West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 2 Apr 1908, p. 8

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tt «a! VI' il " Engines. Three different makes Bug- gies, Organs and Pianos, American a Canadian Coal Oil, Separator a heavy Machine Oil, Sewing Muhine Oil, and Needles, Rubber Rings for M..H, Delavat and Oxford Separators. Prices Right. an Repairs. Cash Cultivators. Hay Teddets, HayLoaders Hay Rakes, Side'Delivery Rakes. Hay Forks a Slings, Barrows. Land Rollers Manure Spreaders, Delaval Separators Saw.& Maa.Threshers, Massey Harris Separators, Iguana Gasoline‘ Engine. Bigger; MoymtrrSeed Drills, Flows Agency for Massey - Harris Farm Machinery The lollowing valuable Farm Stock. Ustplementstusd Homhold Furniture: 2 Draft Horses, 6 k 9 years old, 2 mm. 7 years old in “If. 1 cow. 3 years old In cull. l furrow cow. 5 - old. 3 hunters. 2 you" old. I site". 2 years old. 3 steers, I your old. 1 heifer. 1 war old. It sheep. t ping. 2 wagon. l "leigh, I need (hill. 1 hinder. l mower. I “owl rake (new). t plough (new). 1 set of barrows (new) new). I (Anni-i3 mill 1 root pulper. (buggy. lcutter. I glass cupboard. luwing umchine, 2 tables. ' a doz. kitchen chairs. 2 rook-T ins chairs. 1 lounge. 3 milking pails. l ‘ cooking stove with pipes. l parlor stove with pipes. 1 Sttttr'r kettle. ) ”wins. for". "in. shovels. Numrr- I um other airtime: making up home- hold effects. 0 mos. credit. b per cent " for (ml). _ Sale nt I u'clock sharp, Mus. ALEXANDER McC'oroucx, Rocky Buugeon. P. O. JOHN CLAIR. Auctioneer lhe undersigned has received in- tgl motion» to sell by PaNie Auction H In: 27, Con. 2. W. G. M.. Beatinek, on Tuesday. April]. 1900. itll The queen of all shoes and [Mince of all ft Overcoat, 'lmperiar' Shoes Are'm asuss by themsehtes , THE PE0PLE'S STORE We want you to see for yew: self how good they realty are. Every pair sold under an absolute guarantee. which shows the maker's eon6dence in leather and workmanship. In all the years that we " been selhng shoes we never remember anyxhnng to equal the value we're swung now in "Imperial", Shoes for ladies and gentlemen., (Large Stock of Farm Stock. Implements. (a CREDIT AUCTION SALE. “IMPERIAL" SHOES Oarspring stock has just arrived, which consists of all the latest styles and shades’jn fine Ready-to- wears at prices ranging from ' . ' ... . ... . .. $6 to $20 o . w Bargains m Furs m: Regent and Piccadilly Suits . McFadden Stock of Fresh Groceries always on Highest Prices for Produce-Cash or Trade ROBERT BURNETT Headquarters for Gents' Furnishings. F We still have a few Coats and Ruffs I urs left which must go at cost price. We have some special snaps in Men's and La- dies' Overcoat, which must be cleared, a e, was arc-ally plea ed with tbs manner in which u... (muwuny d ll the work. The borler in the plough will gnu-rau- 200 horse power. while there are two angina ea; horse power each. Thin umchinmy is for (ha Imrpou» of driv- _it.ttt the large vxpellers in the front of I the plough, which are supposed to make 200 revolutions a minute. throw. I mg the snow from 50 to 0) feet nwnv ion each side of the track. The result (of this is that the plum“: nryer push- ‘esila load nhend and gel-t stuck. The I tirut trial] the plough will have will he HVPIV severe one. It will he when no the Proton branch of the U. P. R, which has been closed since January. Here the cuts up 'l,l?,t and well fllted 'and if it 'urrumpiit. vs the hut of Inpamng‘up thin piece of road then the inventors, will have mare orders than they can on. Hundreds of people he" viewed it durum con-traction PM the general opinion in that.“ in [the good- and will do the work ex- l peetqit.--mtseamNue Reporter. Nr:w bxuw PLovo.