West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 7 May 1908, p. 9

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‘ A 8 Regent Brand Suits ! wl ks i _ ROBERT BURNETT o pxpeymngprmmesnesamer PREPARE FOR POSITIONS Is the first step e egrap y towards positions r.ylng from §5000 wo $150,000 per annum in railway service. You cau become & good operator in 6 months if you study in The Central Telegraphy School, % werrard St. K., Toronto. The nnest Schoot n Canade. . Write for particulars. W. H. SHA W, Pros. T.J. JOHNSTON, Prin THE PEOPLES STORE The Place to buy Gents‘ Furnishings This school is noted far and near for the superior education given to the students and for the remarkable suceess of its graduates. voltege oven the entire year. Begin now. Our waining will make you independent. Write today for extalogue. AÂ¥. J. ELLIOTT, Cor Youge & Alexander Sts. ., Principal Get a Thorough Business Training Courses include everything easential to a Sucâ€" | cossful career, _ Hundreds of young people are needed to iu?ply the demand. ‘The courses cost \ litle. 1t wil\ double your income and last you & li(e time, Students admitted at any time. Ferâ€" ! somal instruction given, Preparatory De{n for ; hose whose early education has been neglected. | Catalogue free . | C. A. FLEMING, Principal, Owen Sound ] Our suml;«;r leâ€";l(;n enables students to start any time and take a continuous course, Write for catalogue of our oldest and most reliable school, the British American Business College Regent tailoring gives that perfection of fit and ! tailoring which assures a perfectly satisfactory and stylish suit. No matter what your age or your taste ; may be, no matter how much or how little you deâ€" sire to pay, you are sure to find something in the ; Regent line that willfsatisfy you fully. ~= Something extra in Brown or Grayf{check or plain. Yon"chl: McGill Sts,, Toronto T. M. Watso®, Principal A large assorted stock of Dress Goods for spring and summer just arrivedâ€"Cashmeres, Lustres and Serges, in blue, brown or green shades. Also a fine assortment of Ginghams and Lawns. We solicit the business of Manufacturers, Engineers and others who realize the advisabilâ€" ity of having their Patent business transacted by Experts, Preliwinary advice free. Charges modenu.'gm ‘s Adviser sent upon reâ€" quest. Marion & Marion, Reg‘d., New York Life mest, Marion & Marion, Reg‘d., New York Lii h Montreal : and Washington, D.C., U.S.A. for sale. Not particular about location. Please give price and description, and reaâ€" son for selling. State when possession can be had. Will deal witu owners only. OPEN ALL YEAR Business College Leads in Bookâ€"keeping, Shorthand, Typewriting, Commercial Law, Comâ€" mercial Correspondence, Plain Business Writing, L. Da®BYsEIRE, Box 9%4, Rochester, Ornamental Writing, _ and in placing all its graduates, Each student is taught separateâ€" ly at his own desk. Trial lessons for one week free. Visitors welcome., Open Sept. 2. W. T. CLANCY, Principal, Day and Night Clasges. TORONTO, ONT. A GOO0OD FAR M Raincoats MT. FOREST W A NT E Dâ€" Highest Prices to hear from owner having MNORTHERN, at the Dress for Produceâ€"Cash or Trade. When buying Footwear, remember to get a pair of Imperial Shoes New line Patents & Tans Would Quash Durham Option. (From last Thursday‘s TQrontn Mr Justice Teetzel toâ€"day heard the application of Daniel Mctrath to quash the local option byâ€"law of the town of Durham, passed last January, The numbar of votes cast for was 207 and Mgllil.l; E.lfl). whuh meant that the byâ€"law was carried by a plurality of ten votes over the threeâ€"fiftbs im»â€" ten v jority _ *L hope that there are serions grounds for this application," remar kâ€" ed his Lordship,. GOOdS " There certainly are, " replied Mr Haverson, K. C. for the applicant. It appeared that no less than seventy of the votes cast were attacked on yarious grounds. Io the first place the clerk had put on the name of a certain Mrs Benton