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Durham Review (1897), 23 Apr 1908, p. 6

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t ‘,". ) i#\ wl 4 %# you ‘eat "NCoth moas: cesMinigch 7 m p â€"So that‘s is photograph, is it? he‘s a regular: swell." Yes, he‘s pmvgx regular, He here six evenings n the week. ‘y, don‘t stuff yourself so. If properly you‘ll live long.‘" n‘ in that, paw. 1‘d ruther eat live properly." rthographical Romancs M M W Reverse English wido w THEX HE wo â€"Do you believe M t 10« His Status 2 U ic tior it tud Mrs, _pmp" Your d The Proper Term Newed â€"Instead of guv my husband puts it ; nk for me, Oldwed â€"Sort of rafat 38 me M irning f 4t Immun 14 e 1 Pickâ€"Meâ€"U p EXCBLLENT Cars tealin The Bachelor T CC mofe chauffeur was taking his | s ior a ride through the ortion of the metropolis « out to them the atataly JJvwBLy Mad Astronomy ir ~wife has very * good care of it does; she looks . ¥‘t know, I‘m ithe meet married Cultured Curiosity. SYMFPAT rled to k impudent annoyir Te CI0 Was 1o ile riding *in noke cigaroot hat A HINT darling, if 1 hor 1 young neaurl y tly 8801 and Hint Scored a Cliie The Professor. â€"â€"I have just had Of must look into my read the rules for last rit wit r it., M woman ruined 4," said the diamonds, "o lreams * LET | 0 0 2 0 2O franes to the Alliance Israclite Univerâ€" sure, George; I never | s¢lle in aid of the Jews of Moroceo. st look into my ‘Book From January, 1905, to July, 1906, 577 the rules for young Jews of Vienna left their faith, of which wmee | number 285 joined the Catholic Church. uriosity, | In 1907 the number rose to the monthly Atl‘“"‘ his load of ‘ average ranging from 50 to 65. Would W it P Success were to it OF IT ip St y while dancing * tendon in her t4 opolis _ and , stately manâ€" th i¢ novelty of & phying Or ind the hero Klifl@d One it of off p ols 4e o. rmarame The Maurctania has four funnel four locomotives abreast could throuch them,. th tol "I was awfully worried al when he had that last sick 0 C SCnE inbalios, ‘at iel Xerxes now and then d Mounted oft his xan Sailed in xebecs, fished Played in xysts his x But he Never Wrote it Xmas, PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 Days PAZO OINTMENT is guaranteed to cure anj ecase of Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protrud :.I)‘.‘ Piles in 6 to 14 days or money refunded a strange : dancing die what Don‘t repeat gossip, even if it does in terest a crowd. Don‘t jeer at anybody‘s religious beâ€" lief.â€"â€"Christian World. ol_even your most intimate friend. Don‘t underrate anything because yo don‘t possess it. Don‘t believe that everybody else i the world is happier than you. Don‘t conclude that you have neve had any opportunities in life. Don‘t believe all the evils you hear. Don‘t be rude to your inferiors in so cial position. L mornmng, \ + But her chapeau was a warning, For I knewsthe modest income That I made by writing sonnets Vever would suffice to keep her In those gorgeous Easter bonnets. If you Want to be Loved Don‘t contradiet people, even if ) ire you are right. Don‘t be inquisitive about the a It was crushed and curved and crinkled Into strange and sudden angles, It was swathed with yards of chiffon, It was hung with glittering spangles; There were bows of lace and ribbon And a dozen buckles on it, And a wreath of crimson roses Crowned that stunning Easter bonnet. Her Easter Bonnets. It was at the Easter service, When the lilies hid the Latin. n the pew we sat together. She was gowned in amber satin, Aud she shared her hymn book with me But my eyes were not upon it. | was gazing, fascinated, At her wondrous Easter bonnet. had meant to pop the question Walking home from â€" church â€" that Lake City The Jewish Free School of Aloxandria Egypt, has fifteen hundred pupils. Jewish girls took an active and promi. nent part in the recent riots in Viadi vostok. The branches of the United Hebrew ! Charities, New York, have been closed | down for lack of funds. | The two hundred and fifticth anniverâ€" | sary of the death of Menasch Ben Tsrael, who obtained the readmittance of Jews in England, oceurred