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Durham Review (1897), 9 Apr 1908, p. 5

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“S hold aning ? HUR tpers 9, 1908 'a/n is oes nanl: te, and ow you , color. , them. xh " 'ttrtt them if" n 3W IE :33 N., G. tg, McKechnie fi' _ i',ilfai2iaiarh1'e 3......" fi'ariifit 'iiEl!ElRlEl5hS,r1re, S51re lr.) IT,, mu "f. E) [ii b' Li {é E 'li, ti, il N. 21 a g Floor Coverings for g ,it Spring Carpets iii. I , I N OLEUM I'.".".'.".?.'.'.?' FLOOR OIL CLOTH They are much handier than carpet to lay or remove and add I much to the appearance of the room. In Tapestry, floral design in centre with wide border, assorted patterns and colors, 12 sizes 3 yd by3 yd, each.... ...... .... ...... .... ....... s Union Carpet Squares, in sizes 3 x 3 yd, 3 x 3', yd, 3 x4yd, 3% x4 yd, each..... .... .... ”to " ki, We have a large assortment for this Spring each one yard wide, in all wool, union, cotton and hemp ranging in price from, per yard.... ...... " to $1.2ti "re-lee-e-e-e-erase-a,:--.,.,., I yardin width.... .. APRIL 9, £0110 you We also carry i Cold Cream in Ah, (in: CARPET SQUARES Japanese Matting, Carpet Felt, Floor Mats, Door Mats, Etc. ream The popular Gash, Store.) DARLINGS, the v It you are so troubled. do not neglect to see our C. J. WESTERN. on MARCH 26. -.... a me very worst Season of the year for chapped hands and face but it should have no JU', b I” terror for those who use our Witchazel 0 0 e $33123 PM"! " T . For roughness '1": l of the skin. in stock all the prontieta 2 yards in width, per yard.... $1 J. McKechnie 'itehazet but dba, P ’arllrny’: 91/132197- proprietary lotions 2 yards in width by": 'ttliner J%y 23:? Are per pm' Druggists l, yd and creams. tterr"" Optician. a 'i:i, His primary object was to create hr impression that taxation had irv creased under the Liberals. m knew, of course, us well as any mem- heron the Government benches thut the rate ot taxation bad been sub- stantially reduced; but instead ot h mesz admitting that the increased rNenue Was due to the Increued y -1ume ot trade upon which it war levxed. he represented the increased earning power of the taxes as being no increased burden on the people. Hiamsnnervns nsnsVe s. that of s uttle child. He recites the growth of the revenue from 1896 until the preeenttlme and then drtunatittNir Political honesty is a. virtue that in. variably d.stinguishes the really ser- vieeable statesman, and, according .s the standard of public morality is nigh or low, So is it practt. Sir Wil- Irid Laurier possesses it in an eminent degree, and it has won tor him gen "ral esteem. But the Hun George E. Foster, " every turn in his career, has shown himselfto luck it 11tterly., No more salient illustration ot his wantot it could be found than the tue,aistittal manner and method of his criticism oi the budget, in which he expended six hours in industriously endeavm‘ing to misrepresent the con- dition ot the country 's finamxra. On- l y a glance over his speech is needed however, to detect some ofthe incon- usterieietg that culsify his main oun- tontions. Misrepresentirii the Finances, putssible.