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Durham Review (1897), 5 Mar 1908, p. 7

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ND WON - u, GUAIAITIID s A L A R Y A N D - MEX! I S-ttmes " M 19¢” JEN E) about Ute Inn-II metal mm- c wry. and an" I for t"adr-rvetd y interfere in the an- rrsttltn. Finn ot' tlw sic-go. Stu corny with the,' Peck and his. , 'r't Hurt-whim Inn-lg. I regard den an a direet ' Getterttl Mmirm Story of Port Arthur. The sirgrof Po" Artur '0. m m upectacular mitAe of the recent eonttiet I.n- troto pupuhlr m (nu KIDMMI army. Analogous to Cue of BIB. Wanhist on. Felt. 24.--That the - Imln- oi 1.1'idj .jdiLsLttiid ill-diam: the gum-ml expert belief in military eir. clen here. Tho t and States articles of war prescribe and: au the pushy tor exactly such rowan. Such I nerttemre, however. hu.. never beest carried out in the United Mates. although it In 1-- po-cd in the elm.- of Germ William Hull. who "errendrrrd Drtroit In the war of 1812. General Hull was subsequent, “shined in lion of the unto-co be. ...” of his previouly men": n- Mir min"; tot' mil"; Comm l ummul n" tite g mtrt I!) m 'tmelt' mm ip "it at] Mic-4 that purclmmblo~ Glttndem outside the for uvnn. due to the ignurance and lack of mm“) capacity and martial pnnn-u at General. Mtoesnet and Fork, brought uhunt the iuwntmeut of the fortress gen-Jul munth- can)!" than was neces- may. and utter the investment a denim- ior "Menu-wad glnry moved Stunt-l tn irtterfere in the 1191ch with unfortun- "te rr-mltn. Finally, at the last period at tho siege. Stan-ml usurped my unth- nrity with the.-Utattee of General: Fork and Rain-t. and committed treason n; murreudrring mddenly and promu- 1urel,. I restttrd our defeat at Milk- 'lem m a direet rentilt of this treason," lulu-rah- amd Iro-mmmhle hastening of: tlie murrrmuctr to mu- hi< awn life. and I DRUCE STORY tlt da-fiunrl- of the- dm-isimh' of two sun-r i . tra-ixr. vuum-il. of war. The {rpm-t I - “an r-\trmm-|\ biawell. It breathed the' nun-n! MID-r pc-rwunul "nmity, and whotx, ‘ WOMAN WITNESS HAS BOOKS ON rd that the high nlfin-n of the Port Ar _ DICKENS AND DUKE. Hun gun-mm in tlw darken days of __ i..,, . . ctlr, " ', . z tht.r', . 'r,',',",',,,?."" t ”0 d "ne ttio "I Fictitious Love Letter-Police lake 'l . , I - -.. A A A Genera dirt-mm Tho- basin of the indictment. upon n ink-h Lieut rm: "Minn-n] b'toeswel. "enerul Fuck. who commanded the fourth Hint. Siiwrinn division oi Port trthrar. and Major-General Reins. chirti'taft to General Stuasel, were tried for their liven. was n secret report made by Lirttt-t-G'eetemt Smirnoff nu the defence of Port Arthur. Smirn- ott' um acting mmmmulnnt of the for. ;rru, Sues-n being commander of the Kwurnrttsnt; Pettinntgltt. Smirnoff ute- gurirnlly aim-mu! Mtoeoe1 of cowardice mu, Sues-M being comm-Id" ot. the Kwangtung Penitottgltt. Smirno" ute- gnurirnlly arr-mu! Moo-mo] of mwurdnce and itwapaeity. and finally of the de. lilmrutu- and tr-nable hastening of rlte surrender to mm» his own life, and in defiantl- of the Alm-isions of two sue. c-ive mum-Sh of war. The report “an extremely binned. It breath“ the u numhvr of the younger officer, and Mme-nu who were present. These later 'sent a drawn-h to the Empress styittg that they would humbly bear lowlimun) that Hem-ml mouse] wall the us] of the New of Port Ar- limrr that he had Ilwnyn rummage-d mu! pot he": in the garriuon to the but of'hi, endeavor. and that in muc- of wan- the; wound ' to nerve again undo-r sly-h a hero. They asked the VN\ n ttder Em "" tlse death sentence ot uetstemun-G'en. eral Show»! be commuted to ten - imprimmnrm in tr lottnu, In! 'h'"l he Ge “Nada! from the service. The «New of death was pro- ( Imam-ml upon General Steam! for A)!“ rv-mlrring the fortress before all the: "mum of driller but been exhausted. for failing to eniurve his authority, and I lot' militaro mink-mun. Cemrntttottion trf Santa-emu“ i """toqB' .