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Durham Review (1897), 2 Apr 1908, p. 4

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fl ti? i5! VI -e-'-- _.s4- L1. t,ij,i Taylor & Co., Dromore EE New Waist Ends sei: . e amous ' iii Prints :31 :nd "must: ggxxmwamxxgmmxmmmxxg ifi Taylor & Co., Dromore ti 'roi1r"iroirsooirsirsirsaasoooiahairsoeiririwassewei'2ar vr,?tbcbvirsirsirsetreir*strteetrieseesass4sosiirvx Linoleums, Wall All the newest styles and they are handsome and the quality of the finest. . ' , ' The colors are may and the shay” Ire Ladies Caps not exaggerated. We hive now ready for your inspection all the latest effects end coloring: imaginable in Dress Lengths. These are in Kan- tamata, Pen-inns. Lustres. Satin Cloths, San Reenos and Broad- cloths. She shadow stripe is to be seen in many of these and it in very attractive and neat. fro $.39 SHEER? =:a2s_" Come and see our Hats whether you buy or not. You will find that we have the variety, the quality and the quantity. All week we have been receiving congratulations on our Spring Millinery by the many ladies who visited our show rooms. We have just reason to be proud of our Millinery for we have never had such a showing of lovely Millinery as we are showing this Spring. The attractive trimmed models embrace all the newest styles, including the wide Merry Widow Sailor, Turkish Turbans and the new high crowned rolling brim shapes, stylishly trimmed with flowers, foliage, feathers, ribbons, laces and fancy pins and buckles, providing a selection to suit every type of face and at prices to suit every wom en’s purse. S. F. MORLOCK Now is vour time to order a suit, Overcoat or any gar- ment you are in need of. We would like to measure you now for we are convinced We can suit you better th ony where else, Mr Glue is attending to the cutting him. self and u to the making we haven first class man to make the coat. Price: away down. Men's Spring Iiats A Great Selection of Smart Ready-to-wears 8/Children's Headwear The famous 'Cmen'a' which every lady knows will boil and remain the name in color as before. Dress Goods A Successful Opening I Warmly, New Carpets paper, Points and Wall Colors for spring blouses are natty and coloring, are blended attractively. 'tmtrohunt cedar it ‘son George brought " body home to his house, the old family residence on ma Con. near Swinwn Park Ind he was buried at Swinton Put on the 25th. Mr Black came Into Proton over any year: mo Ind mauled on Iota 13 and ld, con 17, and by In- dustry made a good home for himself and family _whoro " son Gem-2o now lives. " Ho iii LaiiiiuiiG'i'i', On Monday the 23rd inn there died " one ot the hospmls in Toronto It the use of 82 you. Mr Robert Black. one of the pioneer: ot Proton. Mr Black resided in Toronto for some years put and met with In accident by being run over by n cutter and lived‘ two w_eeka .atttrtmyrdr. Bil Death bu been {thing Aw" the old settlers. Very few of the Brat settlers here now. On Mareh “It: Mu Mlllener relic of the late Johnston Mllllner died at the old family rest I deuce lot 6, Con " Proton, at the 1759 I ot 76. She mu buried on the l th, " Swimon Park. l By the look of the weather, I think itwul nosbe very long till seeding sum. Glad to see Mr George Lediughsni able to be out again. Mr Walter Honhnrgh intends movxng tour miles on this side ut Hanover, where he has rented a farm, Mr and Mrs George Montgomery moved to Walkman last week. Mr and Mrs Alex McDomld, of Crawturd. visited the Imer's brother, Mr Robert Ledingnam last Friday. Mr Henry Alexander has engaged a couple ot men to eat wood. Mr John Passion last week for-tho West. A large number from a vicini'y attended the funeral of Miss Agnes Superuault, of Crawford. Mr Fred and Miss Mary Buy no visitors in the neighborhood. Mr Edward Walsh" is