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Durham Review (1897), 9 Apr 1908, p. 1

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FEE 1908 for Of 51 III :.~i =N9"..e".-iN- -v-\.L‘u.- - His 'aa", _ . , . E we". . '" Li 2"”rit. t km 7 a" " . " . ‘ . " ', , V r. . ~ " o' r- 'lm . "r'lmperiar' 1iroiaritn1axdus by’thmclvcs: - --, - , ', In all the years that we ve been sellmg shoes we never remember anything to equal the value we're swung now it "lmperiaCShoes for ladle; and gentlemen., We want you to see for'youc self how good they really are. Every paw sold under an absolute guarantee. which shows the maker's eoniiden" in leather.“ workmanship. F.il *mmgmmmmfiw; 35THE PEOPLE'S STORE fimxxxxxbmxammfixmm33335-63 - i“ VOL. XXXI, NO. 15 _ 533mmmwxxgmicéxéxaRmEEQ-zfiéx "llhmllhL" SHOES iii:,! Mt!1's yrfy'il8 Shirts, special at 1.00 Large if Fashionable Headwear for Men & Boys NI Yen's Derhics. Men's soft hats, men's and hm-e‘ mm G, W... - “.....m ...: "rtiVCltLqs mm he 0rd 9? Ranging 'i/C',".?.".".".'.'.' .t. .... '!'?,!' Mtys' New Raincoats E New Boots-==Piles of them fl', Mep's High. ,'i':.i' tiats, Boots, Shirts, cndeiidar me REVIEW DURHAM The no ttttinn in are able 'tnry oth The Ru With “It tion to 1. traordin, Youths' , Boys Dressy New Suits :Stock of Fresh Groceries always on 1 Highest Prices for produce-Cash or Trade. ROBERT BURNETT ‘5 m ... w '"'mcr"Nt The Review & Weekly a, Everything with illustrated tion to Int Jan. Mt "m'dimu'y price The lesson of new-pup" bar. gain in on And once more We no Able to make the our-omi- nary offer to nnv suhoaibou of ' n“ . - -- com lete your spring outfit. kimfyou want, either black or t worthy to wear with the best s right ; prices right. Ante " ALBERT SHOE for Men & VICTORIA SHOE for Ladies They are v I - r v v --- - U - . V v Strictly up-to-date colors and patterns, new plains, checks and stripes in the newest color combinations. Fit is the great tea. ture of the shirts we sell. We makea specialty of 3: Shirts, Men's Derbiea, Men's soft large range and in differet Felt Hats Soc to 2.50. Sole Agent throughout with' well worth ”.50. Headquarters for Gents' F uuc Imported Yancy worsteds and high-cfass Tw.eeds in cor. rectly tashionablo patterns -single and double breastcc} sack styles-best of trtmminsrs-tanored mth a style that disting- uishes the first-class from the ordinary. Ratuinsrtrottf..CC.".' -_---, 7.50 fn SM tine imported aG rectly lashionablo p styles-trest of trtmn Suits, Overcoats, James Ireland mung a man wants for S (mimics. varietv of ohm art . Of course 'ou‘ll lots-Piles of them need new bo)ots to 'your spring outfit. You can get them here-the t want, either Mack or tan. New lasts, perfect fittins.r :0 wear with the best suit you can put on. Shoes prices right. Ask to see the and l.00 solid leather, new lasts in Durham for varjety of eho/ce, variety or enotce, we are ready for the one only satisfactory tetrt--Compimson. ith Italian cloth, 50. spring special "'aninu sec D. Tor “ice; of 't.00, grade. new Spring Suits n's soft hats, men's and boys' caps in very different proportions to suit any features. so. Fashionable Caps at 23e to 75e , ONT. "MAPLE LEAF BRANO" A large stock of Long RubbCr Boots for the wet spring weather. Prince Tg all styles}; EcE'NJnE Window. 1T.hc Qycy of all Shoes and Spring is in the Store Ladies' Waists for Easter t A larg\c assortment of up-todatc Ladics' Vaists, newest styles and 'attcrns. Also a full stock of "adies' Whitcwcar. " Regent tailoring giyes.that faction of fit and tailoring u JSSUTCS a nerfcctlv an tinfnnfnn Mechanic King Overalls Imperial Shoes Rubber Regent Brand Clothing . of dark oxford grey impor- , ted cravenetteclotb, lined lar e eas "fittin , T,'.".'