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Durham Review (1897), 30 Apr 1908, p. 9

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Peer- (Ill'.",','; s WAIT”. HEADACHE WANT (I " uni- In“: 19ttm Tltt. "oliesro nml high “haul depart- mvnt. by ctsviruiu,U in the mggwtion in :lw "ddr- at tm- t!utirmatt, Mr. J. l).ni~rm. ,uriu's, a bin“ at partial mal- triculirtion and at the "approved wh‘mh" plan of nmtrirnlation. adopt- ing in resolution that at matriculation ll candidate whould he rejected lf he Rik in Imm- than um- paper. and an. other {noting the cumin-“on method at matriculating ,stttde.gttn all nut-mm pupils to the high uni-hauls; also the n- utmtiou of arithmetic Ind Inn-u to the list of examittatio. abject- for mntrimiathm. . l That the Stat. pail-cic- a! text. ter St pow-wr- ten of Opposed to Approved Selim:t (mm! For President', tary's Places. New! ThE , :15 APP friC.rHi)f,.".')0L ilillfl, ir.ii,.':"tiitij,"'ti, T528333 do tie :2: inspection of Selma"! Strongly Recon-ended. l mm A pm Racism: Adopts Isiction Oppeimruea. my m i I District Attorney Will Fight to the Both tho ulficu and the diamond store are guarded by armed men day add night. and other special precautions are being tnkett. Several fires o! incendiary origin in the neighborhood of the plant are attributed to the dismissed men. tul plots .2”; "G law urwmplo.ved to blmv up tlw Ire Irecrs oiiiets and other big huildingv‘. The present situation is the nutgmwth of recent wholesale dismiss, als of employees by the company, fol- lowing the demornhzation of the world's diamond trade; and the alarm ",inerearred by the fart that, despite the company": rule giving runway ticket; to any part of Africa to dig. mind employers, a great may former workmen utill rennin. men cognition they were half Way under Llw wheel "tarted and Winn-led tborn "round, Humming them in a terrible manner. The men noticing the ohstruvtion, "opped the machinery and to their Irorror found the poor little ones dead. mutilated so badly as to be beyond nu New York. April 27.-Aet'uw Super- eudem of the Mattewan Asylum call- 'd upon District-Attorney Jerome to. Lu and 's'cairrcr!.certttinHtapers to M? u.ed in the hearing nt Ptmghkeep. ie Gil May It, to show cause wuy Tarry K. Thaw should not be freed 'and ll you“. lost their lives while on their way to gather May flowers. There is a sawmill in tho. vieinity,and tho- children Won- in the habit of tak. ine a mart cut. under the wheel when the mill was idol. to shorten the dis. tance. On this occasion their father warned them not to go in that diree. tion as the mill “Iii to be wt going that afternoon. The children did not heed the warn- ing. 'ieein,'r, the mill was not running they thought they were mate. When Tar'rias, N. Fi., April 27.--The report of a moat unusual accident comes trom West Laltave Ferry, by which two little dangbh-rs of Henry Reruette, aged 9 TO KEEP THAW IN. Two Little Non Scotia Girls Meet With Horrible Death. MANGLED BY WHEEL. and an interpretation of all the im- portant phrases in the light of what counsel for the city represented as the Aldermanie aim in passing the mess. ure. l Toronto. April 27.-The liccnuing rc. Hductxon by-law in Toronto remains y _ quashed. and the city must pay all the i costs ot its attempt to reinstate it by appealing to the Divisional Court from Chief Justice Meredith',, recent I decision. Some 34-licensea are thus; I’remuvod from the jeopardy of with. ' drawal. The Divisional Court yes- l terday atternoon uttered its judgment. Chief Justice Falconbridge and Mr. Justice Teetzel upheld the decision of the lower court; Mr. Justice Riddell ‘Very vigorously dissented. and would have reinstated the by-law. It is con- I sidered by court ottieials that the case might very properly be appealed. in iview of Mr. Justice Riddell', dissent, I and t'--: {act that n srrmowhnt delicate! ':'nd important point at law is 1'on-) tcerncd. The City Council will con- ciider thr- udvianhility of appealing the lane this morning. There are at 'pre-ent. two local option caries in (Vs lqoode