West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 2 Apr 1908, p. 1

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an iii.! WWW il2, The Easter Neckwear has Arrived Eéxwxxxxmxe:-::-c:-&:-:::c:-c:-::-::«::-::«;33:43 iiWhhlhuMuAkuiriiitiiiamwsaiieiuMiuiuit1ii 'iii, 'ii THE HOUSE OF QUALITY ir.'-, y,", I i r: It“: THE "tPun, H. H. MOCKLER mMMMMMllM8llllllllM"""8MMMMMMMMp 5:3 X, The shirt is to a man what the waist " to the woman. We thought so highly of Crescent Shirts that we ordered Fifty dozen. They're in stock and come fully up to our expectations. White,, Colored, Plain and Pleated and Coat styles. .... tl up ; at: E3 LATEST NEWS OF iii if;; NEW SPRING THINGS if, _ Remember our Exhibit of Samples at 1907 Fall Fair. These are the goods '. they defy competition. See North Window. these are the same make that we have handled fm five years and the many who have worn them know how their fit and how styiish is their appearance. The " Run. is are able 'tary ofh The ite, with ilk tion to ll trlofdin: VOL. XXXI Tttti REVIEW 0mm” Daily we are opening up choice lines of New Spring, Goods ; all well bought and selected with care from the newest styles shown by the best manufacturers. Foremost among these we mention the first shipment of _ THE If you - ___ "m sun-um": of [he Review a Weekly (Robe With illustrated m nine Bets tion to ht Jan. In”!!! the ... tnordinary price of an». per yard NEW VENETIAN LADIES CLOTH. fine even finish, one of the most fashion. able goods-new shades of navy, brown, green, red & black, 7Se per yard. NEW TAPE STRIPE KHA. RNNTA--.ashionvs' latest, colors show up clear and rich - red, navy, pearl, grey, brown, black 60c yd. - v. -r-vyvl U." unm- u on And once more we are able to make the extraordi- nary offer to now subocribon of rs- n“ . - -_- The ”non of r. Pint " On And NEW CHIFFON BROAD, .CLOTH, soft clear finish in the correct Weight. black,naVy. brown, $1.2: new Suits in the leading shades well tailored, handsome' in appe; their appearance. Prices from 3 w SUITS FOR YOCmlt"t'--New cred trom the most fashionable '"t"--resisting qualities too, " .New Spring Dress Goods The leading Ci these colors or the country my Patterns and C yon see these ' That's all we need to say EW SATIN CLOTH, l ely lustrous fisnstt on . fuse goods-an excepti ally nice cloth at 60c an colors show rich - red, grey, brown New Suits in the le well tailored, hand their appearance. Salem White Waists James I reland NEW SPRING ARRIVALS FRY CLOTH I NG FOR want to be ready for the warm sunshiny days you should ttet your new Spring Suit or dress NOW while the dressmaking are not into the Swing rush. STORE m READY FOR YOU Crescent Shirts NEW SHIRTS» FOR MEN. L00 ‘ollars ouw """paper bar. ,ac he " , N0. 14 rs this season are very neat and when sill say they are thoroughlygood taste are blues, grays, tawns, greens, and k and white ground. Stores all over " shirts at $1.50, we sell them $1.00. IMAM; , ONT. it g shades for Sprinsr-thoroughiy in appearauce and built to retain s from $10 to $16-00. n -Ncw Spring Styles, well tail- nable cloths. They have the FO, $7.50, $9.00, $10.00. NEW CHAMBRAYS AND CHECK GINGHAMS. all the good colors at Izjéc per yard. NEW COTTON DELAINES Light and dark grounds, with spots and small pat. terns. Soft goods 15c yd, NEW NEW MCiINS,--its early, but they are being picked up already. New flowered muslins-dainty patterns, some have satin stripe or chec k-soc to .3SC l d. MEN AND BUYS EW SPOT MUSLINS, Large or small spots on light and dark grounds,-- very stylish, Special at 20c per yd. 'jiiirtrttrii, h W4..