West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 5 Mar 1908, p. 4

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J) _: mxmmmmxééxsfimfiméfig; i Taylor & Co., Dromore & i Pil «] Now is the time to get a real live bargain in 3) Fur Coat or a Coat for Spring and Fall. ult IRHRENNDNGNINONpG Ne tormmmizesssssss. 45 ******************* sgpoyp Py 3 ht e ofte ie ol ofi ol lt ie ofi ie oo ol ateohe ie se e 28 uo e o ofe oo 2 TO TIHQ PUSBDIC .m We haye seven left and the slaughâ€" tered price now reads as follows : In Ladies‘ Fur Jackets We‘ve only 3 Men‘s Fur Coats Sole Agents for Progress Brand Clothing To carry over is simply out of the question 3 Men‘s Wombat Coats, your choice for. .. 8. F. MORLOCK Now is vour time to order a suit, Ov ment you are in need of. We woald now for we are convinced we can sui where else, Mr Glass is attending self and as to the making we baye make the coat. Prices away Aaw: We consider it a pleasure to show goods whether you buy or not. Dress Goods, Silks, Waistings, Vestings, Chambras, Muslins, Ginghams, Dress Duck Suitings, Shirtings, FlannelleGtes, Laces, Embroideries, Whitewear, Sateen & Moraine Underskirts, Readyâ€"toâ€"Wear Skirts. We have just opened out a very large stock of New Spring Goods, composed of the very newest weaves and patterns in new s .7/ar1'z.‘y, lew Goods for Opring Wear incea we can ult you better th ony Glass is attending to the cutting himâ€" making we baye a first class man to Prices away downâ€" woald like to measure yOou $20 to 40 . Overcoat or erohant Caitor $20 * any garâ€" ow dfi txd | det servative meeting in Durbam on Friâ€" day. Dan says Gamey bandled his subjects in good style. Say neighâ€" Wor;, did you ever vew savh brwks of Our teacher was off daty for a short time and Miss Catherine Mcâ€" Dougall took charge and got al. ag nicely, with the exception of giviog an hour and a half at recess. Dan MeDougall attended the Conâ€" Coat Mr Maleolm MeKechnie bhas rented his farm to Heaghan and Son. Mack is going to the West. Mr _ Wim Lunney is going to move to Crawfo.d. Our loss in another neighborhood‘s gain. They â€" will find Bill a jolly good fellow. Mr Lunney has been taking the advanâ€" tage of the fur saies in the town of Durham and treated himself to a tur DE Sn ue d on t eeiiny IMee gone to Glenelg near Darham. David Allen drove him out with his fast horse Wm Dezell went to Toronto last week on business and was stormbournd on the return trip. Adam Searlett took a load of his moving down to Peel Township last week and has had considerable troubâ€" le getting back. C mCmentct : Mr and Mirs A H. Burnett hsave been in Dundalk for some weeks st=yâ€" ing with their sonâ€"inâ€"law and dauphâ€" ter, the Noble‘s. Peter MeArthar took a tri to Monnt Foyest last week. Wm Mcfaren who was here seeing about his farm, has gone to (Gilenelg near Darkam. David kIpcc Â¥...1 E: i w s en td last month. _ ‘Times have been v. dall and not much business doing. Mrs Atfield has moved into our > lage and now occupies Castle pine} Our rouds have been with snow tor over half t mail bas been very irroeo _ _Mf Taos, Greenwood and family were the victims of a pleasant surâ€" prise party by a few of the friends and neighbors last Friday night, who gathered to spend & social evering with them before the departure of his son Herb. and daughter Annie for Dakota next month. _ To show tteir esteem and signalize the event, Herb. was presented with a handsome lockâ€" et, and Miss Annic with a set of sil yer tea spoons coupled with hearty good wishes for their future success in nheJ West. Seing present from this neighborho »d To the sorrowing husband and re latives we extend our â€" heartâ€"{el sympathy. "ME