-on Monday mummy; but the big Ideal Show Plough, which has bee" under course of construction at the Hunter Bridge & Boiler. Co's works here for several wet ks past In“ taken to Orange-ville. The plow completed weighs ahout fifty Inns and " is expected that it wilt open up any kind of a road utter a snow storm Mr w. Law, the on- gineer for the Ideal cu, wan here dur- Ing a part of Ill» construction and he , The meaning of that nu ‘down and strained Wu: ‘rnmn must go," and on motto. the only one in l Illuzoned on the wall. cmna to endorse iieemse rec stoyod and slaved late. the ' holitiun of the bar, o'clocx the dams had to thousands were turned people who came and we obtain admittance would ed the next human. audiu ertr---The Pioneer. ‘Turuntb. The reduction ofthe Dwain {license limit hull! 150 to 110 by the EL‘itv Council snap-sited it to a lot of lpeuple in ontario hut they could have i been sure " it had they sun the kreat ,nveeting ia Massey Hall nn Tuesday "tight, and watched tlw enthusiasm of ) thine thousands tm-nk "gain and again Iintro tumultumw "pplause and gain its Weight whrn Rev. Dr. 'cVweehy sum‘ gestvdthnt in tightirw reduetirin the liquor dealers had overreached, for the temper-mum wittiuwnl. that might have tested with thin forward step ten or pussihly titleer, yvuu was now aroused and would swrep every hut-mum from the ntv. We "carry a full range .of "Imperial" shoes both fer ladies and gentlemen. It looks so much better than ordinary shoes, because every detail is finished with infinite care. The makers know what's what when it comes to style and quality. Any lady wanting the yery best value m a popular, medium priced shoe will find the "lmpenal" a distinct advance over anything previous attempted tn Canada 'rhe_protf.hitimr, wave has reached styles "llhPfllldL" SHOES Enthusiasm 'ri-ii/iii.'?,,?,`?-?..':?,..:?.'-;) See our North window always on hand ttred was "The hur- " and curiously. that one in the hull. was P wall. The petple lemm- reducl ion, thyr "uytfvtvoctiori,th'ey lat the hour of One O'clock in the perl lattr, to Iltyut. forrafternoon at the premises in the 11"/y, It "tlriy,iy,alrt of Hopeville. in the County ' 111,1 “xiv.” at": 3 of Grey by Dugald McPhail, auction- , "nd “on. “mum. “31%;. the followrng property, namely ; " m...“ have mmd. 1-V111age lots numbers One and Two at! umlimnum in the,South of Division Street, and East of 'r'. Main Street, in the Village of Hope- . - .. lville, in the County of Grey, accord. L.UI‘(HL~()n Monday [ ing to McArdIe's plan of part of lots r.- bis: Ideal sinuvinumbers " and 13 in the "th Con- mM-rn under t'out'Se cession of the Township of Proton, E the “W!” Bl'idxejand registered in the Registry Office Ill"',': (3.3.3333? l for the South Riding of the County leted weighs Girit', Of Grey, on the 3rd day of Mttreh Is expected that. it r877. 'id/Citi/il-iii-Tire _i,ii"i' in Toronto. nweimg boiled ms "The hur- (If. SIT ilii,i,i.. Wu Jso. McLAnx. Durham P.O. or to Dated this Nth day of March 1908 There is said to be a brick dwelling, and frame stable upon the said lands. TERMS OF SALE Ten per cent of the purchase money to be paid down at time of sale, balance within thirty days with in- terest at 6 per cent. . For further particuiars and conditions of sale, apply to r-h-WANTED--- tor me. Not Mum: than locum Pleat. lg (Moe sud ",hri','/tifg; tent mu or no I n. at“. . we. our be Ind. Will autumn onus only. Under and by virtue of the powers contained in a certain mortgage, which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be offered for sale by public auction on When time and upnce have ‘utzrpoaed may they serve as a mememo of the many happy times spout in our midst, and may you be long spared in health and happiness to enjoy mom. Signed in behalfof 2'(ltl',f Boll mend:- and neighbors Rob, McFadden March 24th. 1908, ARTHUR B. JACKSON. Durham, Ont. Agent for Vendor. among us. tokens, v -. VW ... was wwu VII-In only. I L. DAIIYIIIII. 