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Durham Review (1897), 19 Mar 1908, p. 4

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J\ 4 #\ & | a «locoomonnstagy s , as ET Seamapnmmnaiiasnnnnunnn sns s " Taylor & Co., Dromore &5 & ip ip oi th ip ip o is s o h ts k p Ip k J t p L pPLz Cap ;;_f*****%?****************E TO FIKQ PUESDIC S. F. MORLOCK Now is vour time to order a suit, Overcoat or any garâ€" ment you are in need of. We wouald like to measure you now for we are convinced we can suit you better th ony where else, Mr Glass is attending to the cutting himâ€" self and as to the making we bayea first class man to make the coat. Prices away downâ€" S. F. MORLOCK . .7/ar11f5/, and following days, when we will submit for your inspection a most complete range of the very newest styles for Spring wear, including stylish trimâ€"~ med Pattern Hats, Readyâ€"toâ€" wears and Millinery Novelties. We extend to the Ladies of Durham and vicinity a cordial invitation to visit our Showâ€" rooms Wednesday and Thursday Opring Millinery Opening arch 25 & 26, Verohant Caiter * xt> Another of the early settlers of the Township of Egremont passed away on Sunday to join the great majority in the person of Mr John Cowan. He had been a resident of this township for upwards of fitty years. The funâ€" eral took place on Wednesday afterâ€" noon to the Cochrane cemetery, the service being conducted by Rey. G, A King, B. A.â€"Ezx. A. H. Jackson is an Issuer of Mar riage Licenses, Durham, Ont. A mixâ€"up in a name took place last week. Mr Francis W. Heard, of Toronto was the visitor round Edge Hiil and not Mr Henry Read. Sorry to hear of G. L. Williams, Manitoba losing two of his children within three days of each other. Mr Wm. Noble who has been a year on John Williams place, bas moved to Win. Jno. Ector‘s farm which he bas purchased. Miss Allie Collier is visiting in Toronto this week and expects to remain awhile. « + t Mr Herb. and Miss Annie Green wood, who are leaving this week for N. Dakota, were a short time ago surprised in their home by an invasion of triends bearing kind words aud The gifts. The address below was read by Mr W. J. Ritchie, Supt. of the 8. ash * s £ 06 S. and presentation maude by Mis$ | wii] fing Maggie E Ectorand Viector Williams, | leathers Edge Hill, 28 Feb. 08. + Mr. Herb. and Miss Aunie Greenwood. b‘ Dear Friends:â€"During the past number of i years you have been faithful teachers in our 8, for sn 8., and it was with deep regret that we, your | tentron, fellow workers and pupils, learned some time | Then if : ago of your intention of leaving our DéighbOrâ€" | pecause hood. _ PDuring these years you have been very byte faithful and earnest in your work and ever ready | WCar qu to assistin any uudertaking of the 8. 8. The | think pos regular attendance of your classes, their iuterest | is the sh in your work, testify of efforts on your part t o worthy of the highest commendation. " We trnst | t0o NOne that the influence of your character and teachâ€" * ln{ will i¢ of lasting benefit to us. _ As a slight acknowledgement of our high appreciation of n‘l f'our services. we ask you to mecept these gifts, doz. of silver teaspoons, creamer and sugar shell and gold locket, trusting that they may always call to mind pleunm memories of your association with us in Euge Hill Union 8. 