Hall. which have been enlarged lit-om time to timc, awaiting the pres-‘ lent decision. r The Chief Justice and Mr. Justice Teetzel delivered brief judgments, tuit- ing very strict. views of the powers of the City Couneil and how it had used , ‘them. They entirely upheld Mr. Jud-i tiee Meredith in declaring the by-law' void on the ground that the measure, Wat, ultra wires. The lower court. held that the wording of the by-luw was so lax as to bear a construction be. yond the powers of the Council to chart. and assumed the position that [ the particular phrases in question i should be inter reted very strictly. ', Mr. Jastiee {iddell's deliverance, i some 47 pages in length. delved very l deeply into the subject. and advocated i. a "reasonable" reading of the clauses 1 Reduction By-Iaw Questioned --lthtr Not Appeal. K -'.' r“... ... .u. ruxennam‘s mum p.'. the l'nivcrnity of Toronto yesterday morning. it was resolved to organize an anociation to be known probably as the"rureiety of Pedagogy. TORONTO IICENSES. _ --'. “new name: Han tillers, Misses Twin. l'rmbl.vu. Allet Reynar. 1kLaporte, Roddick. At a meeting of the dcetom of pain 3033'. held in Dr. Pakenham's mum r. the l'niwrnity of Toronto yesterda: morning. it was resolved to organic: an nuagciation to be known n'n'v-‘J' rotary: cillors, Rrynar, thought they Were half way - - “1‘" u..t'll Home sch-net: m1 dent, Mrr. Boodle“ Ewing; Viee-Preside, r.t!ar.wTiva,mrcr. M ZREATS AT KIMBERLEY. I to Slow Up De Beers uildings. mid that hi: rated ttt the MM iight to ‘very attempt slayer of f Irooaei.re, Mid; ' Presidf-yn. Miss " 'tat great an of “Isa weeks in California "and by “tram-tn" It 5 otriee hearing the last 't frr, ttxe'tt ritiutt When P wheel around. Ii mr " Throuxhbut the hearing 'iidiG'sonees young wife showed considerable emotion. The prisoner took the stand and said he did not 1":me was taking an oath, although he held up his right hand. Regarding the fact that he gave his and her address as Cornwall, he swore that it was at the Intter's request, who wished the affair tote kept quiet for a time owing to parental objection. lh'mkville- "vapatHt.. John H. Graham, the Prescott yum”; man who on Feb. 22 last was married here to Miss Edna J. Easter, " 16-year-old girl of that place, was to-day arraigned at the Maize: for perjury, but was ttequitted. The issuer of the license and the officiating clergy- man testified to Graham having swurn to the girl's age as eighteen. Parents of Prescott Girl Aid the Indi: Husbud. sum” M. Petersburg, April 2h--The report published in England to the effect that the XIII-Jan Hmu-x'nnwnt had mull-rod five xvatsluhs from a firm of Clyde ship- builders i; untrue. The Admiralty has adopted tlv, principle that all battle-alliln .huuld be eomstruettul in Russia. and it i, ixzrlmuiM-e- Unit any ve-ls have horn Any Battleships Made Will be Home Made. All Bomb. Thompson, "A" Battery, was -.vnteneed to three months' imprisonment for the theft of a watch from R fellow soldier. Kinguon. Uni" de-spatch: Alfred Be- dore, a married mutt, aged 45, of Bath. ursl. near Pvrth, was arrested here while preparing to "(M the border. He is "lutrged with the ubduvlion of Annie Thompson. u sixtNIr-ymr-old girl, from thr, Fame village. The pair Moped on Monday. and the girl',, father swore out a warrant. “mime has a daughter of about the mm» ago as the girl Mth whom he Sloped. ti fa About two months ago he was made assistant to the President. Mr. Drinio wuter was one of the oldeStde most popular of the (ERR. Officials, and the company will find it " difficult matter to fill his place. Man Old Enough to Know Better Charged With Serious Crime. let I Mr. 