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Durham Review (1897), 5 Mar 1908, p. 6

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" D8" " a real man ; mm of n pl , to death. Which Accon at man abould lulu H xL/ ' 'iijipi'ii,i," N LC/vii' Don't Worry, Dear! th t sucrilegious to mu than The burden of the Bible ie to into fellowship. The - message is that the door of that lite ii In Ind love an Mel-win in Y w ant-lily the field be beats the drum. won that hover no" ing, though they gull. " God and Man. h My house Hi TI tls ut II the " igC"i" dktSa-ec, li' 'liiiiiiii, l,, the is always open tor hindering on... What End ii for the pur- pany Salvation rl to bear ht ll y is tha th my we like and be rywhvr tli, li mgr "tie ot " 'll President Eliot told how it happen- "i to be the "Harvard Yard": “Thu origin of the name 'Harvard Yurd.' " he said. "appears in a sketch of 1795 by a sophomore. Jgeph Story. " Justice of the Supreme our! of the I'nized States at the age of 32 and one time professor at the Harvard law school. The sketch was turned in as an exercise by Story. It got ghroad in some marlmttsmhw" there spa} tra m dr Mod. uuntr-iuxtqett dry muttheiitalitiers out of .tlltrtrrftattt, South C.tomw-Reettattlr ”and 1 county im-nl otttiott and "paid dispensary law; mow for mu prohibition following Georgia' vlrlnrl, f'eutuirvaitia-Lt2aak m prlvlle‘e at allowance. 0k1attognt-636 uloonl In tho stale. Part formerly In In!!!“ territory bu Ind pro- hlbmol twomywno "In And constitutional convention “opted almllu provision to ID- nlv to out!" “at. " no d.ciared by popular vote our 309$. “a In. - (HAHN. of 1,367 townshIps. 1,140 are dry, 60 oer cent. at the mttnleipalitles dry and 3mm!) pooch “In; In dry MsIdenco dhe trits' In wet emu. County prohibition u- aured wroblbly " an union. ore-Frei" dry countle- Ind IN dry mnIchIItIu In other counuel. \‘1-v'lmlnv mm unm‘ sliced by Triessee--4ga1oettts excluded trom all but rim-e municipalities in the "Ma; Mate pm nihninn predicted in three ”an. Teras-No third: of the state dry by ocat option: “no prohibition ”with an- North CBrttllntb--For saloon; clap-In for '1ttuith""uo'" with tho Governor leading th" mt. Now Hnmttsltire-Noatutau, prohibition, modified by local unclment. Trend ll to- wnrdu ttrohtttitiotr, " per cent. of population m dry terrltory. New Juicy-Loci] option law. New YoNr--'romt and town-Mp opt“; too dre town-I. sutah--LMt.rtqq. Wtatortt-Dry uvo twenty-(our munleipal- was. entire state And - county in It». how mum-Hy Inns! license; Mata pro- ubixion enacted thorny. vlrttttti--Mt-tt dry unitary. Wm: vlr_--Thirtr dry count]. out of 1hr five; Governor publicly oppose: liquor Misa-mi-pour (-oumlu dry. Sunday closing rhtidir entered by Govt Folk. Mont-Li-: N.ttmi-Nillaig. amt city option; dry Ind ‘0'. 'OVHC. Nevada--uettmw with lime restriction. No cit-neg " vote oa_quettioy of srrolttMtIoa. Mietsuput--County option, with 1 Mr dry cumulus. It county voto- wet It "vol-nu dry vole In gull mm, A ___ _ Louii--Nvmt-atigtttt' of the m dry. Onion my not In solicited or received in a" territory. Marrinna-'ren out of twenty-three commas dry um nearly dry and two others when honor As sold m only ore place. Maaqaehuatttt-Local option by cities and towns. 2.30 bola: dry Ind 100 wet. {an uric! and we“ chromed. "ieirutesrouv-Lt-, with village local op “on: LIN an municipalities. Sunday cloa in: in 0mm lute. Arizona-Lit-. District of Cottsmttu-Ratto of .aloot, to mulntlon reduced more than but during t last {mean you". 1adhana--.rttr.q dry counties; 710 dry lawn-mp. out ot 1,0t6. Halt at tho popu- lnhn in dry lorrnory. . 