‘wo-IIOI In dvuth this t'vmtirtg by I " the mitrrrutke of P the Japanese. (Be-"II '""umnmlrd the In!“ nlhi~iun apt Port Artha, n-primamlo-d for {Ilia-i] " hit") "ag not run-h" Charged With M tra he DEATH FOR --- GEN. sroassu May be Comm-ted to Ten Years In l proof " beroie couram‘ of the doleuder‘. ul tinOy that he had taken an Putt tie put). in ttms. campaign.” Din-lun- the rtentettet' was read meas- 0-1 were tnkvn to prevent a demon- ration in avor of (“metal Stu-use] by numhc-r of the younger officer, and (rm-ml 'ii' Jumandant ttertt tbr 0- (h St mjnr. " ke mm! "tormei, we r charges again-l. them Imf. The t'ottrt neon) " sttNt a hero. They asked the prom grsu-imuly to heapeak from Kmperor a full pardon. puhlh- [aural is being organizo-t! the munivipality of M. Petersburg toator of the defender of the fort. tlte Sentence F, run" V Cowardice and 1nettpatritr, direet re,aiit a Nmmwh tteel Imam-nu. whieh Jupauw. Jan Smirnoff: Indictment. I Summit! warmed up his in m follows: "A series of an " """"ure. Feb. 1'A.--ueutenant. Moe-sol was ”damned to G evening by I nilituy court murremksr of Put Arthur to mush-e. Gems] Foch, who led the fourth East Siberian of Port. Arthur, III ordered "led tor I disciplinary olfence an mot mm“ with the am" and “one"! Salim", toting [ant of the fortress, and "nerttl Rein, Chief of Sta" to I With Cowudiu Treasonable ilaate. v-nlm rg. Petr, ti t 09le w” tl trace For Krreaaeinsl Port Arthur, that M" 1593 We sequined on them tor he): of recommended that ot Lieutenant-Gen. s on the pin at General Stm‘ssel had nmintainul l the Minnie“. whin- army ' San Juan. Popio Emmi-1+1. r3431.” Hieu‘rgv Dixon. a (‘Jl‘lK‘HIl‘r on the I Amerivau "ollierAbaremla. killed Walter Wirrclrl. chief officer of the milivr, this afternoon. The rrinw was mm- ‘mitted on board the Veisel. Dixon swung at Winch! with an axe and eotnpletely nevered his head. The nt. tack was made. Jud m Winch! wan walking away from the carpenter's bench, where he had been talking with l Dixon. The ”awn for the murder " to be found in the fact that Dixon had been M in irons recently for disobedi- me. Dunn " owned the mur. der, and asked the WWW)?!“ hill in the ship Hg. Carpepter Crsmraitted Murdzr on Board ' Comer AUrenda. Ah the prophet Fictitious Love Letter-Police Make Some Remarkable Finds in the Apartments of Mary Robinson. «Ill THE JOKE ENDS Ill FRACTURED SKULL. mum-t that was lying near, 'und struck , N'lnmrtz a Maw "pull the Aide of 'lil') nvad. An mun an It was appanmt um Schwartz was badly hurt, Dr. You-l mug mu mllml. and an" exmmmng him ht. hurried Schwartz to the hospi- tal for truntmont. Mivhalski made no effort to get away and mu taken in custody by Special "f. fin-r Nicholas Plesztrwski. WultuNki adrttits dtriking Schwartz and declares he was driven to the art by the. joke». practical upon him con- tinually by Schwartz and nth-r em- plnym's in the tin shop. HN story is that Link morning Sehwatt, and two or tlwee other men kept picking at him in various ways and threatening to rut off “it hn~hy nlm-k hair and moustache, arrl he up that in hid blind fury hol mmrht up a large maul from a heneh l and uimwl a blow at Suhwnnz that "trush him on the head. telling him. I Ill" tin the lwonmin joke I stiull, and Il kiln " i, jail upun DUNKIRX PRACTICAL JOKER DYING IN HOSPITAL. Ilemoti "than-F " of In Ah 1.5,307 sick and wounded men in the city and forts, but apart from the problems caused by their presence Port Arthur minim“ had no mirteultie.q that forced 'surrender. Same of Stoessel’a enemies claimed that he was not even poraonnlly brave. and was seklom seen where fight- ing mu in prom-m. to Ill the official "words. and declared that "no more dirervditahie surrender has been recorded in history." It was really this arsertion in the lending Brit- ish journal that eaused the Russian Hov- t-rnment to go thoroughly into the faetg. It Wan brund that when Port Arthur was surrendered the Jam captured 25,. 