'nriukwate'r was in his 65th year. huving been born in Ashton, England. in 184?. He begun his rail- way career in England at. the age if sixteen years. and had, therefore. been nearly halt at century (hinged l in this work. He came to Canada in ’ It164, and after a few years in railroad work became private secretary to the into Sir John MacDonald. He held this position for ten years, resigning to re-enter railway work on the staff oi the Grand Trunk. In “931 he en. tered the service of the C P. B. as Secretary of the company, and for years was a familiar figure around the C.P.R. offices and in Ottawa. In) the latter place he promoted most of the legislation affecting the C.P.R., and was considered a most effectim diplomat. Was Assistant to the President of the C. P. R. Company. A Montreal dispntelc Mr. Charles Drinkwater. assistant. to the President of the C. P. R.. died to-night after an illness of only six days' duration. He contracted a cold a week ago. which develnpgd_ into pneumonia. and that he will pr‘c-seive order with a strong hand. Although there is a surface tranquil- ity here, conditions really are serious. The military is in control of the city, and a partial smpension of business has resulted. The revolutionary feeling is strong in many quarters, and there are thoae who will not hesitate to go to any length or face any danger in their et, forts to tmake away with the President. ('ul.ro‘ra for this reason has not been wen more than twice or thrive in public in the last few months. ABDUCTION CASE. RUSSIA’S NAVY. Among these are the men who were imprisoned a year ago, having been im- plicated in a plot to assassinate the President. They were sentenced to death soon after their 'aiuvst, but the sentence hnd not been carricd out. President Cabrera said that he had proof that a majority of these prisuncra were implicated in the new attempt against his life, and that they would be manned without delay. The President has issued a" proclamation stating that he is confident the people are with him, tlu. “mums int l against him already have been shot In EdcuLls, and that probably more cxvcu- l sinus will follow. President Cabrera, against whose life an attempt was made by utudents on Monday last, to-day received the repre- M'nlllln'es oi the various powers, and made a lengthy statement to them that he had unearthed an extensive conspir- m-y again" him that led up to his at. tempted assassination. He declared that eighteen of the leaders had been executed by his orders, and that the drum penalty would be meted out to others already in the hands of the mill? tary. I Cd {'Cabrera Sars Mere Erectstix,. Follow. The Conn; eit he r here NOW RECONCXZ. th for EIGHTEEN SHOT. DRINKWATER’S DEATH, mu; (“Mt-m 'uim,es't is the iltt- for the statuary“. that eighteen ringleaders in a vompirm-y him already have been shot to aui that probably more exvcu- ll 190!) y on tha. Revohtkm. mls to reject th: v [rahtleships, tht will probably be TLED. ubrmd for th eted I cast New York, April 27.-At n tum-ling ot the Board of Director, of the Asso- eiated Press all the present officers were re-elected, as follows.. President, Prark B. Noyes, Chicago, Record-Her- ald,. First vieed'resideist, Char. Hop- kin" Clarke, Hartford Courant; Second Yiee-President, Rufus N. Rhodes, Bir. mingham News; Treasurer. Herman Bidder, New York Stu“ Zeitulg; See. n-tnry and Geaenu Manger, Melville E. Stone. pbnent, w. B. BoysbCarpmtter, Ua. i ttist. At the general election. how- ever. the fight was a three-cornered our. B. Turner (Labor candidate) se- curing 2.629 votes, only am hwer than the Unionist. l.un:hm. Avril 27.- -.Ur. Walt,- Tho. vimun. the first of Mr. Asquith’s new Ministers to submit to an electoral canton. was re-elected for Dewsbury to-dm’ by a majority of 1.145, as com- ored with " majority of 3.810 received Ly him in 1906 against the same op. ponent, W. B. BoydA3arpeoter, ua. i ttist. At the general election. hoe. ever. the fight was a three-cornered oue. B. Elmer (Labpr candidate) se- President of Education Board Returned in Dewsbury. The prisoner was nrrestM at S.vden. hum. while on a visit to relative:. Superintendent of Brockville Company . Charged With Stealing. lirm-kville. Unt.. Ilenpatt-ll: Wm. Trom- dale was arraigned in the police court this afternoon an a. charge of stealing a quantity of mien from the Brockville Mining Co., whose warehouse has been closed since last fall. Being superin- tendent, he had access to the place. and at intervals in alleged to have carried away the goods in small parcels. The polio found concealed about his premise. 