West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 30 Apr 1908, p. 10

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" tttl P""-"" 'if iâ€"WANTED for _qtgie. Not mien)" wont loo-non. Press. 3110‘” And description. uni n.- In” (or all mt. no“ whoa polo-Ion an be hm. Will dud wit- ”... only. L Inn-"Inn. lo! M lockout. X. Y. ------, W. T. CLANCY, P Day and Nil!!! Claus. "ud in pinch)“ I." itn graduates. Each student. " taught Separate- Iy at hi. awn desk. Trial lawns f ... one week free. Visitors welcome. Open tHpt. t British Aateneaa" 1H'iiiiiiri Cones: Yonge A lemma." Toronto. T. , “In”. tTtuctpu our Summer lemon enabli- Iludenh 5 I: If; any time and an a continuous come. W nte tor (-uuoaue ot our olden null moot hammer school, me - . Leads in Book-keeping, Shorthand, Typewriting, Commercial Law, Com- mercial Correspondence, Plain Business Writing, Ornamental Writing, Is in. an: nap e egrap y tow-rap position. ruin. [rum 85000 no 5130.000 er tannin tural '5] Denice. You a» ' uccumo a ee, over-tut In a mouth. it ya»: ouy m r a not)!“ rolegrnphy school. , A mum 3s. tt., Toronto. Ttte maul School 1 any“. ernfur yuuculm. A GOOD FARM Business College Thu school " noted In um] am for the D'Imsnor educ'mon given to In. Mum-ms Ind hr the tenant-Na "MMM" ot In mum. him-Ks own the mun you. Begia now. 0 Ir "atalme will me you Independym. Wme May tor catalogue. w. J. ELLIOTT “In Yoais a Alexander Ma. ' "than! SPRING TERM at'th‘e‘ dA)-mr.A/itygygy/,y PREFMRE FOP ’POSI'I' IONS IOPENIALL 7.1;:43; u suuv. rm. _ 1.J.Jouusrrozc. run If Summer Danton MT. FOREST 'ertt-ttxmomteetsavins 1030310. on. vulva. from 311' to It!” re! mum by standing the popu " Maine. of "iii"aT4t,h"G', re -h., u..|:-- u. -- n I _ .. 'rincipa]. Plano and contribution to J. n.- Robert-cw. Chairman, or to Doug]... but]. can. Sod-Tran. pt lb. 399mg] foe a.) “in. can. an... In... that helps The, Hospita'l hte Sick Childr- no ax. in. the Gout of Lif. from the Quartz of Death. The stock book: are at Won't you let. Hoqriul write your an. down for . {up It". in Beaver. own work of hating mu. children t A - min. of M --the '"',i,'f,',','rdit',t, 'u',", “up pays ividestd.-- , botyd?t witlt tho may lt you know a: my child in your county who in gick or has club (at, and who” ”not. can not “ford to E”. and the manta the l a , as?“ 8terttary. in your. that of the 70, than 60 we" (at? tl"1eountrT. - a , _ it d llfuyolr fly ol cmld c, Fs Might“: Y h , f” 'Y. I ttto teret of 2riiii1'1%2t2V a little boy Munoz k girl with club feet, you would gladly 'n in and your dollar will do that “In. worn N cues of oluh feet "mu-4‘ . in ttirod. but age f . I Hoapt'talhmrtohave the sympathy that " Ian rte-mun" Works. Iaet you than were 1093 patients tul. mitted. Ot than 37tr cane from 25t places outside of Torortter--W were childrs-n of poor peoplo who could nat artord to pay for trutment. of their little ones. Bach child Ins in the llmpital 471 days no cost of ".31 ouch “city, or 2t for _ _ g. ,. “eludnya I r__"_ ' re-i I“). that as. Bond, Ul u not a - Institution, but Provinciul. -e.----'.