after the list had been finally revised by the judge. * Why did he do that ?" asked his Lordship. * The cterk gives as his only excuse that it was by means of her imporâ€" tunity, " rephed Mr _ Maverson, in which resp>cs he acted like is certain other unjust judge, " It ws also shown that there were vighiteen persons on the list who by their own eyvidence were neither ownâ€" ers or tenants. * How does thar happen ?" queried the beneb. * Well, " said Mr Haverson, "a man owns a house and lot and also owns a family ;;.n“(iw[‘)r;}:-(:ed; to stuff the lists with the members of it if they are old enough l The Mail and Empire, Toronto, with fits usual characteristic energy and proâ€" | gressive enterprise, is prepared to meet the extraordinary demand, for politicâ€" \nl inf rmation that the Election Camâ€" paign for a new Ontario Legislature {| will develop berwen now and June ‘8th, and will send theâ€"daily edition ‘dnrect by mail to an y address in Canâ€" | ada, the United States or Great Britâ€" ain from now until June 13th, 1908, ‘ for 35 cents. or five suuch subscriptions | for $1.00 There were aiso five absentee len ants who had voted, and thirty»â€"seven persons who had not a safficient quahâ€" fication to give them the necessary voting power. "It seems, " remarked Mr Haverson ** as if everyone on the assessment roll was put on the voters‘ list to vote on this byâ€"law. " As a finishing touch to all the rest, it appeared that the town clerk had himsel® cast a vote under the mistaken idea that it was his right. JOHN CLALK, Auctioneer. BDOOTS, SHOES, RUBBERS, ETC. Saturday, May His Lordship reser yed AUCTION SALE Decision Reserved CheapCampaign News. Gigantic Slaughter Sale of our whole Stock â€"â€"to be sold by Public Auction next Next t o Garafraxa St. Bridge, Durham. five absentee ten Be sure and attend and get DAVID ENTRICKEN, Prop. his decision. St AP Rev. Mr Farqubarson visited and preached at Ayton and Mildmay on Sunday last in Presbyterial interests H.sp;lplt here was supplied by Rev. Mr Wilson, of Mildmay, who preachâ€" ed acceptable sermons. Uongratulations to Insp. Campbell, who h as completed his third year in a Queen‘s University extraâ€"mural course and will soon be entitled to write B, A. to his name Mr Campbell, though an efficient Inspector, has never ceased to be a student. Don‘t believe he eyer will, Mrs Wixon, of Ingersol!, daughter of Mr Toos. Swallow, has been in town for a week dutifully waiting on her father during the dark days of his eye operation, She leaves on Saturday,. Mr Swallow is improving nicely, though still weak from the shock, and I we hope to see him arou nd soon. A very pretty wedding took place on Tuesday evening, April 28. at the residence of the bride‘s father, Mr Thos. Gadd, Normanby. when his youngest daughter, Lydia, was united | in holy matrimony to Mr Adam Pettiâ€" grew, also of Normanby. In the abâ€" sence of Rev. Mr Kendall, pastor of the contracting parties, Rev, Mr Little, Presbyterian â€"minister of Holstein, tied the nuptial knot, impressing very forcibly on those present, the solemnâ€" ity of uniting two lives together, The wedding march was played by: Mrs Smith, sister of the bride. The bride entered the parlor, leaning on the arm of her father, looking very handsome and was beautifully attired in a dress of white silk organdie and carried a bouquet of maiden hair ferns and primroses. The travelling dress of Copenbagen blue material was very pretty. Among the many beautiful and useâ€" ful presents to the bride, shewing the high esteem in which she was held, was a teautiful silver tea service, the gift of the groom. After the ceremony the guests re-‘ paired to the diningâ€"room, where a sumptuous wedding dinner was servâ€" ed. Mr Wim. Thompson entertained the company very enjoyably with his gramophone, after which the comâ€" pany enjoyed themselves with games and singing. We all join in wishing the young couple a happy and prosâ€" perous journey through life.