West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 23 Apr 1908, p. 4

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.1! $6? H Al gammmmxxsxxmammmmg iii',', Taylor & Co., Dromore It Mrs Mevitsker'sktny'den name was Jane Wilhshire, oldest daughter ot the late Geo Willehire, who came in. to Proton from the neighborhood of llamllwn, over 50 years ago. with his telnily. when Proton we: a wild. erness and squatted on the land that he lived nod died you And nowl owned by hm none. re McVickerl was an indttasrioat careful person. highly respected. Her illness did In our lsst week’s "You, we men- tioned ot the serious i lnees ot Mrs Archibsld McVicker. not thinking that death would take her before our letter left here. She died on Mon- day morning, 13th. st 5 s. m. and wes buried on Wednesday, the 15th, at the Elsplin church. the Rev Mr \laclnnes sad the Rev Mr Gibson cf- tieiatintt st the house and church. We have a great showing of Crochet and Marseilles Quilts in the choicest designs in floral, spray and figured effects from . ...... ...r.. 98: to 3.25 ea We purchased a large number of Lace Curtains that were cleared to us at very reduced prices, owing to them being broken lines In some designs we have only 3 pairs and others we have " pairs. They are all perfect goods and come in a great variety of the newest designs, ranging in price from............... ....... 490 to $5 a pr We have I large assortment of Tapestry and Velvet Rugs in ntl sizes and great variety of patterns that we're clearing " big reductions from. . .. . 8.50 to $20 Nottingham Lace Curtains Carpet Squares, Linoleums, Floor Oil Cloths, Lace and Chenille Curtains, White Quilts, Comforters, Curtain When you are 1tmme-eleaatntr, you will find that you are wnntin: mulling new to help you brighten up your home. Just remembet that we carry a large stock of ’oles ty Muslims, Cretons, Art Sateens S. F. MORLOCK tiopeville " HOUSE FURNISHINGS Carpet Squares White Quilts The medicine show man and his wife have gone trom here to Cedar- ville tdcuru all the people there and get: little Mthoir money in return. As we write on Monday morning heavy tall of snow is coming. not lust long. althou3th she had been delicate for some time. She had been a faithlul nurse to her husband. who had been sick nearly all winter. but is now out of danger. Mrs McVicker had passed her 72ad year and she leaves to mourn her departure, her husband, one son George a farmer, her two daughters, frrmer’s wives, Mrs William Mills and Mrs Thomas Parker, a number of grand children. Lar brothers living here, all farmers, anumber of sisters and other rela- tions. The funeral was large, al though the roads Were bad. The Rev Mrand Mrs Gibson took a trip to Toronto to spend the Easter holidays. JICH. Crifi3 thd can iitTimiiiEk -. -6iGiiiG2 th 'in be returning Main iiiS wee . Mr Alex ”Donald. d Tatum. mid um: um to no mu 4-12 _ Mr and Mrs David McKechnie. ot Owen Sound. no T1riting " their uncle’s. the McKechnio’s, numb line, at preaent. Mrs Button and Ion. Dr Atkinson, write that they "rived we to Tai. cougar;I Their mainy Pitt, bore win tom persy n to new home in B. d.'" Ide-rg Honor and Dould McKin- 1"fl an {poodlan Mr hall- a [ Mr Wm Conkev'a sale to-dny. Mon. day, the 20thirut, went fairly wall under the command of Auctioneer McPhall. A numberof med people no com. planning, but expected to get better, but generally old we nod sickneu doAt “Irv!- - We are sorry to hear of the death ot Malcolm McDonald, of Toronto, but once a resident of this place. " many wid remember Malcolm " a good citizen. who was well posted in matters generally. relating monarch or politics and we vouch the gentl- moms of all who knew him In send- ing their condolence to the widow and lamily, brother: and ulster; in their sad bereavement. Wm McLeod, Jr, and one of the Clark bpys, Dromore, are putting in Wm McLeod’u, Br, crop this Spring " Top Clie. Mr John Mcharrie and son. north line Glenelg, are prepm ine for build. ing a large fume barn next summer. They have alt the timber out and lumber made. Mr Neil McCannel. of Durham, was on a business trip in connecuou with his agencv. on the Scum Line, one day last week. Mr John McDounall, of the Asy- lam Buff, Toronto, visited f, mm: in this puns Week ago and returned again to his duties. away. The new bridge on "I; town line north ot our town, is a good one. made in the latest style ot good sub- stantial material. l The C. P. R. Company is bnlv dar. _ ing the past week ballaeting the road