1.500 Hum. valued at 81,0GO; also u large quantity of jewelry. ete. l Ifid A Toronto demon-h: Alarmed by the Istory oi his wife, whom he found yes- terday in a very sit-k condition, George lt‘lurkc, a laborer, 101 Sherbourne street, communicated with the police, who had [Mug Clarke eonveyed to St. Michael's, where she was treated for poisoning: the stomach pump was applied, and tho woman speedily recovered. Mrs. Clarke said she stayed over night with Mrs. Maria Goodwin, 100 Richmond street. and ('laimed that Mrs. Good-, win had given her poison in a glass of whiskey, because Mr. Goodwin was hm attentive to his wife's grunt. Mrs. Goodwin, who is kuowxr as the “Irish Queen,” denied having any tle-'; sigm on the life of Mrs. ('lnrke. She msid the other had complained oi feel. in; rick, and she had given Iter a mix. llm- of turpontine and sugar to UUt'tr WT. and the police are incliuud to new)“. I thin vrusion of the affair. I But Mrs. Clarkl, of Toronto, Thought She Wu Pound. to his first wife during t/erUrGrGii his grief when she died. printer named Tanguny--testitied that on Saturday evening, November 2. the prisoner came to them, saying that he wanted to poison a dog which was howling night and day near his resi- 'dertee, and that he wanted some arsenic or stryehnine. He gave Tetu and Gren- icvr 2.'i cents. asking them to go for him to the drug store of Brunet & Martel to get some. Both went, but did not auc- (-eed. An old man named Briudamore testified thntin Maylast he rented part of his dwelling on Fleury street to Omer Rochette and Alvina Mai-emu, and that they had resided there to. gether six or seven weeks. Other evidence was giveirto show the kindness and attention lrf tle. prisoner: cf qulxw. April 27.--In the Roohette murder trial Father Albert. a Capuehin monk. the parish priest of Limoilou. was a witness to-day. Father Albert testified that on November 29, 1907, at 7.30 p. m.. he was called to hit-u the marriage of the prisoner with Alveuia Marepau, with the consent of their por- ents. lie stated this was a publication of tho future marriage of the parties in question. for certain reasons which he obitinutely refused to declare. be" muse it was a confessional seeret. After diseususion the court decided to let the. matter stand till to-morrmy morning. Three witnesses-a harkeeper utamed Tom. a carter named Grenier and a printer named Tanguay--testitied that GOODS FOUND IN HIS HOUSE, JUST TURPENTINE AND SUGAR, Further Evidence in the Quebec Wife- Murder Case-rather Albert Called to Bless Second Marriage With Alvenia Marceau. ROCHETTE SAID HE WISHED IT TO KILL A DOG. The delay in the receipt of a reply from Belgium is interpreted to bean that that Government finds it difficult to comply with Great Britain's demands, probably owing to the attitude of num- erous companies holding monopoly oun- evasion; London. April 27.--lt is undedstood that the conditions under which Great Britain is willing to recognize the an- nvxation of the Congo, Independent State to Belgium, communicated to the Belgian Government by Sir Edward Grey, the Secretary of Foreign Affairs, include the establishment of free trading and the abolition of forced labor. 4 Aupchted Preu Officers. Demands Made by Great Britain Upon Belgium. - __ -_--- -.- wu'lll'I'. This was obvious to the jury and had much weight, for after I few mirmtW dvliM-mticn a verdict of not guilty was veittrtteU, Graham and his wife left the mun room arm iq arm. all "miles. N" ...._.. ... Jun: "we, gm com. mrm‘ed the prosecution, hue become quite reconciied to theiryse, Ion-in-hv. Her parents, who were terribly L 2 over the affair“ the the; and RUNCIMAN ELECTED WANTED POISON. THE CONGO. Appreciate: Britain's Support and Confi- dence, Says Sir T. Shaughnesay. Lomlon. April gr.