-=:, _)iLl"i)jCi,Js.', nt!utt ,rirry, Ma. n. The lowest or any tender not neces- 011-in accepted. mNEIL MCDONALD, , ('hnirmsn Property Comm. Durham. tttesiLttEiFiTij'iiiii"r"iii"] DH Whole and "eparate tenders will be received by the underaigned up to and including Mar 8th for the several trades required In the huilding of an addition to the South Grey Registry (Mice at Durham. ’“ --"--- ""'""n 'kqitst fee Sick Mira, CI: (h You For Aid. Tenders Wanted. Busy dollnn an better than idle team. The sym- pathy thar, Weep: It cam for not, sick child in the Proving» of Ont. uio w on puma cannot “and to ply for treatment. "In... You The bride and groom un for their honeymoon at 10 p m and will reside at their new home on Lynd Avenue on their retain. - V . “_.. w - ant. evening mu spent by n few inti- mate friends and mum. of the bride and gloom. After the ceremony a wedding lup- pet was given by Mr. and In. Bush Robinson, " Lynd Avr, and A plea- nntnnnnhn- --- -- - - Among the pro-cull to thehride In. a beautiful gold watch. the gift of thd Rrootn, who presented . gold hrooch to the heat maid. The bride who wore blue med with pen] and Irish auppnrtut by her sister. I Mekar, who wore cream n Alec. Fothoringham of Tr but man. A quiet wedding took place last ev- ening at the residence of the Rev tk O. Graeb. Pres. minister of N. Parkdala Proslrvteriun Church, when Mia Bee. sie McKnv. daughter of Mr. Hugh and the late M " Hugh McKay of Durham Ont.. was married to Mr Wiley Chap- man, late of Syracuse. N. Y,, but no" of Toronto. 1 IARRIBD Ptrr'rrortttw-iDo--At the renidI-me of the bride's father, con a Norman- hy, on Tuesday. April x. by Rev. J. Little, Lydia, youngest daughter of Mr T. Gadrl. to Mr Adam Pettigrew. F3rrreror--BLvzrr.-At the residence of the hrida's mother, Normnnhy, on Wednesdav. April 29. Ida, dumb"! of the late John Blythe. ex-M. P. P. to Mr. --Sehenk. hire. Wm.!M:Calmon and can EN]. formerly of Varner, but who have lately resided in town. left for the West Monday. They intend to live with her son Wm in Lumuder, Sunk" where he has recently bought a block- smithing business. l Mr Wm, Smith, of Varney. one of the pioneers at North East Normnnby. left on Monday but for Vnncouver. where-two daughters and one ton. Alex. reside. He intends to call on his son Wm, at Brandon, on the Way. This is the longest Journey he has made since the days of his youth, when he sailed on hourly all the oceans. picking up stores of inform- Minn which made him an interesting ronvermtionnllst. We wish him a pleasant trip and a happy reunion. A quiet Miss Wardrow, a teacher from Ben- cortstipld, Oxford Co., has been en. gnged to leach in S. S. No. 3. Glenolg. the position recently held by Mr, Arthur Weir. Mr.Jno. M. Findlay. Dromore, was in town Monday. on business, the ttret considerable trip he hat made nines hit accident. Pleased to use him so nicely recovered. Mr. Chas. McKinnon of Port Arthur. spent 1 few days over the WEPK end with old friends in town and is taking a car-load of horses west with him. lines Hattie Lawrence and Pearl Hupkinu returned to their taboo]: in Muskokn. alter spending the holiday' at their homes In Vicken. Messrs J. H. Banter and R. Mae. Farlane are attending the Horse Show in the city this week. Mr Wm. Black is also in attendance. Mr Gilbert McKechnie. after a. ing Illness. in this Week. we are pl ad to any making great progress ward recovery. Min Dick is in Toronto for two days buying a large uupply of millinorv and getting new style: for the summer season, Mr. W. L. Dixon left on Tuesday morning for the notth-west to spend another season on his estate there, Miss Mamie Munro returned home Saturduy evening after spending a couple weeks in Chicago. Mn Laurie returned to town In! week end, after spending the winter with her daughter In the city. Min Margaret Guldwell teacher in Essex Co., opens hut week's holiday with her mother in town. Mina: Amy Mani!) and May Young visited " Mr. C. 1rirth'rat the begin- ning of the week. Min Techie Rose left Tuesday to spend some tune with Hamilton friends. Min Annie L McKenzie entortmnocl A number of lady Inland! Thur-day Mrs. J. P. Hunter and