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Durham Review (1897), 9 Apr 1908, p. 6

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" as; --'-"-'" A‘ {1... He--Her teeth at. like the sun Heaven. nte-Whrp in of dam-ted be done He-The); 7mm. out every night. "up! “whim pocket pum "' em alter Ni phi; I” an hm wha 'lh rt (J walk of life ,ritttouirGoiiriiiiii is called phtek.--PE Tumerton. Ci-ue;",-',;?; I' a"'i"5t.'Ci riiiiilii)ji,fif' W t as "Be must not harm“ 'srhiiq.r.---Toutoi. J the very nobility of t t the tme workman to his in the “at an a man by finding t t drudgery and no Inn on mar I 'r ‘l'urshish. He paid' the can, I“ the money was his own. law ."lltl'll. But it proved a snare, as n dons now. Had his pocket bun Nineveh might Inn's heard he: I a little earlier and in a better i. Oh the inspiration of an empty , "When I gent you out without yr scrip, lacked ye anything? tur to him nothing." Faith is may ho cupboard is full. but the true of faith in in the upbontd. Who is til power of money. I m will Oh, fever and cursed the , take care that de of dying rich. Inn that or the ASTRONOMY " A t.tarked " " mint always my doubt: and MY! ', Jam, in Bismarck Tr glistening pearl of de get jewel, find. a to» f, or, mulling down, mull-st, MI its velr;.t muster" man-Hing thr (mum Notes mm [ uu-rv may ha many mmng tlem all there Int, and that we mun! ', before fuUillintt tho mm! not barrow with Nothing Lost. will ll hr tl ttt h at "d Contrast. “ml and how ho-lpl the Infinite the mist " tl Il 1n 'II In th man is not dttery must ally succeed Wrsy pm th H “I I' ‘hliv "ml took the fair, "e. the r once Mtions. itizen about. It ark a nd the in "I true of bunc ML In August last he bought a large reti- culum] python from I sailor tndiug to the But. Within a month the begun to by eggs, 1nd when one w” examined it wu found to contain 1 partly devel- oped embryo. An time went on others in opened, and in this way the pro- prietot obtnined a series of snecimens of young in different angel of dwelopment. The mother python paid the greatest Ignition to her eggs. leaving them only A case of this kind oreurred with the Indian python in the Tower Menagprie in the only part of the hut contury,and others are on record " the Jardin den Phntos in Paria. the Rvgr‘nts Park Gar. den. and at I later date in those at “pair. An incubation which has been mteeemtul in just recorded from the Tier, prk of Herr August Forkeimmn " Gro-Borstel, mar Hamburg. Loelr Young Paanitr-Pimt Instance ot ---- _ Batching in Captivity. Most people know that vipers twine forth their young Blive and that the common English “was snake deposits its eggs to be hatched by the heat of de. caying matter. Some of the great con- stricting makes. hnwovor. exercise a cer- tain amount of one over their eggs, gathering them in a heap and coiling around them till the young mako their Wt, out, or are helped into the world by the kindly oftiees of the keepers who break away the hardened shell. The American coke industry luring the last three year- by: bun marked by n steady decrease in the consumption of coal per unit of coke, due for the most part to the development of byproduct manufacture, in which the yield of coke from the coal in consider-Hy greater than in the Min oven. The figure for ttio oaiendar you 1906 thaw that the total nine of coke produced Wu $.'rMoo,0oo, the average value per ton Lying " ao being te.si, metal. A; the. production of aluminum in chum, no will tho um for it in. creuo. The datum steadily keeps aha“ of the supply. metal, of the 00111an of the mot. recent line. the French Government in: also doutti-tmoked the upprou-l: to the tun- turl on in side of the mountain. and the Italian Government will wry this dou. ble-tnckhg to Turin. Aluminum in 'det,', as probably the moat available an tituto for tin in the gnu: msjority of an. to which that metal is put, owing to tho diminution in the ice of aluminum, the practically [in-ill); supply of the raw material, and the favor-bl. physical properties, of the "IMnl " 6L. __._|__-.._A, " . . The