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Durham Review (1897), 23 Apr 1908, p. 1

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ol $A anZ Di e hn rad nul wat sn mur muld l wl w t rele un n ul en en n on n n may : New Boots===Piles of them 5__-§ Mep_’sfl spring ‘08 Shirts, special at 1.00 :2 Fa‘S‘!_l‘_i"Q‘m‘l.ble‘_H_eadwear for Men & Boys x Mens‘ New Raincoats § Hats, Boots, Shirts, Underwéar Cl oo t pamaremnm en seg m ma nrenmn renmams mor omm mnarer in your Subscriptions it you want the Review and Weekly Globe Clubbing Terms. Elections coming on, Till May 1st this &reat combination only in Youth_s’& Boys Dressy New Suits Men’s Higl)-grade new Spring Suits Everything They â€"are D C200 NCE HEWw COULS tQ complete your spring outfit. You can get them hereâ€"the kintryou want, either black or tan. New lasts, perfect fitting worthy to wear with the best suit you can put on. Shoes right ; prices right. Ask to see the ALBERT SHOE for Men & VICTORIA SHOE for ‘Ladies Strictly up-toâ€"da;e colors and patterns, new plains, checks and stripes in the newest color combinations. Fit is the great feaâ€" ture of the shirts we sell. We makea specialty of $1 Shirts, mens Derbies, Men‘s soft hats, men‘s and boys‘ caps in v'ery large range and in different proportions to suit any features. Felt Hats 50c to 2.50. Fashionable Caps at 25c to 75¢ some tweed and worsted effects, new style single and double breasted and Norfolk styles, with excellent linings and trimâ€" mings and splendidly tailored. Sole Agent in Durham for throughout with well worth 12. 5o fine imported fancy worsteds rectly fashionable patterns â€" stylesâ€"best of trtmmingsâ€"ta uishes the firstâ€"class from the yargingthuom.... . ...‘ _}*~ RUSH: Only one Week More=== $1.25 for Suits, Overcoats, James Ireland qualities, 3:!311. _v__vints !ox_' Spring is in the Store. As for values !es, variety of choice, we are r_e;(;)"'h;r the one and only satisfactory testâ€"Comparison . solid leather, new i iancy worsteds and highâ€"class Tweeds in corâ€" uable patterns â€"single and double breasted sack of trimmingsâ€"tailored with a style that distingâ€" asty esc e iL ue a> & > ' ith Italian cloth, largé;' ‘ea;sy:fi't't};lé, Sou.spring special................... , NO. 17 from the ordinary Mechanic King Overalls lasts, fully guaranteed. of dark oxford grey imporâ€" ted cravenette cloth, lined 7.50 to $16 Of course you‘ll need new boots to â€"the 9.00 in handâ€" REVIEW and Weekly Globe o t f § $ g i W ; %g }’ 5 5 ' % :m:1 3 éré E };:* 3 “r‘ 3 fin; E y In ll ty :)SH b; $i,l; % f ; g E is % ' Ll, r s;:"\" é -;,i’lg % m,::' % E’w ‘l t irl :f;":i; .“d :"l' I‘ 1 IIE; .I DUT No Delays in making Withdrawais Interest added four times a year Sa:hgsBmk Department in Connection with all Branches, | _ CHESLEY LawyER FREE.â€"A Chesâ€" .Wn. Lawsons, Sr, | jey barrister, Mr A. D George wes|,. On Friday last at the home of h aPp i was < o r in Brampton the aboye entl | arrested Thursday â€" week, chargeq | brother in P ye g with the theft of three certificates for | maAn passed over to the greater nun 200 shares of stock in the Silyer Bar| ber. _ The end came suddenly for } Mining Co. from Ed,. E. Hale. of Toâ€" was ill only 36 hours, the trouble bein ronto. At the trial last Thursday, the| in the kidneys, N"“E or ten years ag eharges _ were acknowledged to be|be was near de&“"' door from th foundationless, Mr Hale admlllted his’::"f:eg:g‘;‘:fl;“h;;z&finrgz:’l:h :n i jeorge i in freed. n ent c felGCO and George is entitely fre Dr, Gun. He had been visiting his so Mayor Krug, Reeve Crow, and counâ€" Rovert in Milton for about thre cillor urant returned from Montreal weeks and had bought a horse an On Monday evening, having with the buegy to drive home here. He got a Southampton delegation bad an interâ€"| far as his brother‘s, in Brampton on yview with Vice President MeNichol re | chilly day and this may have brough C. P,. K. line between Durham and| on the illness. Southampion yvia Cheslev, While no Deceased was born in the Gore o new work will be undertaken in 1908, Torouto some months over 76 year Mr. McNichol promised to haye a ago and in 1855, with his young wife PS Cc P0 bvet the proposed line | moved INLO + the bash " settling on : this summer. â€"Chesley Enterprise, farm at Hutton Hill from which it 1880, he moyed to the farm north ol Wirt conpuert TamoRring Derr.