last month. t:me t of Mr. Nathan Straus has established . depot for pasteurizing milk in Heidel burg. Germany. The Hungarian co tine requires six ca tide over the famine of WO 000 PE TICCCT CC PRTCOE Of+ rich Moors, while the rest were distriâ€" } buted as spoil among the leaders of the | various tribes. \ fire at Malat, Wilna Province, Rusâ€" | sia, destroyed one hundred stores and | dwellings and reduced two hundred Jew. â€" â€" ish families to the verge of starvation. R Rabbi Joseph Stolz and Rabhi Tobias s Schanfarber are leading the fight against , *'A“\\’W‘ the Bible in public schools in Chieago. _ | FnColthiaâ€" Cu Disastrous React ion ol »)u | Was passed on recently in a decision t« ' handed down by Jlldgelenhope Lynn ’il the Mulu'ci'pal Court, New York, in | the Tase of Watson against Abbott. A | peculiar feature of the case was that ; | none of the persons directly interested " | in its outcome was a Jew, that all the A lawyers who argued the matter were i Christians with the exception of one, who was arrayed against the Jews and _| that the Judge, who decided it was unâ€" g American to exclu.e a man from a hotel | _ | because of his race or creed, was a Roâ€" _| man Catholic. f Mr. Paul Haupt, Semitic professor at the Johns Hopkins University, has for a long time past been engaged in an atâ€" tempt to establish definitely the origim and date of the "Song of Solomon," beâ€" | ing convinced that the present theories | are wrong.. He now announces that the | song was written near Damascus quite | six hundred years after the reign of } King Solomon. : | _ The "Hilfsverein der Deutschen Ju« ‘ den" has contributed the sum of 12,500 | france to the Alliance Tersallsn Tinfwas P â€"â€" â€"â€"<G# & Xerxes then drank xeres ‘is. xanthic thron t 1 last d for xiphixi;, xylophoneâ€" about J.(.)Iup!y comn carlo ixt Or Braud de. of Salt He held his vears. pass were distri rders of the I r thirt® vaars T _;jn_" 3y CSlelih | _ For thirty years Lydia E. Pink. | ham‘s Vegetable Compound, made | from roots and herbs, has been the | standard remedy for female ills, and has positively cured thousands of | women who have been troubled with t‘re displacements, inflammation, ulcergâ€" .__ | tion, fbroid tumors, irregularities, * ; periodic pains, backache, that bear. ... | ingâ€"down feeling, flatulency, indigesâ€" °" | tion, dizziness or neryous prostration. in : Why don‘t you try it ? ‘ ‘ Mrs. Pirkham invites all sick or â€" women to write her for advice, ‘ | Bhe has guided thansawas 4" I Always remember the full name. Look for this signature on every box. 250. That is h La){_atlva Bromo Quinine 2244, °C", ®2TaCG â€"Wiol | health. Address, Lynn "Bromo Quinine" op l y} 0 Q C PCZCCCIEn Talled to help me. Lydia K. Pinkham‘s Vegeâ€" table Compound not on! y restored me to perfect health, but I am now a proud mother." l-'%C‘l'Sk FOR SICK womEn. Je c IPs «elprniiiicattcin: "sAut .ls â€" Amptone 4 toas yer dn ho w iss </ se J _ Every woman interested in this . | subject should know that preparaâ€" | tion for healthy maternity â€" is | ’ accomplished by the use of‘ | LYDIA E.PINKHAM‘S | VEGETABLE COMPOUND ipeAvintiethatectlizedimecedacas . 13 Mrs. Josephine Hall, of Bardstown, Ky., writes : "1 was a very at sufferer from female troubles, nn«fnr:v vhysictam failad ° S ing 20 C CEX NCOEA FEgpesll from a weakness peculiar to my sex, when Lydia E. Pinkham‘s Vegetable Compound was recommended to me. It not only restored me to perfect health, but to my delight I am a mother," *â€"“. How many American women in | lonely homes toâ€"day long for this ; blessing to come into their lives, and | to be able to utter these words, but because of some organic derangeâ€" megrt this happinqss is denied them. Mitot beWifizicticicdith..am. A J 14 Mrs. Maggie Gilmer, of West Union, S. C.,writes to MrsS. Pinkham : 4 "I was greatly runâ€"down inahealth mmmmm*amumun | AM C CA simpiutily 5+c 2:A God. | The path to glory leads through drudgory. High {finance is productive of low character. « Make the money talk about our J.K.n mission. e true to your creed if your creed is true to truth. Eccentricity will never do as a subâ€" stitute for agility. Give your church a fair chance among life‘s interests. Try making it @ little more cheerâ€" 'ful fi'r some one élsa. A little grace and a great deal of gumption will assiet 3 .minister, It is a good deat for a man to try and be popular in his own home, . You cannot hire a minister to be your substitute in righteousness, Do not confine your practice . of economy to the contribution plate, Throw responsibility on the boy you would keep in the Sunday School.