-PioneG, - r _-.. ”Hahn-nu Hun we bar-room should be abolished, they meant It. They mean it more swungly to-dny. It will be political wisdom to cease to put hindrances in the wav of the progress of this reform but rather rt’o help it in every manner ....aaikl.. $, - In Ontario we see this history be- ing repeated. Our Legislators and others have beliuled and ignored public sentiment. They cannot long- er safely do so, for the awakened, enlightened temperance sentiment of the Province ot Ontario is too strong to be untied with. When the people ot the Province of Ontario five years ago deciared by 3‘ majority of ninety-six thousand than Lhe bar-room Shunlrl hp ohJiaLAJ 'rb-r0f_ ”an ucuu uone in a practical The revenue of' Great Britain in “my without fuss and feathers, and I830, bemre the repeal of the Corn now the nation suddenly awakes to a lawn was $315,000,0(X) t and, in 1869, .rtelizat.iouottnyproiGi'iaiiG'i'i the after the repeal, $360,000,000. No Mm" has attained. o 1e will say. however, that the rate Th, ptomineruwgiven to the " dry" at” tixation had increased. It was movement in the Status recenm, is the trade of the country that had Itt. more due to the. iact that Tany p.o- creased. and every tax had: Heater ple who have been inclined to belittle "artunr power.-0ttewa Free Presse. and sneer at temperancfe Work, thKe - _- --- -------- sudden] come Lou rea ization o t e . . . '-. extent Ufthis retorm, Cron Cn-mu-, '" c4--.- Some people think that the spread of temperance sentiment and the ex- to-nsionot' Local Option areas in the United States. and especial” in the South, is of a sudden growth. It is not so. It is the result of years at patient, persevering intelligent. work. The growth has beengradiiai, butthe work has been done in a practical way without fuss and feathers, and now the nation suddenly awakes to a realization ot the proportions that the refurtn has attained. - Ilon Mr. Whitney brought in his new scheme for the epresentation ot Toronto. It is a novelty. Two mem- bers are still to run for each division bat the positions are to be dialinguish- ed as A and B divisions. with a sep- arate ballot for each. He wants it tried for one year sunny but it is going to lead to curious results where there may be Socialists, Labor or In- dependent men running alongside the Usual party men. One result may easily turn up; the, defeated, say on the A division, may have more notes than the highest on B, which will look at It riance with ma- jority rule. Why the govumment is giving Ottawa separate constituen- eies, and will not treat Toronto in the same way, seems an inconsistent thing. One member for one consti- vuency one would think " one safe Mlle. -Trttstee Levee forward seconder on the Toronto Board of Education for a motion to dismiss all Roman Cathoiic teachers and employ no more of that faith. They lound no supporters to the credit of the Board. The' action of the two trustees is of s piece with that at Dr. Sproule M P., who wanted to know the creed of all the government employee at Ottawa! adopting. and following up in these lines would lead the country back to the middle age; ,,,__...--...yuu nun but; muulu " March showed a decrease of 9745. 434, as compared with March, 19U7. The month‘s receipts were 34.356.102. I'he decrease is due largely to the caution with which business men are conducting their operations this spring. e-Militia general orders warn the members of the various volunteer corps that they must not be surprised ifthey havetotrsvel to Quebec next July in frieght cars That seems hard at first glance. but as July 0 umes along there will be thousands of Canadians who would be willing to get toQuebec even in cattle cars. ---T'he customs revenue of Canada fur the tiiseal year, which closed March 31, reached a total ot $57, 866, 632, an increase of $6,054,033 over last year. when the total revenue was $5l.8ty.,599. On the other hand the customs receipts for the, month of (lite Barbara Elmira: THURSDAY, AP RIL Political Wisdom TOPICS OF THE WEEK 9. 