Mnuretani: has four funnels. and tour locomotives abreast could pan through them. “no brain oi the female commonon to 'ltwline at the use of 30. The mlo’l 10 your: later. The Mont Conic route, the oldest of the Alpine through lines, is to lollow the lend of the St. 00th nod Simplex: route. Ind omPloy electric traction on ita mountain dubiou. Under the strea- of the empathic": of an m... n“... Taking the tillis of 23 fading national powers, red ia found in H) of than. That metals get tired from overwork is cloudy pawn in the case of tale graph wires. u ,_V7.v‘, V" I'ulll u" JOKE. The plan of in proposed Henry Bud. son nomad-l bridge a Now York null: for I ninfonod concrete up." uf 710 feet and reproaontq one of the lmldmt engineering projects of the Hum. The plans have been wry carefully worked nut.nml it is probable that the vuglnw-n will he ubln to mwt every with-hm Stl, “mm! against the proposition. The privilege of cancelling orders " ter they have been given am):- the mm ahinery induatry harder than any uthcr, and nu effort is being mud» to dvviu: some new form ot mutt-ct by the terms of which cancellation will not be ex. acted 01'th The nutter will discus at the next meeting of the Nnt-ionnl Tool Builden' Minion " the next meeting. The output, of out iron moth Weights in tho United State. bu reached ,000 tom . your in want your». Among tho rich" clung M.", in 1,000 [in to 60 yum of :ga. in tho middle all... IN do no, and 156 only of the hhoring elass survive to roarh no years. "Wu. .sL., " Ar - . _. I [XL-pita the t falling off in the gold product of and!) during the you 1908. that mu. will holds the lead of all the Bute. and Territoris. of the United sum. including Alaturtr, in the prmlurtinn of precious metals. Tho (4.,L I mm tor the 1900 were $23,210,629, a ( deem... of Wdf'd. t Frau tlrteidty travel: at the amt: l rite u 1ight-lM,0oo miles 1 second.‘ Through wire, only 16,000 mile. a use I An orange tree has been known to produoo 15,000 mm st on crop. Than are l,047 women to 1,000 man in Inland, but in Italy only 996 to on}: I mm The avenge weight of the British ul- mon in eight pom. Nempspen an odd on the street; of Spanish at“. tr woman. It in Add that odd to. will kill up miorob. of typhoid lav". This outlay will luv. 24 leap years. the gnu-Mat. pundit. number. Four hundred million: of auditio- am when yearly off English mtg. Then I. . My; Home tor pack- -sioatmtttstgriiiatt tawny-,5“ about Moo package. pot day are bin. died. What in mud to be an Ingest wugon in tho world in doing service " Nome. srr"r.tmrtuynr,uiiratiiiirhiail the "lo, Ind In. wheel- 10 feet in dhamotesr. :09W - 90W” The load tor n full-grown elephant in Pe hundred cod lint- yield a. gluon Swan hm been known to lire [onion an 180,000 tons of {it s The doil in the oldest. toy. The lurk-man's a). in gay. Soap has been in use for 3,000 yams. Tho pinto connin- shout ommile of Tht any: map BROOD " PYTHONS. That Is Laxative Drama Gainina Always remember the full nuns. Look I! an. signature on every box. Me. frow't,. "It’s ; word that you can use when you don't know how to spell the one you thought of first," he replied, cheerfully. --The Monitor. rum is Only am? Jimmy had his weak points, as an ex- ample of the result of modern education- a! methods, but his brain was of excel. lent quality. Pteoh tea u a1rrmportant. Ten weeks aftwe being picked in the tea gardens of the blunt! of Ceylon (the finest. tea- producing muntry in tho World) "Sal. ada" ttache, you. The flavor of tea con- demn in an mums! oil, which deurrior. atea rapidly with age. In order to pre- norve tho, delicious flavor of "Saladsl." Tm, it is parked in sealed lead packets (never sold in bulk), guaranteeing you . superior tea. in flavor, quality, purity and mommy in use. ' Whim this teacher looked at him and inquired coldly: "What is a synonym, James?" he w‘as _rondy with his answer. Why Paper Decays. The brownish spots which appear in old banks are really due to lln- ravages of bacteria, my: 1'opula r, Mechanics. The tiny deuroyer is etlially fond of catchy