â€" Universalist Leader. . [ 1069 Frances St., London, Ont. Coltsfoote _ Expectorant is the greatest cough and throat cure in the world. It is the prescription of a renow ned . specialist. In order that every family may prove its unparallaled merits we send a sample bottle free to everyone who sends us their name and address and mentions this paper. Can be had at alt druggists at 2%¢. Send your name toâ€"day | 10â€" Dr. T. A. Slocume TKX > matacay.. > \Valuable Samples Free P hnffind futaba ds 26 80101 Many a wellâ€"fed man is starving for va write ner for advice, g"l.uded thousands to dA > Dro willing service is a double service _ Diade for the first lid you draw it, sir?" d respectfully. "At s professor with a twinâ€" )r took down this 1 it impressively. he «:xclui_med, "the Short Sermons. my physician failed 2°~° " 20c. Send your nam T. A. Slocum, Ltd., Toronto FREE SAMPLE TOâ€"DAY. truth is always kindest. your ideals get out of down ingbealth ind a great deal of si=t & .minister. al for a man to try his own home. re a minister to be one night sidence, A the â€" fire MGQig a en MAidieni uie a space mt cauon: Mn uon "No; that came under the head ‘good of the order," know,." â€" TYb : AHHR "Is that a part of your of business®" "Cyrus, what kept you out so night? It‘s after 12 o‘clock." "I know it, Miranda. I‘ve ] lodge. Had to stay till it was o1 had something extra this time," "What was it?" "It was aâ€"erâ€"physical exerc monstration," "What kind of physical exerci "A Sparring mateH, if vyou & rottan fomngi,; _ J~CSwHnof0o be resting on & rotten foundation. Nor can there be any hope of permanent improvement until there is a complete change. ‘The feuda} system by which the land ts held in large estates must be abolished, and the soil placed within reach of those who are able and wiliing to cultivate It, and import duties on foodstuffs ’musf be . removed. _ Freedom is absolutely necessary to prosperity in these days of world wide"* competition. It may prove necâ€" essaqry to go further and lighten military burdens, stop the waste of capital in permanâ€" ent. . unproductive works, including palaces and battleships. There can be no more monâ€" strous wrongs than is made evident in wareâ€" bouses stacked with goods and granaries bursting with food, while millions of human being are in want of covering and children are starving for lack of enamar . UAHGT InrAaa rostut.,_@0""*, 10¢ Datural ecom forces, restricted and perverted in their ation. racoil upon the weakest first by ehanbes 40 k m o RER U WB sn en these conditions effect the worl of Berlin is shown by the pathe noverty recently ~publighed. In week of December,. lscordlng statistics, no fewer than\11,847 . c tenditz the primary schools, unde pulsory education law, went with fast. and had no prospect of a me day or evening when they retur About half this number received portion of food from the Children Society, a charitable organization mainder were reported actually |s death. ~Such a horrible state of one of the grandest and wealthies of Europe could not be permitted city had to provide the means f« the little ones slowly perishing fo food. Never was there a more s lustratioh of the lack of balane moderr industrial system that res soâ€"called protection. The natural ; keep b;(fl, "me Necessaries of life, ! Germany is now entering on conditions which existed in Great | the time when the agitation bega repeal of the corn laws. These . are lack of employment for the m Creaseo prices for foods, warehou with unsalable goods and capital loc} sumk in vast national and industri and enterprises undertaken with the good