'ire. We". M. t Now, dear friends. while we so much regret your removal from our neigbb I- hand. it gives us pleasure to be able mos: heartily to recommend you as the heat oitrieur% kind neighbors and most desirnhle eitriens. in whatever apliare ol moiety and iufluenoe your future may I9, cast. An a. slight. indiontion of the high esteem in which you us hold We siueerely regret that in a very "hurt lime the lien that many with 'f rcsidence in our "nidethave entwined mutually about. us as nelghboru and as ciliznus of our beloved country. no to be st1vtred,--may no: severed. but trunn- posed. by your removal from amongst us. Ties of true frieudahiu can neither time nor space undo, And such is the trieubhlp we bear you. A GOOD FARM Miss Beatrice Unnkey. a niece of In. Butters, 1ureorupnuied than) to Van. muver. ulna Mr. A. E. Clarita. who was injured m the Cniecon Wreck and had been residimr M. the hotel evrt since decided to go along and swell the number he having recnvarrd no as to he able to work again and 1av.ipe settled tuuiuactorily with the [lathe station. After hoarding the I train the sweat strains of "McDonald" Lament " were beautifully phsred by P. F. Ich-thur who went as far so Toronto With the party. Dr. Alkln non WM an ardent admirer of the but: pipes and the proud pone-nor of a very tine set: of them. Mrs. Butter. during a long term of 35 your: in rharke. of the Commercial Hotel, always aimed at. making her guests eomfortable combining busineu with hospitality and rent concern for the "omfort of those who anjournvd at the [lowland all unite in winhinz her a well deserved rest in her Western home and the Dr. every succeua in his profession. Upon the occasion of taking their departure for Vuncounr, B. th Mrs. Areh. Butters and her no Dr. Atlan- Hon were escorted to the station by u good "presentation of the B. o B. headed by two pipers who (In-coursed appropriatg munic_n_ll don! the route At a sperm! mre'ing of "Scott Groyl Camp " Sons of Scollnnd. Primr- ville, Dr. J. R Atkinson In. numb-d with an addict. and a. handrail"- Irettintt cue " a gutting gift from the Society of whic he ha been , will ad M Petit, Obs-t pithy. humorous. on mane speeches were made by each of the members prtment and genuine regret expressed it parting with the genial Dr. who" Hum-mess and gentleness are character iutic features. Saturday. 25th day of April Address and Presentafion to be" from owner hula; A Loyal Scottish Farewell. Mortgage Sale. we ask you toueeerpt tin}; THE DURHAM REVIEW riiN, s., HUNTER! Harem. Grain and Med Hemlmatw We decline to purchase rough and un. cleaned seed and refuse any lots contain, ing such noxious weed seeds that cannot be cleaned to comply with the Seed Act. Call and examine them for yourself. Selectioné'Preparation ayalities in Red and Alsike clovers and Imothy Seeds have given 'mqualiticd satisfaction. The most persistent care is given to supply the highest quality and purity obtainable. All lovers and Tim. othy Seeds offered under our special brand as Government Standard arc pre- pared to comply with the Seed Control Act for No. 1 quality. Our Gov't Standard Is the flrtst and strongest recommond. ation to every buyer and user of any kind of seed; the price is a second considera- tion when estimating its value and worth When comparing both the quality and Vice of any seeds we offer, they will be ound in the buyer's.beat interests. High - Quality Grass and Clover SEEDS ighest prices for all Kinds of Grain H UNTER' Iiallwheat...........8 90to8 90 tipriittWheat......... 90to 90 outa.]...,..........,.. 50to 50 Peas......,.......... 80to 80 Barlev............... 60to 60 Hay......... ........l7(X)t018 (I) Butter................ 23to 25 Egto...............,. 14to 11 Potatoes per bag....., 85 to 8:3 Flonrper cwt........ 260to325 Oatmeal persack..... 335m3 35 Choppercwt.... ..... 160 to l 8!) Live Hogs per cwt... 5 60 to 5 (in Dreamed Hogs per cm. 7 10 to 7 10 [l_idetsperlti.."... .... 3to 3 1lysepikina............ 45 to 70l Wool ._.......... . 23to 25] Tallnw............... 5to 5 UM............,.... 12to 13 Turkeys......... .e. 10 12 we». ............... 10to 1., fyuks,.,....'......... 8m 8 (thiedetitil.'. ..'... Ttty 7i The Men's iturnisher, Durham t t9s-s:arsms:eaase.aqassmr:dl? Durham Markets. High Quality TORONTO DURHAM. APRIL 1, 1908, 3 to 3 45 to 70 23 to 25 5to 5 12to 13 On Queen tit. Durham. Splendid location, 7 moms. well and all (on. veniencp, Apply at Review OtBca. Pmiosigiyen lat. Much. Two storey. double. fume house, situnled on the West side of Gut-Alma: tit.. in upper town. Luge lot with ~tahle. First class well and cistern. Applynn premises. ANGUHCAXEBON 2nd Conv-ion Benlim-k, Lot 27, w. G, R ' 100 acres. 