material and its propagation is promoted by damp. It has been well un. derstood that damp produced discolora- tion and decay, but. the share of the mi. crobe in the operation has not hitherto been suspected. Tiny fungus or mold is responsible for gray and black marks upon old pope-n. In spotting the sur- face tho fungus helps break down the fabric ond hasten the process of its do “motion. I In the Pinkham Laboratory at , Tomp,M_as.R.,any 1syo.mananydayinay , STN? the 'piles containing over one mil. _ lion one hundred thousand letters I from women seeking health, and . here are the letters m which they ', openly state over their own signs- 1 turns that they were cured by Lydia E. Pinkhaut's Vegetable Compound. I Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has saved many women tm,Eat.yg,iftuepiir.aifoiis". -- ._ sex should not lose sight of these facts or doubt the ability of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to restore their health. The mason why Lydia E. Pink- ham’s Vegetable Compound is so successful is because it contains in- gredients which act directly upon the fiu.miuirut, organism, restoring it to a healthy normal condition. Women who are tu1tferiug from those yttrlssairyr ills pepuliar to their Lydia E. A'iiiiiaiN Vegetable Compound is made from roots and herbs, without drugs, and is whole. aoge and harmless.' "Did she leave you a legacy?" "No. She took 'em both with her.' In event community you will iind women who have been restored to health a Lydia. E. Pinkham's Veg- etable mpound. Almost every one, you meet has either been bene- fittd by it,_qr has friends who have. 1va 8.13me V No other medicine has been so successful in xclievin" the suffering of women or rewivei so many gen- uine testimonials as has Lydia E. Pl'nkham’s Vegcmple Compound. Tribune, FACTS FOB 810K WOMEN 00 Nov. 25 they took food for the first tim-white mive of a pn-uy good size. All appear to ho in the bat possible condition. Ind should they reaeh matur- ity the (not of their having been hatched in mmfinement will no doubt enhance their ulna eonsidernbly, for this nppenrs to be the first instance in which this partieuur species has no bred. ~London The general results appen- to be for better “In! have hitherto been obtained. At Regents Park. though it was found that the em had bnen fertilized. no living young were produeed. At Grow- Borntel twent.r-is'vvn young pythonn came, out, and their owner descrilwd thon in very lively linh- roptilec. with min-h the nppouranrn of mv'm‘nn on.“ main”. tneawriug from 'swenty-rwo inn-hm in thirty ineheq in lv-ngllu um] biting read. ily at anything ofl'nrznl to tin-m with suth ficiont (one lo make an impression on one‘s finger. a night, when she went for n time into the bath. A Good Substitute. After the Funeral. “Bromo aulnlna " TNEWrtdtutqttmt%t-tEaqtqttgttatqtttEggttTr. ONTARiO ARCHIVES TORONTO Fun-yes, and the engagement hated till we got clear around. You don't know how it relieved the tedium of the ride. Nor-He proposed to you while the train was going around the dented loop? flow odd_! - - Venezuela', Railroads. Venozuch has 13 railroads, the long- est ill miles long, and no other a much so 50. They are for the most part lines which climb hills from the sea toward the interior, and have steep gradients. On one line for two and a half miles there is a grade of 449 feet per mile, worked by the cog-wheel sys- tem, and there are other grades of 213 feet, 185 feet and 158 feet. Pow of the lines connect with others, and there is a number of 1liiterent gauges. About half the mileage is of 4e'Aneh gauge. nearly a quarter of 36 inch, a. fifth of 24 inch, and a little of metre gauge and one of 25 inch. The longest line is 8 German enterprise. Almost all the roll. ing stock was built in the United Stats. The aggregate length June 30th, 1906, was 523 miles. irtiiiikitiOidsi: a); iii.'si:"iiiii I can got, and Would strongly recommend it to all horsemen. (EEO. IlOUflH. Liwry Stables, Quebec, Ni to 103 Ann Street. _ . The curious phcnunu-nun of a soft awe] disc revolving