1onor-8ixtrfivs out of ninety-nine coun- tie, dry; eleven other counues luvs only on. saloon town. Move tor Male prohibl- tion aaaia under way. Kentuly-Ninet-n out of 110 coun- tida dry; only tour countles entirely wet. saloons close on Sunday. How Harvard Yard Was Named II: nodacense to unruly-two hue-use town. LMtlaqmre-Haltiqaest dry towns. Slate no- hconu campaign; vote on Nov. a, IMti. F'iorida--'rhirtr dry common out of thirty- tive. row “loom In the In". Move tor out. Drohlbmon. [ad by Gov. Durward. idaho-Lie-. Sunday luv only pasted illiaoi-Protrably no dry Iowan. Local non law, nanny pus-ed. Two dry u ctgllforttltr--Four dry counuu nod mach dry territory In other counties. Coltgrtuto-Loetn optlon law, 190?. _ Altsbamtr-Malorlty of the counties dry, out ot omen aka. A county option Law has nut been onion. moving tor no rule pro- nlbtuou In an nan two or three was. Arlu---aotr out ot mcnly‘oluu cunn- tlett dry. Much dry territory In “Mr comm... A'm. tollnwlng antenna: of the conditions 'emsrdlutt the state: than: license and local orottittiUou “his in varying negro“. com- mled by temperuco “vacate. u u lol- Where to Go and Where Not to Go for a Drink. War 3nd Button “In. tour it“. "dry" by sauna, sud mun option ttrovaklintr In my one", It I. said that more than humus U. s. nation " under prohibition In". Maine. North puma. Kansas and Georgi: Isru- tltv sum when mummy prohibition tfi. snidwthaf the labor union move. ment in this country stated in 1803 will-n the Atpwrighrl "nysnirtd: The rleart litter' oifiee handled 13,005,. 235 pieces of mail Inst yen. About one half was restored to the mailers. The use of hind grenades are being experimented with in the United Mates "PY, for ryrhling gt {lope range. All snake. are 'shormghted, being un, Ole to nee A distance of more than one quasi: their own _1entrttt., _ _ A -.- I At the close of tile final you 1907 rural delivery wu in operation on 37,728 routes served _try 37,582 curing. - _ The water consumed in London ouch year would till I trench 2,400 miles long aryl, 10 feet deep. _ _ _ -. - The currency 'tuken from misdirected Mums at the dead letter office but year amounted to $67,715.69. TSe é'xpenson of the rural delivery for the current year are estimated It 833,- 793,218. - The cost of London’- water subply to the consumers is represented by 16 mm of ttold: - -- __ _ tit the world's newspapers 68 out of ovary 1,000 are printed in the English language. _ - It is estimated that 10mo deer were killed in Wiseongia during the put new son. The output'o! Russian platinum in de, dining owmg to the discovery of nub-ti. tutu. Employees of Cuban eigar Hetories are en1trtained by gegderg while gt wogk. _ There " over five thousand motor but: in the canal: of Holhnd. Date:- thrive on the Colondo desert. One elephant yields on " "an“ of GO pounds of ivory. The membership of Inbor union in this country is 2.50010). h tMkottv--LarB. notion of tho state the Etude-mi been! option, with 50 dry WET AND DRY. as giving That " Laxative Bromo Oulnlno Always remember the full mo. look In this signature on every box. Met. Electric Show at Brussels. An international exposition is contem- plated, to be held in Brussels, whirli, while it will be of a wry general nature, will be largely devoted to eleetrical mat- ters. A special hall will be devoted to the exhibition of small motors trnd appli- ances made use of in household practice. The exhibition ground will occupy 200 acres adjoining the Bois de Canine. There Is Only Di; Herbert Halt-s. the Norfolk giant who caused a great summon in England I about half a evntury ago. “2"; n momhor (of a wry romurkuhlo family. wh'wh in- ‘olmlml some Woman of extraordinary (iiiii'ii', Hi! father. a farmer was six Fir. six inches high and although his mother was but a paltry six feet it is llaid that she had an ancestor inrthe, "isteonth century who stood four ilk-hes mm- niuht fem. y Of the children of this rouple the four Won-a averaged six Ive-t five inth. and l live daughters but one and onwhalf inch less. Robert, the tallest member of the familv. mm a little over seven and on!