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Durham Review (1897), 9 Apr 1908, p. 4

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$8355 I“; . _..,....-. nus nuauuw sulpc " tr." is very attractive and neat. l5 . ;.; New Waist Ends W . The famous 'Cru x Prints boil and remain tl 'if:'""""""'""""':':','::':-?::,:', ti'::', Taylor & Co., Dromore ti a. " r"ihifsiMeibiirsiMsiMyifss1fseaseasoiisqsoertasqsqsmstrei;', " 756 awe mama it eiti'eilesieseeirieqeesriesossseeeAiosos, We have now ready for Four inspection all and coloring: imaginable in Dress Lengths. ‘ tonas. Panama. Lunttes, Satin Cloths, San Ii cloths. The shadow stripe is to be seen in mar is very attractive and neat. All wool Crepe-ge-sues, regular All wool Maids " Fancy Mohair Suiting: .. Light Tweed Suiting: " Crepe-de-chenes, Panamas, Cheviots, Mohairs, Tafietta Cloths, Queens Clofhs and Broadelofh Suitings, S. F. MORLOCK Now in vonr time to order a suit. Overcoat or any gar- ment you are in need of. We would like to measure you now for we are convinced we can suit you better th ony where else, Mr Glass is attending to the cutting him- self and " to the making we have a first class man to make the coat. Prices away domr. aster We have made special preparations for Easter in our Millinery Department and have an extra large display of fashionable Millinery to choose your Easter hat from, including all the newest models for spring wear. The famous 'Crum's' which every lady I boil and remain the lame in color as before Dress Goods ew Dress Goods including plain and shadow stripe effects. We can save you money on your spring dress as we have special bargains. Last week we took advantage of a big wholesale clearing sale of Fashionable Dress Goods and bought I large quantity. Along with this spring importation of Dress Fabrics, it gives us the lar. gest display of fashionable dress materials that we have ever shown, composed of : Ear/2y, 9% t?.restlittsrths." "riGeT/i' for spring blouses are natty and coloring, are blended attractively. /s' whjch tvery _lady knows will otha, San Reenos and Broad seen in many of these and r 45c yd, 60c yd, illinery " yd, 'srshant Uni/or the latest effects special . . in Karr- it .65c 35c 30c 40c Bar, JNo. McLares, Durham RO; " to . ARTHUR B. JAcxsox. Durham, Om. . Agent for Ire mitt. Dated this 24m day at limb was. I acre ttt said to be a brick dwelling, and frame stable upon the said lands. TERMS OF SALE Ten per cent of the purchase money to be paid down at time of sale. balance within thirty days with in- terest at 6 per cent. For further particuiars and conditions of sale, apply to - no-.- mu null, I act. the following property, I Village lots numbers' One a South of Division Street, and Main Street, in the Village ol mile. in the County of Grey. ing to McArdle's plan of part numbers " and 13 in the tat cession of the Township of . and registered in the Registry for the South Riding of the of Grey, on the 3rd day of 1877. There is said to be a brick " and frame stable noon the “it! it the hour of One o'clock in the afternoon at the premises in the Village of Hopeville. in the County oi Grey by Dugald McPhail. auction. eer, the following property, namely ; Village lots numbers' One and Two South of Division Street, and East of Main Q09“. J... At, ....- Under and by virtue of the powers untamed in a certain mortgage. which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be offered for sale by public auction on Saturday. 