..".".?.".".?.'.".", 9.00 . m v New Suits hand. ew style single and double excellent linings and trim- "N . . 1'urnishings always on han' fully guaranteed 7.50 to tfd Boots t As for valms at?! " li?! flit? In]: iit al.6- nix in: Mr his it I]? (iiiirttittrit , "an “an, un- work ul one, Give L's 1'.itoausrrios.--Thank,, to the U. P. R. tor placing steps at the broken sidewalk nu ta'arsftuita street, north ot the track. It was deudvuly awkward and dangerous. An im. provrmeut would be to have the step- placed 15 or 20 feet further north, gly- ing that, much more level stretch he- fure reaching the rails. There might. come it dark night when the lights might be out when one might stumble on the steps and might he rendered; uncunsciuus lny striking the rail and thus might be struck to kingdom come by u passing train. By the bye if we are to have watchman and gates we should h we them now when trains Pre irregular. Later on, the regularity will_be a Pt"titu,.sitte-iuaru ' itself. The Standard Bank pays Interest four times a fear on all Savings Bank deposits. Savings Bank Department in Gtetneaionsithaomnae.. E?! w '"'"H"bu" m we Town Hull here to-day, Thursday. and evidence is to be. taken trom the untortunate pro- prlelors, trom Mr. Duncan and from Mr A. ll. Jackson, um: possibly others lit the attempt to unravel the mystery ot its going. Provincial detective Rogers nus been here looking into the case. We hope the proceedings will result in bringing to justice ttte m- cetidusrt,t, if It would appear (but. it, Wits really the work of one. Wm: Fturo [TI-~5u2b the gnu-Mum m the Hum uurunue Umnpanies In M burning oi the Cream Works" An investigutmn to tukeplucu in the Tom to-day, Thursday, and ev be taken trom the unto prlbflol's, trom Mr. Uuncu Mr. A. H. Jack,"", "rsaq ..-t CE if??? cdcsz2 C_pWNtight I I fry", (d "i1iii'ii ,_ T :55 ‘érz‘é‘xgoplcs f AN IMAIEXSE PAINT ti'rocm-ahe north shelves in Hunter's Hardware. more at, pun-mm. are tilled with paints In the valve of over 8500. They are Chit'Hy tho- Marlin-Summ- Paints. Ku amused 100 pee cent pure and said ‘u‘nject. m cnmmml analysis. this 3,..an Is cumprm-d only of lead, zinc, hnud oilantt turpentine dryer, the lwst known p tint impedient"s, While bring pure, in con-ls 25 per (mu! mure sulfate, Wetu'tt longer and is thereture mm:- . economical than adulterated paint. Either these p-ian or the Elevhant brand may be secured iuuuy culm- or shauv. , - - l - g; ; oh") John Holly. Hunt‘s:- - Wu am " nuns-rot m "MNmaagB, THE fiiaNiiii"iii'iio BANK mun. The parties pressing their Hanna were Mr John loGuWan and Mrs Beugs. The tteiaure wan made. but we have not learned the particu- MIN " the claims "or of the subse- quent proceedings. A 1EycytE.---snturdarr last Con- stable Chukwas instructed to go to Ceylon to put his hand on goods or chattels belonging to David Hunter or Brown, who was moving from these parts. having it is alleged. forgotten to settle up with some friends in Dur. ham. The parting nrunni-nv .L..:.. ""'""".P__ "'"""""bt"ttN. "the funeral tuck place on Wednesday afternoon. Drrm AT EDGE HtLL.-We .; to report thus week the death May Spine“. a bright little tittctut years. who passed a Mummy, at. the home of ht Mrs Jos, Firth. Elma fIsll, a whom she resided all her Ii some time past she has he nme ill with rheumatism of t but, medical ntfortu proved um, Lust summer she had been an nn her Entrance ezrsratittsttiro, We curdially invite were ulmlyle to at.