- half foot high. and measured sixty-four 1t1'thtq and sixty-two inehes around the :wnist and cheat, wappctivoly. while thr 'tnllmt of the sister-4. who died at 20. [was seven fut two inehme in height and fat proportionate build. Om- rural (me-half cuptul, firm Dunn one pound. Eight lug. or ten medium sized equal one pound. Four heaping tablespoonfuh an equal one euptul. One pint well packed Bott butter one pound. One white of a“ equab one ounce. (he yoke of egg nulls one ouncen Three and one-halt cupful: common] one pound. Ono quurt of sifted Hour equals pa One tublespomttul not: butter equal ounce. _ Two Inacupfuls packed son bun..- Two cupfull nutmeg tlour equal tro_'ytst. - tecarmonml,' __ -."e-_ “V - Tm» "otteespootttuU equal on in tul. 99 Minard's Linimcnt Cures Garget in Cows. hin- lumul. This remarkable '1 eight tVet four int-hos in hoigM a hang with , spun of two feet In her prime Mi,s Swan was but a. few invirey hlnn't at eight feet. and she found an appropriate husband in Capt. Mar. tin Bates, the Kontnvky giant, who was actually two invlrm tulle-r than lu-rwlf. Chang tho ('hinmr :innt who ended his days at Bournemouth not many years ago. was a man of mmrmmu size, stand- ing (Ivor eight but in his soeks hut he used to deNart, that be had a sitar at hnnm in l'himx who could easily look over hin- hmul. This remarkable lady wu night foet four inches in height and had as Lady Muolw'th in Now viii.' fore going to England Mir, made phal tour of the United Staten 15 was. the tallmt person in Nova Scotia. For a time she mu the (-lxipf attraction of b'arnumu great slum’. and during this period twice narrowly esvaped death frmn fire. She had. to. mum hiatrionit‘ ability. nu mu proved when she appeared as Lody Marrlmth in Vow York. and be- fore going to England hlll' made a rium- In 1869 and “(70 Miss Ann. rr. Swan, the Nova 8mm: manta-s. caused con- Cul-ttroll, "turc:iiion, Micc, va'm seemed destined irom tlm r‘rmllu to bo a wnmnn of abnormal tlinuusmiona. for though her fatlwr. a Semish immigrant. was: barely five feet six im-lum high and her mother was half 11 foot shortvr Mill. Mis, Anna reached six feet at the age of 11 and at Ir, was the tallest person in Nova Scotia. For a time she mu the ohivf attraction of Barnlnn's great sltow, and during this Nor was Marian dirtinguished only by her great height; for she had a beau- tifuliy proportioned figure, R distinc- tively pretty fave aml tt mm! umiuhic disposition. This magnifier!" creature had a wry brief teuure of life, for she died at Berlin less than two years later and before she had seen her eighteenth birthday. Atlas-h ot pepper is ingian Mouutaius .aud the "Amazon Prineeris" was for some mouth. the great- est atrncticn in the spectacle of "Babil and Bijou" at the Alhambra Theatre-- a character in whic she wore a. wonder- ful suit of armor and was crowned with a tum-ring headdress, the topmost plume of which was a good ten feet from the stage. "Marian," n This remarkable maiden Wan called, had been born only sixteen years earlier in a village near the Thur. inpian Mountains stud the "Amman her admirers from a Might of tight feet two inches and who was said to be "still growing" 1able of Weights and Measures Men Ind Woman