25th day of April - r of Death again visited our neighbor- hood on Friday March 20, claiming age us vicéim in the person of Miss r Agnes n rnnu t at the earlv a e ul '.. 27 years 'f'n"li 6 months. She “had We have 'e.d grand 'g',',.',',",'),','",',':'; been a tsufferer/fur the last three Ing our Millinery Openings 'P wears of a comflication of diseases. since. As Easter is approaching and sitboug sl that human hands we havemade every eitorttoadd and loving hearts could do Wuldone. to our already large stock some she grew steadily worse until " He h ill be t who doeth all things Well tt saw in to new models K at WI sure o take her to her Hesvenlv home. lead. We will spend a day or Thaw"??? WP: my??? from the two in Toronto next week look- Car, tt ie are tot e ' cemetery . . _ at Dornocb on Monday. March 23, ar. 'g, up metric: ireastaindMsgelllfi tended by ' large number of her tttttt some 0 t e ates. n iriends and neighbors. Rev. Falter ery tshapes arm novelties. Shelley, of Owen Sound, condm‘ted . . . I. C the services which were most im- pressiva. She leavesas chief monrn- Parisian Mil 11er.'lr o r-l's one sister and one aunt who have MISS DICK, Proprietor the sglupalhy ot their large circle of trien s. Considerable sickness here yet some are getting a little better but slowly. . ship it will be halt alinile mde in places vet. This large tract of land being flooded every year is a great drawback to Proton and We believe that last year, Reeve MeArdle made a ttood explanation " the County Council 's June Scsaion as to a remedy. him. This girl was employed in the house of the Beer Street farmer who drew home the load of snow and " the young man drove (lg to house out came an angry man t " gave that smart Alex 3 great dressing down. The voung man had to turn his horse around and he went away as quickly tl'..' he camu after being told to leave was well filled he went to wait till his team would return, In the mean- time another farmer's team came for saw dust and in the sleigh were some gay young fellows. Knowing who owned the load filled up may drove their sleigh along side and filled their sleigh out of the Beer Street men's sleigh. To hide the trick they filled his sleigh with snow, tramping it down solid. putting saw dust on the top to deceive him. The Beer Street farmer did not find out the difrensuee until he began to shovel it out into his stable utter driving that show near three miles. There was one mad farmer in Proton but he kept it quiet trying to find out the guilty partv which he soon did, so ended the first part. The second part, a any young man was driving along the road heading for Beer Street with a tine horse and cutter to get his best girl and take her out for a nutter ride and go to some select party not think. log of what trouble was ahead ot We do have one funny thing's done here " our village hnt one that has Just come to light beats near ‘ull at them. One ot the suburbs of our village is called Beer Street and a farmer there being scarce ofstrsw for horse and cattle bedding, took his team and hired men to a saw mill to draw home saw dust for bedding. They rocured a. second sleigh. When a; had one sleigh box full his man drove it home and the tanner stayed and filled the other with the best saw dust he could get. When it On Sundny 5th tho Ber. Mr Ile- Innea went to Puzzler-ton to preach with the