t'me-‘ would last indefinite the fonturins a.q 0_ _00 A0CCIOTY Into & manuâ€" facturing and commercial nation, the process causing a transfer of population, as in Engâ€" land, from the rural districts to the great city centres of Industry. Everything went well so long as markets could be found for | German goods and the cost of living was | cheaper than in the countries with which l Germany competed. But a change was sure to come, as the Kaiser foresaw and erdeayâ€" ored to, provide against by his efforts to establish colomics, create mercantile marine and its natural complement an efficient navy. Haviug adopted the protective system, and being hedged about by nations with tariffs equally exclusive, Germany «oon began to realize her limitations, She was turning out more goods of all kinds than she could sell _At the same time the cost of living was adâ€" vancing and made more costly by the imâ€". port duties on foodstuffs from mbroad. The‘ result has been that the glut of overâ€"proâ€" duction bas been follewed by reduction of wages. and the industrial classes in cities find they can no longer dispose of their labor for sufficient money wherewith to purchase the necessaries of life. 1206 PeI!OG of prosperity population increased as it does in all countries at times of inâ€" dustrial expansion. . Since the _ war with France, Germany has been transformed from an agricultural and military into a manuâ€" facturing and commercial nation, the process causing a transfer of population, as in Engâ€" land, from the rural districts to the great city centres of Industry. Everything went well so long as markets could be found for German woods ans inl ULOO .06A Lt en n n Ee TeR UTE wmills and looms have supplanted those of the United Kingdom in neutral markets and even in the British market at home. During this period of DrOSbD@FItY nonularine qunacllot ARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO â€" was cured of Chronic Rheumatism by MINARDsS LrNIMEXT, Albert Co.. NX BR O OCORBM Tt imr 4 was cured of Aen: MINARIYS LINIMENT Bay of Islands. _ J, M I was cured of Faci MINARDYs LINIMENT, Springhill, N. 8. m 1 was cured of Chronis "The man who owns thi door to us has put a ‘For the front window." iA has 2o us ‘, CCC 08 is over. coat and hat on the lounge, "but I saw a discouraging sign as I came in just now â€"â€"a most dim-uuraging sign." "What‘ was it, George*" asked Mrs, Ferguson, "Yes, it looks as if said Mr, Ferguson, coat and hat on the lc discouraging sign as | This steadied the one in front a retarded its pace that the driver able now to creep from his own e on to the runaway, put on the b and bring it to a standstill, almo: the crowded Darlington Station.â€" don Standard, In a Good Cause ENUAE gine, crossed the points ; pursuit on the same line, chase, but the pursuer, gradually overhauled the a1 s srul WPulipaizad dil. .. c : than is made evident in wareâ€" d with goods and granaries food, while millions of human want of covering and children for lack of enough custenance and sou! together. The engine was observed by the driver of another and more powerful one, Seeâ€" ing the fugitive speeding in the direction of Darlington he unconbled hie â€"nwa _. MV GnteaiP ul e iA ening when they returned home. this number received a meagre food from the Children‘s Canteen charitable organization; the reâ€" ‘te reported actually starving to h a horrible state of affaire in How a Plucky Engineer Overtook a Runawny on English Railway. One of the finest stories in the history of the railways centres round a runaway engine on‘ the Stockton & Darlington line. NO CCCDY TVC HoV provide the means for feeding s slowly perishing for want of was there a more striking i1â€" the lack of balance in the trial system that results from n tm ud B 2t t Hard Times in Germany, (Montreal Witness.) has been said of the tremendous A‘tranda. I‘ve been to stay till it was over, We jeen follewed by reduction of be industrial classes in cities no longer dispose of their labor money wherewith to purchase s L8 jis) CAPTURING AnN ‘ENGINE O DP OCCB TUTHU 1 Ferguson, throwing his entering on the