â€" b ; q Mr, Harry Bdr;lelt, }l:nving lately 3:{;‘;"" where his son William nos urchased the tailoring business of Mr, 16 ust g ; E‘I;u-ily. is running it in connection ‘“l,i(',: m:ew:l?lg‘)eg;“?‘;%‘:’rgeo';;;x with his Gent‘s Furnishing establishâ€" Burgess, and to chem were born wix ment, and has engaged Mr, Moran, of clnllgrén' \Villium‘ nd Robéct now of Toronto, a pra('ti"ur tailor and cutter Milton h“ w -'E‘d e “flv&"lfi‘fl' with eighteen years of successful ex.â€" Mrs, Bar vemd (:::;w dgc;u.ed) and Mrs. perience, to take charge of this departâ€" Irwin "f the North West. _ These, ment. _ With such a capable nmnagvr, ith tw brothers of the 'dec ased. in charge, Mr. Burnett can assure his (')vne :n Br?un ?onlhe (?Lher in theew:sl.' patrons first class workmanuship and | will mourn l?is loss, as will also Mrs. B",'l.lr"“l;,‘)[‘é’ d’j‘"tl,rs and . coats, in 'tyles}duhn Grahuua.hahgrnnd-guughtfr. wgo { |grew up with him and to whom he Takex to Owex S()UND.â€"“The voung;‘ was much attached. ladt ~ Reibhoun anibnennce eemcs Te cil cla clo2 ae oo 00e DURHAM BRANCH John KHelly, Manager BRANCHES ALSsO AT HARRISTON AND PKICLKVILLD Hurry Up ! No time to lose ! Stops Ist of May ! What! The cheap clubâ€" bng rate for Review and Weekly (Gilobe and Canadian Farmer, ()nlr $1.25. Send toâ€"day. If you are alâ€" ready paid in advance for Review, send 20 cts for Globe Rlections comâ€" ing on. Youneed it. Goxe out or BUsinEss in THE Harowarek LINE.â€"Farmers, builders and contractors kindly take notice. Allsupplies at present wholesale prices. At the Big Store. Call and examine fine laces, emâ€" broideries and lace curtains. At Kare CoCHRANE‘S, opposite Scott‘s store. Call or send to the Revie when in need of carpet paper bundle for 5 cents. Try Matthews and Latimer for No, 1 Government Standard Timothy Seed and Clover. See the Men‘s Suits and Rain Coats we are showing. 8. F, Morlock. A. H, Jackson bas a number of houses and yacant lots in Durham for sale. Savings Department. Deposits of $1 and upwards are received, on which the highest current rate of interest is allowed, EOPcE send_ to the Review Office OF CANADA Head Office â€" â€" â€" â€" Toronto $1.00 OPENS AN ACCOUNT OW MNRBQ | ty pugaine: TANDARD BANK DURHAM, THURSDAY, APRIL ESTABLISHED 18973 1( A big The pall bearers were his two sons, Mr. Win. Edge, sonâ€"inâ€"law, and three nephews, Mr. Joseph Lawson, Inâ€" surance agent, Guelph, Dr. John Lawâ€" son,. Bramptbn, who attended him assiduously on his death bed and Mr. John Hutten of Walkerton. THos. DerBx Last week at the bome of his daughâ€" ter in Egremont, the above gentleman passed away. He was for many years a resident of Normanby and was well known around town of recent years. His was a kindly genial nature which latterly led him into erratic Babits, He has relatives in Egremont and Norâ€" manby bighly respected but we have not full particulars at this wriiting. _ Not long after coming here he engaged drawing lumber with the late Mr Robert Dilglish, and subsequently deyeloping ubifily as a salesman, was for thirty ye.rs in the employ of the firms of A. & A. Cochrane, Alex, Cochrane, Fleury‘s and others, Reâ€" tiring from that he remained on the farm until a few years ago when he moved1 with his son Robert to Milton and has been here and there at interâ€" vals ever since. |__ Deceased was born in the Gore of ’Toronto some months over 76 years ago and in 1855, with his young wife, moved into "the bash " settling on a farm at Hutton Hill from which in 1880, he moyed to the farm north of Durham, where his son William now resides. His wife was Georgina Burgess, sisâ€" ter of the wellâ€"known Jas and Gordon Burgess, and to chem were born tix children, William, and Robert now of Milton, Mrs. W m.Edge, Mre. &upiiuo. Mrs, Burgess, (now deceased) and Mrs. Irwin, in the North West, These, with two brothers of the deceased, On Friday last at the