Who Were lore rm Eight Feet in Height. Marie Fusnuuer, I. T yrulese woman, Lowurg to the height of eight feet. But Marie, in spite of her many inches u not the must mulled lady who ever lived. Just 3 quarter of a century ago, says the St. Louis Post Diapuu'h, the world gazed with craned head and open mouth It a still taller giantess who looked down on "It was the resort in those days. eapocielly in the only lorenoon and the late afternoon, of a crowd of young children sent from home to buy hot rolls and fresh bread from the baker', shop which occu‘fied the corner rooms in University "V all. now devoted to offices for the dean of the Lawrence scientific school-From the Boston Herald. ',',ete,te,,r, to diarslgsrd 00qu reg u Mien: And to ind go in some pnc ticea which the faulty viewed a un warranted. quart broken loaf equals one pound. quurt or either equal: {our cupfuls. quart of powdered equal: one pound OII'JCGI. srtltspoorttuls of spice equal one cat- "J... am of sifted Hour equals pound. blcspoonful Bott butter equal: on ~acupfuls packed son butter emu! ml $MInTNE#tetutmmt%tetmtEaqtqtattaeqtqEgtgMr. “Drama aulnlna " MODERN GIANTS. packed stttt butter equal. one-quarter saltlpoon tablmrpoon 25RTAArty ARCHIVES TORONTO r equal butter equal 95$ Ono Braden has a public bathing estab- lishment for dogs. Thius"reneetittg, he began to entertain lavishly. ' "It looks kihd o' mean to come here to spend my money," he said; "but it isn’t. Here's where they consume four-fifths of my proguct," _ _ A 14.0000iorsepower plant operated by tidal energy is to be established on the south bark of the Elbe, near Ouxlmven. Thia is by far the most ambition. pm ject of this character which has ever been contemplated. Electrical energy is to be delivered to the town named for various commercial purposes, but the great” port of the prnduct of thie great power plant it to be tttade use of by tae, tories, which are to be established in the vicinity. Hamburg capital is mostly interested in the scheme. The distiller who had made his for. tune in the inland town had just moved to tht big tity, , From October to Mar, Colds In the most frequent ”use of Headachm LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE remova- muse. K W. Grove on box, 25c. Saridy, with a. sigh, Shortly after". the wedding a friend met the farmer. to whom he offered congratulations, at. the same time " sprung: "It’s a good thing for you, Sandy--' nnrrringe that means a thousand. pounds to you." "Not quite” that, McPherson.” said the farmer, "not quite that." "Why," exclaimed the friend, “I un- derntood there was every penny of I. thousand pounds to you." "i had to pay seventeen shillings and Sixpence for a marriage license," said A prosperous Scott-h farmer. painfully exact in mum-y math-rs, married a. wid- ow [xmwssing in her own right the sum of a thousand pounds. STAR MFG. co.. unovuozuci. i. L, i. iiri." .... . .. ylc‘w u- Jewary to you unmoun- each. When Iold tend III III. $..:o In t we willmnd you the-- Two 801.1060”) tilled IHXGS. We In"! you with the Jewel" and inland it II 'rhrvr-osrmiri. Sunni u- "our mum‘ and adtiress now. Upon thy lips, nor th' onsluving glance Within thy black, resplendent eyes! Triumph shall come.' Who cares if Ute Has carpeted the way with bombs And grown her thistle. at my gtstot Enu, for thee alone doth beast My heart, and if I may not be Thy Faust, be thou my Marguerite. Yet in "n1.v'2rr'rJ'/e'ii't"ie"raiu, Which to": me I can mount the 5k) Reg: I little of the smile that lies atiB"dlu] FREE _ IlWilit lifirgri MI s d FAIrl'lli l 'iggtlB8,;'r,1cppr',t,r, " Here is a love poem by nu lt-q a por- son than King