West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 12 Mar 1908, p. 4

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.1! A " g-gxxmmmmmmmmmgmyé :1: E ii' Taylor & 00., Dromore if: 'ir:irsqsihiriyqsaroqsiyseastasqsiriysiyeeiytiraiyseygsai'cl crriiFilrsiriFsbsbstrqbaeeitrseegrceeeeiciyseiyciesiyip,- Specials in Groceries iii, fret rum P1181918 "=cCCN-" For the Next Two Weeks is Sole Agents for Progress Brand Clothing S. F. MORLOCK We consider it a pleasure to show goods whether you buy or not. Dress Goods, Silks, Waistings, Vestings, Chambras, Muslins, Ginghams, Dress Duck Suitings, Skirtings, Flannelleftes, Laces, Embroideries, Whitewear, Sateen & Moraine Underskirts, Ready-to-Wear Skirts. Now in wow time to order a suit. Overcoat or any gar- ment you are in need of. We would like to measure you now for we are convinced we can wit you better th any where else. Mr Glass is attending to the cutting him. self and u to the making we haven first class man to make the coat. Prices away down. We have just opened out a very large stock of New Spring Goods, composed of the very newest weaves and patterns in new New Goods for Spring Wear icq, we offer the following i aiturity, '_'-- ----, Worn/hm! Uni/or MI it; Not wishng to udvertise. but to simply drop a hint to the drown, were is I choiae carload of m cattle tor sale within a radius of one mile from thin corner. The trustees ot No 14 prepsred tor the sevete winter by imulllngn new lnrnuce in the school. a thing much needed for the cannon of the children. but for some reason it does not seem to give the Iatiduction that was ex- peeled. We expect the trustees will light tor their rlgnts, for they have money in the bank. Robs. Kamel treated " many friends to a party on Friday night. when they all enviwed themselve- till daylight warned them it was time tor Hume Sues: Home. Mr and Mrs Willie Brown (nee Sadie. MuFadtten)let't tor their home In Sash. We voice the people in wishing them every success through lite, Mrs. McQueen, mother cf Mrs. Malcolm MeUannel of this town, had a. severe attack at infiatnatiun. Glad to hear she is impnoving. Sorry to say Mrs Geo. Haw is not improving asfust as but man y friends would wish Miss Mary Meh'arlane, ot Baneman, is tliettt1eetot'tiadie Clark's " pres- out. Mrs Wm Suckeu, daughter Lilly and Mame. Gordon, at Hampden, are Waning friends around the corner. Mr Saunders, of Proton, is the guest. at Aaron Earnest for few days. John McDonald is laid up with sei. aricu. Hope to see him arouna in his usual good health soon. - Miss May Earnest, who has been in Ilolsteirt for the last three months, is visiting at her parental home. Mr Rublmon Haw is viaidng with his son George at present. Mr Haw was one ot the tirst settlers in this part. Sume 20 years ago he moved to the township at Hope, where he now lives. Meis remarkably smart. fur a man nearing his tour scare years. a h March is here, so are the crows. Old winter will soon have to depart and it will be remembered by man) as a record breaker. Rev Badge faced the storm oi Sun- day, March list. trom Hanover, only to tind about a dozen others at church. Guild has been withdrawn until the weather and the roads are better. Mrs Nichol. olOwen Sound. return- ed to her home utter a week's visit at her brother's, Mr T. Young. Mr Jake 1'Undt gave the young people of the 15m and 16m adauec. on Monday night last. Dr IGston, ot the Board of Health. visucd our school on W duesdng and made an examination of the pn- pilslur itch. Nut a trace of It or ot any other contagious disease was tuund however. So we can all breathe freely again. The trustees of our school have purchased another half acreofluml on the south side of the school from Mr V. Puffer. Mrs Derby is home again alter sev and weeks spam. with her brother-iw law in Beuuuck. Miss Janet Sharp has been on the sick list tor the past Week. but is re- covering. - Since March came in a number of bur neighbors are on the move, the Wm Ball lamily to Varney, Mr l'feG ter to the Bill farm, Mr Andy Fulton n. the Hopl place, which he purchas- ed from Mr Pl‘elfor last fall and Mr Heseh to Chris b‘ritz's farm. Mr Jas. Anderson has been trans- ferred from Toronto to London and before commencing dunes in his new tlank is supplying for a couple of weeks in Chatisworth. Mr Ed McAnnlty is home from the Henderson bush with a nasty out in has foot. Miss Louie Fee visited the McCrae