came sted in Great Britain at agitation began for the laws. ‘These conditions who owns this house next fabric of German 1 large estates must soil placed within able and wiliing to duties on foodstuffs PA 1 1 &bed. In the first Ccording to official n\11M47 children atâ€" ools, under the comâ€" wont without preak» d capital locked up or and industrial works cen with the idea that _ indefinitely. . How the working people the pathetic tales of °D02 MCCC 2Ve driver ~â€"was creep from his own engine naway, put on the brake, to a standstill, almost in Darlington Station. â€"Lonâ€" slate of affairs in wealthiest capitals Dfrmlttefi, and the Depressing. regular order exercise de xercise ?" you â€" must J. M. CAMPBELL "acial Neuralgia | Aeute Bronchitis by marns a meal at midâ€" returned home. so late to hese conditions Ch(f masses, inâ€" GEO WM. DANIELS spring had come," economical their operâ€" st by conâ€" their chilâ€" TINGLEY in front and so es filled of Sale‘ card in bought five "Dear me a forgiving never going ‘Well, I d tomer, "but the place w! I am going t sand." The Nanâ€"This Don‘t you tt file than in Fanâ€"Muiat Fanâ€"Much show his bald m @w)" GDn oi Ts ieA ‘Well, I didn‘t mean to," s tomer, "but yours is the 0 the place where I can get w I am going to pot some bulbs uen Invankiaa _0 _ o_ T BOME ‘Tathsy sharp practice on a customer, and the latter stamped out of the store, roaring: ‘You‘re a swindler, and I‘ll never enter your doors again!" Next day, though, he came back and bought five pounds of sugar, "Dear me," said the grocer, smiling in & forgiving way, "I thought you wen‘ neyer 'goi'n@'t‘o_enter my doors again " Miss Peachleyâ€"Aun; to entertain Mr. Ketel have so little general Mntchmaking Auntâ€" my dear; specialize. If deep for him, try him Minard‘s Liniment Cu-rel Burns ENGLISH â€"SPAVIN LINIMENT r,â€" move: all hard, soft and calloused lumps and blemishes from horses, blood spavin, curbs, splints, ringbone, sweeney, stifles, sprains, sore and swollen throat, coughs, etc. Save $50 by use of one bottle, Warranted the most wonderful blemish Cure ever known. Sold by druggists, | B ‘ Out of the Dim Past. Samuel Woodworth had just | ten "The Old Oaken Bucket," "Nothing in it!" he muttered as read it over and reflected upon the bable price it would bring. But posterity evidently found s thing in it. He Got Even. A grocer was guilty of ‘a V An extraordinary addition _ made to the exhibition of invent being held in Berlin. _ A shoema ,ed Wegner, liy ing in Htrasburg, in a clock of the grandfather sha ly six feetb high, made entirely . The wheels,. pointers, «ase and e tail arei exclusively of straw. has taken fiftcen years to const? strange piece of mechanism. I perfect time, but under the mos able cireumstances cannot last than two years.â€"London (ilobe. â€"FORMULAS of all the standard patent medicines and toilet preparations now in use; send 2â€"cent stamp for free list of formulas, _ Address DR. MERWIN, Windsor, Ont., Canada by ~This is Jack‘s latest picture ou think he looks better in pro n in a front view? »Muc!t better, dear, It doesn" saving of : cent. is to line engine of steam. The exports of manu United States have ~; than two million dolla ing the entire year, it datv in‘ the calendar ve Those Dear Friends. oC PDCC PUMR. On June 30,, 1906, the tota track railway mileage in the States was 2Â¥,363.17 miles, or miles more than at the end previous year, E alantria 31 4; _ _ , ~UGOscent â€" system of electric lighting in mines will greatâ€" ly cut down the death roll. The growth of public _ spirit in ‘Chixm is evidenced by the great numâ€" ber of newspapers which have sprung ap since the close of the war with Japan. If all the Bell telephons made each year were blended in a single instruâ€" ment, it would be nearly 300 miles high and weigh 4,000 tons. â€" The "rolling stones" _ placed on a fairly sme will soon roll together They contain a magnetic It is argued that the adoption of the incandes of electric lighting in mine ly cut down tha" AasÂ¥L ~_. _ We should all drink four pints of pure cold water ever The Bristol to Paddington covers 118‘; miles in