from here to Durham. The Company has bought 10 acres more from Mr John McAthnr. in the Glen, tor grav- elling purposes, which they will up- ply can! and west on the mad. No damages done by water treshlets this Sprint allhunzh some feared some time ago ot bridges and mill dams being In danger: of being taken Mr Murchle la this Week engaged in loading the railroad track. anch as wheel scrapers and other things used while building the road. Mr Murchie has haunts-act ot building a canal somewhere an: of town. The new Bunion house bum in this town during winter is a tine “momma and Would do credit to any town largenhan Prieoville. Oar teachers are enjoying a. week's holidavs during this week, which we hope they will enjoy in a. different manner from the close ttottfirttunent of school teaching. Our preachers preached sermons sniuable tor Easter last Sunday, ac- companied by suitable hymns tor the occasion. The Revda Berry and Methanol: continue holding cottage anion pray- er meetings weekly in town and county. which generally are well at. tonde . l Some have made maple syrup, but as sugar bueh is not so plentiful as in olden times there war only a limited quantity made It issaid that stolen water is sweet, bat talfy made from stolen sap is sweeter, " lesetthoee who indulged one night recently in helping themselves from the contents of a bamslfut of sup left over night " one ot our neighbor's sugar camps. which they converted into taey dur- ing the night. The lads thought it fine fun but woe be unto them it the proprietor 's slumbers were disturbed by the cracking of Willie’s cedar nails, which they applied loriuei was heard. Then their laughter would be turned to mourning and the sweet- ness of the iaffy would have lcst ite, flavor. Make good Willie's rails boys and your sins mil be pardoned. we can View with the naked eye. However we hope that a tow hours at the warmth of the glorione sun will make it dlaa peer futer than it came. and no we 2',','IQ an old Scotch lady any in Gaelic " Felhh gun tig- hean " "or may it no matey away. On this Monday moraine, the 20th April, there in about 3 inches ot - and has the appearance of having more before it in done. The North West man be having a snow storm and the tlnal and of it extended as far " Prloevillo. for we cannot vouch for its termination guy further than The Canadian Band urin- nithelr feeble notett generallv utter dnr ' but all their musical talent no not yet fully developed. Good Friday and Enter Sunday pest. Lotaot one oonenmed but tor our individual part we didn't in- dulge to any water extent than any other day. eether keeping cool and winter germenta are in nae. Roughing wee the general order with acme during the peat week, eapeelally thoae that didn't do much leattall. No aeeding done yet, but it the weather eontlnnea favorable, probably acme will he done thia week. [on of snow benka on our t1lht,"o',tg, yet but mttfitt ig fairly pau- ab e on the moat of our leadan roeda. ". Tttar - “and Priceville "Art-to ARCHIVES TORONTO m DURHAM REVIEW at once known they are the newest and most correct in style and model. Come and see how the new spring foot. wear will enhance the appearance of your foot. You'll probably be surprised at the comfort " well as the style. The new lasts are a wonder in that respect. Entricken Is to be seen at its best here. Nowhere else ca_n you enjoy such a choice of modnsh shoes at modest prices. The Woman who can our Sim-n Parisian Millinery Co.' MISS DICK, Proprietor Prieeville and returned spin this Huntley utternoon. m init lit " Hominid. Aberdeen. " ander! " uncle's fungal. the lute John IoDoneld, of Boothvilie. Died on the Tth April, " " home on shoals: eon Egremont, IlrJohn McDonald. at them we of nearly 90 years. Mr McDonnl was one ot the pioneer- of Ezremonc. coming there when there we. no mad but s nigh; one :hrongh the bush, shouc MM!" yours “to. He was a men who was highly" respected. sgood and obliging neighbor, a good church man when sbie to attend. bat being deprived of his hearing: tor s long time. it was quite a bin rsnoe to him from unending worship of late yenrs. He was buried in Prioeville ceme- tery. Rev Mr Matheson, " peswr. ottiiating. While workinz " Herrieon's saw- mill " Boothville on Monday lust. Chas McDonald met withtrixtinfal secident by coming in contact with the saw, Iyiiitsting a large ash in his srm Just " the elbow. Phe young man was driven out to Price- ville by Mr Harrison and Dr Dixon put ten stitches in the wound The young