1908 Lots of other groper” for me. lo] nay to Len All kinds of but]. has: “tended to. 7100 acres. Durham Road, Bentlnck. Good dwvlllng. frame bank horn. good mil. Convenient location, only 825m. macros. (3ietttsitr--tine bank ltnrn-... good frame dwellirttt--ottser good improvements. only 88000. 40 acre: Gordon land. Durham Road Bannock. 316% A map. 250 mm on 0mm ttttad-tine huildingt, good kneel. good toil. To quick buyer at m. 00 acres. Bentinelt,-owner in went. price 327(1). Building! worth the, moaer--urm for nothing. 1 Would be a A Dollar for This your, owing to the larger sum available, nun-ion will he received from 100 Agricultural Societies. or ten times an many on in 1907. Rules nod regulation. governing the competition will be published shortly. J. Locxm WILBUN. Supt. Fain and Exhibitions. nan- . Is it n it is Tit Besic' side cover 'ttlt besid ed, dural we B, na- t is Folde in. Jie .'nt =="'"-""-, " the 4 Len; lid 1.t""eeiee"ei1i- :6 asks the quest 3 that the cuunu is it was in 1896 d sentence hr " . question, "No 8 trv has been bl I The revenue 1 1830, bemre m I laws was 8315,( t after the rape o he will say. hr , "f t-xation ha I the. trndn nf'H-m _ --_"-_t_. "nun wt“: In but! com. etition to leading Seedsmen at, prices From '25per. cent to tio per cent above market quotations. The competition excited much in terest last year In the district» where they were held, Ind the results were decidedly profittutle to those who were prize winners. inwtmueh as without leaving home they sold their grain from the !!tl1s, which were in the com- nnehh.“ AA Ar) .. . The objects aimed at are to encour- age the growing of grain of the best quality, free from other varieties of grain and weed. and also from diseases, such as rust, smut and insecu. The Crop Competition in standing fields of grain which was inaugurated in 1907 in the Province of Ontario by Honorahie Mr. Monteith, raved so beneficial to all 1'l'l'llfal"i'llQ the Minister has. this year. secured a largely increased appropriation for this purpose. Crop Competitions in Standing Grain. [asks the question, tt Does that mean, that the country is paying less than it was in 1896?" and m the next! sentence hr uys. answering his own I question, "No sir. bat the. the coun- try has been bled. " 1 uld be a great bargain. So no the followmg properties at the prices sued t Lenahan l. M. mm: The “on: Canyon» See our English Liquid House Folder for colors and Sugaegtinnc elm-“if! Besides English Liquid House Paints cover more surface per gallon than poo besides imparting a finer, more beaut durable finish. " -_., -..-urn.1 auu Pool it is a case of being ‘penny wise, and 1 Low Price indicates poor quality in a subject to competition as Mixed Paint Count your paint cost by year'. by first outlay only. It costs just sometimes more for labor to apply che to your house as it does to apolv English Liquid House Pai Mixed ready for use. They are Pure Linseed Oil Paints and the White Lead used in their manufac- ture is Brandram’s B. B. Genuine. They are super- ior tu any liquid paint on the market to-day, and if properl y applied, are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Pull directions accompany each can. You maybuy cheaper and poorer paints. but ENGLISH LIQUID HOUSE PAINTS We are now Agents for a HARDWARE AND nJRNniird Fifty Cents Uints, Varnishes, Oils, 6se may buy cheaper and poorer paints, bat of being ‘penny wise, and pound foolish.' G,Al-2.. ----, - T., . v - " "-""', -uu yuuuu LUUHSU.’ Indicates poor quahty in a commodity so ompetttion as Mixed Paint. mgusn Liquid House Paint Color and suggestions about trimming, etc Binders, Mowers, Seed Drills, Flows, Cultivators, Hay Tedders, HayLoaders Hay Rakes, Side Delivery Rakes, Hay Forks a Slings, Barrows, Land Rollers Manure Spreaders. Delaval Separators Saw.