( Openings to call any t lent and we will show stock of Millinerv. P inst, Rotor") meetings for the all delegates and other business held in Township Hall, Glen p. m. on 13th inst., and in T Hall, Nornmnhy, at 2.30 p. m. £nut The Easter Hats for the King Hat, the Burs em. The House of l Mockler. WELL DONE MArucmuar..-on 4th Markdalv wires on u. 820,00t law to provide water-works. Call or send to when in need of on bundle for 5 cents. Try Matthews, and Latimer for No 2 Government Standard Timothy Seed and Clover. hotties and for snip. You will be up to date " you wear one of S. F Morlock',, Progress Brand Suits. Garden seeds 2 Fnrlane‘s. a more H, Jackson .hy. n_nur_nher of OF CANADA Head Office - . . " "lions proved unnvailing. r she had been successful mce exnmilmtinns. The _ _, __ - apprentices wanted at. Miss lly invite all those who e to "edt.htMillinery call any time it is conven- ‘will show then: our huge mm... ",5. . ...... uu uaAtraid irre1T, k. lt was dccndeuly uugewus. An im. [ne unnds ot {man};- '.-'i,,i-.i.aiii-,).,4??,,.tr,!t,iit,y I Jgewus. An inf. ue to have the step: further north, gly- " Lu”. J vacant lots ih Durhmvn hits for men are here, the Harm-line and oth. trite of Uuality, H. H. y.hthysiueo -ivhi' be DURHAM BRANCH as 25) Pet' urn! mute {or and is thereture than adultetuted was [Links or the my he securcd iuuuy Miss Dick ty'trch _wems to he J to the Review Ofr1ce carpet paper. A big .'yel stretch he. . There might when the light; 'wighl stumble ltt be rendered papers f " 5c at lac. regard to me u Separate: in Is milfngged all, we.r.itii,"V wrisian Millinery .:_,._ .. . -c)v.e,art yftry DURHAM, THURSDAY. APRIL 9 the election of IOTA-LII" " 1073 - » I , Proprietor'. I Toknship m. on um $20,000 -ify" the heal" sofAt mi: "by Oll. resign in a. body, and see if the 1 can t elect a new set ot rulers will Work harmoniously. Now see who are willing to adopt this heroic method: As to Armory site '--m have Saunders. Kinnee. Sharp, Robertson on one side. Brown, Calder. Kress McGowan on other. A tie vote such its this indicates me-mno'ianmlus the mayor votes again to break the tie, which is an irritating proceeding even It itcan be Justified, which We doubt. There are two courses open I --we believe to the people: (I) either! submit the question to the popular Vote or (2) let the Mayor and Council I How long is the town to lit quietly by and see its interests tttarginine by _ contentious councils ? Is It not time that I move should be made to put an end to the bicker- ings that occur. resulting In nothing being done on important questions while other husmess is neglected? See Council minutes elsewhere. ARRANGING Parmra.-A full meeting of the Directors of the tr. Grey Agri- cultural Society was held on Saturday last to make prelimine err-ange- nu-nts for the next Fall glow. The Directors are by no meaml discouraged " last yearG failure from weather rum-es entirvly beyond their control. The rank and file of the membership should show similar faith and t'f'pnre early to make the cominr 'dllirf,'ir.g,e, better than ever. Now don't throw a l single stone nor utter one pneimistic word but altogether. put our shoulder to the wheel and away she Roes The Town Council Deadlock I CHEAP GLOBE TILL MAY It, Rewew 'h','Lc,rtt" Lt"', Wu! vakly Glo e at tho my cuang rate of $1.25 per l u wr secure it before above Those who are paid in advance ', Review nmv send along 5 ct get also the erkly Globe and t Farmer with Its thie Weekly 11 ted edition. Men BE VACCINATED.-rhe pu schools here were closed down for tiny: this week, in order tofpermit bmlding to he thoroughly umagn There hue bean no snmllpox there. no child will he allowed to return whoa] who cannot produce a oer cuts of vaecintttion.