West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 5 Mar 1908, p. 5

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V2PP° . 1908 UA ain y* 4J ® E, NG &J. McKechnie L* is ~ FELT SHOES FOR ALL ~eyer wares PAMepemibtempene@remmenmeneprrm es mmaremeprmpnng omm gre grmmemmmenmmeeeine. _ _ 5 ol Caoet ces ons omcone ore oo ncomrery. NEW RUBBERS Combination Suits for Children.................... Ladies Vests at.................... 15, 25, 50 and 75c Ladies® Flannellette Underskirts....75¢ and 1.00 Winter Underwear Our Optician, Chas Infmmmummmmmmmans.... At this season of the year when sickness is gso prevalent, the question of sick room supplies is surely of interest. In this class of goods quality is paramount. _ We have the quality, FOUNTAIN SYRINGES BANDAGES PLAST HOT WATER BaGgs ABSORBENT COTTON is ICE CaPS3 INVALID‘S cup3 ATOMIZ INVALID‘S CUSHIONS3 CHEMICAL THERMOMETERS OIL AND waTEr epaitanea Rubber zoods Ladies‘, Children‘s and Mevw‘s fet and feltâ€" lined Shoes. Mea‘s unshrinkable underwear in every qualâ€" ity and at any price. Also a full line of Ladies‘ and Children‘s Underwear. DARLINGS, Prescription Quality guaranteed to suit the price. It will pay you to call and examine our goods before purchasing elsewhere Bring your prescriptions to specialists and guarantee yo DARLING‘s DRUG The popular Cash ‘Store:) ' This is the mark of a ‘ BLENDED FLOURâ€" the best Bread, Cake and Pastry Flour â€"the best all round flour in the world. Just try it once. Look for this trademark on every bag or barrel you buy. All fine Blended Eloursâ€"milled of Ontario Fall and Manitoba Spring wheatsâ€"have it. TFe a..__ «l {’OCIAT\") "Made in Ontario" BANDAGES PLAS] R Bags ABSORBENT COTTON INVALID‘S cuUp3 ATOM12 1ONS8 _ CHEMICAL THERMoMETERS ) WaTERr SPONGES â€"] Western _ McKechnie 8 to us, We are prescription you absplute accuracy, â€"â€"â€"~% Gom supplies Mm CTT , will be here March 5 Druggists eed STORE ATOMIZERS PLASTERg 8 resourtes of 1‘ Mr McKay the n entered int> a lengthy expositio n of the Montreal River pulp conces sion. He went into detail to show th at the contract en terâ€" ed into by the 1 ate government was better than th at entered into by this government. w hich brought the wddiâ€" tional $300.000. , He elaimed it would baild up Onta® io by develop‘ng the Whdats rvavinhates aeb w 2200200020 2 ___" I bad no particular bri ef for old governments, " he prucee ded. * I believe we should do toâ€"smy the best we can for toâ€"mmorrow andg for the fuâ€" ture. _ It is a true saying: that "a wise man changes his mind often, a fool never."‘ _ Whasever criticism may be justly launcited a ;rainst the old government, I venture to think that when it is judged after the lapne of time, that so far as the administraâ€" tion and legislation is coucerned, it will be found to have beent vrel! ap to mark. (Applause,)} E7 UUIITE EC ETVE ETVA flowed into the treasury tro n the sucâ€" cession duties, the Ccurpo! ‘ation tax, and the tax on brewers anc l distillers â€"all ot which the Conser vative opâ€" posittion had opposed. In addition the government last vear received $1,600 000 from Cobalt min es, as e »m pared to $:7,000 in 1904. _ What Mr McKay wanted to know 1 ras where the monevy had gone to. * It would be strange ind eed ; did not have a good surp lus, ‘ said going on to discuss the : fina ‘l’ie cited the large sums v shich After a kindly reference ‘to vacant chairs, he denied amid lo ad liberal applause that members retir ing from the Legislature were doig § so beâ€" canse of his leadership. Last week the new le ad er opposition made his firs ; tipe leader and his effort has b se generously commented on b oth as being able and jadicious , We are not carping at che br ovian saf l eeesteteres * Conservative party, on the wu ole th &y d have aone good work, work 1 thhat Wa ': |)(>YI ::?