000 able-bodied uoldivrs, 528 guns of po" nitiun, 36.598 serviceable rifles, over five million rounds of small arm ammunition. and 200,00o rounds of shell for the big guns. The supplies included 7,000 tons of flour, 524,000 pounds of eanned beef, 33.000 pountln of sugar, and large quan- tities of other Inmlxstuffs. There were or In} an” tite diieaei, rum-her how foot by fo fought moot valnroualy vesting arming of Japan wmhvr o! 1004. Then no} to go throng. ry the um and: of Iiw.- the Jain Hill and Irvgn.n :tmztumxg it. On Dru-mil” 18 the wan tttken, and General the soul of the. awn-mm. the point» 11f vantage 4m lofts and harbor were . garrison was "ill in m u ammu- rurt yum The polio "Them! thr IR Herbert Drums. t, ' irttrodnev4 to tl (hum-v4 Diekens annoying jokes of which one mn- "Ye" of tire Brooks Locomotive Works mid to have been made the butt, t' of the jokers Jol.n Schwartz. "um- home is in Fredonia, is in the ernorktt Hospital wrrth a fractured In”. and his alleged assailant. Strpncn kvllnhki, of Grunt street, is in the "ity il upnn an open charge. awaiting the teortte of tlehwartzU injuries. The alleged assault occurred in the I <hup of the locomotive works, where a men are emiployeu. 3tiehaNki, muting infuriated by the [mirth-m h». Man-:1 upon him by riehwartr. union tl KILLED CHIEF OFFICER annoying jokes t'e of tlre Brooks mid to have be, of the jokers Ke home is in F pl Dink swear that mite ',, mintre,os and rm- sums of mu If the Dulw‘i fi: n perjury Draw raw r Hullaml Drums for perjury that sht‘ mu.) to the Duke of Portland Dickens. was emisloytul by in.» ask-relay and kuew him w aml also In T. C. Drure. of the Baker street human. 'd in the tlow sin-N Police ray. f.----"-- n itnts H" Dru that when they k apartments they f publication" and g the fifth Duke tlrbey and Charles 111 dating years priwner had cum- mm y a ring Ma ry who teslil' h oi th: Rubin ution n FQ'EQJAIL BIRD l ',i(ri,'-'e' HAVANA PRISON MI. m,,iou of “trash in various par:- of .lill'"' tary,' aggréwting _ fifty inch and mum-n. 'i'lti:, i, the greatest murmur (ot' lu‘rurists t'vt'r taken by the police in the mpitul. The majority of them ,"vl"' heavily arnwd, some With bombs, and they made desperate resistance against the police. During the wars.- ,uf the arrests ten policemen were ununded and one was killed. The operations centered around the palace of Grand Duke Nicholas Nieholaieviteh, who, it is surmised, in; the inunediate object of the plot. Late today several hundred geetdarmes drew a cordon around an entire city block lbw“. vicinity M.the Grind Duke's palace, comprising nix hundred . After h" rum-hm! Cuba it was only In mhort time before he wns taken into l unduly on tho "omplaint of employees Inf the firm of Lawton Child and the l Havana Bank. in connection with [suimllt-s Irerpetrattul by a man using Ml:- mune of A. Cleveland Coxe. He )gave his name as George Wilfrid. of I New York. "gt-m. Among his effects 'wvre found at number of blank 'lmtmw of (-rmlit. on which he had ldrnwn in Doevmlter last. in St. John, N. It.. on the Royal Bank. and on the jliank of Montreal, in all about loo pounds. He is will to be wanted by 13hr Pinkerton Ageney, of L'hieago, on V ten charge-d of .wimlling. AN ATTEMPT ON LIFE OP GRAND DUKE NICHOLAS. Desperate Men and Women Arrested at St. Petersburg-Ten Police Wounded and One Killed. Ii parole After serving ten yours of hi1 life so-ntc-nw. Gahun was pardoned on cun- dition that he return to England. Af- ter his release he got as far as Quebec, where he was arrested and wnt to St. Vincent sle Paul Pepiteptiary for ten years for forging the signature of Hon. ll. R. Dubell to a cheque for #150. He nvrrml eight yours in ht. Vincent do Paul and was again t'e- lenwd. Hid liberty was limited to only at ivw mnnths, as in the same year ho was mnvivtud of bogus cheque operating in Kingston, Ont., and sent to the penitrntiury for three years. Acmdinig turn) is II St. PeterUntrg, Feb. p., alt had been planned cos " exalted personage and by the police tu-nig Toronto, Felr. 24.