Thos. Creandnudrt ced e 2o vp iobbetd PM sccstuidcdiia d and Mrs Jas. Whitmore, South line, (Glenelg. _ The funeral Monday in Toronto was largely atended , Messrs C. Moffat, 8Sr.,C. Moffat, Jr. J. Staples, being present from this neighborho »d. ‘PG the ) SNÂ¥iAmrLmene Jusical, mW VCA Mr Wm. Ritchte, purchased a thorâ€" oughbred mare in Bruce last week for $180. Mr Henry Reid, an English etaiâ€" grant, is visiting Arthar Greenwood. Mr Dan Firth left for Toronto l«st week to take a Buas. College course. Mr and Mrs John Little of Protcn, visited at ber mother‘s, Mrs. Eesor, this week and other friends in this vicinity. It is our sad daty this week to reâ€" port the death of Mrs Robt. Moffat, who passed away Friday lass in Toronto, after a brief illness, the ailâ€" ment being pneamonia on the lunys. Deceased was formerly Miss Elion Staples, daughter of the late George Staples of Edge Hill and was one 0f a family of six, three boys and three girls. IHer brothers are Jas., George and Jno. Staples, all in Glenelg and the two sisters. Mrs Cowie, Alland»le and Mrs Jas. Whitmore, South line, (ilenelg, ‘The AMmarat Wihelsy 109.8 Mr Herb. Greenwood has sold his farm on the 8th con, to John Ellison at a good figure. Mr Greenwood and his sister, Miss Annie intend leayiag for Dakota in March. »22460 on daturday last, I hearthat Miss Christie has class of natural history and as reports go they are pro@ressino We notice the Priceville cor. talkâ€" ing about Proton tha w. Bat I shor 1d think he would be in favor of a Proâ€" ton thaw this year. _ If it came a Glenelg thaw and he did not keep to the hills, the hollows would be so full of water that unless he was a good swimmer he would be drowned. Bornâ€"on February 14th, to Mr aad Mrs Robt. Knox, a daughter. Miss Mary Melellan, who was vigâ€" iting her sister, Mrs Neil McLeod. reâ€" turned on Saturday last. We notice Jim sti road broken to Proton Oar general blacksmith bas a very pleasant smile since he got back to his old boarding house. Mr Willie Watson underwent a very painfal operation on Monday last, the 24th. We are glad to hear he is recovering. Mr Joseph Maxwell, who has been visiting friends here, has returned to the West by the way of Hamilton, where he has some business to conâ€" tract. Miss Katie Campbell, of Toron :0, is visiting her uncle, Mr D. Camp. hal bell. Mr Martin Mot;dv, tro;n wright, Manitoba, is visiting in the park. â€" vdintih s Mdiitatis tated, Bs t rant Ts 1A 30 ling snow. We notice the cor. for the Dundalk Herald has got himself out atter having a couple of months‘ rest. Snow galo'r"'ej every body shovelâ€" Mulock Hopeville Edge Hill. Swinton Park. ° have been blocked up )ver half the time and very irregular for vhe '1'il'ne‘s have been vory _ uuty this week to reâ€" h of Mrs Robt. Moff it, away Friday last in a brief illness, the ailâ€" ii nistory and as far as y are progressing well. n English etaiâ€" ur Greenwood. or ‘Toronto l«st College course. still keeping the ilâ€" got a Parisian Millinery Co Migs Dick, Owing to our ext keep a choice stock of year round and are al suit you in good goods. lot of Veiling in stock. We still have a large stock of trim mmed illinery to sell at special prices. Every hat is of good material, fresh and new, nearly all trimmed the latter part of the season. We have some special bargains in all black hats, some trimmed with black plumes, flowers and good black taffeta ribbon. elt ONTARIO ARCHIVES ToRroNTo Cartâ€" friends @&éfififiififl%‘i&&f&E-:(i%:&?fiifiifié&%fifl'@fi & a *1g+* N ¢ Winter Millinery § afisaaameaas@ammam Pm TeR NWY °0C 20CW Snapes are exâ€" ceptional examples of clever s{:oe designâ€" ing. Examine the ‘ever right‘ carefully and even if 2’0u are