" p 'Be-e---'-"" . 3‘.“ 5-;;.::-::-:xxxmm3:333m3Exam-33mg :': iii 53 Taylor & Co., Dromore r; " M r Hugh Guthrie delivered a very eomprehemft" and carefully pre- pared speech on the budget, in which om answered moo: "ystirely the tal. la u-s of Mr Foster. lie closely an- uh zed the "ares ot that gentleman " ‘ll ll -howed how he had twisted and med them to holster up his argu- -uts. Mr Guthrie Showed how Mr eler had taken the lean yen: and mpared them with the fat ones. to 'disadvantage of the Liberal side the question. Instead otcoming mt down to date he invariably 'pped in his comparison when the urea ware against his contention. 'Hnthrie in many instances sup- "d the missing tittures, which w an entirely different complexion Mr Foster's argument. lie proved We have a great showing of Crochet amtMarseilles Quilts in the choicest designs in floral, spray and figured effects from . .. . . .. ... . .. 98e to 3.25 ea We purchased a Iartre.hturuber of Lace Curtains that were cleared to us at very reduced prices, owing to them being broken lines In some designs we have only 3 pairs and others we have 25 pairs. They are all perfect goods and come in a great .variety of the newest designs, ranging in price trom............... ....... 49e to $5 a pr Carpet Squares, Linoleums, Floor Oil Cloths, Lace and Chenille Curtains, White Quilts, Comforters, Curtain We have a large assortment of Tapestry and Velvet Rugs in all sizes and great varlety of patterns that $ we're clearing at big reductions from. . .. . 8.50 to 20 When you are house-cleaning, you will find that you are wanting something new to help you brighten up your hmue. Just remember that we carry a large stock of hster and Guthrie. 'oles ty Muslims, Cretons, Art Sateens S. F. MORLOCK Noftingham Lace Curtains HOUSE FURNISHINGS Carpet Squares White Quilts Imes, ‘0' -- Sir Wilirid Lnurier has always “I side: been in favor of clean administration. 009W! I lie never failed to respond to the (la-- ariab.UGiliiis' of the ()ppr'sition lor an in- [ten the l, quiry when they put forward charg- tention. es that could he understmd. There J8 â€WT-lore. he has granted a Royal Com- 1'ly1tiiGiiiii tr investigate the wrorudo, plexion ing on the part of oiruyials of the proved I Marine and Fisheries Department. 'the evident desire ot Mr Foster to mislead the electors by choosinz jug: such future. " would tlt the point he had in mind, utterly ignoring the fact that additional ones brought down to date Would have proved the very contrary of " argument. Mr Guthrie's speech made sad havoc ot' the Foster contention sud will prove at great interest throcghout the Coun- try, whore it will be extensively read.--hlx. ""'""'""--- Mr Findlay Clark has purchased the Wm Haw farm at a reasonable price. We are glad to have Findlay remain with us as a neighbor and wish him every success. Mr J. H. Scott. P. M,, who but been sick nearly all winter is improv- ed considerable. He was able to drive to the Egplin church hot Sun- day for the first tum, Since early mnter. Dav“! Bilcon, of the hotel, took a business trip to Toronto lastweek and since has taken one to Conn. Mrs P. McArtlmr m improving hat slowlv. William Dingwall went to Holueix} and Dundalk Spring Show and came home with the first prize ribbons for his horse. Alexandér xtuasell is 'going to work with the Dingwall brothers this sea- son. William Scrimnger is hired with Jame: lhtehell,Jr., lot the summer It girod wages. . Wm Burnett's hand and he IS Immmerin shop again. to Mr and Mrs village, a dung all Is (loin): as l The Aberdeen correspondent wants to know if the young man that Ihov- ellcd the mow into the farmer's slexgll of Beer Street, Ilopeville. gets going than: to see his girl yet at the farm house. We can tell him that he got such a dressing down by the Beer Street farmer, that he would not Venture there agnin. There " some substantial people on liver Street that. do not change their mind; mmlv i The warm Spring weather and balmy showers hive produced a max- imum of growth during the past few days. We ain'cerely hope this luxur. iant growth may continue. IS fodder, in this vicinity Is as scarce as buek. wheat ashes in August, Mr Juo. Tunibull left on Thursday lust. for British Columbia, having se- eureda lucrative [mention in connec- tion with the mining industry of that province, Mr Gun. Skene hit on Monday morning t, seek his fortune in West. ern Canada, Ins destination being Calgary, Alberta. Mm Margaret Hughes reassumed her duties, as teacher in Holland Centre public school, after spending the Easter mention at. her home in Sullivan. Adieu fo winter! Spring has Bin deposed And now assumes the sceptre in " stead. 