consent of Pmbytery. Mr Bretbonr Mt Form. filled the pulpit here in the Enplin Church. Mortgage Sale. md 13 in the 12th Con. " Township of Proton i in the Registry Office _ Riding of the Counts the 3rd day of March at Crawford .o-.. Hopeville ------- of Hope- t, accord rt of lots E of by OFTTWO ARCHIVES TORONTO No need to buy a size larger than you can get on just to be comfortable. Our shoe iita so perfectly and conform to the foot so easily that all pinching and tightness are eliminated. Come In and look at them Ind you'll surely choose 1 pair. We sell the Maltese Croes Rubbers for all kinds of weather . I wear are a special showing of ours They make walking really a pleasure. They represent the long sought com- bination of Perfect Style & Perfect Comfort SPRINGY SHOES FOR SPRING Agvnte wanted at ont'e to sell F‘n111908und Spring 1009 delive whole or part lime: liberal ten outfit free. THE rims. W. BOWMAN & SON on. Ridgeville, Ont. I 4th-Kate Mchnig. Maggie Hart. ford, Ads McLean.' Br 8rd-Gerrie McCuaig Chas. McKinnon, Ids Mc- Cuaig. Jr Wd-Bernie Hartford. Flousie Hoo er. Roy McDermid. J: ?yf-rrht, ElcCuaig. Henry Tucker. Edward Parkes, Pt '2rtd-Leotutrd Hurtfurd, Minnie McEache-rn. Magite McEaeheirn, ltit-Edwru.d Hartford. Average M tondnnce. 18. Lzimr BINME. Teacher. " B-Clarence McGIrr and Vernon Watt Pq.. Sarah popellr, Ernie Mc- Donald, Jack McKenhnie, Joe Wha- church. Jr A-Elvin Shula. Irene ker, Frankie Burnett. THE DURHAM REVIEW Jr 2nd Wire,','?,', McAuley, Etta Saunders, Vlllie Lauder, Jack Bryan and Pearl Wright, eq., Mary Smith nnd Mary Mellruith. eq. Br Pt Sud-Irene McPhee. John Mc" Gowan, Willie Watt, Nellie McKech- nie, Gladys Vollet. Jr Pt '2rttr--Hobin Fnrguharson. Alex McQueen. Harper Mc nrr and Arthur anhge. as)" Hilda Brooks and Henrietta Havens. eq.,Charlie McDougall. Br Ist-Well- Lwine, Vere Allan, Tillie Levine, Jennie Dayis, Maydee McAuley. Intermediate-Hazel Hutton. Bry-l son Mot-lock. Edllh Hughes. Hurold‘ Ramage. Ethel Whitmore. Mil Acres in Nursery Stock. Jr 2nd--.tt rile litt. Minnie {hum Milton Caner. Ours is the right Shoe Store. Sr 2nd-gdinu, lining}: Annie Rus- sell and Eddie Hutton, eq., Iary Mc. Kecrnle. Ruby Ihstrieteri, John" Har. hou s. Jr 3rd--morene. r Bun-clay. Janet Munhnll. Lucy McKelvev. Marga-rt thry. Georgina Lamson. Br tirdeRar Furquhnrson. Helen Ireland. Ruby Gamma, Nollie Daniel. Veins Fluker. . Form I--Wddie Cnldwell. Lizzie McCunlv. Arthur Backus. Beth Jun- inou. Jami. Furquhuruon. PUBLIC Beacon Dunn'rsz-r. Br 4ut-.witiie Paw. Herbert Mur- dock, Lyle: Kelsey. Ida Halbotlle and John McIlmith. eq.. Lottie Daniel. Jr 4th--iGrl Lennhan. Tommy Lauder, Lillian Ereritt, Devon: War- mington. Fred Laidlaw. Jr Teehrra--tuaie Fen-gum". 8cm- 'tg McNally. W. A. Campbell, Bessie air. but! Morton. Jr HatEisuuuon-.W. A. Cam be", Bessie Weir. Magic! Wear, Eatie Clark, Annie Aljoo and Axum Mc- Girr, eq Form Il-Nollin Hepburn, Winnie Binnie. Eu Kenton. Sudie Kreu, Ruth Moran. aster Millinery. R. NO, lo, 1N2REM0NT a sauna Fog-n; Ir, man 303001. Damn-nan. ---------.-.. W Durham Honor Roll Sewel] file Dying. Wirlie His ont'e to sell for T 1009 delivery; t liberal (Hum: Witirert" Ems-123'; Whitra Ltd. Clark, Roy Lamu, John 2u"--Jutui Gran-um. g., Bertha Hone... Sr it Grit-nun. Carlyle. M1'UIlu 2nd-Slo-rliuz Liam. Geo: 1u--Aevine Wilma. 