ffiriiotaa as " June'- tit., Hanna moldy annex Era-u Indium u. the Don Immun- I-t-n‘ .B..'Lc, -- etiNriiiiTt'il "ur 'e'e18.ryFirCrrr7rT,pe, 5%.... r,i'tiilt'ttthl5fiisrii'iii,iii,?,ii'l 'l','fl,'tN.'.LA. MARION. 52.21.33." Loti 13 um! 14. Con, Glenelg, 15 acres: hush, well watered. Shane ho I --___ ... me under: Bunk our 84000, 1Much of the success of the Company is due to the energetic management, which does lheit work fornnominul sum. the total amount paid out for salaries. directors' and auditors' fees for the year heinghut 8540.25. A The thirtieth annual ln°Pllng of the Germanic. Fire Insurance Co. was held in the Town Hall here on Friday, the 7th Inst. A very commendable piece of business was introduced by the Manager lust year and repeated this year. in having the flnaneiitntement of the compnny issued and mailed to every policy holder before the Annual meetmg. Thus they may look over the yem’s transactions at their lcimre and be ma position tootterfairtum , ptpttteditnted criticism when they ' meet at the close of the l-nsiuese year. It would appear that the shareholder: l are in perfect harmony with the Work that has hm-n done by the old hum-d. us they were mumimon-ly elected for a further term of "ttive. In hmkmu "vt'rthetioruiiu ahllenwnl it is Im- tirenhle thut the past your has been the most staccwsaful in the last ten yems with the exception of one, and that m the Gee of having to adjust Inch heavy eluims, beeidesexevernl min- or claims, the Company has to its credit. in the Traders Bank over 84000. Much of the success of the Company it, due to the energetic nunagement. which does their work fornnominal l sum. the total Anion-‘0 -A-“‘ a - - ._‘..-..~.. v-Iv' pul'llCll- , larly depraved fly, a veritable Lucrezia Borgia. deposited one hundred thous- and germs. Those fiies which were captured near the mouths of SPWPl's were the most dangerous. Consulta- tion of maps showing the distribution of vases of typhoid and other testin-tl disease disclosed the Get that a dis- eaue lu-lt from 100 tr. 200 )nrds wide ex. tends completely round the New You l water-front, and the date of greatest prevalence conesponds closely with that of the greatest numberof ities, I - ----i. -H The common house-tty has long dwelt an object of suspicion among intelligent and moral eommitteeir. but it has reamined tor a committee of the New York Merchant's Association to catch him red-handed in the act of poisoning whole neighborhoods. This committee was struck by the preva- lence of summer intestinal dismsr-s and typhoid fever along the water- front of the city. Their bacterio1otun vet: a selies of fly-naps along the wharven. These were visited at fre. quent intervals. and the captured ilies removed to a laboratory, where they are allowed to crawl over gelatin plutel. upon which their footpr’mu left swarms of bacteria. Oun particu- larly depraved fly, a veritable Lucrezin EB, - . . ' Germania Fire Insurance Co Drink and the gang is with you: kwear " and you go it alone, for the bar-room hum who drinks your run hits . querious taste of his own. Feast and your friends are manv, fast. andthey'll cut you dead l they'" not get mad it you treat them had no long“ their 'tomtuehn un- fed. Steal ‘if you get a million for then you can furnish hail; its the limit thief who gets out on leave while the little onet- go to jail. Advertise and the dollars C um- rolling; quit, and they fail to ur- rlve. for how are men who have money I to spend to know that youve still I alive. I Loan and General; Lint week'a Fleaherton Advance hits tlb harrowing tnle of the death of the nix-year-old only child of Mr and Mrs Sled. by being run over with a loaded uleigh on the street. the danger is ever evident on our own streets owing to the fool hardiness of youth. Axornsn NEW BLocrt.-Hanover main street will Boon be enhanced Irv another business block. Dr Ball. haw. lug derided to move farther ew" bought a strip of land between Puebl- mank 0035 store and Schwindt & "ruter's and let the coutractthis past Week for I two storey brick building 25850. The drug store will take up the first storey. while the upstairs will be a dwelling. It is easily one of the but sites in town. Dr Ball im- been in business in his present location for 10 Feam.