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Durham Review (1897), 9 Apr 1908, p. 7

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ck Watch Iliad!” USES MADAME him l HES SH ham NIMIIT at Rollins will unrvi Fr, n “l..- In“. "id "luq Id S” I“ It uh “an nigh " be. wu tr t he ‘mpiviun that she may be arrested. charged with complicity in the erime. The fifth canton-io- of Bowin was read to the jury today. In it In gin-a the story of the ”nun Is he may: it or. "trrp, A ihtmit dewatch.. The wmnation of tro. l‘mwin trial to-day was the fact that M.urr. Hall, the woman with whom “win was familiar, and who he my: suppliwl the motive for his assault on Mis. Wekh, in mining. She was here in UN my. but has low diam-ml. and the police have no trace of her. While. ber importance in the present proscen- tion is but nominal, there is a strong Why the Boy Killed Mrs. Cornelia Watch. u n-w days in order to prepare the "itr for the loan. “In-n Herr Von Sydow became Sae. rt'tury "f the Treasury in February. Prim-c: Von [below hid down the prin- eiple that beginning with the next bIIdu-rt no appropriation wank! tr, unk- " I'nr without simultaneously provid- ing a method by which the revenue for tho-n: would be m. Ov.r $t6a,soo,ooo to be Offered for Sutuription. lin'h'n. April 6. An Imperial and w: um. loan amounting to “!!! ui' ' t Jfered for wttimeription on April ll. n: uhich sum mammal! is in Prus- ~i.n'. numb. The issue u to hour 4 per cent. interest and will not be con- n-rHM:- within a period of ten years. 'l’lu- ~u|wription price is W 1-2. or 99.30 to mlm-ribers taking the non-tram- tenable bonds. A syndicate of lend, ing Berlin Ind provincial linkers hm bought the lam, agreeing to take uh" all additional KIMIILWID of Prv.-iart treasury not” w’2ich un- not; to iu. offered in the "burnt. I "; i, rrportnl that the Imperial Bank rrt' Ina-runny will rednee its dimeount' run- trom , 1-2 to 4 ld per ttnt. within l " n-w a..." in order to prepare the' LES-(I by the police why he killed court . "id woman, the boy is alleged to “no ’l'im rain of brickbuts eootiuned, and tlse rerlitier. were ordered to tire again. The first volley Ud been tireU into the air. but the wound was aimed at tiw uowd. "ro of the rioters \H-re killml mull In and three were fatally wounded. K,'.,',".' others we" injured. '1 be crowd became -ie-trkkms when [ht-3 unlined the troop. men-n busi- n.--- .xnvl atmpmled. A young. uniden- Iiuhui lid", mm was wan-lung the di~:m:.mue from u “indun i, report. tul '. ' have: been shot. lh-Enmrwnwnts of troop-s were call. wl m1; and stationed in the sue-m and "rouhl the Government and Parlia- vm-m haildilm. Later. the police dim. per-'. a tleruonntrtttion near the mil- nu) "tation. and arrested wveral 1min. Inn-(1.x Annrehistg. Alt"ost all those; um- um: woundrd were ttNo uncut} ml Girre they were takru to ban? Fl hm! ol Twenty Policeman Were Hurt-The Par- “amt: Were Neatly Anti-Clericals, dut Included Anarchists and Loafcm. TWO mums mum AND THREE PATALLY INJURED. “e witi the In! oft t tlun " " wi, Tho PERCY BOWlN’S MOTIVE. met I. " Fre TORPEDO 3616an cm IN TWO BY CRUISER l NEW GERMAN LOAN, FIRED INTO wiii." _ 'ort siren on which the hum-n} trvL White the: m-rv tum; m my "it? crow". in Mumh um.- irfwl " soklieh, thre" muon- um. mics: were ulm-l. rm tram" unmdiawly seized tite and used them as missiles of the police and roldiers “we 'iestmU u-vohv shots were fired, law were {allowed by a rine . April 6.--There mu a 1 mm new loamy. (-ulnlum mm and mam-u, tlu, p h Wu not so much In for the devoured a: In " demumuauun "my the .u-upic-d by the Austrian ceredtted to ttte "on NV. nng‘nul pan-awn“ mm- ', but the eortege “a. 'welied by "verttl tlu tummy Anarchists and m were looking tor troul ,oiiee new inwnnml M n ot the erowd, and Hwy , “on! of the tn-oniy-twu mm l were engineers and stoke" who, Hum donning. were able to keep 1‘." nfrmst until bouts hum otltrr picked them up. "olliuion occurred at 8.10 n‘rlm-k 'grht . The nhipn Were manta-II- rithhnt lights. " in helieved thnt at We vain l "ittkingt ulnuut immediately. now, who worm drum! in mm!» and boots. mum. down "met. not having time to free a from the heavy o-nmmlr .“00'. of m II'pnlII-flrn "In“ winking '-Six Men, Including the Commander, Lost ---Were Manoeuvering in the Dark. ver attempted to 's trow, ah. was can rut in half with m “naming The sensation of w hich the Km their way to " dark sun! the slowly. When Ila wru- Anti. ge was subw- tal thousand at; and Inn!- for trouhlu. med "I tite nd they ”link- the hum-“y were 11') mg n \Hnoh uh“: three wagons . upset. Itw r seiaed tin- a! mm: those anod- , hor, rrlnq the slit amid, u .IXr-Iikt Man Convicted of Arson Opened» Fire on I DIED IN WEDDING ROBES. i Officers. in: t . u Suicide of Bride El et . l r., . ys (mo 3 - e in . l'rwre llautv, Ind.. A ril (laFum ! aha guilty of a charge of argon, Henry [ill New York. l Jh-lhnmhl. in the (innit Court mum to- E New York, April tl.