two hc Electric elevators are to be ed in New York‘s tallest str The value of property gua the London police is estim $4,500,000,000. o e Om ouee at. all druggists and stores wmid upon receipt of prices Co., Toronto. make tha «i2 4 JCC® @xpel disease and l Torke the skin do its work, which can‘t be done simply by use of internal medicine. Miss Rlien Smith, of Somerville Ave., Torâ€" Onto, says: ‘‘My face was greatly disfigured by skin eruption which annoyed me dreadâ€" fully for months. I was advised to try Zamâ€" Buk and I am glad I did for it quickly reâ€" moved the trouble and my face is now clear of all eruptions." Zamâ€"Buk contains no animal fat whatever, but is a pure healing salve, It cures cuts, burns, chafings, cold sores, itch, eczema, running sores, ringwornt, piles, bad legs, inâ€" flamed patches. and am Aicoc2"‘, "X0, 1088, inâ€" ET D2 VUCT CCTm) " _ 29. Chatings, cold sores, itch, eczema, running sores, ringworni, piles, bad legs, inâ€" flamed patches, and ;f diseased, injured and irritated conditions the skin. Obtainahla TW FamWhvisins cs Pimples, face sores, and tions common to late _ w spring, are the worst disfig sex have to bear. The ind hae caused impure matter should get rid of for the bl the pores; the process ot interrupted ; the general coj and just where the bad pimples, ulcers and sores qu remove the impurities, the opened and the functions o ulated, by the vigorous app Buk morning and night, ar quently with Zamâ€"Bow afaas E C PCOCC INUBL DC "TN2CCC and the functions of the skin stimâ€" ulated, by the vigorous @pplication of Zamâ€" Buk morning and night, and washing _freâ€" quently with Zamâ€"Buk Medicinal Soap. Zamâ€" Buk reaches the root of the disease by soakâ€" ing through the skin and tissue . and jus powerful herbal juices expel disease and E"k. the skin 40 its work .0113 °00 _ M Clock Made spot. "C enluure year, including every n the calendar year. the construction of & launch s is $ Disfiguring Face Sores HOW TOERE THEM. 5_ Auntâ€"Then qpv( alize. If Browning try him on baseb ‘yâ€"Auntie, I find it hupd r. Ketchley, He scems to general information, Advice iean to," said the cus is the only shop in can get what I want space of from 20 to 25 be had by the usa _ of s orts of manufactures ates have averaged million dollars a day Nubbins of Science SmAnty | Cod the incandescent _ stones" of Australia, fairly smooth surface, together in a group. . a magnetic ore. J 1908, the total single Ens o addition has of Straw , and I need sores, and the )‘ inventions now shoemaker nam. "Mng is too baseball. It doesn‘t general _ water every-c-.'la;'..w Pr;.ddingto'n express found some in two hours, _ are to be installâ€" tallest structure. specialize, , etc. just wwitâ€" + dt keeps most favorâ€" id and the kindred erupâ€" te _ winter and early disfigurements the fair e indoor life of winier skin. Obtainable launch guarded flby stimated at longer compulsory from Zamâ€"Buk proâ€" pores must be which the skin been United 6,262.13 of. the ‘What is ‘uiltold property you eep ~[-_{r.rper's Weekly * the more durâ€" While her mother was combin child‘s hair the friction excited the netism in the rubber comb and th followed the comb, The little one . why the hair stood out so, Shortly this the little one remarked, "Â¥, we‘re a queer family, ain‘ me $ "What makes you think so, my d "Because I‘ve electricity in my and grandpa has gas in his stom»s. Or five In San Diego, Cal their homes with . with gas. Such was the little sixâ€"yearâ€"o| to tell about, per Grove on box, 25 t cause of Heaau,, " A"° the most frequent cause of Headache. LAXATIYVE BROMO QUININE Femoves cause o u»r Pivoidis son NC as . ’ Would Ask No J Mrs. Vickâ€"Sennâ€"What q you would do if you wer, foolâ€"killer» Her Husband>â€"1P‘d tel] ; man he was looking for, have just given orders to 1 addition to the house to built again exactly as you Eddy‘s Minard‘s Vophâ€"Sti MB broancatrtccemns) isw supâ€" pose, young man, that you do get time for some recreation during the day? Motormanâ€"Oh, certainly, ma‘am. ‘For instance, toâ€"night I go off at 12.15, and I get all the rest of the evening to