--Post. We I" asked If hanging in prop" between a lady and gentleman who are not engined. Perfectly proper. but impouiblc. A gentleman cannot kl-nhdy without being very pleas- untlv engaged. " Why dan't you gel: up as early as you used to?" nngrily demandvda Durban woman of her husband a few days ago. " Because, my dear, its sleep year, " aid he tutd turned over for another snooze. K. q i----- For Sale. “In! in the Inst ten excepll'on of one. and of having tundjust a, beeidmueveml min- "owpwy has to its Introduced by. the I and repeated this "'maneiaisstement frigate I Int-n, lt,'ol),,,i,!,,ioi,i,ejj,,iiir,ij., 2,'/i1'iee,r.r 7,213,312: you study irfrlliRi 3 Guard 8t. K, To n Clllldl. Write! W. H. SHAW. Pm, rele raphy t',',' “It! tir" step wu- I position- g laying (mm .5000 to 8150.000 per “mum In at Why mice. You an become I good operator in 6 months " you stud y m The (Jamal Teleguphy School 3 Gerrard St. E., Toronto. The nae-t Schooi n (Illladl. Write for puniculm. W. H. SHAW, Preg. TJJOHNBTON. Pttn v "_--"'--'"'-.." - - rStirj,f,ediit.iyEie.tFfii"iitrr.."t"aT= m (Ira mansion“; M. 'ii'ilit'.'i'i'ii'it6ettEfiiiiiiiicl at: f You'll Boon need Ithem. Be. lect them now and gel: them at a saving ot 25 per cent. reg. tle lb, for. .. .... ....25c 3 boxes Quickshine for.... .25c 2 bottles rem ble Shoe Polish 15e Canned Mrpts-rChieketi," Ham. Bgefor Veal Loni. .. ....UK, Beef or iila LGF.'.".".". .733 22 lb best Granulated Sugar $1 (Sugar on Saturdny oalv) rear. 100 each for... ... 4 Jelly Powders unsorted reg. 10c ouch tor..... 4 lbs goods Starch. . .. .. ree8elb, for..... .. 4 Iueknrslr,Corn Starch. MEN AND BOYS! Dont forget week. This is the last week o 4 Extracps, assorted Grocery Specials Friday and Saturday only ranite Dipper: for.... ....190 Granite Pudding Dishes. .... were 'hs,ttoi...........iss were25c. now. .... ......l9e Large Strainer Pails .... .... were au, now... .. ......490 Large Double Boilers. . .. .. . . .. were 1.35, now.. ...... .l.15 Butcher Knives were 30 now 23e Wash Boilers now.........1.98 Large Bread Pans now. ....19c Retinned Preserving kettle. 13tt 'ykePyus......i."..T.T.r..Tii Gravy Strainers... ...... ....56 Cake Cutters.. .... .. ... ....46 SapPaiis.... ...... ........lle Steel Spiders worth 40, now 29e Granite S_ppous worth 15, now 80 HardwareSpecials di iitupendous Reduction ALEX. RUSSELL d'v't?,te,,ltttrh!t Wall Papers THE BIG STORE CASH " PRODUCE WHILE SALE LAsrs 25e 25e lie Leads in Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Typewriting, Commercial Law, Conn- mercial Correspondence, Plain Business Writing, “Ornamental Writing, and in placing all its graduate. Eula student u tough “per-ete- ly st his own desk. Triat lessons fee one week free. visitors welcome. ll Business Oak-age l the CLOTHING SALE this of February. Anything that is ten in Fun will be sold it you know what. a snap in Furs means. ALL WASH GOODS NOVEL. TUB for this serum on 16c display " 12he. yard to will an epoch! attention chin week. 23 dog Ladies Summer Vect- all sine. and kind. to be dispm'd of this week. Bee, them. Ladies' Whitewear 170 ydl Crownne. nanny 8lc colon. 1m 12te, now.. "l yds tr f,itey for thee:- nn " i our cases. on all: at. 10c yd wide. was tse,' nod Comm Betta, clan stock in wide. It: do Bo- ml bards: worthLGOc. " Good no shed t'f'l1'Xf'e',"gel"tsttf, 29c Blue bed 57 in wide, rained - tin boron and flower, 39c qrorth6attor..... ... Bleached 62 in wide, raised u- tin scroll and flower, 49d worth Tlie, now..... .. 150 td' CHIN Tz, 36 in "u, MT. FOREST TABLE LINEN unbleached. Staple Dry Goods! ”SHONE AND LACES on display this week. FEB. 27. 1908 Furs Itlc i Our 25txXy,",.sy.vo:x GREAT EMBROIDERY I Cornet Cover la ' I . l f ' . . . " R ririihk'iidriisio'; March i, 19 VOL. x le,,',::,.,?.?.?,.!, 't'ih'lh'otatxx: gs LATE; Tite tiiview' ow or QUALITY Iheieviei) t THE ll with i tion lt W ttmeta In nn Great ot A Fest in Ne, ttt pr Ida "

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