8 In conclusion we trust that you will ever faithfully serve the Master and that his richest blessings may bestowed upon you as you go to other | * fields of usefuluess, Euce k Signed on behalf of the 8 8 Mr Jas. Watt had a woodâ€"bee on Friday. His son Percy intends leayâ€" ing tor the West in the near future The road from the church west, as tar as V. Prefler‘s gate, was ploughâ€" ed on Thursday last, so as to leave the fields which are rapidly becomâ€" iog bare. A photographer from Clifford took photos of the men, who are working in Miller & Seim‘s swamp on Thursâ€" day afternoon. Groups were also photographed at the mill. Mr Ed McAnulty had the misfor tune to cut his foot badly, while working in the swamp last week. Miss Belle Byers left on Wednesâ€" day tor an exterded visit with her sister at Welland. She will visit her brother John in Toronto en route. Mrs Sackett and Miss Lillian visitâ€" ed with frieeds around Brownsville and Boothville lately. Mr Michael Byers traded hors s with Mr H. Fritz last week. Both got the best of the bargain. Mr _ John} Picken spent Thursday with Mrs Fulton, Sr Mr Andy Falton had a bee on Thursday, moving his household etâ€" tects from the old home to the new. Our young Councillor here has travelled around lately. Reports are that he might run for M. P. P. some fine morniug. Mr Thos. Youngspent part of last week}jin bed nursing a,lame back ship. Our townsbip assessor has been making his rounds hers and he said ne will have a good assessment, Mr Adam Scarlett bas been moving last week to Peel Township. Mr Dayid Allen has bee.n baving a :{ip to Markdale and Euphrasia townâ€" at the bhome ot Mr Alf, Redford reâ€" cently. Mr Nilliams is goiug:to New Ontar io to secure a block of land. MrJoseph McArdle was in Mount Forest a few days last week atstendâ€" ing the Orangt Grand Lodge. Mr Jim Heughan, otf the Iio':kv. bas rented Mr Malcolm McEachern‘s farm, and takes possession shortly. A number of y-onng peogle, of this burg, spent a most enjoyable evening Mr Alex McGillvary, of Chatsâ€" worth, accompanied by Master Regâ€" gie and Miss Jessie, Sundayed with his father, Mr John McGillivary. Miss Violet Britton, of Durham, is visiting her friend, Miss Lizzie Mcâ€" Dougall, at present. Miss Jennie Beaton, who has been a guest of Mre Wm Fulton. returned to her home in Bunessan this week. iEinrs P. McArthur is on the sick Mr J. H. Scott is improving some Edge Hill. Hampden Hopeville W. J. Ritomt®, Supt TEXA FiRTH, Saraix Enox, EnGaR RITCRTE, Magore Ecto®, Victor WILLIAMS. Mulock ;‘ M 1;8: â€"I;;Câ€"K',.P.:op;:o; & ' CEEEECEEECEEEEE 13232332333833 Y 1 I ETT "'","‘6'" SHVUC is the shoe you want everytime.* Second to none‘ is our motto in style and quality for smart {wcoplc are especially worth atâ€" tention, We want you to look at them. Then if you don‘t have a pair it will be because you are more indi!?crcnt to footâ€" wear quality, style and value than we think pc:ssihlc. The ‘Everâ€"Right‘ shoe t n en e . 1 1 1 Entricken a shoe is what gives it value. â€" You will find every shoe in our new styles and leathers wearing as well as it looks. The Quality Behind THE DURHAM REVIEW Mrs John Greenwood. Sr., who has been unwell lately, is improving. Mr Wimn G:reenwood carmme home Satuarday from attending the funeral of a cousin, Alex Robson, in Listowel. g00d appetizer, The sterling qualities of Mr Jack and his family will be missed in the community. Their place in League, ehurch and Sunday Schuol will be hard to fill. _ We congratulate the community of Forget, Sask., on the acquisition they are about to make. Onr loss is the.r gain. Little Vinceat Paylor is very ill present. Mrs John Greenwood. Sr., who ! been unwell lately, is improving. SUIVED -W'WJ’ ’ Mr Jack made a tecling and suitâ€" able reply to the address and the program went on. _ There were snung8, instrumental music by Otto Blair and others, fine recitations by several, among which Mr Bailey‘s ranked high, it being aamitted "he exeelled himself â€" Selcctions by the choir interlarded these. Speeches were made by the chairman, W. L. Falkingham, Councillor Edwin Hunt (whose address was really fine) and by the pastor Rev Mr Jami son, who gave one of his enjoyable witty speeches. Nor was the inner man torgotten, there was abundance to eat and a fine social feeling made a NNARHY : Sove cnt ie c 1y 303 °°° COVUH , & DIVIt and Hymn book for each of the two bovs, a silver trauit spoon for Miss Stella, wellâ€"known in Durham, a Jackâ€"knife tor little Sammy. a birthâ€" day book for Jennie and a silver brooch' for little Tootsy. M . L in imie I and following days. We extend to you a cordial inâ€" vitation to be present on that occasion . 