0 what a glory doth the world put on in the beauteoul 'Spring. 'r.ut.tyl Nsture is sglow with painting life. The tender buds olApril are opening thelr bosoms to the wooing sun. Whit!!! awakens them to the smile of the azure skies and the song of the rip- pling brooks ; the tiny green blades of gross. peeping in countless myrisds l from their winter graves. are decking _ old Mother Earth in a gsrb of mtrin. Isic hesuty ; the timid violets and ‘other delicate Spring beauties. fresh from the hand of God, are popping up their heads in glade and glen and laughing in the glowing sun, While the joyous notes of the feathered gangsters fill the air with strains of melody, skin to the music of the an- gels, all combining to make the glory of Spring ‘athing of beauty and a joy forever.‘ As Spring is the period of growth and expansion in Nature, just so is life, we all have our lusty Spring. and ifit is a Spring of eager preparation for our life's ideal, it mil wax into the Summer of noble work and mellow in its turn into the serene autumn of glorious lruitfnlness. A gifted lady is Miss Mamie Ile. Knight. of the Queen City, who spent a pleasant Easter vacation Visiting her parents in the village. Rural schools reopened on Mon. nay when the following teachers re. turned after a pleasant Hester vaca- tion, Miss Robertson. from llunilus, Miss lrrspeeoll, from Wiarton, Miss MacDonald, from Durham and Miss Pluliipps, from btrathrny. Intended tor In! wees Brownsville. " as Lclmnge their minds anally On Sunday momma. 26th Hopeville Dornoch . w Alexr hand is alright again itutrsW.- of our Pleased to any can he expect. a W " m THE DURHAM REVIEW 'Artio ARCHIVES TORONTO Mr 'Nos. Derby passed away at a ripe old age at the home of his daughter, Mrs Kerr, of Polloek's corner, Egremonr. on Wednesday night. The remains were interred in Hampden cemetery Saturday " ternoon Rev. Budge conducing the services " house and grave. We solicit the business of Manufacturers. Engine": and others who realize the advisabil- ity of having their Patent Imam†transacted by Experts. Prehmmnry advice free. Charges moderate. Our Irttess.tor'h Advisement upon re. Irdt.. MtsriottlkMar'ton, Reg’d.. New Yrrk Life ' in. Home“: nad Washington. D.C, B.Wa. Mr Wm Smith is able to be around pur berg again. Mr P. Cornish is doing as well as can be expected operation proved successlnl. Miss Jean Gray underwent a serious operation in London hospital a week ago and at last/reports was doing nicely. Some ot the farmers are making maple syrup, sorms.ploughing, others preparing to sow, while a few are still waiting to see it spring has really come. Rev. ll. Rogers cave a good talk to the S. S. children Easter morning. Mr Will Townsend of nenwoéd visited his cousin Miss Hattie Leeson over the Easier tide. disagreeable accident on Friday when pulling a stone the trace struck him in the face knockmg out two teeth and bruising his face generally. Miss M. J. Lesson, tqseornpanid by Miss Margaret is spending the vaca- tion with Mt. Forest friends. Miss Hattie Lesson returned Good Friday from a week's visit with her grand parents in Mt. Forest. Mrs Geo. Haw who has been ailing for some time, took a very bad turn for the worse latelv. The Dr. was called in and we are glad to say she is somewhat better " present. Mr Milton Arde of Hepworth. is visiting relatives " the Poatottiee. One of our industrious and go ahead young men of the neighborhood pur- chased a stove at T. Maghers sale lately with the good intentions of keeping his love warm " some future time. Feed is getting very scarce and prospects for early grass is mach the same. Geo. Witter: was the f1rat to launch his plow out having started last week but we expect he will have a couple of days rest now as the snow lelltoadepth of six inches to-dny and it looks as it we would have some more. Margaret McDowell who ha been attending the Cenml Business Col- lege, Toronto, is enjoying her Easter holxduyn at home looking hale and hearty. Mr Wijlgern Blithe met with a ar'ar'ce'ceururtaearur'arar' Intended for lac! luck Varney. ..