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Durham Review (1897), 30 Apr 1908, p. 5

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Veomnants 414 Irant. Fedora Hats EW S MER ch UF » 008 S*@ints TS ape Houschold 30, 1908 HAUR UFQ s we ase® ich, be m L ve nd ou he â€" es 1O E2e C Areenremammneremermmenenrmenmensmen aus %mmmmfm’ Tooq on whonswciky sw Gedogonr E.: q N. mmmunoe: % ype“d.y for Spring 6 Do you haar what the people do be saying 2 nothing else but about all the nice boots and raith do be selling. _ And now Michae) as the warming up a bit you go in and get yourself a They say he has them all kinds from $2 to $5. be easy to get a nice pair. Oh cs.mtesmtogctmeapalrof nice Tan or| 4 size nine.. Howrunmbcrwhmtogoâ€"~ tothat in the down town Shoe Store. CUSTOM WORK AND REPAIRING as usual. TERMS STRICTLY CASHâ€" J f Eggs taken same as Cash bo MC Hello Michael Old Big 4 Stand We bave juast lately got in a nice stock for the Spring season ard are going to sell at a rea sonable price as the following figures show : Ladies‘ lastre Black and White WAISTS, worth 1.50 for .. .. 1.00 Girls‘ washable readyâ€"made trimmed Dresses, only ...... .... 75¢ Misses‘ Skirts, black and blue up to $5.00, now ... ... .. ...0.\2.75 Men‘s tweed odd Vests, all sizes, each only .............. ... 9006 Men‘s Tweed Tailk............ rrroes ersisevere‘si n e is 1o+ / +. 9OG Clearing lot of Men‘s Suits at a, ... .. _ «... ... 0 .... Â¥ery low price Men‘s Working SHIRTS nus). .. k > w APRIL 30, in 1IU¢ t We also carry i 'Old croam _ 10c ting rearm @ve DARLING‘s DRUG DARLINGS, the If you are so troubled C. J WI':STERN m hands anda t. ‘~. WOTst season of hands and face but it should have terror for those who use our Witch: Thi. i. the very w hands and face but fuss. s o in stock all ‘"~ 20 troubled, do not neglect to see our iSTERN, on MARCH 26 s «Lovine, J McKechnie For roughness of the skin. tchaze) the eak (fye.s' 4 J 8. Mcliraith «o be saying ? â€" Sure and its the nice boots and shoes Mcllâ€" ow Michae} as the weather is and get yourself a nice pair. inds from $2 to $5. _ So it will ’ar/:’ny’: Winter fe/{y ‘ TOUdhnaee Cns is ‘skin. â€" Ide per pot proprietary lotions and creams, 9 And is that you ? on of the year for chapped d have Witchazel A0¢ dottle Druggists Tan or Black Hose, tothat Mcliraith‘s Upper Town, Durham STORE very low price it s iet! us is OH optician, * 8 We again affirm that the legislation which the situation demands, which public opinion will warrant, and which the Legislature should enact, is the abolition of the barâ€"room and the treating system and drinking in elubs, and the imposition of such other reâ€" The will of the people has been clearly and strongly expressed many times in regard to this issue, yet the representatives of the people have so far fmiled to give legislative effect to the desires of their constituents, beâ€" cause the people have failed to elect men who rightly represent public opinion on the question. The problem with which the temâ€" perance reform deals lies at the root of our national life and permeates the whole social organism, It must be dealt with politrically. The most important issue before the electors of the Province of Ontario at present time is the great temperâ€" ance question. _ The widespread and terrible evils that inevitably result from the barâ€"room and the treating system demand the earnest and serâ€" ious consideration of all patriotie citizens. Accompanying this address is a memcrandum which sets cut in detail the facts in connection with the whole question, and the history of the events leading up to the present situation. To the the Electors of the Province of Ontorio :â€"â€" The Executive Committee of the Outario Branch of the Dominion