100 0 OEPCOCPCICCC ZAOC @HU address was read expresasing warm appreciation ot the neighborly exâ€" periences of the past now soon to be terminated, and breathing the heartâ€" lest good wishes for their future welâ€" fare of the honored guests and their f:lmil.vv Tangible reminders of these sentiâ€" ments were made to eyery member of the tamily. There was first, in general, a fine black Galloway Robe, then for Mr and Mr, Jack, Persian Lamb Caps, one tor each ; a Bibl« and Hymn book for each of the two bovs, a silver truit spoon for Miss Stella, wellâ€"known in Durham, a lunl cb nife hos bruur cce We take pleasure in anâ€" nouncing our fhfteenth semiâ€"annual display of pattern hats and millinery goods on Wed. & Thurs , Wednesday, 11th inst, nearly 250 of the friends and ueighburs ut Mr Thos. Jack and family mesw to give them a united goodâ€"bye, beture leavâ€" ing for their new home in Forget, Bask. The meeting was represeutaâ€" tive of the , Township, and indeed some from beyond its borders were resent to do BOtor to the wellâ€"knâ€"wn K‘m“y_ Al1 the members ot the Jack family were presens. including oid Mr Jack, who, Dnotwithstaudiug Di» 83 years, walkeq to the cbufcn.where the meciing was held, lfl“flording more accommodation for the large asâ€" semblage, than the home would have done. An excellent program was soon got ready, the chair being weil filled by the versatile and genial R. T. Edâ€" wAu:'da. At an Appropriate time an Grand Millinery Opening Millinery Co. MISS DICK, Proprietor ARIO ARCHIVES TOROoNTO Some Swell New Shoes arch 25 & 26 arisian mental music by Otto ‘s, fine recitations by & which Mr Bailey‘s it being aamitted he n‘lf) Selections by the Zion. Mr Wm H. Morrison left Tuaesday morning for Grenfell, Bask., where his sis:er Mrs Irvine lives, thence hbe ;vvill proceed to his homestead farther est. [ Mr J. W. Blythe spent from Tues day until Thursday of last week in Mt. Forest. A load of young people from Darâ€" bam and a few of our Varney ones enjoyed a party at C. T. Leeson‘s Thuarsday night. Miss Edith Alien is quite ill conseâ€" quently there was no school all week. Mr Artbhur McCrac is home from S‘ratford hospital much improved by the operation. Mrs Bogle is also on the sick list at ‘ present. at Two young men were initiated into the Workmen in Priceyille on Monâ€" day night of last week. They were sons of Mr O‘Strander of this village. Mr Robert Vause leaves as delegate to the Graud Lodge held in Toronto this week. , Atufflapdadrondifioats is2 4. " to Priceville with lots ct piteh holes, Monday the 16th snowing and blowing again and we may look for a while of bad or good roads yet betore the 1st April. Crows and snow birds are numerous. to P The Rey ds Berry and Matheson has been holding a series of union C.ltage prayer meetings all winter. Mrs Reily is still keeping poorly. Rpoads ip' bad shape from Durham Ts Wl aeecti4 s 20804 9, ‘ 5 The Sacrament that was to be disâ€" pensed on Sunday 1.st in the Presby . terian Church here was postponed on account of the thaw and bad roads till the first nice Sunday. â€" If roads are in a fair condition it will be dispensed next Sabbath the 22nd inst. Quir Fall wheat has a healthy looking ippearance so far as occasion ciused us to trespass on some fiue looking patches lately. extra shower of snow all over. €0 03 °0 CACCe VHV U VUE town ladies and gevtlemen, Mrs Butters and her son Dr Atkinson as Mrs Butters rented her place to a Mr Hartley and will be leaving this week accompanied by her son the Dr. _ Mrs Butters was long and