--The above are the outsmnmng features III we Lancer oi ISU- "ard human, mm.» Granasu, an“ ucurge n "trid, anus Kev. newts” t'reuum, sum ., "c “cant. tin-wt sun-e; In LAMbAuu, l mm, and “no la wanted U) the no- uncml ioeyartuveut ut anllhu ous- Luc, tor hugely at Momma. Human Lt, Inc saute mun who was conv‘ueu In mum-Lu away MK m 1552, 01 .tnmw- mg nlriol at Lem; Sieve", {tobac- muist, and dnugunng mm for me. hum: then he has been convicted tum», and has served nearly twenty you in prison. Upon his rename from we mngalun Peniteutituy mat gear, he iuntuuiatel.v started in crime afresh, and he Is now wanted in many cities m L'un- ada and several of the Lantern States. Gulum is now a man of Gl years of "tlde, fire feet seven inches in height, with sallow complexion, grey eyes h,'"')' hair, and he is very bald. Deputy Anor- rrvy-Geutwal Cartwright was advised of Sentenced to nix terms, varying in length from " months to life. Released from Canadian prisons three timea before nuance: were completed. Hardened after serving only " year: of n we sentence in mnguon peniten- uary tor vimol throwing. Served 38 years in prison-more than one-half of his lite-in England and Canada. N0T0R10Us CRIMINAL AGAIN UNDER ARREST. Edward Gahan, Figured in Toronto Vitriol Throwing Case of 'tutr-Wa' Sent to Kingston tot Life, Wu Par- dotted and Then Remand the Career of Crime. TERRORIST PLOT. unliug to the ‘i’nronw police this -m is nut yeteomplete, as Guban as write-need on April iti, 1905, so that n yearm art- not yet complete. It likely that lu, has been rrlvawd an tn-night by MIA-mph; frus MIL The above is the only clue John Sula- bury. aged 32. has to his misisng wife and two children. aged 4 and 5 years. He assertvt that he never mistreated her or gave her any reason to leave her home. Sarnla. Feb. '24.--"Well, John, it Inn been a long time coming. but it has at last PUMP. I hope you will get along all right through the world. Be good to yourself. Please keep away from me: I have trouble enough. Good-bye, John, forever.--Jetmiis." "Although no Aones larger than 6.5 Lamb have yet been found," he con- tinued. "the average size is fairly good. There is a large proportion of white "ones, for the. most part of a high grade in eolor, brillianey and freedom from flaws. Indeed. many are an' fine as ever have been found. Some of Lhe yellow ones also are of execptiunul quality and color. _ _ "It should distinctly be understood by the publie that the occurrence of diamond-1 "our Murfreesboro is an iso- lated one, and that it does not reseur ble 'tt mineral vein or lode in any re. spect. Should any similar igim-onu urn-z” he dismwcrezl elsewhere any as- sertimn pm. forward for them should be received with the greatest caution." "Be Good to Yourself," Wrote Vanished Wife. Stones Found Are of any Good Aver- age Size. va York, Full. 24. -TUt thediamoud field lately discovered in Pike county, Avkutnmam, compares favorably “1H! nun-t. if not all, of those of South Africa, was the assertion of George P. Kuntz. minetarlmgist, at yeuerday's sew- sion of the American Institute of Min. ing Engineers. "Although no stones larger than 6.5 Carats have yet been found," he con- tiuued, "the average size is fairlv good. Government has discovered a Franeoist l plot at the palm-o. and is proseettting Counts Ammo and Tatum-a. and Major Jrse Lnlm, who are alleged to be the lenders. ‘ The Republican“. however. declare that ' they will suppm-t the Government if it i minimum its liln-rnl pnlivy. and official , mum" affirm that tlw Goverutnent will i It~n- all It";le "tpane, to maintain order'. and assum- reaped for the eortstitutiou. I _l.islmn, Fob. 24.