-r-wdiGioi,' '. escape. Regular meeting of Ben Friday of this week, the 1 full at tendance req mated. A Ba: BUNDLE I undermuprls for View Ofnde. I For that titusd feeling try MacFu- lane‘s Tunic Elixir 50c I bottle. A. H. Jackson in an lawn- of Mar riage Licenses, Durham, Ont. on not fail to see the grand display of Easter Millinerv at Min nhln- 'oronto ----i.i-----. tau to see the grand diapla Millinery at Miss Dick's y new: nu. MAY hm-all hscribers who want the ohe at tho very cheap up. of $1.25 per hnnum 'e. it before above date. we paid in advance for the Gr send along 25 etc. and Wuelély Globe and Canada Atre. _A I], .. --- , tuufsee if thi/ITG; avg seq ot rulers that of old papers to luv '5 cents " the Re. weAFfiiiirri2' "I‘Nluce “ ttrtifl- Walker-ton Tel. Now let} Nevin Camp 3th inst. A The Public In for two Permit the 'urpawueii. there, but last .. .. ' weiLHitGGir.T.".' lunLenghsn. IrhiMetree. . . . F. Saudi: E's REE-5‘31}; unk snow..................... 300 Howard McDonald. shovelling anow............:....... 100 Crawtomi& McIntyre, lighting 176 w, .Vt.J9Tro.t,tee.i.u..A....r. 535 McGrath & MeAulitre. . . ' .. ' . . 26 u. Elvidge. shovelling snow. .. l 50 J. Davidson,-............ mm " cod oil.... ...... 115 W. Calder, fare to Ottawa lhd Mt Yorest............... 2ras) John Brown, tare to Ottawa. . " w J. Lloyd. work and Ata:, . . . .. m Wood for market. l' mScarf. . 3 oo 1'i.eteg'.ig,t,i,ri,k,:JL.Ti:C:i. 140 R. frrrrf may “it"! as chief 6 25 Accounts were presented and passed " follow: t Jan. Lloyd, 3 mos. salary. . .. . .. 12 G. A. Thompson, 3 moo. salary ' 8 , W. B. Vollet. 1 month's salary 30 00 Postage.......................'. 12 Rom McLean. 3 mom saint-y. . . 5 00 J. Falkintdusm, Ihovellmg The long delayed {question of site for the Armory came up once mote .md again was seen the struggle of an irresistible force against an immov- Able body. What happens ? Noth- ing. Councillor: Brtiien and Krona moved that the present market site be offered the government, combining as " does an attractive and Soneutpitw position, and mwtng the town's hard cash. The other site is part of the; new purchase made lately by Mr Jos. I Brown fora rink on the northern por-‘ [ lion ot the IChOOl grounds. and which can be secured fot 8100. However no l amendment was moved but instead an enquiry by Councillor Kinnee if the Mayor intended to push this question we vote that night With an empty seat at the table. On being assured that he was. he as well as Reeve Saunders made .Itrong protest. the Mayor had promised not to deal with it except at a full board, said they. which the mayor denier. and rather than risk defeat and before the mo- tion could be put both left the table, followed by Countiltor Sharp. and the council was without it quorum t , A petition was presented by a. llrge : num wr of ratepayers praying for a cronsing on Gun run Mt,, between Lambton and Saddler streete. Mr U. ) L. Grant also appealed on behalf of Upper Town residente for one across Gnmfruxs street to replace the old wooden one, now deem ed. The ques- tion was left With the Ed. ot Works. _ Mayor Calder reported at length oni the trip to Ottawa. to meet the Rail- way Commissioners, who spent with} the delegates the most of nduy dis- cussing the situation. Stron assist-I unm- was given them by E, H. H. Miller and they left With Meaning} that their case had Inadeagood Im-l pression. They held out first and foremost for watchman and gates at! the dangerous Garnfraxn street cross- l mg. All other requests. as they should be, were considered sulmdiery to this. l I The other requests were for wider). (ills at the crossings on Countess and l! and Brure streets, the Widening of I George tit., near Charter Smith's. and " ience proteetion near the overhead " crossing on L'unhton tit. Mr Brown " supplemented Mr Ualderu remarks-4 urietle and both Justified their tripla toOItuWa. taken on request. (which practically meant a command) of the. Railway Commission. and after con-l summon with several members of: council, Councillor Kinnee took objection to the accounts of Mes-rs Calder and Brown for trips to Ottawa, holding they were authorized to go only to 1orbnto,and voted against adopzing the Finance Committee report, but it Wu curried. There was the usual grist of ac- counts, which were used as below: one of J. P. Terrord'n. anoth- er of McGrath & McAuliffe’s. being Feld for further consideration. Also acct: of U. Lavelle and Constable Car- son for work before special Examiner were held over. The regular meeting Monday Night. All press cillor Robertson, who We! by sic-mess. The time draws near, only one week from next Tueodov and it will he derided, likely, who‘s who in the Re- form ranks for the next parliament of the Dominion and the province. The election of Candidates by the dele- gated representatives of the Con- stitueucy. now and next week being elected. once over and some routine business attended to, the meeting will l be thrown open to all and sundry who I wish to hear the distinguished Lender j of t!yrf?ppositiat,' Hon A. G. MacKuy. I M. P. P., as well as our present mem-i her in the Commons H. H. Miller. M. I P,, dint-nus the public questions of the I day. We are. not yet able. to announce f 1eiipitely the presence of Hon. G. P. ) Graham,' but it Is under consideration. i Then there will be the candidates‘ elect. (ifuny) and altogether it will (ii) a bad place to stay away from. For- mers we know will feel the loss of al, day at home. but the coming contest»! will be the better enjoyed by getting] into touch with the leaders of palm-5 cal thought. I Come out Reform Convention. Town Council Tuesday, 2l April, I908, M _ -V...,.. V'IDU urlu \ll night. All present. but Coun |...~AA - . mun near the ovethead L'uuhton tit. Mr Brown ed Mr Calder’s remarks both Justified their trip “Ln-n -___ ~- - ' . . ulsslonen. who spam with be! the most of aduy dis- , situation. Stron “sitt- glzen thtm V 'ltr/h". H. wine everybody, , 1908. ' wtio wGGiCt Egg-y "rr.. 500 mg ......... 300 walling '....... 100 ightlng 17635 _....... 535l now... 150‘ ....... mm .. 27 25 missing . . 24 no not to l' .. so u the e . . 3 oo tfterwa .. I 40 corner " 6 25 ttt ha .. 6 ar ttom .. 1 on And th, Ik l 50 to finish '.-.-- except ‘33 E hoard. was held on , Aonxra WANTED 1-46wa cmwm I portraits 40 cell”. frame,, lit cents and ' up, sheet pictures otlecettt each. You . can nukewo per cent profit, or $36.00 . " week. Catalogue and Saundra I Free. FRANK W. \VILLIAMB COMPANY. , pam w. Taylor St., Chicago. Ill. While out. driving with two girls _ last week one ofour young buys ofthe town had a rather peculuu experience I in that when he was almost through I with his drive and was about to re-l _ turn home he found that he was the only occupant of the cutter, He Wu standin up in front of the cutter while (giving with the two girls in the seal. and Was tearing along at a good pact- around comets and up and down hills ugparently not awn-e of the fart that t ecutter had seen better days(heing about 20 veers old.) He had reached the top of s hill.snd was shout to return home when, on turn. ing around tospeak to his t','i1'l?rJ',ig,', he was somewhat surprise- to iiiil that the whole hack of the cutter was missing including the girls. and Ins loot to be Been as u back on the road as the ere rould reach. He found out afterwards that on turning I sharp corner the