- Mary “Wan of day, "hot and killed Chief of Detevtivvs fang”! du'. the daughter of u tonne-r sen l hat Wm. E. "w.ver, 'reriously wounded tluve Impuiu living in Ellst Niuety"iith om ,other officers and a bystander, and was shark, attired 1ttsiuelt' in all the tinny I” himself wriously wounded. McDonald she haul planned to wear at her wed. G, ,hml been tried for dynamiting stores and ding at Banter time and then commit- pre a chum-h in Asndiord last year. ted illlviilt' by gas asphyxiation to-day. l od, As noun as the jury reported its ver- She wm engaged to marry William InP 'd’n-t McDonald jumped up, drew a revol. Eddington. an electrical engineer. and m, 'ver, and fired at Prosecuting Attorney she seemed to be happy when her mg James A. Cooper, PY.., tpt. missed, be. friends gave her a party I'uesday even- ed, cause- Cooper tipped his than over buck- ing. no. wards McDonald continued firing at the While her brother wu sleeping to-day .4 initial-n noted around the counsel table. in an adjoining room the entered the him D11. loll dad at the third 'bathroom, tied a rubber tube loading ,9. 'uhot. - ---r-.r. trout the gas-jot to her mouth, and was , Policemen and deputy sheriffs in the dead when discovered. She left . note ed court room drew revolvers and opened to her “new begging his forgiveness. _ to tire on McDonald, who returned the Jim. but giving no "non for her suicide. . iuneral HM JU Ir At When Inf“ who, out the injured man. Gelman was imwediately removed to M. Michael's Hospital, where his wounds and burns \wrc dressed. Tummy. .ln-‘pntrh: In a fire that par- tially destroyed the premises of the National Mama and Biscuit Company, l which occupies a new building in the 'rear of 95 to 106 Ontario street, Eph- irizun (ielnmtt. aged 45, had a narrow: test-zip? from death. The blaze started) at 225 ". in. yesterday and the high“ joint! lelllt'tl the flames so that the)" '1"le great headway before the bri-t ' ttntte arrival. _ , Gelrntm occupied a room on the sec- ' Min floor. the foreman of the factoryI 5 having given his permission to do so. {Shortly after he lay down, the smelli t oi minke aroused him. He rushed to , a stairway, clad only in his under-i clothes, but was met by a rush of, flame. He attempted to get out of that window. but, failed. While doing 90,! he almost severed two of his toes on n 1 t untity of glass broken by the heat. I Crazed by the pain of the wounds and tho burns on his breast, back‘ an-i hands, (ielman ran to and fro in the basement searching for the; stunt-use. His movements in the trel-l law could be traced by a trail of; him d. After manv mad rushes, he; at length sank down exhausted. _ i.'is screams had been heard. how-t era-r, by members of the tire brigade. I Fm man Samuel Ridout kicked ind tho large cellar window and carried 1‘ Toronto Hebrew's Narrow Escape From Death. _ St. Ptuersimrg, April 6. Tim dis-solu- lion at the Finnish Diet “an derided upon to-night at a eonieretue at Tsar. ~k.m-.\'i-l.. l-vtm-s-n the Emperor and .m- l‘inni-li Sven-tiny of Mute, (len- i-ml UlllghlI". The nt-w elections will itake tpore on July I. and the "my Diet will meet on August I. It was 'ilcviilml aNo not to accept the resigna- lion of the No-nate. A nkime regarding itin- disuolutiou is now being drafted. i Th" Emperor's decision is directly film to a 37min] Democratic rmolution Imlnpti-d by the Diet, expressing sym- l puthy with the Rnuian terrorist“. The Finnish Nenate deeided to resign as an outcome of luck of conlidvnu- in it "arried by the Diet on March 23.} Tiny Mix the noik of the socialist,.! They formally eentutred the Finnislil Adminidtration for the delivery ot Rus-l, nun terrorirt, and political agitator-i tni th" "union authorities und tor lalrk of “Hum-u III raiding Russian encroach-i uncut» "pull the rights of Finland. and! demanded the retirement of the sG/l an as ineapaole of iii-fending tlw nil-i tunmny and liberties of Finland ag:tinst ' ttte reuctiouary riunpaign in Ru-vaiu. i CZAR AIMS BLOW AT FINNISH SOCIALIST LOWER HOUSE. Punishment for the Sympathy Which It Extended to the Russian Terrorists -.The Resignation of the Finnish Diet Not Accepted. have said that the only motive h" had Mn Marie Hall. She had spent a lot ot' money on him from 1'hriumar, on and had been good to him. He hml Ito Lrreat love " the girl. but aim was muy with her mom-y and give him a Stood time remain w \anllull w filln th" " after portion of the Tiger "(MINI long a-nongh to unable) thcae on board to tteiae life belts. They "new themselves into the water, and Were nlile to keep afloat until pivkml