at a high speed eutting hard steel, has attracted the attention of numerous observers. and F. W. Har- bord haa endeavored to throw light on the subject by publishing in the En- gineer the results of a mit'rnscopic PX- umination oi the revolving disc and of the material suhjoctod to its action. He finds that the material acted upon is heated at the point of contact to a tem- perature approaching, if not. equal to, the melting point of atwl. and that this high temperature is confined practically to the surface in contact with the due. I have used MIXARD'S LINIMENT in ytstxrbles for over a year, and consider lc-very sens!- of the word he is a rebel Ingninat society. Be "haa had mm? edu. oationr Jew French men an '*cape it; he has read a little, perhaps, enough to kindle his brain of a wolf; and he his two aims in life- to live the free life of the wolf on the hill, and to injure as much as he can that great, monstrous law-driven machine, civilization. The lonely farm houses are defenceleu against him. When all are busy afield he CIGPP.‘ in 1nd pillage. It need be he kills. He has n distinct. hatred for those who work and mum-r. A: hp passes he fixes the hay-licks burns and buildings 20 up in smoke. That is where the Lat. in show: in him. Otwe out ot the law he in an Anareh. So long as he is cross~ tied in innumerable acta of parlinmvnt, the Latin is merry and amiable: when the ropes are off he makes revolution-- or fires hay-rick. From “The Vast bonds of France," by Vanee Thompson, in The Outing Mag-zine for April. hi vxistenm- again" great odds. Ind it has given him u eh:ty.netor and physique which makes him notable among his Lellow-rottntrymen. From "An Intimate Excursion." by Frank Prosbery, in the Outing Magazine fur February. them. l Normandy and Brittany together are the land of legends "ml mutant-9. hut there is a notivealO ditferro.teo in the people. The Breton in stalwart in stab ture and stern and wrimn in disposi- tion. m has howed his life out amid the serious thingn and along tlu, rocky roads. His brnnzod bwe looks austere, but beneath hi, him! hlnndr- heats a heart warm and true. Tho primitive simplicity of his life and the inton~.»m-~- of his religion gives the llrvton'dwrt view of the, hivolitirs of os"rqtvrwe. lie earrieg his religion into his doily life and work, and along all tho road-i aro gaudy oriri- fixes whieh the peamunta ur‘vvr Ina-ts without kneeling and crowing tlu-m- selves. lt i, u 4:1 InH alrstt, z.l.i¢ w Throat, lung am all run down C. by it, frWtt Ir-e. and $1.00. or Dr Toronto. "I tumult spank too highly of Psy. shine, for it in the gtwatest media-hie 1 ever used. I was just about 'all in' when I bNuu the treatment, and in a months I “as a; well as ever. n is a gnu-AL tonh. tor Wm”; and run dnuu pcoym. Ti, 11- in nuw life in '"r'ry "ose. "J ls. ~Hn.il\'1{|:." Ilililtlilllilt, READ THIS. Soft Disc Cuts Hard Steel. "Life in Every Dose " Relieving the Monotony. Their Lifn is No Joke an In“ to 1v 2 your ~hk hit-this z-Li-s “wank-H11. paw-scliptiml. lung and :lnmzlrh lmuhlus, and down mmditinm "ltuickly x'nrud wn ttre. At all 'lruggius Mk. fr. or Dr. T. A. Slomnu. Limitml. mm KER PM. 1905. bwyer-Here are your divorce pipers, madam. I ldVile you to take good an of them. manning &Pbrette--Whr, Certainly, Mr. Leeann. I shall put them in my Islety deposit box. where “I the other! his Here are four other hints which should be made habits: Keep the back of the neck close to the back of the collar at all possible times. Always carry tho chest farther to the front than any other part of the anterior body. Draw the abdomen in and up a hundred times each day. Take a dozen deep, slow breaths a dozen times each day.--Prom the Family Doctor. Miurd’a Liniment for sale everywhere We cannot see ourselves as other, see us. If we could many of us would be ashlmed of our shapvs. The position you hold your body in most of the time noon becomes its natural position. Continu- ously folding your arms term; the chest will develop a flat chest and I rounded back. It Causes Flat Chest and Round Shoulders-Natural Position. By folding your arms you pull the shoulders forward, flatten the chest and impair deep breathing. Folding the arms across the chest so flattens it down that it requires a vonseious effort to keep the chest in what should be its natural posi- tion. As soon as you forget yourself down drops the chest. 