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Durham Review (1897), 19 Mar 1908, p. 8

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tp II w k0 2 Ei mm 8b aeres cleared, 7 acres busbh. Well watered. Good Brick House. Frame. Bunk Barn (45x60.) 4 mile from proâ€" posed station on new C. P. i. Line. Uonvenient to School and P. 0. Furâ€" ther particulars apply on the premises. Lots 13 and 14, Con, 3, . D. R. , Clenelg, 15 acres bush, frame barn, well watered. Must be sold. The undersigned offers for sale the house and lot, north of the Central Hotel. Durham. _ House is roomy comfortable and in convenient locality, Can easity be adapted for two famiâ€" lies, â€" Ensy terms of payment to quick purchaser. On Queen St. Durham. _ Splendid location, 7 rooros, well and all conâ€" veniences. _ Apply at Review Office. Possession given 1st March. Farm tor Sale. Lot 27, #8, Con. 1 8. D. k. Glenelg Prices Right. Engines Harrows Ma-nure Sy Land Rollers Saw. & Mas Seed Drills Cultivators Binders Mowers Agency for Massey ~ Harris Farm Machinery ‘The queen of all shoes and prince of all maker‘s confidence in leather and for ladies and gentlemen. We want you to see for yourâ€" self how good they really are. Every pair sold under an absolute In all the years that we ‘ve been sellhing shoes we never remember anything to equal the value we‘re ‘Imperial" Shoes are in a class "IMPERIAL ®" Large Stock of Mouse for Sale. House to Kent + ® W Bargains in Furs We h Overcoats CS CPyormancge Our spring stock has just arrived, which consists of all the i latest styles and shades in fine Readyâ€"toâ€" $6 $20 h wears at prices ranging from........... .. to MB THE PEOPLES STORE Regent and Piccadilly Suits A. H. JAcksox, Durham, Jonx McAn‘ruén. Prop, For Sale. stock o Fresh Groceries Highest Prices for Produceâ€"Cash ROBERT BURNETT Gasoline Engineg Rubber Rings for M.. Hay Loaders Massey Harris Separators Hay Tedders De laval Separators Hay Rakes Organs and Pianos Side Delivery Rakes Three different makes Bug Hay Forks & Slings American & Canadian Coa Manure Spreaders Sebarator & haauwe MLLLL_ which shows Headquarters for Gents‘ Furnishings. in "Imperial".. Shoes Mars. C. Envipors, & olings American & Canadian éoal Oil readers _ Separator & heavy Machine Oil Threshers Sewing Machine Oil . McFadden F We still haye a few Coats and Ruffs _ L UTS left which must go at cost price. We have some special snaps in Men‘s and Laâ€" dies‘ Overcoats which must be cleared, Te e eA apmpepmpueas af Sewing Machine Né;dles H., Delaval, Oxford Separators One yearâ€"old Durham Bult, Choiceâ€" ly bred, with pedigree, Two storey, double, frame house, situated on the west side of Garafraxa St. in upper town, Large lot with stable. _ First class well and cistern, Apply on premises, Axous CAME Ron When sickness comes in sorrow‘s And grief distracts the fevered t Who symunathinas usinh coucs ce When planged in deep and dire disâ€" trees, When anzious cares my heart opprese, Who whispers hope of happiness ? Nobody Who sets for me the easy chair. Spreads out the paper with such care And lays my slippers ready there ? Nobody Returning home at close of day, Who gently chides my long delay, And by my side delights to stay 2 Nobody, We ~carry a fult f:r_\;elof "Imperial" shoes both fer ladies and gentlemen. It looks so much better than ordinary _ shoes, because every detail is finished with infinite care. The makers know what‘s what when it comes to style and quality. 