West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 9 Apr 1908, p. 8

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"a4. J) /r,h ' 1r. ofetperietieei" the Busing“ Education“ hm- hm qrtqttled u» to of!" more warms cour- _ , anal: any other school In the Don nlon. All t n: hue“ method' no introduced Ind taught try mmpetenl. tench". Three fati"i',t",'taege momhl, shonhum & Turn! M, and Prepa- ulury toe thou who“ only Mutation bu huh n Hive“. Inter anytime. Write torinroramtion dat,:) ”we?! / ti'iiilfl1'l-3-llhiiuy In tho am "ep e egrap y toward. positions 1t2"fg',t',i', .5000 m $130,000 pet annual lam way nulce. You 1.. became a good operator in 6 months it .m uudy m T . Central Telegraph, School ; Lenard at. 1. Toronto. The an." iiGiiiGi l t anada. Write for partlculan. Britigh American Men Conan 2tT,t, loam an" Tomato. T. M. Vinson. nap-l our Bummer Icahn mu.- student: to "art may “no And an s condom- count. Writ. for We! our old.“ and - with]. who], t t H. SHAW. I"... TJJOHIITON, Mn {oil In" 'ttdefy, ,"iifty,' -- iriiGiiGiGiiE W- 'o on open on at. Begin BOW. Our "Main. will my,“ Independent. Write today " end-locus. W. J. ELLIOTT. How You. a “and"... Phnetgal PREPARE FORrPOSl'l' IONS W. T. CLANCY. ll Day and Night Claus. and in placing all ite gradual". Batch student " taught wpurnle- ly at his own desk. Trial lessons in one week free. Visitors welcome. A. FLEMING. Putnam]. Owen Sound Leads in Book-keeping, Shorthand, Typewriting, Commercial Law, Com- mercial Correspondence, Plain Business Writing, .Ornamental Writing, Thin who! I. noted In Ind new for the Iptt8tt {am given to tre, madman and Business College meanest Apeit . l, _ .1901. par “1anme SPRING TERM at the OPEN ALL YEAR. MT. FOREST Ready-made Clothing Department from now till Easter. An ex- cellent opportunity to be "well dressed" for Easter at a very moderate price. Great Snaps in our Open Sept. THE HOUSE OF 1lllAl,,,rrll -ilrllllgititit H. H. MOGKLER (li1S"l'lifl ’rincipal 2212 (rt strange ttirwerirut your kind and unansnming disposition led In to learn in a. short tune that you were on? of ourselves, for by your uncmsing visits you have endeared yourself to all (you have Come in contact with, irre- ‘spectnve of denominational teelings In the pulpit and elsewhere you have proved yourself to by l. noble exam- ple to many of your co-workers in the miniory, You mum atood beside many " sick hed, you have spoken worth of comfort, to the sick and dr. ing, you have pin-mind with them Porn- estly to look forward unto lllni who mid although this earthly tabernacle be dissolved and crumble-(l into the lust theve " n hunmnwaitimzin the House of many Mnnsions. You re- joiced wrth IN in prmpvtity nod volt "rrrtp;vthavd with us in adversity. you have Woken words of cheer and cotn- fort In Ilmnv n houn- where you were mllrd to udlninmter the funeral ob. urquies of u tlepurtt-d rather, mother. Rev and Dear Pastor. In looking haek at the ten years you have c-nmplrtrd Hts pastm' of our church in Prieeville, it; seems that the time is nut lung Since vnu camei .unongns. but in link fur-ward for ten years into the future it seems tar. far, any and xhn is there among us that witl mm annther ten years. No living mortal knows. hut one thing in sum and certain that many who nre en- joying. the priyiVRe of listening to our tutaitwrtps to In Sabbath after ganmth during the punt. ten yearn will be, tn the year 1918, mouidering inthe dud from win-nee they ii??,) You tame among us as a 'ttr-ttttter In a strange- plum hut P?"