&e:ffi]mrned to law reform, bus i k 4 1 »5€ & pflh";m ““p\)“-mf"e m,”" U_l * d"y; 1':‘ |‘Lregreti. ‘ he s«id © that we m»y not oneâ€"figure majorities, but it : ;l,mm I expect a substantial measure this §esâ€" shown that the tree now yiel ding C fsim (tor there is no.sphere in which truit was once a sapling nee uugy cuitiâ€" veforin is more needed. â€" The Speech vation which it duby receive â€"g, Inustm .ahre : Ts itrences Tecass ols Eie w Ne o s ie s t Fioancing in Outamio is at perm an easy matlter ; all the wealth c new land rolling in and the vast # received from suceession dut:cs, §h lation buterly opposed by rhe p a+t power at one time) make i co grp tively easy i0 give incereased gi samnt And as we hear of the glow specialized «ducation at the @ Uollege, are we never to veflect the same pariy now in charge s at one time bitter opposttion toâ€" it posed the appointment of a Mn of Agricuiture, and in other 1 hampered the pioneers in legi® progress while they were l.ying foundations of the suructure. As to the reduced price of wchou bouks from $1.10 for a set of re uders to 49 cts, there appears to have been graft somewbhere, But eyen her e, by far the worst charge against th e late xOyernment, there is thisto be sgaid : the contract for chis low price is â€"only for 18 months, the plates from © winien the books are privted, cost the â€" Whitâ€" ney government nothing, a new set of readers is to be introduced in t »{out a year and it might well be that to _ close out old stock that will be worthl ess in a year, a low price was made. Nor ¢an we believe toat the tr ue ed. ucational interests of the countr ; were neglected under the old admi# aistraâ€" tion. _ As years roll on there is | bound i0 be growth of some kind & ut we question if the average pup.l of 1 oâ€"day is one bit in advance of the samse _ pupii 15 or 20 years ago, theugh his e ducaâ€" tion costs yery much more, While giving every credit to the speakers at the Conservative Conyenâ€" tion the other day for forceful presentâ€" ation of their case from a Conservative standpoint, we think their addresses were notable for their omissions. In dealing with New Outario, that El Dorado from which is flowing millicus to the Provincial exchequer, it should never be forgotten that the Conservaâ€" tives are reaping the bharvest while their predecessors did the unspectacuâ€" | lar ploughing and sowing and pioneer work, without which the reaping would haye been impossible, Are he | Laberal govermpeuis to receive on l') credit for their successful efforts in 'E opening up that splendid lerril?ry in: the face of many difficulties, among | which was the opposition of. the Conâ€"| servative party and even the present | Premier Whitnuey had his sneer at i "*the land of the stuuied poplar. * ;} Mowat, Hardy and Ross bad a nsiun’ that reachea beyond Muskoks, they saw the possibilities of the new lana, they launched the first provincial rai‘.â€" way into the territory and are entitWed to the glory which attaches to dist jyâ€" erers, In spite of Mr Gamey, K.on \Ur MacKay insists that even the J tonâ€" treal river pulp concession contra ct is not more favorable than that cmave by the Liberals. | (Che Burkam Review HON. A. G. MacK AYy. A WORD FOR THE PAST. THURSDAY, MARCH 5. 