not a shoe expert, their points of goodness will be clearly manifest to even your untrained eyes. We do not believe that you will care to look any further after you have seen the ‘Ever l‘g’ight.' For in addition to their stylish arpearancc. they are of undeniâ€" able quality and are priced so moderately that you cannot do nearly as well in any other shoe. Entrick F WihinnP inb sttÂ¥ 24 24 tR C L0 4 31 0t C style is the leading feature of the "BE Right Shoe." _ The new shapes are ceptional examples of clever sfizc desi ing. Examine the ‘ever right‘ carefu and even if you are not a shoe expe their points of‘ goodness will be clea n_nmif{:st to even vour untrained ~s. The ‘Ever Right‘ Shoe ©e 5. NO, 1, GLENELG, 4thâ€"Ben Whitmore, Laura Beaton, 3rd â€"Eliza Jane Edwards, John Meâ€" Keown, Tom McKeown, George Heariâ€" well, Ruth M(‘Gillivruy. 2ndâ€"Silas dwards, Vernon Pennock. Pt 2ndâ€" Neil MacFarlane. _ Sr Pt 2ndâ€"Oscar Pennock and Thos,. Edwards, . eq., Flora MacFarlane and Arthur Penâ€" nock, eq., Edmund Poole, Matt Mcâ€" Keown. Jr Pt 1stâ€"Mary Edwards, C. D. Farqumarsons, Teacher. was accompanied by his brother Anâ€" drew who is seeking better bealth in the Prairie Land. Miss Leeson visited her brother at Varney over the week end. The combination of â€"p ;. . v, years Davye oeen known by their nameâ€"Ball‘s Corners. Miss Minnic Ball of Toronto is makâ€" ing a farewell visit at the old homeâ€" stead at Ball s Corners. Mr. Jas Henderson left on Tuesday tor Lamsden, Sask., after spending several months with his mother. He eo many years haye been know their nameâ€"Ball‘s Corners. |__Mrs. Nichol of Owen Souud is at present a welcome visitor with her mother, Mrs J, Young. Mrs. Fulton and family have the sympathy of the whole community in the death of daughter and sister, Mrs J. Picken on Feb. 22. Although tor some years «Suffering from a lingâ€" ering disease the end came suddeniy the diseuse baving taken a sudden «nd unexpected turn for the worse on Thursday, To the aged mother who was unable to be present eitker durâ€" ing the last illness or at the funeral of her daughter the affliction comes with double force following so closely the death of her father a year ago. Mr Will Mather and sister of Priceâ€" viile, and their cousin, Miss Gowanâ€" luck of Barrie visited their auut, Mrs. Wm. Sharp last Bunday. Our Indian neighbor who with his wife and child have lived in Mr. H. Fritz‘s house at the mill for several months, had a seyere hemorrhage ; t‘rom the lungs last week and a few Mauws afu lc e se 1 [ THE DURHAM REVIEW M February‘s storms did not deter Dame Siork who paid a yisit to the 17th on Thnrsday last and left a bright little boy for Mr and Mrs Thos Young. here. Mr Joe Noble‘s sale went off fairly well. The roads were in a bad state and the crowd small and slow and Mike Kenney small and mighty,â€" deâ€" serves credit for the prices realized. $ Wedding bells will soon be ringing ere. Mr John McQueen attended the sale bere on Tuesday last and sold a Bell Organ. The Bell is the favorite fostrument wherever you go. snow as Dan owns? Wonder what does hq intend to do with them. our extensive trade we Mess o+ *~â€"â€"@ 04 of Millinery all the always prepared to . Always a choice Hampden Se wel) foot comfort and Laura Beaton. irds, John Mcâ€" , George Heariâ€" y. _ 2ndâ€"Silas sver , 4lhâ€"Willie Wallace, Arthor Gada, Milton MceNiece, Mary Backus. Bert Motice. Minme Keller, Lizzie Burne, Rob, Webber, Dinah Thompson, Jas, Wallace. _ 8y 8rdâ€"Thos. Wallace, Arthur Morice, Mytle (,‘ulgwwl. Jas, Marshall. _ Jp 8rdâ€"John Ker Nceila Marshall, Elmer Fee, Grace Mountain, Mary McAlister, Waiter McAlisler, George Webber, Henrietta Keller, 8r 2ndâ€"Leslie Morice, _ Jean Morice, Melville Morice, Harry Caliweli, J1 2ndâ€"Mabal Wallace, Alberi Eserritt, Stacley Mountain, Sr Pt2ndâ€"John Birr, Arthor Mountain. _ Jp P 2nd â€" Andrew Marshail, Maggie Petis, D iw. son Marshali, Katie lgerr, J. Burne, Lizetia Bipr, * Average attendance 28. M; M., AGAam Torstase 0 5th â€"Nathan Grierson. Sr 4thâ€"Jas» Coutts, James Park, Stanley Living. ston. Roy Vickers, _ Jr 4thâ€"Ailan Wise, Douglas Donnelley, _ Blanche Wise. Ruby Alexander. _ S8r 3rdâ€" Evelyn Coatts. Linda Torry, George Reay. _ Jr 3rdâ€"Ethel Derby, Norman McRonald, John Derby, Annic Law. rence, Agnes McLean. Lily Tor v. 8i 2ndâ€"Mary Adlam, Ambrozine Bailey, \Ella Park, Brighain Livingston, Fred. dy Corbect, Evelyn McLean, Mary Mather, George Adlam, Cecil Reay, IJr 2ndâ€"Marietta Park, Bella Park, Annie Reay, Rex Lawrence. __Pt 2nd â€"Willie Mather, Edna Reay. _ Sr lt â€"â€"Mille Adlam, Margaret Jane Adlam, Nellie Murdick, JIr 1stâ€"Susie Adlam, George Henry Torry, Mary Bailey, Velby Reay, Vera Reay. L VC YPP tedead Oe s 219 s S 1 4 Willie Woods. Mary Ker, Alice Grav, Rov Thomsan Eden. _Pt 2ndâ€"How a~d Mea gie Mende, Eva MeMeeken Marshall, _ 8Sp 1stâ€"EImer M« Elsie McLaughlin, Ben Wond Jr ithâ€"Edna Thomson son, Archie Allan, S Meade, Margaret Wonds Agnes Allan, Sam Morrik, Pollock. Myrtle Allan. Ha Andrew Gravy. Jr 3rd ( Barbour, Bridget Winds, Willie Gray, Annie Ker is dA divaak to 4 1 : Those pupils whose names . lowed by an asterisk (*) obtain To per cent On Written avamina e L . n ic on We ie VWY Ritchie. Average attendance 25 a4 020C RHLT , EVA R Sr 3rdâ€"Maggie Ector®, Kate R Willie Ector *, Alix Edge, ] Ritchie, Victor Williams, _ Sr Myrtle Ector, Eliza Williams, N Ritchie, Nona Williams, Edith Cassie Ritchie, Bertha Falkin and '(‘urrie McNally eq., Vincer t Srake s BAE omm ul L Sr lstâ€"Vera Allan, Jennie Davie and Edie McKenzie, eq , Nellie Levine, Tillie Levine, John D. McPhee, Jr Aâ€"Jemina Lawrence and Harold Ramage, eq., Rulrh Catton, Lorne Smith, Violet Snell and Ethel Whitâ€" more, eq., Hazel Hutton. _ Lorne Livingstone, Jr Bâ€"Vernon Watt, Jack MeKechâ€" nie, Armetta Nichol, Ernie McDonald, Clarence McGirp. JIr Câ€"Florabelle Nichol, Irene Whit. } taker, Frankie Burnett. Pt 2nd (B)â€"Inez Redford, Nellie Lenahan, Harper McGirr, Alex Meâ€" Queen, â€" Melyin Greig and Arthur Ramage, eq. Pt2nd (A;â€"Ar(h ur Whitmoze Sadie Ferguson. Irene McPhee, Johr. Dunâ€" ‘an, Gladys Search and John Meâ€" Gowan, eq. Jr 20d (B)-.â€"Zevt; Mc Saunders, Marion Ma Lauder, Doris McAuley Jr 2nd (A)â€"Willie Heslett, Willie Morton, Myi tle Daniel, Minnie Limin, Wilfrid Campbell, y,, "; /C Auby Catton, Pekri"fliit-c:l;é‘ll-: Vyvian Harvey, Jr 3raâ€" Lucy McKelvin, Edna Patâ€" terson, Florence Barclay, Harry Volâ€" let, Georgina Lawson, Sr 2ndâ€"Sadie McDonald, Jennie Kelsey, Annie Russell, Ruby Eatricâ€" ken, Eddie Hutton, Sr 3rdâ€"Ray Fargq Ireland, Ruby Catton Vyvian Harvey, \â€" _ Form 3â€"Jr Teachersâ€"Sadie Ferguâ€" eon, Louise Watson, Katie Clark, Mary Morton, Maggie Weir. _ Jr Mavriculaâ€" tionâ€"Katie Clark, Maggie â€" Weir. Willie Campbell, Effie Hunter, Bessie Weir, Form 2â€"Nellie Hepburn, Winnie Binnie and Willie McCrie, eq., Ella Kinnee, Eva Renton, Sadie Kress. Form 1â€"Vaddie Caldwell, Lizzie Mc()uuii. Arthur Backus, Beth Jamieâ€" son, Ruby Knisley, Feb. 8. 8. No. 2 NO. 1, NoRxaxpy Zina TFhomson, Joe Moarpi. hie Allan, _ Sr. 3rg â€"Earl argaret Woods, Sara Allan, an, Sam Morrisan, Gortrnde Iyrtle Allan. Hazel Dennett, rav. _ Jr 3rd (A)â€"Wilfred Bridget Winds, May Allan, v. Annie Ker. Jp 314 «GJâ€". hmd "hs â€".. _ â€" anl C . NO, 3 BENTINCK " "Stemisk (*) obtain=d ogyer on written examinations,. tee, Grace ‘.Vl_()'unrn. t';i.l.l. _ Waiter McAlisler, [jlenrir'tm Keller. 