-The air is full of ruumrw of plots and counter plots. tiome Weak oi increawd m'volutionary agita- tion sunning tho Republic-am. Many "peak of a revival of "Fruncoism," yet others of a pahtee and barmck pint to oitalrlish a military dictatorship. Uportn u-vu'qmpvrs stated pomtively that the The Air Full of Plots and Counter- plots at Lisbon. ' Suicides When She Hears That Stoeuel Was Condemned. ed, of lien. Fltoegirel'y conviction she went to Mr mum and no more was heard from her. Wlien the escaping [ms vatt,sed the door of Iwr room to be brokvn upon, nine mu found dead. Hartford. ('onn.. Fri». 24.--Hecauue of her rugn-t arm“ the mnviction of Gen. ornl Slum-0| at St. l’oterulmrg. Aim-ii}! Harris killed herself hero yesterday by inhaling illuminating gals. The girl nm a Russian. and had formerly been "ttV ployol in the General Moessel family. Fl" was working here in the home of Jim-pin Silver, and when she was inform. The m-wspaperi to-day l-xprms sym- pathy with lion. )itoerisvl and dt-rlurt- that tlm death smite-not- undoubtedly will be vommuted. They demand aim that. Gen. Kuropatkin. Viceroy Alrxieff and other officers. still more intimately n-spomildc- fur the loss of the war. he phi-mi on trial M. Petersburg, Feb. 24.-The passing of the death sentence yesterday by n court-martial upon LieutAlen. Stoesael is received with little satisfaction in the Russian capital, where it is felt that the trial of Generals Stoeusel, Fock, Reins and Smyrna” has done practically noth- mg toward entablialnng the real respon- .ribility for the fall of the fortress. The culll'l indeed decided the extent of the guilt of Stueusel, and the otherurenerals, but it neglected to judge the. system of which they were the product. It do. dined to admit testimony regarding the preparednetos of the fortress at the be- ginning of the war, the role of the navy in the defence of a marine strorghold. and other underlying factors in the hu. miliation of Russia. his expected that the police will make further efforts to-nlorrow to round up other members of the terror- ists who have been organizing vigor- ously and planning outrages on a large scan le Want Kmpatkin, hGiett and FEEL FOR STOESSEL. A fashionably (its-ed woman was arrested on the street. "She cartied n muff in which was concealed I quin- tity of dynamite, and was escorted by a mun who wore flat under his belt an infernal machine of u. new type.' Both opened fire when the police approached them, wounding three of them. _ Another wmiian who was arrested at the entrance to Ussupoff Park killed a polieemtut during the struggle. Two men were arrested in the Grande Morskuia, one of whom is a notorious Italian Anarchist. While the police were urresting a terrorist on “Jill“ Island he dangerously wounded two of them. oeeupiml apartments. Agents rf the polite searched theae'npnrtmenm {mm up tq botuun. and ’uneartlkd More; of rxplosivcs and fireamp. POOR PORTUGAL DIAMONDS IN ARKANSAS Other Officers Put on Trial. WELL JOHN, PM GONE. RUSSIAN GIRL Work Parade. Philadelphia, Feb. ‘41. marching of nearly 1,01]! foreigners upon the City Hill, where they paid they intended to make demands for work, precipitated a riot in Broad street, in the heart of the city, late to-day, and twenty per- ", "WH- injnrmi Irofore the "pdrioo dispersed jht Ina-chm and arrested "su-steers of them Tlr. Am“) mm A Thousand Foreigners Triad to Hold No- 1 man 'Ji"rirrGiiiGVr"'rii,r irrii,, Work Parade. subject of an address by Dr. Sim nL:I_J-I..L:‘ Iruc u L ----_- ., (2'/,'/C', Frankfort. Significant Vote by 3 Pretsbrterian Con- gregation in Kingston. Kingston, Feb. 24.