99 "IMPERIAL® SHOES Any lady wanting the very best valug in a popular, medium priced shoe will find the "Imperial" a distinct advance over anything previous attempted in Canada styles." See our North window aym pathizes with UIl Repairs, Cash MORRISON, Rocky Saugeen, A Leap Year Ode. For Sale. For Sale. or Trade. always on hand Buggies fevered brain, my pain ? Nubody train 1 UCOSEETT 'r'-'l"lll', of the worst character, Blang or | curse words never did help to make a man and much less does it belp to ,m.ko a woman respected. As for m ‘crus.de' against the disgusting pracâ€" tice, the home is the place to start it If such a general moyement un the part of parents could be inaugurated, there woul1 be little need of one on the part of editors and religious and moral organizations, ; | Like any other bad babit, an exâ€" | change very properly says profanity grows on a person. Once the habit is formed of using such pbhrases as seem far from anything dike positive blas. phemy, it is most difficut to shake the halyt off again, and the atep toâ€" wards us‘ocg stronger and atronger phrases is yery easy, and the chances| ave if the bahit is rot checked it will develop sooner or later into profanitv »pective places of abode, and the Man in the Moon " swiled bevignly and laughed goodâ€"humouredly upon many a merry load and bappy â€" pair, wh were unanimous in declaring that the evening was one long to be rememberea on account or the eleyated and anreâ€" strained mirth, which characterized and predominated every feature of _ the night‘s entertaing,ent. ‘ After thetempting lanches bad been disposed off and the,cravings o the inâ€" ner mun satiated by the shmptucoas del. icacies, the erowd dispersed to their re. »pective places of abode, and the Man in the Moon " swiled bevignly and laughed goodâ€"bumouradiv sinam" ... _ To Mr John Ciark, of Durham, was uceorded the honour of aucticaeering the boxes aud a superb lot they were, numbeving about sixty in all. The box <#. Which assuwed all variety of forms, such as eradies, eight day clocks, nurs ug bottles, inzyerted wigwaums, etc., and all sizes from a bath tyb to a suuff pouch we 0 ‘exceedicgly beau tifa spec.meus of artistic Inndiwork and consequently the vidding was keen, brisk and competâ€" itive, the quotations ranging in price | from 50¢ to $4460, Aand the total proceeds from admwissiva and sale of boxes #Dproxe uating $90.00, which breaks the record by a substantial margio, | * Tenting on the old ca was one ot the hits of the ¢ lighets in the bailding were «ud the little group. each The musi¢ for the male choruses was furnished by Miss McDouald, who proâ€" sided at the organ with grace and efficiâ€" ency. _ One of those selections. * Boys wilt be Boys " is an exceptionally â€"fine piece of music and was rendered in a mauner that elicited hrearty approval trom the audience, The tablean seene. ol leading theatrical companies. A conspicuous feature ot the evening‘s enteriainmeni was the muac by Mr Pas Maulone, who proyed himselt the genins ot the violn, by enraptauricgy the aundiâ€" ence with several selections, which for melody aurd classical style, were wortny the bigher artists, _ The instrumental must¢ . furnished by Messrs Draves, Kepp and Nubn was volupnously | fa nating, exch seiecion being â€"recerves with _ entbusiastie app ause. . Mr Wiâ€" aam Locheed‘s mouthâ€"organ â€" selectionâ€" were tull of sweet mwelody and he was neartily enchored. Messrs John Clark, James Dargavel and Hermuno Becker rendered their reâ€" spective solos in good form, Herman‘s grotesque con outfit eiiciting hearty loaghter among the spectators. A pathetie recitation by Mr Samue!l HampdJen, and two humorous ones by Angus MacIntosh and Carrol Hunt addâ€" ed very materially to the evening‘s enâ€" Joyment. Minuie MceMitchel!, of Wiiliamsford, was the subject of much favorabe com. ment, ber sttainments as a musical exâ€" nert being recogmized by ali. She and Miss Legate reudered severel duets with an efficiency and depth of pathos seldom surpa=sed by the prima â€" donuas of leading rheatrical comuanies. But, as previously advertised, the ** bit ‘ of the evening wa~ the rendering of the dialogue, * From Puukin Ridge." In acting the extremely