up. Lieut. William E. Mid. lllz'lun mu an the bridge at the time of the tlinaster. and went inwn with the Inn part of the ship. The Tiger had in o-olnph-nwnt ot' 34 men and mu of 400 tom. after portion of u-nongh to unable life bolts. They the water. and , became dotted with iiii'Gr'ii'ng' men. Most of them, however, sank before help could reach them. The war ships in the immediate vicinity quickly had their hunts overboard, and the 301'"? of the "unruly was brilliantly illuminated by a "oneentration of rsearehlights. The after portion of the Tiger floated long t'rtuugh to ouable thvae on board to who life belts. They tnrew themsolves into midst of an attack on their bigger run- mrtq when the disaster occurred. The entire fleet was under masked lights, and in the nhmlute darkness {he Tiger was mddwnly struck square amidshilm by the Berwrek. The sharp stem of this vemtel cut the detroyer in two an if she had been made of paper. The hrwanl half sank itrmtantartedttsly, and the sum several oi the mun were killed by the impact. Tug: were dispatched to the _certe oi the ditutster nt daylight and divers will make un attempt to recover the Inclin- of the drowned men. SHOT CHIEF DETECTIVE. IMPRISONED BY FLAMES, DIET DISSOLVED. with her. Mari"- "all was the with whom Bowin went to But- tluy aim-r the murder. That is. why he wanted to While her brother was sleeping to-dny in an adjoining room she entered the bathroom, tied a rubber tube leading from the gas-jet to her mouth. and was dead when discovered. She left a note to her fiancee begging his forgiveness. but giving no reason for her suicide. . she had planned to wear at her wed. ding at Emu-r time and then commit ted suicide by gas asphyxiation to-day. She Wm engaged to marry William Eddington. an electrical engineer. and she seemed to be happy when her friends gave her in party Tin-why even. nut. A vowhoy “lean Sic-Vullsnn. furmvrllv of Montana. then undertook to show the trvopl" Montana methods, and, after bor- rmving a polieemun's revolver, began to alum! out the lights. These he demolish. ml and. failing a better target. finally ltrdged n bullet in the neighborhood of Otto Taylor’s leg. Taylor is now under the doctor'" supervision and hltevetuson is out on bail. fCowboy Introduces tt Fight at a Dance l " Union, Alberta. , Clareshnlm, Alta.. April 6. A general "ight and shunting tray took plume at l'nion. must of here and as n result 34w- "ral men any under arrest and another limb-r the doctor's care. The fight took plum: during the program of u danee. and though at first it mu confinml to Gaac, mu ln'otlu-ra. soon became general. One mam wan preeipittrted through the win. Irw ot' th" building. A (amino) unnml Sac-x'l'nson. furmvrly of Montana. then undertook to show the trvopl" Montana methods, and, after bor- rowing a polieemun's revolver. began to shun! out the lights These he demolish. l ml and. failing a better target. iinauyl ltrdged n bullet in the neighborhood ol'i Otto Taylor's leg. Taylor iy now underl i R. n. Ashley. foreman of the jury, (makes the following statement: i "We approached the consideration of (the question with perfectly open minds, 'ranxiotts to do our sworn duty to the. ,prisoner and to society. Every particle oi evidence was weighed as carefully M We were able, without prejudice to the ipri-mner. From the moment the jury iwai called until a verdict was rendered In" dimpttragittg remarks were made about lIthe prisoner. In fact. there was a itrnug 'feeling of sympathy for him. hut we fail. Led to he convintl that he was inmno am the meaning of the law at the time :the murder was committed." 1 A Brampton despalvh says that (Mario vat. u good deal yesterday and 1complaimul that "the-m chaps had their imimls made up before they went into ith" jury room." Whihi Tvarse in the fifth person mn- vietetl in I’m-l County, "one have been hanged. Toronto desputrllz Commutation ofthe _uetttettce oi death pruned on John Tearse at Brampton will be applied for at once by his coumol. It is tirtdemtoodsthe Crown authorities will support the ap- plivulion. “chum! him in a cloud. The prisuuvr I anml out his pitvlcet knife, and. handing In lo th" “my Alr. Allen, who. with nth- tus, mu trying to drug him free, cont- mumhul thy tuini,,ter to cut oti the h-ruxln‘d log and iilVl' him from living jsz-uhlml to (li'llth. 'Hu- Rev. Mr. Allen L'egan cutting at the tendons, hut the knn'n- “in; blunt. und Mekittriek suffered intvnm- agony. "'1 hruw it, away and gr: an Aw." he finally vried. llowever, Mr. Aileu urqu-mtrly mntium-d, and in u fo'n illinlllz'i had sttveretl the tendona, and Mvliittrick was curried into a car. Mrs. Emma Itonner. a trained nurse, who was a passenger, made a tourni. quot of her veil and staunch-d the flow of bland. and then gave Mukittriek murphim- and strychnine to ett,le, the pain and stimulate the heart action nu- til he rum-hm] the hospital in St. Imllis. hit. Louis, April 6.