Alâ€" l1ance desires at this critical juncture to place before you frankly and fairly, the present position of the temperance question in relation to the approachâ€" ing general elections. h "Again by the new regulations we ' are to have "approved" and "nonâ€"apâ€" proved‘"‘ schools. _ From the former the principal may by his own sayâ€"so without any examination, pass candiâ€" dates into the Normal schools in the allâ€"important clementary subjects of reading, writing, spelling, arithmeâ€" tic, bookâ€"keeping and business pers, art, biology, geopraphy, I:E.’:glish grammar and mensu;ation. But, sir, he must pass a departmen‘al examinâ€" ation in algebra, geometry, physics, chemistry, with Latin as a bonus. Why this distinction? If it is desirâ€" able to wipe out examinations, why retain them in these latter subjects ? Why place the less important subjects on a higher plane than those allâ€"imâ€" portant e.ementary subjects. (Cheers) My tirm belief is that what we need in our public and separate schools toâ€"day is not more subjects, but great» | eraccuracy and thoroughness and a| more complete knowledge of the | | elemetary work. (Cheers) The new 1 iegulations, however, Sir, will have | j a tendency to place a premium upon |, the nonâ€"elementary subjects, and the t tendency will be towards less rather { than towards more thoroughness in the clementary subjects, Sir, this|t %ucsli(m is farâ€"reaching in its effect.|° he lad who leaves your public school with a thorough mastery of | ,, the educational ground he has coyerâ€" ed, who has walked along the path, 5 ‘I know‘" will go forth in life and 1 make a stroouger man and a more useful eitizen than the lad who hes|P received a helterâ€"skelter training in | D elemeutary work with a veneer of | 1$ physics, Latin and such subjects. | q (Cheers.) t The following extract from a speech of the Hon. A. G. Mackay daring the late session will te adâ€" mitted to contain a justifiable critiâ€" cism of a recent educational change. We noticed vhat at the Annual meet ing of the Ontario Educational Assoâ€" ciation last week, the " Approved School *‘ was not looked upon wfth favor : The gerrymanders, the threeâ€" filths clause. the grant te the Laâ€" rose mine, the failure to give law reâ€" form. his truckling to the capitalist MacKenzie, his throwing down of the Beck power prepositions, and the unâ€" seemly haste in the last days of the session are all succinetly dealt with and cannot fail to be a thorn in the side of the government in the coming struggle. He is particularly severe on the Premier for his loss of confidence in the constituencies that gave him his splerdid majority, as shown by his hiving of the grits. He proceeds to show up delinquencies in the governâ€" ment anyone of which is sufficient to give pause to the liberal support that swelled his majority in 19U05. It will be remembered that in the dying days of the Ross government & scathing letter sppeared in the News from the pen of the Rev D. C. Ho ssack, denouncing the rulers of the day and urging a breakingâ€"away from party lines te secure their deâ€" feat. That the letter had a great in. fluence was undisputed, and now comes along a second letter on the same lines calling for more independâ€" ence either to defeat Mr Whitney or to strengthen the opposition to make it an effective crit.cizing force. l Che Burkam Review A Manifesto. Teachers‘ Examinations. THURSDAY, APRIL 30, 1908 Another Hossack Letter. Signed on behalf of the Executive Committee. Bzex. H. Srenoe, â€" Josepu GiBssox, Secy. Pres. Will you act as independently for the right as our opponents wil’l for their own selfish enSs? If you do, the next Legislature will Electors of the Province! you have in your uwn hands the remedy for