1908 #e wrorth, 6 : finances. Â¥ :'hich hftd » n the sueâ€" fipeech ; w# coo pipi bP side 3 We he Haliraâ€" bound ul we oâ€"day pupii ducaâ€" ies of relph that rwed + 0pâ€" is Lea vays Alive the uns gis th ‘Aiter the vote of .two years ago, repeated again last yeiw, ‘ he said, ‘I don t = :e any reason to doubt where we Band . We on this Side of the «t the Ho ase balieve the mdocl&.l not the nai nority rale, showld prevel}. | | On abe «ducation question the Opâ€" pusiti @n leader waxed eloquent. kfe ,fl.uy «lenicd the statemment that the OUpposi Uieu had suggested the miniâ€" mums. Ylary clauses. It was only the pensliz K «Clause providing for the good en bercement of.a a bad law tha; the Opp Wsition suggested. Abolition ot the me @«! schools meant abolition uf many «© ‘Mporiunities to the sons and daugbters ‘@" groor parents. The new system is bo; producing as good reâ€" sulis as the olg, ‘ he affirmed. ‘What we need is uo, ° more subjects, but more thorou zihne §s and more accurâ€" acy in the saby ects we have. This would do more to equip the young tor the r aal wor. k of life than any veneer of ‘physics, i themistry or anyâ€" tuing of ¢hiat sort. Ther, M r MzecKap made bis declarâ€" ation on 1 he three & !ths clause referâ€" rlug to th a doubts er ‘Pressed on the governme ‘nt side. l | _ He argued chat law reform could ,.’xm be emoodied in the revision of the statutes ibecause certain parts of the ;) rosulutiun depended on the approval ,1ut the Domiaion and Imperial parliaâ€" y | ments. With the object ot showing ;| that the resolution did not strike at |the root of the evil, be pointea out ‘mhat at present only about une per eeunt of cases went tu the Privy Counâ€" edal ’ e hoped a measure would be i urthcoming later and he advocated i he cuming out of t. es tor county judâ€" g es. â€" More expeditious judginents a1 id reasonebly. cheap costs was, he be lfeved, what the people desired in lii gati r. He was in accord with ma ¢h that was contained in the resoâ€" luti ®i aod thought the grea. majority of ca #es.couid end in Ontario. er | ph ie s cacaiaee R | ‘.'m-fl [ 1e | -)_â€"-_â€"â€" u | C C ' es 2 it i Fesmitm 3 40. n s llre \3- f D | 1 z2 |ESL* j K RC P D & / P -'11--‘â€"" ~] i S n nrmomcomemeammamenmmem, ; e nncan ym 6| tg 4 :‘!’~<‘,- Cl 32 31 /,'f; r ,"H'.\".&“_‘ w U ’}/ “’ +m :__‘-â€"â€"”e um ElA neny Â¥ | 1'..‘ i Us2d __r’} L | i5 Te divencanmic ie +| x1 '_' .. a C 4 4 l . + ‘Lregrei. ‘ he said © that we may not expect a substantial measure this sesâ€" gum dtor there is no sphere in which velorm is more needed. The Speech trom the Throne promises a ‘scheme*‘ and we have the resolution. Lenahan & Mclntosh. The most successful Therâ€" mometer yet invented is used in the ‘Pandora‘ range. _ It registers the exact heat of the oven and can be thoroughly relied on. Is fitted with triple, trianguâ€"â€" lar grates, sectional cast iron linâ€" ings composed of five heavy pieces of cast iron, is a great heat produâ€" cer and consumes very little fue!. The Thermometer The Fire Box Is ventilated, large, fitted with thermometer, lined with sheet steel and is a uniform baker, The Oven Hardware & Furniture TERMS STRICTLY CASH Giving Away Hose This Range has many o her important features! and is well worthy of yu>ur inspection. Call and examine them for ye urself. With every cash purchase of a pair of Boots or Shoes at $2.00 or over, we will give you a pair of nice hoseâ€"Offer good until February 29th. Goods are not marked up for this occasion as we enter all our goods in stock n rarked in plain figures. Call and examine goods and prices. § /e‘ll not urge you to purchase what you don‘t want. CUSTOM WORK AND REPAIRING as usual at The down town She e Store. S STRICTLY CASH. . M " 'th tazen same as Cash,. J A5° C ral FURNACES, STOVES & RANGES 00 acres. Bentinck ‘â€"owner in west. price $2700. . Bu l:‘l;:l worth the moneyâ€"farm for ing. Lots of other proper ty for sale. Mol ney to Lons g?l 1 _ tinds.of busiâ€" ness attend â€" *4 toâ€" buildings, g]fod' T: qt;::e?'hnver t OO acres. Bentinck The Pandora Range ' 200 aerds, Glenel; y¢â€"fine bank bharnâ€" good frame dy\ vellingâ€"other good iimprovements, â€" only $3000. 