!' kind_ nud‘I We take the 1ilrerty of presenting this addrt-nn through the columns of the Renew. In last werk'g REVIEW there ap- peared an excellent mldreqa from the congregation of Swinton Park, to the pastor. Rev Mr Mum-son. and a splendid likeness. Although we are A little behind in presenting our ap- precmtion of our good pastor’s aer- vnce for the last ten yeru"r, y", we are none the less admirers of his noble sex-woe durum: that time. Re v Priceville Honors Their Pastor on his l0th Anniversary. " and De, Ithy. J. A. MM HESON. Odd sizes in Suits One of the biggest and best money-saving opportunities in the history of our business 1 The clothing is made by a leading Montreal manufacturer and is perfect in style, fit and l unpacked and we're busy marking it. ' O . O The Only Thing Small about these Suits IS We . in neat new patterns, the Suits latest cut, sizes 36 to 40, regular 1000 value Easter salepu’ce...... T.". ...... $7.98 Men's S.-B. Tweed "was: Ei'isii have divided them into three lots and offer them at LOT Il I',, Gent's Fttriiitstser, Durham ass, 4b9'94r9dt,9ttiqt.:tMMF:qqq “a sister. brother, wife or bush-ad. Your entreaties to the behaved one. were always to look unto Him who “in. «I will not leave you countortleu. :etc. " We have nlwuys found you a fun-ion otmerver of all the dude: en- 'truued to you as pastor. sud yourself- ldqniul in, attendipg -to. our Sabbath si,' Men's Furnishings s'i).' for Easter Lot 27, 28, (Jon. 1 B. E). It. Glenda. 85am“ cleared, 7 nor I bush. Well watered. Good Brick House. Frame. Bank Barn (45:00.) inane from pro- posed station on new U. P. It. Line. Convenient. to School and P. o. Fur- rher particulars apply on the plemiul. To your fellow countrymen you con- tinue to give them oer-vice monthly uuitrttdgiuttlr, in their dear mother tongue. the Gaelic. You hue fre. [newly ' mended the muting. an." and united loving hem-u. In conclu- sion we sincerely hope that {on ma belong spared to continue t a nobi- work which you are engaged in, in so (Joluniha church. Prieirville, during the past ten year: and motion no your estimah e partner. Mrs tithe-on and finally be blessed with tho com- fort: of life and firpally when laid slide (which we hope will he by the infirm. Ilieu of old one) may yours be the well done good and faithful tenant. In behalf of SI. D. Molnnes. L'hair'n. (‘ulumlm church Bd of Mummers. Pricenlle. J. McDonald. Bee. Pricieville, April 6th, I”. m-hool alter servic'é twheniitniiU VH1;- ited) thos", that you have gm: in- terest in that noble work Also. At Easter you should dress bet. tcr than at any other season-come out "new" in fact. Here you will find the latest and natticst--aelec. ted to suit your taste. Come in and choose our caster outfit from our stock 0?, Hats, Tics. Collars, Gloves, Shirts, Hosiery, etc. Everything a man wears. Harry Burnett Farm for bale. Joan McAwrnun Prop. We have a number, mostly small sizes THE DURHAM REVIEW ',', $4.98 Snaps in Raincoats & Ladies’Spring Coats very neat and up-to-date, sizes 36 to 42, regular 13 oo value, Easter sale price.,..... .. $9.98 Men's S.-B. Suits in fine Worsted effects 1i'aumeat.........o 90to8 ISpring Wham... ..... 90to (YG.".'.:".".".".'.'.'.:.'.'.' 50to (Bisrhw....C./.r./..' 60to 60 Hay......... ........1700to18th) Batter................ 23to 25 lil-................. 15to 15 Potatoes perbag...... 85to 85 Flonrper ttwt...,.... 260to325 9rtmalperaaeir..... 3 35 to 3 35 f,.,ha'E',r2",,tc,:v. ..... 1 60 to l 80 Live on per cm... 5601,0560 Dressed Hogs per cm. 7 10 to 7 10 1pdeaperiii.."... .... 3to 3 Sheerskinsn ...... .... 45 to 70 Woo ....rrer........ 23to 25 Tallow............... 5to 5 Lnrd................. 12to 13 'Nrktsys......... ... 10 12 leege ............... 10to ll) Spring Wham... ..... 90to outa.'.'...,............ 60to Pear.....,..,....... 80to Barlev............... 60to Hay.... ..... ........17 00to Butter................ 23to lil-................. 15to Potatoes perbag...... 85tc [flourper ttwt...,.... 260to 'ARRY ARCHIVES TORONTO Durham Markets. DURHAM. APRIL 8, LOT 2 15 85 3 25 3 35 veniences. Apply at Itel/iGv%iii/i,, Possession Risen Int March. . _ H _ V. NV. van-mun. u’utuuu location. 