family Sunday. Misses Eva and Pearl Burnett are spending a few days with their cous in, Miss Eva Blythe. Mr and Mrs Ball took up their res- idence with their daughter, M13 Geo. Pollock on Thursday Inst. Miss Gladva Dunn is spending a few days with Varney friends. There was no school on Friday last. owing to tha teacher. Mina Edith Allen, having I severe cold Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Harry Grasby on the arrival at a. son on Thursday the 5th inst. Mr Walter McCrie returned Mon- day to his duty as fireman on tho C. P. R, from Medicine Hat, Mrs C. Gray is very ill with a Grippe, combined with a slight " tack of plenrisy. Her son Charlie with wife and family have been with her the past week prior to their de- parture for Wapella, Sask. Miss Maggie McNiece is under the weather with tonsilitls. Mr Wm Smith is very poorly again, quite unable to use Ins long western trip yet. Mr H. Rogers visited Mr Wm Al Ian. Egremom one. day last week. Mr C. T. Leeson and Miss Hattie Visited Mrs Deane: and family on Wednesday evening. m Brownsville. Hampden Varney. 5NTA§io ARCHIVES TORONTO Some Swell New Shoes for smart {cople are especially worth at. tention. Ve want you to look at them. Then if you don't hate agalr it will be because you are more indi erent to foot. wear qualitft, style and vain; than we think possib e. The 'EverrRight_' shoe is the shoe you want teverytime.' Second to none' is our motto m style and quality Entricken & Sewell .? shoe is what gives it value. You will find every. shoe In our m.ew. stile: and leathers wearing as well as It loo s. The Quality Behind We have secured the services of Miss Oliver as head trimmer. who comes to us highly recommended hav- ing had experience in one of the lead- ing stores in Toronto. We cordially invite you to inspect our goods at any time. We have a large and select dis- play of mourning xnillmeay to choose from, a grand choice of auto veils, all colors ' the latest in face veils. Our arm will be to please 3ou in both style and price. . . . . Parisian Millinery Co. . . Miss Dick. THE DURHAM REVIEW We beg to announce to our many customers that we have returned from Toronto after visiting the different Millinery wholesales. We have Sel- ected a larger stock this season than ever and at present we are busy pre- paring for our own Millinery Openings which will be about the end of March In the meantime we will be prepared to take orders and will be glad to show any of the new models that are now finished, tttriots." Don t torget the. box social to be held in Latona School House on Friday, March 13, (tomorrow eve- ning) A choice, varied,eltsborate programme is receiving the enthusi- astic attentionofthe young people of section and we promise to give the audience the best treat of the season in the hue of entertainment. Violin music by Mr Pat Malone, who is a whole concert in himself, will ’be a special frature oi the, programme. Come one, come all, and be convinced that the dramatic talent equals that oi Irving orsrakespetsre, and hear an ‘xhibition of wit and humor that would Cause Mark Twain to turn red with envy, for in the words of the Immortal Burns we promise tt That the mirth and lun will be last and Spring {a Ji. a: gc,' Millinery The Presbyterian "Jubilee Sou. venir " is at band and an extremely interesting and instructive pamphlet it is. 'Tis impossible to tally ealogize its merits in these columns, bat as a dainty gilt to a friend or as a Valuable acquisition to one'a diary nothing more appropriate or sub- staruial could be desired. la alter years their Value will be greatly enhanced nnd each member and ad- herent of the cungregatiun should pnsaess one of these valuable little treatises, relative to our church's history. Copies can be had trom Kev. N. A. MacDonald or from J, S Smith, M. D., the {nice being only 50e per eopv. Mr R. J, Cor'ett‘s auction sale on Wednesday last was largely attend- ed, as the day was an ideal one. Attetioneer Clark of Durham wielded the hammer and secured good average pritys, the total revenue amounting to almost $1300.00. Mrs Robt. Mills of anetta. Kent Co. arrived in the village on Thurs- day for a fortpieht's visit with her mother, Mr! W. M. Smith, at.the engage. Aftern month's vacation at the old homestead, Mr Geo. Corlett lelt on Thurdav last tor Htttehingson, Kan- sas. where a. lucrative position is awaiting him on his return. We miss the