an. Arthur Jackson no visitor. in Toronto chm weak. Mr. Jon. Manhattan. we regret to hear is seriously ill It patent. Mrs Alox Duncan and In Don. Me Donald are on the nick lint thio week. In. Indium. Br. " “non; her Domoeh "havoc. ' Mr. A, A, Onttou took I trip to Toronto on Tuesday. Mm. Jacob Kru- and daughter Maud no ttueeta in tho city. Hr3oorph Brown went to m Faint Saturday morning. C'rraPaurr-Mcira, mnneneal. ore blue nilk. trim. ad Irish hsee.sout sioter. Mina Mario muslin silk. Toronto was w we are pleas, a try- Harry Burnett Gent. Tailor and Futurists. Du urn" WHO "ll-Cl In examlnmon ot our new stock of Men's Furnishings will be dollars out. The man wh_o buys will be dollars in. Take your choice. in may size, to fit big and little men, all up-to-date and roperly made.' Un. derwear of all 'flu and weights. socks in all grades and colorings. all the new collars the latent neckwear, .etc. The man wing mills. up -eyamiprtion of our of the 1'i'W,l7dt, designs in Shits, Collars and eddies, priced at figures just as fetching. . Men’s Furnishings 2. Can u bum tide restaurant. keeps null osudies, popcorn. panama. or other commodities not in connection with Buy meals served cu the promises but done up so no In be taken away by the pur» chuor on the Lord's Day ' To this Mr Justice Chm "plied .. I take chm qua.- tion to moan that. the uncles there re. loirod to no sold not in connection will the giving of mania served on the prawn-e». but in the ordinary way ot business " a manhunt. an an to I)? taken may by the pnrchmor. Taking this to be the meaning of the quash”... I In": agnm ' No. " The" Wu . third gut-shun " to whether the Hummus License um Weathonl hold. from the city prohibits him making such sale: on Sandy in "molt upon. from the Lord‘s Day Act The Judne aim Inhsmnlinlly Use same answer to this quution " to the other two An Attractive Crop I The questions BUDDIIIiwd to the Conn more an follows t C l, Does tho mere [not that Weather. tsl holds . license as manhunt keeper enable tho and Weunheml to no“ on the Lord's Day, candies. popcorn, pennmn .uft (Links. uetwttlststatidiiag the Statute (Lord's Day Ace) t To this questiuu Mr Justice Claw rephed " No. " Uu uko some judgments. tlug d ms no. lack in clan-neon. J. J. Fay. and. recognizing the seriou- import of the Judaemenl. he requested Magi-tut. King-ford to grant a " Staten One, " and "(ground County iCrowu Mtornay H. L. rayton.K. c., to take charge ot the one in its preparation. and in in argument before the Hugh Court. The Cass was duly granted. and Tame before Mr Janice Claw of the High Court on Friday. 10th April. The Cane Ina known so " The King v~ \Voatheral. " Wonthual held a rest. unvaur “cease and did busines. at To. ronlo Inland. selling refreshments at various lands. and among other things he sold on Sunday, 9th Juue, 1907, "candies. popcorn. peanuts and son drunks, " _. " " ur-": 4. t It was pomted out to the public at the time that thin judgment was going to result in on immense inereaee in Sun- Jay biz-inert. inumuch as it implied, it " did not declare. that any man holding a. reetaurant license, and doing a rest- nurent banners. Imight also curry on a confectionery busineee. a fruit business, a grocery bneineee. and e bneiueea in all sorts of eetable articles. and could Bell ‘treely any or ah clones of these things on Sunday. over the eounter. to be car- ried away and need u the purchaser might desire. It was evident that large nowhere of shop keepere ttttd their em- ulo’eee were going to be deprived of t!"ftr8ysd" rent and other privileges inha- interpretation of the law were to remain unchallenged. The matter was therefore brought to the attention of the Attyrnev General ot Ontario, the Hon m DUDE“ REVIEW Radars will remember that tabout tt your no Judge Morton. the tgt" ot the three County Judges of ark. tht. tario. rover-0d n conviction 'I Mogul- trau Kingalord atthitttst John "ins, a rtrtthtttrattt keeper. for sailing on Sunday onndloa. pounula and abhor ttttable ar- ticles to be carried " the premium. Sunday Sale of Itetreshrtients, What in lawful Ind what in ntth.