the condition you deplore. This is a fight in which an Alliance of the Christian Cliurches of our land can deteat the solidly united forces that support the liquor traffic. To this end we suggest to friends of our cause the duty of attending the preliminary meetings and conventions of the political parties, and there doing their utmost to secure the nomination of men who will fairly represent the people upon this supreme question. We further urge all rightâ€"thinking citizens to put their temperance prinâ€" siples befor any mere party preferences in the approaching contest. Believing this issue to be a paraâ€" mount importance, and believing that the only method by which we can ’secure the result we desire is the election to the Legislature of repreâ€" sentatiyes who staad for the principles we advocate, we would call upon the electors of the Proyince to work and vote only for the nomination and election of such candidates as can be depended upon to do all in their power io secure at the earliest opportunity the enactment of effectivye legislation agariost the barâ€"room evil, and who will hold themselves absolutely free from party dictation in relation to such legislation. _ We recognize the value of some amendments thkat have been passed, perticularly in regard to the making more effective the enforcement of the Liquor License Act, and there has been a tightening up of law enforceâ€" ment generally, yet overshadowing all is the outstanding injustice of the reâ€" quirement which gives the liquor trafâ€" fie a yoting strength practically fifty per cent. greater than that of vhose who desire to see the barâ€"room abolished. ‘ ’ The presens Legislature has not only failed to promote such legislaâ€" tion, but bas taken away from the people the right, so long enjoyed and never misâ€"used, to abolish barâ€"rooms locally by a majority yote of the electors. The result has been the enâ€" trenching more securely than eyer, so far as legislation is concerned, of the barâ€"room system, with all its conâ€" comitant evile. ‘ ABOLLSR THE BAR.ROOM strictions upon the liquor traffic as would most effectually curtail its operat‘ons and remedy its evile. Lenahan See our English Liquid House Folder for colOrs anad Supcestinna:ahant Besides English Liquid House Paints will actually cover more surface per gallon than poor cheap paint, besides imparting a finer, more beautiful and more durable finish. Count your paint cost by yea by first outlay only. _ It costs just sometimes more for labor to apply ch to your house as it does to applv English Liquid House Pai You may buy cheaper it is a case of being ‘penny w Low Price indicates poor qua subject to competition as Mix Mixed ready for use. They are Pure Linseed Oil Paints and the White Lead used in their manufacâ€" ture is Brandram‘s B. B. Genuine. They are superâ€" ior to any liquid paint on the market toâ€"day, and if properly applied, are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Full directions accompany each can. HARDWARE AND FURNITURE ENGLISH LIQUID HOUSE PAINTS We are now Agents for a aints, Varnishes, +Dg!ish Liquid House Paint Color aad suggestions about trimming, etc cheaper and poorer paints, but penny wise, and pound foolish.‘ poor quality in a commodity so i as Mixed Paint. The REVIEW, 50c. to Jan, Ist, to New Subscribers. Order it for that friend of yours. 40 acres Garden Land, Durham Road Bentinck, $1500° A enap. 250 .a.qll;cls on Go?a“?“' Ro-.:d-flr;le wildin ence ood soil, To quic?bt?yer at &B 4. 100 acres. Bentinck,â€"owner in west. price $2700. Buildings worth the moneyâ€"farm for notfi;ng. Lots of other gropeny for sale. Mol ney to Lend â€" All kinds of busiâ€" ness attended to. H. H. MILLER The Hanover Conveyancrâ€" Would be a great bargain,. So are the following properties at the prices asked : 100 acres. Durham Road, Bentinck, Good dwelling, frame bank barn, good soil. Conyvenient location, only $2300. 