--Thc Presbytery of Khmntun has, requested each oongregation within its bounds to make It pronounce- ment. on the question of ohurvh union. and send it to the elerk of the pruby- tcry. St. Andrew's. one of the hwy-at rumvovgation_ of the city, held " mot-ting. at which Prineipal "dt',',' and Professors Marshall. Mephail, Cal endar and others mpokv. A vote showed a large Ireruvutage of thus-- present against union. Ruporh' received here" from SI. Pei- Pl'illllrg. Paris and Rome imlicatv that at the same time Britinh diplomacy made representations in “use capitol,, with the object of causing a fresh group- ing of the powers in near eastern " fairs by means of which Great Britain, France, Russia and Italy would be able to impose their will upon the Sultan and thus manoeuvre Austria and Ger- many into a weaker position at Con. stantinople: A - _ Great Britain's ultimate object is be- lieved to be to produce disorder in Turk- ish affairs so that a more permanent settlement may be reached before Rus. sia fully recover' from the effects of her war with Japan. Berlin. Y .. '24.--Tlte I-‘orvign tVfive lure tttke., u mm! view of the flurry mn- nng diplomats of Eurnlw occasioned by the l'nrtc granting permiuiun to Au- tria to 'Mu'vt'.V for a railrmul Mic-min" that “mild makn complete 1hr rail mn- neetion with Ealnnikl, traversing a Pol" tion of Turkish territory: Great Britain Said to be Playing a Double Game. PERFIDIOUS ALBION. Ly H. F. Peart " The lime ahd sulphur wash was the boat "praying mixture for the pest. Sov- (-ntoon pounds of sulphur to twentydive of lime. Many 'lmil too long. and it in HM: :tbsolutety wurthlvu. Um- hour i, enough- sufficit-nt to bring the groan color. The cuddling moth is the munt scrim]: 0:1 tlw apple. If late brooG of this no- torious pest are killed a lot of work has lie-on 'aceomplished for the next spring. titre. A peculiar feature of the San JOSH scale is that no eggs are. iaid. The young broods are born alive; there are four or five of these in a Sena-um, and wherever they settle they lwgin to feed. the set-retion forming over them in the shupe of a scale. It is then the life is gradually sucked out of the tree. The scale spreads generally in n northeastern direction, and can be carried by the wind and by other insects long distances. Mr. Crow said the spread from infected fruit was very slight. There are two general classes of in sects, the coddling moth, caterpillnr. P" tato beetle. and the green beetle; all these varieties devour by piercing. T: " other class is the mosquito and oystel shell "eale, San Jose smile or the green lice on cherries. The biting insects, or the first class, may be poisoned by mini; arsenic, of lead and paris green Solution: also by the. lime and sulphur solution Another good mixture in kerosene and whale oil soap. A most important point, though, is to understand the nature of the disease before beginning to spray. as some of these ingredients will not kill all clns-aes of insects. CONTINUATION OP THE INSTITUTE MEETINGS, AT WINONA. FRUIT MEN’S SHORT COURSE Insect Peat: Dent): With in an Able Paper by Mr. Crow-Other Speakers on Sane Subject. C, AGAINST CHURCH UNION. RIOT IN PHILADELPHIA, P".' nm‘ched from tho foreign TORONTO Officers were elected as follows:-- President, Mr. William Laidlaw, Guelph; First Vim-President, H. J. Gould. Uxbridge; Second Vice-Presi- dent, Dr. Simmons. Frankford; Seo- retary-Trtmsurer, Mr. Alex. McFar- lune. Otterville. Mr. C. C. James. Deputy Minister of Agriculture, gave an Interesting address. rest, and most of 1h~ forc the door of his mumbling to himsel Mr. Wm. Laidlaw, of Guelph, Ree President. h London. Fol). PA.