Alfonso .Slil. of Spain. According to the Spanish source from which it was procured. it was composed some years ago, previous to the time when Prinoess Ell-u eoruented to become Mrs. Alfonso. It is printed in Harper's Weekly: Suit-ken by thy disdain urn I. Mereury spilled on a. table or floor is somewhat hard to collect, unless special precautions are taken owing to ita ten- dencey to divide into small globulea, which roll away at the slightest tout. If a wet ring is made round the a illed mercury by the aid of a wash bottle or other similar means, it will be found that the globules of mercury cannot (To-is the ring; the uwrcury can then be collected in a small shovel made from a piece of thin card, or even an ordin. ary envelope. we of new“. mind? Bleeding or Proud. 51m Piles m 6 to " day. or money refund-6‘ PAZO plhTtMEN11'_uyruyPutteod to (fare my Shi1ohGF,'e, Cure :1} Cures {if}? Coughs 25:: and Colds Lt: QUICKLY s'l,,uhu'i' While their mean height is about 29,- 000 feet-the height of Mount Evereab-- they have been measured at an eleva- tion of 49,000 feet, or more than nine miles. They move with great velocity, about 90 miles an hour on the :verage, and in the winter sometimes more than 200 miles tn hour. FILES GUHED IN ll Til " DAYS Their Study Hn’Attncud Many tttr. smon In Recon! Years. The, science of eloudn hu attached many devotee. within the put few yen." and photography but greatly assisted in advancing it. Clouds, like stun, become far more interesting to the ttonowientifie observer of nature when he knows the names attached to them. While the grandest and Lida: impusing form of cloud is the domed and pina. nacled cumulus, which frequently Ac- oomplniea thunder storms, the most beautiful is the ftutthery cirrus. Cirrus cloud. pomtimes exist at enormous sale. ntiou. Run by Tides of the Etbe WHAT CAUSES HEADACHE King Alfonso's Love Poem. Collecting Spilled Mercury. The Crumpled Rose Leaf. Squaring Himself. HIGH FLYING CLOUDS. good thing for you, b'andr-ar that means a thousand. than anything you ever tried. Safe to take,--nothing in it to hurt even a baby. 34 years of success commend Shiloh's Cure-- 25c., toc., 81. an Use Shiloh's Cure for the worst cold, the sharpest cough -try it on aguar- nntee.of your money back if it doesn't actually C U R E quicker lb tho builder: of the highway: that am the ennyon‘a brink. To the men that bind the mm Nat, To the high Ind low. the um the I“. I "In my "e and drink. Bum Gun. In The Canal-n mum. To my engineers. the wlurdl. when word brook no delay: Hearing. the sleep“); glen: lulu, The nt"ie"ll,"e mu. obelstnco nuke. And lo, t a Open Wu! For them no mm; banner: when I bitter tittht 1: van; No cheering thousands in the street Tttir, qllgnu you»! cv_cr_nopt, l‘or than: no cruhin mm 0 lmugged drama. ' w or roll et 'ttrtherrotsrotttte- oc - I: my; requiem-song who; 3‘3, h Leap Your Adm. My don't you propose to him, VI not“? “I don't like to." “Bruce up. Faint heart - won fair trttthtrsatt."--wohittgtott Berald, To the builder; who lave fallen. uh- grave» mark out the line; To the blind who novermore mar BSe, To the mum-d tad ban in their M, In silence drlnk you: vine. The“: the great Endeavour sud th high Emprlae; e deed of For they “(In their tight with and “hand? t . an orc- awn»: and think: Add the fury at mo Ines. ' and: Light blue. pink. gray and leaf gre- are favored. colon. To the banner: of the highways ant an: tho any“! brink. To the men that bind the mud an, To the men that grade and the mu. that ttlast I fill; my sins- and drunk. New Colorod' Calla". The, are linen. They are fetching. They are single fold. And they are not tlapped. They