- '-'____ w-x ITE "U [U Quebec. I put, up the lreut plea I could and said to him that M 0m Unumy in narrwd aitvr the family of Earl Grey, uur Governor General, who is taking such a dm-p interest in the Quebec celehvation,' that it would he a wry proper thing th.rt our Grey Regimem he sent to Quebec. I havin nnl yet rc- ceived the Miniatev's reply but I will certainly continue to do my very best. With very best wishes I am. Yours “fluff” I hpg to thank you for your letter to meot the .?.l,t inst. I had already writ! en to the ministw' of Militia ask- ing that the gallant, 31st be gent to l\...»l_.r.. I . _. . - (Hcm' Hum.“th SCHUULD Go T0 Ql'mzm'. The: announcement that 20000 mm would Muelllhle at Quebec in July to luke part in the Ten-entou- ary celelsrntion going on this summer led Li-ut. Torry to write to Our mem- ber “hunt, it and the busy Mr. Miller repiies us follows I " Dear M r. Tmst--. I'l H ! Deposits may be made or withdrawn by either of the two members of a Mid. This form of account isspecially suitable for those living in the country, " an. “be: an extend to the banking when in town. In cue ofdeath, the money may he UM“ by the survivor without delay or can. Write or all for further penicillin. Interest added four times a year _ Sayings Bank Department in Connection widl all Bundles. S\\'IT(H NEARLY Firmnm P. li. ottrmtt'uctisrn gang grmhng nf tho switch into th Wotkinearlytiuished. Curr, made- with the new line hack Ritrhie‘s. Lambton Sr" and wil h the ('vnwnt line to Wild on up of the hill. The marl be deposited from the same I but shipments of the finiuhe: TrffiSlANDARD BANK CHEAP Lime TILL MAY Ro-wa theuibvrs who Weekly Globe at. the ve (luming rate of $1.25 pe musl secure it hvfory um Those who are paid in advun Ileriow "new send along yd get aim the Weekly Globe an Farmer with 1tsthu, Weekly ted edition. Fullelivk Burden has, stated that. only our half the strength of eaeh regime!” will this huumwr Kn mquhec. This hulfis lo he selected Ivy the (Mews, and absolute” raw rm'ruim will not I)" nermitted to go. l‘ily and rural battalions mum share alike. The Durham Furniture Company mu IIWIIL‘PH sawing on Monday next. and 1liewhrare advertises sluhs fox-sale. As they could um. supply the demand last year anyone requiring summer Wand would do well to order early. No (Hmrzxmmss wnsTeD.-sir V S. F. Mollnck. l Dr. Dem-(m, Stralfnrd. will be M Dr. I Gun's office on Thundny. 2nd April, for consutltntion in Eye, Ear. Nose and Throat cues. Tuylor. drth, . Dromore, are to the Wont with new Sun-inn Goods for anmpn. tor nwn. for the household. Sew theirad an r, up- 4. John Kelly. "antic:- I‘nuuvcnts ALSO AT nAuus'rou All) vacuum CAnPF.T PAvtut.-cau at the Review Office and get big bundle of carpet paper only 5 as. Let us show you our new Progress Brand suite for Spring, -- Special bargains in Morlnck’s. Formalin prevents 400 lb tt Maanrlane’s ( I M& I CI 'ti L p, ?rtrt AY 220.» . --." "e'm .v.‘....n.u an " ttuuerrted to lu. “repaint. H. H. Slocum-:3. N. (i m-d from the same elevation, “Pills of the finNhed product It. line will ltavejo he hauled H, Jackson has a number Oxfords, Blutcher out, and AtGrant'e. " invite all [how who r to "edt.h1Miuinery oli any time it is conven- will show HIM" our large W ,_ . . __.t-- OF CANADA Head Office " . - " Toronto JOINT DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS Car of Bran, Shorts. Feed arrived at Matthews and ‘n-lfnrd relat ing rest in the Quebec it would be a way our Grey Regiment , I have not ypt ro- ckson has a number of yawn! lots in Durham 'v. P.iy1siuypilrinliry Miss Dick, Proprietor'. run-me smut. Try it, 'arlane's Drug Store ock ILL MAY lst-An s who want the tltra very cheap £1.25 Pet' annual fnrv ulmve date. in advance for the along 25 ms. and Globe and Canada. Weekly Illustra: 'd running t" the 1w \vnsrin'vndvd lo DURHAM BRANCH tyitiuH1r.