bolts holding the least in ' ere had snapped " lowing only the I ttom of the cutter, the uhhou'd end the aforementioned aliver to l to thsiatt the trip. All escaped unturt Mee the eutter0--Nip" News- . The Fourteenth Canadian Horse Show to he held in the tit. Lawrence- Arena Toronto on April 29m. 30th. May lat. and 2nd. promises Looutuhine in numbers and quality of horses all its predecessors. A very notable uddle horse which has swept the ring ll" New York Will he shown in May Imoming formerly the property of the Ute J. W. Hurnrmn. This mar-e was bought. in New \ork try Miss Eur Booth the hem! of the Salvation Arinyi in America who ii an ardent horse- woman and depends largely for her health on 9questrian exercise. A con- dition of the- sale made by the vendor was that the nmre should be exhibited at Toronto. There will be reduced ute- on all railways. "HM”... runwu trom a letter {of the Minister of Militia to Mr. H. H. Miller M. P. gives hope of the 31s! {Regiment being aiming the number in ft In Qttehee. The letter was in Mr. I Terry’s pcssessim) t ."rh?uistiero, to some extent. the selection will depend upon fitness, nu Ihnwn by the epicirncf at camp and, otherwise. It; is desirable as far as possible to have all sections of we} century represented And it is prnluhh- ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO i Thursday of this week the evidenee taken before Special Examiner Telford is to he brought before the Judges a! Toronto. Of those who, on the tuivice of the solicitor refused to give evi. dence. one has been chosen, Mr. Geo. Bur-net. aud his reason for refusing demanded. Thin will be sent down in "idavu, form as a lest case. Mr Kingston. Mt. Forest“ is tsolicitor fot the town and was here on Monday evening gamut-in; up the [blends of the case so as to make as good a. pm» i mutation ae possihle, Judging from n deliverance of Hon. Mr. Hanna, the Uommissinneru will not be allowed to cum [locum m Dark-min myevcnt. 4 N,..‘_ l l l Mr. Hastie an mired first in Emu- mont Council in fur“! 188 being elect.. ed by urclamatinn to fill a yummy. The REVIEW of that day mid " ttis popularity and wall-known business ability will commend him for higher .honors." These cmue in due course and more may still be in More. At his first election he was within threr votes of heading the poll, and sub. sequmt runs saw him generally ut the top He has served his tuwnsliip '" various capacities, and we think has never yet sulfewd defeat. He is the youngest son ofthe late James H ostie, and a native of hie “mm-an The Toronto Horse Show Ty {glowing P3ttr 3lst Not to be Overlooked The Local Option Situation "__ v. ... .5 '" ngest son ofthe late James Hulk a native of his Township. *"O. i------- on April ahh, 30th. i, promise: to outshine quality of horses all l, A very notable- "-.- tet from a. letter R. B. Keeler Two Big Stores-mu: All the above goods our Easter Stock In Fancy Goods Dept, In our Jewelery Dept. We have the finest stock Goods for I908 that we have a . -"e -- “qr-u; ul . (ml. John Alums. In her 72m Funeral from her late maiden olace on Sunday at 2p. an. Peter's church. Burton, for ment. Friends and uquail t.rleaaseau:eept thin intlmntion den-nun! hved on th- plus lube Mr Kohl. Ir'tor, 3rd can for a. number of years. Hr. I is a brother of the Ute In I. McLeon.