busy draw. ing lumber to Durham. It is reported that Mr Josh Salmon is to mow: on the Horsbnrgh farm. A large number from this part at- tended the sale of Malcolm MoEach- em and report good prices. Mr Earnest Leak is.atprarntrip pingtbe logaimo lumber. Earn it a bustier. Mr Fred Shovel] has engaged Mr Fred Maclnwsh to can weod. Mr and Mrs Chas. Mink and daugh- ter. Isabelle, visited Mr and Mrs Pom Shewell. A number from our burg attended the Luwna Box Social and report a pleasant evening. Mr James Walsh purcllised a team of yearling colts mm James Sulli- van. Glad to same that Miss Glenna .C..mpbcll is recovering from her ill- HESS. The contract of timber for the Shewell bridge on the base line my: let by Tender on Friday. March 20. MrAlex Campbell is to furnish the cedar covering and Mr Henry Alex. ander the rock elm stringers. Mr Editor, it is some time aincn you heard from our burg. BO I thought I would send some of the " can events. Mr Nelson Bowling is "iUritttt from a very painful disease " gren- ent. He is Itaying with Mr .T. Leeson. Mr Archie Gray has engaged with Mr Jas. Banter the manner lesson of the party, bat bad to wait the pleasure ot his sister and othtr triendu and didn't get home until daylight. Messrs Wilbert Blyth and Tom Allen took a. sleighload out to Mr Henry's, Wilder's Luke. Fnday ev- ening. All honour to Wilbert. who proved the only staunch Merhodipt Mien Edith Allen bu recovered nicely from her recent illness Io schuol was re-opened Monduy. Miss Thomasena Byers, spent Bat. urdny with friends in Mt Forint. Mr Wm Bryans has purchased R. Hill's farm on the 2nd of Egmmont tor $500. Miss Mabel Pemgrew have: for Toronto this wool. Mr A. McClinwn and Dr Leena mended the funeral ot In old friend in lit Forest Monday. Mr and Mrs Allan Bord, ot town, 319m: Saturday evening with Mr C. . Leeeon. Mien Ethel Pettigrew and Charlie _drove to Mt Fore“ Sunday. . Mr And Mn Jul. Burt visited In McClintou Monday. li Miss Nellie Munaltr is on the nick ISL Mrs Denna: and Mart 7'01" to It Forest Monday. Min Earle MoAlliuer vniud her 30mins, the Lander funny. over Bon- ay. Miss Gertie Moria spent Sunday with Mine Ethel Pettigrew, Intended for last week. Mn Chapman, Mt Form. in this!“ her mother, Mm Wm, Bin-u. Miss Adair visited Mn Leann in Mt Fore-t Saturday. Mr Wm Clark is 1130 quite ill. Iiopeville Welbeck - Vamey. t:0lit'ATtto ARCHIVES TORONTO GET GOOD SHOES HERE We handle only reliaye.mahee, the kind that prove their worth m long service. When you come to this Itore you can “lids: the style and beauty for yourself. e guarantee the quality IO you are rgff,ey, safe in buying your footwear ere no matter how tnexpert you may be We handle the Maltese Croce Rubbers .--flrtst quality. -'-'-'.""-+ Entricken will be more than pleased with the quality of our offerings. But you do not hive to); a good judge to A Good Judge of Shoes m noun: REVIEW We invite you to call oftcr). We will give your order every attention and Jo our best to please you. Parisian Millinery Co. MISS DICK, Proprietor Every day we are adding new: d alto ether different styles of at: to , " t'lle't and as a result we are more tl, In busy for Easter. Our hats are not o. ly utrtouiate but a date ahead We have a very large stqck of black hats that are alwavs. practical and also suitable for mourning. Our Spring Millinery Opening of l, st Wednesday and Thursday was a gm id success. The Millinery rooms “we thronged with visitors both days C id many expressed their approval of t 1c new styled, both for beauty and beet 1- ingnesis. We never had such a vari, .y of trimmed hats: many have alter iy selected their hats for Easter. Though people It": comglaining w this being a hard year. t are sewn r0 be more weddings than usual. Mr Findlay was sold optoimarriage l;- censes last Week and one young man