â€"Com. The Review adds hearty congratulaâ€" tions to the many being tendered the young couple. A Durham young man went to a local doctor the other day and said : "Doctor, I am feeling miserable, I can‘t get my mind on my work, my appetite is gone, and I can‘t sleep. What had I better do ?" _ The Docior said : " Marry the girl. _ Two dollars, please." PEtriGREWâ€"GADD. Hymeneal. THE DURKHAM :REVIEW Municipal councils in cities, towns and incorpurated yillages of Ontario may pass by laws regulating the time . after which children shall not be in a public place at night without proper guardianship and the nFe or apparent age, of boys and girls respectively. under which they shall be required to be in their homes at the hour appointed. A child found in a public place after the time appointed may be warned to go home bX any constable or peace officer, and if after such warning the child is found loitering in a public place such child may be taken by the constable or officer to its home Any parent may be summoned for permitting bis child to havitually violate such byâ€"law, and may be finea to? the first offence $1, without costs, and for the secondoffence $2. and for a third, or any subsequent offence, $5. Rairway Domnas.â€"The trackâ€"layâ€" ing gang are making satisfactory proâ€" gress, and with even fair to midinng weather, they will be here this week. On Saturday ni%ht they were about half way through the Standist farm. Their rate of progress is a little better than half a miiea day providing the weather is favorable, but a wet day knocks them out,. The rails are big and heavy, but bhave evidently been used before, It is said that a ballastâ€" ing gang is at work between Durham and Hanover, and it begins to loo« now that the line will be ready for operation by July or at the farthest, Aungust The contract for building the station has been let, and the conâ€" tractor was here last week,. He made «rrangements with Reinho‘dt Weise for a supply of gravel for the foundaâ€" tion, and most of the other material will be shipped in by train.â€"Walkerâ€" ton Telescope. MoLELLANâ€"Lick.â€"At Oshawa, on Tuesday, 15 May, by Rev Dr Abraâ€" ham, Miss M, Lick, (formerly High School teacher in Ducham) to Mr Chas, McLellan, manager of the Western bank at Picketring. [On behalf of many old friends here, we extend congratulations to Mrs Mcâ€" Lellan.â€"Ed,] senrnkâ€"BLYTHâ€"At the Manse, Droâ€" more, on April 20th by Rev. John Little, Norman Schenk of Ayton to Miss lda daughter of the late John _ Blyth of Normanby, Boxyp.â€"In South Regina, Sask., on April 21st, Nelson Boyd, brother of Mr. John Boyd, Mt. Forest, in his 70th year. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Met Monday evening. _ All present. After routine, Mr. C. L. Grant asked and was granted leave to address the council on bebalf of the Durham Cemetery Co. He gave particulars of their financial standing, of the work they had done, and asked for a grant of $100 to ard them in the expense inâ€" curred in building caretaker‘s resiâ€" gence, and in other ways. The Mayor thought grants to this Company were not quite just, since at least two classes of our citizens use separate grounds Mr. Brown made his reâ€" marks lucid and em.ire:iy in favor of the grant. â€" He pointed out that all parties were free to bury there. _ Inâ€" digent persons were allowed plots free, A« the inception of the company the Directors were personally responsible till the sale or lots brought funds. After some further discussion the coun:il made a grant of $100 to be paid when next taxes are collected. because the workmen are realizing they are the best made. Of best material and strongest make th:?v occuW' the foremost rank in the army of soâ€"called overalls in the market. Once worn, always used. in the way of Gents Tailor and Furnisher Substantial Support Town Council Harry Burnett MARRIED OVERALLS c_:veq-increasing patronage is given our DIEV . Durham A statement was read from Treas | Jackson, showing