home of his brother in Brampton the aboye gentleâ€" man passed over to the greater numâ€" |\ ber, _ The end came suddenly for he was ill only 36 hours, the trouble being in the kidneys. Nine or ten years ago he was near death‘s door from the same cause but rallied to health ana strength again under the treatment of Dr, Gun. He had been visiting his son Robert in Milton for about three weeks and had bought a horse and buegy to drive home here. He got as fac as his brother‘s, in Brampton on a chilly day and this may have brought ‘ on the illness. _ CExnEnT Works Gomne AGgaIn,â€" Sunday last for the tirst time this seaâ€" son smoke was seen issuing from the rotary flues indicating that the great works were again in full swing or soon will be. Grinding has been goâ€" ing on tor some time and we believe more than half the season‘s output has already been contracted for. c en ERVUET bam on 2nd and 4th Saturday in month. â€" Hours 12 to 6 p. m. tested and (Glasses supplied, For 50 ors.â€"To new subscer who wish to keep in touch with eral and political events in 8 Grey for the rest of this geur xe the Â¥lowew for 50 cte. ingle c 3 cents, two copies for 5cents, Dr. Brown, Eye, Ear, Throat, will be at Hahn bam on 2nd and 4th Sati+ A fine assortment of ladies‘ wear at Katk CocHRraxnE‘s, Scott‘s store, flany Dargains in Boots and at 8. Fy Morfock’n. Highest %rice and cash p; Butter and Eggs at Mre, Beggs‘ one year to new subscribers or renewals Obituary. i oo 2 T P EES kee;‘) in touch with genâ€" sb it . e m ntte T new subscribers Boots and Shoes cash paid for # in South ear we offer ingle copies Hotel Durâ€" es‘ Undep. , opposite 170B °V SuIURe wno make them, *J do not seriously object to the Pumiu-l # s a . plement eyery issue Most effective was his strictures or | the automobile bill, which Mr. Hanna, | _ Grey Lodge, No 179. L. the "shrewdest of the Ministers," had decided to hold a Sm succeeded in blocking, _ The bill, lodge rooms on Mond hrot;fiht in by a Liberal member, had | April27, _ All members aim to provide, nmonfict other | and expected to be preser teatures, that autoists should stop at |this annual social functi at 100 yds. distance when meeting a on sale to Oddfellows horse, sbould keeg off the roads all following places : Vollet‘s Saturdays and on undays from 9 a. Gun‘s Drug Store, H. H. m to 2 p. m. _ However it was emasâ€" F. Grant‘s Office, A. ] c:lnl;d in comn:::tec.‘lnd w!:in iu' Office. Price 25 cents. the House, an attempt was m e to ++0% ;einluhu the S;turd.y clt.u",:‘ arl';: r Sal ave the yeas and nays reco & 1 or Sale effort Ind been blocked b{v the Speaker, ‘FrOA & who ruled, he only «aw four members .**George Imperial," th standing when there must be five, It bigh stepping Coach Stall was pointed out there was five but he , owner is deeply intereste mmeisted there were only four. Mac. line it is impossible for hi Kay can name the tive. but by this|this horseand he will give ubÂ¥tm proceeding. the count? is a bargain on him. _ Hus s dehu-ra{lrom knowing just who dies best show norses that can and who doesn‘t believe the roads this locality,. Apply to belong to’tho-_e who make them, "I; BR DirtrÂ¥+ams t e ce Toronto, by giving voters two votes for two candidates, classed as A and B, while in the country they had to be content with the good old Liberal principle * one man one vote." each Eyes of and These occasions were ca bhe scathingly, and we thi biassed persons would say denuunced the Whitney | for their want of trust in t encies that gave them the majority. _ when â€" a re would be called for in a fey the deceanial censng anve. This business over and the candidâ€" Jl:z:i ates elect having acknowledged the @ h honor gracefully. the interest of the defic meeting centred in the speech of the had Hon. A. G. Mackay, who had come ue the night previons, ter t The talented leader was in fine trim, {he Ad and in his forceful, logical style held they the undivided attentinn of the large [apple audience for oyer an hour. He touchâ€" ed on the Redistribution Bill which he,l D characterizes as the most subtile and | _ Dr. effective gerrymander yet perpetrated | ®an. in Cauada,. He reminded the youngâ€"| An er portion of his audience that but | nomi two redistributions had taken place | Doug since Confederation, in 1874 and 1885, | Moric though the Liberals might have had |J. P. more had they chosen, Changes had | Knec been made besides at these two times ’ + to give Poronto and New Ontario betâ€" | was in ter representation, U iment M P 1Q0 C e Hed VC Oe ler with a unanimous yoice applause, e deceanial census anyway He outlined the British pr C e eC ids There was a general and st; ing that Dr Mearns should be ditate for the local but tha man, while acknowledging a; nizing the depth of the fee for private reasons and ver fully, to decline the nomin number of other candiAutas . Rey he fiel W Presidentâ€"Dr Mearns ; 1st Vice. Pres.â€"Donald McKinnon ; 20d Viceâ€" Pros.â€"J. 8. Knechtel ; 3rd Viceâ€"Pres, â€"Ceo. Binnie ; Secy,â€"Treas.â€"C. Ram. a.hfe; Auditorsâ€"John H. Hunter, Dan cDougall, The foregoing with the following municipality representatives form the eÂ¥eAntiva . mpco 320. 00. "C€ AUH] Becy, Ramage gave a repo steps taken by the Executi last meeting, which report ceived and adopted, After V ors had made their report the of officers was proceeded with ing as follows : 10 2000 CC NC SUV lget we enjoy, and the opportun that are ours in this free country Shanmw We c c s Nss trodifiiinintinw shizccc o4 President McCannel made Piiate opening address, welc delegates and dilating on th mivam o c 0c 00 | Miller for the Commons. ‘ McCannel for the Legislature. euitncommeene. Splendid weather favored the Reâ€" form Conyention of Tuesday last and it was fully taken advantage of resultâ€" ing in one of the largest and best conâ€" ventions of recent years, The upper ball was filled and a number standing at the door when the speakine hecan The Reform THE NommNaTIONS 2€ Dritish practice in howing bow far Mr travelled from it, in n that he was " honâ€" m emry THV and we think evan unâ€" would say effectively, ‘\Vhit‘ney government 23, 1908. j "be gave a report of the by the Executive since , which report was reâ€" dopted. After the Audit. their report the election _ _ _ UA®°®° and Dest conâ€" recent years, The upper d anc a number standing vhen the speaking began, were called for, but P qaa 00 e P mndtt Were wed, s had taken place | Dougall, A. Wenger, « in 1874 and 1885, | Morice, Walter Hastie ) might have had J. P. Telfora, M. E. M sen. Changes had | Knechtel. lurray, Nofll]u:{fl,"y"; remont ; Wm. Mcâ€" _ D. Morgan, Dunâ€" Convention. n the constituâ€" | their splendid | redistribution | few years by | made an approâ€" , welcoming the ou the advantâ€" e opportunities ~â€" ./ . Dos‘s I?ELAhY.â€"‘hVe beglu.).give due ‘notice that the cheap clu »bing rate K""-""'qu"of $1.25 for the WeeLly Globe and tation o Canadian Farmer and the Review torâ€" woAvote; \ minates on Ist of May next. Rush in Ih.d b:'l')e‘luhecripllon now. If already paid in \.Li al advance for Review send the 25 cts , Liber: for the other. Fine illustrated supâ€" [ | plement eyery issue ‘tures or | . Hanna, | Grey Lodge, No 179. I. 0. 0. F., hn‘e{ ers." had decided to hold a Bmoker in their ‘he bill, lodge rooms on Monday evening, ber, had |April27, â€" Ail members are invited t _ other | and eXxpected to be;)ment to share n | stop at |this annual social function. Tickets eeting a on sale to Oddfellows only at the roads all following places : Vollet‘s Barber Shog. ‘om 9 a. Gun‘s Drug Store, H. H. Mockier‘s, J, is emasâ€" F. Giant‘s Office, A. H. Jackson‘s nhgn in‘OMce. Price 25 cents. and great rong feelâ€" P , result | _*"George [mperiul.” the celebrated high stepping Coach Stallion, As the owner is deeply interested in another line it is impossible for him to handle | this horseand he will give any person !‘a bargain on him. _ Hus stock are the b:‘ct. '-bo: horses that can be found in S i i 2C 3y "EPCORe UIHIEL / Flesherton will celebrate the 1st of July this year in a monster trades procession, footâ€"ball, horseâ€"racing, &c., ending up with an eyening concert, *The Legislation of the past session was in some of its features enough to make British blood boil."