had to wait patiently for a few hnuza While Mr Findlay sent to Holstein for one " him. Mr John Renwick was under tho weatber for I few days last week Pleased to use him able to be out again. Mr John Mann-y left forth; Nth West Tuesday morning. We notice one yonnz lady looks very lonely. Mrs Jamiemh. Brnoebridge. i, "visit. in her sisters here. A few ot our yoiing people spent a very pleasant evening " the home of Mr Tom Bmwn’s In: Friday night We are pleased to hear Mr Jar, Gamn. Br. in Able to be up again mar hin illness. Mr Huherly and Miss Carrie Paris ware married " Dromore manna In: Wedneadny. Congratulations. Congratulations to Mr John Sin- clnir and Mia: Bell Dixon, who Were united in marriage but Tuesday. We welcome Mrs Sinclair to our burg Mr 8tonehotur, (tom the North West, visited his tather-in-lnw, Mr George Mchlliama. last Week Our roads are getting pretty here t mow. Spring is surely.here at at. We no sorry to hear of Mr and Mr: Sam McLean both suffering trom an attack ot Grippe. but under the care of Dr Sneath. we hope soon to hear of their recovery. We have had a change in minim l sunshine and min so our roads ti, places are lmpamblo. The ri, ' that run- thro h our Townal p trom Dundnlk an?!» Cedarville has I risen so much that travel in “(rpm ( between the north nnd loath In the I water uvenl feetnbow the road. I Mn Scrimeaor and funny Ins moved into the home made "as. tt by Adam Scarlett. 3nd Alex Runs 1 bu moved into the Allen Hot .-e nude "can: by Mr: BerimNtesr. of the town-hip eounell the men! yeeu. About tlttemt your- ego his title died and hooluee men-led e Mn Grlnouot Proton. In time be cold out here and won: into Bruee County where they lived u few you". then euld there end went to Tomato where he lived until " death. Bio wile end two ehlldreu no in Toronto and two lone here, Geo.” end Joseph. unburned fennel-o. Two daughter. mo ed bends one liner. The tonerol In: very large tor ahurt notice given. The Rev Mr Mathew]: calcined. Ott the sick "at are " Peter " Anhur. Alex Pam-tor. Arch I: V Viuxer and Alex McLean. New Styles in Easter Hats mu man and In. b My new it 'r.ittttttoehopt). r1t,"lt, ' member Dromore. Sewell T . ti 7-. v“ ........ not an") In _ . . n ihPh ' “W" 'ic"i?k',e",j.:) fi/i, 'WJ'l,dlhh,. n: k'.' A. N Mclxrma. Antigua u, Dun-h. tuurotC,ourt mags. McIDoqun. R.N. W F. 0mm. solicimr to. Assign Mr I‘m-haul: Ihnnglc vixihh' ('er 19urtv, It. 0m come, leplied on behalf of him-elf aud I 19nted this ttth 'ur of In“, III. , We your c mpr i ,. I and brother Forema- of Cour. banuucitburn No. 1%. Knowing of. Mid deeply regret- ' ting you‘ intended departure for the i Wertrt," take the opportunity ofexpm- on: our respect. end octet-m for (on and your eutimnhte runner in ire. Am a member of this community frcm your youth, your conduct bu ever been much no tended to the best interests of all, while at n hrother Forester of oun- for yearn. your ability to- a musician i was often called on and ever treely I , tendered in adding to the some“ of [our social entertainments, while your I encutive power 'aided u nmteriully in " our tittattiiai 034m: and etforle to I extend the 6enesroi-nt features of our 1 greet order. We, therefore. Ink you ' to Aces-pt this watch chain ndant loo which in engraved the Aut),')', lEmhlem both on n reminder of the pleasant evening: we have spent to. zetherund of the underlying principles of leelty. Benevolence and Concord which elttsrtetertie the urinate-c end the but: of Fund-nut Societies. the "Independent Order of Form-tern.” We lie-peak for you and your (entity in the West the success that induwry. intelligence and sobriety deserve. and conclude by the best. wishes for you in - lntnn. h...., H --- --___.. “an-“q urn-en courlude by the heat wishes for Vim:- futuw home. signal in L. J. L Burrs Big! B. It. on he. H. R "about. I hllfn'Cnuzt “MK. Mclkwn To MR. Wat. Lacuna. D, n thr nnd BrnJ-er I V â€".