40 acres Garden L . und, Durham Road Bentinck, $1500 * A ®»aPp. 250 acres on Gare Wraxa Roadâ€"fine Would bea gre at bargain,. _ So are the following : properties at the price ® asked : 100 acres Durh: um Road, Bentinck, Good dwellin, ;. frame bank barn, good soil, C lonvenient location, only $2500. * | â€"What may, fustly becalled "Parâ€" liamentary‘ tom fvolery" took [flwe la st week when ; he Dominion House s».t tor 57 c untinuo us bours, breaking uponly because 3 unday was in the veay. _ The opposit ion in their desire ‘» make c;mp..&o; 1 raterial set their hearts on so mething & hey don‘t ex'pecu to get and so make ? flé)ort.uplty or & spectacalar clisplay of . ght implying ; to the country that somm Sthing dreadâ€" : fal is being withneld. _ Atrthe same time the government ma y, be just a little too contumacious. _ ~These proâ€" tracted gessions shonld be sh OPDed ; it is time worse than wasted and the ma«n or pa rty will get honor Ahat adâ€" vocates anc t chrystallizes into s‘aw an , autonomons hour for quiiting every | gm The , present system is a manâ€" killer. A Dollart for ‘Sune comment is made,‘ he con. cluded, > ‘on the lack of criticism from this siie. â€" Our conception of our duty is rmot to tn ‘iticise everything adverseâ€" 1y, but toâ€" : accept what is guod. I beâ€" lieve the legislation bears distinct impress of | 1 wprovement from the sugâ€" gestions f rou n hon. gentlemen on this side. Th at i ; the poitey we intend to earry on.‘ (Q »utinued applause.) REVIEW This Range is certainly a leader in the line of Stoves and Ranges. Note some of its strong features : § Is stamped from one piece of sheet metal and given three heayy coats of the best enamel. Finishâ€" ed ir pure white, and has a smooth hard surface, which is easily cleansed and perfectly free from taintâ€"no other range is fitted with enameled reservoir. The Reservoir Special construction of the flues forces the heat around the oven twice and directly under evâ€" ery potâ€"holeâ€"makes the ‘Pandora‘ Range a perfect baker and a perâ€" fect cooker at the same time. The Flues L. & ML Tav Aasavret Fifty Cents oadâ€"fine good sdil, TORONTO Collars and Ties Gloves and Hose Hats, Caps, Shoes. and much more we can‘t tell you of this week. IN NEW QUARTERS All our experience at your service. Call and see us. We beg to annouuce to the people of Durham and vicinâ€" ity that we haye opened up in J. C. NICHOL‘S STORE A full line of Fashionable Furnishings for men and boys All the very latest in Filoor Oileloth, 1, 114 and 2 yds wide... . 2e sq yh ‘Table Oilcloth, 45 ins wide....... .. ... 25¢ a yard PURE HONEY in 20¢ jars. Call and see us W. H. BEAN THE BIG 4 Heavy allâ€"wool Blankets 64x84 in....$1 & 4.75 pr Flannellette Blankets, large 11x4 size... .$1 25 pr Bed comforters from........... .1 35 up to $3 each Ladies‘ black sateen Underskirts.1.00 and 1.75 ca Ladies‘ winter Undervests and Drawers... . 25c up Ladies‘ white wool handmade Fascinat rs....... Erarherebtrs se h434 61 +4 + ++ ++ + PODRWIL EL thch See our lines df Dress Goods at...... .2b¢ and 50¢ MEN‘S CARDIGAN JACKETS..