& Maa.Threahera, Massey Harris t2epa.ratorspurtteea, Gasoline Engines Engines. Three different makes Bug. tries, Organs and Pianos, American & Canadian Coal Oil, Separator & heavy Machine Oil, Sewing Machine Oil, and Needles, Rubber Rings for M.-H, Delaval and Oxford Separators. Prices Right. till Repairs, Cash i Agency for Massey - Harris Farm Machinery 2nd Concession Bentinck. Lot 27, Mr, G, R , 100 acres. tr acres of Pall Wheat. 15 acres Fall ploughing. Good well and Iprinz water. " acres under ml! ivntion. i mile from school. Post Ofrlee near hr, And tr mile! from Durham. Apply on farm to Mass. ALEXANDER McGonmcx. Rocky Hangman t-WANTE D for tale. Not Mien)" shout location. Please give price And dererimion, Ind m- non for aching. sun when -ion can be had. Will den um: owner: only. . L. IUrtBrmrrut, Box 984, Rochester. N. Y '_-----.--'-" A GOOD Inning *â€" number of Tourist Slam-in: Cara will hq run on an!) exeutyion, fully “nipped with hedging. aka. Harms should we scoured and pnd for thrnugh load Ment at least ll! day- hcfnro exrurainn leaves. ' "ales and full iufmnmtinn command in {mm 'lnn‘.nse0kcrs' pnnmhlet. Ark neu- e,t C.P.R. arm for a eupy, or write to C. B. rosm. Diurlcl has. ut., C.P.l.. I'm TOURIST .s_I,t:tikii's' "X -'r"' .. n. - a... u. a FN. i, " May It, " July r, 21 up“. It. I. Tlchta load to "turn ,vtehrn. an 1-..- Ticket. dead to "turn Wllhl'l sis LTi VERY LOW RATES f.P,reell point. GOING DATES April u. " Jun. 0. n Am Running f Winnipeg brtwveu lidqumlon Tickets issued to all (llllllllliitlilil(iiiit' costs Just as much and , apply cheap poor paint apply to hear from owner lining REVIEW ~. McFadden Farm to Let. by years of wear, not 'aints will actually tl poor cheap paint, beautiful and more cIntosh. choice selection MANITOBA SASKATCHEWAN ALBERTA 2ND CLASS Pod-Tritt homun- To inc; Ind Emu; and return 35:56 ?iorth-WiUi poinu. in ontarG jut. 4, u A “mind number of 'alnt may“: Frames to or atrtuett , We Are tr ' Btttr. er the tfrat W4 Ian & Anyone will) heavy "ted to look , Oil, advise utt--m M.-H, attend to it tb mun" fr) W013 , Cash door south I P not once an moo of BON BONS ALWAYS FRESH ' We ore halving on upholeter- er the ffrst week In every month. Anyone wishing old ttode reno- vated to look good as new should advise utt--m, will b planed to stand to it at once. 2mm call, for meaning mp1] Handed to. [he . full line of Curtain Poles, Window Shades, Picture Frames Fumes to order of all kinds. mass, Is the thingito think of 2,v IN NEW ©illll'llfll) After two years in business in Durham I thank heartily the manv farmers and others who heveiavored me with their trade and have pleasure in announcing that I Will in the future have havapleusure in meeting in more commodious narters, all my old friends and 1 trust many new ones. Promptness and fair deal. ing will continue to be my motto. Yours tor business, All our experience at your service. Call and see us. Holiday Baking ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO McIntyre 1hoek--umbton 8t Barclay and Bell 'g old stand We beg to announce to the people of Durham and vicin- ity that we have opened up in J. C. NICHOL’S STORE A full line of Fashionable Furnishings for men and boys All the very latest in Collars and Ties Gloves and Bose Hats. Caps, Shoes. and much more we can't _ tell you of this week. I We have a good supply of fresh Baking always on hand. Also a good assort- ment of Candies. Nuts and oranges. ' . H. STIN SON New! New! New! nu. tNeloth, "nrari'. IT.".. . Floor Ollcloth. 