â€"w ___- ...m..e'-.v%7 VI VII? 3.an wishes and will at neighbors and friends was read by Mr. Angus Mc- Intosh and a fur coat presented to Mr. Locheed and a set of dish" to Mrs. Locheed. This was immedimply fol- loWed by the tending of the followmg uddrc-u on Mbulf of the Foresters " Dr Suzi-h. ,,_-_....-_ .. r‘uuu-u- ”or. the Rev N A. iiiridaii We» 5mm. m the chair, which he filled in an eminently sntilfuclory manner, and an impmmptu programme cumming of lpeechel. recitatione. ttittttittg and mus-c delighted me audience, altar much a carefully prepared address on 'rle.if, of and un_ indicative of the On the evening. March 24th. the home of Mr. wa Locheed who in- u-uds lowing for the West in I few days we: when possession ot by a. large gathering of his friends and neuthhura accompanied by the mem- Im-ship of the local Court of Fore-ten. When order had been evoked out of the ugly); oceanic?“ by such a tsurprise, nu. .... . . Ln " .- A Forester Honored The Integrity. true neighborliucss and Irre- prourhabl: cunt-clot of vour lives huve been a poucrtul alimulus to tu.. monsl tone of tins \’u'lllll). Intellectual”, up well as morally, )on ucmpy no mean Mtion. You cannot heel-sued unmng those "ebbing ones. " vs flstsliespetsre .IlH shun, who .. now hear the hollow run. b) their own tear or sloth, " but, you hun- punc’l to your other good qunliHm that u: ' 'n‘u _ Wrcrlrytunusti'on in sevuriug an Itttcr.ig, . t' cvmwu of mu will and tolitlcast pron. " ' tummy. In view of tum mum. we can no.1- sricutumsly guy that your femuvul Will be a. newly-[cit losstothe' mom, pedal and intel. mctuul welfare or the 'ioleu',Q,,"ig: and lo ham pm in more than were words tut our fueling: "re genuine Hc ask you [06000]". these mem- elm-s of the Ol‘tadun, nut on uccouutof thea- intrinsic Value but, a: n phxhv. tokcu at we valet-min which yon me ltcld by 'our t'irclt, ot lrlemln. And “you leave the mucus ot your nuu‘Vny. there u ll accompany you the linear- est 1xutt of us all fur health. hummus: tum tin. .mchtl prosperity. And my the old familiar faces and meet mrutittiseetteeU of barman. Mud u placalll _UM'utorrs eye, .. Whom to the Jealous ot sweet tilent thought. you summon up remem- brance ofthiuxu punt.“ [was and meet reminiscences of Demo eh, ttttd an pluca in mumory'.‘ eye, ., Whom to the sen-mus ot sweet silent thought. you summon up remem- brance owning» punt“ signed on bend! of those Mm. H. Hunt present. Chum Manley Alex. Cnnstou n " wun xecunxs or nun-re mun-I mm. we are mulled upon to say farewell, yet, our feelings am: moulded by the Wttltat, owing to your lu- fuytry, mlzriety and pr0greesivruiiss, I tumu- tal ”aspect u aw-ixiugwu 'mhl your new cu- vimumculs ,_r.u.._.-... ...._. "'""'tH"euuW; .. Rejoice that nun in hurled [loin vimnge to clung: uni-casing, His soul “lull. never iurled. ' We nil fully realize that it in Um inherent long- ing for minim mum. this G?i.nmpltsnted desire for "something better, " wlm-n prompts tin-n and women to deeds of ucroisrn and lays the inundationof commercial Ile',.'?'.:"' Iii well in that of civil and religious went. To “com- piiiih entitled: in life and to auxin to [he full measure ot the stature of I. man. it is often necessary to leave minds. [urents and loved ones, those to whom Ce'le//ul',hr binds us with tether of mutual u cotton. but. all this only serves to develop within us the latent yog- nibiliiies. mill which Nature has endowed up, melt 'tudtpll. And so. dear frienmc llllllulllh . "r"".. -e-_i- w. .4... mm it Is It'lth feelings of nun-re roux-a la-I'AA ...-s- 4.. ____ I .. ._- - H -me mum”. w “nun.