-,. t, "Baron Hamilton " owned by W.& R. DingWall. ' tit Clare" owned by Steve Moore and .. Baron Hugo " owned by F. Hussnell. In the four year old Imported Clydesdale class Steve MooreU " Buy Acme 't secured the red ticket there being no computi- tion. Threa fine horses lined up in the Clydesdale Canadinnbred "god class and the prizes were ttwarded to [ John Arthur's ., Pride of Castlemore '. Alex McDonald's " Maclean " and t'. McRohb's " Sir Waiter. " F. Russ- 'neh's "lord Russel " was awarded _first in the three year old class. Only one horse in the Percheron clans: was exhibited that being Jno. Hes' .. Fir- ngo " In the light class T, J. iYNels . Robert J. " and J. Morley“: " Cold. water " took flrar and second respect- ‘ively. There were sixteen entries in: .11 and the result is most gratifying to l the .ocietr--Routeitt Leader. SPLENDHS Snow or Honsrs,--The Annual Spring Show under the alts- picas of the, Egremont Agricultural Society wa. held here on Tllt'sdny afternoon ofthis week and proved a. decided Inccees. Thu weather was fine though some“ hat mid and Marge crowd of farmers from tlie ciitTex-vnt parts of the township were intervsted .epectutors. Mr Oiiver Jarvis. of Sim- l cop. was sent out by the department and decided the I'; ize wmners and we believe gave very ;eneral stttisfaetion of course there were a few disappoint. at the awards hut this is almost " wnyl the use. The Keene" competi- tion was in the aged Imported Clydes- dale chuo there being "'vs'n.etttries. The winners in their clans Owing While the way freight rrew were trying to make a coupling on in coal car at the head of the spur m the station yard last Monday evening, the coupling did not catch and the var started {down the incline at tervifie ipeed. A hrakoman on top quirxly de-cended. When the car reached the market scale! it ran into several others there With the result. that many rc- ptlirs will be needed. Several treople, along the route thought a cvelune had struck thettown. Fortunatelv no one was in its way at the tutte.--Fers,rus, News-Record. Lots were drawn as n jest at n dance in Ashts'iine, North Carolina. to see who should be rimmed, and Mr J, A. Brookshire an: M'ss Kethleen Gentry, on whom they ml. were compelled by the other guests to go through 21 mar- riage ceremony. The couple are now petitioning for a divorce on the ground the ttmrriage was only a joke. No doubt a divorce would be granted, hat than young people should be sentenced to serve six months in the Idiot Asylum. -iUturday Night. At Cook-town on April you: but Mrs. (Rem) Humphrey. passed “my and was interred in Mount Flaunt cemetery) Toronto. Deceased was married in England and coming to this country with her hmlmnd. accept- ed their ttrat chnrgejon the Euphmsia circuit. reclaim: In Markdalv. They ulterwardl spent foul years in Price. ville, where he had charge of Ilue circuit there. Min Etta Douglas, 9. Vandeleur young lady. left hot week for Fan Nicolas. Argentine Republic. to be. come the wife of a missionary there. Lt..Con. Belcher. Mayor of South- 'urrpton, has dettttitely onnouncod himself a candidate for the Legislo- turn in N orth Bruce. Since Toronto Junction incorporated 3 city the old name bu been wiped out and on railway time tables will now oppear n the city of West Toronto, Three Macs have been nominated to bed the Liberal banner in East Wellington, Welt Wellington and South 11rer--MeKinuon, McEwing, McCaunel. Let us make a dean sweep and elect the three Macs --Con. fed. . _ Owen Bound'. new government polomee will have a. third storey for the caretaker's apartment. This addition will mean 87000 more to the coat of the building. Meatorit Council we attemptiog to reduce the tax rate to so mills. District News. - v. ARTHUR H. Jncnox. Durh Agent for Vendor Dated an: 2Ut any or are. we. - .