1 And 2 yd: wide. . Linoleum 2 yard- wide............ Smym Inn. tox30..,..........". See our new Prints And Gingham: John hble Linen. M In- Jiie, 13;;th " M 1m wide, bleached... " as in. wide, mole-cued “In use white countérponel. good nun Min ffirsifiTdiici.'y..:,'.C.y.y.if.'llh% All cumin. hue worked edges except mom-n ‘27 In “de. 2 Id: long.., a) In wide. 2X p, long Win wide, , y Ionic, h' {a "fee. -8.tdrjopf.., Gents' Furnishings HE SELLS cHifiii THE MI 4 CARD OF THANKS Model Bakery Lace Table Linen Omsloth McLellan. . BEAN legcr Block, Durham Macaw 37 yard ' . y.i.g each 30am ,..25c|n1r ..50¢ pair ‘.,70c pair “We put uncut: 36e "I"! m Alva-ALBA Imam B. A - um at Quer- Urtireifti' sad 'ikoraT. rt?ee.9i,etriFriiiit%' MM lb- toe, and Goon-m. Intending Bandeau should - " the m tthe an: tf No. load on to ob 'iili'iittl',1 'ttlift??, . n I. ttMt " ' a " to. co. “In. no» 25e mu 35° in! The Bchttol In thoroughly equl In haw mum. In chemical and "e.i1l'i1",ii'4'iitit lttipdi, be. for full Junior Levin; - nluion work. The follow comm: an: no In chum a THOB. ALLAN, menu Mama, Pt use GERTBUDE moon, B. L. Graduate of ‘l‘otouo [Jump] Wu. “Ilium “a um '"e2olW,et2,tq.Esytatpan, B.a W S'ud ___-_.... u..-» w uwuloW'l - her Shop. Bummer - First home south of Lawrence‘s Blacksmith Shop. tA.row, 300118 Embalmlng u Spunky. Picture Framing, Shortest Notice UNDERTAKER and Funeral Director bloomed Aucuonecr tor an Co, mommy “tended to. m Order- ”it be left u m. u 8d M Mc unon'l old ma. 0 JOI'LNHCLAEK. Durham School “mm a; mun- mouenle. Minimum tor III. no manual. dtc., man be u the Review 01. tirrDuitusai. 0: Correspondence m mere, or Io Ceylon P n -m Gas ._..__.._ Licensed Auctioneer tor L'o, Term. moderate. Amman: In: l .40 Barrister. Solicitor In Supreme Court Notary Public Communal”. Money to Loan. Omce, over Gordon'. Jewelry more orto Insurance Agent. Money to Lou: Issuer of Marriage Licenm. A gen- eral tittatuiU usineu {numbed DUBHAI. ONT. (Lower Town) "'1a-etiexa-ereaissr. 2. ,7 McPHA IL-» ARTHUR B. JACKSON Burlster. Solicitor. Iowa Public. Conveyuneer Le. oney to Loantit lowest rates. “the. Moanre Block on.- an Inn-- 1httee-kaueil, Block. over Port We. Hfi- v.--... -mww Ill-IV“. " ante Ro al College ”and Surgeon Dentistry' in In In hunches. Full line of Catholic Robes and Muck and white Cup: for aged monk. HONOR GRADUATE of Toronto Univeruit ' raduate of Ro 1100“ of Dental gn‘; eon- of Ontario. Room Over J a J 'rlf'Gflilld New Boon N G _ . f __ - -- H0 'f/de fle,,AjR,h,,eP,tr?.t.ttttI,tyterIt, and W. C, PICKERING D. D s, L D S Woe. 18th unnumtwumi -__' on to Kmpp'l (New York) il,%2M2t' Mazatlan-cu. _ Omoo - mm. Ham's Om can“... noun-:41 an tr.< _ _. __ Ho um. sun and tun-lumen. notary Public. Commissioner. CONVEYANCEB. to. J. F. GRANT D. D. I""'""'"""?,,',','.',',',,' all Cm Ina-Io (was and “not“. '%geft.aa and on. m... II. No! mu. Old [and]: 00!... Eye, _liltq,21otus a: Throat J. G. HUTTON. M.D., 0. I H‘P‘I’mhum il-tt B. In 9-.-4 p. a. _ fountain. Connection No. " lce. Helm re Block over the Stan dud Bani. Durham, Ontario. - spegnl “beach: I Ceylon ha I telephone om. ARTHUR GUN. H. D., tun. tr ('mpbhdiiivmmw “'7 to Ceylon P. u., will be manly o, Team on Appucsuon to 143 DICAL DEE? TAT... MtrPitAiL, Ceylon P. 0 C. RAIAGE. Durham J . P. TELFORD ' BELL '--Next to BWIHOW'I Bar. Licensed Auctioneer a the County of Grey. new nation van I Women ma 'lyil'a,"tl '. P. DUNN DR. BURT OFFICE HOUBI --- ._i._. I. ttit lmple mom WK... tand,orat menu-v 'r------.- of Grey. an. P. would. .. Urey lf.tCiNtt, ”'1 k).

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