$1, 1.25, 1,50 eacd HE SELLS CHEAP. Blankets New! New! New! BON BONS ALWAYS FRESHh After two vyears in business in Durham I thank heartily the manvy farmers and others who havefavored me with their trade and have pleasnre in announc ng that I will in the fature bave havs pleasure in meeting in more commodious quarters, all my old friends and 1 trast many new ones. Promptness and fair dealâ€" ing will continue to be my motto. Yours for business, T We are haviog an upholsterâ€" er the first week in every month. Anyone wishing old gods renoâ€" vated to look good as new should advise usâ€"we will b pleased to attend to it at once, :g‘c.lll for ndeftaking ptly â€" att,nded _ to. Is the thing to think of now KRESS, Has a full line of Curtain Poles, Window Shaaes, Picture Frames Frames to order of all kinds. Gents‘ Furnishings G. H. STINSON John H. Rose Mcelntvre B ock â€"Lambton St Barclay and Bell‘s old stand A. B. McLellan. Holiday Baking door south We have a good supply of fresh Baking always on hand. _ Also a good assortâ€" ment of Candies, Nuts and oranges. CARD OF THANKS Ladies‘ Clothing Oilcloth Model Bakery Calder Block, Durham Undertaker ED KRESS Embalming a Specialty. Picture Framing, Shortest Notice The school is thoroughly equs in ability, in chemical and em a fittings, &c., for full Junior Leaving an ulation work. The following competent staff are in charge : snow RooMsâ€"Next to Awallow‘s Barâ€" Licensed Auctioneer for the Lounty of Grey, uicelised Auctioncer tor the Co, of Grey, . Sale pPowmpliy aitehded to. _ kates _ reasonable Ufders may be lefi &A his lmple meut Ware nz-u. Mchinuon‘s old stand, or at | the KEvi€w Ofhce. ber Shop, <C/* tartin Rresipencr® â€" First house south Lawrence‘s Blacksmith Shop. Intending Students should enter at the begin ning of the terim if possible. _ Board can be ob tajined at reasonable rates, Durham is a health and attractivetown, making it a most ddnb‘ place for residence UNDERT AKER and Funeral Director THO8. ALLAN, 1st Class Certificate, Principal MISS GERTRUDE HODGE, B. A., Honor Graduate of Toronto University,â€"French, latin, Composition, and Literature, MISS DONALDA ucle.ucnna B. A.] Gradâ€" vate of Queen‘s University and First slonal Oertificate, â€"Alnh:. Arithmetie. Hic. JOHN CLARK CG, L. Grant Ofticeâ€"Calder‘s Block, over Post Office W. C, PICKERING D. DS., L DS. HONOR GRADUATE of Toronto University, graduate of Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Rooms Over J & J HUNTER‘S New Store Barrister, Solicitor. Ilou.l;‘y Public, Conveyancer ac. oney to Loan at lowest rates, Mice, Mcelntyre Block over the Stan O dard Bank, Durh un, Ontario, . .. . late Royal College Dental Surgeon Dentistry in 311 its vranches. ART1UR H. JACKSON Barrister, Solicitor in Supreme Court Notary Pubiic Commissioner, () DURHAM, ONT. (Lower Town) HONOR l4‘;RA|DUA"l1‘|: Toronto University Gradâ€" wate nual AsMaca esd qLE Lncensed Auctioneer tor Co, Grey Derims moderate. Arrangements for sales As to dates, «C., musi be made at the Review Ofâ€" llce, Durniin. & . Correspondence wddressed there, or io Ceylon P.U., will be promptly aitended to, Terms on application to Liste wssistane t to Knapp‘s Insurance Agent. Money to Loan Issuer of Marriage Licenses, A genâ€" eral financial business transacted MBlee, 13 Frost 8t Mowber College Pbysic} m-. flce and Mdenon(‘;:r: ."mm “: an ce Cor. â€" o »u., ut soot of Hill, O.d Moodie g‘cu oFFICE HOoURS 421C tionsers. 7. McPHMAIL_.» or to Durham school 9â€"11 a. m ;‘7;‘1-'- P NTETE 'Ur‘l‘“t’ bowardb i ind rl?“: tory and Geography, E‘ye, Ear, Nose & Throat J. F.GRANT D.D.S., L.D.S. Money to Loan, flice. over Gordon‘s Jewelry Store motary Public, Commissioner, ARTHUR GUN #@" Ceyion has a uelephone office, Full line of Catholic Robes and _ black _ and white Telephaone Connection We FEES®: $1 per month in advance. e hn ja mox be CX then m .. s eR H aps for aged pooâ€"pI: D McPHAIL, Ceylon P. 0 V. KAMAGE, Durbam Staff and Equipment. A. BELL J. P. TELFORD CONYEYANCER. &c. W. F. DUNN P K. BURT Moorfield‘s (London, Rng) and New York) Eye Hospitals. «â€" â€" â€"â€" Owen Sound of .‘ K%

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