- uuu It helpen. Tile-5e chunges and [tunings m but give rise to feelings of luulam'lm y tttoughta "into ruslness,yet. we plum: do wrememlner the war-ls of I gnu! til'.'ter phllosopher, sums-Ming that run-h my”: my. Ito; ole improvement mm >lrrukum We your “seminal friends And nelgh- born. on thin the eve of your dewture from our midst, take this opportunity of spending. so- ell! evening together Bad of whhnm you (and- speed in your new where of new fly on the roll- mg piaimi of Westtirit (lunch. The own-ion mu cull us together thin evening ls one to which uni-cure manly [annuals in are. for time alwrtlme. we reluctantly tlust ovusvivc, called upon to say farewell to {firmly and fellow. helpel'l. These changes and hummus mnuot but give riw to fueling: of 1uclaueuo y and Pethttu.0iutoruuinesshG." we mm: do well wremexnhor the war-ls ot u grwx “1':ch and pttilosuplter, sunk-Hing that mph ('anicnws are for our impruvcmcnt and "reugrlteuiug; .. Rejoice that nun in hurled hum mange to "tuoir..ur".-i,,.. u:...~.ll -.', - _ - . - Following is the address accom- panying the presentation to the non- oured couple : Dear Mr___ond In Lochecd. - _ we ----"-. "..._.r. "'""Tb" [lid in glowing terms the high esteem WIN] which Mr Lucheed is regarded by " brother tweeters. Mr Locheed replied in beautiful terms, his e10. quent. pertinent remarks showmg him to be a man of broad views and clear intellect. A choice progmn consisting of solos. reeitatiixtsi speeches and in. 'tnlttMttttalataim wee rendered. fol- lovnng which a tempting lunch was served. A pleasing feature of the evening we: the presentation to Mr [policed ot I vtslitabletttr coat and toMre L tshtsedabeantitul water set. accompanied by a higlllv complim- entary address. Mr Locheed was the recipient ot I valuable gold luck- et, a gift from Court Bartnoekourn, No 1266, I. U. F., Dornocl). accom- panied by an Mdreisa,.w.hysy eulog- On Tnesde evening lest the cosy domicile of ll, Wm Locheed was the scene on very enthnsicstie guber- inn. the occasion being the holding of s farewell party in honour oer and Mrs Incheed. prior to their de. partnle for their new home in West- ern Canada, Friends and mrishbors to the number of over one hundred assembled, and the high esteem in which Mr and Mrs Locheed are held, was evidenced by the hearty spirit ot social enthusiasm. which cher- notarized every feature ofthe anther- mg. Domoch. ml “Lug: never turTed. ' it in Um inherent long- In Gtyrimplaoted desire Ft whim: prompts mun Alumina and 1:ng the 7_ 7 --. ..-.....s nag-m only to the china of which notice on." have been ulna. and that he will not be mm.- for the use“ or my psr thereof w distributed to '" pol-not or pen-on- u; v h-yw claim he shall not than have . . "Mien. . "-- -_-u 'umlu‘. Notice ll hereby given that after I 10th dar of April, was. It. “in mi] proceed to dim-mm. the use“ the debtor numngnl the nio- enl led thrit;.‘o. tywinii 'r'll'il"lffl.' m I ..|-;...-. --u . - 1908, M the hour ot 2’ , lo "ttarrnoon, for the Purpose ttttt a etulemeht and for tht of the ulfairl of the 00an Crednoru 've requested to clump with (Le Hugues m itor, with proof: tund ' thereof xequII-ed , the an or before the day 0 such Inc A men-ling of Cred Al. the ottice ot W. F. for the Ant-mun. in I 51:25 on Frlguy. the L: In the male:- of John (bark. of the Town of Dun-hum. in tho Unumv of Urey. Lupletuent Agent, Insolvent. Notice " hereby ttivett that John Ulnrk. of the I'owu at but mm. in the Uuuuly of Grey, curl-yum Ju bunnen nun Implement Agent. " the and Town at Dun-bun. nu "ade an n- ngmnent to A. N. and. mum-fine 1'own of Durham. Hamil": e Much-m undo: R. B. 0.. MM. Gimp 147. of alt ttttt utate. credit. And an cu fer the. genera: benefit of Crediton. l Assizuec’s Notice to Creditors. International Distemper. worked wonders among l bonsca lately. - ”Mm.