--'The U gang _h.1ve ttid y truly , room for conVCIBding H. MILLER." unce forces will wm he how. Let us wand trimmings for 'A. The ”muse of "vjdrytce takssn in clothing at, B. F, Id the tie.mdirt Connection Is hack ot Chas and connects Wilder's Lake marl will thus DURHAM, THURSDAY. APRIL 2 [STAIUSHED I .73 “all (m n, " (UHVPH-I t'res.-J. P. Telford, In our large;' Say. -Dr. Hultnn, an Millineryl Treas.--J. Kelly. I Proprietor', (‘apl.~Dr-. Mkrimmin, , Liutt.--F'ran rwin. ',ull,e"g'e7. Cout. of Nnnwement.--E. Wolfe, w. lube Tux-talc: Vuller. ii. McCorqundule and otrieers. the (lenhmd. A corruriittee, wmpqaed of Messrs ttft sutmrnvrl Hunter, Hum)". .hrwin and Telfmd " Jiri mare nppmuted to int.erview ghe coun- y. I'.') next Monday evening, to inthaence 1',Tl"r--s.irl them to purchase part, of the svhnnl A”! . I, A I . lull ou 2nd vhavged to , bench of Judges on the 2nd of April, The reealr is therefore uncertain. but ji'a'irlii'r'i,g',, precedents there seems room for concluding that the temper. ance forces will wm out. xenuineness. in some cases no doubt appearing there in the upchnllenged way that has been usual for years back. Instructed by their Solicitor, runny of them refused to give the evidence asked tor, the objection being noted and they were AllOWed to go. Wheth- er another court will compel them to give this evidence we do not know. The evidence is to be sent to Toron- to, and will he argued there before a bench of Judges on the 2nd of April, The reealt is thereforn impart-in Inn , ___ -_v ..u....., against. would do. Menu JJohn Smith. H H. Mockler and O. Elvidge. the three Deputy returning ottlevrs, each voted, as one would 'hmk they have a right to do, hat their votes ulsonre called in question. A lnrge proportion of the other: Jere young people who were down as tenants or owners with varying chances as to genuineness. in some cases no doubt appearing there in the upchnllenged Iway that has been usual for years tack. Amongst the number were Return- ()llicer Vullelt who voted on the By- Laws and seems to have Justificatioh, As between candidates he has no vote unlesm it he to break a tie. In regards to a Bylaw however, a tie is not de titled that wny, a tie simply killing the measure even as 100 major-Hy 'tff/y/it., would do. Men" John KNJ. _ .. .. . . - -___ C"""""'." ugnnual. nUUUI 1.30 voters of the town of Durha% al. leged to have voted Illegally. How. fevvr. Mr Telford, the Special Exam. iner. uppointedlry Judge Bowl. took the evidence .. m camera, " in the Judire'svoom, so there being nothing spu-Lu-ul.-u'. the crowd graduaily thinned out. Mr Iiingemn. Mt Forest, appeared on helmlfuf the town council and the votersqu Mayo! Calder and Coun- cillor Brown were allowed in the room. On the other side were Mr Murphv. proprietor of the Middumzh Houkeand Means Nrgght & McAldle Owen Sound. Mr U. Lavelle was en. gaged as offical stenogrupher. Amongst the. number were Return- “mm... .7.. A. . - At eleven o'clock on Ftiday last. the Town Hall was crowded to the door with interested citizens assembled to wit [was the proceedings againag about "o ...Â¥..A. ,u ,1 t - - Before the " SpeclatExatniner." tnent to purchase part-id the sebum lot, out " try the U. P. R. a. a lite for the new unholy. w”... .. ‘uuuru' anout .. Kuhn. " a poison that kills rats and mice and causes an epidemic among them, yet is harmles: Mother nninmh and human beings and their food. A useful amendment to the ”come haw at the provinee would be nm- to prevent the hntvlkoeper giving nny Pt'rsottt?redit f0: drinks. The pram-m pructlt'v of running up a score that makes a, Imp: hllll' in thi, wngvs at the end of the “aw-k H a vicious one, and in very general outside of the citlw and larger towns, where dlinkiug is done on " strictly cash IraNis.