1ttttttetmt-torniahttttto, I took 103 minutes Just to dead it. It took l week to write this “mo.” It took one B. B. mark to road it. --Ptom Tate Bantu: for " Vigorous efforts to preserve the more remarkable animals of Africa continue. At 3 nant meeting of the National Preservation rioeiety at ChHw Town the Chief Justice, while urging the med of stronger mama. to preserve the rue flora and fauna of that country from extinction. asserted that the ti, the genubok. the mountain zebra, ti: ehutd and the giraffe are now Hourly oll eh"- tinct. it took live you: to build a. ship, lt took five hours. {in to sink it. It took In use to an old vino, It took eight seconds ell-night. to drink it. Minaxd’u Liniment Relieves Neura‘gil. It took an In to build n town, tt took one hour or less to burn it. It took one you to spend a sum. It took tour demdou' work to earn It. STAR MFG. CO .26 " 't.,tulNt0_t.,tr.t) It took one day to build I tram n took on. moment more to eet it; It took one hour to (Itch s skunk, It took on. fortnight to regret It. It took twelve hours to cook A bean. It took um ”condI' um. to an n. It_toolr , price to sign a note, It took one hour to get I low. It took one hundred yen” to par it. It took tour years to write a much, It took nine minutes. ten to play it. Send u- Four "<gllllltl. mrwud Adams tor te plans ot “Inky to punt ion-bl! awn. When cold and as the &%o “a we will mu: you um. TNO noun cow mu. “nun-1 3 nu " ilhlhe .Iowvlrymul will-I'M u dim: DIM. hen-l ma your mum and uddruunow. " took one d-s '., make the earth, It took just tony an to drown n. It took one month to torm I trust, It took just. tony years to down it. The excavations recently curried on by Pep. Ware and Droop st Theotokioi, in “usually. have been productive of very ittteresting results. During the ex- cavations' some Doric columns were brought to light, evidently huving form- ed part of the facade of a temple, which, however, had entirely disappeared and given plane to an early basilica dating probably from the sixth century. The mosaic floor of this building, which re- presentod various Christian symbols, wu found to be in a wry good state or pre- servation. Among the. minor antiquities dhoovered Wf-rt- some- coins of Justin IL, A. D. 570, which were found at about the lame depth a: the pavement. Quick ease tor the worst comrli-Nuick relief to the heaviest oald---und SAFE to take, even for a child That in Shiloh‘s Cure Cures Sold under a guarantee Coudhs to cure colds and coughs & C Id quicker than any other o a medicine-or your money buck Myears of success commend Shiloh's Cure 250. 500,51 SIG It took full Devon'yeors toUeet It. doubt Dotted determine! Dilemma yield to Dellbenmon dlulx Dismay is dashed Ugh-t, Deft dainty danve Tho new" to do SHILOH‘S ._..‘ _.__. -.._ ....... BFghE In Tutoyou'm uklnx to dam: and duvdle and I Be, To dclour Ind dawn, and mm man thoor-- To dung“ and drum. Artd--aisoctrirur to tUtne--- I To words that begin witu d. " I THE WORUSJN D. ' Those words la D.' A dlsmul. draary date'. Here dllalury dnudle‘ dangling dose, Dull damw do. our steps and dreadful dual. Dolouzs and dragons, dotueyts, duh.- um dupes Devils and demons. and “the dreaded name or Dcmogoron!" Dirk. And “(an ii?iii Dank 1Jandcliona flourlah. dampness dauats, [Mu-crawl: und dc-jeclion drag nu down. 3 Drear Iyorotatioa dwells, and dim delay, muster. d"aproiattueat, dummy. Defeat. dlulntcuulon and amnnir. , Dlmse. decay. delirium. darkness. death.' l Yel_th{ough the darkest den. of dlmmest. A Curious Composition by Profoczor Sknt Involvin‘ That Letter. Promo-sot Skut has apr.tsrently "and as sell-appolmcd lam-tote to that A“): at lu- Acugrwuera, Dr. Murray. 'lue Burnout“ once pruned his lines "on begun)!“ A"‘..