--rn wirmi ' on lllh. suddenly. Ill-mun M late of Durham Real. (Mental. Priceyille, aged 48 van. - V r " We have a mammoth stock of Eater Novelties, consipting of Easter Chick. ens, Ducks, Birds,' Rablgnh. ando painted Easter Eggs, all men km . __ ... . ‘ul ”5005"“. Crosses. Necklcts and Lockets. Bruce: lets, Waist Sets, Ring. Watches and Chains, Ladies' and cn'u fine Gold and Silver Mounted Umbrellas. Is to be found everything that is m ind up-tg-da'tlc m Pgarl‘ Banach“ ms nurnum hunch. no he already but a prosperous establishment in Owen Sound We regret losing It Fluiw entirely, but an Harv bu built up a goud furniuhing trade. we have no douht that, with a new practical cut- ter and manager he is engaging. the tailoring end will give good unsuc- lion to both customers and proprietor. Wusos--At g March 20th, l zie Alma. h Wilson, and Col. John AU ‘er conducting a nucceuful tailoring [busim'u here the past few yous, Mr J. L, Flnrity Inst. week sold out to Mr Hurry Burnett. who will run tt in "onttetrtiott with his Ram's furnishing luminous. Mr Flu-it; found it impou- uhlo to devote aumcieut Intention to his Durham hunch. no he already but a prosperous establishment in Owen Sound We rein-pt. Indian -- 'ri-e- Bovam~ Tuwnma Basal-was tar conducting n lucceuful tail huwinmu here the n... .- -.---. Mina Bonn. Mich.. I visiting her old time fr" hum for some time. left visit friends in Mt Forest worth on her way home. former o saint in the BI iilTlL'le',',t,t, bun-in " Mr and Mu Lauder Munroe Ind funny. Dumb-t. Nehru-kn. mvioiting his parents fm I couple of mouth. lt is fourteen years to the day lince he last had the plea-uro- of seeing the old town. Mr Willllm Gray. Sunk" arrived here but Fridnv on a visit to his vluughler. Mrs John McGowan. He will he remembered here by many old hiendauthe owner of the old any mnnery. with his fiuiriii"ta'C, Miss Cooper, of To her sister. Mes. Jno. l having been severe hands: and face by tal I. few days ago. Mr and Mn Laud .fytuis, Omaha. Nah: Mr. Suite of Grand PIT Ipent a few days over the week en with his 1ttotheiuin..iG. and litter. Mr. and Mrs. Th :3. Allan. Mr. Angus Cameron and non Will Inf: Wmlnesduy momma for Kramer, N. Dakota after spending the winter with his fumilv hum CHOCOLATE EASTER 3068 from le each to 31m am. with herGiGTii, den. tram le each to" if!!!“ Big Stock Enter PM cum. Mme tiusie MoKinnon netumed home Friday from a tortnight’u wait tn her aunt, Mrs And. Brown. Mt Forest. Mr. Robert Vollet. Cobalt. paid I brief visit to hit pnrentc on Monday lust. leaving Again Tue-any “human. Mrs Cai. Ctpper returned to Kun- 2r/,,tty.,, Muir unending the winter wn m. .t.....-., -- _ -- He Rev Mr Bire left Monthly to attend the tuneoU of the Isle Addison Mere. dith in Guelph. Easter Goods at keeler's Mr John McQueen. puma agent. In on a mp to Woodstock Int week. Mr. and Mrs. Joneph Brown and baby, are spending a week in Toronto. Mr. Baht. Hugheu left Int week to accept a situation in Ryan Bros. store. Owen Sound. THE REVIEW, DURHAM, - "w-â€" ... - ”up! knd taught music 1'80. The Yellow o. BAMAGE a SON, Pun-us up hm‘ M , goods are iuat in than: Stock is bum) Magi ”Edwyo'u; Ant-amber. on Thundny, ' 1908. Christina McKen- helovod wite of Henry ld. daughlfr of, the no: nun Gray, Sunk" arrived Fridnv on I vioit to hi. Mn John McGowan. He Pman-d here by - old he owner of the old any (mus Ind 'uxtuttinuneee t this intimition. The red on tho place of the ht. E tor, 3rd oon. Glen" ' ot yem. Mr. Wilson of the late Mrs M. Firth. Wirypipe, . on Much My. Mr. 8nf, McLeod. an: and. Glenelg. our Durham & Welland trtugharr of uiriia In. In her 72nd you, ter Infefesidence took time. left Tu- to I Mt Forest and Kenir. wn) home. She wu I 'f. in the 85mm church DIED .of Toronto. in viliu’ng . J no. “Night. the latter severely harm on the , hy falling on the stove .time filming-1; iii; .._ who ha. been 2 p. 13h: 1031'. and' Mn 8:1};- k of Easter ever tshown inter- --Af, my 4..

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