--Mail and Empire. RIFLE AssottiTioy HIT-ORGANIZED. --The annual ""'eting of South Grey Hifie Assmuutinn Was held in the “all _ Mundav evening last. when thefullow- lug new ampere were elected I Hon. Pres-Dr. Jamieson, M, P. P. Hon. Vice Prws.-H. H. Miller, M.P. Prec-J. P. J'elford, " RATIN. 'u-The cheap postal faeil. him between Canada and the old land is bringing some Clll'lOIlS things. This week we received a circular about, '. n1..." " .. “An” ALA .... (t. P. H, LINE o!y_.-zyonda, last an engine of the C. P. R. made Dur- ham on its way west. and we presume found the line' open as the altitude fell, 0n the heights of Priceville 800 feet above Durham. the banks were many and heavy. . - ._.~ .---.u run "I IV " white waists. Call and see IBIS" Thuy defy description. The House of Q-mhty. H. H, Muckler. For fashionable Millinery go to the Parisian Millinery parlorp. Miss Dick, Proptietor. We harethe Very newest ltyles m Men's Hats and Caps fotrh1rinir'. A. H. Jackson is an Issuer of Mar Huge Licenses. Durham, Ont. Ptarcy's Pure Paints " Maanr- lane's, Try them. . Just artived tV_fittst lot 'ome and see our new goods. r,.-, .-._....u5 unuLK'Iu. as one would 'hmk they It to do, but their votes led in question. A large of the when Jere young were down as tenants or h . varying chances as to At Grant’s. of Salem 'orioce. med "w 18.08 henna prominent. Some of the; pretty models we noticed were t 1 A Very pretty Atlantic Blue Hat, alightlv rolled at left side and trimmed 1 with Bandeau " Fillet Lace and Creanllne. Two steel pins run in right side and twe pretty shaded Atlantic leathers at left side. i If you had Visited S. F. Morlock'a Mlllinerf; Openings you would be con- vinced t at spring was here in ear-neat. The [marvellous creations of Ladies Easter Bonnets shown, surpass all pre- ceding openings. All the newvsb shapes and shades are shown in abun- dance. The new Blues, Browns and fans being prominent. Some of the pretty models we noticed were t We trust our Heavenly Father will permitnur very pleasant relationship to continue for many years. and that vou. Mrs Matheson' and family mnv long be spared to curry on “in work in our midst. But words cannot 0x- press our loving appreciation of your work, so we will conclude with Thes- salonians 3; 16. March 20, 1008 The kindlv interest manifested in all and your kindly, cheering compan- ionship make us know vou as our friend as well as our pastor, and the result of many a quiet word dt'opped by the way-side, will be known only at the last great day. m consequence many of us are strong- et', broader-minded and more charic. able to-day. You have taught us to '. No longer talk about the kind of man a good man ought to be. but to he such, " Mm .. that. men exist for the sake of one another. " Your sermons Pver incite us to mow perfect trust in Christour Saviour and to greater effort to do well the work he has entrusted to us. Pricevllle. Ont. Dear friend and Pastor, We wish, on this, the tenth an- niversary of your pastorate in our congregation, to express our sincere, hearty appreciation of vour earnest efforts for our good during the time You have been with us. You have ahored cheerfully. lovingly and con- strientiously for our 'uiydhcement and $ibttrit; At the close of the service the fol- lowing address was presented to Mr Matheson by Mr Jas, Paton, on behalf of lhe congregation. Rev. J. ' Matheson, . __ """'...v_-P.. nrun To, 10uat kdtt, Moneys ruisml tor all purposes at Pricewlle 811725. for Miusmns $2105 . at Swinmu Park for all pummel. bam, for Missions $1090. Number of marrmges 02. Millinery Openings. Burrow-d by death 40, total removals 129. Membership in 1898 was 144. now 183. Number of funerals at Priceville 132. at. Swincgn Park 40, total 17ti, Pas and REV. J. A. MATHESON, B. A,, B. D Number of baptismsdnr incl at Pru-eville 110, at I,', 59, total 169. Mambo” Swinton Park