\'olu “In: Queue: new Tania: crxtg “Hum“ cum- memucative wean: To UR. MURRAY ON CrGMPLrlrt.NG THE 1.15:1"!an L Wheluve: the Malian wee-cu is spread. And mo Union use! [Hes tree, The new: will be gruelully. proudly mud. Ana. you've muquen-d your A, B. C! Hut I tear a will t"ortit, " I shoot to some 'tcat we bad n all will be That you're uklua to dwelt and dawdle and DON'T FOLD YOUR ARMS. Recent Excavations in Greece, Defending the Animals "THE, WORDS IN D." Time's Vagaries Systematic. FREE Jun drives 11.5 way. diligence at Int, It” (numb, . with draughu of dear do und d P's du in!“ dream! still survivu which when. I Cir. black' revolvers."-OtitG; Ciuii'i "Why. the other dny I yelled, 'draw one!’ meaning a cup of blank coffee, and every man pulled his gun. They thought I Pe"".. det' one of those new "Well, I should say not,' whispered the waiter in the ter. m is too dangerous." "You don't we the same slang you and in Chicago.” aid the visitor in the Nevada Mushroom. Mn-, Prairie M m - tu- cl Mou- lm In “an or M~h on“ I. an out. by Women‘s “any w 1139ch 8014 mm to put an axe into oie of de bonsai; of de forest, even though he lay pro.- trate at me feet."-Washirttrton (D. C) Stu. "Lady," answered Plodding Pete, 'Wm interested in de preservation of the for. esta, nn' it would be ag'iu' me principlpc "Are you willing to chop some wood for your dinner?” little.'" "Yes." "Well," inquired use child, hil brain cleared by the position In had but occupied. "who started it, -rt"--- Unknown. mum's Liniment Cures Burns, ett Who Started Whipping? Tommy had been punkhrd. "humus," he bobbed ,"did your mun- m whip you when you were little?" "Yes, when I was mughty.” "And did her manna: whip her when she was little.'" "Yes, Tommy.” "And was she whipped when sh. wu Mann-r had put the ttttHiott stew on n to cook and got ready fur church. "Now, Tommy," she said, before -he started, " want you to slay It home and log that this stew boils continuously until I can. back." Half an hour later Tommy can. rushing breathless into church, enchila- ing: "Mother, come home, quick! Th sheep in butting all the dumplinp out of the kettle," PAlo oiNrMKh"r In gnu-unread to can In one of leaning, Blind. BIN-ding or W- 13: Pilqq in 6 to 14 days or money Mun“. "Well, hadn't you better put some- thing out" said the latter. pointing to the dean's bag. which was do” at hand. Stanley thought it rather a good idea. and the friend went on reading. Al they entered Palermo there were about: of ttatortUhment. Stanley was plaid]! wading. His friend found that the dia- lingnished churchman had abnentmind. ally drawn out I nightshirt fronyhin bag and put it on over his other cloth- ing, and thus arrayed was riding trium- phntly into the city. - London Skew. Dean Mann-y mm on."p driving with I friend frum Momenle to Palermo. Both men were reading. Stanley and- deniy discovered that he was shivering with . cold. He mentioned the matter to his friend. ZIm-Buk curea cuts tr cold sum. m-h. New. aorta. mun-h. piles, bad sore... spring eruption, . a It h the good for 11 ote., when rubbed in. C stores. We., or trom um Contains the tamous healing principles of Mira Ointment, combined with the purest vegetable oils. It in rally . medicinal leap and 1 toilet soap in one. Innlmblc for all skin troubles. Ideal for the bath on account of its elegant perfume. as: I mlre-at drugttists or lent on receipt " prim The Chunk-w Co. ot Cnandn, M “lumen. " “I“ piles kept on diruutishiug and the pain wa.. ttettlmt loss. I used three boats and Mt now completely cured. I Man I could lane to! lam-Bah you- Mo, it would in. and me a nut deal ot when. 0-. mound dollars would have boon none too Ttll In amount to give 'or suvh a cum I. an. I Mal. I could Anne» every suiteror of the vei'uts of an-uuk.” day NIH tittto, 1 I In weight thing I t lief. I w wo Mr. F. Anlrfdgo. of 3 St. Catharine» Out., are: "Fo 'tttttered untold may with ' No one known the Cullen"; dure only those who use no to have than. The yam m tinto, I would nlmout scrum FILES CURE!) ll 6 Til " DAYS " AGONIZING FILES. PARLOR MATCHES‘ ailllln Silent as A Preserver of Porous I tri, . and l '51LENPARAR NAYCHLL Etmrs i 'SILENT" Tum tix-ik-d-is-i-CFL-; I "t I w L SKIN SOAP , “in; ..