1L" LuMtr-eettrt Wilson. Ross Mo. Donald. Thou. Johnston. Sr 3rd- Rum, Pulhorhuugh May G'turtmon. MMwlSluilh. Mnrjnrie Clank. Philip McDonald. Jr 3rsl-Cuara Hanna. (Nadya McDonald. Edwin Lunnoy. Sr 2ad--Howamt McDuugull Jim Clark, Roy Lamu, John Smith. Jr 2ud--Jotui Urtetmon, Jooie Clank” Bertha “on": H.. u, " ' "t Avenue attendance, as. MINNIE HALPENNY. T s. a. No IO, nan-1x0: 4th class-Pearl Wilson; E Donald. Thou. Johnston. 1 Eutlvt.I c!'u.rtrryyuktl May 4 Jertsie Ulurk. " 2ud--0u"can Camer- nu, Joe Wilson, Jennie Mulihlt”. J: 2ud--htar Mc-Uannel. UharlhI Mc. (Jannel. L,,',',',.,' Haw. tir Pt 2nd- Rnhhiv Lane. Jr Pt 2nd -Unry Unm- vrun, Chriulena Williams. Andrew Lane. Br Pt btt--Edd, Earnest. Att. ttie \Villrrs. Jnhn Plenum. Jr Pt ht --Htsrvey Wiliouns Ellie McDougull. Ann-Ann'- 4..-.7- -- 4th--Clara Wilson. Sr Haw, Elhvl Haw. Neil Me ad --John Wilson. (rm-Me: Jensiv Clark. " '2ud--Dur nu. Joe Wilson, Jennie Ma 'ad-Mars. Mottmmnl I SI I'ut--Massrie Monk), Morrison Smith, Alex Turnhull. Car: ol Hunt, John Ledinghvun. Donald Ray, Addie Twamlvy. Bea Simpsun, Mamie Mont- les. J: 41!) -Georke Ledumbnm. Ivy Darguvel, Lysln McKnighL. Jno Smith. l Bella Cumming, Arthur Simpson, bsahel Turnhull, Bernard Uottield. Lizmetitttich. Sr 3ti-Lavitm Mottley, Knle Smith. Jr3rd-Kare tilt-want, Ittrie Mun-dry. 2nd--Archie Turn- roll, Willie Smith, Devil Twruuley. wam-t Mt'Gillivray. Jennie Ramon. Imu- Trattord. m _uurrNetlietiuttiu,' Ummltl Sunlh, Bubbie Mlvl'tlry. Mary Chdtlrld, Mary McClemeut. Sr Lst-L Morris 51mm. Marlin Uottltald. Jr Isl - Elle Turnhull. Annie McGulivmy. 5th cl- Fumw Brim". John li.snk~'. Emma Hinmv, \Viifrid Greenwood, tth-WV P‘HIKIDR- Hun“. Eva Run-nu. 3rd-rMatoei"e Ectnl'. " ”HP Hum", Kale RIIcllw'. Hmbw Rnldlw. Vlctur Williuenm, Alix Edge. 2utr--M Ith- Ertor, Ehzu W'Il- lium, Maggiu lawman Nun-t Wiluauss, Unrrie McNally. Euith Eng». Bertha Falkinghum and Cumin Rut-hie, Mug- giv Mckenzie, Janna Vaughan. ht Pi. 2yd--Mary Pnonr. Alex Vaughan. Jr PL 2nu--Reulwn P4) hrr; Will-e Kit/‘hiv, Karie a1cNaly.' 1tst--Jolu: [bu-hm, Beetha Ecuor, Grunge Wil- li mus. Averrute m lomdnm-v 27. . Over 7o per cam on Writu-u eXaIuH. Average attendance, 3 Haray Uaidweidiid iiiiv"iiu. ism-ire: v-q. Jr 2: li-rs/o Mountain. Mattel Wallace, Allurrt Boartutt. th. Pl 2nd Arthur Mullllluiu. Juhn Bur. Jr Pt 2ud-katie Kerr, Maugh- Petty, Late _ In. Bur and J, Burns, eq., Andww Harman. Dunn“ Mun-sham. Pt Gt-- Chnrlxe McAlthu A vernge ttl lemlnnro. 32 M. ll, ADA”! Twat-her. s. s. No 3. GLENELQ Mh.--Nellie Buml. 4th.--WiItie Wallace, Lizzie Bums. Marv Backus, Arthltruadd, Dinah Thompson, Min. nil-e Keller and Bert Morice. eq. Sr i'Pd--Myttle Ualdweu, Altlnur Morice, Thus. Wallace, Jan. Marshall. Jr 3rd -r5Gry McAhuwr. John Kerr, Nun: Marshall, Elma Fee, Grunge We-er Henrietta Ktrler.uraceMo%tarr, Sr 2rui--Jean Morice, Ler.lie Morice. HMI'IV Caldwell and MPH/ills: mum'nn Hilbert Noble. JGhnny M(b-uu;afl: Edmu- Boyce. lat A--Rotmie Britton, Joe Burns, Prosper Porter. A. MARROW. Teacher. U. s. a. NO, 2, BENTINCK. bphh-.Geptit, Morton 93 per cent. Jr 4Ur--John Gmslw 80. tir 3rd-... Willie Edge 72. vVillie wens as, Harald McKm-hnie. Mabel Venue. Sr 2nd--Mse Mchchnu- M, Sh-wart McArthur 91. Lewis Neweutn, Jr 2nd Earl Vessie. Tom dinghy. tir Pt 2nd --Armetta McKechnie " Jr let--. Rehu Vessie. Those obtaining 60 per cent or over on written exmuinntium have the per- centage pliureiraner. their Human. L, B WALKER, Teacher. ream Hopkins. Irene Bruton, Freddie Turrv. Jr 1t1ir-Hugtue Hendry, Mug- uiv (Hon-k. Willie Britton. Sr 2nd.