charming personality of Miss Tillie Wade. who leit last week for an extended sojourn with her sister Mrs Ewens ot Lumsden, Miss Alice Ramage. of Durham, spent» 'souplts of pleasant days visit- ing her friend. Miss MacDonald. the popular teacher of Lucas Academy. "Mr Bobt. Ledinzbam a. prominent ttttritsttlttiritst of 'Moose Jaw. Sank“ accompanied by his estimable life armor, left. on Monday last for the eat. May the new home thus formed among the myriad homes of earth, be one where love and con~ tentment and prosperity hold sway. Dornoch. ' ch..ir brown; otitis?, iyiisiiiifilUl'is"v' It: This, he did but the club is very Pmall yet. A Lazy man's club used to exist here every winter, but this yearit has dwindled down very small. The want ofa good tsotntortable pine to meet in is part of the cause. The President " times ot meeting m" alone. sitting in his big arm ehair, waiting in vain for some mummy, no he went to Dnndaik fut-three Weeks and we hear he succeeded in ortttutaing two branches there. On " XE'! here. he had the big arm .1. Ge _..-- A----, L __ Peter hick-urn left here last Satan day fur the North West. We hear at other! to go soon. C Last week's Review told ot the death ot Malcolm Meu'ilh'rray, of Glenelg. He was one ot the tine [elders in this neighborhood Be was a quiet. uuotrengive, honest man and well liked by the people here. His wife died while he lived here, leaving young children. They how: the a) mpathy of the old neiOburr, here. I Mr Charles Dezell. of con. o, has sold his saw-m.“ to Malcolm McTng- gun, Jr. Mr MeThqritart is a push- ing young man and will drive a good bushes: out of it. Mrs John Mekeehnie, ot Little Current. who has been visiting a- mong her friends here, has lefttor her home again. Mr Dan Wade whispered into Er- nie Lt-ak's ear that he heard Dnvid Watson any that Jim Walsh told Fred Shewell that he heard Alex Camp- bell telling Wan Hamburg that H Walsh told Geo. Montgomery that John Past Sald that the ground bags were out. The crown are living in the air; The chipmunks are out bat very rare; The blutr,jav sings on every side; And o'er yuur head the whims glide. The snow is sinking very fast, Audi think we will have Spring " last. A number of our young people in. tend mum: in the Lacuna Box Social on Friday night. We are snrry to state that Hale Miss Glenna Campbell has an attack at pneumonia. bat under Dr Smith's Bklnul care, we hope to hear of her apeedy recovery. Mr Walter Horsburg is busy mov- ing to a farm near Hanover,' Also Mr George Montgomery is moving to Walkertun. They will tcl be much mietred in the burg. Misses Maggie and May Sheweil leit luau week tor the QuLenCin. They will be much missed m the vi- ciqity. Messrs J. and It. Curlett's sale passed ofnaceetssiauy on March 4th. I: being at tine day, eVerthiug look. ed well. ' Miss Ellen Sullivan is at present Hailing her sister, Mrs Jua Walsh. Mr James Walsh as sud " black tram of norsvs. Mr Jas. Vuey, of Uoruoch, being the lucky purchaser. The weather is very fine at pres- em and everything looks as though we will scan have Spring. of our burg. A home in which its members are continually at war with each other is certainly going to go down. It is the some with aneigh- borhood in which neighbors are con tiuually at logerheads. quarreling. and at law-suits with each other, each one trying to keep the other down if possible. Bat the man who is in the right and has justice and public opinion on his side is not going to be put down. Such was the result ot the recent law-suit held in Own Sound by one oi our neighbors and one who lately moved irom the locality. The loser in this case. no doubt, by the decision given by the Judge has to pay all costs. " I'hoa shalt love thy neighbor " thSelf. " This commandment has nut at hate been carried out. with some Mr John Hewizson wim has been visiLing friends around here spent a couple of days in Owen Sound last week. Miss Cassie Smith and Miss Tenn McCormick inuended leaving lust Monday, bat on account of the block ed roads were unable to go. Conservative Convention in town last week. Mr Alex. Fletcher has sold a span oteolta to the McKechuie brother}; at gle'kuck y. Nothing like a-dealing, u . Several other families have been also eifeoted with the Grippe but no seriously dungerone cases, however. have as yet been reported. Mr Wesley Lunney intends leaving lor the West sometime this sprint. Aberdeen has lost a very respected neighbor in the person at Mrs John McArthur. She and her family hav- ing lately moved to their hum in Glenelg. Mrs Alexander Hey ha else Ind to be placed under the Doctor's care. having a severe attack at our ennui visitor the La Grippe. Mr John W. Smith. our postmaster. has been under the Ducwr's care at law His speedy recunry will be looked forward to with pleasure. Mr William Scarf attended the Hopeville Welbeck Aberdeen. o.