man. wboislying yet at Mr Neil McKinnon's. is doing as well as oould beexpected and robnhly will besround to his home, gouih Glenelg this Tuesday afternoon. we nsve made every effort to add to our already large stock some new models that will be sure to lead. We will spend s day or two in Toronto next week look. ing up the new Ideas and selec- ting some of the latest in Millin- ery shapes and novelties. since. As Eat we have made We have had grind success dur. ing our Millinery Openings and Fashionable Feminine Footwear aster Millinery. REPAIRING neatly done at reasonable prices. As Easter is Vprashiri,(r' To the manor of the mai,; Dear Sir; I am still laughing. bntitisnow about that Fergus fellow who lost the back of " cutter and the two girls and nothing to be seen a tar n he would see behind. Ht! Hat. lumb- inn IIA. Hopeville, don't you thihk that wu a silly old fellow to shovel out that load of snow when it was already covered with sawdust for him ? Why did he not back it into the shed ? How nice to have to snowbnll with, about the 12th ot July. Did that but young chap see his girl since. or did the old man's Inger melt away like hiaownload of snow by this time? Let us know soon. l i , "iiiriiri"Gi"G""zr i3jiiliijiil"'iiii,i"li, Mr Wm McCracken. bltusktunith, sold a valuable mare for a handsome sum to a Dornoch man last week.. l Mr Alex Hay had rather a sting- ing experience last week, having ac- caslon to drive a nail with his ham. mer, he carelessly looked over " gasses and down comes the hammer on the nail, but "Crickets "it was the nail of his thumb; man. but it diOtlntr, -- 7 I have heard it said that Mr John Lunnv can on down and look " work, bat if he can I think it is after it is finiehtsd, as his splendid water- 'rolke prove. so no su When no sooner it is fiuiateu than it is assessed. We llutice that Mr Neil Clark and toudrive 't Dexter ', under a brand uew silver mounted harness lately. Mr Dan Campbell says hogs should be $10 per cm. to near pay for what his " Tam Worth, " have eaten dur- ing the past winter. Mr David Lamb has also begun ploughing some time ago. We un- demand he is oontetnplau'ng build- Ing himself a new residence in the near future, but whateneourtutement to do so when no Banner it is fiuiateu than it is assessed. By the appearance of things. Mr John D. Clark is about establishing I wood yard at " residence, no doubt. preparing tor another close winter. Mr Lorn Clark swapped a horse with Jim Ewen last Week. Lora no doubt thinks he has the best home, Mr George Miller in still luring like Robinson Crusoe " I am monarch ut'all lsurvey. my right hand there is none to _dispute,' a bachelor happy and gay. Oh man but Geordie is cute. Sprint: is here " last. How pleas- ant to get our feet on solid earth again. after the long and dreary win- ter. Surely that Welbeck ground hog has got aboullto nibble a little grass by this time, but I ex at that whole thing was a yarn. Iggy again Welbeck. We Welcome Mr Thus Wilson buck in our midst again, having rented the Catch farm and has been busy ploughing the last week back. We wish him a bountiful harvest. The Martin that was seen in the Park a week ago Sunday, we hear was trapped but was released " the leathers were all " the neck. Miss Collects McMillan ll visiting his]: aunt Mrs Hector McLean. Price- v s. Mrs Boa: is on the ulck list this week with touch of u Grippe. Pleased to saw Mr McLean is able to beam again and make his usualcnlla utter his illness. visned her ihGaTiiii'ii; 1553!, Easter. Miss Maggie wsiiir/i, enraged with Miss Scott for summer months to learn dressmaking. Mr and Mrs Jun Coleridge visited the latter', ulster. Mrs Fettea, Toronto. over Easter. Gordon and Murray Findlay spent Easter Holidays with Mr and Mn Will liaae, Owen Sound. Miss Bertha Renwiok. who hu spent the Int veer in Toronto. in visiting " her home here for a week Lewis, Renwick, Mt. Forest, En Ramon and Wallace Findlav. Dur- ham High School students are home tor the Easter week. Mm Byland and Edge, Purkdnle. Toronto. upon: Easter with her parents er and Mrs Jno. Gumn. Br. of thin p 899- Next Sunday evening the Young People’s tttt of 22tt 2tT. or purpose hol ine nspec 4 mee at. A missionary nddre- will be given by Rev. Mr Kendall and was!“ music will be given by the choir. All are invited to attend. Communion eervlee we: held in Anne Church 'may momma. though the med: were bad the church wee well filled. Mr Kendall geve e eglendid eel-moo taking " texttrom t. John 11.25 Theeboir rendered a pleating Enter Anthem. 