-- Sir Thomne filtattyhncssy. mm on tlu, Hmprou' of Britain, interviewed by wireless says: "'1 have no ,speelitl aim beyond being desirous, of taking a general look at our affair, in England and enjoying a brief holiday of two or three days. Present indications show that British immigration in wry satisfactory to Canada. The country’a deserving commercial, industrial intenda ap- preciate heartily the eonttdertee and support so readily given by the mother I country." L. Phillips is also under arrest chum- ed with stealing band inatrlzmenh from a G. T. R. car. A determined effort is being made by the police to break up the car-robbing gang which infests the west end of this city. wilt-d over the division of the spuilfnm during the quarrel Lumen attaeky f,erow and attempted lo rah him. Ger ow my Lanna" brought the purul- tt hi< house. stating he had found them and refuses to identify human us his as sailxmt. ' During the voyage over Mme. Gould kept very much to herself. Her meals were served in her mbin until the vessel reached Gibraltar, after which she dined in the public salon. (German to make. the re )orters keep [away One Minn pointed n. camera 'ut the Prince. whereupon de Sagan said in German: "It he does not stop I will throw his camera into the sea.” Madame Gould was quite pale, but t-uiling and apparently contented. The entire Gould partv. ucmmpan- ied by the proprietor of the hotel. where rooms had been engaged for Madame Gould, landed in a special launch and took an automobile from, the dock to the hotel. This was done l to moid coming in contact, with thel curious crowd. l is a true love match based on recip- roval esteem." Prince tie Sagan made no attempt t. conceal either his nervousness ot' his ummyunce at the presence oi re- orters and finally turned to Capt. gleeker. the commander of the Freid- erich der Grasse and begged him in German to make. the returns" in“... The tutor of Mme. Gould's children, however, said: "Rest assured that the marriage will occur, but nobody can say then or where. My convictia rests on what I have seen and hoard gram Madgme Gould.. I am sure it sed Gould's cabin, met her at the door, lifted his hat and kissed her hand. The Prince was much annoyed by the presence of reporters and he refused t0_be interviewed. The steamer came into the harbor at 6 o'elock this morning and the Prince was one of the first men to get on beam. He rushed to Madam Naples, April 27.~Madnnw Anna Gould trrriied here to-day from New York on board the summer Frcidcrioh der Grosse and was met in the harbor by Prince Helie de Sagan. Have Joyful Meeting " Arrival of Steamer at Naples. Marriage to leu Place All Right Some Day. - 7V,_-_-_.,- .,. L-Il., In“, Wight, killing W. S. label], a druggist, and injuring several others. The [shall family was at supper when the storm came, and Mrs. lsball and the children ran to the storm house and were unhurt. Mr. libilll remained in the house, and war, crushed to death when it fell. Prue- tieally all the residences on the east side of the town were destroyed, at least 20 or 30 being scattered over the country in fragments. The Baptist and Preofterian Churches Were destroyed. The cotton oil mill, including the boiler haw. seed and *lu-ds. “ere blown runny, The entire building is a wreck. V Telegraph and telephone wires are down between Memphis and Walls. The roof of the Yazoo & Mississippi Valley Railroad depot was blown off, and the building otherwise wrecked. A relief train has left Memphis for (the scene. Walls is on the Yuoo & Mm“: pi Valley Railroad, a few miles below il2,,ll',t Thirty Buildings Destroyed. Sioux Falls, S. D., April " Hniurmn. tion we received to-day that a tornado struck Valley Springs, Ly, miles east of here, last night, and demolished thirty buildings. Nothing further had been heard, and communication is cut off. Awful 1?estrtrction. Paris, Texas, April 27.--A tornado do. strayed the eastern portion of Depart, a to“: 21.,ePeseoutitart _of Paris, last ANNA AND PRINCE hietnphis, Tenn., April 27.