huwmorous draâ€" ma. the various participants exhibited talent, whose high siandard of excel lence was worthy ot prominent playâ€" wrighis, and the bhilariouns laughter dur Dg its progress, and the prolonged Ap vlause which followed upon its concluâ€" sion, showed that it = brought «own the house. " _ The dialogue * A Precurious Predicament, " was a Inughatie farce, ceverly acted and loudly applanded. The harmony which clharacterise~ the accompaniments esecuted by Mlnu‘ Minnie â€" MeMitcheliâ€" of â€"Witlinkat..4 A natable feature of the evening was the work of the children, who acquitted themseives wich bonor in their choruses, recitations, solos, etc., their clear articâ€" ulation, ease of maunner and elocutionâ€" ary abilities, reflecting great credit on their teacher, Miss MeDonald. whose painsâ€"taking <fforts and untiring euerâ€" «y were no doubt responsible for their being so well trained. ent. The chair was cecenpied by Dr J. L. Smith, of Dornuch, who discharged the duties incumbent to such a position in a manner highly éreditabie to himâ€" self and entirely satisfactory to all pres ant The Box Social held in Latona schoolâ€" house, on Friday evening last, was so brilliant in its nature, that it exceeded our mo«t sanguine anticipations. As it was unanimously conceded on all sides, that from a standpoint of mirth, variety. brilliancy and E:nnoe. it eclipsed anyâ€" thing of its kind ever attempted in this vicinity. As the night was un ideal one, the atmosphere being keen and bracing aud the silver moon illuminating Na tnre with un artistic touch of reaplendâ€" ent glory, the commodicus schoolroom was soon filled to its utmost capncity, by an intelilgent and appreciative audiâ€" ence. the secvion being well repreâ€"ented and outside points sending a large numâ€" her of contingents. reflecting great credit on ir, Miss MeDonald. whose florts and untiring enerâ€" doubt responsible for their Dornoch. id was rendered in a ted hearty approval The tableau scene, old camp ground of the eveniug,. The THE DURHAM REVIEW i Hardware, Grain and Seed Merchant A. S. HUNTER| Highest prices for all kinds of Grain P EnB W ipiehaubiish stt : ro ie vrre ced t l12% be cleaned to comply with the Seed Act Call and examine them for yourself. We decline to purchase rough and unâ€"| cleaned seed and refuse any lots contam-j ing ?uch noxious weed seeds that cannoti ha Ap__L 23 )0 000C ‘Cren PCCds LHd Se]ect‘ionG'Preparation pu QOur Gov‘t Standard Is the first and strongest recommendâ€" ation to every buyer ami user of any kind of seed; the price is a gecond consideraâ€" tion when estimating its value and worth When comparing both the guahty and: Frice of any seeds we offer, they will be‘ ound in the buyer‘s best interests, S EE D S High â€"Quality Grass and Clover H UNTER Peas ...;...sss.Ailis. x"B" 19 Burley.:.:.;;..}.; d 60 to May:...:.... .+. . «*:17 00 10 Butter....;.. ... .......~‘ 28 1 Ao S :: :+ sarcitrns*. 2. . 5. 20 10 Potatoes per bag ...... 85 to Flour per ewt........ 2 60 to Oatmeal per sack ..... 3 35 to Chop per ewt......... 1 60 to Live Hogs per ewt... 5 00 to Dressed Hogs per ewt. 6 50 to Hides perlb..... .... 3 to Slhcepskins..........., . 45 to WOOL: : : r + : ce rsrieks ons 23 to THHNOW :.« s iL i4%rs saax s 5 to LAPL +s 1Â¥3 Â¥ +Â¥ ustals) ar s s 4 12 to Turkeys....;..... i.: . 10 rC@RO :.....irsÂ¥::‘1+r% 10 to Duck#., :. .:.s@.v*, i. 8 to Chickens.... .;:...:,. # tm The Men‘s Furnisker, Durham fi eppespaspscceccescecceecs Fall Wheat...........$ 90 :o Spring Wheat......... _ 90 to OM :.: ««!:~rer..‘ss "~ D0 b0 Peas ... .s4Hs 224y 8 to Burtey.:......1.; ;3 60 to May:...:.... .+. . «*:17 00 10 Butter .....:. .