â€"Hastie, * Never a better Convention ; nevâ€" ’er a time 8. Grey could beso easily l won,. "â€"Calder, ' *‘ Don‘t forget that supporting Dr Jamieson is supporting the Whitney lfigovernment. "â€"Mike Murray, | _ I don‘t thank my mover and secâ€" onder. "â€"J. 8. Knechtel, 1 * I would be wiliing to be sacrificed again for the party, "â€"W, Iryine f * In accepting this nomination I am not sacrificing my independence, and if Liberals don‘t do right, I will try to put them right. "â€"McCannel, "I am glad to be with you and to look the old guard in the faceâ€"The government have made a very poort record. "â€"Wenger. ** Your brilliant member H. H Milâ€" ler, who is in the running for bhigher honors, â€" Mackay. * The strength of a party times its weakness. "â€"Miller Amongst the names offered | foj l'l‘omina'lion were Geo,. Binnie, D, Mc F nawsea1 a y k LEL nt. S e PEmVtee, 30 much for increased expenditure, _ Af. ter touching on North West problems, he again thanked them for the honor they had done him and sat down amid applause. Space forbids us on this occasion to follow his enlightening remarks on the Arctic expedition. on the North Atlantic Trading Co., and other ma;. ters, ~~As to the ery of increased ex. penditure he gave a sample where, as in the Post Office Department expend;. tures had increased 50 per cent, yer there was a surplus of one million and a half, where formerly there was a deficit. _ At the same time the penplpi had better and cheaper service, So Mereciie Mc d _ 3 > min 00 CC2 C00" 276, Web even now, being discounted, and the Lavrier government, which had nothâ€" ing to gain, by associatiug itself with dishonest men, would again rise above its detractors, Mr. Miller felt proud four years ago; bhe was prouder toâ€"day that they had honored him again with his record beâ€" tore them. Liberals and Liberal goy erments might make mistakes, but he was certain the government had ever honestly tired to do right. _ The coming Dominion campaign was going to be made a scandal campaign. The local fight four years ago was of that nature, yet is can be seen, as pointed out by Lfle Telegram, that Whitney‘s romises of exposure were not yet pulfilled. With this example hbefore: them the scandal cries would he._ wor. NOTES, Dr. Mearns makes an ideal chair _ The situation now was quite diffep. ent from 1905 : men who voted to put the Whitney government in power, would nuw vote to put them out, and he hoped with a good candidate in the field South Grey would give a good account of itself, He sat down amid great applause, wl..,; ____â€""_ 40¢gland, horse show, which was never made known to horsemen enerally, only Mr. and Mrs, Beck semfinu horses and receiving $1720 of the $2000 granted. He made a brief reference $2000 voted to aid in t1 anspor t the London England, horse which was nevar madke Las. "fe nad vigorous denunciation for the autocratic legislation regarding the rural schools. _ The Liberal gm- testations and an aroused ccuntry had forced the Goyernment to repeal it, &heir wavering policy in regard to odel Schools was clearly shown, and &t many points be claimed the educaâ€" tional interests of the country were being drawn into politics, from which they should be entirely disâ€"associated. He received hearty applause for a ::!ry able presentation of school matâ€" re He assured the audience that the line of cleavage between the parties was never greater than at present, and the aigel:lts of the people were being sacriâ€" ced. and one of the Cabinet ministers pay. ing $1,500 for a blind mare, but f‘i. object to paying $3,000 for a blind Speaker," F o ar im k. C 0C HECqpHCCB Tel'fora. M. E, Murray ana J. 8 142 He had (Paidâ€"inâ€"advance subscribers to the REVIEW Globe may secure it by forwarding us the ONTARIO brief reference to Durham, Ont, Wm. Calder, R, , Don McQueen, t1Q ARCHIVEsS Toronto transpor tation to , °00 JOr & blind lience that the line the parties was t present, and the were being sacriâ€" 1 denunciation for slation regardino | ; is some» bac 1 L I With the License Commissioners in the Last Thursday, the the line Licensing Bmmd' met ies was| Dayis‘ office