-While pinionPd tur 'ler tht' wreckage following a collision lretween a freight and tt Burlington pas- .wngvr train at Spanish Lake. near herv, “Hilly. J. A. McKittrick suffered the amputation of his leg with a pocket knife in "rdssr to avoid (la-alth from the svald. ing "learn. The Run It. C. Allen, of Gran» city, perfosrituul the operation at the urgent n-quwt of the prisoner. wito was later brought to It hospital hut". ulwrv it is said he will t'c-cm't-r. Four other,- were injured in the wreck. Alt-Kittrivk's left leg was caught un- ulm‘ the drumlis‘lu-(l mm, uml scalding mtrit'st hom tho punt-utter locurtnotive un- Minister Amputated a Man's Leg With a Pocket Knife. An vnergetie ‘campuign wilt be at onee vim-roll upon. The towns of lngernoll and 'i'illmrrtlrurtt have also decided to vote on local option next January, and if all the plum-s curry the by-laws near. ly all of the county will be under prohi- billion laws. A Woodstoek, Ont., special despatch: Woodstock and the Townships of East Zorn: and Blandford will vote on local option hy-lnws at the elections next January. This was decided upon at a mwting last night of the committee sp- pointml at the annual meeting of the North Oxford Prohibition Association. to tak" the matter into consideration. It mu unanimously decided that there wns it good chance of carrying 10ml ol" lion in this city. and that its allccun‘n Wtirt practically certain in the township. Nome of the spectators of the shooting mid 1leDomtld's brother also fired at the officers. The officers are looking for the hrot her McL'onald was finally overwhelmed by his officers. his ammunition spent. and his strength weakened by wound; and taken to tt hospital. It is said that Me ilunahl and the other wounded men will tuwove't'. Nome of the spectators of the shooting Woodstock, hum" and Tillma- Imrg to Vote On It. Before the convicted nun fell, with haif a dozen bullets in his body, he had shot Harvey v. Jones, the superintendent of police, in the side; Deputy Sheriff In Wellman, in the chin; Sylvester Doyle. mun bailiff. in the leg, and a bystander in the side. A MONTANA FASHION. Brampton drnycrh A DESPERATE OPERATION, from tlie Imus-"gm lovurtnotive mf- l him in a Hand. The prisoner out his puckvt knife, and. handing LOCAL OPTION. TEARSES SENTENCE. tlu. ted gt't M r. No Attendance at Lectures in New York Univerlity. New York. April 6.--The entire Qtu- dent body of New York University went on strike to-dny and refused to attend their recitntloun, to voice a rotest against the suspension‘zf Alfred Rf/if, President of the Junior clan. Young's Nun-Minn Was the result oi the In:- ing oi Henry Bloch, a freshman, who wan ducked in the campus fountain yesterday. Bloch had been unpopular. and it is said that some of the stu- Shipuwntu of silver will he made rvgulurly. according as the supply sent out now is exhausted. There will lu' nu gold sent out for smnu tinie. ax the refineries have not yet arrived. Ottawa despateh.. The first shipment of silver coin was made from the Ctttta. :liun Itoyal Mint yesterday afternoon, a totul of 824.00o being sent 'io various pans of the eountv. The ruins Wert' of all denominations. and an equal quantity. so far as value “an mun-crud. of each ('llms Win sent out. There were 12.000 50-min piece, 24.000 25-0th pieces, 050,000 Ill-will [nil-um, and 120,000 5-celit pieces. mulc- ing $0,000 worth of each denomination. The money was shipped to the Ite. "vivesrs-tienera,l in Tumntn: Montreal. Vancouver and other cities. who will deal the coins out as they are applied tor. First Imy and buried in a hole at foot drop under tit" salt vat. The hrinv lull pereolated to the corpie and fairly [mu "umvt.sl it. Two Italians are in cui- tmly HIhlu'f‘lWI of the crime. 'l'lw police believe that they have di-over. ml the identity of the dead man. but haw been unable- thus far to obtain cur- l‘ulun'nlillll by Italian“. bud} of tttt ll Imriml in a salt ml “amid" which uf violtmes. Th Body of Unknown Italian Discovered at Syncuse. . Syrumw. April fc-Exam-ina/ion of a I At the expiration of the five minutes Mr. Thomas had changed his mind. Mrs. Than": counsels had been of n pacific r..haraetvr, and together they went out. l-Tfforu to find Mr. Thomas last night that he might prove his version of the incident Failed. Mr. Regan refused even [to listen to a question concerning the Tul'r'uir. Mrs. Thaw was not so retieent. ‘ "Honpstl.v," she Hnid. "I'm sit-k and ‘tired of having my mune and that of Mr. Thomas linked together like this. Only a little white ago they had us dining together at the Cafe Boulevard.; Now they move us