%.... ...;\ 99 t High Quality Durham Markets. ARIO ARCHIVES TOROoNTO Durnax, Mar. 19, 1908 .. $ 90 :o $ ++‘ .00 sp 17 00 to 18 (t 28 to 26 20 to _ 20 85 to â€" 85 85 to 2 60 to 3 35 to 1 60 to 7 to lame shaw anc 2 °20 PRRCIH tions than the average busi wn entire year. All graduates Handsome cata‘ogue free, W.J Cor Youge & Alexander 8ts, Canada‘s High in bovse ies recberd eceaenet ment, better facilities for placing students in 5B OU 3 35 t 11202000 2 90â€" T°m20 NVRUâ€"INe buiidings, good lences, good soil, To quici buyer at $6500, 00 acres, Bentingk.â€"owner in west. price $2700. Buildings worth the moneyâ€"farm for nothing, SPRING r:_sp‘zM’féb.fi April Ist wang _@; _ CR fTrame Dank baen, good soil, GConyenient location, only $2500. 200 acres, Glenelgâ€"flne bank barnâ€" good frame d wellingâ€"oher good imppovements, only $3000, 40 acres Garden Land Durham Road Bentinck, $1500° A suap, %o'q,c!:‘es on Garafraxa Roadâ€"fine hnnatalinn.l.. N a % Would be a great bargain, So an the following properties at the prices asked ; 100 acres. Durham Road, Bentinek, ()uu(‘! dwelling. trame bink ham.! 13 1tm on Pm Enternow and be ready to accept a position in the lumnm"or fall, "'Afl’fi A Dollar for T0 VesstEâ€"WaprE.â€"aAt Regina, Sask,. on March Pth, 1908, by the Rev, Ru. ral Dean Hill, in St. Paul‘s church, Thomas Vessie, of Bethune, Sask . to Matilda Jane, youngest daughtrr of Mr and Mrs Robert Wade, Bep. tinck, ANDERSONâ€"SMITHâ€"In Dornoch, on the 18th inst., hy Rev, N. A. Meâ€" Donald. B. A., Mr David W, An. derson, of Forest Station, Man., to Miss Alice Smith, daughter ef the late Wm, Smitb, of Dornoch. McKEcCHXIE.â€"On Frida iMr, and Mrs, J. w Rocky Saugeen, a dau Reavy.â€"At Glenroaden, Mr. and Mrs, Colin daughters, 2nd Concession Bentinck, G. R, 100 acres,. 5 acre Wheat. 15 acres Fall Good well and spring water under cultivation. 1 mils £. Cg, PC CCM M ITTOCF,. PC ACTE+ under cultivation. $ mile from school, Post Office near by, and 5 imiles from Durham. Apply on farm to Mrs. AueExarsorEr MoCormucK, Rocky Snugeen. i i e haikienk c idids. â€" t West with his family and is busily enâ€" gaged loading his car The McFayâ€" den Pros, are also making prep«raâ€" ons and all intend going «his week. We understand that John Durran has bough: Alvin‘s property here.â€" Leader, l Mr. H. H. Miller, M. P., has fourd time amidst his already | atrenunas luties as Chairman of the Banking ind Commerce committee and ail round member to write and collate valuable material for a little pamphlet in "Cunsumption. it« Causes, Treatâ€" went and Prevention." The best teatiâ€" mony to its value is to be found in th» faet that F, Montizambert, M. D., Dhrectorâ€"General of Public Health, ecommeded that it be prin‘ved for «wwhlic distribation, and this «ecording» Iy has been done by Hon. Sydney Fisher, Minister of Agriculture. â€" The Directorâ€"Generai says : "It is written from a layman‘s point of view, with & little coâ€"operation from me on thâ€" sabject of disinfection." We cons gratulate our versatile M. P. and hope m« praiseworthy ball«tin will hav. wude circulastion ind be th mea ns 0 doing great good, resolves itself into the arpect aAppears at present, the next . for the Ottawa member will more than usually interesting t Averians especially, Alyin Durrant has decided to | _ Under the above heading the Hanâ€" l over Post last week makes the followâ€" ing reference to political possibilitie» of the future, The "man‘ in question is, we presume, Mr. R. J. Ball, who since his election to the Wardenship is supposed to be ambitious for a wider field. Following is the item ; "If reports be trueâ€"and we underâ€" atand there is good foundation for beâ€" lieving them to be trueâ€"there is some thing brewing in Conservative politiâ€" cal circles in 8. Grey with regard to the choice of a candidate for the apâ€" proaching election for the Federal House. We understand that a Hanoâ€" ver man will be in the field in the (‘on-‘ servative interests," If the situation Ne q en onAE N * Reports Say Hanover A Bulletin on Consumption. verag n S ECE 2B 1 ,h C i EA." I'Mllueu_m.