-Hhs. enion of the High Court of Ontario by Me Janice Clue. 'ARR, ARCHIVES TORONTO tasstuLc; .- Summer Millineryfl Usll m send to the Imam oitice when in need of carpet. nape-r. A big bundle for 5 cents. his important to obsorvs thttt tli. judgemeut in binding upon all Magis- nulea and division of County C lurt Judges throughout the province of Ou- Iurlo, aud " that matter will he pillow. rd by Maxi-truesnud TIMI Conn Jud goslhrnughwul the Dumluiou. In " we'll lbs! tltnsjudeemeut he gin-u prom- luenco ir, the pres- eve: ywhnre so that mutant-mt keepers mny not uuuw-reu (luring the coming ma. on. c- ulmlt vlvl- anom- of The Lord's Duly Act. and lay Ihermelven habfe to its heavy penalties, The public generally will rec-ignite also the retusotttstrlettest, of the law In this " and. It is proper that the hungry would hive the right of going to a re-l- unrunt. and satislyiuu their hunger. No one will oonteud, however, that this vacuums; or Would ju-lily genera buainesa in the sale ufaruoles oi food to be carried nwny. which. if in warm allow- ed. would result. in depriving Inge numbers ol Atop keelmrsand ulnar our- ployeca of their Sunday rights and ple- .legoa. I We beg to announce to our many customers that We. are preps ring to make a grand display of Sam- mer Millinerv. We will spend three days in the Queen City looking up the new ideas in Summer bats. There is always somothlng new in Miliinery and that is why we are making a. special trip to Toronto to get the hiteatin ideas and mammals. We gutsy- leep {handsome lotof Thinjudgement makes " clear. there. fore, Without equivocutlou, and beyond pttrudvenutre, that even a bone fide testament. keeper, who bonds a license and is running an mum: bun-so unler that license. is not entitled to sell on Suudav wyxhiuu excepting when is pur- clnsad and consumed M a. meal Ar. moles of loud any not, therefore, be sold nu Sundny under any cirumwanoea to we aimed " the premium; uncouiumed but must be consumed in the restaurant. at. the tabla or lunch counter as a [may Articles in a hardware stock are so numerous that we can't mention them or quote prices but' we are here and willing to give you all the best attention and will give you hardware at prices that will surprise you. Our stock in every other line will be as well assorted as any. able in price as any, and we will give you as good service as any. It will be greatly to your advantage to consult us about what you need for any building or rep airing which you may have prospects for. Come and get our quot- ations on orders which you may have to fill whether they are large or small. We that this sale means money saved to you and we mean it. Now its up to you to save money. . T. ALBERT MOORE. Search“). Lord', lay Alliance Mr. Farmer, it's you that should profit by this cleaning-out sale. Rey.ember we have a complete stock and you can get anything you want or need for this sea- son or any season of the year. All kinds of Forks, Hoes, Rakes, ShoveIS, Spades, Scythes, Axes and all necessary articles for your needs at less than any other hard- ware in town or surrounding towns. We have decided to