may be amnpunied t bot trill. Miurd’s Liniment Cures Diatempex. While workmen were sawing through a block of Bath Mono at Exeter they cut into a cavity in which wan found I cluster of two or three dozen live bees. The incident occurred at the works of 31mm. Collard & Sons. monumental sculptors. There was not much sign of life in the bees at first, but when air was :ulnsiltrxl they gradually unwind. and after a fcw bouts sevcral of them wore able to fly. txeter Express. FGGii "k"iirnt'iiii""u'i7 st" 336. nor Santa Arrhenius is attracted by the idea that all life han had . common ori- gin, and has spread from the single cource to many worlds. The discovery of the pressure of light has added prob ability to punspermy, which teachea that life germs are conveyed through inter. stellar space. At the railwuy speed of 37 miles an hour, a. body would occupy 150 years in going from the earth to Mars, and 70,000,000 years in travers- ing the distance to the nearest fixed star, but with the pressure of radiation as motive power the journeys might be Fredueed to 20 days and 9,000 years re- spectively. Even these seem long inter. vals for germs and spores to survive the dryness, cold and light. Recent in. vestigations indivate, however, that some gems ere proof against guy cold, that the action of light is oxidation and is ab. 1 sent in a. vacuum that the less of vital. ity in the cold of space would be one thousand million times less rapid than at GO degrees F'.. and that dessiccation would he no greater in millions of years than in one any at GO degrees. Hence it may be that interstellar spare is tra. versed at onormom speed by living germs that develop life on reaching favorable planets. , is wonderfully soothing on account of its Antiseptic, healing ,.'lr',t,.e,',feg; Grateful to the most delicate a in, fragrant and refreshing. It is the best toilet soup u weit as t e best medicinal soap. age. mtie---at druggius or seat on read d mgiughe Chemlsu' Co. of Canada, “4% Aid the final darkne- coma; with Mira Skin Soap. tt euresrsraiinsr, soup irritation and all skin troubles E-‘ologists Unable to Find Case of Spontaneous Generation. Biologists having failed to pro§e my use of spontaneous generation, Profes- it "I Ind been sunning for over two months with u: obstinate cough, u had Ibo my little girl. We tried several remedies common to my drug store without obtaining Iny appamim relief, in fact we were growing worse. I got a bottle of Uoltsfdote Expoctornnt from my druggist and inside of two days the cough wu stopped, and the results .0 pm'umncnt and rapid tint we deI-idud to keep it in our home '?otitittutvlly. ROBERT PALEN. Plug Chewing Tobacco "Biggest and Best” Black Watch Permanent Results Bees in Block of Stone, -rntatrr in" RE c. THE BUILDERS maze the Baby SKIN SOAP ORIGIN OF be tsaxxtip"iuried by a M. 'srrhitT LIFE tages of the :11le of mountain re- I sorta, with "in freedom of the all" from bin-tug and a" mineral aid vege- ' table partieles The patient could be lifted above the depressing fogs so com. mon in the sum mom-um resort; of , Switzerland. The height of ascent can be adjusted to individual needs. and it i is believed that the constant change of I air in "nrrotherapr' must hue very in. I arable effect. Balloonin‘ for Health. The balloon Cure for tuberculosin has been recommended by Christina Beck to the Fifi: Academy of Medicine. The patient would make- daily “cent: and would secure ty? punk-giving ndvan. 2.394 Mus: when. Itch on hunu a Giiati"iG"i" I. a mm by Woman'- Bum-r7 I»... It - an. Sold by frutmutrs. The group of islands to whteh the penal one belongs is where the equator. ial uni south equatorial currnnu divide, and it in “wounded by . trurtttrNr shoot of qtriet 'dNt full of all kinds of [MI vttluattle o"uusercituly.