é?palk"hn, Farm to Let. To ons a DE.â€"At Regina Sask.. th, 1908, by the Rev, Ru. lill, in St. Poml'achulch. essie, of Bethune, Sask . Jane, youngest daughterp Mrs Robert Wade, Benâ€" MARRIED BORN. On Friday, March 13, to %. ~J. W. McKechaie, Fifty Cents , & daughter, o be trueâ€"there is some in Conservative politiâ€" 8. Grey with regard to a candidate for the apâ€" Bentinck, Lot 27, W + 5 acres of Fall es En!l plonghing, ‘CmVer will prove interestingy to Har. , on M«rch 3, to n _ Reay. twin 1. . we cons e M. P. and hu').. letino will hav. be th means o the arpect that it the next election ioadâ€"fine good soil, 75 acre> sn EQ°Centit! Telegraphy School, 3 Gerrard Toronto. Puou® i School ncnm'i wxr“lmup':me:fi..n“ L.3 . _ 0C 206 pBFu W. H. BHAW, Pros, T.J “ Te Is the first ste :“fi!;g-ang!' IY m;é:’;‘mm “:fi u service. rou study i "pfo@id operator in 6 months If rmmn“m o8 "y?ear/y for Spring i SUIT CASES, HOSIERY, 1 at moderate priceg. CUSTOM WORK AND REPARING TERMS STRICTLY CASH. J Eggs taken same as Cash. The Largest Stock of Boots & Shoes in Durham | THE BIG STORE Put on one of our Sovereign Brand Suits and see what a dif ference it makes in your appearance. _ Honestly we never saw so much suit elegance for $12 or $15 as we are showing this season. Come and have a talk with us about them. The story of Sovereign Brand is a telling story. _ It tells of comfort, quality and service. Those of our custoriers who have proved the worth and merit of Sovereign Brand â€"we want you to tell your neighbor and friends Thesteauy increase in sales iD this department is largely due to the fact that one tells the other. In you are well pleased with the style and fit of this Brand, tell you friends. .___ We invite all the Ladies of Durham and vicinâ€" ity to see our showing of Dress Goods Our prices are very reasonable on all the newest fabrics. These are the days that are most perplexing to ladies. The worry is all about what to wear this season. _ If you watch the Dress Goods window at this store you will see each day a different display of the newest productions of the best European manâ€" ufacturers, _ Also the latest designs _of the originaâ€" tors of fashion. It will not prove‘ such a task to select wlat you need if you come and look through our extensive range of Shadow stripes, Panamas, Taffetas, Khantonas and satin cloths. ALEX. RUSSELL | Is to be found at the down town shoe store. convinced. Also TRUNKS, vaLiISESs Spring Attire Sovereign Brand Clothing What a Difference just a few Clothes make ! Highest Prices for Produce. J S. Mcliraith Day KS, VALISES, CLUB BAGS, NMITTS and GLOVES jg stock as usual, $ desk. Tr .“| Wukap fm.' leouo:.-, Syrnfoam * MAR. 19, 1908 9t B Call and be oi i en slvaneuanererede‘s in end‘a _ THE HOUS] THE HOUSE The Easter Neck thought s They‘re it White, C« whes five years their fit ar See N Fai Daily we . well VOL. wC ggflmx:-::-::-::-::r::-; %f LATEST NE ie NEW E â€"New Sprin No oo ky Pikige of $1.404¢ TAE Review DURHA 4 New Suits in the well tailored, ha their appearance. NEW SUITS FrOR YÂ¥ ored trom the m Reme: THE SPORE 1s If you war NEW py _",, " _ O new snbscriber The Review & Weekly & black , NEW TA RANTA NEW CHIF CLOTH, s in the o black, navy per yard NEW vExy CLOTH. 5 with iMustrated p, ¢f tion to 1st Jan, 1909 4 mh‘" price of & Patterns ar you see the The leading these golor:s the countrs 1€¢ That wearâ€"res fine g ally n grey, l C010 NCA one of t] able good naÂ¥y, br OF QUALITY yrt Salemn W James 10 WI NEW get y 1ese w CLOTHrx®C $tr AP] t ARR] Crescen W we need to say re NEW sHIL or black and x see these shirt 1.00 y 4 ‘ofkpaper nd once in ake the ext W bxh::j e g TH BR ading some l say ire blu RAZ\ h this & THS K it Ad t t Sh it th th

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