200 acres, Glenelgâ€"fine bank barnâ€" food frame dwellingâ€"other good inprovements, only $3000, A Dollar for ETY Department of Public Works, Ottawa, April 23; J908, Newspapers will not be d for this sement if ft’gey dnsert it wl‘z:‘ouz author the Department. The Deftmnent does n« the lowest or any tender, By order, An accepted chsguo on & chartered bank, payable to the order of the Honourable the Minister of Public Works, for six thousand dollars ($6,000), must be deposited as security for the dredging which the tenderer offers to performjn the Province of Ontario. ‘The cheque wu:i be returned in case of nonâ€"scceptance of tender, The Dermnent does not bind itself to mecept tht IAWARE noase aul El â€" _ Tenders will not be considered unless made on the form supplied, and signed with the actual signatures of tenderers, Combined specification and form of teuder can be obtained at the Department of Public Works, Ottawa, Tenders must include the towing of the &l:nt to and from the works, Only dredges can employed which are registered in Canada at the time of the filing of tenders. Contractors must be ready to begin work within twenty dng: after the date they have been notified of t acceptance of their tender. Burlington, Blind River, Beavertou, . wood, Cobourg, Goderich, Hamilton, King Little Current, Midiand‘ Meaford, Owen Nigger and Telegr?h Islands, f’olnt : l’eneuniullhene. ort Burwell, Port Pictou, Rondeau, Summerston Thames Toronto, Thorn bury, Trenton Harbour aun fimlnnel, Waubsushene, Wiarton and W asin, SEALED TENDERS addressed al’zned and endorsed " Ten ing," will be received until Fride at 4 so‘p. m., for dredginf required places in the Province 0; Ontario : Tenders for Dredging costs just as much and > apply cheap poor paint apply REVIEW by years of wear, not T choice selection of cIntosh. Abnsesd vemel e oo CF endorsed " Tender for Fifty Cents TCL FRED. GELINAS mCUE 2002005 AIVer, T‘remn'iffgrbotx_r and Dark e ’putd for this advertiâ€" without authority from wail ol CC TMC PRTR Wiarton and Wingfield to the under , May 15, 1908 at tl{e lollg%f aint accept BON BONS ALWAYS FRESH * Best of their kind " Prices Right. HIl Repairs, Cash * We are having an upholsterâ€" er the first week in every month. Anyone wishing old gods renoâ€" vated to look good as new should advise usâ€"we will b pleas& to attend to it at once. Masseyâ€"Harris De Laval Has a full line of Curtain Poles, Window Shaqes, Picture Frames Frames to order of all kinds, KRESS§ This week we call your very special atiention to 6 Is the thing to think Agency for Massey ~ Harris Farm Machinery All our experience at your service. Call and see us. THEâ€"BIG 4 J. C. NICHOL‘S STORE A full line of Fashionable Fumishipgs for men and boys All the very latest in Collars and Ties Gloves and Hose Hats, Caps, Shoes. and much more we can‘t tell you of this week. We beg to annouuce to the people of Durham and vicinâ€" ity that we haye opened up in New! New! New! Holiday Baking We have a good supply of fresh Baking always on hand. _ Also a good assortâ€" ment of Candies, Nuts and oranges, Table Oilcloth, 45 in wide........ Floor Oileloth, 1 and 2 yds wide.. Linoleum 2 yards PMiME. s 2i rr is ces Bmyrua Rugs, 60 x 30..........,..". See our new Prints and Ginghams . H. STINSON Table Linen, 54 ins wlde, unbleached 9 54 ins wide, bleached. . . *# 68 ins wide, unbleached Large size white oount&ponu, good value 27 in wide, 2 yds long.....................25¢ pair aolnwlde.Z}?.dnl'::‘nx.4......‘.........60cptlr 30 in wide, 3 ,X. 1008 . » ++ «+++»> » ++*+++++ +70¢C PME 43 in wide, 3 Nulonz.....................Ocpllr 54 in wide, 815 yas 10N§. . .. ..