5 acres of Full 1Vheat. 15 acre-H Full ploughing. Good well and spring water. 75 acre: under ('ull ivatinn. h mile from school, Pont OfBee near by, and 5 tmletr from Durham. Apply on farm to Mas. ALEXANDER McGonmcx. Rocky Snugoen H __,.- ""'9.""qhr ...., - lun of time.-Walkerton 'reless'cotre, NOISY HUT 1s'FFrtcrrve.-Atter, wmklng all day Monday trving to got the ice away frmn the railway bridge. without making much lIPadway. the foreman in charge hull In full back on dynumite. and from nhout dark unlit t "'clocq next} morning the work of lilasting wen on. The explosions broke it few panes of glass in the houses nearby. and kept people from sleeping. but in the manning the ice was all gums. But the probability is thw all this wotkand expense will o fur mulling. The pressure from the ice already has been suttieieut to “rank two of the pile, Mid when the ice L'OIIIPR off the darn, the chunces‘ urn that the whole hrldge wilt Ro. It, is tt , to the U. P. n. to build an iron .ll'iJgPllllll that without any great l;.-..\t;:..t. II' It . - . Canadau High Class School. This college " better courses, boner teacttem, better get ment, better facilities for placing students n Bosnian: than the avenge bunnies: college. pen entire yen. All gnduueu get posinom Handsome catalogue free. W. J. ELLIOTT. (for Yonge a Alexander Bts. Pundit-i Miss Leesrrn spur; "it"rG"Vrii'iivd till Sunday with her sister at Varney. Sleighs crow-d iiiGideroad from Mr Bvars gate to the river, last Fri- day hujhe fittt time since Jan. 18. Linlo Clifford Whilefurd was aeri- nusly ill fora partuHast week, but is getting quite well a'genin. Miss Whitelord wnsalsn under the Weath- er last week from an attack ofLa Grjppe; _ SPRING TERM from April lst Iii,, C. Seim is not i wt)) garcould be wished Master James Hanna met with a painful accident last week. An at: m the hands of another boy descend- ed on his foot, giving him unasty eat across the toes. Mr and Mrs And (-rson and little Miss Nellie vlgited Walkerton friends tor u few days last week. Miss Hill Mid Miss Lizzie Park vis- “Pd with Mrs Robert Nnchul for a tew dawn the bytinnine oflsst week. Miss Lizzie Park returned tn her humv at Carlsrnhv. after aumx- tl, e. or Six mnnths at the Pat, Uftiee, Liz me's cmmtant eheeifaltuws has made hora general favorite wish all nrnund the corner and she will be sadly missed Miss Svlvia Sackon left, un dav for Toronto. Her many will miss her much. Miss Jessie Derby visited her sinner. His Vickors, north ol Allan Park, last. week. there is at Ottawa a. Jew heaven and I new earth.. ..The cummissiou [Zora no far as to say that eondititons lune got worse ot lane years. Certainly we should be grateml an the govern- ment that has taced the question so 1ttuwtypromitsingly and that now de- mands further investigation. I is time to do amethnug great in the way ofa revolutionary rcturm. Enter now and be ready to seen; I good position In the summer or fall. Attend .. .Ali will hail and admire the posi- tion taken by Mr Brodeur, Wham de- partment was 3 need out by the re portfor speeitlanimadveraioh in nut losing a moment in rising to demand the lullesr. possible investigatien, .... The country mould like to see this cnlnmissiun rendered permanent uuul Whoever selected Messrs Courtney, Fvshe aud anin as commissioners to investigate the civil service had cer- tainly no desire " anything but an utterly frank, trenehant, and ener- getic revelation, and no one who has had anything to do with our public business had the least doubt that such investigation was really called fur No smell senution was ceased inst week in Ottawa by the delivery ot Report of theClvil Service than. mission. The Report contented hot shot for many parts of the service. but was parti ulerlv seve'e on the Department of Marine end Fisheries guided over by Hon. Mr Brodeur. he Minister very effectively pointed to two instances where the commie» sloners had given judgment withou' being aware of all the lacis. thus dis counting their criticisms. However there were