7 rooms. well and all Cort Two storey. double, frame house, situated on the weal. side of Gurafrnxa tit. in upper town. Large lot with stable. First class well and cistern. Applyonpremiues. ANGUSUAMERCN Paint/ly hardwood IO inches lung. Loge double load delivered 83..50n loud, THE DURHAM FURNITURE Co. WooDwanD-LANmrmrr.N. A uiet wedding was wieumized at the (Lamina A anmenls, on Saint'- day, when Miss Km,» Josephine Lan- derkin, youngest daughter of the late Senator Lnndelkin. of Hanover. was married to Mr Brinton M. Woudwurd. of Toronto. The bride. who was un- attended, wore a gnwn of white net over silk. and carried A shower bou- quet of lily of the Valley. She was given away by her brother. Mr J. H. Laruierkin. Mr and Mrs Woodwnrd xx ill be at home at 246 Beatrice street. after June 4th. He begins by denying All certainly. except his certainty, that nothing i: certain. His geniu-i. if he hum any. ir. duatrucliw. like rust that destroys the strength and usefulneus of iron. Hr comirucls nothing. gives no informa- tion, for he denies the nivility of the human mind to know anything with certainty-his own mind of course ex- cepted. Starting out on the basis [but ruth in unattrtirWrle, he prncvedu to autoniah and enlighten the world with ihotruthu he hm to deliver. As thr. Crmmrnmde naming in vain We mum suppose mare is some use for the Ag- nusiic critic that. like other mysteries of nature baa not yet been 'rolred.--N Y. Freeman', Journal. House to Rent 0n.Qutwn St. Duthy.m. _Spl_endid mum our business has just come our way, The Agnostic Critic. the following cut prices: very stylish, finest linings, as goodies tailormade, sizes 36 to 40 reg. $15, Easter sale price $l0.98 Slabs for Sale. Men's S.-B. Suits in the ntl?rown suitings HYMENEA L. For Sale. LOT a workmanship. It is the Price weir well and look fresh tor ti"virre'kA." _No; Gia; LilpVid. price for a short siate--itt ready mixed points tred a good u acumen: of colors for 390 a: quart. ALABASTINE. JELrSTONiit end any other house cleaning re- quirements can be procured here, All kinds of paint brushes, scrub br tubes. Lock hammers. tack litters, tacks, carpet boners. and carpet stretchera. Whatever your needs may be come and consult as about it. The i right goods at the right prices. cums and Oil- E‘WE iliit Oar stock in i clofks tha line is _ rtrttettt complete and we are nlwuvs anxinus to Show you our "580 . It is no unable to show vou these goods 9nd let you bilge 3mg: cunsider whetheraearpet or oileloth or linoleum won MI y put pose best. Carpets, Linol- HOUSE CLEANING TIME Over r000 rolls for your choosing in mnnv new Wallpaper and choice patterns. Price: range tie to Sth, rl. L ace Curtains, Dotted lusllns and Art Drama-lac In profusion This is the busiest tlmeo! the year in everv home and the needs will appen- greater then vol: "ttiesipattsd. Then ere no nanny little thlnu needed [hut you must have and I0 many larger things needed that you feet ton ought to have. Now fur your own benefit come to this More and learn how remnuble Ire the prices on all your needs. THE BIG STORE . These Pain ta bear the seal of tilyrr,,oos.l. Palnts finality 'oioreyrortutuwd. ty ALEX. RUSSELL Remember this Cloth.. ing is brand new and up-to-date in every particular and is the biggest Clothing snap we have ever offered. See {hem early and get first choice. Q. I a a“ In all colon and otvlew “from Me to 75c. If you require larger sizes than the ordinary leave In your order and we will all it in in. few dave, Window Shades APRIL g, 1908 "N-nur' 19toesureDnicl by Makes Wewantroutoseefor you " how good they really " berrpasrsoldunderttt thsalut .tMNtree. which Show: In atahanatnlidenceittkstherott '51 atl the yen; that we " - shoes we never remem Mm; to equal the value we' or; now in "Imperial" s far Us and gentlemen. )ss.N,rv"" gsiti fh "0iKlllht" snoes 33331-23 tf, New Boots-"Pd :5; Men’s spring '08 a? Fashionable He Urge St [if Youths' & Boys , 'e“ tt Mens hi iii,', Ifats, Boots 9935:: 33:49:35: 1.25 a"'"----,,,,,. VOL. XXXI, i. Mr tittt m and Term. El my Ist this Men's liighar Highest Prie ROBERT Hxxxxxxx They ALBERT SHOE for St M tt lk tl " Ros Suits, It Id We Come am ttme 'I I'I 1'. f I res Rai ht IO E5 at u "

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