-Ahieaet Trim“ . calves. Tho Mn order-1y and pr " Brazil. It is n m the she-pest run A Brazilian Convict Colony. The pond 'u0ny of the State of Per. mmbucn. Ifmzil is an an “and soo miles off the want. There nre 600 con- victs at [bi-Mum. They arise at 6 a. m. and work till 2 p. m. for the Mate, cul- timthtg cotton of a superrme quality. After 2 u'vlm-k they work for their selves. The Hand is one of the moat ordvrh' and prydurtivo hits of mi! in Brazil. It is a model (minim I'ulony Ind the ciao-pest run of my in the world. Thy mil)? of Wand; to ,rhdeh the Remove. all hard, soft Ind 'eallottmd lumps and blemishes from homo, blood spavin, curbl, splints, ringbone, "rrner, qtifles, Inning sore and "voile: throat, oou'hl, etc. Save $50 by use of an bottle. Wnrrlnted the moat wand-ill Blemish Cure eFPr known. Sold by drag. (iota. 7 . .- .5... w Birmingham to-morrow morning." "Of course it wm." "You are a liar; it won't. col' lt'n addressed to Sheffield '"--rhrehnnee. "Then, may I enquire where I get u penny stamp." "Use your eyes." "Thanks. much obliged." (Uses his eyes. Gets stamp, and returns with letter to enquiry gentleman), "Beg pardon, I think you said that this wag the enquiry counter?" "Yes. What do you want now?" "Oh, I only wanted to enquire it I gust tlt? letter now, will it "ret_to - Jaa-in-otiilcU'iiris is the enquiry counter." 8eene--.A London Post Ofifce. Countryman (going to counter)--'" Wyn}: stamp. please." KILLED BY ZAX-BUK. The most troublesome mud alumna of all scalp trouble in ringworm. Mrs. B. Girdleutone, of loo Ruwdon street, PY"- ford, 0nt., uys "My daughter had nua- worm very bad, so bad that i WM oom- pelled to have her hair cut off. I ob mined a. prepuulinn from the drugglt to paint the sores, but instead of curing. the Ringworm developed into nasty sore- muttering and smelling badly. I um Zun-Buk advertised in the newnpwper Ind irtynedhuely sent. for . box. After 'several applieationn I could see I and improvement, and u I kept up the am. Buk trcuhnmt daily the dink-use WM soon checked. The misty sores-1 were _thoroughly cleaned and healed and Ill trace of Ringivorni banished from the child's scalp in a few weeks utter oom- moncing with Zuni-link. I cannot reoom- l mend Zumlluk too highly." l Zuni-link our“ runs, burns, chapped hands, cold sures, itch, ulcers, eczema.‘ running sores, cutarrh, piles, bad leg!” rheumatism, m-umlgil, sciatica, than.“ and all disoww,, of the skin. 0f Ill drug- gisla and stores. Mk., or postpald upon receipt of price, from LuzrBuk chr.,Jo. route. 6 boxes $25.50. Nino Auntnliniu; - rmitiy ‘ccouds of amok. Gould In Elton-tam . by Proper Firing. According to the beat nuthority, the trailing clouds of block make from mill and factory that hang over so may American eities, dnrkening the armou- phere and befouling the buildings, could be elimilntod it the scientific mound. of constructing ehimueys und staking furnaces that provail in Germany were adopted here. It is not every strapping laborer who can shovel coal that is permitted to stoke a boiler furnace in Germany. The stoker in that. country mutt lulu the theory and practice of eeonomial octop- tific firing, whereby the coal in no die tributod over the grate turn-co u to secure the most perfect combustion. .Tlte use of fuel briquettes for (Lane!- tie purposes in Berlin ulna tend. - to the prevention of smoke. ENGLISH SPAVIN LINIMENT RINGWORM STUBBORN CASE PARLOR MATCHES Silent u _ EDDYS iii] “8mm" n in SCIENCE OF STOKING Spurious Information nine hours ITCH "engu- It shut-ed “Hark!