in a lacid manner, . that the town‘s finances were running low a sum of $414.55 being still to their credit. Certain obligations were coming due soon, bnt there were also certain payment expected from Furniâ€" ture Co, and other sources, Accounts were passed as follows : § Clerk‘s salary for April 30 00 Clerk cutting wood and Ptge. 82 G. Rvan, 4 cd of wood 1.75 yB |f Aljne, ironing whippletree 10 ‘ Jas. Carson, services at e constable 1,50 C. Lang, drawing gravel 2,00 Assessor Elvidge was given $60,00 on acet. A letter was read from Solicitor W,. F. Dunn, on behalf of Miss McDonald asking for a grant of $100 or $150 on behalf of ‘his client for injuries reâ€" ceived on the hill last winter, by being run into by boys coasting. . The mayor, while sympathetic, disclaimed responsibility for t‘:e town,. The offenâ€" ding boys he believed, were known and recourse should be taken against them. _ After discussion as to their liability under their byâ€"law, the matâ€" ter was sent to the town solicitor,. Chief Torry of the Fire Brigade asked, by letter, for an increase of salary. The request was sent to the Fire and Light committee. The long «tanding unsettled zecount with Jno, Clark, re street watering was advanced a stage, _ Mr. Clark adâ€" mitted the validity of vamous claims made against his bill. â€" $2500 was reâ€" tained by the council until fall settleâ€" ment was made, the balance to be paid pro rata to the claimants, Cream Sep, inquest 1.175 J. Carson serving summonses _ 1.56 " " attending courts 1 50 C. R. Lavelle, reporting, &c. _ 1110 Jas. Carson care sick patient _ 5.25 CU. R. Lavelle taking copies of ______ Councillor Brown brought up the armoury question once more, and reâ€" quested since he and Coun, Sharp had been absent at last meeting to have the correspondence read again. _ This was done, the mayor detailing in order the various steps that had been taken till the final letter came from Lt.â€"Ool. Rorke, announcing that the governâ€" ment had made choice of the Garafraxa street site. 5 By Law s 2k W. Irwin. Pig. acet. Mrs. Jas. Lawrence Wiuness fees Alex Duncan Witness fees Neuill Falkingbam " * Dan McGrath services as The talk that followed could scarceâ€" Iy he called discussion, the slang word »chewing" being applicable to what took place on both sides, . Mr, Wm. Edge, on behalf of the Edge Estate, was present and repeated the terms, already â€" wellâ€"known, by which the town would get the armory site free These terms are that the town pay for the conveyancing and grade a street from Garafraxa to Albert St., though no injunction was put upon them to do it right away, Simply register it as a street of the town. Reeve Snuude_ra !hfmghf t‘hv'v were to get a free deed of the whole forgetting that that offer was conditioned on buying the property on Rock St. as the mayor pointed out. Mr. Brown finally moved, seconded . by Mr. McGowan that the mayor be instructed to have a deed drawn out in favor of the King, so that it could be transmitted to the proper authoriâ€" ties and have construction beginvat once. _ On a show of hands the mayor declared it carried 4 to 3, Mr. Robert son not voling. The yeas and nays were called for resulting in the same impasse that has made progress imâ€" possible during the past few months, Here it is : Yea Nay ECC ETT Brown Kinnee Calder Robertson Kress Saunders McGowan Sharp. The mayor promptly declared the motion lost and intimated his intenâ€" tion never to bring the matter up aâ€" gain placing the responsibility of the loss of the armory on those who wilâ€" fully rejected the choiea made by the ‘(nvermnent, which as one of the etters said * would be final," * with out fear or favor,." _ This brought Mr. out Iear CP ME YUE aP mm NNEPTNTC TCO Kinnee to his feet, declaring the responsibility for the loss of the arâ€" mory fell on the mayor, becanse (if we understood him right) he, the mayor had the privilege of voting, but not the right! Other mayors did not do so,. &¢, ‘this brought