by profes certificate 26. tolal 86; Pen which H have passed awn on toll in 1898 was IM, now hers received at, Priceville sion 130, by trertifiteats, RS On Sabbath, March 29th, Rev. J Matheson completed 10 enra’ new in the congregation! of 'r'll,'il'iil't, I Swinton Park. In spite of bad rot there were large congregations hath places. The text chosen , Psalm 48 l 9, " We have thought Thy IoviturkindrGs' O God. in midst oi thy temple, " and God's d; inte with them during the. last ‘ years were inquired into, As to union: between' prvctop and people ll have nlwnye been of the kindli nature. alstgr, lit. .Columha Church. Pricevillc , , --e -‘.._....,.. ""'."'h"'.' “grunt. St. Andrews Church, Swinton Park r, Mr. Matheson amutes, a decade or succesgrg‘lfgtyice in Pricevule 10th Anniversary ‘Q.-,A._- F. MORLOCK. and tiFitiGif iiiril, on. The text chosen was] to, " We have thought orl lgkindness 0 God. in the ty temple, " and God's deal- ' than: during the last ten; e inquired into. As to Sf?,) ween pastor and people thee Lye been of the kindliest! Your congregation, ST. Ammaws CHURCH Swinton Park trertitieete 58. {‘06.}in Me 110, at Swintnn Park Mambo” teeeived at k by profession 59. by tolal 86; removed 79. of , 1908. __ .._ nu». nu \unul‘vn. E " "“'“‘ "'".", ff/T q, _ I hate crlled this a dull seen-um in ytit.ttesd 10 p',!',,',',', _-ermce I did not appear so here judging by Ttstint" of rittevilie and i number of hats that changed L. In spite of bad roads. I prietors, marge congregations m ! ._____A - A ONTA ----. " . I The East. 'll ' , . n thi. er- . Pt Ms for men are here 'iN,',', Park the King Hat, the Burnalinp and all): eceived at era. The House of Quality. H. H. ion 59. by Mockler. oved 79. of‘. Goo.p Ntsws.-The proposed chnture '. Number m mail BH'VIL'P as announced last wet-x IU. Mem- 1terreenrouutdGriaiari. Things 1-0- by JTo!ty mam as they are in the meantime. TORONTO Pl incipally hardwood 16 inches long. Luge double load delivered 8350 a. load: Tax: Dcmuu Fvamrun: Co. Hm remains were laid to rest on Thursday, March 19 in Lacuna. ceme- tery, beside those of " wife, who E,ttrrf him ten dyes" ago. The v N. A. McDonnl conducted the services at the home and grave. The relatives present at his funeral from a, distance were his brother Jam. his niece Mrs Clark and son, Walker- ton and Alex Hay, anephew. Durham. He leaves to mourn his death one daughter. one grand-daughter and her husband. one grand sun and three great grand children. who Were all with him when the end came, also "he brother Jan, of Beeton. who Arrived t/tw hourtrhttetosee his brother in I e. l Thelabe Mr Riddel was a staunch member of the Preahybuian church. having joined the church in Scotland at the age of eighteen and he and Mrs Riddel were among the first members of Lawns congregation fifty years ago. His place was seldom vacant, up. long as he Whit able to attend. He was of a very kind, loving tlmuosition and was loved and respected by young and old. came with his wife and brothers to the then wilderness of Sullivan. His brother Geotare died in 1857 and " coffin was carried by men In Luann cemetery udlstunve of nhoul 7 miles. He settled on Lot 29, can. 5, (the flu-m on which he diednnd started.to hew out a. home for him.elf. He chopped out a clearing. large enough for a shanty and when he was cutting down the trees around it, Mrs Riddel had to Co outside for fear the trees would fall on the shanty. n ILI, i The late Mr. Riddel was born in theI Mr, fparish of Old Deer, Nrerdeenshire, Dun Aeothutd, and on the lth of June 1854 was married lo Jessie Murison. of Pe- terhead, Aberdeenshire, luv the late S. o, Rev Dr It win. They started for Can- ada. with his three, brother a. Geo ' Alex f and Robert the following Monday, two At t other brothers