\v Head [no me 1d told me at In I decldcd to tr , “com-Imam CURED BY ZAM-BUK. Drawing Quick Put Something On A Catastrophe. good tor t-ltoturt3etisttt, opium. 'ubbed In. of all drunk" sud or trum "at-Bak Co.. Toronto. ITGH ttNe Ah unfonunlu In: no If!!! ' cautiously green uret- R) whim ttauda, emu. manta! ulna-econ. {In skin dim-u. mrudiu me has l 1UMI(Q I you r -"ee ...--vv-- v- - building. Abrtrmn---ret--ht one of fire. "anes-But don an no but]: next door 0 keep der fire out from. 4ttr'tmr--ah, in one of the in building der iron shutter: will he; fire in.9tom the April Bah-Inhi- Alexander the Great had jut all)“ Bum-plums. “Anybody can but a bro-do," he mid, “butitukutmw use-m. on a Milton-leg: sauna. this " Being rewd, po itie follow. the M'- boys of that up Allowed the it. to go out that they were to ter to ride the “"th bout, and tho ub- Iervieut hi-torinnl installed to confirm ‘L-L 2.77"" . that input“; "Yes, r um 'phcing s new parlor - on the 'narkeu"--chimgo New Minard's Liuiuent Cum build. "0h, pretty fair," replied the dint- unith. "I am interested in loving - “flung." Cups and “who. The Bilvemmith and the (unit. dealer met. “How is Imminent" asked the {num- Met. "how funny'. I All inter-tad h b!- ing__coqple|." an"; a Bi; trd, was skint. A atgttetitatte VII W, and the roert had barely taken up can: when n breath]... messenger boy W in with..r.uteqm.msietrbrAi+ crier. The musive Wu handed to (b Judge, who rend: Inquest came ot xii-m -id {mono QUNXNE run- a... "Wito'. mother died Innt light WII not be able to cry to-dny."’no- - aid. the Sphinx! The Court Orin. When an Irish County (but In About to open in union may, tho discovery was nude that tho court " move: all hard, not! and allowed 1 and blemishes from harm, blood opt: curbs, splints. limo“, "roe-e ' "tfur, spruim, sou ad swollen “Irma a“ etc. Save 060 by use of on was. “haunted the moat wonderful Ito-bi Cure ever known. Sold by an“ "I know it. And I've got so matted and tired watching the conic in. leaking off day by day. that I want to remove the rest of it at on. or d have the agony 'Mr."tul'lulnifl'd zme. 'But man, you hue-1 got any upr- fluoo hair on you: he“. You’n may bald now." “You. nil "Give In: my M” " Pie plates, dishes and 'e, mum ‘with brown claim from being mod bf lhaking. my be cleaned by applying l pmvderod whiting on I. dump {bu-l or I I;y 001an salt. . _ _ "Have you got my of than my Lions for removing "Perfhto- “If Inks the man who entail the dmg It.- with u. firm trend at! a not count , Worth Knowing. ' Yon might "huh tho d 'Euuuzh the aid of vixen ' When thrown into llu- ('I’ul'kl 'cutter-te' it win drive I The mm- remedy is all» gm “Hm: wanking u wooden " ,uhlnpoonuful of paraffin oi 731MB; come-Y” wwral weeks. To get the greatest”:- nible vtUtte out of 1 lemon, In! it - "ughly before squatting, and you will "Main nearly double the qtmartMr of Juice. “I" THERE like)» in cold water uni: {rm-mm.- will remain wimp-ind for Mam, may mm but your hand: .tmy all inserts. When polishing your an" mix _ store [slacking with vutee. “in win make the bin-king stick better, and alao gives I better pui6 ' ENGLISH SPAVIN Lmn n- trus5,e'.1P' A spugy." I? mow-M Mr: nu on um. GBlt, 1mr CAUSES IIEAIIAGIE Use of the Iron Bhutan. Black Watch ISSUE NO. 15 was. Out of the Dim Pad. --r see you hut put iron ukul- an der window" of your new sir." answered the W. ne n pint, I Wilt to as It on Thlhlhckmr At One Fen Swoop. steesthehidurauitred “an hurt». WA x131- fprt butter, vill keep c. April Bahamian nu-.. - -__ band npnyer mode. Col. .n...:. um: man. ('u of axon!" Irma”. , llu- crux-k- m In“ " drive than lwny. is ulna good for mire. wooden floor put two paraffin oil into nonu- w, as hot as you can in. tt will Ilsa de- Men should Jain-d relief ATTO- TV. Ir, ERCY BOWIN Thirty-Six hi TORPED FIRED INF FEW GER! areas Erut nuuv nu W

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