“ um... . One reliable farmer in Normanby requested us to tell all our customers Ihal it pays tenfold to Red Interna- mmal "hen fattening ho,", " Ap mluy enthusiast li. mg in Dur- 2...» "d who made cons: lemme ttto- ucy wilmg eggs. claims ; protittthle to feed hens Internat. Povltry Food. v -eee -..v_l-...g, wuu turningi Plate in [907. beating all tce best hor- ses In Canada. We will alno show you engravings of in“ livillon,’ the first 2 minute trottr ' "dr s-reus' 2 02; ‘Dan Patch' 1.55 an" ‘ctusral others that are fed on International Stock Food. We will further give you a list of some fine young horses raised in this locality that were sold, after feed. ing International Stock Food. for dou- ble the money that they would bring on the best market that con Id be found previous to feeding Interrutioual. V Numerous GsiaGi, _ they toutfd it profitable national when fattening n_, -- .. .. . Drop into our store sud we will show you a photograph of 'Kelvin,' the horse that was bought for 375 and after being fed on Interns! and Stock Food for two years, won the King's plush}- ---- ' -. .- - Stock Food Do Have you a mum in your Ihtne? wde, m a few Well chow. words to both uddrruu, and them upuny. " 'er partition of the r-‘nnhmenu “Wu," plenum!” supp]; d on and) and" I" by age good lad " of Dor- not-n, dispersed, If not whynot one ofm. Bell's ? We can gin you the to instru- ment andnakc you t at beat terms. One sold by l '. en town last week Watt tested y Prof. Konold and pronounce excel- lent. John McQu ten Gun’s Drug Store High-grade Toilet Soaps are Ae best Prevent clapping and eep the face and hand. soft at white. for March Vi -inds TOILET Camphor Ice Lama-Hazel Cream Melloline Honey and Almom Cream Cold Creams West of wading House to use. We have 1 cm. of Creditors will be held m n n __ bulging m " . Bl: I Ind Micah" , the mid Act. on i such "new". given that, after the , I”. It. “in," Nut"... .L _ - "V -~- - ucuu '. Dunn, SOIICIun- the To am of Due. m lt 'U.rof Much , ""luck in the “(you of meiv. for the ordering 0mm- Rena-my. NEEDS nets have told us able to use Inter- ning cattle. . net in Normanby all our customers "(in Gu7. S?ir to the '0 Durtmm. Alain"... 'ie their r, Cure has on): ot the ck cohe- of McGowan'n Edit!“ Anon mum. coo. Encore Millet-ton Jen] For Groceries ------cc.7 Mr. Feed " We have decided to give a hand. some discount on all cash purchases on Hats during the next week or two. We guarantee it is not cheap hats we have to sell, but first.claad Fedora. and Stiff Hats cheap. This is the place to buy your hat. Tweed Cups ct reduced prices. C. McA RTH UR Good Staple lhats men ; not those :tiitu"drhiiiGictiii. hionablc for a. few weeks, and It: never seen again but The above caption is not original but what follows in especially our own We refer to our stock of several dozen FEDORA 5ND _STl_FE _ HATS for A Good Sensible Discourse on a Good Sensible Subject worn at all times by sensible Prints, Muslms, Ginghams, Laces, Em roideries, a, arriving weekly in all line. Press Goods, Particular people will cp- plecilte our Goods. New MATTHEWS & LATIMER ”defer/an: d Co. All linen of Fancy Goods, Pa. tent Medicines, Soaps, Rubber Goods, Toilet Articles and Drug Sundries It the closest prices. It contains just the nutrient and nerve tonic qualities you re. quire to help you back to health again. Price, ‘00 If you want to build up your health and strength and regain your old-time vigor and energy, try a bottle of our . Very few people have escaped Grippe this winter. How weak, run down and unfit for work you feel, after an attack of this all-pre- valent malady. glttsr M"r'oe Jitees, in Me Jhw, of' Jbowe In Flour Druggists and Bookiei'm Fania etixir ,. Grant. Goods M, Fruits, -----..= and Seeds, I E? I: g L.“ f“ LINUL FLO( Hi nus Plan Sp APRIL fave Cold t) " [at] We ttlsr, ca This br ll 7'0 DA J apt! Piooi 'N BI ll ()

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