tavourably known in this town being here vhirtyâ€"five years ago. _ Mrs. Butters was al wavs obliging and her departure will be greatly missed. Both carry with them the good wishes of their many friends in and surroundings of Priceville. The Dr entertained a large number of their friends on Friday night last when an enjoyable time was spent till near wurning. All our business men are getting in s supply of spring and summer goods and a good business is expected during the sprivg and â€" summer months, Miss Jessie McRae is Installed as saleslady in Mr Aldcorn‘s new store. The C. P. R is to be upened this week by a new snow plough whien cust $60,000.00. _ ‘Those nearby will have to be on the lookout for an aÂ¥rra oh.ul.. l w Miss Jessie M saleslady in Mr The C. P. R week by a new ET 100 CCC CCC mHdV way Willie asked him one day as he met the lucky bay owner ; " Whas would ne take for a halt a ton of hay ?‘‘ The reply was "I canna tell ye the noo Wi?lia. but I‘ll tell ye as sune as 1 can beer the price ;" so both the seller and buyer went to the Kirk on Sunday ana as the old chap,who had peuty of hay to sell was, ascustomâ€" ary, enjoy ing a good napduring the service, he turned around snot ing, saving, "do ye heer me Willie, T‘ll gie ye a hatf ton of baigh for twai‘ dollars cash and no less and tak it or leave it." But as we haven‘t any of this class of peopie coming to our Churches in Priceville there is no fear of disturbing our good preacher by yelling out the price of hay. We l?l‘t’sl sorry to be losing one ot our bnura wilse2 l ome 1 We heard a good story of an old Scotchman who had abundance of hay to sell some 25 or 35 years ago when hay was at its highest pitch as at present. ‘This old gentleman lived not 100 miles from our town. _ Anâ€" other good old Scot whose name was Willie asked him one day as he met klis Meatecs 1 > FIH _ March is marching along and a few r week will, we hope, bring us in safeâ€" ty through till we get our feet on solid footing when all living creatnres will be rejoicing . to be again privileged to enjoy the rays of a beautiful April and May sun _ Then all animals depending on the expectâ€" ed growth from the native soil will rejuice tor being the recipients of leeding on pastures green then the bard ery of the scarity of feed will be only a thing of the past but as the old Gaelic saying has it " Thoid a chaora bas a teibheadh Aix an f‘beur ur," or a sheep wiil die waiting on the new grown grass, Hay is a good price solling from fitteen to eighteen dollars and if conâ€" science allows to ask $20 it can be‘ got. The snow is getting soft and Saturâ€" day night‘s rain lessened the depths on the highways which "is badly needed for it is bad going in the conâ€" dition they are in at present. Varney. Priceville dritts sc&uered Durham, Ont Dated this l1ith day of March, I9u8, debtor ass.... ., ,, _ _""° 888¢ts of the debtor amongst the rties entit. “ led thereio, having l'exu.nr:;.nly to the claimse of which notice shall nave been given, and that he will not be liable for the assets or any part thereof so distributed to any person or persons l of whose claim he shall not then havye had notice. f A. N. Mclxtosn, Assignee, Durham, | W. F. Dpox», Bolici't:)r s_on Assignee, th aay oc C CPY a‘yen th«s after the 10th day of April, 1908, the assignee will proceed to distribute the ussets of the debtor nmanel .3 _ THO K itor, with proofs and thereof required by the or before the day of such Creditors are requeated to claims with thke assignee or Em . samen » A meeting of Creditors will be beld At the office otf \W. F, Duon, Bolicitor for the Assignee, in the Town of Dur. hbam, on Friday, the 20. n day of M«rch 1908, at the hour of 2 o‘clock in the atternoon, for the purpose of receiy. 