- .l; the alleged murderer turn for the worse last tn] may. and to-dny l. in his nttrrow night “ands seeured with tl Last night the-raged Wife Murderer Yell: and Humble; in His Cell. Samba dyipateh.. About ll "Tlocl, tlrim morning olectrir lovonmtivt-y- NV. 1.3% and L309 were hunt light through lin- tunnel from Sunni" to Port Huron. On arrival there they were attached to u TOO-ton freight train, which mu in wait, ing, and the "tart for Narnia Wats made. The train consisted of nineteen loaded var-1, and was brought from Port Huron to Narnia in less than nine minutes. The dart was made from tho “mt mmmit at 12.28 p. m.. and the lust smmnit. Wits reached at 12.37 p. In. H. H. Itushbridge. of the Westin; house Electrvinl Company of Pittsburg. who urn- inntnlling th" t'lv'l‘ll'iuli "quip ment for the tunnel. wa.. the v-nginu-c-r. while Terminal Suprrint: ndrn! Jones did the opt-ruling. The last proved quin- at ) idaetory. allhough it will he mm.- time ye' ll'fler th, elevtrival vrplipmrul "% be pul into [wrnmlwnt u-v. , Satisfactory Test of the Electrical Sys- tem " Sarnia. London. 1.1.3:. 24., 'i'1m, .Rurzzm‘. \.'..‘i- ' Aii.i. i... -. ., “l ',; _ i: his. _", '3" cial opt-Hing of the London "ociat was-on, i prortsiug. It mu living" ”up. L-l...| which was postponed a fortnight ago on i i" If“; 3,000 ft 0,000 um: um ”it t... t . .. t mn- l’llt' non war 's. a‘ccount o. the 1'1tet,1t.ltt' of King Fiu- hundl'od of tlw m" buiisuuriim (arias and the Crown PM” at Urhms, nailing to-day go lo British tnlumhiu took plncn here to-night. when King FA. under the turn» of the Nuluuiuu ward and Queen Alexandra held calm a xii-my f. ly'"'"""" with the linili-lu Buckingham Palace. Despite the fact. Columbia Government. that the court is in mourning for the ----_----- Portuguese royal family. the stem. to- In“! con!“ M'DY IIDI. night lost none of its unuul 1rrillitutvy, tho . ----... menmerg of the Cabinet. diplonmtiv mm. t Contained Remnant of Three Brothers and other sl.iyttitarit.'s appvnring. in gold- ' prom, braided uniforms. the ladies with hand- ttttawn sl, pm!- TI r tl ti some gowns glittering with junk. A . ' 'm l . '. ". " "j.". " I"I l lt' narrow band of crepe worn on I)", left ',tlh',rt 'it.' whim] t.C,,,ti,: morning. arm WIS the only sign of mourning. Pff,1 Y',?"?',':'" ,'1'"h' I "o/tPs,"'::":?' The Either it in a raw of I', tity or an nth-mm at a " made by New York punk family, a: it wat, only on Monday received a Mm from hi.... A mound telegram a.“ rm soon after as. follow,,-. "We ham bahnod runmim of your mm W and await further instruetiou. you. (Sigrid) Krtwger & Kain dertakvrs, 440 West 58th Arm-l." Mill a. third telegram “my rm early this morning: "t'asket, cm ing, ete., one hundred an! fifty-tiv, 'Hu. "mm-y was mm to Arr, York, to cover the expenw M sending thy remains to Guelph, and l't'llllivrs in New York were wired. Am a result of the lath-r Meir, the following lllermzlgo‘ war. reeeived thin morning: "I am Mill alive and well. and working to-day. An error has been made. (Siam-d) w. D. Jack-um." Either it is a can» of mistaken iden. tity or an attempt at a mind!» hm- hm“ The Young Man in Alive, and the Family Are Either the Victims of 1 Hart- leu Swindle or It is a Cue of lil- tnken Identity. A Guelph despatch: but night Mr. Daniel Jackson received a telegron nignod Rev. John cullaghan, 203 ttroad- woy, New York, stating that his mu William died ymtenlnyv and taking for ilx~tl'lwtin|~. This “as a hirm' to tLe, fautily, tts it mu only on Monday they received a lone] from 115.... lit I" Ram ll mt. DANIEL JACKSON, OF GUELPH, RECEIVES WORD PROM N. Y. nine so vio)enfthet it may to take special I ,m. Some of the man-Imam arm rorulu-h and began firing at the police. and th, mounted officers riding into the vmtrq of the fight used their hymns right and left upon the heads of th. leader., In the ttteV, three polic,cuett were shot and '0ightly wounded and " hymmb-r was struck in the leg hy a any Imi- let Polieemeet ran drivers, and a When soon a reached the we! sued. settlement in the lower seetion of the city, The leaders and a more of otters in Jar like wanted and [up lining a black border. When they reached Broad Ara-t. a few Movka bo. low the-thy Hall, sen-nil \ugmu attempted to Pars through th' line. and three driver. were dragged "rm: their ee.rtts hf: tir- :un.Cn-r- an! 3 's'.