to the Kniekerhocker l and they throw in nu ejeehnent to mako I it look better. " you want the nolu-l tion of the whole thing find a girl named I Lorraine. I don't know her first mama! but she is nu aetrtms or something. and I she looks something like me and manyI people have taken her for me." , After the Cate Boulevard ineident. it! wa.s mid on behalf of Mr. Thomas that l he too had been mueh troubled by a,' double. who not only resembled him. hut ( Inn-Ira the same name. l “I want you to,"faid Mr. Regan. "I'll gin- yen five minutes in which to take your wine that is nn the table. At the and of five minutes I expect you to go." Mr. Ryan saw Mr. Thomas and Mrs. Thaw. He also saw Mot. Thaw's young mun-an friend leave the table. He called a hate! detective and sent him with a Inc-5mm- to Mr. Thomas. said According to persons who witnessed tho swim in the grill room of the Kuiek. orlxwko-r. Mr. Thomas and Mrs. Thaw, neounpanied by a young woman. n-n- tvred the grill mom and took seats at a table, Food and drink were served. Many other persons were in the grill room. Alumna them was James B. Regan, the proprietor. ... Mrs. Thaw late Inst night issued a de. nial of the story of the ejectment 1nd blamed it all on 11 double, She said that ( there is in New York u young woman . tleserilml by her us "an actress or some- thing." whose resemblance to her has mum! a great deal of trouble. “She wears linen collars like I used to wear." said Mrs. Thaw, "and in a train in the subway the other day she was " most mobbed by a lot of rubberneeks. who thought she want f. I have given up the linen eollnrs on her account. She must look like me even without them. Mavbe it was she who was at the Knickerbocker. "I went Momlny evening to see Wil. lintu If. l‘nnue net. I took u girl friend with me. After the play we Went direct to the Hotel Prince George. where I live. There we had supper. I didn’t we Mr. Thomas onee dttriug the entire evening. If these stories ulmut him and me eon- tinue I'll go out in Sixth ttvenue and ~itnml on my head and give the new!- pilpl'l" something truthful to write; about." 1 Their departure was made in the pres- one? of Lwo hotel detectives, who had been called by Mr. Regan when his first intimation to Mr. Thomas that it would bo better to leave with Mrs. Thaw had been met by a refusal to quit the table, which was set with food and glasses con- taining champagne. _ - _ New York, April 6.-That E. R. Thomas and Mrs. Evelyn Nesbitt Thaw, while at supper early on Tuesday morn. ing in the grill room of the Hotel Knick- erlroeker. were requested to leave the hotel by James B. Regan, the proprietor, and that after a debate they obeyed, heeame known yesterday, _ _ _ Get live Minute: to Get ou-- Mrs. Thaw Makes Denial-A-ru It Was Her Double, and That the Finding of " Girl Named Lorraine" Will Solve _the Cage. MRS. THAW AND E. R. THOIAS ORDERED TO LEAVE HOTEL. WAS IT EVELYN OR HER DOUBLE? BURIED UNDER SALT VAT, STUDENTS ON STRIKE. Shipment Made to Various Parts of Country. COINS FROM NEW MINT. don't want to leave," Mr. Thomas ' April tU-Examination mi a f on uuknnwn Italian found, I salt yard yostevday reveal. 1 thrilldivaVlte the iuan die le body “'in liml in lull pr". ell-'- 'l'lw l Toronto do-qmtch: Principal Mach-Iron "tnttouneed to the limml of Management lot Knox College 'wmterdny afternoon Him: he (If-hired to resign the prineipal. ‘dnip and rmluvstml the board to thin-- mit his resignation to the General As.. .u-mhly. A special committee was up- 'puimml to prel"ere a minute recording ltlw board's appreciation of Dr. Mac-Lar- ' n's Iong-eontintted rierviees to the etuirch Iin the ministry and durin his temm- lot tho chair of sntemativ analogy. and ‘m the prineipitlship since the (with of ill-v Inte Dr. Pawn. Ott the assumption that the General Assembly will :u-m-pt Dr. anlmren's resignation n Nsecittt committer was appointed to report to the imam] on the question of M-iot'ting Itis ntteCethBor. iBroke Up Furniture During "Delibera- 1 than” in Chicago. Chieago. April (I; A fight hon-(mm jurymeti in which a heavy" oak clulir was demolished, tables and other furni- tuer dented and several men slightly in. jured. marked the Jryy's "deliberations" in the Barney Coffey Sunday saloon cloning one in the Muniei I Court. After hours of this kind 'll'%e,'lSt' the jury was called before Judge Foster yesterday, and reported a disagree- ment. .. commission of the War Min has been investigating the m since the war, but up to now th, salts of that iuvestitrtttion have luau. published. i Haas was penalized by the fire de. pttrtment tvcently for alumina Duh elt. gin to go out of servin- at the Maugh- ten-r'reneh ('u's. iee Immu- fire, out JA. I‘vrmn m'onuo. He was Jemima at Me off day "a punishment. being alone in an inner oftioe, and the first intimation that the doetor receiv- ed WM when he turmul to sm- Ham‘fum- Ming at hi" throat. n knife in his hand. Dr. Inglis tnstde a desperate effort to prvwnl the suicide. but Ire strugglml with the "razed man in rain. When he dragged Haas to the floor the latter was almost dead. Detroit. April &--Driven to Japan. tion by real and imaginary truuhh-u. Anthony Haas, a city fireman. Gl years old and living at "an Mehlrum avenue, committed suwidv hymtting his throat in tho otfims of Dr. Inglis. 