up the usually impaesible mayor who unloaded on Mr. Kinnee a piece of his mind, The meeting was nearly bursting up, fruitless, when Councillor Sharp saved the situation by remarking that though he had voted Nay, as he had a right to do, rather than see the town lose the armory he would change his vote, â€" The mayor put it to the council if they desired a revote, not a reconâ€" sideration, and the desire for a revote was carried by 5 to 3. The revote was taken by again recording the yeas and nays carrying Mr. Brown‘s motion for action by 5 to 8. This we think should be accepted by all parties in good faith. The fight was a strenuous one, but. there should have been no fight at all when the un birescd Col, Galloway had made his decision, â€" Already time has been lost, By this time the contract might have been let and levelling in proâ€" gress, ariaiys =s 6 C aa Pe" SCY Hurry up the deeds in . favor of the King. who will be a prood man when he owns an â€" armory in Durhamâ€"o0t forgetting H. H. Miller and Ben Sharp, the latter gentlemau for breaking a resolution that was *‘ more honored in the breach than in the obseryance," The town won‘t forget him, Whole and separate tenders will be received hy the undersigned up to and including May 8th for the several trades required in the building of an addition to the South Grey Registry Office at Durham. Plans may hbe seen at Forster & Clatk‘s Arch‘ts Office Owen Sound and »lso at J, P. Telford‘s P. M., Office at Dutham. ho io testt i BP u:i‘lel:;;ll;a marked #"Tender}jfor Adâ€" dition to Registry Office " The lowest or any tender not necesâ€" sarily accepted. ® I Ne McDoxaLp, Chairman Property Comm. Durham. Brown Calder Kress McGowan Tenders Wanted. aâ€"â€"â€"@ § 4@ 8 10 19,50 10 That we are selling out the bardware Sbocl(; “!;ll those who are building or preparng to. buil ‘tvl;e find it to their advantage to get our prives (:ntools supplies needed. _ All carpenters and farmers ( 56â€" and useful articles are sold here cheaper than else where, _ Convince yourself on this fact by seeing the goods and prices. That there never was a better assortment ol NC Goods in the Big Store than it contains at present. All 1 fabrics such as Persian Lawns, Sheer Lawns, Sheer Mus striped Muslins, Dimities in all shades, Delainettes, W ties in all sizes of checks, Ginghams and Chambrays at ular prices from 12}e to 30c yd. Good Staple Prints THE BIG STORE Dress Goods Oar standing reputation for up toâ€"date Clothing is well known by all who are dressy and want perfect fitting Suits. Our stock of Sovereign Brand Clothing was never in better trim. Come and secure a Suit now as prices can‘t be better for upâ€"toâ€"date Goods. €6% It‘s an Acknowledged Fact Keep it in Mind Cream Witchazet Cotd Cream in 10e tins + x w _ For roughness in 10e tins $ of the" skin, I5e per pot We also carry in stock all the proprietary lotions and creams. BBBCEE Have You Weak Eyes ? â€" Men‘s and Boys‘ Clothing ALEX. RUSSELL and checl:s. prints that seli at 12} and SALG BAL.... ...1.1. acrs a24% ar44+% aaa%%" Green and BlaGk, «.. «8+ s+ 0k ++ Light Greys in stripes and checks, Brown and Blue Venctians, were DARLING‘S DRUG STORE This is the very worst season of the year for chapped hands and face but it should have no rubatatri O 30 4 .1.,.‘;.. hx use m WWikshnwal 250 battlc terror DARLINGS, the Druggists If you are so troubled, do not neglect to see our optician, C. J. WESTERN, on MARCH 26. fâ€"o-;fl;);e who use our Witchazel New Batiste Cloths, : and the latest shades Darting‘s Winter Sfotly etter assortment of New Spring ontains at present. . All the newest Sheer Lawns, Sheer Muslins, Satin L & ) tat 2 cuti on sale for a few days. A line of blues and greys in stripes s, were 60 & 65,to clear » C ¢, NOW Bbisks e + al] wool, 44 in. wide sâ€"Tan, Brown, Blue, â€"_..... .. only 50c ya 15¢, on n Wash Novelâ€" at most ppp" 10c yd and on w n n s baeereevet VOL rapRMA® CCK 1

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