-A tornado run-pt over Walls, lliua., at 2 o'elock this morning, and it is reported to have dmtroyed the town. Three people ue leporled killed and several iniured, ROBBING RAILWAY CARS CANADA IS GRATEFUL. DEATH AND DESTRUCTION ------, , BY DISAsmous TORNADO. "'o bus Swept Away ,eu kllk'd and several injured. graph and telephone wires are between Memphis and Walls. The Nioil." and attaeked him. Ger. gnmls to Way-"Mains, People Kiiied and _ KT People Whirled Away. '.i 'l',. A tornado I . Thy p'ath of aw-nlu‘, was strur'k by I falling brick chimney and unstained a broken bark Ind other injuries, which may nun]! in his dell h. The building WI! being raised by javkacrewl, and Perkins I'll! in a ctooping position near the ground, when the man of brick- nnd mom: erashed down on him. One at his legs wu tme. tured, and be wu severely bruised Ind iaaken up. Mass of Bricks and Mortar Crushed I Toronto Workman. Toronto damn-h: While ”siding at the mining of . house at I58 Reid avenue .vmderdtity Willing _Perkim, IN Eu. the officials. Later it was declared that instruc- tions have been cabled to Mr Jarnes Bryce. the British Ambassador at Washington, regarding the mutter. The shippers contend that they have been mus-:1. careful to comply with the rtsptirement of the American pure tood law, and they claim that section 8 of this expressly excludes its opera- tions in regard to harmless coloring ingredients. twang the Scotéh tlritiuer, tlt: tilt arousird mac} the distillate Coloring in Consignment to United State: Not Mentioned on Label. London. April 27. A mmrmi'tee ol Vienna citizens which is arranging lor the jubilee pageant in honor of Emperor Francis Joseph Ina-s just iniured tn" Hm- peror's life with a "rid-sh mmpuny fur $i,'i60,00o until June next in order to cover the expenuq for prqnu'ulimu of the celebration: in the event of his death lit-fun ther, oeur. Austrian Emperor's life For a large Sun. ground l Géorge “hacker and family were at ,lunch when the twister struck their Ihouue. Three of the family were wri- ously injured. The dead body of tl " ‘tle baby was picked up in the mad ten Funk: from Bum-roll. The child has ‘not been identified. I A heavy downpour of rain and hail ‘followed the cyclone, whirl: svetrt .nortlwnstwardly toward the: Winne. Inga Indian reservation, where much damngu is suppowd to have bin damn luck Damage: JOSEPH’S JUBILEE mm and Wife mu l Bum-wit; Sch. April 27,---A tornadol swept through Cummings county nud' into Thurston county at noon to-day. Three people are known to have been lkilled, a number are injured, and a number of homes were destroyed.‘ .I'l‘elegraph and telephonv wires are, down" and reports arr glow in arriving. The tornado struck the house of John Mungleson, near Pender, .Nvb., then swooped up into the air, taking ithe wreckage of the house and both ‘Mr. and Mrs. Mangleson. Both were ‘killed, the bodies being carried a mile iaNV. Miss FOUR OF A heavy New Orleans. April PA.-Railroad " ficials here have received reports of a tornado which '"rept aeroto Why‘d-m parish in the neighborhood of Louisiana Railway and Navigation (blnpang‘n line to-day. No details are obtainable. bat the damage is reported to have ln-z-n t.., CHHXNEY FELL ON HIM. Oak (Have, a, town east of Clarkwiilv, on the Texas * Pacific Railroad, in re. ported almost 1ieuroyed, many balm-u being demolished. There were no mm]- ities. . ly, The path of the build-reg yards wide. SCOTCH WHISKEY HELD, ' Anna Matthews Carried Her Younger Brother and Mater Out, and Returned for Ber Mother With Her Owr Clothes Blazing. ONE GIRL LEFT. ' ch ire. Representative m visited the Foreign nix Mteruoon and bro, to the urgent anemic” April '.'.7.--New" of the do Fhipmeut of ti'eotch whis ouMoms oifieiais of Nun ground that the lubeh 'h: the urn-once of ouloriM ONTARIO A FAMILY PERISH IN PRAIRIE FIRE. Item: was Emma's Imirw t. The which home, house A Toronto, thit.. til":)',,: Mrs Mary \lo-h-nlf. the uottutn w In forged llw My Iluluru of Mics .lowllhim- Main-r. und Mn euro-d . registered later belonging to tlw latter. was “anew-9d to 30 day. this morning.I When the detective wont Ut nrnut u. Mote.” the was lying on a bed without I'm-tn": 1nd there wan no food in the have for knelt and her three children. The poatsrfthe authori- tin would not hum-(d the can. but Illa linker, who is n m-iI-hw of Mm. Meta", III unlea- 3nd insist- ed on you; on with tho m of for. F'T- ' Prank Foulshlm. Employ!!! on C. P, Near Fort William, Dom Hum. mm of South Auntrnliu. mid that C.rvnt Britain could not keep the country going by flying the flag over it. The Australians, In" nnid. haw tue yellow peril ahead. and were getting ready to {are it. He hoped (in! «my man under so would lam how to In a rifle, no Hull he would be able to and“ in resisting tbe tlatte of the yellow men. London. April 27.