1331 .\lujv~tiv building. yesterday morning. Htuts seized an opportunity when Dr. Inglird lutck was turned, the two Anthony Hus Cuts Throat in Office. Kansas City. April f's.-Arrmment, in the case of Mrs. Sarah Moran-h. chi-med with the murder of four-year- oH Ruth Miller, were begun in the ciroit court to-day at Kansas City, Kama. It is expected the case, will go to the jury to-night. Mrs. Morasch is charged with sending poisoned cau- dies to the Miller girl's sister, one “I wnkh was partake!) of by Ruth, who died a few hours inter. Woman on Trial For Causing the Dentin of a Young Girl. eree to hear testimony and tl,' report findings and recommendations to the court. Mr. MeClure said his appoint. ment in the case was u big surprise an him. Had secrecy for the time being been wiuhml, the action of counsel could not have beer. better timed. The o'tiees of tho county clerk are dosed at 4 o'clock in the afternoon. Only it few moments before that hour the eomparing elvrk rw wired the papers . By the tinte he wus through with them it was too late for the pawn to he officially rvcord_ad to. day. They Were placed in a sat" and will be formally entered to-morrow morning. Mrs. Vanderbilt',, attorney» un- Cttrtvr, Ledyard at mm“; Justice O'Gormnn, before whom the proceedings were instituted. appointed David McClure, a local attorney, as ref. eree to hear testimony and to report findings and reromrmrrtdations to the court. Mr. MeClure said his mumhn. defendant in a suit filed with the tiu. preme Court by his wife, Ellen French Vanderbilt. who seeks an abnolute di. voree. New York, April th-Within an hour after he had sailed for Europe to-day Alfred Gwynne Vanderbilt was made the defendant in a suit filed with ths. No. POISONED CANDIES. Alter Dean Show announced at chapel to-day that Young would be suspended until the faculty meets on April 7, the students voted not to at. tend recitation: until he was reinstat. ed. Following that action every class room was deserted for the remainder of the day. The Discipline Committin- of the faculty was in session this after noon considering the can. Chancellor Mm-Crncken, head of the university. in in Europe, and his son, John MacCrnL-k- en, Secretary of the university, is ttet. ing Chancellor during his alrrsence. dents have naked hi. father to take him out of the university. After Dean Snow announced at. ehapel tu-dny that Young Would be suspended until the faculty meets on April 7, the students voted not to str. SUES FOR DIVORCE. THE JURY DISAGREED. CHARGED DOUBLE PRICES THE PRINCIPAL RESIGNS. s. Vanderbilt Wants Absolute FIREMAN KILLS SELF. War Ministrv the matter nor the re- Doctor's not In her petition Mrs. Sunkey cites the affidavit of the phyuicinn in ohamo of the 'anitarium, which described Saute-y as having a Inlludmtion that he in the int-nest mun living and also the mater of the world. Sankoy is muttering from panda. Hits father, now well into the seventies lives in Brooklyn, paralyzed and blind. Daughter-in-Law Auk: Court For Gur- diuuhip Over HIM. New York, April b'.---urtu John F.. Sanka-y. wife of the eldest son of In: n. b'ankey. the 'singing evangelist. xu-dny applied to Justice Hendrick. of the Nu- prrme Court, to be appointed guardian for her hush-ml, who is in Ilium-rout A~ylum in Astoria. A qlvspnu-h from Port nu Prince states that vxmutium by the Govern. mm! still continue them». Among oth. vru- "hot ytwtvrdny. myu thr "enoteh, was Arramo C'hevry. u writer and poet. The Punch Legation In» mudv prepara- tion" unrmiat an attack. The landing of troop. from the for. eign warships now in Huytimn waters i, "speoted if the lives of the white in- habitants uni mulungvred. Sewn! tad, ditional refugees in fear of summary "xecutio" have fled to the Freud: Legu- tion, where they have been uiwu mylmn. Paris. April G.-Aalvice.-. rc‘m‘ivml by the French Government nun: ilayti in. dicaU that tlte Mate ot' vhum which prevails at Port an Prince is aecetttu. ated by the strife misting amuug the m-gro factions there. Negro Factions Ounnelling " Port Prince. 