«+*+> . ..« « $1.00 PAiF All curtains have worked edges except 2c ones John Calder Block, Durham | n"‘“’"o"""‘om"' andBurgeons} HE SELLS CHEAP. , {)fice and Residence Cor. Garafraxa and Geo. â€" »t.,, wirootof Hill, Old Moodie Corner, T wonee | Alorackiss t 2 Gents‘ F urnishings Night Calls for ‘nd promptly . attsnd . H. BEAN )’ Undertaker ONTARIO SEPARATORS Model Bakery Table Linen McFadden Oilcloth eegakink now 'éi%%c'ng c ARCHIVEsS 25¢ yard 85¢ yard 50e yard Intending Students should enter at the begin ning of the term if possible. _ _ Board cCan be ob N‘l’md at ru'nublem D‘u.rhn is w attractivetown, making it a most ;lnm for residence, FEES: $1 per month in advance. C iL. w‘_ 7 t Wimna... Staff and Equipment The schoo!l is thoroughly equi in ma:m ability, in chemical and amwu fittings, &c., for full Junior Leaving Matricâ€" ulation work. The following competent staff are in charge : THO8. ALLAN, 1st Clase Certificate, Principal MIS8 GERTRUDE HopG B. A., Honor Graduate of Toronto U!fnlvu:wy.â€"h.ch Latin, Composition, and Literature, MISS DONALDA lcxm‘c.a B. A., Graaâ€" uate of ‘s Uni s oualy ‘Q:nun U versity First \'1: Sqow“ll!:oousâ€"Next to Awallow‘s Barâ€" lnr Shb‘;'â€"._ EO CmC PS To m m RESIDENCE â€" First house so Lawrence‘s Blacksmith Bhop. Embalming a Specialty. Picture Framing, Shortest Notice UNDERTAKER and Funeral Director Licensed Auctioncer for the Co, of Grey, Bale promptly attended to. kates _ reasonable Orders mlj be left at his Imple ment Ware (r)ogml, McKinnon‘s old stand, orat the RzyigW ce. JOHN CLARK Durham School tory and Geography, Licensed Auctioneer for Co. Grey Terms moderate. Afl;:semellll for sales as to aates, &c., mast be e at the Review Ofâ€" fice, Durham, gar* Correspondence addressed there, or to Ceylon P, O., will be promptly attended to, Terms on application to Money to Loan, Omce, over Gordon‘s Jewelry Barrister, Solieitor in Supreme Court Notary Public Commissioner, 2200007 OL uurrufie Licenses, A genâ€" eral financial business transacted DURKHAM, ONT. (Lower Town) or to es 4#@° Ceylon ARTHUR H. JACKSON Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Conveyancer &e. Money to Loan at lowest rates, flice, McIntyre Block over the Stan O dard Bank, Durham, Ontario, «atilctioncers. Ofticeâ€"Calder‘s Block, w2 C ET T . , lste Royal Coll Dentistry in aif 100 °0t Insurance Agent, Money | Issuer of Murriage Licenses eral â€" financial usiness tr is se y nds K# HONOR GRADUATE Toronto University Grad °* uate Roval Collaoa FIhawisq C â€"NCrsit ETT Univeuity, q of Dental Sn Over J & J W. C, PICKERING D. D S., L DS. Hoxor GRADUATE of Toronto Oflice, 13 Frost Bt, â€" â€" Late assistant to Moorfleld‘s (London, Eng to Knapp‘s (New York) éy' llod‘-lo.. . _McPHMHAIL Office over J. &}J. Hunter‘s Stor 8 to 10 a.M,. xouu;{ 2 to 4 P. MJ} 7 to 9 P, . i ot #ar Specinl attention given to Diseases Full line of Catholic Robes and _ black and white Caps for aged â€" people. AbeMPNO : > . l k J. G. HUTTON, M. D. C. M Eye, Ear, Nose & Throat wmotary Public, Commissioner CONYVEYANCER, &c. OFFICE HOURS 9â€"11 a. m 2â€"4 p. m. â€" F.GRANT p.p.s ARTHUR GUN, M. D. MePHAIL, Ceylon P. 0 C. RAMAGE, Durbam ET TDEC.AL, Telephone Connection No. 10 DIBaT mA , Calisurgeons of Or;fn-;it-)-. ‘fi'(;:l J & J IEUX\T’I‘EJR‘S New Store . BELL â€" P. TELFORD Licensed Auctioneéria the County of Grey, , graduate of Royal College Innmanne ai _ . #10° B has a telephone office. DR. BURT Puvercta® & suu'u. P J. &JJ . Hunter‘s . F. DUNN Al "â€"l seA sauy P22E branches, . Money to Loan ental @umeam. * COBB Dental Burgeon _ ===» over Post Office Eng) and on, Eng s (Londc . Rooms Store **%

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