quit the Hardware business and rather than give one 'Ill the entire stock at a sacrifice price, we have cut the retail price down to a figure 11 at will make a great saving for our customers and give them the benefit of the ow prices on everything in the hardware line. HardWare! Hardware! Hardware must go ' THE BIG STORE Builders and Contractors ALEX. RUSSELL this hone-i . . - ‘J “‘"' Mt-Arlhm: "We ask stou lo correct an error which appeared host week in the Review. Wm Britten who not . elm-k in on: store, not serving an in any ' capacity. He was I; boy. 17 yu. old, whmse Md Itory coupled with the dole- fulcnunlenance which he assume. at will, led us to pity him an an orphan. out of work with no home or money. We took him in u a pure utteelihh act} of Chmitv. gave him free board and lodging while he was luppoeed to be looking for work; but at [not we du. covered that he had refuaed to “wept two positions with ferment. whore- upon we ordered him to leave our premises, with the reunite now well. knuwn to the public.” Fon 50 crg.--To new nuhscriberl who wnsh to keep in touch with gen- end and poliucml events in South Grey for the rest of this year we otNe the Review fun tiocta. Single copie- 3 cums, two comes for tr cen u. Highest Prices for Produce. -- ,’ Donna. Ann. 29, 1908. A. H.J tit tti An Issuer of Marl .--.... L: L.“ ”0",, U, Inrlwtrsat...........t so»: 90 l gee menses. ur an). n.. n . .. . . lihsriutWiaiiCt.'.' 90to 90 linenew Linen trailing, m "ot'jj'iir,'?.r.r.T.".C.l. “to " blue, Unpenlmgen ulna And ban brown 'Pm.... .. . . .. . . . . ... a) to w 'k5ctsrsytuxiattheHoueeot yuitJ,G"r'iiiy:y.y.y.y.y.: 60to 60 H. H. Mockier. :Hny.... ..... .... ....17 00tottt (X) I ' Sir Henry Campbell Bannernmn. 1tgt.t.. . . .. . . . . . . . . .. flt, it tit' It": hgslgned. the Premier-amp , P m'p'e'r iili/..' . . .. 85 to 86 of Great Bumln died lartt, week and Flour per ets't 2 65 to 8 26 was burned this week with urea! tiii'u"-12'tg,,tg pet iiei..C. 3 25 to 8 26 Ott$. Chop re'"......... 160me Fun 50 CIR-Tu new subscriber. Lird Eco“ per cm... 5 60 to tr 60 who wash to keep in touch with man- ttrf, ht'. per ttwt. 7 “gm 7 lg end and pmiuml events in Smith a car ..... .... to Gr T . Sheep- Iua............ 45m 70 n-y for the rest of [his yenr we can Wool' " to " the Review fun tiocta. Single copiel 'NiGCr.y.'.ry..: 6to li 'cetum,twocopiesrorseenli. Lard t2to " NATURE m WILD MooD.--A tmritie Turkeys. . . . . . . . . . .. . IO " Additional Locals . Durham Markets. (New It. tue tt tttto er P? lam". Ont. __,,...u.. 11- In. - v.r.lL I.“ {at} copy. or who I. C. I. "I. “In“. Ma.. h 1't.rmir--iL'ii'zye'_", "rr-"".'- i"fill.' mo... 1.... "G'lPY'fd 1'Qrtlj5 Rahal-d" :3 ".liGau. d m I “.3... I ' . le, £1931 - 1',ieeeetuhiF.Fai' "In tat, --- attic}? Ut . “I “u hm w - "marat' 3.25: , . with buddinc. . 'filu18lt'led . t moan has] my.“ and a _aomairiFi'"i'"" tttr, ”W tttit,, s',ttgtteEeiiii,.a"d', VEIY low um ii'ili'tei'e!22 1iiiiiitititiiiiieh' Ffl,Sie 'yyyouiiu"t min. llqilliiaiitiijiii neat......... 90to ............. mm ..... ........l7 (Ow ...'......... Ilrto “mm"m 2ND Cm. . IMF“. m APRIL 80, 1908 as reason- To 12 10 (I 1itxyth"y,",yy,y:x,h", a New Luttietyrs 3i “Hid ii Giii P233 ylhD'ly'."ptg i. M“ Sabine! Review and W Term. Elect my slat this n VOL. XXXL A Source 01 Spcgial Val our Specia New Dress New Shoes for “gm Ecru-t8 1 Real 19c Sale 0 Door Bonne Fe Sl fl." 1lerlrasl Window Bonn Hoot ale of Ki NOTTINGHAM " “who; eriiow covering ? if you put supply in I have plum EB] THE H OF QUALI tetb ll We 1.25 tl il "sv, FO cor w I" tNy

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