-, lumen. SONG DEATH TOLD. HARTWICK "OWLING MAD. all / ete., one Winfred uni iittrtive do] e. Dvpm'it name with Amerivan Ex ‘hi. also t'xpl'vns thumb: Klan‘w'r J Formal Opening of the London Social Season. TRAIN THROUGH TUNNEI COURT AT BUCKINGHAM FAIRS CONVENTION NCYGY refu Lin: to th In te " tin I)“ a few block: tr town! mug/ax through tir. lin TV drugged ti,, ll AAN received We have um- sou William aetiou. from & .me. un- 'tguilt' New Mini! Ha n wit-k "Home! ll c m ha lm “when and ths _ Nut": My right d up law, St. 1 . l. “-th- regi. "iwtr.. i Bee. ery in pu. " at)“ . (Minn! itrter It in ved The board has had plans and "pocifiear tions prepared, and tend": hue been received for an olevett-romnrd school. The building, furnishing and lot will out “5M. and of that cum Mr. John Hmnan In: offered to contribute $15,- " John Human“ Fell tnto Vat Five Feet Education have aikml tlw Tout, toutt- oil to raiw Mum fur tho erection of a new public m-lmol. For yuan: there in“ been an agitation for a new building to replace the innmtuy "tH' no“ in use. and also to remove this public H'luml chines from fhe_high ml. Rich Find in Ourty in 'tttmia-Buried Centuries Ago. mutt. in Pmlolia, “ports the "'iwot. ery in In ancient quarry of a quanlh) at gold cont-jun! in thirteen unk- and estimated tn he worth 37501“). It " “naught tut thin "-ttre was hiddon in this quarry "stttttrie. ago It the time of tito Tartar invuhn. Paris Edna" i Mr. John Penman Fromm 015,000 for New School in Paris, "ttawa (In-npnh-h: There wn~ a [mun-1h sight at the ventral depot this manning Mde by side. in honwly troffittrs. wen' the hodion of three brothers mama] Multan aid. who unm- munlhu an" tttet (II'IHII by f $2,000 IN PRIZES London, Feb. 24.-F. M. Huhlnlllitl re ported gratifying programs on "no prujm-I to establish "Iunbridge Well, in fun ada" at It meeting of "tttporters. Lam; your 169 pvl‘nollu emigrated. He urgw that the Goverttmeut should lucn‘v in tin matter of aupplying the colonie, uitl Britisu etnigranter. Addressing a halal. of umigrunh mainly ngrivulturul I:tU:rrets and Gr un’lo- doturstivseu mulu for "mm Colu mhin Salvu t ion He wax . "orretrtetion work. ' Five hundred at the HMO hnipmnl- tailing lo-dly go to British ('nlulllltiu ttttder the terms at the tt'alotiou Army'. manna-at with the "fin-oh Columbia (iovrrn’ut. General Booth Defends Policy of Salva {ion Army. Chicago, Feb. 24.-The United Mule: Brewery! Association and the [hind Mates Moster.' Arsoviatirrn have united in a common warfare tstot'tttnt prohibition and temperanee movements. They have pledged many thotsatmb of dulluln an a Una lllttumml dollars will he ai. tye amour who prt"vertts the be,, ginnl work on "L'hrintiun Priucip Our Rural Div-trivii. How to Mlkt' n Controlling ”munch-”ID to beat original Work. and “(II for (In laert urlginal uork. to be writh- "The "iirle, An Mum-(lu- "ook." Each writer is inked to give all: " priate original title to " or ber and will be nllowed freedom in the and style of trentmettt of the topic The 'society.desiveh book- of a liml, instructive. popular and on ieal eharaeter. Offered by the Alain Sunday Sella" Union For “an. M1 Ia BEER WAR FOO. Phi THIRTEEN CASES OF GOLD SULPHURIC ACID BATH, 'lt run-n r in l'mluliu huh-”min, Feb. St. A new d Wu minimum-ed yesterday by Evan Sunday mum: l'niun. wn d 5.2000 in prim-<1 for religion itiun no advanced than Ur brought out. were ttons-mtl." ilm-rr f. and "Ott"' weeks my were mhumml, and "ter we: brought to the n:-nlu Sully Club; Move. A GENEROUS OFFER DOUESTICS FOR B. C 1 Army satkfivd r" Ott m and ral Hunt h Julian; will he gin-u to prowl!“ the hut ori. ‘L'hrintiun Principle. in t.. How to Auk.- “a -n; HI pl "titrtt inn > Army wa " unmu-ll 'rt 2t IN" im-r fro" m. for lln A Pew, dollar lit th, [I . rin " ha "r Fight Ut th Ill " an; ‘il r" x it lit

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