1' Lomtort.ont..despnta: At 6.30 o'clock [ to-night fire broke out at Hohbs’ gin“ works, at the corner of Ridout street and the Grand Trunk traekts, and mm- pletely destroyed the factory. Tho- blaze originated in th" elevator shaft and had gained aux-h lwmlwuy that the firemen tvert' unatrle to get it mulvr control and confined their "tfort,, to preventing a npreml to adj-lining build- ings. When the walls fell two firemen were injured in the crash. The loss bun been placed by a number of the firm at 8300,00. 0f thie, amount so pur cent. in eotered by insurance-.1 The loss consists principally of amok} The Canada Furniture Company. which l, in part of the pom-0m and adjoins LIN-i glans works. was dinning-d to the extent _, of about $12."..mm. About " nu-n wittl Ire thrown out of emphr.vinorrt, but that company will rebuild nt out-v. Hobb's Gian Works Were Completely Destroyed. When George J. Gould and Min Helen M. Gould were appointh receivers of the affairs of the Countesa in 1901 it was agreed she should receive WM]! annually and the xvnuining only)!” of her yearly income should be devoted to paying off creditors. Under this plan, this attorney added. 63..5o0,ooo of damn have been ounmllvd, and forty per rant. of the total still remains to he paid, ,_... _......,‘ nu lull} new. lit was not my intention to add in her ran-v by follouing her and pressing my unit. What will follow when we return sto France is for the future to decide." l "It is true that I have mine debts. But when my mother died three years ago 1 liquidated my ohligations. and I Nau' to it that i had some money left. I am not a man of wealth. but I have some money and I pay my can way. They do Ine an injustied, therefore. when they attempt to stamp me as a fortune hunter. I wouldn’t have Nmainod a sin. gle man all those years had I been of that class.” One of the attorneys involved stated that between 1890. the time of his mar- ‘riage to Anna Gould. and 1001, Count Bani de Cattterltttte had contracted a to- tal indebtedness of “IMAM. The $8.- 000,000 of accumulated income which the CAtttrttes,s received at the time of her marriage and her income if $700,000 an- nually all had been spent, and debts of taxation» additional pontracted. SANKEY’S SON HAS PAREsrs, "Mme. Conld rims [in-med through tor. rible trouble in the lust few years. and now she is just beginning to live again. Why, fourteen months ago. she net-med to be so ill from worry and rare that her friends feared for her life. She has just begun to regain her health. She mine over here to get definite infor- mation of the exact condition of her property. I know that one likes to see familiar faces in time of tronhle, and for that moon I believed that I might aid her somewhat during her stay here. It was not my intention to add to her wire by following: her and pressing my and. ‘\‘l...4 -- an a .. r oTriliatory Me . were taken by members of the Gaul: family who here. tofore have bitterly opposed the titled suitor. Last night Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Gould visited Mme. Gould in her apart- ments It the Hotel St. Regis, where she is Mill in bed, sufferin from bronchitis. Other relatives, indulging Helen M. Gould and George J. Gould. evinced their concern by repeated telephone inquiries. which were promptly amwered. All signs pointed to memher, of the fam. ily eventually "needing to the “Mm of Mme. Gould. __.._... n-v‘l\ “c nag-u. The Prince, who had stated that Mme. Gould had taken leg-J steps to prawn her interest in the eetnte of her father, again defended his personal career. but without reference to George J. Gould, who hu been bitter in opposition to the court paid his cider by the Punch nob. leman. The Prince said he might alter " plans and leave for France next Tuesday. New York,. April 6.---Evidence forthcoming but night that effort are being made to check the f breach occasioned by Mme. Anna G avowed determination to accept bag: l the Prince- Hone de Sagan Conciliation in Fiew--%ttrteman De- clares Report: no is binipntgd Are Page, and Denis. He is a Fortune TEKPEST OVER THE PRINCE'S WOOING SUBSIDING. GOULDS PREPARE TO AVER'I‘ BREACH. STRIPE AMONG BLACKS Hunter. BIG FIRE AT LONDON, has paused through ter. the Inst few ymrs. and begipning to live again. TORONTO income which the the time of her Ite it $700,000 an. ent, 1nd debts of Esidene ‘1. It efforts now the family . Anna Gould's mot-pt the The protest is caused by the couture of the Canadian sealer Agnes Dann- hot Uruguay has groomed the pro- test. but only concerning the open teen. wink it upholds jurisdiction over In]! the River Plate, the other halt belong- ing to Argentina. Montevideo. Uruguay. vit, Galves- ton, Tax”. April ti; Muir Iluwllini. Minister of Horeipt Affairs. who has been interviewed. declares that Great Britain hm: only protested against the 3000M of te. between U .v, Ar- gentina, Brazil. Peru, Chili. gaunt-y unl Bolivia extending Federal juries. diction