8r nov Thomson, Willie dâ€"Howaâ€"d Mead~. Mag. Eva MeMeeken, Rnobhbhie ir 1stâ€"Elmer MeM sek en, rhlin. Ben Woods, CLARA ALJOE, Tessher DURHAM. HIGH SCHOOL DEPT. . NO. 3, GLEXNELG, Auvaim Teasirer, 4, Geell Tw-mlvy. ray, Willie Smith, ith, Bobhie Murlitâ€"y. iry Coffield. 14‘ Ray Farg uharson, Helen hi is 2 W 3. School Reports Cliza Williams, Maggie W:'_l,li:n'nn, Edith Edge, EGREMONT & Keor. _ JIr 3i B) Y Ker. Jr Ond Werr, Teacher, McClocklin, Etta Marshall, Willie names are fol. LCOA HFURTY '!_“Mlklhgbam her ASfâ€"â€" Payâ€" /DEERING H ARVESTERS Have you a piano in your Home ? Wtc sath oc & 4 We can give you the best instru. ment and make you the best terms. _ One sold by us in town last week was tested by Prof, lKyold and pronounceJ excel. ent. If not why not one of our Bell‘s ? Anotber Car of Coal distributed last week, and three more expected this week. Place your oâ€"der at onee if you think vou will be short, We have Baskets to f Cuiter seats, at 10 and 20 ets. John McQueen pusich s ‘d COTTU VUppCl Nickle, Cheaper than ever, Don‘t stop to ask your neighbor, lift the lorad yourself with one of our self locking Tackle Blocks. â€"It saves the labor of two or three men We have a Tea Kettle for every person, All sizes and shapes in Tin, Granite, Aluminum and â€" Copper Nickle, UCOhamunar rman wiltk A great variety reduced prices. 25 ct sleigh. Shovels This is the time Shovel. We stiil Just opened out another supply of Cl uss Shears. Every article warâ€" ranted. _ We also have another line tor halt the money. _ A very fine lot gg Barbers‘ Nickfe Plated Shears at 0V Cts. We baye a gcod line Knives and Forks to offer price never before heard of "*nen you want anything in the Hardware line do not forget the store where you can get everything from * A Needle to an Anchor." and Farm HARDWARE! West of Miiiaugh House When you Reliable & Durable Gun‘s Drug Store Highâ€"grade Toilet Soaps are the best Prevent chapping and keep the face and han5| soft and white. for March Winds TOILET Lemoâ€"Hazel Cream Melloline Honey and Almond Cream Cold Creams Camphor Ice to use. We have them Je lime you want a Snow We still have some bargain . Plack Machinery. gcood line of Silver of hand Sleighs at Have you seen our three men NEEDS fit under you at a of / C. McARTHUR Fancy Rubbers and Cardigans, al! wool Blankets and Yarn, Sweaters &c, Allâ€"woo!l twilled Sheeting, 7> inches wide at Soc per yard. See the wonderful value we give in Underwear, Lumberman‘s Rubâ€" bers, Sox and Leggings, Plain and Every Day Bargain Day at McArthur‘s We have opened odt some Nice Dress Goods There‘s nothing spasmodic about our business, ~Lâ€"Stussit Furg | Jackets & Ruffs / are to hand. We se)j â€"tbe best. We never complaint about them Our Big Bar SPASMS ! VWlaeFartane & Co. All lines of Fancy Goods, Paâ€" tent Medicines, Soaps, Rubber Goods, Toilet Articles and Drug Sundries at the closest prices. It contains just the nutrient and nerve tonic qualities you reâ€" quire to help you back to health again. _ Price, 50¢ â€" _ If you want to build up your health and strength and regain your oldâ€"time vigor and energy, try a bottle of our In Flour Very few people have escaped Grippe this winter, . How weak, run down and unfit for work you feel, after an attack of this allâ€"preâ€" valent malady. * Druggists and Booksellers After You‘ve Reen in the Srasp of Srippe Gonic Elixir New Prints We sell Crum‘s We never hear a ‘ Winter N., 6. &J. : Combinatio *@Ladies Ves Ladies Fiza: FELT sHi NEW RUDBD MARCH 5, 19 Our () ICE CaAPs INVA FOUNTA1» Rubber 2 StOCK, a M ru line M DARLING t} DARL] r‘fit;fl:{, :! The pop OFFICIA Pss L] Lad )|

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