Jets. and Hugh coming held o a year arter. He landed at Quebec " oftlcer ter being nine weeks on the ocean and Jylttt worked tor a short time on the rail- Siry", road which was being built below Tor- ':?yd onto. He then worked with a. farmer 'iecret for one year in the Tp, of ticott, Co. of o. Br Ontario . Ind. .in the autumn ot 1853 clertv I Another of the noble pioneers of the [township of Sullivan passed away on Tuesday "mining. Mar. 17. in the poison of John Ri-ldel at the advanced age of eighty-one years and three months. Deceased suffered greatly for a great. many years with rheuma- tism but his general health was good until a year ago. He, was very sick all winter but when Spring came he Gil better and was quite well up to a. Week 1 before his death when he took what was thought to he a slight cold but which proved to be pneumonia and he died as above stated. I , " A. D. " as be was familiarly called ;wmi it man of great intelligence. with In Rood deai of foreenf character. an fenthusiilstic Scot and ntrnngly Liberal [in politics. He was reckoned it fir-It- |class workman. was a genial neighbor {and friend and will he kindly remein. l bered hy the lessening cur), ot his ar- quaintknce heir. John U, the eldtw son is in business in Oregon, David the doetor, and sister {on med with him the home circle. l, ADDIF. MEREDITH The and message reached the Mere. dith home here on Tuesday that sun and brother Addison had died at the home of bin 'rry!hetstn-law, Ur Park, near Calgary. Alta. Much syinpalhv infelt for Mis Meredith and daughter over the sad blow. They were trre- paring to leave Thursday of this weok to minister to the loved one, hut the, privilege is denied them. He leaves a i widow and one child. We are nnl nim- whether the remains are to he brought home. works Lfler RIM Word has hem] received in town hishumeui Stu-n that Mr A. D. McKenzie died in Fort M . B Ftancis,o"itre ahh March. Deceased I t rnd J.yy cnune to Duilum about 35 years mm "r""e".l1""d “39' "nd worked at. his trade (“tailor for [?a.t.lyy."t:rpPciil.i/ many Years. With his son Dr D. Mo. t't'ktvt to hear ttg Kunzie and daughter Mannie. he Mr Gilbert M moved to Fort Francis uhnut Io Years I fined to mud with aRo and has had I'Hummhlv K-N'dItI-uwd him a few health since. We h we not ht-urd tue l the lest medical came of death. I ' I' prictors See the many burg aim we you in Spring Dress Goods. ‘which at once took the eye. The (Show cane was decorated with Alice ,and Copenhagen blue and inside it were immy pretty designs in millinery in .the same color. The "Merry Widow" Ishnpe was much admired and the Ishnm balm bonnet was also a novel feature. Then there were muslina) ty.' sofc‘file lists for children. Some} Government Standard seeds at est prices at tdaciNrlane's Rome School Reporls an em out this week. Willappearnext , Slabs for Sale. A. D. Mckeszir JOHN Runny Obituary. d sinned-t0 mm". He Lrge enough W}: cy!1itw spawn but it are crowded Ir next Week. un- rml- uI'Mul: lib vice-Pres.---". MoCrne: ow Tor- 2nd Vice-Prem-John A. Graham,. farmer 1ecr.ttary--.John Snell: Trear.--'.' L.Co.of D. Browning. Executive: Reoident otittti, clergy and Messrs Lloyd, Adlum. Bell thers to (Allan). ti. Young, Lutimvr, w. uid. I. His Uw, Jr.. “amuse. Adnmn. Alto Mes. and his danws Benton, Latimer. Newton, ts. Luann 51(00th c. McAthur, and Him Tnniles.l""" 'tpd Smith. Township Re re- ...» (the t,",'u,tgli,vy on Exetativet 'Gll'e'lil.1" med- to g. stindkwugds. ri))/.gynt; D. kick. a no ---- . an . - L......’J.tl w... Allan. y "mm have for Morluck :ln' Fancy Goods Dept. oth ' " R. B. Keeler & Sons. Two Big Stores-Durham & Well!“ All the above goods are our Easter Stock in the pro- In our Jewelery Dept. 