- Evn Redford, Hurry Cox, Tenn Porter, Willie Hopkins, Nina Nome. Jr 2nd- Jennie Britton, Neilie McDougull. Sr htt--Erta Twnmls‘y. Clam Hrndry. Gilbert Noble. Johnny ML-Duugull. Edgy Boyce. 1st A--ilotthie Britton. s. s. No. 6, BBNTINCK. Fur-Catherine McDougnll. Sr tttt -Lottie Britton. Jr 4th--ifranirie 1'wamler, Archie Mchugall, Camp- hell cure. Sr 8rd--Katie Phillips. Pearl Hopkins, Irene Button. Freddie Tprrv. Jr3rd-HturhL, "mam, u-.. Beg. iiriGiir"" Jr 4th-Edna Thummn. Archie Al. lnn,Jue Murriuon. Sr 'hrd--sMarwoet Woods, Agnes Allan, Merrie Allan, Sum Allah, Hazel Dennett, Earl Meade, Sum Morrison. Gertrude Pol- luck, Je 3rd (A)--vvutred Barbour. Bridger Woods,' Annie Ker. May Al- lan. Jr3rrdoi-iiiiiiii, Woods Many Ker. Jr 2nd-Robe/i Marshall, EVA 11cli1eeken, Willie Finnigun, Roy Thomson, Howterd Meade. Maggie M9ude.Junneu Finnigun. tir 1si--El- "le Mth-Iken, Elsie McLaughlin. Ben Wnndn Ct"'""-, l. "ut'hre, B Belt. W. Mc Girr, E. Atkinson, M. Mntlhewn. Jul. Matthew!» tir 2nd~E. Lindsay. ti. Whi'nwre. Ne Pt 2nd--ti.' NohU, E Putter-on. Jr Pt 2rui-ar. Bell. E. Met-nu. L. Rim-him M. Linda-av. L. Al. we. M. Matthews. Jr Ist-g. Irena. umber enrolled. 66. Average M- tenausce, 36. _.. -. ..-u. ah. "Wulfme, Jr 8rd--J. Bell. M. PM.“ Weir, J. Allen, A. Aljrw. L. Atkinson, V. Hunting. t “Penn. U. McGirr. H. Alkir Manhunt. r. Ritchie. B B “in. E. Atkinson, M, Mum Irttthewt,. Sr 2rrd--it. Lil Whi'ngnre. Hr Pt 2nd--d.' Putter-on. Jr Pt 2nd-M Mean». L. Ritchie, M. Lind» we. M. Matthew”. Jr Ist--.' umber enrollml m . B. . No tr, $"aettlua. Rrport for let. Quarter, INS. Sr 4th--C. Ritchie, E. Meuirr, V. Moe, A. Bell, M. Hopkins. Jr tth-. N. Collier. B. Davis, M. Ritchie, R. Smith. R. Lawrence. Sr Sri-M. Matthews. M. Man-r. ti. Bell, W. f:?;"."?,'.') B. Mntlhewn, M. Crutch- lay, T. ell. R. Malthrwn. J. Weir. Jr 3rd-J. Bell. M. Patterson, W. Weir, J. Allen, A.Aljnv. L. Allor, J. Atkinson, v. Hopkins. 'er2iuC..-tt. “Penn. U. McGin-. H. Atkinson. Jan. Mambo-Wu. I mun.” Bt - March Honor Rolls KATE MCDONALD. Teacher . M. MQIM, Tun" m Wilson. Sr "frd-rptusy " Haw. Neil McDonald. Jr Wilson. (I!)ri:_tena (Mme-run. a. s. No. l, Nonqum'. LATUNA new on. s. s No 2, G. A. W Elk. Teacher qig s No 2. EGRhKONT. Edna Thmmon. Archie ..._‘- _ It, EGREMONT. CLARA Among. Teacher, Geo, .9; ‘. TOLCKARD, Teacher. “ 2ri-thuri. maid __dr " ', Teacher. Win J, '. John \Viifrid Faking- .cMatoeie ' I a. A re,esaa,.l P I te/l; 'tl'grtratitt:, 2...... j ... Durham Oit ' Manhunt": Inn I . . on. wlll any"! Much 1908, at. the hour of 2 o'clock in the afternoon. for the purpose of receiv- mg n trttttetttetttatut" for the ordering of the affairs of thr. "but Keller-Ally. Creditors are requested to ttie their chums with [Le usmnee or bi. Colic- itor, with proof. tnd pullout." thereof required , the aid Among or before the dry 0 Inch mung. Notice in here!) given than“... 10th day of Apn’l. NB. the “'3: will ptoceed to distrubuto the "out. of the debtor s'"u"ntrttt the u. Huh l led theteto, having 'iiiiq'J.r,tl,' to the damn " which "olive “M" ha. been gin-u. and than he will not he It“... for the are" or any PIN. [build-0‘ di-mhuled to my Penna or who,“ at whom: claim he that not then In”: had ttottee. M. the otpa"irii."ir', for the Assignee. in I mun. on Friduy. the: Inna ’- A . . - -.w'_ "u..." u; .mnu Clark, of the 1 Town of Durham. in the Ununlv of (Envy. Implement Agent. Insolvent. Notice iy hereby given (but. John Hark. of the Town at Durham. in the County of Grey. carrying on buuinen a. an Implement Agent. an. the aid Town m Durham. bu made an ae. aignuwnt to A, N. Mt'lnmh. "the Town of Durham. Hut-dune Merchant [ node: R. tt. 1).. 