myâ€" self. Kind Old Lady (to n pose, young man, that for some recreation A Shaded old English is now the most approved form of engraving for visiting cards, says the New York press. The script style, time honored and artistie though it be, has had its day, according to stationers who speak with authority, Fashion dictates a graduated scale in the matter of shading effect, young folks‘| cards showing but delicate lines, while those adapted to the middleâ€"aged and old 1 persons bears medium and heary trac» ings respectively. A novel process in imitation of expensive plate printing has lately been introduced in the metro. politan market. The promoters of lllii, project state that results equal to highâ€" priced too!l work are available at about half the figures usually charged. l â€" _ T#A & J Why do you use WOODEN Pails and 1 Ulo:e made of FIBREWARE are Ib;, when They have no. hoops es vay ahead w 4k leale Haterâ€"soak, or ‘rust, and they LAST LonctxX andk’COST IBS__ __MONEY. Why do you use WOODt u'lOSye made of FIBREWARE QOUICKLY! â€"gfp oo _ ts Now Hf§°5_0k Here! WHAT CAUSES rEADAcHE Quick ease for the worst coughâ€"quick relief to the heaviest coldâ€"and SAFE to take, even for a child. That is Shiloh‘s Cure. Cum Sold under a guarantee Cou‘h' to cure colds and coughs quicker than any other & Co.ds medicineâ€"or your money back. 34 years of success commend Shiloh‘s Cure. (25¢., 50c., $1. L. Good â€" y~s. . _ _ __ w V DL All Grocers sell itâ€"anq Eddy‘s Matcat \ SHILOH‘S Many people, however, suffer from "nervous indigestion," as they call it, for twenty years or more without fatal termination. In these cases there is of course a gradual weakening of the genâ€" eral system which predisposes to many diseases, and death is always premature, usually being traceable to what is called "heart failure."â€" Health Onltnra 1 t Nervousness when due to this cause may sometimes continue through many years without cansine Aummaalt _R Nervousness is often due poison formed in the blood b composition of undigested food words, often arises primarily digestion. the four inch cannon ball. Where the furnace stood piles of cinâ€" ders are yet seen. This historic furnace, which was a business venture and exâ€" isted about forty years, is said to have been a financial failure.â€"Hanover corâ€" respondence York Gazette. Nervousness. Bome of these balll’ (as the one reâ€" cently found on Mr. Myer‘s farm indiâ€" cates) are scattered over the fields near where this furnace was located. They vary from the size of a marine ball to the four inch sannan Lal _ The cause of the building of this furâ€" nace where it was is said to have been on account of the abundance of chestnut timber in that vicinity, which was burnâ€" ed into charcoal and used in smelting the ore. During the revolutionary war, while the Continental Congress was in session in York, this fmegace was put to use in manufacturing cannons and balls for the American army, ay ___" AZIECT Lk The Mary Ann Furnace Where Revoluâ€" tionary War Cannons Were Made. A cannon hall was recently found on the farm of Levi Myers, West Manheim township, 2 few hundred yards from where the ‘Mary â€" Ann furnace" was located in 1762, Although worn and rusted with dirt and age it was still a "solid shot." ] As local historians are aware, a meadow four acres in area of land wu‘ purchased in 1762 and during the same year a furnace was builtâ€"called "Mary Ann furnace." A Queer Family Liniment Reheves Neuralgia, OLD PENNSYLVANIA FOUNDRY 80, ‘al., most families with electricity and ch was the case where yearâ€"old girl that Pm to May, Colds Recreation @\°m> and the hair The little one asked ut so, Shortly after remarked , "Mother, (to motorman) of engraving for k No Mercy What do you | tell him I was the ‘ g for, all right, 1 ts to have that new use torn down lnd{ as you want it. > *o, my dear ;" y in my head, his stomach." re â€"Yyou must ask for cause. E. w alth Culture Dandruff. mbine primarily from ies light ind eool; here lived I‘m going ; the Mawe Were Made. â€"| AGENTS W an LKD, by the deâ€" dâ€"in other ibfl'}eware to some« | _ At a meeting of the