11tyy.8w.aryton, Ptsirbairn, Aberdeen. Dromore. jot; 1 tme I 2CLt,t1t,ripr,teii; "hmd'tamharal"l'l,'g Ill. ttt we? -iiiiirt,"c""" " &to. 1eturasr, or to _ V- - .u. PPeirrtiiiii "nth. Tenper centofthg m to be paid dom, ,'tl"t'i'tieg one, bum within “lift, dr"l"dltPl,i: term} It 6 per out For -_n_-, -v - ru wan - "I" Ihr further "m iam and ttt we. Ipply tn muo- uumllcli " “GT” in the" Taithucloo: cession of the owuhip of Proton. and registered in the Regina 061:: for the South Ridin of the Count of Grey, on the ml‘dey of that: 1877. There in aid to be I brick d end frame cable upon the “gm , nuns nu ABa - - ___._,- ". nupevme, in the County of'Grey by Dugald Mephaii, auction. cer, the following Property, homely ; Village lots, numben One and Two South of Division street. and East of Main .Street; in the Village of Hope- ville, in the County of Grey, locom- ing to McArdle's plan of put of lots numbers " and 13 in the "th Con. cession of the Tonal-=- " " ( on“: no by virtue of the powers contained in a certain mortgage, which will be produced " the time" of sale, there will be offered for sale by public auction on Saturday. 25th any of April A. D. 1908. at the hour of One O’clock in the afternoon at the pruning in the) Village of Prpevin"e, in the County! of'Gr:y 1,y,,?.ehei McPhil. “mm, on t - " Mb-a-, Under and by viitue 'xP.ta.ittetl in I can A great variety of seeds. of very superior quality in stock. We have a quantity of Dynamite for immediate disposal. Any person wanting some should place their or- der at once as it will not Int long. Farmers should inspect our Mock of Plow Linea, [race Chains, Sweat Pads, Halters, Collars and Plow Har. Alabastine, Whiting, Glue, Gil- lett's Lye. Carpet Sweepers and Cur. tam Stretchera.' If your furniture is dull or scratched, try some of our Varnish Stain or Furniture Polish. Wagon-tstakes claim that S.-W. Wagon Paint. makes old wagons look like new, and new wagonslike Mir. Men have repeatedly said that S.-W. Carriage Paint is all that an be desired. [HARDWARE! Some of our female customers have informed us that they are de- lighted with the weer of Sherwin. Williams Floor Flint. The majority of our customer! have discovered that there is no Ready-Mixed Paint munufnctnred. to equal Sherwin-Williams for all pur- poses. but we would like them to let their neighbors know all about it. Have you a piano in Your Home? I f not why not one of our Bell's ? We can give you the beat instru. ment and make you the beat terms. One sold by us in town last week was tented by Prof. Konold and Pronounced excel. lent. John McQueen Gun’s Drug Store Spring Wotlf SM UT Wat of Hiding}. House Mortgage sue. How about your bone: for the coming spring work? Arc;th in good condition ? “Brig:- Home and Cattle Spice " II a splendid tonic, is made " home, is a 6 lb package for Mc Very little trouble audit!!!" cost. Full directions on ee. ery bottle. No more .ttouttle with it. No more dirty thmhinll it you treat your grain with our . Black FORMALIN ', Dirk. no. For Flour, Feed MATTHEWS . t LATIMER -ithoutanetwr-TG-nri,Tc, Yet there is on: consolation, v2 ' that when thcyspend it at MacAr. ghur'n thereet the" beat possible valm In the town. Just-occur bargams :- SOFT FBDORAS & STIFF HATS We read, " Hag]: to (Inn wives, ther Our was. like buoy been, with honey ; They cue our shocks, They darn our socks. And Opend most all our money Quoting from a wise contemporary, 11 L3, Giniha PM!!! people will ap ttNeiate on Gooda. arriving weekly in all lines PUP-SS Goods, (lrtlMIt flrmnArwem, d a. Window J'Arat,, Maud/ho, btuums, Pure Wired Paints of for Sltemnants frea, We!!! p, In Flour Drum-u and Booksellers 11eteiea, Fruits GENUINE CHRISTY STIFF “ATS ad other hotmec1eanitvg dds a lowest prices. Qua! it, “new. in no. lots at such 1m - u will move them out quickly. Winch of new Wall Pa- pa: in now complete, and we would like to show you the new patterns Ind chlor- lnp. Come and see them. Shims. Laces. roideries, dh, Ann. 28, 1908 Goods “on! Honcho“ and Seeds Grant. ushns. upon le wca il 'N. C" 'tTI Pf'v", 7”,“ 'u'azIaiij, , Li, TERMS STi Etgs taken CUSTOM W The Large Boots d Sha LINULICI‘ FL0Ollt)l {an SIRS mu m Floor 1 flpri, udei hum: Bin Girls' "nimble m liner Skim, bu lent tweed odd ll 'tent Tweed Pant Chili": lot or lei Ken's Workimr SH APRIL 23 W 3taue Cold Cm in m, t We also (arrr _ Jeb' SI bad CARI '. __ i.' Jig-.- ttMt, DAR hpm Floor DAR king tit The CASE crate

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