1.7; Unto. 147, of at In. etrtate, Mn Ind elect. fer the gene”! hem-It d Creditors A running of Creditor. will he held M. the otBce at W. P. Dunn. Solicitor for the Assignee. in the Town of Dar. mun. on Friduy. the will d.) of Much I908, at. the hour of 2 o'clock in the afternoon. for the J"'/2ytt of Melv- mn u sulenneutaa for the catering ofthe atGtr. of the nuts xenon-my. Creditors are rennin-lull .- =. In the matter Town of Dun-m Assignee’s Notice Too Rubber Tube. for Seeding Machines at 2oc each.. Our Black Cats are considered by some of the leading Veterinary Su rg- eons, as very superior oats for feed. ing. Our White Oats are an extra sample. Our Red Clover will satiety you In it is of the best quality. As this is going to be an extra good year for Timothy Seed, we have the quality and quantity. Call and examine them, and you will be convinced that we have pur- chased quality and nothing else. Being pressed by a great may of out good reliable customers to go into the Seed Business, We have de. cided, and have laid in a stock of the best seeds that money could procure. All Government tested. Have you a piano in your Home? If not why not one ofour Bell's ? We can give you the best imstru. ment and make you the best terms. One sold by us in town last week was tested by Prof. Konold and Pronounced excel. lent. John McQueen éeeds ! Other seeds in abundance. Gun’s Drug Store Spring Work SM UT West of Muc,o House How about your horses for the coming spring work? Are meg in good condition P " Britta Horse and Cattle Spice " is a splendid tonic, is made at home, is " lb package for26c 1%“ Very little trouble and small coat. Full directions on ev. ery bottle. No more trouble with it, No more dirty threshing. if you treat your grain with our of Jeun Clark .Bl FORMALIN Seeds ! to Creditors. ack MM'. Selim Am mum. Co'e E "um Jewel Flour For Our stock is now replenished with varied kinds of cause, medi, um and fine shoes for men, women Ind children. PLOW BOOTS good value. prices exceptional. Freshen up your draperies, win. dows. etc., with our large dotted Mustin, Art Sateen. Cretonues and Lace Cumin but before doing so, try our ingredients, such " SOAP CHIPS. AMMONIA. Several kinds LAUNDRY SOAPS NATIONAL POLISH and Monkey Brand Soup for cleaning glass. mar- ble, nickle, tinware, woodwork,etc MATH-laws t Lumen Dress Goods, Prints, Muslms, Gin hams, Laces, 11,'lell'l',','.iea, 8/e ParticuUr people will .9. PM our Goods. "rivitte wwily in all lines Who Said House-cleaning ? ”defer/an: d Co. In Flour Window chad“ Mtuttustine, follstono, Pu, Mixed Paints of firm Quantity“ GIN." Fruits, '--ccau-t.fee': '.u?l'1e1_ep Seeds. Wow Wall 'bers Dmggistl Ind Booksellers Boots 6: Shoes and other houaecleaning dd: nt lowest prices. Qual- ity mun-ed. in room lot: at such low prim I. will move them out quickly. Ont stock of new Wall Pa- per: in now complete, and we would like to show you the new pnttenu and color. inn. Come and see them. * Grant. mn. 9, 1908 Goods tttttlt r! N.,G. & E», El a LINULI‘LI FLOUR (l Floor () Sprin APRIL 9, 1 W Cold em“ in [ac (I) was o-us' m.- ave rea, 1rlll'E DAR DARL " ll M il

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