comr teachers of Kansas City and v at the Central high school yes afternoon Otis Blaisdell, of New wrote 6,019 words in one hour typewriter, or ninetyâ€"three wo minute, fio made ninetyâ€"0ne 4 Blaisdell is the typewriting cha; ' i)f l:.he United Bat;ta,e)s. His f 1 record was 5, words an ’ --lfinun City Star. ware, â€" a | For saus â€" PEDIGRBED IMPORTED land was wireâ€"haired fox terrier; price $20. Adâ€" dress, 703. Merchants ‘Bank Building, Monâ€" the same | treal, Que. Smail Boyâ€"Ma says the baby girl at the grocer‘s. Smail Girlâ€"“’b_v, isn‘t Will they have to keep it. Small Boyâ€"Of course, Small Girlâ€""*Cause the; the window with "Bovy Wa Minard‘s Liniment Ruffon Wratzâ€"What‘q you wuz as rich as Rockefeller y Greasy Grimesâ€"P‘4 build palace with sixty rooms in it with gold lead, an‘ call it me 4 Recently a parachutist gave several _|exhibitions of his daring skill at Glasâ€" | gow. One afternoon a strong wind carâ€" ried his balloon rapidly away, and it was some time before he could make a. deâ€" scent. He touched mother earth at a moorland spot near a farmhouse and an old man stood close by staring in blank amazement. He had seen _ the gaudily dressed being drop down from the clouds. "What place is this?" asked the paraâ€" chutist, in an authoritative tone, The old man reverently knelt down and clasped his mands together, and his voice trembled with fervent emotion as | he answered : f "Good Lord, this is the parish of Cornâ€" wath." iinitron amilton is wonderfully soothing on account of its antiseptic, bealing pn:Ecrti- Grateful to the most delicate in, fragrant and refreshing. It is the best toilet soap as well as the best medicinal soap. 25C &A Crkeâ€"at dFUPFistS OF anme al Loi. _2 _ Relected candidates on leaving the training classes will be on probation for one year, Upon appointment they will receive salaries varying from $10 to $26.65, which are very large upon the scale of living expenses in India. ‘There will be pensions, with no liability to transfer; but resignations will be comâ€" pulsory in the event of marriage.â€"Harâ€" per‘s Weekly with Mira Skin Soap. It cures chafing, scalp irritation and all skin troubles. Directions for Making Tea. The candidates must be between 18 and 30 years of age, and they must be unmarried or widows. They must underâ€" go a training of twelve months in the telegraph training classes, during which time they will receive $6.65 a month, the same allowance that is drawn by male learners. Acting upon the recommendation of the telegraph committee, the Indian Govâ€" ernment has just authorized the emâ€" ployment of women operators. s\ALESIEN WANTED FOR "AUTOâ€" &" Spray." Best hand sprayer made. Comâ€" pressed air; automatic. Liberal terms. Cavâ€" ,u;e...t..\; C [2,7,@~0ne @rrors, th Ay;efxfltmgnchl_mpion t ists or sent on of The chemiathce" of oont on receipt of on . ISSUE â€"NO. 17 1908 Girl Telegraphers in India he teapot (crocke;y is best) teaspoonful of "Salada" T. Boy Wanted Recklessness SKIN SOAP Ma says they‘ve got he grocer‘s. Out of the Air delicious ;trel;gt; il go as far as Cups. Four on freshly d Jl'ow it to steep (not to eight minutes. Pour the leaves into another e. When made in this arm, "Salada" Tea will us flavor for hours, On Ey T 1 $ cups. Pour on O 2C O PEme MARK REG:ISTCRED DOGS FOR SALE for sale one hour on three words build a marble and vicinity ol yesterday M W 2 commercial , All lined bungalow, do if vou Te 5x _ REVOLT iN COR 'cncuu THE WHOLE f TRY HAS RISEN. pala W NV th the «id the kil thi 'lll the . resiin the Bomne! The inol aniles in *I‘.’ dea the puaie strong 1 adlow ed in the e Detail Corea‘s weveal a w mov .i\’(‘l sal mnUury :.:id. ul rmed Natives _ tieâ€"Over a 4 Three Fights Troopsâ€"Many it Shangha mernce 30000 rincid ( Chin ® «lt me/h nunai A1 )is bir the K n d t« ir live m ig. is no being s kly str ses,. Ma raig, Mo: the map, of the 40 (the 00 + the «oc und th iâ€"Japannese Movemen tbhe Chinese. Mable BOYCOTT JA est V rtazsza City upon 11 10m He lown Wiped h One Uades Pad its CGREAT FLO em} t« LEDICC_OE bÂ¥ + Si <b+â€"4

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