0@ a statementand for the ordenng of the affairs of the estare Kenerallw Notice is hereby given that John Clark, of the Lown ot Durham, in the Uuunty of Grey, carrying on business a» an linplement Ageut, at the said Town ot Durham, has made an asâ€" Signment to A, N. Mclutosn. : f the Town of Durham, Hard ware Merchant under K. 8. U., 1897, Unap. 147, of ali his estate, credits aud effecius for the general benefit of Creditors, In the matter of Juhn Clark, of the Town of Durbham, in the County of Grey, Iinplemeni Agent, lusolvent, Assignee‘s Notice to Creditors We have a kreat assortment of Mitts and Gloves. Lined and unâ€" lined. Have you a Flour Box ? If not se what we have in stock. Enquire about our Bread Boxes No home is complete without one. Buy une of our Wire Dâ€"or Mate, with your name on it, and you will always be satisfied. Just received another shipment of Copper Nickle Tea Kettles _ One to suit every person at the right price. If you wint a Cooking Stove, do not buy until you inspect our * Penn Esther " Range, for coal and wood. Nothing to equal it. Ask your neighâ€" bor about it _A couple of second hand stoves at a bargain, Have you seen our Pneumatic Oil and Gasoline Can. No pump requirâ€" ed, no fanuel, no tap. Â¥nrn the syphon and the Oil runs out. If you intend making M«ple Syrup or Sugar we can supply \ou with a good quality of Sap Pails and Spiles. Have you a piano in your Home? HARDW ARE! We can give you the best instruâ€" ment and make you the best terms. _ One sold by us in town last week was tested by Prof, Konold and pronounceJ excelâ€" lent. John McQueen If not why not one of our Bell‘s ? Gun‘s Drug Store Highâ€"grade Toilet Soaps are the best Prevent chapping and keep the face and hands soft and white. for March Winds TOILET Lemoâ€"Hazel Cream Melloline Honey and Almond Cream Cold Creams Camphor Ice W. Black to use «N. Melutosn. . f the », Hard ware Merchant 1897, Cnap. 147, of aii lu‘nud effecius for the 7 $ . eweee‘h of M iddaugh House _F"2°P085¢ ol recejy. 14 for the ordering e estate generally, juested to file their signee or his solicâ€" s and particulars by the said Acts on W ce L # NEEDS We have them. meeting, B worn at all times by sensible men. We have decided to give a handâ€" some discount on all cash purchases on Hats during the next week or two. We guarantee it is not cheap hats w« have to sell, but firstâ€"class Fedora: and Stiff Hats cheap. This is th: place to buy your hat. Tweed Cap: at reduced prices. Good Staple Hats men ; not those ‘fads‘ which are fasâ€" hionable for a few weeks, and are never seen again but and more are now on the way, If you want the best and newest goods and at right prices, come with the knowâ€" ing ones and buy from us, The above caption is not original but what follows is especially our own We refer to our stock of several dozen FEDORA AND STIFF HATS for A Good Sensible Discourse on a Good Sensible Subject Nice Dress Goods 4248295 Fuprg Jackets & Rufis are to hand. We sell Crum‘s â€"the best. Wenever hear a complaint about them. Our New Prints Big Bargains in VacFartane & Cso. All lines of Fancy Goods, Paâ€" tent Medicines, Soaps, Rubber Goods, Toilet Articles and Drug Sundries at the closest prices. & McARTHUR It contains just the nutrient and nerve tonic qualities you reâ€" quire to help you back to health again. _ Price, 50¢ We have opened out some If you want to build up your health and strength and regain your oldâ€"time vigor and energy, try a bottle of our Very few people have escaped Grippe this winter. . How weak, run down and unfit for work you feel, after an attack of this allâ€"preâ€" valent malady. After You‘ve Been in the Srasp of Srippe Druggists and Booksellers Gonic Elixir MARCH 19, 1908 â€" Grant. OFFICHRL (»~>1 MARCH 19 T ake oft h TA! At whe qua and flave comb BLEXI C'o/a/ Crom in 10c ll'j We also carrv i OO0K 1 "Ssocia €i 0o °CC M DAR Ble DAR Th H

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