here with and the Lattendance of outsiders ; Two Big Storesâ€"Dutham & Welland All the above oods are i our Easter S%ock se . In Fanflcy Goods Dept. In our Jewelery Dept. We have the finest stock of Easter Goods for 1908 that we have ever shown put the ; _ 3 373 7"lends bere were deiighted to read in the Globe the account of his nomination by the reform party tor the new Temis{l.mm( district, and they will be daliensl.4 , C 7020 CG &n T M .HRrind We have a mammoth stock of Easter Novelties, consisting of Easter Chickâ€" ens, Ducks, Birds, Rabbits, Handâ€" painted Easter Eggs, all sizes & prices We understand Mr given a three months‘ license. °0 " 5 IPrt thought the unsigned portion of the ward should count for the hotel, but Mr, Catton insisted the :lll who moved in the matter had prior claim, and upâ€"toâ€"date in Pearl Brooches, Crosses, Neckiets and Lockets, Brace. lets, Waist Sets, Rinfi. Watches and Chains, Ladies‘ aad Men‘s fine Gold and Silver Mounted Umbrellas, Is to be found ev hiné that is and upâ€"toâ€"date iet?'tPcarl Hrman Mr. Weinert 't,bbrl;ght portion of the ward shn ulc C CE euy CEdmrils Viers would not come, &c, Mr. Weinert thought they had no business to bring in railway tm:hNn. the petition was sprung upon and besides it said nothing umut eoe:: pensation ! !! Mr. Catton showed that numerous hotels had been cut off and no comâ€" pensation. The license being a yearly one it could nor be taken away if not granted, _ There was neither reason nor right that they should grant a ticense there, they were three men aâ€" gainst 30, Granting a license was molesting the spirit of the law and the _ lawâ€"makers, The â€" petitioners dreaded the influx of the wild element from Uurhnm‘ where Local Option was sure to go ‘in force. â€" Then there was no counter petition, Mr. Thos. Brigham had known Mr. Wells for years and found him a good cllizei:.. fl: hWellfu claimed ?e |l::muld not jbe punished for sins o decessors, _ Mr, Teakle, the new cg: keeper feared his business would be injured if hotel was removed, travelâ€" lers would not mmnua .. persong} .617 Ned asdid all, any personal animus in the matter, _ He had seen eyil effects of the drink in the railway construction period, Rev‘ds Newton and Rogers both corroborated this testimony. Mr, New., ton pointed out that Durham being under Local Option, there would ensue a viciousness round Allan Park owing 0 the drinking element of Durham finding their way there and possibly be beyond the power of the hotel keeper to manage. _ They would then Peturn to Durham, discrediting the law. _ If, said Mr, Newton, Mr, “Iell- were not there, not haif a dozen would sign for a hotel there, and the necesâ€" sity was less now than ever since the new railway was going vhrough, The commissioners would find from their own books of past years that more than one objection had been lodged agained the hotel, CHOCOLATE EASTER from lc each to nmms from lc each to $1.00 each, Big Stock Easter Post Cards. Easter Goods at Keeler‘s _ There were the usual number of applications, even the three from Durâ€" ham in. _ The minutes were read and one of the items showed at last meet» ing of the Board the hotels at Allan Park and Elmwood had got a repri« mand as to accommodation, â€" Keeler & Sons. ‘u8t inursday, the South Grey Licensing Botu-dv met in Inspector Davis‘ office here with an unwonted ul:u'ndnnce of m}t-il:ien anxious to see the outcome of the petition i the Allan Park Hotel, Agaimet THE REVIEW, The Yellow ‘ $00ds are just in theref. Stock is BRARD NEW. J , BAMAGE & sOXN, Printers anpo Puositsn®as W wishing the Weekly the balance, 25 cents.) and Mr. Wells has been months‘extension of his ‘°! there, and the necesâ€" now than eyer since the was going vhrough,. The ‘s would find from their buloa9e" ‘ ‘tion, that he has been comes by his liberalâ€" it we find. The title . but we belieye the r of New Liskeard the coming election. but as Chairman 'O:t‘;: ed no weight could be this clerical error, since ral argument, We old friend and his his father not so and even yet, can on the new â€"It

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