- .v uU se and t smhle on the said Ga. u " Tunas up SALE . Ten per cent of the urehue mom- to he paid down at 'de time of “I: and balance within thirty thy. with interest at ' per cent. For further particulars And condi. tions of sale apply to ALLA! McKnnIol Durham P 0: or In The said property is east. of Durham. on Do! venient to Post Of1it There in sand to be u I? stable on the mid I... " VNDER and by virtue of the contained inacertain mortgage will he 1yyduced.at the time there will be otfered for sale by auction on Saturday, 28rd laynA. D., _ at the hour of one o'clock in th noon at the Iiddaugh Home Town oi Durham in the Con Grey, by John Clark. auction! following valuahla property. It hemp: composed of lot number in the tirtit concesuion. south Durham Road. in the Town: elem-lg m the said County " containing by ulm-uuremen acres more or less. Town oi Grey, by [ following Pltuus your order for coal early. We have already distributed eight cars. Every person cunt has ever used ours know the quality. There is as much diiferenee' between “and other coal as there is diirerenee be. tween Basswood and MapIe in Wood. Every person with a thorough knowledge ot paints will tell you that there is no taint manufactured to equal the Sherwin Williams Read y Mixed Paints for all purposes. House cleaners should not forget that we keeps. stock ofcarpet heaters. carpet stretchers, curtain stretchers. Ironing boards. Clothes Horses and Step Ladders. We can show you agocd line of Sprayers, Garden Rakes, Hoes, Spades, Shovels and Wheelbarrows. Have you seen our Hand Seeding Machines. They are worth examin- mg. . Any person requiring rubbers tor their seeding machines. can be sup- plied at 20e each. We have a large stock of seeds. suitable for the man with the garden also for the farmer. All heh and of the best quality. HARDWARE! Have 7. you a piano in your Home? If not whynot one ofour Bell's ? Wc can give you the best instru. ment and make you the best terms. One sold by us in town last week was tested by Prof. {ionold and Pronounced cxccl. Gun's Drug Store “STEELE BRIGGS" "RENNIE'S" and “FERRY'S†HARDWARE STORE. Everything up-to-date and of the best quality is to be found at THE ARTHUR H John McQueen In Bulk and Packages It MORTGAGE ’SAL’E: Garden Seeds IP, _ -- ul one in the Township of said County of Ger, Mimansuremenl titti as. of Mftratugh Htrusc arty is about ( on Durham Rd t Office and ' 'flt iog house a m "clock in the after. tugh House in the in the .County of 'k. auctioneer. the pIopertr, namely I ot numher sixteen lion. “00th of the We Townghip of AT or to Black " the Powers mane. which time of sale, Ue by public ' 1908 5 miles PL. con- school. and log mm, 7; g .c9,t fei WW- Eclipse Am Milling Co's Encore MM Jewel Pun Manitoba Five Rana For Prints & Muslins mu " DBMS wr. I. ttrr " larger and more \n-uiwi N',, ter Boots and Shoes Hum II, Lav,. kept before. Men's Still: Fedora Hats patterns and shade}. goodu. MUSLIN GINGHAM. m use? unis" - l Boots & Shoes Watch Prints, Muslms. Sitter,: Laces. Em roideries.éfc arriving weekly unupc. City Mixed, Jelly Linwh. Empress. Raspberry Tarts. jus', the thing ynu want to "warm time of baking “hm m 3w.†housecleaninu. ' UR " McAR'N if few Wemnants Wacjar/ane Several dozen from which chose in Bmwn. Dove and Illa window &uutes Press Goods gem Wall Papers Particular peopic li predate our Goods. New MATTHEWS & LATIMER Dmggists and Booksc Thu spam from weekt and read of the new.“ hue for we. In Flour and other houaecleanit aids It lowest prices. Qua ity (nuanced. Outstack of new Wall Pa, pen in now complete, and we would like to show you the new patterns and color. fags. Come and see them. in mom Iota at such low prices " will move them out quickly. Mtuirastine, fol/stone, Ture Wired Pain ts groceries, Fruit APRIL " 1908 Ned and See, * Gram. Goods 4tttlttlt Roy-l Household It per yd hum Wee " w q d? gNwGw t' fem/y 2...“... Ll?it 'thyes,.aaeteauretotm “new" Noun-u “new" town Hello Mi U APRIL 30, lit Cold Cree/j in Me (in W 000 ream DARLI DARLI ll