five mile. from shore. Mr. Birrell stated that the jewels must have been stolen between June " and July 6, and he wished to take this opportunity of denying the “cow- ardly falsehood" connecting Lord Hmldo with their loss. He explnined th. Lord Haddo left Dublin on March ' oi Iaat year. and lived in Scotland and in London thereafter until Den. ember ll. lz'url of Aberdeen, Lord-Lieutenant of lminud. with the theft of a portion of the State reg-Jim. valued " ”in”. from Dublin Castle last summer. " Inn- been suggested that this wan (b Govcrntttent's reason for its refund to want a public inquiry into the " bor bullion, April 0. (tier Savoury for Ireland Augustine Bitten in the Hum- ot Commons this afternoon publicly denied the rumor which has hem current in Dublin nnd other parts at Ireland connecting the nuno of lurd Haddo, the eldest son of the [W Hindi and Left leer - I for Musician. l New York, April 6.---"lf you want to know why I did it. come around to my grave in the Harvard Road Cemetery on Christmas and I'll tell you all “not it. It's ttone of your luminous. but Pm willing to satisfy your curiosity. You will find unongln money in my pot-ken to pay the funeral tape-nus and buy a. keg of beer for the municinnl." After writing thin note Peter Renew. two-nty-six. MM Faoat Fnftieth street. lunged himself from the door of his room hecttuse he you jilted by the girl hr loved. [Thee Cline-e at.“ " 8t. Mu _ and Sat lack to 'tefuu. Fit. Thomas. Ont.. April 4i.-Kow Irv. tl walthy 1'ltinene, and his two cum potions, en route to Sun Pram-inn, were taken off n Michigan Central Railway train and mm luck to Buffalo. The Canadian immigration officers, did not detect. the mlimmlity of the three ntyliuhly dressed (oh-dial: and failed lo stop them nnd mllm-I tho- "to head tax. The conductor reported them to the fro- live, who turned them hawk. The trio chimed that they were on a trip nrunml the world. and apolu- the I‘Illgliuh Inn gunm- fairly well. being issued. In “and. “M an- requid " in New Yogk Bute, in! il in not Mary for both pot-Ha to make 3 pelican] mama. Buffalo Brian Prefer to be lurid in Ontario. Buffalo. April 6.- Sinee the» [WW mar- riage law requiring liar-m went into effect in Buffalo the rt-eond- lune allow" a marked deems-Le in the number of marriages here an nompued with the corresponding months in other yum. " has We known “at the Ina-ring" of many Buffalmsian. are being Per" formal in Fort Erie, Out. and at other Canadian point: simply boom.- the bridal-elect In" winced to go through the ordml of being “And at by ouri. oua oulooken while an licens- an Ream 61va he will prom the unit, to In early trial for the benefit of other men who may be nimilurly Jilted. In the affidavit filed he ttet.s forth that he courted Harlan for five year» They Were engaged to be married about two yearn ago. Nothing unusual occur- red in their courtship until January. 1908, when she told him she had dreided to use a woman’s Irrerugative to change her mind. Would-be Bridegroom Want: 'sooo Ball! for Wotmded Hurt. lam-aster. Pa.. April ti, For the tint time in the hislury of the county a lilt- ed would-he hridegromn has "mun/0d to the courts for (human-u to his wounded feelings. F. W. Rum. " years old. in the litigant, and he asks fur $5.000 danr sum from Barbara “'allick. NH -iee ,_,._.... .v. w"..- .m- dmortomgo panama-it. now receive. from the Duk'n peiv4iege of note but», the baak undertaking. in Mum, to keep I Inger mam. any £10,000MO more, for pinup-6.. ". Bulk of Enghud might than and.» on similar undertaking» with his joint 'stock in the private bunkn. Sir Felix Scum, tho bunker. a» domed the propouu, but In. iatslinrd to think that Sir Robert ”amt undere.timaum the rug-nu of the country. Ho “mam manure- that would out»: the Bulk of England in m of - to ilk-rem the nor-u re- name, while the Governnem would incl-cue its payment for serving an- Mdreria. :8. Moral mum sons. In. Itjtutiou, gave a new form to the ques- tiouofth.trour-rveintt.toraqst a I1l'ol of the cal-mitte- that u out- tknk of . - with . {Int-elm power In ould bin. upon Great Britain, “A a. n bmkdown of the eredit qua-a, ruin lof mm and bunkers, 1nd 0 run :t'orndonnu sides ill-Mythic. Sir Robert then proceeded to up the. “Wty of a gnu!" fwd gold mauve, u a mu chest, in oedor to avoid mart to ineoetvertibte paper. He mm the liabilities of the banking system " L'tt00/t0NNNt. The gold men? is WMJIOO, of qthie4t £40,W,000 h in the Bunk of Buglud, plan money held in Scotland and Inland 'qqtinst note intuit. CANADIAN SEALER SEIZED Irma PM WI mu. in Case of War. A COWARDLY FALSEHOOD. FAILED TO PAY HEAD FEAR THE LICERSE LINE GOLD an“: “ADEQUATE. JILTED BY HIS GIRL MAN SUES FICKLE GIRL “Hen,

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