-.- u. a. s. No. t an. * our. Br 1ttt-irtie Mortem, Q POI Jr 4rh--3ohn fttt W. up Harold MrKo-chuie. ' Willie 70, wiltir Edge. Ethel Veal Atd--iAi. Newell. 85. In Ir nie, Hum." MoArthur. Jr Earl Vo-noiv. tn. Tom Omaha _ 1lyr-armkiii McKechnie. TO. , Bolus Vet-ale. Those receiving on per can. or on written oxauuimulon- hu- nemnlno- “"““ - on 'vritterrTrilk "mm"? DIM-ed LIN-mt B. v JOHN CLARK The qunhties Partner, Wuhan, Sewing Mmtiuen. DEERING Before going to: a long drive buy one of our Foot Warmers. and you will feel as comfortable in your cutter " you would in the house. We try to secure the best of ev- erything. especially in Sharp-edge .ools, and have certainly found it in Razors. Emmine our Garbo Mag- netic Razors. No Honing. No Grinding Always ready. the; cut smooth, clean and comfortable, leav. ing no smarting sensation. H ARVESTERS Have you seen our assortment of Lamps. They are worthy of your at- tention At prices to suit every per- son. We can show a great selection of Silverware, such as ' Butter Dishes. Pickle Jars, Biscuit Jars. Sugar Bowls, Spoon Holders, Water Pitchers, Bread Travs. Crumb Trays and Brushes. Berry Spoons, Pie Kniyes. Fish Knives. Cold Meat Forks, Pearl Handle Knives and Forks and other articles too numerous to mention. Any person in search for Wed- ding presents shouid inspect our stock. HARDWARE! Have you a piano in Your Home ? It not why not one of our Bell': ? We can give you the beat instru. ment and make you the best terms. One sold by us in town last week Watt tested by Prof. |Konold and pronounced excel. cnt. John McQueen Welt of Middaugh House High-grade Toilet Soaps are ihe best Gun’s Drug Store Prevent chapping ar face and hands soft for March Winds and Farm Machinery. TOILET Lento-Hazel Cream Melloline Honey and Almond Cream Cold Creams Camphor Ice Reliable & Durable to use qu-uues Harmon want. Sewing Machines. Chums Honor Rolls. I - -- -.._ ”(It One sold by us in town :1: Watt tested by Prof. and Pronounced excel. Foo All" their": " I. Wm rm“. . Black tulle; NEEDS We have them and keep the uft and white. Illie Wells Vania. Sr . Arttkii. " and- w. tlr Pt 70. Jr "t " or 0'" have the 'he havc‘to scll, but ti/stir/sc," I. , and Stiff Hats cheap. Tim -_' place to buy your hat. Tm- _ k at reduced DFICCS. ,r C. MCARTHUR For BEN“ Feed We have decided to give it some discount on all cash pun on Hats during the next " ask I We (wag-tee It is not Chum F. Good Staple Hats Thcabove caption is not or”: but what follows is cspccmlly on r l We refer toour stock of an cral d, FEDORA AND STIFF HATS men; not those 'fads' which an hionable for a few weeks. and never seen again but A Good Sensible Discourse on a Good Sensible Subject worn at all times by sensible tad more It! now on the " my tt you want the best ar/ I'm good: and " ripiit prices. cone with the knmxv "It Ones and buy from m. 8lleuaartatut d Co. Nice Dress Goods 2uiseggie,i,tstje Furs Jackets & Ruffs All lines of Fancy Goods. lr, tent Medicines, Soaps, Ruhh Goods, Toilet Articles and hm Sundria " the closest priccs. It contains just the nutrnr and nerve tonic qualities you n quire to help you back to huh min. Price, ‘00 "you wait to build up your health and strength and "Guam your old-time vigor and cncrgy. try I bottle dour Very few people have escaped Grime this winter. How ,xcur. run down and unfit for work yor; feel, after ttn attack of this all-pry valent malady. Into hand. We Sell Crum --the beat. We never In iil complaint about them. Our New Prints After tfou've $0912 in Mo Srasp of Sripptt MATTHEWS & LATIMER Big Bargains in Dmggisu nnd Booksellers We have opened out um ‘ "not; - Are Manitoba In Flour Groceries, Fruit mic tltixir [ARCH 12, 1908 q Grant. Royal Co's Encorc and Needs Household 50m n q F 5M ttatt them iiiaa as? Gil lite a men ty-Y in he whom Mel 05112 Burk mm ordi uh: It M P. S. Inspector THY} tU Pt MARCH tr Rubber a DARLIN An Ir DARI

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