“ exclaimed the Inn. "Per. hapn it h Opportunity knocking, ' 511ng his wife. tt upon in- vestixtthu mm iaettmimd that it Iva-1 'test, some of his I“ thud. town. and cities. would h. wok-L" Netr-Where do poor, deme UI In! It Ina-band div u. mun-and to get at ttet expect to spend their honeymoon? "tr-There won't be my honey-urn. She's A - Sh " A wair, "postage "Here is your dinner," "id next day, u to 9V6 a. N typhoid convdmnt . - tapioms Pudding: “an an a Phasing that even-m eh must be in the m prorort Two Mun Inter I (made heard from the beddnmber. "Nume," bmathad the m " want to do can “at: mum'- Lillncnti in}; "Miss Edith," naked c you. an, “may I uk I“, _ not to all use Mr. Dunnd? Bdith, th "But," laid Ilia . vi gnu - nen, "our nmtuarintaame in to on, :2,“ know. Why should I not all you that!" "Well," said the young man, Phietly became my lime in Duput."s-tttiude"i. phi. Public Ledge. EW'Y'MM In Keeping. "To-tno- you may ttave . to out," pro . the doctor. .omothtutg "Here is your dinner," "id the nun. next day, u to 9V6 a. “I'M typhoid convalescent . would od tapioms width“? “M it. M .1. ttftitt yt. everythiag eh. 3. Q tnttV l., o A -___A A u _ liurd'n Lininnt Cun- Colh, u "l amply - at the thought of m- In; many ulna In M . way. Henry. promise me that - m have won enough for me to buy the hat to m with the dru- you will never null: (and: thou awful -tu. I don't wan my hm to hm I tmmttier."-it but. m ___- -- -'-. _. - -_...... WT dudu " puns. “be" no nttr Munro i won pinyin; card. our " Browu’o hm Mum. You may Ian. " to buy that an. nu VIM" _ Reina-nay tho We. '11. took y, money; an .14. with In 0M . rigid numb; tiItvttritrrtikti-aiiotto"tun and: of Quay to th. {no In of MINARD’S LINIMENT. clog. with the um, hit it ou'w VSomeu'melgOIhldlbldtthoK Quin-y which kid I): up [or We nth tut_leprt a M. of my._ - . . Finding the lump silil (arming in 1nr_t?ytt,ltt1ty_ed My PM Arm'- kSphinx! IT “rat, 1 Bathed truly um: MIN- A D'S LINIMEST, "Id tatorstintr , Minard’l Liniment Oo., United: “Sly? Mnrjorie, go thud 3nd Icy it Don't haiku. I'm not going to hit. you. What Bort of a proposal did you! rich father authorise you to link. to met"-itrolt Free Pull. “FY: Study madr three of everyl th ." tf:,",,,,,, “I don't know t,t', how to uy it, George, but {on ow my father in wealthy 3nd 'rrt his only child.” _ -- - . .,A;__1_._“ 'i,7,'i2'/i"oacus. n mm E-urn-ot. "George. this in leap year." "Wm-m." "And I've enjoyed your "eiety no much.” “En-m." “And I've saved up as of my on.” I "Nobody ever told me that I VII . good dancer,” declared Edward M. GM- Iny, leader of cotillocu. "But Pil _tadt you a compliment I yong Woman dM my ma once. She mid: 'You look mo through that crowd without . collision and without an} um- treading on my skirt.' St. John I p. - -_--"" sAlfAuv AND stall" counuuou Writ Tho J. L. Nichols Co., UuIMJ‘u'om (Pb-.9 mention an. m.) WANTCD We - to on”! O 19' Britt“. IMO!“- gum Men and Woman . . . . an ALY AND __'-'---- - w Asmetr-LarME8 To DO PLAIN AND Hun min; at home, whole or "In time; good per; uork will any dictum; can.“ ttaw, and stamp for mu plnlcuhn. Nation-l “vacuum: Co., Manual. "H 'eyt Per-I‘m. we "win: 'Tf Haw Gambling lemony"... issUE NO. 9, was. Practicing for the came». Her Layla; Frttmtt, Very Good Rum. Fai-is port an. mp "um-tn. AND WOMEN 'r, 1r.thor"iaiTitii'e". l" G. P. WORDRN. we took to f M ot bought " u- w-y. Hoary. 'e won enough Um: the dru- thou "M It to in... Charged DEATH FOR CW. STOE. my be Commuted Comaniauor: " Treason i'orth Fortress Cowardice He ilute. l Sentence " Incap- tell ltttrret "

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