--ht addn-xi gathering in the Liverpool Produ damp yrntrrduy, the Mott. T. Prie tnier of Nouth Annual“. Mild that Britain could not keep the country by flying the flag over it. Aultnliu 'remier Tell: Brother-its-taw of Leopold de Iothnchill Tnke: His Life in Paris. Purim. April 27.- Fritz Perruvr.t. lam tller-ln-law of Leopold de Rutlivsdiild. lwho is prominently identtied with the Antrlo.Jewish Association of London, committed suicide teiny in " upm- ments at the Grant. Hotel here. His, motives tor killing himself are not known. but it in expected that he had lost heavily through speculations in the companies promoted by Henri 1tochette,' who recently was Arrested in Paris on the charge of awindling on an enormous scale. Mr. Emil con- duct-d a banking business in London. Brot her-in-law H. Coho may Killed in Lumber Hill! at Willa. Fernie, ll. C., April 27. --DetaiU of an Aqddent in the lumber mills " ll 'ddo, in which H. Codre was killed, have been mlved. Codee was putting I belt on a pulley, and finding that it was too Mitt for his hunk, he took a plum- of heavy stun pipe with which to 'dip on the leather. An be “a nun- ipulnting the belt the pipe I»: caught in the revolving pulley, and im-lun unmusly the iron was reverm-d. and Hunt through hi, “huh". ottterittp tlte wall Mind and piuilming him their. ml wen, cranial and a fourth pl‘nbahly fatally burned early today in a the which destroyed the home of David WetherUe at 1'etttrrville, 1 villatte " min north of (jorry. The dead.. David Wetter-bee. " years old; Mrs. Wether. bee. " years old: Mrs. Albert Ill-mm their daughter. Albert Iauutu was badly burned, and it ll believed he will div. Three Person [an Their Lives at Corry, Pa. BURNED TO DEATH. territory, but later assumed command of the Russian forces at Vladivostok. under Viceroy Alexien. H. assumed command of the Find Manchurian army Nov. M, HIM. replacing Gen. Kuropatkin as: Conutuutder-inthiet of the Russian force on March It, 1905. Gen. Linevitch was in the battle of Mukden and a. number of other im. purlwn ftrtMii7r"ttetits, in which in, an» reported as displaying great, bran-n: Gen. Lttteviteh, aeidt,1',t,ea', to Em. Feror Nicholas and commnn er ot the irst Manchurian army: died from neunlonia this evening. He had Keen it. , little over a week, and on several occasions his symptoms were of heart failure, which manifested it- self. On Tuesday he had an nttark from which he recovered satisfactorily, hut yesterday it was found "runway to perform an Operation. utter “hit-h the patient gradually became wcalo.r. For n tinte in 1901 Gen. Liuoutch was Govtrnorfieneml of the Amur Mt. Petersburg. April gt.-- J, Gen. U.ntviuth, Ajdo-dmmp to Succeeded (urontkin as Commander Include. CIGARETTE IGNITED FUSE runs rm: YELLOW nu The British form now being orpnind mar PMIIIWI'T will be 00mm “Mod by Sir Jam” Wileoeks who stumped out the row-"l ankukIu-l uprising. join the mnlconterU. "dtiiG'uFliti'e' Amen of Afghaniutu no amnntly making no effort to check this nove- moat GOT THIRTY DAYS. WP“ " 'urry n Premier Tell: English Page a Struggle in Calling. GENFIAL LIIEVI‘ICH DEAD A BANKERS SUICIDE , and " " believed he will dil -'_------ PIERCE!) HIS BREAST. PUNITIVE FORCE Punish f%tatieal Tribe a“ Some Afghan at Peshmu. "Humid Mahmoud: vn- gum-rod Ji. law-n13: mile- from Pooh-wur, -rul thou-1nd Afghan IN ssttid crossed tlee Kldoul like!" to April nd huli A pril In addrmmine Th NN' prrrious mind fone ', I'm- Gtvat 20in: Limit of m

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