revelations enough to cause surprise and certainly should cause sorrow and Mr Brodeur man- lully gave notice that he wonid move at once for fall investigation into the alleged wrong doings, let the axe fall where it may. The following from the Montreal Witness sizes up the situation nicely t TORON TO, ONT. House to Ment An Explosion at Ottawa. Intended [in [an Farm to Let . ELLIOTT For Sale. Hampden is pot ‘improving so Thurs, triends l w I U ruin: "Utiaiiiii) to 0150.000 per Bruurttt In mi wny lei-vice. You 15att ”an” ma 3:5”? in bt,N2t / you I m n e n oo ' ' and“. I. Tomato. Th?unu{ School I: Cm Writ. tor pmlcnhn. I W. E. IRAN. Pm. TJJOHNBTON. mm lyegraphy e'.e'oe'.-aottirar.t-o-.' Prepare warm! for Business In the 9-0000-0009-0” woo-000000000 to ENTER NOW and CUSTOM WORK AND REPAIRING as usual TERMS STRICTLY CASH. J ti Eggs taken same as Cash . 1% THE BIG STORE The Largest Stock of Boots & Shoes in Durham Old Big 4 Stand. Ltuirea' lustre Black and White WAISTS, worth 1.50 for Girls’ washable ready-made trimmed Dresses. only . . . . ' Misses' Skirts, black and blue up to im 00. now . . . . . . . ' . Men's tweed odd Vests, all sizes, each only... . . . .. . . ... Men's'I‘Weed Pants”... ...... ...... .... ....... .... Clenrine In! of Men's Suits at a, . . . . .. .... ... .. ..very Men's Working SHIRTS for ... ...... ...... ...... ..... Good fitting trousers are as much a hatuxe of our Clothing u are the Suits and Raincoats we sell. All our best lines of Trouu-tl are shrunk and shaped to stay and the best of trimming: only ate used. You can rely upon gettzrg a shapely, tstylish Trouser at prices as moderate as tir .50 and up to " oo. See there trousers for spnrg wear. Tl“) ate fully as good as we say. Batiste 1hsyf.)yi,rcit.,'t1vt, Heavy weight P0plins Shadow Stripes iiLlZ‘i‘fT Taffetta Cloths it,'t".1.t.".r.e..s Muslins t',?,of/edv1rn"i1ei1iketi'; New Prints T93". /'l.'r. ff“. :2 Delainettes s,)',rsc'y'i,trr.ase2 It's a pleasure to anyone to see the vast assortment of new Spring Goods on display here and we will take every means to make you feel at ease whether you are buying or not. Stylish Fabrics for Easter Garments There really is no need for worry about what you ought to wear for your Easter trip. We are suit- mg all comers because we have the required selection at popular prices. . A, LEADER-N new brown. tan, navy, green Batiste black, 44 in wide. all wool, while they last, yd soc j'isllLEX. RUSSELL kart/y for 8priug Is to be found at the down town shoe store. Call and be convinced. Also TRUNKS, VALISES. CLUB BAGS, SUIT CASES, HOSIERY, MITTS and GLOVES‘in stock at moderate prices. Men's Clothing Talk II tho am Ftep .tethru. wagon- c.A.l-‘LEIING Principal. I Owen Sound i It 13 the most complete Bus. mess College in Canada. Highest Prices for Produce. We have just lately got in A nice stock for the Spring season and are going to sell " a not. sonable price us the following figures Show : WE SEH. TROUSERS An endless: selection. all colon and sxzes of polka dot, per yard, only . . . r. d1eoims, VI "sheer- th: t a suital ie tor costumes I"."..".'."..".'".'.".'.".".'.".". ........ we rs: Dimity stripes hecked, per yard... Ili to 30C peryard.... .... .... . .... .. . loc wdkss selection. all colors and {haiku dot her raid, onlv ... Isa . in all the newest Trlins shades at ... . .. in taking shades, quick sel- lersat..........,.... . .... J ti. Mcllraith W. T. CLANCY. Prim lhy asul Night Clam. 1,, and in purine att in Nut". Eula student in height ”punte- ly at hie on deck. Trial lemon. tcr one week tree. Visitor- welcome. Leads in ?.t?ok-keeping, Shorthaud, Typewriting, Commercial Law, Com- mercial Correspondence, Plain Business Writing, Ornamental Writing, Business caige MT. FOREST APRIL 2, 1908 Upper Town, Durham 90c it The Easter 'ttteemetttM h'XXX 2-22-2 yl, 2322-2: oihhh'iiiiiieis THE HOUSE Th, Wh Dee tl Daily w ?j7iooee:ee, VOL. Tite REVIEW ve _ i --...: I" m- I the Renew-Q it Re with i tion to W LATES um: it W 3pr “Qty um rt THE The ”to OF 0mm Ja Salem NE W (1.0 Cr make SIN IN

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