'w. We have the finest stock of Enter Eoods for I908 that we have ever shown We have a mammoth stock of Easter Novelties, conyj.sting of Easter Chick. ens. Ducks, Birds,' Rabbits. Ha.nd. painted Easter Eggs, all Sizes Gamma Is to he found everything that and up-to-date in Pearl Br, Crosses, Necklcts and Lockets. lets, Waist Sets, 1ht Watcl Chains, Ladics' and en's fin and Silver Mounted Umbrellas. Wr_LLocouasv-rn Toronto. March fl. Mrs. Willoughm. formerly neu- Durham, UA vtrs,--In to Mr and tel. PErrrattew, to Mr. an twins. non "o'yyroos-BowsrAs-rt, London, Hob. Mst, " the home of the bride's par- ents', Madeline Hnnnetm Bowman]. to Mr. Roderick (Roy) J. Gordon, of Weytrurn, Sunk. Sri'5"""-'-'-_----- Mr Art. Pickering. brother of Dr Pickering, who played Inmate on the Durham lino-up for a month Ot no two wan ago. intends going to Pumas this summer to engage in con-truc- unn wm-k. Last, season he played for the Torontoa. I Mr Thou. Harris was home over tho I week (and. He is now stationed at St I Mary's and is within easier reach than formerly. Mr. Sam Pawwn bu returned to town to "=me work in the Cement Works, qu'r spending the winter " his home Ill Stratfum. Mr Brunt Jamieson is at home " Mr. "ill Harding. clerk in Ruta Store left on Tuesday to spend a on so at his home in Orangeville. fore going to Hamilton, where he alum-d a good position with Cnmtdi-m Co-operative Co. Mr Art. Pickering. brother ot rP,i.yl'tttyrp, who played lacrosse on 1.... A“ Br - week or two at the "is brother, Mr Du are! to any. in not hie-ml: would wish. Mr Gilbert McKee fined to lied with the trated him u. few we the has! medical mud hopt Id or It th to Fon AtrDRR.--At w, Hey-land. Ohio, Mr Duncan Livingstone. Crawlord. was a guest of Mr. Geo. Meikle and other friends over the week end. Mrs McPherson returned to Toronto last week, afler spending the winter visutine her sister. Mn N. McCunncl H..- .-.._ “an null]. leave tofu”. Thursday. to spend a week with Toronto trlends. I Mrs T. Reid In visiting her son in Flint; Mich. Mrs John Kelly in n sued of relo lives in the city. Mrs Ed. Burnett. St. in aerioully in u present. We hope not for long. Mr. James R. Duling wu down 'ln \Voodstock this week on business. Link Miss Louise Teifotd, of Owen Sound, in at present visiting her cousin Minds Bi ssie. CHOCOLATE EASTER EGGS from 1c each to 81.00 each. Big Stock Easter Post Cards. Mr Easter Goods at keeler's THE REVIEW, DURHAM, Mrs. IV. D The Yellow Label Dr. .nn'd in; he Annual Meeting of this body n Tuesday evening the following s were elected: Hon. President H. Brown I President-C. L. ',, re. vitPretc---H. “(Cruz C. BAMAGE a SON, Puma-s up WILD-III Tells the dateto which (our tub- scri tion but been paid. Our unifinglilt was this week ttoh' reeled up to date. If you" it not correct. kindly notify no " once. We thank alt who hive renewed the past few weekl but there are yet many others we wish to hear from u once. Temperance Association. I bed with the illnesl that Tlit lmu a few weeks ago. ith A medical and nursing skill We thee him around again soon. Arthur Smith is having thi- for the West. aft" twin“ of. -â€"ln Durham, on and. March and Mrs Roy Dnvis, a dumb- has. Harris wan home over tho tui. He is now stationed at Sc land is with") eatier reach thin , goods are iust in therefore Stock is éRAND NEW. -i_..- AW-- Near Vnrn " and Mrs, Rom and duuglntei‘ MARRIED DIED uttieson is at home " tending in wt of his CP. Dr Iff/Jr/f. we is ill in Toronto. BORN Mills and Miss Ruby. 'Ph-a,,, - ‘ the' pnreiiCtToiiie" David Smith. we tn Keolppie is Ilill ccn wadenn Avenue, 23rd March, 190ti, Edward Lauder, A i Lockets. Brace. ft Watches and en's fine Gold mercllas. ring mat us new 'carl Brooches. I I . _ improving n his March mt h Pectin-ow. in Russell‘s d.” G. bu the

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